n i prK naU C J , AND PaTOB. POSTAGE PAID, r ?'r' tl . One month, 60 cents. aiofltfc8' 4 ' b delirered by carriers, p4rt0ftle0it7'tthe f " 0r 13 wn" per weak. -Bfl-rtte low and liberal J will please report J ttW ..-ir.tTieir papers rernlriy. (dure 1 THE GREAT b fou BHEUIATISI, Kaurafae, Sciatica, Lumbago, Rnrfache. Soreness of tho C.c Soul, Quinsy, Sore I nroat, o wen inqs and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily r Pains, - , . r 1 1 Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted feet and tars, ana all otner Pains and Aches. No Prprtton on earth equali St. Jacobs Otl u t iaf'e, sure, simple and cheap External IHneJr A trial entails but the comparatively triHirg outlay of 60 Cents, and every one suffer ing with pain can have cheap and positive proof cf il claim. TirecUoni in Eleven Languages. BOLD BT ALL DBUGGIST8 AlfDDEALJlILS " 15 MEDIODfE. A.V0GELER 6c CO., Baltimore, Md.t V. S. A, attines I rpiIE LARGEST STOCK OF FANCY 1 platting?, ever offered in this market. CARPETS ! o . t MT AT ATTTC1 11 la a variety 01 fctyies. uiju yjKJiixo wi widths. Walnut Cornice, Walnut Pole Cornice, and a large stcck of Lacs Curtains 2 nr, oooot I I Arriving almost daily. New BUTTONS, erne real perns. R. M. Fsiclntire. Arriving Daily ARE NOW BUSY marking and arrangius our OPENING, Soring: and Summer stock cf Gent's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Goods. We have Wthla season the largest ttock, the prettii tock and the cheapest stock of Cloth ever offered in this market, A call -and Impection is respectfully solicited. A. & I. SHRIEK, Market street Try J .o Person's Indian Tonic Uitters. l L:. Cancer in it k. Rneanmism, llert er LBrAt. i 1 Dicui, ttnl. V . n" C"li8' "d u klnii of erup- tJ .1 . o I tJ .k . armoir from iuipurirj -"stood, a, fcn O riflor it h Aiteiauvp, Tonio anJ provaii i.cir unequal- K . . - U. C 2d. 180 w Bit f.:i ",UUH "J uioiuLor aTSJJ5l' wed Mr Joe Pwwn'B luuVaS!"1 fortipu,po,M V. ?. HOLD EN UE OGE, STRONG'S OPINION. y , JA"i8H, N. 0 Dc. 1st, lb83 wufn PK"8--Madam: Some mcath .iia hei,t? "fferioK from de- 4 so li.n .w?d mi .to pJ J oar Trnic. 1 - Hca.a ia suun-r that a memter -cc.ea. Very ,e,pectf oil r, fc-.-V. O l J Ur' Jo Person, Krc dir.. Wiia.ia,iwnf SQ a a . . L For ail kiccUof rrintinj to'-M-e oat - -at.ui. aP(,f,.M ca "re 1 UJ" laailad or n c:tj eaa have . .1 A If J Wffll Rfl war&ook. r VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N. C WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27. 1881. NO. LOC i R M 'McTxtire Mattings Ckoxlt '& .Moukis F ruit at Auction. Opeua House Lttture C W YajE--Do You Want an Orn I UEii8BEiiGEK Pianos and On?.ns A & I Sukier Arriving Daily No City Court to-day. Thaport all strive for support. A good place to take a loaf at the baker's The wharf on the west side of the river opposite paired. PrlnccsB street is being re- The suction pipe of the steamer Little Giant received" a new canvass cover this morning- Sodjj of the postage stamp Gum, O gum with mo. Fancy costumes fans to match. have parasols and It was a far seeing chap who invent- ed the telescope." It is better to follow a man's advice than his example. The real bump of destructiveness a railroad collission. The machinery of a steamboat is often a mere screw driver. . The meanest cowards are those who dare not to do right. What an odd looking animal mast be the cat of nine tails. x People who live in glass houses should pull dewn the blinds. Pound a boy sufficiently and he will become a simpleton. The frog is an emblem of hope; he is eternally springing. Green peas and new Irish potatoes have made their appearance in market. You can now buy Improved Heating and Ceek Stoves at factory pricceat Jacobi's. The pretty spnu - S-t w sweet for anything but the sweet, pretty girls in them. . Go to Ja.cobi'8 lor Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices -Pour sailors and deserters were arrested and put in jail to-day subject to the or ders of the Captain of their vessel. One of oar observing young ladies has discovered that hen-pecked husbands are invariably men with hairless lips. It takes a moustache to awe a female. We adviae our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip ion. There you getjthe lowest prices, t We regrert to learn tnat Dr. M-. J. DeKesset's condition is much worse than it haa been and that he i3 sinking very rapidly. The Nor. baraue Erstatningen clear ed hence to-day lor Antwerp with a car- ga of 3,400 barrels of rosin shipped by Messrs Alex. Sprunt & Son. iStjrialf. Mr3. Elizabeth Warren has on her premises a calf, now just two days old which weighed sixty-nve pounds when not quite one day old. It is looked upon as something ma vellons nnd ran be seen at the corner of Second and Dock streets. . From Chicopee Falls, Mass., Edgar T. Page, Esq., Druggist, writes