if ttn lot $6 C - b9 " : ' ' ... .irtT)dT r 1 VI JJLJULJO r,5 CO ,.-T4GE PAID. 50 cents. itfcSf 1 ri'l ... r,r 1 J -iV - Ar.nxcre by earners, CUT. " art per -w.efc. A nrw-4 ... .-.Pe report nj er:.V'7(.;'P papers reeulrlj. ... T?f''- ' VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N. C. FRIDAY, ArPRlL 29. 1881. NO. 52 raciits. - " , T7T: nil H & 'J - mis'-. I LOCAL NEWS. NidTirUlnliU C W Yirks-l-DoiTou Went an Organ t R J JoxKS, Scet'yr-WU. Gu Ug hi Co Hxinsbkjwkr Farlot Organ A & I 8HBiaa Arriving Dally '. vv.-f?C xr3fv3 ,J" ion CurfcC- I cbaffed vlth Larciny. We are satU-fied that the Rer. Dr. J. Henry Niel colored, charged with R Wilson will cot disappoint the great larceny, had a - preliminary hearing be- expectations of his audience to-night fore Justice Hall thisjmorning and: was He m a strong and forcible speaker and reqaired to give bond in the sum of $50 ioTariably wins hii audience in the start, for his appearance at the next, term of Dr. Wilsons reputatien as a speaker the Criminal Court. The eyidence Steamboat bci wp$rt a rU of two and a ienolar is saficent to guarantee a against the accused is substantially as and one half feet of watet at Fayetta laryo. audieace. and these of our citiaens ionows: i,ast nigniiHeii.accooipauicu j ,Tille,xansed by local rain. v who fil to bear him, will let a golden I tnree companions, steppea inw . A, . t. - " opixjr-unity pass onimproreu. ery on wgnn yujrHcCL The repairs U the umll of the steamer PI J n. Strode and cal'ed for drinks at the Gov. , irort kiTfcf been ctmpletedt Ba w Ume timeDuttiojr ddwn fifty cenU to she was launched en yesUrdny. Liud the-raterestinaTHrfellrKteirj VA ward Sanders, colored, escaped I ctimmanicatioa elsewhere publUhed in "nor : was forty ccnU S trode gave Neil from the county Sense of tfcrrectien on this issue, entitled "Tbo Mystery of the gty cents change but immediately dis Wednesday and Instill at largt. It is Hidden Wall in ront street. n covered his mistake and demanded the thought he has ezssW his way 16 South ! will well repay peroai on accouni oi ine fifty centa. Neil refused to give up tne . :iQ t lie ' t Burns CLtvJ . r:,- Carolina, where he is-wid to belong; The steamelr. J?a$9port iron the Ua rinft Ra.il war here her hull will be scraped and. pita ted. Her other im proTements arenearly cempletei The upper deck which extendi from the pi lot Bouse to the item and across her cabins to theide of the tteamer, was put on yesterday. Farmers ln the eeinty were never busier than now. -it every; point along the line of either 'read they are more Enprri Headache, Frozied ' "hit end Ear?, and all oihsr Pn!ni end A diss. tr.u. Pa;nD end A, r,n - in!. -.Iiinls St. Jacobs Oil 4;r;'.-T.!l Kxt( r..al. ' - ! , t ii t the couii'arutively .:;i;;i''(V:ilv;u-i.lcwry v... suffer. few historical incidenta it contains, which well told. The communi- cation is from the pen of one of Wil mington's most graceful and ready writers, and the readers of the Rkvikw have before enjoyed the productions of this ta!eated gentleman's pen. Library at Smttnvi le. Our friends at Smithville, have organ ised a . Library Association and. now number about thirty members. About one hundred books have been donated to money and was .this for larceny. morning