FOREIGN-NEWS. Lpxdox,' April 23 Contrary to gener al supposition, Lord Beaconsfield leaves a fair fortune, although the exact amount will not appear in ine mil. ais wiie brought him a good property, and he made something out of his books. Then that romantic old lady, Mrs. Williams, left him 40,000 on condition that she should be buried beside him at Hugben den. Mrs. Williams is buried in, the same vault as his wife. There will be a tremendous rush to Ilughenden on Tues day. The Great Western Railway will run a series of special trains during the dav. and his old followers, in and out of Parliament, will muster at the grave in' 1 great force, 'ine morning papers puo lish a paragraph to the effect that the Queen approves of the action of Lord Bcaconsfield's executors in having a private funeral in accordance whh Hie request in his will, andthatsh. Mt strongly when a similar injunction iei't by Lord Palmerstoa was disregarded. This paragraph was written and sent to the papers by the Queen herself. The Russian circular received at Vienna concerning anarchists is dated April 4, and says: "Namerous mani festations of opinion forthcoming since the assassination of the Czar have con vincingly established the necessity for combating the social danger by which not alone Russia is threatened. In pro posing a congress Russia desires to and, conjointly with other powers, some way of meeting the evil without infringing on the sovereign independence of legisla tion belonging to each state " Na time "or place for the holding of the proposed congress is mentioned. THE INVASION OF TUNIS. It is said that the Khoumirs have of fered complete submission and will sur render unconditionally to the commander of the Bey's" troops. Maltese residents of Tunis are hourly sending telegrams to A!alta asking for the presence of British men of-war in view of 'the possibility of a fanatical outbreak. It will be well to re member, however, that previous reports ef a desire of the Khoumirs to surrender unconditionally have proven unfounded. Garibaldi thinks that French preponder ance in Tunis will be a permanent dan ger to Italian interests. THE MONETARY CONFERENCE The International Monetary Confer ence, in which Mr. Evarts takes so much inserest, is little understood or hoard of here. 1 he few papers which take any notice of its proceedings are hostile to i. The Economist says : "If the action of the United States is in any way de pendent on that of England, the rejection of th bie-metallist proposals follows as a matter of course. This country cer tainly will never consent to their adop tion." The Saturday lieview also de clares that the bimetalic plan is impossi ble, and the Pall Mall Gazette advises England not to mix herself up with "the coterie of doctrinaires and the interested venders of silver now gathered at Paris." are "the onlv influential waners a, S which have made any reference to the subject. Cor. Richmond Dispatch. Washington, D, C, ) - April 23, 1831. . j Tho determination of the Republican Bcnatorg to enforce the demands of their caucus has locked up the business of the Government for now seven weeks, and today finds them exactly whero they started, fatigued, worn out, discomfited by the hard road they have had to trav el; while the Democrats, full of life and spirits, and as fresh as a rost, are ready for another seven weeks' go-as-you-please. Jbortunately lor the Kepuoiican3, tne President has at lastdetermindo "stop this foolishness." aad next week! as all sisrns indicate, the Republican kinr cau cus will come down from his high-horse constitutional