that Mr. Albert Guenther. under Wilds Ho tel has used that remarkable remedy, St. Jacobs Oil for a severe case of rheumatism and it cured him, as if by magic. He also used it with great success among his horses, in cases of sprains, sores etc. and it cures every time. Stockholders' Heeling . There will be a meeting of the stock holders of the Carolina Central Railway held at the office of the Company in this city to-morrow at 12 o'clock. We learn from persons who are in a position to know that.the organization of the Com- pany as it now exists will remain intact. Cut hj a Circular Saw. Henry Taylor, colored, had his right arm badly cut yesterday afternoon by a circular saw at the mill of Messrs. E Kidder k. Sons. At the t'me of the ac cident Taylor was at the cutoff saw on the ilide. His wonds which are severe though jiot dangerous, were dressed by Dr. E. A. Anderson. The man is doing I as well as could be expected. Hjmenlai The Rev. Dr. Watson, Rector of St. James' Church, performed two marriage ceremonies in this city last night, one at 8 o'clock and the other at 9:30. At the 8 o'clock ceremony, the groom, who is an Italian, was unable to understand the marriage ceremony in English, as he cannot speak a word in that vernacular, s tho reverend gentleman Inu-lated the service into Latin when he addressed hiia. as the candidate far matrimo nial honors understood that language very well. The bride was addressed in KnglLh and respoaded in the same tongue. We wonder in what language the courtship was conducted but" we Buppose of course it must have been the language of love. How to ue your own N. Y . Enamel Paint, warranted at Jacobi's. painter : Buy the ready mixed and t Concern tug Pug-al Cards. The Post Office department has issued the follow order: "On and afttr June 1, 1881, no printing or writing will be per. mitted upon the address side of postal cards except that imprinted there at the e x ' " , . luauutacwry, ana sucn as may oe neces sary for the proper direction of the same. All postal cards bearing any other writ ing or printing 'upon the address side are declared unmailable and must be returned to the sender by the postmaster. at the office where they may be mailed bach cards may be treated as 'spoiled' and redeemed by any postmaster upon application of the holder, as prescribed in section 171, postal laws and regula tions, 1879. Future supplies of postal card3 will be printed on the address side with the words 'nothing but the address cm be placed on this side.' " In on Schedule Time. The steamship Gulf stream, Captain Ingram, from New York, put in an ap pearance here this morning about the usual hour; that is to say, the Gulf Stream arrived here at the wharf within ten minutest f f.hA on .-- 4Ko oV i this uort during the three consecutive trips preceding tliio o. Captain Ingram informed us this morn ing that his time of departure from New York and his arrival here, has not varied ten minutes durieg the last four trips he has made. With such a ship and so ca pable and clever a gentleman to com mand and navigate it, we are not sur prised at such prompt schedule time. The Doctor of Alcantara. Those of our citizens who were at the Opera House last evening were amply repaid for any inconvenience they may have suffered in getting there. The performance was a de cided improvement over the first presentation of the play as the ladies and gentlemen were more familiar with their parts, and several fine voices had been added to the choruses. For some reason Mr. Hobbs did not give his exhibition of skill on the violin, and in order that the audience should not be deprived of any of the pleasures an ticipated, Mrs.Cameron and Mr. Chase sang a duet which called forth a shower of flowers and hearty encores. Mrs. Kahnweiller excelled herself in her vocal gems. Her staccotic pas sages were wonderful and such as are on ly attained by musical talent of- the greatest order of merit and perfection. In the opera of "The Doctor of Alcan tara" tho quarrel trio by Mrs. Lippitt, Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. McFarland was very fine. The rich and musical voices of the ladies taking the parts of Donna Lucre tia, Isabella and Inez were never heard to better advantage. Mr. Clark as the Dctor and Mr. Bradley, as Carles, rendered their parts with great satisfac tion and acted out the characters with almost faultless accuracy. Messrs. Welsh, Dyer, VonGlahn and Carr added much to the performance by their good singing and clever acting. Possibly the most noticable improvement was in the finard- Their number had been in creased by the addition of several fine voices, which added greatly to the gen eral harmony and fullness of the choruses. Mrs. Taylor presided at the piano and impressed every one with her faultless and musical