wiU be glad to receive ecnmiaiettlcs from ems friend on tsy and all o eeaertliatsrett but : . - . Tae naae of the writer azsX alwtys be fa t altbedlo the Editor. - Oonunualoatloai cut be written ca c nly one tide of the piper PersoaaUUes ctut be avoided And It is especially sad particularly aader ftood that the Editm does not always eedcrsa the views 6t eorrespotdenti, aaleu io stated in the editorial colns&f. U ew Adyortisemonts. ' ; MlflEW. II M ZVa toSTAGE PAID. tfCS 50; Three ii5 Oae month, 50 cents. cocifc,1 ' b doiiyered by camera, P'PCI; rfr rt6f the city, at the ut .rates lo and liberal tiwraB n IeM8 report any and VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, APRIL 26. 1881. NO. 49 THE GREAT, FOB RHEUMATISM 3 Moumlnh. Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of ihc Cxoti, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, j Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. r9 iwratlon on earth equali St. Jacobs Oil ui $afe,$ure, simple tui cheap External jLedy A trial entails tut the comparatively triliDg outlay of 60 Cents, and every one auffer lai with pain can have cheap and positivo proof 4 itt claims. Directions In Keron Languages. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS' IN MEDICINE. A.VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Md., IT, S. -4. Nun's Cloth, 43 ftllUIim ID',- f -J wa'uht. BUCK FRENCH BUNTINGS. All Wool, Peautiful and Cheap. .'Novelties.',, In DnB Goods, j ait teceivoJ, Laees, ? Ficu Vla Toichn, SpD'.gh and varlcui olberaaW. The pines are all rights Straw flattings. ' gditock abd fail to ba the cheapest BUCK SlLKi-pUin a d brocade-thoie b b!d W geea, f r thej are uLder market R.iV.. fVIclntire. ipl is . - Arriving Daily ! VrE ARS NOW BUSY OPENING, Pkg and arranging oar Soring and f-cr stock cf Gent's, Youths' and Boys' 5oand FuraMnnS Gooa?. We have pOU season the largest stock, the pretti. stk and the cheapest stock of Cloth! fi offered ia this market, A call and f5!nPaonUrefrKctrully solicited. . A. & I. SHRIEK, Market street. Try . Joe Person' Indian Tonic Biters naorit hi, pr0Tea iif unequal- U COY. HninciTi LVJS?i? ' that a momter Toale witV r ur8' Jo barton'. W. W. Ko: m v STRONG'S OPlNlni D'fWJu.PJ 'ea.ts i take ' "CS "aci J V V? 19 ToiPo, and wiah VV llmiitfbft.. wn ft- uuiiii- V. Now Artvcn: emfiiiK. Jno L Dciley, Sccl'y Sec 221, Endow ment Rank, K of P J H Plgji, Sect'y Oi-ion Lodge, IOOF Henky Savage Lit-ente Taxea. J A Spuingek Coal $7 per T -n C W.YaiK--Do You Waut an Ot irn I IIeinsbbboek Pianos and Organs A' & I Shuieii Arriving Daily . Magistrate's Row 3 iel-icd m no item The pelfcitn, like the plambtr i3 re markable fcr its enoraotre bill: - "'?k A veil is a prolcction agaio3t the san of heaven nnd tVe ?ona of earth. Zebras arc very stylish; they wear striped stock icga up to their necks. Selfish men can never see how others can do a good thing from" pure motives. Man, like buckwheat cakes, always feel sweetest when surrounded by lasses. To day is observed in Georgia ond other States farther South as Memorial Day. The steamship Gulf Stream, Captain Ingram, arrived in port this morning from New York. What a beautiful thing is a rosy cheek! How great the contrast when the blush settles on the nose. Nevef cross abridge til you come to it, is a good motto, but be sure that the drawer is not open, even then. Man's lot: Twist women and wine : man's lot is to smart, the wine makes his head ache and the women his heart ache. Sol. Haas, Esq., General Freight Agent of the newly consolidated Railway Line, is registered at the Purcell House. We have seen spring bonnets with sixteen full-blown poppies on them. The young ladies' poppies hare to pay dearly for them. , 'Indications. For the South Atlantic States fair weather, south to west.wiads, stationary er higher barometer and temperature. Imported Stock. Capt. T. J. Southerland received this morning from New York a couple of genuine imported English Southdown rams, which will be sent for the, present to his model farm near this cijy. The rams are said to have a pedigree as long as a seventeen-sheet MSS., and are no doubt among, the best in this country. They arc very lar&e and fine-lookiDg, though at present they look a little the worse for wear on acconnt of their long B3a