majority (so called) and agree to - assist the Adminstration to perform its executive busines?. THE PRESIDENT VS. CON RUNG. The President and hi3 friends have concluded that if the fight over Rtbert son's nomination must come the sooner the better, in view of the faet that Conk ling is supposed to be stealing the affec tions of the Democratic Senators, while Mr. Frye's mxiden effort ha3 very per ceptibly chilled the feeling of kindliness towards the amiable Garfield that was warming Democratic besoms. Unless the Administration makes it very clear to tho opposition that the junior Senator from Maine wa3 speaking for himself, and not for the President and his Pre mier, the vole on Robertson's confirma tion will indicate a rising popularity for Senator Conkling that would not have been dreamed of a week ago. UNVEILING OF THE FARRAODT MONUMENT. r, ,Tho Farragut monument will be un veiled Monday. The preparations as completed promise a great success. The naval and military procession'will be large and imposing, and the high repu tationof the orators selected for the oc casion insures eloquent addresses. Many of the seeking Readjusters who have been here looking after the 'crumbs that were to fall from the misters table have succumbed te the pangs of disarm pointed aspiration and gone home, stilt hungry, and with little hope of ever satis fying tfieir cravings froa'the public crib. Tho bona-fide Republican who swears by Jorgensen is lifting his head again erectly and believes in the virture, the courage, and the incorruptibility of the Republi can party with a renewed faith, all the Btrongerfor its recent wavering. The expected break in the deadlock will, if it comes, bo taken very coolly and philoso phically by the Democratic senators. They will enjoy their victory in a quiet way, cooperate heartily with their erring l?onnhlirn.n brethren who haVO SO long blocked the pathway of the Administra tion by their stubborn resistance to the inevitable, confirm such nominations as to them shall seem meet, and quietly await another struggle, in the still hotter days of the coming summer. - Whether the Republicans will ever ctura to their folly, if they once leave it, remains to be seen. Possibly an in ternecine strife over the appointments may dtsiroy the solidarity of- their or- ganization ank release its members from the yoke , of. the caucus. -, poms wouia welcome even this as a happy eiciperom the suspicion of "a corrupt bargaui." Hickory Carolinian'. The store and warehouse of F. A Keever at Barretts Mountain in Alexander county was des troyed by fire on Monday night the 11th inst. The loss is estimated at $1500, only partly covered by insurance. Rockingham Spirit of the South: Amount of School Fund of Richmond County on hand March 7, 1881, $5,746. 46. Amount apportioned, $4,355.40, be ing 68 cents for each schollar, there be-, ing 6,405 children of school age in the county 2,933 white and 3,472 colored Hickory Psess: During the recent wind and snowstorm in Wataega county, while the mail carrier from Boone to Patterson was crossing the Blue Ridge, he and his horse were blown violently against a tree and held there tighly for five minutes or more. A cow be longing to our townsman, Mr. H. W. Link, recently gave birth to a calf that was ready marked in the way our farmers usually mark their stock. It had a complete "'swallow fork" in each ear as nicely made as if it had been cut by an experienced hand. : Newbernimn: The catch of herrings at the different seine beaches in this im mediate v'efhity is now simply enormous. Over one hundred thousand