ir; itr ! Tor wc: n. i firC -. ! ar Dir. at: IT HE. 10' r . s POSTAGE PAID. -,5i?5- Oni month. 50 cet. sontW.l hB deiivered by carrier, Will o ... ..... Or U i. r- to r"- . IraJoirandlibersi 'fE&r. Pleereport uy 'Ue tleir paper. refT. w ? eh n B$4!ft5 feJ Ell 3 t nn KEflEW VOL; Vi WILMINGTON; I C., SATURDAY, APRIL 23. J8S1. NO. 47 LOCAL NKWs. it if Or Hfeii t n RHEUMATISM, OiKa House ''Doctor of Alcantara.'' John 8 McEacderx Notice IIallA PEAKSALL-We OflVr. C W Yates Da Yoa Want an Orjr.n ? Kj:ix?i:eug'er Family Bible A I Shriek Arriving Daily .: No Oily Court to-day. The neatest thing in silks Pretly women Thejuirket is well supplied with vegetables. feurafgia, $ciat:cu, - j Bukache, Soreness or tho Cnest, Gout, Quinsy, sera inroai,--iM and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Bar and Headache, Frosiod feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. v0 Proration on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil mitafanrt, simple and cheap Extenml Wt A trial entailfl but tho comparatively &m outlay of 50 Cent, and every one Buffer jrith pain can have cheap and poeitivo proof DirtctioQS in Eleven Languages. E0LDBTALLDEUGGIST3 AITDDEALESS IN 3IEDICIUE. A. VOGELER Sl CO., Baltimore, 2Id., V. S. A fjurs's G!oth IUGX FBEKCH BUHTIN6S, 1 - orl, eu;if&l &rd f beap. Novelties Drrsa Goods j i t rcce'vo Fise Tt'j Tcish v , Bp with - Ld Tsrions r.r"-. TV ..- Straw failings, ' 4; market ! ll.' l' L IT! v . i--- sun.- iMtj a'.q nrcovlo hefe 'd b-gees f r tL?r sr' u r-.-v R; BS-; FcSntire. ' No.inteimcnl3 in Bellevue Cemetery this week. , Yucii 'w buy ImproveJ Uearinjr a3 Cook Stvts at factory priccsat J atom's. There were two interments in Oak- dale this week, one adult and one child. . When a man bestows his love on a widow., it is certninly not a case of miss placed affection. k , . The Register of Deed issued marriage licenses to one white, and five colored couples during the week. ' ' ' There were seren interments iu Pine Forest Cemetery (colored) during the week, six children and one adult. The distress of a child who cannot go to a pic nic is only equaled by the mis ery of the tired one who has been. We advise our friends to call at Ji.COBl'8 for Household Hardware of every descrip tion. There you get the lowest prices, f The Fayetteville Examiner has en tered upon the second year of its exis tence. It is a well edited and ably con ducted newspaper. Ve wish it long life asd prosperity.' We regret to learn, as we go to press that Mr W. D. : Mahn's condition is much worse, and his death looked for at any moment. V e are glad to report tr ATporirnpT's condition mach. in proved. The Board of Aldermen of Charlotte haTe ordered the Treasurer of that city to publish by advertisement in the Char lotte Observer his regular- annual re- port of the financial condition of theevty. When will our city fathers exhrbit a like enterprise and liberality? i m The fifth annual meeting of the Stock holders of Belie vue Cemetery will be held at 8 o'clock on Monday evening the 25th inst., at the law office of Mr. John D. Bellamy, Jr., on Princess be tween Front and Second streets. See advertisement published in another column. The work of laying the water-pipes on Market street is being rapidly pushed and in a few days there will be no; exca vating done on the lower streets. We understand that it is the intention of the contractor to more than treble hb pres ent force an 1 -complete th work for summer - 1 if nii,'--ri J Vrs jl r Our c't:z'n3 hive u treat iii store for them on Tuesday t.i-ht. The "Doctor of Alcantara" will be repeated compli mentary to Mrs. MvrP--Taylo.cn4irtC;. add to the attractiveness of the evening's engagement Mrs. D. Kahnweiller has consented to si:ig s&fna' select add fa- vorite airs. Marshals For Memorial Day. Major James Beilley, Chief Marshal for Memorial Day, has kindly furnished us with the following list, of Assistant Marshals, all of whom we have been in formed, have agreed to serve, viz: As sistant Surgeon Tht-mas F. Wood, Maj. Jno. W. Dunham Capt. Walter G. Mac Rte, Capt. N. F. Thompson, Lieutenant A. D. Brown, Lieutenant O. C. Kedd, and Messrs. Junius Davis, Jno. G. Dar den, Jno. D. flanby, Abraham. Cook, Frank II. Mitchell and Preston Cam- Arnvmir ! n V W r '-Atifc. Now TiUcY OPENINO, rS ai arra:iSi:ls our $vliUc, and stock of Gent's, Youths' and Boys' IT - FuruLOainsGoaJ.