arrested From One Court to Another. About two weeks ago Moses Walker, milE FOURTH niingtqa Library Association SeTere Accident We regret to learn of an accident which befell Mr. Thos. K. 15ond on yes terday. He was stepping from a wharf post to the port "of the steamship Gulf Stream when he slipped Jailing with considerable force on the cap of the wharfalon'g side of the steamship.to which he clung to k cp from going into the river. He was taen from his , perilous postion and carried to 'his residence. Mr. "Rond ininriea thoutrh serious . are nj)t dangeroB - wo aro happy: ifrfcaAv iZfff - O&XXLi aad-4u3phvsician entertains the hope ifi C7 FANNING IJLTA baak uc nut u uuiwi. aj u w v. three days to be at -his post .again. , PLEABS COTIC We will toglad to rseelve eosuncxilcaUczi from our fries dj on any and all nbjssts 9' general Interest but .. Ths naas of ft writer cut always bt fsr - tAh& to Ui Editor. w s f Oomm'Ealcatlons must bs 'written on caly one rids 6f.ths' paper Fersonalitlss nsst b avaMsd KAnd It in especially aad psrUetdarlj aadr itood tost th.o Edltntdoes not always trdon a the vUwsot correffpoadecty, nalesi so tUttd in the editorial eolucsni. 18 w Ad vortisomonta. Lecture. LECTURE of the Wll- Course, will be delivered FRIDAY EVENING, ' April 29th at the OPERA HOUSE, : commencing ,. .-. at S.GO o'clock, by Rct. J03. R, WDLSON, D.Dl Subject "COURAGE". Admission 25c.; - . ap 27-4t- "jEb- Stv o ernes' Home. State Board of Health. r Governor Jarvis ha in . accordupce with the law, passed by the Legislature of 1878, creating a State Board of - Health, appointed on the part of the State as I members olthat Beard, Professor Wil- liom Cain, O. K, -of Lenoir, . Caldwell county, Doctor J. M. Iiyle, of Franklir, Micon count v, and Professor W." G and his patrons. will give a reception at Rankin II all. ou i'rilay weninjr, April 29th, from 8 to 11 mM ijr the bencflt of bt. James' IJoaie. 50 cents, admitting those t iiiicJ" on card. ap Not transferable. Parlor Orerans. LL UY OUQANd AWi XATCBLEB A colored, left his money, amounting to ftl 2. also a watch and chain, with tie "w 1 keeper of a grocery at the foo t of Mul berry street for safe keeping, as he was gimm0ns, of Wake Forest College. under the inflnuence of liquor. About 12 poctor Lyle tajtes the place of Doctor r ii,n Kamp niVrit hp. demanded Woodfin. resigned, and Professor Sim sj v-iua w w r I t r t 1 r I . a -,0 nr,l nfior Tmttinr mons tne piace 01 .rruiessur ujuuui, ui to call aca inKe tcir t rn Bc;ec:icn. his money and watch, and after putting Q h x removed to New- York. . both snugly in s pooket, he started Professor Cain was a member of the old . A t usiNSBEEQltR'S. ani cvjy ot.es ld cn Itj oicn merit's - i r.y pariiiia de.iriag t3 pnrchsj9 a Lnn beroce IcsUamsat are cartcitly rcqueitcd home and was .followed by Henry Mc-BoarL Neal. alias Henry Statue. Walker says m tom hv thir friends. Their room is in thanbusy thty are' working early .and ... ffi t lh late, and as hard as they can. A Ter7wkich was kindly tendered them by J that Statue robbed him, and that he Urcrp ncrpatre is heinr nlanted in every 1. m. frnrr or I onKannpnt.1v cot tart of his money from o- ; . - I ljieuvenani muca. mo jwuwniu6 . -.v,- j o - x uirecuun, uu wi --.w - . Q