voyage. m i mi fcj J ' i . City Court. His Honor Mayor Smith interviewed five hucksters this morning. -They were charged with non-payment of the license tax. Judgment was suspended on the promise of payment of C03ts. " A white woman, charged with disor derly conduct, was fined $10 and costs or 20 days' imprisonment. Special Term Criminal Court A special term of the Criminal Court for this county has been ordered f by his Honor Judge O. P. Meares to convene on the 30th day of May., The special terauts in order to prevent, a conflict with the Superior. Court which convenes on the 1st Monday in June. Witnesses recognized for the appearance at the June term of the Criminal Court will have to attend the special term. Really St. Jacobs Oil is a wonderful remedy, writes Mr. Wm. Rtinhart, El mcre,Wis., fdr I could mention dbzens of cases where it has proved its magical in fluence. One case in particular I will state: I know a man who suffered with Rheumatism for the last twenty-four vears. and of late he could hardly move around. After using a few bottles f St. JacobsOii he was entirely cured. The Doctor of Alcantara j The Doctor of, Alcantara will be re peated at the Opera House to-night for the benefit of Mrs. M. P. Taylor Judg ing from the diagram a good audience will-greet the Doctor. In addition to the attractions presented at the last per formance, Mrs. Kahnweiller wiiljrender several of her vocal selections and Pro fessor Gaston M. Hobbs will, by request perform several difficult pieces on the violin.- Professor Tony will also appear and take part in the gnards. Mr. R. H Grant will be quite an addition and his fine voice will add much to the harmony and melody of the vocal parts LOCAL Odd Fellows' Anslrersary. Grand Representative C. M. Basbee. of Raleigh, will deliver an address before Cape Fear and Orion Lodges I O. O. F., of thia city, to night, the occasion be ing the G2d anniversary of American Odd Fellowship. The public are invited to attend. Geij. 11. E. Colston is still confined to hi bi:d at tbe resideucx of hi saa-iji-law, Cipl. A. D. Ltppltt, Irotn a severe afiC tian ot the sciatic docv-j. He. has been w greut sufferer -having been laid up with the mine -trottble while -m Egypt, when he was carried.oh a'littcr across the deerU He thinks his present attack is much more severe than the one be had while in the Khedive's army. Bel-VUft MUetefy. ,At the fifth annual meeting of lot-owners and stockholders of Bellevue Cemetery Company held last night, the following officers . were elected for the ensuing year: President E. W. Manning. Vice President John A. Everitt. Secretary and Treasurer John S Mc-Eachern. . Directors John D. Bellamy, Jr., W. A. Gumming?" John C.Bornemann, P.H Smith, James Alderman, S. W. Holden, S. H. Morton. A superintendent of the cemetery will be elected at a future meeting of the Board of Directors. A Friend in Need. The following story, is related by the Washington correspondent of the At lanta Constitution: The other evening I witnessed an in cident which was an eloquent answer to the slanders of the Southern people on the negro question. I was standing in the Metropolitan hotel when an aged negro went up to Gen. Ransom - and genial Zeb Vance, who were conversing in the lobby. In a few minutes I saw them go out with the old negrt between them just as if he were a United- States Senator, take him to the ticket office next doer, buy him a ticket to Carlotte, and put him in a hack which took him to the depot with a crisp $5 bill in his hand. He had been in Virginia for some time but longed-for his home in the old North State, telling Vance that he wanted to die 'Jon the old planta tion." It was1 tod much for the warm hearted 'tar:heel." Money and mois ture came at once, aad to day there is one happy negro in North Carolina. , Tlio Death of Mr. Hahn. Mr. W. D. Mahn after a Severe illness of twenty-eight days, died at his resi dence in this city last evening, at 8 o'clock, of typhoid fever. The subject of this notice was born in Pender, then New Haaover county, on April 11th, 1828, and was at the time of his death 53 years and 14 days old. He removed to this city when a yomg man and has always made a good and law-abiding cit izen. He was a consistent member of the Front Street M. E. Church