-. We have nithe.cUeancst stock of ClotK l - f ?Vfr 0!rcrcd tlifa markot. . A call 'and Uoa is r-ptctfully solicited. A. & I. SIIKlKli, . Market street r Krporlr d sulc de There was a rumor on the streets to day to the effect that some man in the city had committed suicide by taking laudanum. We have traced the report to the store from which Madame Rumor says that the laudanum was purchased but can ascertain nothing in regard to the matter. Flte on Masorib.HO sound. A small store on Masonboro Sound owned by Mr. Louis Tcdd was-destrojed together with Us contents by fire on Wednesday night- The origin of the fire was accidental. There was an in surance of $100 on the building and 200 on the sl03k in companies represented by Messrs Atkinson & Manning. Mr. Todd states that at the time of the fire he had only about $100 worth of stock in the store. Vessel Ashore. From the signal office ia this city we learn that the Norwegian barque Dicta tor, Captain Chris tensen, from Boston, England, boand to Baltimore, in ballast, stranded on the 21st., at 11:50 a.m., half way between life-saving stations No. 4 and 6, (between Cape Henry Va., and Kitty Hawk, 1ST. C.,) all; hands are safe on board of the vessl, crew refused to leave her. The wrecking steamer Baker of Norfolk, took hold of her yesterday and tried to pull her off, but with what success we did not learn. 60 to Jacobi's lor Doors, Sash and BHndfl, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest ptpes The Difference. Tennyson can take a worthless sheet of paper and, by writing a poem en it, make U worth 5,000. That's Genius. Mr. Vanderbilt can write fewer words on a similar sheet and make it worth $50, OOO.OOQ. That's Capital. And the United States can take an ounce and . 1 J i - L M.r it,i vvthfPtnCu CHWer Ol goiu ana stamp upon it au I ... li. 1 1 T" 11 tt ,uu I 2i&luira, ana -Aweuiy sonars. sleet or snow at the latter pocT thejTtetMo.nfr- mef nlc ca " I (k nvntanal mrArf h fi Ytv rinl Jars finn rrrnkfi i J Ram du v-tccer sa ii, ei J10' aU of era? i. Mee thla from impurirj Worft Ali9r, Tcnloaai . aor" b.prova i-atlf uceqiAl- , week, followed by warmer and sniirj weather during the early part of the last week of the month. The month wfUi en cool and wet, with probably saor fan. .7 ' "- 4 ' Anniversary C'elebr&UaUV. The sixty -second anniversary ol Amer ican Odd Fellowship will be celebrated in this city by Cape Fear and Orion Lodges on Tuesday evening next at Odd Fellows Hall a ..Third Street. Mr. Chas. M. Busbee, of Raleigh, one ofttbe most graceful and finished speakers in the State, 'will deliver anxadbess before the Lodge. The public are Invited to attend. . )' T 1 T ' ITov to De your owa painter i BuyHbd N. Y. Enamel Fatal, read mixed end ay arrant e"J at Jlcoai8, t - li c.upe 03 M iMi day 5islH Mr. RobL 1L McKoy will lecture at the room of the JLibrary Association on Monday night at 8:30 o'clock, cm "Wil mington as it is and Wilmington as it .should be."' The public are invited to atttud. Ir. McKoy is a graceful speaker and will no doubt be greeted by a large ao- ditnee. . - u.-. . - " lodicatlona Fnr hc Sfath Atlantic States oartlv cloudy weather and possibly occasional rain, westerly winds, stationary or higher barometer and stationary temperature. - ill Good Woaan Why are yon so out of sorts, never able to tell folks that voa are well! Ten to one its all caused in the first place by habitual constitution, which SO clrbt finally caused deranged kidnejl t4. aver, ine sure cure ior GoasuvsMst v the celebrated Kidney-Wcri U -b abo a. STtftcifift rTnedv forftll kidnav tudlir" diseases. Thousand ts- cshf itl very month. Try' IV& rr AiIill tho cjaterial worth fifty dollars and