TH5 josn. i 1 saemly exhibit of Senatorial dignity si i the two stalwart Republicans named! - above. Has any Southern Senator con- T. JAMES, Editor. & PropY. ' ducted himself otherwise than with the HETD Iliscollnncous. Iliflcollanootio. . I small most bccomiDff dienity in the exalted I 7V match safe One put up where I toy can't get at it. the WlLMtNGTOtf; NC. SATURDAY, APfelt 23," ISsT. Eutered at the Pdstomce at Wilmington. J. C., aa Second Claes Matter. - position which he occupies ? When Senator Gordon, and likewise Senator Lamar.had at different times to adminis ter a GUing rebuke to the coarse and false assertions which Senator Conkling had been guilty of, was it notjwith the most dignified tearing that a Senator Spring bonnets this season will cost about - what a three-storv house wonld bring at a sheriffs sale. As for her social standing, it will be sufficient to say that her father owns 120 mules, and is a candidate for the Legislature. Colorad Newspaper. The Post suggests that the hog should supplant the eagle as our national bird. A Sin Antonio correspondent of the coulJ possibly wear ? And jet I jn tbat "Larfidah" should be adop anthem. Lowel ted as the national Courier. ."How do you like my spring clothes?" asked Leander. ; u Pretty well." replied Hero, doubtfully, and thea added: "But I think I should like you better in a walking sait.' He. sat wrapt ia silent thought for about fire minutes, and then New Orleans Democrat saye: 'Kail-lthe rew York bun, that vera- roadroffieials estimate that 1,000 immi- jcious slq x re-liable sheet, character. grants daily are pouring through the gate I ized the couduct of Messrs. Gordon and cities of Denison and Texarkana into the Lamar as on exhibition of "plantation Lione Star States -This is absolutely J manneis." But nctcr a word has this without a parallel in the statistic - i wn-1 rancorous theet uttered, that we wiiflrTfttinn and ir r.nnMnned wi i .e us tare seen, in denunciation or tneconauct ' OTer oneEir bfa'mMol and and the bad manners of Cameron and S0 nP "d, walked slowly away ia the , more thab 3,503,000 of new citizens be Burnside. "Plantation manners," iff ... " . fore'the next census is taken. . With our these arrogant, self-imposed monitors even th'e jittfe chickens have to shell out. present population, we will then have, ia would understand, was in ante bellum I Steubenville Herald. 18Utf, at the present ratio of increase days, the most refined m the land, and The person who has the reputation of J 'IJJ-Xiitalfoi "SI eMih neither among Bosten's most cultured 1 being kind, good-natured ana iDattIff.enl I gaoaation a, genial warmth, reflates the Allien. iU A?)rni.lrKVof faiMilioa 1 " oiieuumeB BiBiuiy t. u-uw tmmea. ua imparts to&e t tne urar. iCt nojf a uiue energy m ov iu-uhmou uu w STOSIACH ev and Special Offer forWrtr- HORACE VfAT&Rs jb JiL ?aJ8 FAVORITE -qSZJ man, Boxed and Shipped with Stool and c -'Ti'i ViDn S.OGTilVES; 13 SWSt xw 0,b Shootlnsr Chills down the Back. Dull pain in the limbo, nauae. fcillioodceei, are irniptoms of appro ac sin jr fever and e witnoat ae av ungtettert Btora- over 5,000,000. of inhabitants. Lord Beaconstield had two brothers- James, deceased, and Ralph. He never associate a wnn dj oi duj siaurtu, uui he appointed James, in 1852, when " he became Chancellor of the Exchequer, a Commissioner of Inland Revenue, the salary , of which is X2,000 a year, and his brother Kalph wa?, at his request, appointed bj Lord Chancellor Cairns, in 1867, deputy clerk of the House of Lords the salary of which is 1,200. They both, particularly James, bore a strong likenets to their remarkable brothfr. of New