fficers: M. U. uutnene, irresiueut There will be lcmense crops garnered .apl Id Lire Book and Maiio 8 tore lcmente at the coming harreaU So note It be. V- EI ALL PSUOGTSTS AED EE ALEE3 U LIEDICiNE, A.V0GSLES. GO., Uj'ii.norc, 2Id., c". S. A. wish LAr.C'.LT STOCK OF FANCY i'vMii'cred-ia tLis maiket. ' Forclsa Itperts. The exports foreign to-day include 4,100 barrels rosia on beard Nor. Barque aterson uowHisg j9.t Russia, and ,151 barrels rosin shipped by Messrs. J. B. Blossom & Evans, on board Nor. Barnte &0 na Fide forHam- THE MAILS. The malls close and arrive at ' the City Pout Office as follows : - oxx t, wBA all he I TTnrthem throush mails 6 00 p m . . - -r- I xrV.An Vn-n rr H anrl dp.iv nnnr TkniPl. Vice President : J. tt. I had oi it. Diaiue was anwicu m u, v. - - K.anft Ronrk. Treasurer; J. J. Clemmons, Hill's office this afternoon, where he was Dftlei2hti ...6;30a.m. cu.wtor '. R Draw. Librarian. We on trial, ana camea Deiore ousuw i Mali8 tQt tne JN. u. wauroaa, - ' ' I ..... i 1.- mt i a ;nn-m iv,a enr-opw thp.v i tftrdnfir. Deiore waom i.c witi bSAw A fcjwww mm nave a . . a i . . eiinnf iimo nrpiiminnrv hparinflr on the charge of desiretana iraau mut w vcijr out -a - their numbers, both t memDers ana i larceny.. Ton can now buy Improved Heating and Cook 8toves at factory prlccsat Jacobi's. . burg. For :the Review. The BUstery of the Hidden Wail in Front Street. TK.writer..has been greatly amused, m jMaos.monv nttiprs harp been, at a uMywwo."""j r . . ' i,, , i v Wie the frtile efforts of antiquarians in our Mans ior pom - and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. O. Railroad, at 5:30 a.m. Southern malls for all points South i daily 8 a m and 7:45 p. m. Western mails (0 O B'y) daily fercerjt Sundavl. 8:10 a. m. Mail for Oheraw & Darling- ton 7:45 p. m. if Corn Jiacon, Molasses. in AAA liushs i'rime wnite wan 1VJ AJUU 275 350 - Qrrpr iJoxes amotedanajj o ciaes 100 J vut received lllids and Tierces New Crop Cuba Bbls New Orleans Molasacs, - ,nd for sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCIHS0N1 QtyCenrt. His Honer Mayer Smith held o.ulte an interesting lere this nernxng; ! s. OIL CLOTHS all Coni'.'o. Walnut Pole ! a stock of - f as il:::rs' U i J i- I 1 .li e w sutroNS, An involuutary Fast A little black and ten dog belonging to J midstosoive the mystery of the buried rence and Charleston.8am & 7:45pm James H. Carraway, was lecked up on i wall iFront street, which was uneartnea x ayewvuu vp-J . ... . . . lt. it.-.j a iort SftmP. contend.- that I Cape Fear River. Itiesdays, Tuesday nignt iaB and Fridays..;.,.. 1:00 p. tn; ef the building oecupted by Capt. ohn : gJSS'g that stood there years Fayetteville, via Lumberton, Rofltwiisrht on Front street. The I ifth hoth man and! daily. except Sundays...... 8:10 a. m. Roht Johnsen. charred with beinr I 1aVp. their thirst Onslow O. H. and intermedl- drunk MM'UM H beioe ana tbe dog had locked up after .