and was 'for many years one of the Board of Stewards of that church. He "was for four year3 One of the Board of Au dit and Finance of the city. Mr. Mahn wa3 a member of Carolina Lodge No. 434, Knights of Honor, and his remains were followed by the Lodge to their last resting place this afternoon. The beau tiful ritual of the Order was read over the remains at the grave. Go to Jacobi's lor Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass,1 all sizes. All at the lowest prices Death, of an Octogenarian. Mr. Jacob Taylor, of Magnolia town ihip,Duplin connty,died on,Thursday,the 21st inst., at the residence of his son, "J. Wells Taylor, Esq., aged about 8"? years. The deceased was a pensioner of the government, having been a soldier in the last war with Great Britain. 1 He never had a day's sickness during his entire life, and the writer has frequently heard him say that he had heard others com plain of pains and aches, but personally he knew nothiag about them. We saw him but a few weeks ago, when he was as active and cheerful as many who are twenty years his junior. He lived with out sickness and died without disease, but merely a painless wasting away of the vital forces. He had been for half a century a consistent and conscientious member of tbe Baptist Church, and dur ing his long, useful and exemplary life no word of calumny was ever breathed against him. An humble Chris tain, a kind-hearted friend, neighbor and lather, of him it may be truly said: 'A good man has departed." . ) War History The Southern Historical Papers for March which we have not been able to review before it is at hand, and contains an nnusualjoumber of iateresting papers, among which we notice the gallant Gen eral James H. Lane's repiy to General Harriss, of Mississippi, about the" occu pation and defense of Battery Gregg. General Harriss, it seems, belonged to Mahone's division arid apparently irabaed with the same Fpirit of his valiantr chief he appropriates the honors, that belong to others. ' . General, Lane- commences his article with a dig into Mahone's ribs, in the fol lowing style: During the war I had no newspaper correspondent at my headquarters, nor did I write anything about my brigade for publication. Since I have "put aside the harness of war and become a quiet and plodding citizen" I have, by request, and "for the sake of truth and j us tice,'1 written a few articles,.in which I endeavored to give only such facts as cameuidermy own observation. Now, unasked, I must again obtrude mysclt "most reluctantly" upon the public" as General Harriss in the last No., 1880, of the Southern Historical Society Pa pers, does my old brigade and myself great injustice. General Lane then produces the proof by irrefragable testimony that the'honor and credit of the heroic defence of Bat. tery Gregg belonged to Lane's brigade of North Carolinians. General L., after famishing incontestable proof of the prominent part borne by his brigade, says : We deny that "the infantry garrison of Fort Gregg was composed entirely of the Mississippi brigade of Mahone's division." We deny that the honors of that defence belong exclusively to that brigade of Mahone's division. We claim that the largest part of the infantry which so heroically defended that fort was from our brigade of North Caroli nians. General Lane, although a Virginian himself, always speaks up nobly and fear lessly -for North Carolina troops, and particularly for his splendid brigade of Carolinians. The periodical which contains General Lane's communication,con tains also many other valuable contributions to the truth of history concerning those turbulent times of war. The magazine is pub lished monthly at Richmond, Va., and shomld be in the hands of every Southern man and woman. The subscription is only $3.00 a year. Address Rev. J. William Jones, Secretary, Richmond, Virginia, List or Letters. The following is a list of the letters re maining unclaimed in tha City PostofBcg Wednesday, April 27 : A Qpussie Alexander. B Asa N Biggs, Bordeaux & Bro, Geo Barnet, H P Bare, Jim Bates, Richard Beasley, Hannah Blunt, Mel vina Blaney, mrs S E Bagley. C Cane Council, H Crawford, H Coleman, JW Clark, James Crenshaw, James T Calhourne, Rev Wm Cowans. Edward Connelly, Mamie Caldwell, mrs