York, was there any more re finement or culture to be found, than among the wealthy plantation owners oi the South. ANWTIIKR I.I K NAII,-I. ;,iwienew emperor- or uussia nas a passion for economy. ; A&: Czarewitch he looked after every penny, and in his pa lace there was neither waste nor extrav ' agance. lie groaned over the lavish generosity of hi3 father to the very ques tionable gang, who had only to make debts fojtheir imperial master to pay them. Qoe tiling "at 'least U certair that the Kmpeior will wae a war, tf extermination agiinst peculators, auti will not allow any friends or Miuislers of his to dip their hands into the public Treasury. Modesty is not one of the qualities 61 a Massachusetts or a New England poli Lit ia ii. On ifta ("onlrar? nnhlnflViirtfr im J ' I : j .ph. i : i j pudeuce and a r, ckless regard of truth - X'TM seems to be the chief charaQteristic of Toodles, to have a Tipple m the house. some ol those new born statesmen who I Th. K ofAtna rT o AAflnf n rival 7a nnitft now rrpestnt, or misrepesent, that great J versatile in the crying, business. In one centre of wealth and intelligence. One place the author says "her eyes were miM il.;, A- i,t ,w ,tK K Rhinft,. Bunosea wiinsauiears," wnuein anomer bowels, the vtomaeb and the bi iary ganc overDeanng. . , . . m?.. . h. A Fittsbirg plumber stole i ou irtm -gjj D and 06llerl2 a UUU39 1U WUJCa UC nam n vi Kiag -wv genSrallV other day. It was a great streak f lack apl 1 for the house owner, as the piumoer didn't dare to come back for his pay. Boston Ptst. Ezra S. Tipple has left Syracuse Uni versity. He should be called to Cam bridge. The poor boys have to go out 5 SETS OF liEED 1 i t'Ci.-.r i o: ; c .1- ) culfoftT Solo TWO SWELLS (fiid organ aud knee swells,) 80TAYE-COUPLER, (wbich doubles power,) SUB-BASS, Sent on trial far 15 day, and freight paid both ways if not satis factory. - CAUTIQH.- 'Organ advertised five sets of reeds unless it has 17 octave cf Seeds. IDnstrsted mailed free. wl iLcit , , rf tie Ht 4 . a C&talogca 2, f the f f . :i - If T .-i XTVA D 11T .Tie r'-cs, i ttw If yoa are a man of bnsiiieds, weakened by the atiuLu o ci yvur aauee, araui tamujants and use Xy JJrgaat. ..ri t. m mu Ok aa rw AA.aAHM. " J 1 , - x . W 1 1! K II V "V-WIVC3 owouu cao, carrwu. legs, rrory Keys. ovenrtm v " rtKUUO iroa Iram-i, Agraffe and all improvemcuU, with etooL STf8' on fifteen days trial for only TOTe - HORACE WATERS &CO.t Manufacturora anrf n J Mention thi paper. ' 8"iSfi3-Sera. v,niW It yoa area man of letters, tolling- oreryonr midnight WOJ3C to rastore brain nerre and waste, use f yon are yoom; and Bufferings from any Indiscretloi wuwiiwua ; ii uu are mwnea or sirrie, old or mm yonngBaaerlnflrfrom poor balth or l&nfiniisb- r II Ing on &bed of eiotenem, rely on 11 It-rsoems to . be settled, fays. the New York Bulletin,, thot . ther old - fashion of ptclunii'olryteEtld is sooii" to be su- persedtdU and that i njachiriery i fa. t Jbe f made fcto do the work. We see it stated that 'M Oooxi win; of Arkansas "has perfected a; cotton-picker and cleaner which ,has already been practically de monstrated tos an entire success. The idea of inventing a machine for picking cotton is old, but every effort heretofore to that end has "proved a failure, and even now there are not . many planters who cai be induced to believe that iron fingers XUP eveflbeftf adTlcvaketh picking'cotton. - A correspondent of the daemphis Appeal says: "The writer has seen the machine at work;- which in his opinion is destined to revolutionize the cotton industry of the country by lessening about one-half the expense of of produciug or preparing the