-1 h.seret.flence. the meeting .a the n.ght menUoned 0Sf-. Sn.Uh.il.e malU. by steam- jvuiy juug,. ai vwwv- . I above, xesterday aiiernoon iuo uug ptroved in the ereat fire of : l40, and ooat, aaiiy, - iezcepn ouu- denizenofthelxngHoaMwasairangedl.. iea eof ags out0fone of the I which were thrown into the middle of days) for disorderly condnct. one pieaa t ner own cause and after quite oa lengthy terse an afiectUf : speech- she quietly succumbed. One day imprisonment was the judgement of the Cenrt Henry Revere a white salor anOo -bat Huggins the Mayor of Paddys Hollow, were charged with an agray- They were sent below for one day. The eurt then adjourned. . - . - - 1 8.30 a. m r-. latr Hill "nwn front WindoWS and leaped ont, W a dThaT ft Shaand Lutte on the awning in front of Capt. Boat.lcommencea. xi. n every Mon- ;ii4'a fltnro Onitfi ' a. number of per-1 A. tViof it. rpflpp.ts prpat I dav and Thursday at......... 6 ,iu,... , - ineoweumuc, ouuvu-. p , -. . - , r, , :00 a; m. - I tUC UlUCU . " .1 -. . . m l . T? sons tried to get the dog off of the credit upon their skill in the then almost wumiogtcn and jsibck AiTer ftwninir but without ava l. Its master i unknown science ui cmi CuSwUa.- y auiaZ7 a K-f.rt m awning m wiuiuu t i T,;oa hnwvor . n.re wronsr. as davs and Fridays at 6.00 a.m. was finally sent for and the dog leaped to gtow W"I ftm open fob delivery . into his arms. The little thing was i , n afc j nave jt in my power to shed Northern throagn ana way nearly starved, haviBg gone two days a od 0f light upon this yexed question, I mails 7:ooand 7:du a. '. ..... ... i .ao An that, has so Ttuzzieu our cru-i nuriueiu uitmo .................. " - - ; and nights Wltnou ioou or w- SrSTrrTT TrinV the old colonial Southern Mails 7:30 a. m. Buy the times (as you doubtlea remember) there I Carolina Central Railway.... 4:00 p. m. a m Flour, Sugar, Coffee, &c;. 1000 Bbl3 Flour, all grades, v -250 Bbls Sugars, Granulated, A, Extra . 50 Bbls New Orleans Sugar, S50 Bags Coffee, (lifferent'gradcs, 125 Bozcs Assorted Candy, 100 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, .. ' 75 Bbls and Boxes Lemon Cate?, 375 Boxes Lye and Potash, ' 300 Boxes Soap, 75 Boxes and Kegs Soda, . 100 Boxes and Half Bbls Snuff Shot, Buckets, Taper, Splcc, Pepper, Gin: ger, IIoop Iron, 5tc,, Randolph bheetlng; For sale by feb23 WILLIAMS & MURCHISONJ 5c r-, 'zt ;n. Kb ih'T csnttre- ... - v n w. - - i r x vno rin-nm M-nmi imm nnnn t rr itti n it. in. lu m.. MKChas. ChtVGxan, T. Enamel Palat, ready .mixed and was an M.i end from 2 to 6:30 p. m. Money &yi T Warrftntoaat jA00BI B s?ampaen paper wh4 the Mother Conn- Order and Begister Department operf . street, a rooKiys i, xv . Jvv'x oiA-irholdsrs lledlnz or the C C trv was determined to force upon our same as stamp office. rt rtA great pleasure I infom t..'i2 StoekhOWtrs Jiewio. i iuu try wa s ae wr 5id not . General delivery open from 6:00 a. m. GreatGernBen.StJaMUOil Railroad Company. n take, so one to 6:00 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 . W i:i:r: aiuiiu cur - " . . . Z m J oeen usea dybohb w Wa vkM Vindlv furnished by the K,: nino- there was an up-risiDsr to 9:30 a. m. qnamtonceaiiWrf - y"6"- 7" "Jj cnhpr hnrrhers. and I Stamps for sale at general delivery Neuralgia, Lnmbrp,ana Tanousacci. m. O. Kiireaa company, f rT entirely when stamp office is closed. m I thA PnTnTlHll V UCiXUCU J V vaw w w w . they proceeded to the I Malls collected from Btreat Doxes every which then stcjod on the I day at 3:30 p. m. , L-of nhfinf. miflwav be-1 - remeay P JS .5 LSrw r,.7"77v". .fter