were taken at a sJngle haul one day this week. Our ingenious townsman, Mr. J. T. Matthews haajust invented and patent ed u novel but simple tool for trans planting cotton plants and young vege tables, which does the work in a Very neat and expeditious manner without any injury whatever to the roots. The pea fields are now white with blos soms, and the truckers are supplying themselves with vast numbers of boxes for the reception of the crop, j Gree sboro Patriot: We speak by authority when we say that, within the next 90 days there will be two more Tobacco Factories in operation in Greensboro. And within the next 60 days two Warehouses will be built and opened for the sale of leaf tobacco. We will then have4 factories and 3warehouses in active operation. Last night the citizens of Reidsville were -shocked to learn that a young citizen of that town had taken his own life. The sad event occurred about 9 o'clock, and the young man was Raleigh McLaughlin about 3d years of age. No cause assigned for the sad affair. Statesville Landmark : 'The land whereon the new .American genv known as "Hiddeuite" was first found, and from which it has since been gathered, was that of Mr. J. W. War ren, of Sharpe's township, Alexander county. After having leased the mineral right in the land to Prof. W. E, Hidden Mr. Warren has sold to him the whole property and has himself bought a place adjacent, from Mr. 1. N. Sharpe. Mr. Warren has looked for minerals on his recently acquired property and was in Statesville Tuesday with handsome specimens of mica, rutile and crystal quartz. Nems and ObservenOn Friday 'James Thomas DeJarnette. who in, July, 1880, shot and killed his sister in a bagnio in Danville, Va., and who last week was acquitted of the crime, after two trials, was placed in the Insane Asylum here. He was brought down by his cousin, Mr. Jas. P. DeJarnette, and placed in charge of Dr. Grissom. Yesterday "we saw Mr. DeJarnette. He savs that hi Ihe murderer, is verv ouiet. inst s h has been for months past. There is an utter lack of any inclination to converse. For the first few months after the slaying of his sister, he talked freely, but now his reticence is remarkable. He eat?, dresses and sleeps well, but occasionally complains of a pain in his head. De Jarnette's cousin says that, Dr. Grissom, he judges, has hopes of restoring his mind. The excutivc committee .of the fair held a meeting Thursday even ing. The Secretary, Colonel Polk, re ported that in response to a circular let ter addressed by him to the manufac turers of fertilizers, sold in this State, he had received the offer already of seven teen tons as special premiums to farmers on cotton, tobacco, &c, and $245 in gold. We learn that last Tuesday a gang of a dozen convicts at work on the Western North Carolina Riilroad, beyond Asheville, overpowered the guards, seized tne guns and made a rush for liberty. Another guard, at some dis tance, saw the break, and fired on the flvinar men. killing one. PnrRiiit nf t k otheas was at once made, and all save one captured. - Many lose their beauty from the hair falling Or fadincr. Parker's Hair Ttal. 8am supplies necessary nourishment, pre vents tailing ana grayness ana is an ele gant dressing. .. i -..." - - JOB PRIN6 ! AT THfJ LOWEST PRICES ! ASCERTAIN MY PRICES BEFORE HAVING YOUR PRIUT1UQ DONE ELSEWHRRE! Satisfaction' Guaranteed 1 i MNUG OKfcFULLV J-XSOUTED o? iK-r-ns e U jr. at of; the eity'afid rent to ihto Dr mi; frv t f ; otfT. ' -.