staple for market." . It Is a little singular, but nevertheless true, that the New York Sun, the mn ogiog editor of which paper, Charles A. D.ia, is an inveterate! hater of the South, has had nothing! to say recently about plantation manhers'in the Senate. This too in the facedf the fact that Don Cameron the ' ringster," jumped into the arena of debate in the : Senate Chamber the other. day, -and with clenched, fist and menacing'attitude, demanded of Senator Hill what he meant by such ' language? Then again we have had another ugly ex hibit from one of puiitancal New Eng land's Senators the gentleman with the mutton chop whiskers and skull cap, from little. Bhodj where tley disfran chise a certain class of vdterawho do not own ike rVqnisite amount of real estate who mounted the rostrum, and with emphatic gesture pounded his desk a&ain and again, in. denunciation of all who dared to say there bad been any bargain and sale; in ther little Mahone transaction. This Bombastes Furi oso, declared, that rot .only were all men liars or words to that effect who had ever asserted there had been a bargain, but further announced, that whoever might dure to make the charge in the future, would be guilty ol unqual ified falsehood. This alt occurred while Senator Butler from, South. Carolina was speaking mnd he language of the Senator from" 3RheJ jlaad seemed- to- be directed at the manly and -dignified Sen ator from the iMmetto State, who Very properly treated the indecent interrup tion with a dignified contempt, which ftndered little RhodyV -Senator quire ridiculous in the eyes of Senators, as well as the galleries', and caused hisses and laughter to folIow every one of the vio lent physical demonstrations made by the Republican Senator. ; t r But tbc main point we desire to pre sent furconsideratioa is,' "whether any Southern Senator ever make such an un-4 ews hide that Senator Dawes poesesse?. he would show some sensitiveness from the keen shafts of satire thrust at him by Senators Keck, Jonus, Saulsbnry and otfur Democratic Senators. to say noth ing ol the severe flagillatioQ, which be receired at the hands of Senator George, the new -.Sena tor from Mississippi, some ffttks ai). But the brazen Senator and his Ie3- iinpud.-nt colleague, the little Hoar, belong to that class ofbah: mer politicians, who do uot mind a good sound drobbing from a decent Senator but consider it an honor.and jump quick ly around with parted coat tails, and pre" sent a striking attitude for another kick Hlhis. is all to their credit at home and is -4 ' ' ' ;4heir chief-political capital when they go , nacK io ineir consiuuents. vi course an this is embellished, when they meet the sovereigns of the Bay State, and the same shel?s8 ; regard - for truth ia recounting- the controversies bad . with the "Jlebel 'Bridrers"! in the Senate, is shown, that they exhibited: in their un warranted, unjustifiable and untruthful jstatementsvconeerniBg the outrages per- Xpetrated in the South. As witness, the wilful and malicious falsehood which Dawes asserted about the Massachusetts man who spent fourteen years in Mis sissippi, invested his money in a factory and because of his political sentiments had to pit up iron shutters to keep from being killed, while at work, and was then finally "burnt oatl When .pressed by Senator George to name his man, he decliicd, 8tatiBg that to do 80 would en dasger thcraanis flifef from; the attacks of Mississippi Democrats, although ac cording. to his own showing, this very he tells us that "her tears flowed fresh." ;.ThQ Greatest Blessing . ; A simple, ,pnret harmless remedy.' that 1 cures every time,, . and prevents disease py Keeping tne blood pure, storaacn reg ular, kidneys "and liver active, is the greatest .piessing . . ever conrefred upon man. . Hop Bitters js that remejdy, and. its proprietors are . being . blessed by thousands who have been saved and cur ed by it. Will ' you r try it? See an other column- rEagle. ' Tiie'malfs close 'and arrive Tat the City Pot -Otnce as followi : Nortbern tnrongn malls. ....800 p a Northern through and way mails..:...... 