make a lata a watch worth $100. That's fikflL The merchant can take an article worth twenty-five cents and sell it to you fbx S100. That's Business. A lady can purchase a comfortable bonnet for $10; but prefers to pay $100 for one, be cause it is more stylish. That's Foolish- oe s The ditch-digger wor&s ten henrs a day, and shovels out three or four tons of earth for one dollar. That's labor. Dont tell vour sufferings to everbody but use SC Jacobs Oil, and speak of its results. Saturday as a Trade's Day A busy scene is presented on our streets each Saturday evening, and jfie rush freauentlv reminds one of the' remark m. m Ma made by a rural friend-who had just re turned from New York andtated that "it was court week there." if there i3 one day more than anotheri tht smacks of "court week" it is Sdrarday. Many of. the citizens in the neighborhood of the city come in on Saturday, and the me chanics, factory opjfatives, and those who are closely confined through the week, generally quit their work earlier on Saturday in order to make their pur phftsea forthe incoming week.. It is thus that Saturday is one of the best trade days that many of our merchants have through the week. The stores are often' thronged until 10 or 11 o'clock at night- In view of these facts it behooves our merchants to take advantage of the best opportunity to secure the trade, and ad vertise in the columns of The Daily ffcsnxw. This paper is read largely by all those who select Saturday to make their purchases, and it is frequently that they consult its columns to find whete ttsy cia fcsst be suited, . - : J.f "Sit - Saw Adverti?6monta. OPERA HOUSE. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 26th, 1S81, Complimentary to psna. ivr. r taylor, DOCTOR OF ALCANTARA", and - ?ccted Solos by MRS. KAI1NWE1LER. Admission 50 cts. No extra charce for Reseryed 8ats. Box 8heetopeu Monday at Heinsberger'6. . i pi Mot ice. Ycdus as an Eyenlnt: Star-' This brilliant planet, which has brigh. ened the western heavens for the last nine months, will soon cease to be an evening star, as during the first half of May it will go down before the sua. This star has given astronomers much food br thoug"ht and study during the last year, and has been watched by the gen eral eye with no little interest, because of its splendid brilliancy. Yetfewthiak 'or a mement of the distance it has trav eled during this time and of the differ ence in its present distance from the earth and that it occupied when gen eral attention was first drawn to it. Nine months ago Yenus was on the opposite side of the sun and was in round figures 160,000,000 miles from tho earth. It has since been traveling at the rate of 70,000 miles (or a distance of nearly three times around the earth) per minute, and is at present only 22,000,000 miles from the earth, being now between us and the sun. As it disappears from view its brilliancy is but little more than it was when at its greatest distance from us, owing to the faet that its dark side is presented to the earth. The average , thinker can but wonder what the result woald have been if this mover, in its passago around the sun, at the lightning speed it has been making, had taken tho earth in its ctursa ? T he wicked would not have had the time to flee to the mountains. Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmington District, Metho dist E. Church, South, 1881. (Second round.) Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Ap'l 23-2 Jftront street. - Apl30, May 1 Smithville, - - May 7- 8 Brunswick, at Son, - - May 14-15 Topsail, at Herring's Chapel, May Onslow, at Gum Branch, - May 28-29 Clinton, - - Jun 4-5 Cokesbury, r - . J une Coharie, - nne io-i durcn services. Worship in tha various churches of tho city to-morrow as follows : ST. PAUL'S BVASGl. IUTHSBAJT CSUBCH, Corner Sixth and Market streets, Rev. G: D. Barnheim, i. D. pastor. Preparatory f TCnPlffihl &t 10.3d a. in. English w mmm M, f - service and Communion aC 11 a. m. Sun day School a 8 p. m. Crn htian As?c 3la tion' at 4 p. m. English service at 8 p. m. rjEST BAPTIST CHUKCHI corruer of -Market and Fifth streets. Rev. J. B. Taylor, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 s. m. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Brooklyn Sunday School at 3 p. rn. Yoarig Men's Prayer Meeting Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Church Prayer Meetinj Thursday rdght at 8 o'c'c:k. KT. JA3IE8' FASI5U, Corner Third and Markat streets, Rsv. A. A Hson, I) D. Uector. iiiin cuo taT Zt i.i9:er Ajril 24 b r htmkSu a- klnning Pra er at 11 .o'clock Sunday School at 3:30 m. Evening Pi?' tr ai 5 o"ei..c. FS03T 6TBSL V M. K. CHUP.CU, (SOfTH) corner Front a ''iut str et Rev. E. A.Yates, D 1 , r-ustor. SHrv.c at 11 a. m. a:;d L r' i ay 6cbii at 3 p ra., W.M. Pa:. !-' UUblUu As sociation in ;tti i ue&iLiV evenitii after the first and third Sualaya iu each moub. Prayer Meeting aid Preaching Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. FIFTH 6TKEET II. E. CHUECH (SOOTH,) on Fithi between Kun and Church streets. Rev. T.P. Ricaud, pastor. Services at 11 a. m, and 8 p. m. Sabbath School at 9 a. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday ere ning at 8 o'clock. SECOND PSESIlYTERrAX CUTECIT, Cor Four h aul Csmpbell struts. Rev C. M. Payne, Taster. Services at 11 a m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath School at 8:30 p. in. Prayer Moeiijg Wednesday at 8 p. m. Seats free. CflBIST'S CHTJKCII (COXGCEOAAiOSAi)i on Hon, btwtcn S;xtb and Sevnlb. Rev. D. D. Dodge, Pasior. Vcezebmz at 11 a. m. nd 8 p. m. i astri'd Bible CIim at '12 p.m. Prayer aiid Pxalse Mee-Jug 8 p.m. Sandsj Sch ol at 3 m.t in Mentor ill Hfi. Ficsr mEsnrrsKiAJf cauBCff, cornT Third an i Orange streets. Rev J. B. Wilson, D. P pastor. 8 at 11 a. n end 7:30 p. m. SiblaUi 6cboo 3 p.m. " . . . - - m ST. PAUL'S I.FI3COPJX csuscn' corner Fourth od Orange streets, Rer. T. U. Ambler, Ri tor. Services at 11 a. zzu and 70 p. m , Sunday School at 350 p. o. Seitsfxee . MEETiSTG of fitock 2 holders of Bellevue Cemetery will bo helu at S o'clocK. p. m , Monday, stn Inst., at Law Office of John D. Bellamy, Jr on Prineess street between Front and Sec ond streets, when the election of President and Directors for ensuing year will take place. All Lot owners are invited to at tend. JNU. B. MCEACUKKiN, ap 23 It Secretaiy. - IT vm tog!! to rtcT cr.f.rr.Tnrm Croa on Wofij'oa cay csd all nijccti o fural!sats! ts! Tas esas ef tls xrfStst Btsl alrsafQ abatdto tat Eior. Ooaawtnttoat apt Uwrlttsa ca cary v omt sSAj of the ft7v Ptrsoaalltfst mcst be avollti Aad It b erpeeUHy aad pcrtLl&rly ta4r stood that thd Edltat does sot always adort ta rim ot eorrtipoadtnts, mxlta t stated !a Um editorial olsmas. Hex7AdTttrticcaont3 Notice A LL PERSONS ARE aereby r forewaried ba! ia tmt a. harbor any of th craw of tho J Nor. Bark A.LFKN ' Cant W. r Pedereen. as neither the Ifactnr o sigaees will be responsible for suel dektt. HEU)E & CO., ap!31-6t Coasigaces. " Eacte rjlillinory ! -Fine Qelection ! 'HOIGESX7UTER9 td Ittfst rylt and shapes In Hats and Bonnets. Latest styles in Hair Goods, v " apl l2-3mdw MISS E. STARRER, No. 6 South Front lU Do You Want An We Offer : -i - AA B.bls Good FLOUR, 1UUU gQQ Bags COFFEE, "I ff Hhds New Orleans 1UU MOLASSES, JQQ Ilhds and Bbls Cuba do 300 Bales HJLY' 2000 Dusbe1s WHITE corn HALL & PEAESALL. apl n . NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS HAVING OLD STYLE MAGNET CALL BOXES. TN CALLING THE CENTRAL OFFICE DO NOT wait to be answered by a ring of the hell hut listen at the rnone as soon as you have called. ... Whm vnu are called take the Phone from its hook and 6peak through the transmitter immediately. DO NOT answer a call by ringing your bell. These directions if followed will enable the Central Oflice to make connections more promptly and save time to subscribers. apl 22- W. H. STERLING, Mgr. Family Bibles. NEW f-UPPLf I Jatt received'at HEINSBERGER'S. Origan? NdIUUNTa OF THE BE3THAKD always on baad, and sold oa taiy IattaU neats. Croquet and Haxamoeks. Lars Stock Books aad