-.. w akh,ck7 ; Co coi CLeituat a&d 7ter Streets OSoiin HT!ew Halila . . - V. tach 1 coimcnciAL mcua S. lit ; XmUL3iiTOlt 'UAtULBT. - u C3PIIUT3 TJJRPEH ria J-Quoted firm at 86 cents. Sales 250 casks at that figure. KOSIN Quoted firm at tl 45 tor Strained and f 1 50 tor Good Strained. 8ales 1,000 bbls Good Strained at quotations. TAR Quoted fiim at tl 91 per bbl mt 2891bs.. : . , - OilUDB TURPKNTINB -Quoted steady at 1150 for Hard, SO for Soft and f2 60for Virgin;' - - COTTONQuoted steady. No sales re ported. The' following are the official quo tations : r QrdiBsry.. Good Ordlasry Low Uiddling...... Mi4d!ia)C..... 63 U14 0at t 94ibr BPsirTi UotUi. ..M.....MM.M.m.MM. ........ 19 bile. ipirit Turpeatins.. MM. -6 esa Rori 1543 bbi runt -rmiTlttnit. HlMnnUlM' mm Jtft " Crade Tarpeatlns 4 9 " 2IAEIHE nEWS. i Steamer. Elisaoeta,W llklnsoa.SinlUiyiliJ, Master. . ' - , ': - steamer North State. Oreen. FayetteTllle WArtk Jk. Wnrtk. fehr Ring Dve, Coaslns, Bath, E. G parser & uo t Sohr. A 8. Snare, Snare, BAngor. Barker A O , - . ' a schr Mlnals C Tavlor. Taylor. Portland. Taa H Ch Ad hnn rn M CU I Nor barque Resolve, 8plelberg, Dankirk, - Steamer Elizabeth, WllkinBou,Smlthville, Haste r Steamer North State, Oreen, FayetteylUe, Wrth A Werth. , A , Bt bfieJ Williams. Nelson. Bristol, Alex Eprunt & Sou ., cscnr jonn "ernes, waiia.uapsnajwou. Hay tl, E Kidder A Sons , irnft E Meservev. Meservey. Boston Northrop A Camming COASTWISE. Boston-schr Irene E Meservey 210.49 ft lumber, 6 bbls pitch. Bristo1 Br brig J Williams 500 casks spits. 2.109 bbls rosin Haytl Schr John Somes 137,477 feet lumber .... WtttiK. L.Y S rA.TBM.BNT Of 6TOGK OS HASO APtflti THS 35th, 1881a Osttou ashore .,..,...M,....M......M 2,785 flOttAHHIUMMHMIIHIHIM'HtMIN 101 TotI....M.M ...v. . 2 886 Bpiriis aahord.'.. 1837 LUt of Vcsisli Otct 100 toni in Pert April 23 18 81. ; BABKT Ger Marie. 5S5 tons, Permieii, . E Feschau to We ster mann Nor Alfen, 375 tons, Fetterses, .-. r Beide & Co Nor BonaFideV 511 tens, Allefsen, . i, v " - CPMebane Oer Elsie Mtzler, S73 tons, Dabm, " Pescbmn to Westennann Noi ErsUtnirjger, 377 tonar Lydersen, : Heidd fc Co Ger Atlantic, 393 tons, Shear i g, . - E Pchau to Wtsfermann Ger f tar of H pe, 236 tons, Uuiaau, KrebcWaa v Wett riuann Nor Jerbueu, 27 1 toiu, 8vftedpn, C V Mebane Hide to JO Nor A M t"' b ?iga.i!, 4i'ii'oi.-.Jhxisou ' J i Mbne Ger Lydia reschau, 40i u i , iremera, ifi lA&obu & tvtermnn Nor Morvl, 363 tons, Mauiiie&en, r.p Heide b Co f BUIGS. Gr Obcron, 242 oas, Westpbal, & t'escbaa to Westermann Br Zingu, 199 tous, Botls, U Barker to Co Br J William 333 tots. Nelson, i - - : .K G Barkor to Co I OHOONEBS: " 'Am C W Ldwis,'320 tons, . Hopper, " J H Chadbonrn Am HatCie' A Wbit, 12& tous, Bell its, . K G- Barker A Co Am Watchful, 137 tons, Gill, EG Barker & Co Am John J Ward, 233 tous, lunian, Geo Uarriss & Co Am Jessie Hart, 2d, 255 tana, Wall, SQ Bsrker A Co Am Alta T Cole, 202 tons, MUchejl, ' . , Geo Uarriss & Co Am C H M5c0omber, 120 tons, Perry, KG Barker &.Co Am J jhu fciomes, 137 tons, Walls, KG Barker & Co (Am Fdard Lameyer, 145 tons, Kenaall, KG Barker & Co Am Jennie li. Moise, 403 tons, Anderson, Master Am Saml Bart, 210 tons, Holbrook, E G Barker to Co Am Irene E Meservey ,244 tons,Meserrey, Norturop & Cnmming Am Geo Churchman, 281 tons, Bisley, ' Geo Harriss to Co Am Carrie Bella, 274 tons, Seavy, E G Barker & Co Am'E H Urnmmond, 296 tons, Hi gins, - EGBarker&Co Am Marcta Reynolds, 312 tons, Tilton, E Kidder to Sons Am Clara, 298 tons, Crammer, laid np, . . - - Geo Harriss Total. . 2,514 .... 71,f20 4,627 j Toxi....-..,-....-.... 75,647 Tax ashore ......... ........ 27 TOtAU.. ...... -n...M HIMtlhMMilM 6273 Oruda a?fi'jr9M. .... -.. ....... 