6:80 a. dr. Raleigh 5; 80 a. mJ Malls for the N. O. Railroad, ' and routes supplied there- . . -! from, including A. &N. O. i Kallr.uad, at...... ...... ...,.., 6;30 a.m. Sonthern malls ; for all points South.Tdallyv: a ra and 7:46 p.- rat Western mails (C O R'y) daily ! : ' (except Sunday)...,.. . i.. . 8:10 a- na. Mail for Oneraw & Darlings ton ..M......v...V...,.... 7:46 p. m. Malls for points, between Flo rence and Oharleaton a m & 7'AS p m Fayetteville. and offices on ' Cape Fear River,- Tuesdays,- and irrldays....; ...... l&Q p. m. fayetteville, via Lamberton, dally, except Sundaya 8:10 a, m.i Onsiov O. H. and intermedi ate Qioea, very Monday . kndhursday at...... ... COO a. m. Snaitvtlle maib, by steams boat,. dally,, (except Sun- - -eays),....;.-. 8.30 a. n Maila .for Easy Hill, Town -Oroek, bhallotte' and Little - River, S. O. , e Very Mn- ; day and Thursday at....'i,..r 6:00 a. m. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 6:00 a. m. Whoever you we, wherever you are. whenever you feel wuu jwor nystem neeas cieamanff toning or f, witaout tntcKrtcatino, t&ke Hsve yon dyspepmia, kidney or urinary complaint, dis pm ease of toe stomach, bowels, blood, liver, or ncrt II You will be cured if yoa um If youareslmrdy weakaxid low prited,tryltl Buy It. Insist upoalt. Your druggist kaepelt. 2t may Mve your ltfe. It ha Tcd barred. Hop Coart Omlitheiweetcstyiafectandbect.' Ask chlMren. Th Hop Pad for Stomach, Lirer and KMnyt,t Mpcrior to U otkar. Curat by abaorptiotw It ii perfect. Ak druggist.. P. I. C fa aa abtoloto and I rreaiataUa car for drnnkenew; wse of oplnm, tobacco or Brootict. S3SB3E5& ADcrra sold by dragpstcHop Bitter Vlfg., Co., Rocbesier, M . Y, tAVaVXaV4iTSaXVATAVSa?ayV eirtooBgers-Feiiln THE WILCOX GIBBS & C8'S MANIPULATED Cic Is claimed and admitted to be Uie ;. . ' Beht, SoBt Besiable and Cheapest Pertli iauss for Cotton and other Crops;'5? uYcn can always depend on ii" - - - A - Arrange for your enpplies at once, on the usual terms. - wiuyvtsuig i tTuuzers nave advaTirpl ..j . are difficult to get. . aavanced and feme of thus or stroplies and anv inform fit i mi in -..-. -' 4 With ; :: . : .. -uMJ untp dec 23 - - xm ' . . , . "'lmineton iJ Uuridsr. to cure- AUay the itching, abwr?-. diatt rMef. . Sold by drugiita Prwartd hJTT'S'" lots a i wt. to.1i J rreparea dtJ.P. vm 2 wrapper on boUU contains hit rita-K!1! AI1 druggisu and country .towbTwft oTwffl f m THE BEST PAPER TRY IT I Bamifallj IJloatral Sflth ;Tear. STfce r Scientific i Americas. rpRE 80IENTIPI0 AM BRIOAK ,IB JL 1 Urye Fir?t-Clart VokIy Nawfpaperoj frteo Paces, t r in ted in the moat beautiful 4tjl, profaselj illoatrated with plendid ee rfravit, reprweentitfl: the newest Inrer, tiojia ar.d ths moet .recent - Advances in the rta nd Hrieocee; iEcIudine- .Piew and Its. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. THE OIRCTJLATlOJr of , ttii newspaper baiiaoreaeed dnrlur tfci year. It oontains all the leidin? j uu, a The FORE1QN NEW3 tee Daily Herald, and ! mm. i. ui. dmtrrniMita TV. , SOrwTETHirJG 'trill 1 ' " ' ' "'" '-' ' v Tneie exists a means of se- CUriner a soft and brilliant i Complexion, no matter how poor it Hasan ! delicate f cle, which instantly remoyes " XI -m a V. 1 ' m -r- - . oca OS A a,U IVLHineSS, I Terms, i 2r per year. $1 e0 baif .Vrttr. wi from .n IJIr'f .i iWr !Eouffhness, .Eruptions, ynl- po1taa DifcouM to S5TJS?ili??ti of Vtiom delicato anif natnrnl nA if nKif.t:bPo most Vala.ble ehronld. bftortt - . . - v,.cr-I., v ki k. iivn. new lore - i. . -1 . a.aithfnl report of , . ' POLITICAL HEWS embracing' complete and coBprelewiTi despatohes from WaihtnittoB, laelidisrhS repot to of the speeches of enlnest peUses en the qnestion of the boar THE FARM DEPABTlfETr 's Mafirnolla Balm is a l.rr ;"j.r.ffiifJ 9: r. i . - . j . i vtf ' tjwiuij, TjuiuKr ABtronc i tert ri tba oh. h aa uua auiuiiii ua ui r . . maub a. f aiuBuia uiauuubj iiavuivh . nwk I diepitehes froa tliitf. lender the head of a VIii!!?!01?0 ' AMERICAN NEWS w ,u .uo cowuuuo juDoncmD. are ciren tha nM..l.u.iA. ;eifects that its use is not I P A TTr xrP C in connection with SimnPPtl hv nnvhnTr I -f,.i: -fyAT A the SCIENTIFIC rvv. i AafinlUAXSt, Messrs. Muna A Co. era HaIIa 119 JadT has the, right: tO I it0 of Ameiieaji and foreteo Patentt.have 51 C5cu l u uisiiKuicu lace in i j : ,,;v -"f w utb m society wnen tne Magnolia I reobtaiaed oh &ebest Ail a ..i notloa la mada In tV a nin.tR. ' 1 . v.vui.uv siusiigsu OI I n. . . . . . ....... for 75 cents." 1 I-..M Sffi S.S2. "SS-fSLKSB nbo. the npirw win twt.t'ut8v artjr naa Deen cejrnpeiiea 10 leave mis-i Rorthern through and way aissippi and was thei ressdin in Massa( mails .7:00 and 7:30 m. choisetti. Bat the false Senator who! Northern mallg 9 00 m disgraces his Suite by each conduct, .rJfVV. JSJ a m was not to be so easily let! SUmoOiScs oDen from 8 i'm. to 12 on. csenaior ueorge denied the statement u and. from 2 to 5:80 p. m. Monet and &aid there had never been a factory I Order and Register Department opeu Wned in thfl wnMAStato nf UIcaQ.Wi. I B?P on40e r . " w tt,.f CLYDE'S 1 01 inn rit.fitta 1 .. - t f . "-"- . Rto iwmM. . . fliscoTeries relation to thedntiei cf tLi firs- Klew whereupon .this mean falsifier from Mas sacbusetts said it .was a cotton-gin, and hot a factory; that had been bnrned. But- Presto' change, he subsequently transferred the scene of the outrage from I ay aj 8:30 d m AJjssagaippitoiJaldwell parish; La. The name of the : last individual who grave I Bknj inrorbalion ; concerning his suffering and pereUQ''Llslaoa, it now trans pireV, H Charles. Heath.. But read what Judg Bridgers, of Caldwell parish, has to . say "abou.t ' this i ,4hdivid ttal : Charles,Hea(h owns no property in the parish and, Jtaq never: owncef, any. . Uis orocrwaru.aia. owns -a .piania- PAIHF. nBirTHN iV I Aflfl ion in the jarish, ten: miles- below Co I M kWMa. umbia. The total appraised value of I Attorney a-at-La wand Solid tors of Amer, all his property is$3;540. In conclusion I can and Foreign Patent-. Judge Bridgers says : . 'I haTe con-1 412 Fifth Street, Washington, D CI .TSSSSSf 5 W?:??:?: : Patent law In all Ita branchc, A.ND General delivery open from 6:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 Stamps for sale at general delivery! WilltlinSftOlTa warn fliamp omoe la clcaed. Mails collected from street boxoa every new patent, and sale, or Introduction iree8 veeubiea, Ac, Ae, wtta sofferow aaaileflKetabL I for aeepfofi' buildififci aad farouc An person who has made a new dinV. Thl ta ppieaieated. J ! or invention, can ascertain, free or charzeL I Sa ePrtinnt elT Vh whether a patent can probably be obtained., or by writing to Munn M Co. We aIeonr i THEHOME, pSU5r7Sf.?O05 L P?n1t Mw-i ailing receipt! for practical dishes, Uii Patents, veats, Trade-Marks, their cost., making clothlna- and for keepbf wUk Si..PCUir01, !?th ntofor proeoring- latest fashion, at the lowest price Inff advances on inventions. Addi-rat fop tha r .Mvt.. A. vMtiiii F??.r.?I wneernins; Patents. Itiis department ii BraetfeiUf tettsd U raaS OfS.a -n cJw 'w TwkJ pt before pubUcttioD Letters frwijff r"CH?ffice' C3r- ' lth ' - Paris and Londo. corraspcBdeBtsoatbswjy ' w aaniBrton. 