Stationery always os hand at low prices. Yates' Boot Store. apl 18 SPflltlG GOODS S A Croquet Sets, TJAMK0CK8, apl 21 Blank Books, Jart reocived at HEINSBEBOEB'S. Live Book and Maiio Store BED CEDAR PACKING CHESTS, SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, Ac ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS, AT ALTAFFEB, PRICE & CO'S. Factory: Office: Foot Walnut eL Nutt, near Red Cross'st apl 11 SEEDS THAT SURPRISE! THE FAHMEB8 MBOITAirZA.w Maxixe, a new vegetable from 8. A., dlfffertne from anything ever frown here. deUciooa raw or cooked. Seed sen! b&mall 20 eta. paper. oya Bean of Japan, balfbean Half pea. aaid by Chem ists to be the richest human food known. .Fine fodder plant, also. Seed. 15 eta. s pap Queen Watermelon, lost Imported. largest variety ever arown in U. 8.. firm, luacloua, crisp and aifiryYbSt to keep or ship, 25 cts. a papcro fOT wLs, 6 papers for f 1. Very carc- ,9 Maakmelon. largest known, 2 to 3 feet ong-flne miallty. early and proUSc, if eta. a Pr- Climax tomato, richest flavor, early, pror solid -dd-eqnaled In every war, 15 eta. a paper. W hlte Egyp tian Corn (from the Nile), fields immensely In the Sooth where other corn fails. Uneqealed for table or stock, 20 eta. a paper. 75 eta. a pound. Teoelnte. one plant feeds a cow two days: 10 to 12 ft. high. 15 eta. a paper. Cuzco Corn, grains 1 In. long, In. broad. Seed will bring fabnlooa prices. 15 cts. a paper. All the above sent for 1, 3 of each for 2. Address C. RfilLBEBT CO- Allait, rteference: Hon. W. L. Calhoun, Mayor of Att&bta. fob 28-lawsat-wly ELEGANT JEWELRY CHEAP. To Introduce our new styles and influence trade we make the following unparalleled offer for a abort time : "The Berlin Packet contains a gold plated watch chain, agate shawl pin, lady's ele- fant set jewelry, sea bean cuff buttons, coral neck ace, set of agate studs, gold plate band ring, collar button, key ring-, pocket book, imitation silk handkerchief, pen, pencU, comic envelope and vial tine card. All these rnailK! to you for 35c. in stamps; 4 packets for l.UO. Tiie lot can be re ta lied at from $2tot5.00. The Royal Casket contains one superb amethyst ring, elegant coral brouch set in box, fancy neck lace, coral sleeve buttons, engraved gold plate bracelets, rose scarf pin, gold plated lady s set, gold nlaf e sleeve buttons, bea vv raid plate studa. lovely cameo scarf pin, irenuine Parisian diamond stud. Maltese crots with P. diamond center, beaatlful tot sleeve buttons, plated collar button, piatea fink watch chiio, plain gold plate ring, nobby cameo rior. Maltese ear-rings with P. diamond settings, gents full comb, amethyst set, lady's roll piatea set wiw woiie siooe sevuuga. j ua cameo scarf pin. eng. gold plate sleeve buttons. Th. vhniA of this maeniffcent collection sent This lot Address, Tm atlawta GLftBBsava: - This company la peifectJy reliable, and the ituooQl they give for your mogey is astounding." fe l5-dUwsiWwly"S5ZH3 f' - T . : ESLCIwE ASD CEVtLC? TEE FCTJ2. If shrank wholly or la part from nature or dis ease. Advice free. Describe case and send i' amp to P. De L. Co. Atlanta,Ga. No horn bar. llirV est Rf5,rt3C - Corrrrraicc?? eozi::c:iil, . , K DUBING THIS SEASOW, Tihta it is exceedingly difficult for hsnsdi. keepers to find anything csifchlo for their table, I haTe on hand njv on the arrival of each Stcancr a frill supply of VECETABLEC and of every kind, freah frosa the Northern Markits All would do well To Call and Examine, Also, by each Steamer a fall 4BPply of STAPLE AD:FAnillACIC'J3 GOODS, Always Fresh and Sweet I guarantee All goods sold by &o and take back whatever doe3 net suit. All goods sold at Ion est prices JNO, I, BOATlVniGIITo IVos. 1 1 & 18JN. Front Ot apl is; : JOB PMfflriS ! AT THE LOWEST. PBICE0 ! ASCERTAIN L1Y P01CES 0EF0SE HAVinQ YOUR POIUTinO DONE ELSEVIinilE! SatisfactionGuaranteed I jp annuo CA&zjxjLLT ixccurco or prcu redilax n fti drycsd teal othabytixIlfMcfpca. CcraaCistxtScai TTatC&rsij Cila E:r:r7 ZzZV.zz 1

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