1,407 afloat. kaaifra ra in wstc suoisa ap&il 35th Or tan.; .28 Hoirits.... 9i5 R03UUtaMMMlMH.tiM..MMWtlHU 2,3W9 Orads.w;.. ....... 1,851 icroaTalroaTHa wi-Kiissw APait 25th - . , ' i - . - - , Domsstf o - 451 269 OottonM.M.. m.mU.....m.m . M. finf rifts.. ............... R08ia..M........:.................i.....- 1,140 Orafls. 27 Cotton Spirita ....... ftosinM..M Tar. Fori2a ............... ...... u...... .a...... ..... . .. v. ... ...., ....... ... Omds ...... m ... M.... . . 4,139 3 1 NEW FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY ) n STORE. rilHE UNDEBSIQNEl HAS OPENED A 3L branch Fnjit, and Confectionery Store under the "Review" Office, corner Water and Chestnut streets All persons passing that locality are rartrally invited to call and be suited with Fruit, Home-made and Fancy Candles, 8oda Water, ' Cigars and a general nice variety, at . - 8. G. NORTHROP'S, , apl 2 vi .: ; .,, Water St. 8tore. New Crop Cuba. For this -Port from Foreign Forts BABES. 1 nwi Agatuo) ow waotaoarA sauea iwm iiremen, Feb 24 , Ger Anna, 325 tons, Siewsrts, sailed from Glasgow, Feb 24 Nor Braekka, 363 tons, Neilsen, sailed from Amsterdam, April 1 Swd Carin, 472 tons, Westerland, sailed from Liveroool. Feb 25 i Ger Charles, 300 tons, Langhoff, cleared rom uonaou, jsny Dan filene, 471 tous, DabT, taile i frouj Liverpool, Feb 25 : Ger Emile, 419 tons, Kuulh, sailed fromJSt Nazaire, Maicn 12 : Nor Forsrtte, 349 tous, Knudsou, sailed from Belfast, Feb 11 Br Geo Walker, 4IS tors, J'atersn. sailed from Havre, March 13 ; Ger Hera, tecback, sailed from Li uer Ick, January 28 Swd Israel, 320 tons, Tallin, sailed from Liverpool, March 3 1 Nor Besolve, 393 tous, Speilberz, sailed from Dnnkirk, Jan 13 . Ger Bichajd, 463 tons, Paske, sailed from Havre, March 27 Nar.Thorgnv, 448 tons, Andersen, at Bristol, April 7 Nor Silo, Niolsen, sailed from Havre, March 4 Br Vizcaya, 276 tons, Butler, sailed from Plymouth, March 20 BRIGS Ger Albertine Meyer, 266 "tecs,. Zelek, sailed from Havre, March 2 , . Nor Brazillian, 332 tons,; Berge, sailed from Algiers, Dec 14, iSwd Carin, 283 tons, Schmidt, sailed from Hull, April 4 Nor Oongal, 334 tous,;Daniel3fn, at St Oyazaire, Jan 12. Han 2nd April, Sortnsen, sailed from Gibarutha, Feb 10 Swd Krnil, 265 tons, Mehnors,, sailed from Havre, Jan 25 1 Nor Garellen, 260 tors Wejbe, cleared from London, April 2 Nor Bagnbild,19i tons, Hansen, sailed irom Rotterdam, Feb 21 . : Ncr Saltero, 332 tons, NoyerjSailed from Cette, January 20 SwdSvalan, 825 tons, Jansson, eailed from St Vincent, Jan 31 " Nor Tramore, 355 tons, Chris' iacsen, sailed from Grim&tad, . March. 31 Mie:jEfiiiwt;Car:tliis it Season. CQg HHD3. SELECTED " NEW CROP CUBA. t prrv'TIKRCES SELECTED i C3 . . CR0P CUBA CJust received and now landing ez Schr Maggi Dalling.- ; . For sale lowby '. ' 1 . ,, Williams & MurchUoa. Health is Wealth I EK. E. C. WESTS Nebvb Ind Bratu Treatment : a specific for Hysteria, iness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory, Im po tency, Premature Old Age, caused by over exertion excesses, or - ever-indnlgence, which leads to misery, . decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dol lar a box; or six boxes for 'five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt- of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, ac companied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written agreement to re turn the money if the treatment does not effect a cure.. Guarantees issued by WMT H.. GREEN, Druggist, (successor to Green & Flanner) Wilmington, N. C. Orders by rnaQ will receive prompt attention; ' - r mch23"dw-U -. . " " Wer Offer 1500 Bbls Good d0URf - - - - - : r- - - 2QQ Bags COFFEE, MOLASSEF, 1 ff Hhds New Orleans 1UU 100 Hhds and Bbls Cuba do gQQ Bales HAT, 2QQQ Bushels WHITE CORN, HALL & PEARS ALL Fresh Every Day JiNB AaaoRTir bf.oahdup, Frenh aa 1 Domemfe, Jwt reoeiTed acd foi ale.