J A Coston. D Jane Dudley, Nick Debose, Ed mon Darby, Dr R W Durham. E Stewart Ellison, Frank Edward. F Hattie Forbes, Chas M Ford, Henry Freeman, Jas S Fisher, Valen tine Faison. T" G R F Gaines, A M Grisworld. H Bristow Harris, P T Hunter, P T Hanson, Virgil Hill, Amanda Hill, Catherine Harris, Charlotte Herring, Caroline S Hill, Effie May Huggins, Emma Harris, Joe Hussell, Lucy Hall. J Saml L Jenkins, Robt W Jackson, Benj James, Susan A Jones. K Ida Kelley, C R Kearnes. L-E J Lee, Laura Laine, P Line ham, Abraham Lane, H S Lee, Jas A Lowery, S Gardner Little, Virgil Lar kins, Squire Loftin, W S Layton. M Elsia McFarlin,. Gracey Miller, Ageline Mumford, Maggie, E Mulford Mary Montague Charlotte Martin, Mc, Millan Bros, Geo Martin, J J Mattocks; Jacob Mayhue, Geo Morton, Andrew Moore, Dick Madden, R S Moorecoek, (2); Richard Madden, Richard Morris. N Thos M Nicholson, R J Nichols, Joe Nathan, Jack Newkirk, Allen Nel son, S H Nash, Malissa Nichols, Eady ftichols. O J F Oscar, Dan'I Odeen. P N C Priest, Isabella Phelps. R Jane Rose, Discy Rooeson, Dora Roberts, Sallie M Richards, J Randolph. S Fannie Swann, A B Speer, Geo Sheridan, Harrison Scott, Mitchell Spi cer, P C Smith, I V Smith Nic Spear, Wiley Sykes. T Capt A Thompson, Thos J Tart, Willie L Trask. . W Mary, William, Benj Wortham, Gaston C Wells, Webb & Hightower, Jno W Williams, Rev Will is Wooten. Peraons calling forletters in above list will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 30 days will be tent U dead letter Office, Washington, D. G. L R. BRHTK, P. 1L Wilmington, New Hxnever County, War Depabtmkxt, ) Office Chief Signal Officer, f Washikgtox.i D. C, April 26th, 1881., 2:50 P. M. The Chief Signal Officer furnishes the following special bulletin to the press: The area of low barometer which at yesterday's readings report was central near St. Paul has moved eastward across the Lakes and is now central North of Kingston, Ontario. Rain has fallen dar ing the past tweuty-four hours in Texas, and in ail districts East of the Missis sfppi except? New England. The winds in the. Lake Region haye veered ter West- erlvJ the temneratnre baa fallpn frnm five to fifteen degrees in the upper Mis sissipp,Xih3yand the Southern portisn of the upper! Lake Regions It; bat risen sUghtly in the extreme Northwest. The M issouri River is seven feet and ten inches above the danger line at Omaha, and two inches above it at Leavenworth. It is at the dansrer .line at Mem phis and Vicksburg, one inch below it at New Orleans and two inches at St. Louis. The indications are that the depression near Central of Ontario will' move Northeastward to the St. Law rence Valley and that cloudy weather wim ram win prevail in iNew Jingiana to-day followed by clearing weather. Fair weather will prevail in the Middle Atlantic States to-day and to-morrow preceded by1; local rains to-day. The Missouri and Mississippi will probably continue to rise and the latter to reach the danger line at St. Louis toay. We hear that Mr. W. D.. Mahn . had insurance policies amounting to 20,000 on his life. This has been the hottest day of the season thus far. The thermometer reached 82 in this office at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Soda fountains did a good business in dispensing the cooling 'liquid to day, to say nothing of the Deep Rock and Vichy that was imbibed by the thirsty way farer. Mr. J. C. Lumsden has opened his Ice Cream Saloon for the season, and is is full blast now ready to serve ladies, and gentlemen, or picnics and excursion par ties. We are f glad to be able to state that there is a marked change for the better in the condition of our Chief, and although still quite sick, we hope to be able to report his rapid convalescence in a few days. I . Disagreeable acquaintances and bright exchanges are universally cut. Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmington District, Metho dist E. Church, South, 1881. (Second round.) Wilmington, at Front Street, Apl 30, May 1 Smithville, - - - May 7- 8 Brunswick, at Zion, - - May 14-15 Topsail, at Herring's Chapel, May 21-22 Onslow, at Gum Branch, . May 28-29 Clinton, - June 4- 5 Cokesbury,, - - June 11-12 Coharie, - - - June 18-19 MARRIED. HOYT MURRBLiL On the 33d of March at the residence of Mr. A. C. Hmggins, by Elder A.B. Alderman,;Jr., Dr. M. (J, HOYT and Miss NANCY J. MURRILL. All of On alow. Kinston Journal and Goldsboro Messen ger please copy. DIED. -oxalic un aionaay evening, aotn mst.i at 8 P. M:, WILLIAM D. MAHN, aged 53 years. New Advertisements. Sec. 221 Mownient Eanlr, K of P. mHE MEMBERS ARE HEREBY notified that there will .be a Called Meeting of the Section to-night et 8 o'clock. By order of President. JNO. L. DUDLEY, Secretary & Treas. ap 26-lt Office Treasurer & Collector. City of Wilmington. IT. C. i April 25, 1SSI License s. rjTHE TAX ORDINANCE OF THE city of WIlmlBgton, N. C, for the year 1S81, has been printed and Is now posted. All persons doing business in the city of every kind whatsoever, are required to pay a License Tax MONTHLY IN ADYANCE. All License Taxes due must be paid on or before Monday, May 2d, 1SS1, -when the tax for May will be due, otherwise all delin quents will be brought before the Mayor. ' This notice is final. HENRY SAVAGE, ap 25-1 1 Treasurer &nd Tax Collector 87 per Ton. pRESn ARRIVAL OF COAL White Ash PRICE REDUCED. One IIOR3E for sale cheap, ) -Red and ap 26-3t J A springer; Orion loiie, .Eo. 67, i. 0.0. :-R BROTIIER3: Tou s re earnestly request ed to at en-the .Anniversary Celebra tion of the I. o. . F. of America at your hods Itoom; Tuesday,' April ;2Ith,' at 8 o clock,- P. al with your family .and friends Grand Representative C. ,M. Busbee vill deliver the address. ' ' J. it.' TUG T r. at)3-lt - For St, James' Home. MR. T. C. FANNING and his patrona, will give a reception at Rankin Uall, on Friday evenicg. April 20th; from 8 to'lL p.m., for the beocfit cf St. James' Uoaae. Cards of admission those named on card. Not transferable. ap ao Caps and Bonnets in Lace and Silk. FOR INFANT8 AND "CniLDREN jnt received.- BeauU'ul aeeortment. Ml uiapes oi liaaies' uonnets and Hats, ia the latest and most fashionable Hrw Eleirant assortneent of Flowers, Korcj and Millinary Goods. Orders from, a distaneo fined with tame care and precision as those from city patrona. MISS . &ARRKB. ap JC-dAw. No, a South Front St State of North Carolina? New Hanover County.1 ) Joan L. uellamy, Jr., Plaintiff, va. . : "-, . Cornelius Campbell, Frances Campbell and Joseph W.Tfhitney, Defendants, mnis ACTION IS INSTITUTED TO X foreclose a mortgage oa real estate in the City of Wilmington, saade by defend ants, Cornelius and Frances Campbell, aad ii Deing maae to appear that the defendant Cornelius Campbell is a jaon-resldcnt, has property within this State and can not after due diligence . be found thercim, and that said defendant resides in Albany, New York. The said Cornelius Campbell ia hereby notified amd required . to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, to be held at the Court House in Vilmington, on the 13th Monday after the 1st Monday in March, 1831, and answer or demur to the complaint, filed in this action. S. VakAMRINGE, ; Clerk Superior Court, New Hanover Co. apl 10-lawSw-taes Sprinff Cassimereij. rjlHOSE WHO FEEL AN INTEREST IN Southern Enterprise will be greatly pleas ed by an exarnination ofthe really merito.' rious ALL WOOL Cassisaeres now on sale at my More; 13 different styles, the produc tion of the Bethania, N; C, Woolen Mills. J ust the thing for Men and Boys ' Suits for gentlemen made to order at low prices and fit guaranteed. JNO; J. HEDKICK, apl 25-St m tues-sat Do You Want An Organ ? JN8TRUUENT3 OF THE BEST MAKE always on head, and sold oa easy IriUl ments. Ooquet and ' Hammoclrj, Large Btock Books and CtaUocxry always ca hand at low prices. Yates' Bookstore. apl 24 RED CEDAR PACKIfiQ CHESTS. SASH, doors :ahd-qund$i fiRACKETSIOULDING, LUMBER, Ac, , ALL SIZES WLVDOWGLASS,' r " ' AT ALTAFFER, PRICE & COU Factorv: - nm- Foot Walnut at. Nutt, near Red Crosf fit Pianos and 0rganro For cash;or 0NnEs E4BY IW8TALHENT PIAH For sale at . , - - HEINSBERaE.J. . ' ..... . -. j.. - Musical InstnimenteJ rjUlTABS, BANJ03,.VI0LIS3, Ac.-?r- deona. Harmonicas, Ttmor'ci , and t U ott er kinds, at .i ' ... . ." .... nPIICQDPDnVPni ... apl U Lire Boot and llnLa HMrl opera houge; complimentary to JS2iio. 2. r. riiirxiozi. "DOCTOR OF ALCANTARA", and ae!ectedSoIo5 by : ' ' . MRS. EAHNWEILm. at Heinibec7s. r7 api S4st . " -

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