deduct- umm Water and Front street, and Quarterly Heettad , Youths' and Boys' "r":. irt. fit ""r' .",.v. J i, M forcine the Stamp Master, one Houston For the Wilmington District, Metho m. .u nu . T . . . k w n a B v iihii 1 11 ..u . . - . . . I 1MK u Vf""" - OPENING1 irr and onr GooJ?. We have tititock, tlic-prettl aUUu'oheaivst stock of Cloth" 1 ?vtrty- h ilu niirket. A call and- IKxtfully solicited. had Jacobs OiL I pat snch contdsaee ia the healing power ef this family, remedy, that I roAAmmead it for tne TSXIVIU mil- ments which it if designed W tore, and J expenses $313,192.94. Leating ew prinfi: By t for ! ct'a is & i. snraER, Maiket street hv name to accompany them, toon himK. f nv,nwTi Snnt.li. follows: .. to the Market House and compelled him a nvi Gross earnings $54,028.63; operaUng to gwear that he wouid not attempt to . oi io- ei Tavinff a net in- discharge the duties of his office. They Wilmington, at Front Street, Diocuco o i o- .... .,, ,1 : i &ri --til M.av I most wonderful results The demandfor I ..j ih tie shanof dividends, cneer8' o1o w rprmrdincr Brunswick, at Zion. - - May 14-lo "-!S$! tOTiffll We d, not know the SiS "bein? particHlariy Topsail, at Herring Chapel, May 21-22 w W VMf WW remedies combined; 5V The Beeeptlen Te-HUht. amount of purchase money represented healthy at Aat particulai juncture. Onslow, at ttum iirancn, bv the present stockholders in the new now x dt v. -y- My eooa womanx by the prewnt bwc thority m thewor d, one who . claims to WhV - von out of gorts never- able comnany. uai wo w . v. y.ar t hro t rnn tittiq iluu wuu uas i " y . - m t I 1 4 . U ft. 1 . -' .m c cr si-it er- f -i i t i u uritt " a t -., 'iVsiJ ait'l t ----- ae aaa aaa naveDceninereubrv.ru t til fnlts that von are well? Ten to ' the amount does not exceea ,w a TiT1d recoiiecuon :o i wniw.B ih( flrat hv Uon Hami 1",. !! oOTSJS which odonb lnor at m a r. or.K. ibt idi Ewzciik i wi Aornintn vi 1 tt cry r- n- " n. 1 u u i nnanv caused uerautreu niuueva uuu t - - . . . . I - . -. . 1 Tlnnatnn was COIIlDClieu IU i.ari.e uuc .ui. . : n.wm .hit am in i i j i.A..nn nrt rp.necis creuu i : nr no tn swannw in more w.v. - - - ---- til ii iii 1 1 m 1. 1 u liii k. BaB-.B-i in ir w n mm n mri n i hii a. c sn iiihiiv jt k. ua ww n - v . . - - this community whe knew the; immense UpAn the administrative ability of i i s If u" qaii- it tc;, '.'73' MiS- J. i;5v. ; 1 ' K .': A rts-.lu. e-son v. : a vl ! S'c: fc . ' s- sin ' 4 i-,',' " til I1 fc3rv "'ilf' . . . - r.th- J ' i e: n. tit -Vpi. T '-ii't! ! t.k '-.u-e.iigr t s 11 ral- Tonic, nd wiah friends of charity xh weald aid the ef forts of these wcrthy ladita U titir laudable and chajiUbl csdsrtakin, will by their pressrea 4cl-ht give tub stantialand taaibb 6Ti2:sca cf thtir .ir.ni Ima their beautv from the hair r.ii;n m fkdin ' Parker's Hair Bal- txa supplies necessary nourishment, pre vents oiling and mycta and is an eU every month. Try it at once. Toledo Blade. How Advertisements. finally caused deranged kidney James' Home. Ageneroas ojfer for M cent on the investment, which is; quite a ... i. . av.JL . . a Mn0nt thBO on,,HA in mnn. I the celebrated Kidney- v ort. it is aio nandsome snowing u - so many n ua uau 0-,. 