-. . -'V: THB 05LT GNULNK GOUE-UADS 0ndj la the dry, will ba . fomad sverv dij, fraih and tweet. tLrei door a" South it the toefcea ca Sabocd 'atreet. AUo. ZTuts Clsiaa,;rrr:t to. ; C. E. JEVIs, Thef-"- loltsala pt. aall orders tl BAGGING Standard.; 1IM BACON North Carols Bho&ldart , V C.. Sides, jr p,. Western Smoked Baau. Bides, V Dry Salted ; Sides, "9 lb........... Shoulderfl, g.... BKEy Live weight... BARBELS Spirita TurMatiiM Sseond Ua&d,aeoM.4.s New Tork,eaek, nsw.M BSKSWAX V SMMM.M B ilC K8 Wilmington, 3? 21 Northern ...... . ..... BUTTE.1 North Oaxoliaa & Northern, 73. hM.MMMM CANDLES Sperm'G lh.. Tallow, G ftx Adamantine, y let.. Northern Fastory, Dairy ersam, y E. Bute, "O B OOFIEE Java, ? B, Kio, yj c... .. . .. . ..... Laguyra, 0 r.HHW OOBN MKAL "O bushel.. COTTON TIES bdl. UUMKbTlU 1 wT c T quotations represants lrally. In maJciagcp .s nave to be sharged HKd1 10 O 5 is o 10 e 90 30 00 eo 12 25 35 10 14 14 10 28 G 1 G 2 0 49 8 Ol4 e o o o o o o o o 18 O I T5 O 3 Sbeetinff . 4-4 13 nri- Tarn, V bench 1 10 V SH- '" - . 1 ".' -Maexeral, No. I, B'bbU.16 CO lfo.1, Vbbl ...... 8 75 Uaekerel, No. 2, ? bbL...12 50 No. 2, y K bbl 6 CO HaekereL No. 3 V bbl .00 00 3 SO 6 50 T 00 00 00 00 00 .50 00 9 13 11 6 14: mi 00 7i 00 21 00 Of 18 33 40 10.S 15 15 11 $0 20 20 76 . W) 7 20: UMU. y DDI. ............... N. C. Herring, keg...- 10 to eoo 00 6 50 6 3 6 FLOUR Fine 53 bbl. M MM.. 0 Super, Nortcrn, V bbL.. 6 Extra do ' bbLM 6 Family . . bbL 7 Oiry UUEs.8uper 9 bbL.. 7 h Family bbL.. 7 " 'Ex.FamilyPbbl 8 1EBTILXZEBS ' Fsruvian Guano, 2000 Ss.C0 Oarolina Fertiliser " 00 Navasaa Guano, " Complete Manure . " Whann'aPhoaphate Wando Fhofphate, " Wlleox, Glbb & Co., 2nlpolated Guano. M. UijUsi n ..................... GUAIN Oorntore, 5S3 Oern, cargo, j? 56 &a... Oorn, reL., y baebel........ Oatf, i bushel. Peas, sow, V bujiheL . UlUfcB Green, y 4b 9 G G O O o e G Q S5 75 00 0 00 50 50 60 25 'it 25 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 ma- .....00 03 8 70 63 7 10 70 4 10 20 1C 65 10 11 70 00 &40 00 40 00 &67 00 QiO 00 -40 00 Or7 9 AeeVeea HAT Eastern, jB 100 a... North ttivar, y.iw im.... 1 HOOP IRON y. ton..... LARD Northern y B.....M North Carolina y ..... LIMB y bbl...;..;.... LUMBER City ateaai is' wd Ship stuff, reiawed,-? M ft. 18 Roughdge4lank, y M ft. 16 Weit IndU eirgo, aoeord- ing to quality; V M ft...i3 Dresaed noaring,ce&aoned.l5. Scantling and boards, com mon, "Q M 04U .12 KOLASSES Ouba.hhdVgl ' Oaba, bbls., y gai Sugar hottie.nhdi. y gal. " bitty gal. Orleans Choise bbls. y oral. AILS Out. 20dto4d,kg,DS8is OILS Keroc&c.tj3 gsi....M 14 Lard, v? gtl 70 Linseed, V g1 75 Rosin, y gat. 25 PEANUTS y bushel........ 63 POTATOES-tSweet, has. 00 Iriah, Northern, bbl . 1 25 FORK Northern, city met:. 17 f O 00 00 Prime, y bbl (extra) 00 00 Kum.y bbl..............09 00 00 ii5 ff o & 0 o 1 47 1 & & 00 14 69 68 62,' 75 a 12 25 15 00 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 37 S3 25 47 00 O20 00 Old 00 16 ei4 o 3 & & & 2 6)18 00 00 CO 00 CO 75 80 50 60 00 CO .M ... mm .....MM....M..M 9 BICROarolina9 Eaat Iadia..;......M Rough, y Dxshel. .. BAGS-ounujbk S M..M. JXiip-- Hemp...... HutiMnwiH ...... Manflla...... SALT Alum,, eack....M Liverpool, J? sack........... AKeriean y aqk M..M ' Marshal's fine, y B8ckM..M BO GAB Cuba, yjb.. Eft Porto Ri u " V ?EExC-T?E. iWOrushad V B....... SOAP Northern, V SHINGLES OoDtract, y 6 . Common. 