touch. Manv lose their beauty from the hair falling, or fading. Parker's Hair Bal sam supplies necessary nourishment, pre vents falling and grayness and is an ele gant dressing.' , - llflEW. If yom would prevent sickness see tha your premises are properly policed and that lime and disinfectants are judicious ly placed in all low and damp places. Disinfectants can be had at the City Hall Tree or charge. Sunday School Convention. A Sunday School Convention under the auspices of the North Carolina Baptist State Convention, will be held at Asheville commencing June 23d and continuing for three days. The Rev. J. B. Taylor, pastor of the First Baptist Church ot this eity has been requested to deliver an address before the Conren- tion. . . - Courage-' Rev. Joseph R. Wilson, D. D., will deliver a lecture at the Onera House Friday evening next, the 29th inst, nn. der the auspices of the Wilmington Li brary Association. The lecturer has se lected as his subject "Courage," and will no doubt deliver one of the best lectures of the season. His theme is one which will give him ample opportunities to test his intellectual cultivation. The public have a treat prepared for them, and we havo no doubt but that Dr. Wilson's reputation a speaker will attract many who do not usually attend lectures. Tho price of admission has been placed at the low figure of 25 cents. A Thing of the Part. In excavating near the Northeast corner of Market and Front streets to day for the Water Works, workmen came across a brick wall about four feet thick, some three feet under the surface of the ground. The wall was well pre served and must have been the founda tion of a building which stood there generations ago We did not learn that a house had ever stood- there but suppose so from the fact of the discovery of the wall. Will some of our "old citi zens' put on their thinking caps and en lighten us on the subject. The Odd Fellows' Celebration. institution of )d ica was celebrated last evening , er" Fellows' Hall by Cape Fear and Orion Lodges, P. G., W. J. H. Bellamy, act ing as Noble Grand. After the ritualistic ceremonies had been appropriately observed, the acting Noble Grand in a terse little address in troduced G. R., Chas. M. Busbee, of Ral? efgh. Mr. Basbee's address was on Odd Fellowship and was both instructive and interesting. His audience was pleasant ly entertained for an hour and was charm ed with his abilities as a lecturer. P. G., M., W. L. Smith on behalf of the Lodges tendered their thanks to Mr. Busbee, and introduced P. G., F. H. Sleeper, of Indiana, who is in the city on a visit, who spoke for a few minutes in a very happy and pleasing style. An Important Hatter. The Board of Health for New Hano ver county we unaerstana, meets to night, and we hope and we believe, that the worthy gentlemen who comprise that Board will take into consideration the danger attending the excavations now being made in nearly every street in this city. The warm rays of the sun y ester day, shining with full power and inten sity upon the newly dug, damp earth along the proposed route of the water works company, gave an early foreboding of what we may expect before the work of digging up the earth for the purpose of laying these pipes is completed. We do not wish U antagonize the interests of the water works company, and we hope that our remarks will not be con sidered as tending in that direction be cause we are exceedingly anxious to have this new enterprise completed But we do not wish it done at the sacrifice of the health of the city. The whole winter has been allowed to pass without a spade or a pick being stuck into the ground, and it is only when the spring is two-thirds gone and we are just upon the eve of the sickly season, that the company commences lis operations of figging. We would re spectfully call Qe attention of the Board of Health to an important fact which they have possibly not lost sight of, and that is, that it was the opening of a sewer in Memphis three summers ago that caused that citv to mourn tha lives f thousands of her best people, and brought woe and sorrow to almost every household within its fatal iliaits. Shall we profit by their experieBtet 50 THE MAILS. I he mal a cloe and arrive at the Citv roai uim a to; lows : KT.. i..' ... .1 -l- " -- Huriiinu iiinwKU air8..,, g UO p m Northern thvogb and way I o:ju a, m. Kiieign...... .5.30 a.m. Mails for the N. G. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. O Railroad, at 5-30 m. Southern niai!i f all noinvs South, daily 8am and 7:45 p. rn Western mails (C Oil'j) daily (except Sunday ).... .... . 8:10 a. tn Mail for Cheraw & Darling- ton.....;.., 7:45 Mails for points between Flo p. ta. rence and Charleston. 8 a m & 7:45 p m Fayettoville, and offices on Capo Fear River, Tuesdays, and : Fridays......., ...... ... 