1 ) 11. 1 .t...i.i nv. cr . n....Miiai Steamship w. o. GOOD Line, F. Grafton, Stoby B Halbert B. Painb, Late Commissioner ot. Patents. (Pitenite. THE STEAMER THIS wE latest fashions The florae ."Weekly Herald will save the hosseviJ taw uu; one nonarea nines m pnev " per j The interests of I SKILLEDoLABUJt 'are, looked after, and eveirtMalX; Aeeh,anles and labor saviafis corded There Is a psze flsTOieo w nsuess ri'Z in? of Ilesth s fi-in and the rinflmtAnri) I 1 .1 t.. -vy? . n sb . - m mil i,nH r en 1 iiTi nnn 1 w w r a m attendmirit.and am fully convinced that I .n rEriit nonrtTAf.k- nt c.... I U 1 T. . .1 iv. r I - www. 100 Iwiw.rWV.ucu. aent free 00 reoelpt of stats n surancemoney;:.- I (hrnMttim. . o In addition7 to ihisj dispatch is lele- r, 1 LAURINBUBG EllTERPfllSE graphed from Boston, stating that Heath admits that he was inconsct in some of I his 8tatmctits. about dates, -aDd so forth Now, how much, longer are the sensible people, t and r jarUc'ularIy - the business CULF STREAM, CAPT. INGRAM, T7ILL AAILfBOM 5sW VOEK O SATURDAY, April 23. Bbippers can rely pxpon the promp calllns; of 8 teamen as advertised, -t. For 'JrelghtEngageaeats apply to latest phases of the b MerchandiseAa. Ae. A ?Jf7lj found in the spedallr reported prWi - condltions-of - THE PBODUCEi ArABKET. Fportlag Ifewi at home 'i gather with a Storv every week, iCJg DELICIOUS .PEACHES AND KaldVf,: no paper in tne wona w r- much news matter every week sstts Herald, which is sent, rostaf tmj? r DoUar Toucan subscribe at as c ThelNe w York Herali . in a weekly foTEs,: One Dollar a Year : Address, - IVeir York Derail THOS. JS. BOND, Bop't, - Wflmistcn, C THKO. O. QEB, Freight As;ent, 9mm arv TH Tne brrt HKnmH i. v . I " ' . new iorr. I . w- -11 waicn WJI.FOIiXDB el CO., to advertise Fall and Wiitar Goods am org I portionjof.theNorlh, gulled by fheooi. 0f Bobeeon. Bichmond a, a Sttch imposteri -as DaweS Hoar, Frye, en eounUae, in Aorta Carolina, and ia the Conkling otters h0 fctd Ua fatten ISLmUuZuSiJ politically upon these vile misrepresenta- Ution In the Fee Dee and Cape Fear eeetiot Hons-and slanders? : - - 1 utmBZ!,"l - - r m - - uvuuii ki was nnnuaaaa is rarattaruia iarva i. . . . . i . . . . ' . . - . w- Many lose meir oeauiy icom ue naui saovai ts lAuinnsrs;, and tn the loraer I a" J! WW 1 . T S jam SI SS BrodwsyA JTew York. pu RGiEiUL mm 3 E UNDER HEW MAIf AQKMKJTT, s falling or fading. sam supp vents fall gant drcssin Parker's Hair BaM within the last few montha. Aarerusemcnts wiu De inserted br t&a And year at reasonable rates U. 1. XlCLIUrSIK, Iim nnvrftn fiMmahnant VaI mg- and grayness and is an: el e-1 , T!Vddra,- LaUPrcpriet iriAtlantiaGotel. - First Class ia all its'ap points: euU. per oar TOMATOES 1 All varieties of Choice Preserves, in one and two pound Canp, the best in the market. Our elegant Family Flonr, Parole d Honenr, Pig Hams, Breakfast Strips and Small Shoulders, Parched Java and iiagiiayra Coffee, These goods nre all fresh this week Onr prices and quality of goods will convince yon if you will try us. Try the prepared Soups. ForaloaV Froadway and An Street dee 11 SC0PPER1MG AND I Flowers Wh10 s Jebtt A ablltf Vid lltrl ii ecrarre-! r J V rAaDJACTOKED,BT S71ac.Oonpany, tlltoiV- FrieaCand samples oa tiend ia year ctUn tax v ical-dAwtf iv