9 M...u. 2 STAVES W. O. bblTV M.12 60 B O hhd. Cm.. tafiimMMtOO 00 TALLOWY ieTwsaaa eate ees O TIMBER Shipping y MM.12 00 Mill, extra per'iLvM....M10 00 i Mill, prime per M-...10 CO MilL fair per M 8 00 Common, per M...M.M..M6 00 Inferior to Ordinafy.per M 4 60 WHISKEY North's, per gl 1 25" North Caroina, per gal ...12 00 WOOLUnwa&hed,perlbM.' 25 Washed. ier rs .TT, S5 'Barrr wool, per Ib.... 18 Q0O 00 g?00 OO Ik & G 1 00 25 peeee 13 14X0 70 Q 65 00 & O oo a 10HO 10HQ o 5 00 00 CO 00 00 50 00 10 00 11 00 11' 50 75 016 00 00 00 o 00 G15 00 li CO on oo . 9 CO 7 CO 6 00 6 CO 60 00 o o o & o Q O a o 23 10 000" hs ?rime WLiteC0KN OTK Boxes Smoked and D S Sides (O C: n Hhds and Tierces OUU New Crop Cuba 10( ) w 118 Molaes J ust received a ad for sale low by "WILLIAi: S & MURCniSON flQur, Sugar, Coffee, &c lOOOBbls Flour, all grades, ; 250 Bbls Sugars, Granulated, A, Extra , : vanau, u 50;Bbls New Orleans Sugar, : 1350.Bags Coffee, diffcrent'grades, 125 Boxes Asserted Candy, 100 Tuba Choice!Leaf Lard, , i ':? 75 Bbls arfdJBWes Lemon5Cakesr ; 375Tk)ie:Iand Potash," ; . 200 Boxes Soap'; . 75 Boxes audKcgs Soda, 100, Boxes and IXalf Bbls Suufl. Shot, Buttets. Pa Der. SDlce: Pnrr; nfn' ger, Hoop Irorc, &c., ilandoljph ihccUnet ton.NJ. -O- - w t I I ' muu fCla - L. i of JeffdrAn n::: r V. apl 13 4 J.ATt,k Vi ' 'lUlB, to I OST nir AOS gp? it m. 'i WEDAL AUirvf . KfllilJr i Ttik A rw IKE I- GEORGE PAG&fir ' iWUC4, STEAM EH8SNES OJM.SUlifiOEDES ST.. xAX.HilUiii5, SID. i A r .hi r i : 1 GriHt and Flour SUIis. WaWIvv" "! , apd Barrel M.J.J;fi nd U It I N 1 IX i; .! IT J I K K j? it Spring & Sumr: Stvles, it; --can Y-V V MP r a - I I AM NOW RECEIVING DAILY li and well selected 6tock of all the L st les in Ladies and Misses', (Mir; Men's fine BOOTS and SHOES. tost of Ladies' Button Boots, in Kid, Ir Pel Me and French Kid Hand Hide,', and Machine Made, of the best nule, i as you have been getting at my phcts which need no further recommeEdi'Ja. Also, the tame in Infanta, CLU Youths and Boys. My Men 's Wear Department r! be surpassed by any store in tte .t. call is all I ak to convince yon 9ttti Pi ices that defy competition. . . - Respectfully. O. -'-'ROSEMTHil! 32 mcb 28 Market Street the sun. baltiece;; ' -- " - - - , PutliEhed DaUy, Fxcept Benowted i tti ; Freeheetacd Most SauafacWJ"-'- , ' ' . papers. faaUy adheres.,. m :;iv. 11 son uiom"--... ' . .. . t Lew in Price Compact to t- Icdependct :ia Ext-reesiott, Coittn .- t ." 1 he career cfiHE 8rjy,l"a J beginniBjr,bsbeea cbaract gresaive spirit and an of enternrise. To tneee characterteifl Covering as i plete rtflax of tbespim oi ia. t TQfi BDXexprewei Wf ren 1 evert as they ariia a t public Interest, with tfct Jgt t in? at rit t resalU eoflferrs era! welfare. Its wwutwtifW onchly inown and noderrtoo. TBESU5 la adapted to Jt enjoys a world wide coi ja. j: The extent and JJfZ&fi Local Beports, tfceir caxefal foreign and domestic, to OW1" cenencdfnes, covers all the F'j' transpiring at ae fS,Si proper cote and eeaBj. 1 pasLitwiil b9 xnaintaiaea a ataxw'ard In the fatore. & THE CI IUB Dl" " Kir with the auncrt care, : --1 az1 tare cnidea by iffE - A.afrnruii latest and ttosi - , iheseieporunt topics , jvg. In abort, THE fc .jTt fcjl l Uia the fcijrb "POii1 ai t an ent'pririn?, SJ9 tiei for col-ecuniT "''a to meet ie vr- . ri'--.v-and toBtJaUia jtjj .JJX its Uraecdteii.J . - . fermf of FBtscrlcT vf Three atoothj, P"" f! iai- . Address . 1' ftb i

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