1.-00 p. m. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays...... 8:10 a. m. Onslow C. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at ... 6.00 a. m. Smithvllle mails, bv steam boat, daily, (except Sun days)... 8 30 a. n Malls for Easy Hill. Town Creek, Shallntte and Little Rivor, S. C. , every Mon day and Tharsday at 6:00 a. m. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays' at.. 6:00 a. m. OPEN FOB DELIVESY. Northern through and way malls...;., 7:00 and 7:30 a.m. Northern mails 9 Q0 a m Southern Mails 7:30 a. m. Carolina Central Railway 4:00 p. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a, in. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 6:00 a, m. to 6:00 p. m and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:80 a. m. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3:30 p. m. We have been told of a big fish bat refuse to say anything about it as it is not as large as the one shot by Frank Wilkinson. The back bone of the big rock will be used this Summer as an awning frame over the wharf at Federal Point. , Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmiagton 'District., Metho J;" K ChurcH, Ron4hl881. Wilmington, at Front Street, Apl 30, May 1 Smithville, - - - May 7- 8 Brunswick, at Zion, - ! - May 14-15 Topsail, at Herring's Chapel, May 21-22 Onslow, at Gum Branch, - May 28-29 Clinton, - - . - - June 4- 5 Cokesbury, - - 4 June 11-12 Coharie - - - June 18-19 My Good ;Woman Why are you so out of sorts, never able to tell folks that you are well? Ten to one its all caused in the fir3t place, by habitual constipation, which no doubt finally caused deranged kidneys and liver. The sure cure for constipation is the celebrated Kidney-Wort. It is also a specifio remedy for all kidney and liver diseases. Thousands ai3 cured by it every month. Try- it at once. Toledo Blade, Now Advertisements. Lecture. rnHE FOURTH LECTURE of the WI mington Library Association Course, will be delivered FRIDAY EVENING, April 29th, at the OPERA HOUSE, commencing at 8.30 o'clock, by Rev. JOS. R. WILSON, D.D. Subject "COURAGE". Admission 25c. ap 27-4t CKOIX:, Auctioneer; BY CBONLY & MORUIS. Fruit at Auction. 1 - fJlO-MORROW (Thursday), at 10 o'clock, A. M., we will sell, on board British Schr. C AELETON, the last cargo of 1 the season viz G00 Bunches BANANAS, 80 Dozen PINEAPPLES, 150 SAPPADILLOES, 10 Boxes TOMATOES, ap 27-1 1 Pianos and Organs p03 OA H OR ON TQB For sale at HEINSBRSEa'3 Unsical Instruments. Q.UITAB?, BLSJQ3, V10L15P, 2cr- deon. Harmoacts, Taraborlnts, aad all oth er kinds, at - BE158BEG&'3. apl 21 Lin Book sal ilasio titors vW fceglad to receive ecrazieat!os from our frisads oa ay and all rabsia 9 general tet&rest but , Taa otxu of tie writer aui always b fa ieI to tat Editor. Ooamualcatlotti crait be rltta ca f nly oae aids of the paper. PersoaaUaef But be avoided , And ft If especially and particularly lader tood that the Editm doe not always cor the views otdorreepofidentf, uzJess so stated In the editorial ooluicxa. Not7 Advortiscfiiionte. $7 per Ton, S -pRESH ARRIVAL Of COAL Red ami White Ash- PRICE REDUCED. One HOUSE for sale cheap. ap . J A SPRINGER. ; For St, James' Home MR. T.C, FANNING and his patrons,. wUlgive.a reception at Rankin Hall. on Friday evehi. -. April 21:h, from 8 to 11 p. mn for the! bf... fit of Su James' Iloaip. ' Cams of admisiu 5- cents, admitting those named 6n card. Not transferable. 3 and Bonnets iii . leCO.Ted. Beanti nl shapes cf Ladies' Roonet and Hat, ra the latest and woEt fashionable btrawi, etc. -Elegant assortment of. Flowers, Rote J and Mllli&srV Goods. Ordmr frrn. hlled with laae care and precision ts tboee from citr ptroa. MISS E, KAliKh-R. P 2Wt No6Houth front 8t You Want An Organ? rNSianiiESTa op. the best hake .ays on band, and sold on csjj Usui ments. Croquet and Himmocks. I.rr Stock Books and Stationery always oa hand at low prices. Yates' Bookstore. apl 24 RED CEDAR PACKIfiQ CHESTS, sash, doors ;ahd blinds, BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, Ac, ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS, AT ALTAFFEB, PRICE & CO'S. Factory: office: Foot Walnut st. Nutt, near Red Cross Pat apl U : . aewsprme I AM SELLING NEW SPRING Batter of tho very finest qua?2 ity auddolightfui flavor, THREE POUNDS For" Mi DOLLAR f u Or 30 Cento per : Pound by the Email tub. - j All consumers would cave mon ey by purchasing from me. John L. ' Soal wright 11 and 13 Nbrth Front gt, ,!PRDE OF THE PAHTRY." Another fresh lot of this Flour juit arrived. THE FINEST FLOUR SOLD IN WILMINGTON. ' ." . ,? - - ' - ' Send in; your orders early and get it whilo fresh. jno. mmmy i"Vos. li: IS I. Front St apl 24 Winherry Oysters. the ttrn. r th 1 DoseBy Qwt or Uallos ami ies Bnjrpdtd, . best TTixe, Llqaors sxd Kiiztxs always on hand at JOHJJCARROUO.