0 fl;fi mPilv fnr all kidnevand liver recent time, stooa prease.y en ft amount of good that has been accora-1 resent management. .. ' . a . . .i 1 . . . .1 v nlnita1 pushed ty the newe laoies . engagea The following genuemen tooww- this institution " ntr the direction on Directors at the meeting held yesterday the Rector of 13t.;2aaes' Parish. Their I to serve" for the ensaing year: F. O. v- I - . work has been- west, that active Mid i French, A. V. Stont, T. M. rorter, a. t ...... . .1 . mm 1 T O earnest. Goin etj Ute the tjways ana I b. Graves, B. A. lancasier, o. hedges, in searth C taose whe are" not! whedbee. Branden Matthews, D. B. only suffering for rjiritnal foed, hat are Mnrchison. O. M. Stedraan, M. P. Leak, alike in distress fcsa hedily ailments, I jj yf. Oatcs. - ' I .. ... : these kind-heartea -wmaa appear as I At a subsequent meung oi me iirec- ministering angels baUe ike lewly cot I tors the following were reelected officers1 ot the poor, whe as ckk and dying, and I j. R. Murchison, President- give them the blessd eensalatiea of the I y q. Johnson, General Supennten- Christain faith, and ei far as in their I aent. power lies, add te tiir saaterial cessfort 1 , James Anderses, Treasurer. also. We hopfr.thtrefsre that the fin m ns or that wan now are and that the wall is lUelf a portion or a part of the foundation of the historic building that once beautified and adorned that classic portion of our city. There can be no doubt about it, for in testimo nium xeritatis, just yau look at the size of the brick, larger than any you ever saw in the hat of any meandering individual, clearly showing that they came from abroad and were not of domes tic manufacture. This latter fact, taken on Monday, the 2d of May, at 13 o'clock, M; in connection with the o recoi-i RICHARD J . JONZ3. lection oi uiai a t,aMin hefAre mentioned, settles the lir.ll.Ul w ' ' WiMngtoa Has Iisit Cosjany. rilHE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock holders will be held at the Compauy's Office, ap 29-2t Sect'y and Treas 'ttTffi Caps and Bonnets in and forces us to exclaim, in the language! Tspa orifl Silk A Afnld Lnbeck. that ancient mariner,! JJtttC 1111 U. OUJm Fl W. Clark. General Freight andJonccwen known to many of our citizens I ttob INFANTS AND COILDSBN frit i . ..it i tl Ami.no tar-aet nvinpm .x u..i r.l . .it . a. - I .nrt Bull pieasauuv reuiciuuvifcu j , ii,iu wwiuurik Pasesger Agenu , ld yUmsr I .p,, of 1, bobbsu sad a.u, la the . Vzams. I AM SELLING NEW SPRING Butter of tho.very finest qua!2 - ity anddolightful flavor, THREE POUNDS : For QUE DOLLAR Or 30 Gents per TPound I by tho small tub. ' All consumers would save monk ey by purclnsing'froia mcJ Joha L. EoatwrigLtv H and 13 North Front St, rmuc ur 1 nc i mh 1 ills" Another fresh lot of this Flour jot t arrived. THE FINEST FL0UB SOLD IN WILHINGTON. Send in your orders early and get it whilo fresh. ; We advise our friends to caU at Jacobi's lor Household Hardware of every deaaip icx There yoifgethe lowest prices. . t UtMt sad most faiBionsMe ctraw. ets Elecaat assortment of Flowers, Kctei sad MUliacrr Ooods Orders from a distance filled with fame care ad preeitioa as thote frca atvtatrc. II123 . KARSE2. jSlwinvfliGiiL sympathy Tfiti ti: CT.

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