mis pi PES nVH POSTAGE A. sT vae;r pper. regularly. EGREAT - 1X It RHEUMATISM, 'Keurafgis, Sciatica, Lwkcno, . jsdto0' oVe7c;sj? .(Jo So'jt,QuinsfSore throat, Swell-, font and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, . foatf, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Sa Ption on corth equals St. Jacobs Oil ulsaft, sure, simple and chetp External aiT A tril MitaiLs but the comparatively fejjwith pain a have cheap and positive proof if iticlaima. fonrtiom in Eleven languages. KLDJTALLDEUGGIST3 ANDDEALEBS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Sid., J7. S. i. attin fJHE LAKGEST STOCK OF FANCY Mirdcp, ever offered ia this market. CARPETS ! Ia i variety of ttyles. OIL CLOTHS all niGihs. Walnut Cornice, Walnut Fole Corsice, and a large stock of Lacs Curtains 2- DHtSS 0000! ! 0 jlnitiag alraost dully. New BUTTONS, ae real jems. . R. fVL rcSntire. MIT Arrivinsr Daily I ml ARE NOW BUSY OPENING, pboff and arraairiair our Snrlntr ana ttf stock cf CcntW Youths' and Boys' nd FuniMdng Goods. We have Mason Mia l , and the cheapest stock of Cloth proffered lathi, market. A call and ,fcwten respectfully solicited. '" A. A, I. SIIRlER, Market-street i ry Job Porson'ri' Indian nuZ 3:':.-.c 2d, mo " Urr .r k, ran ma- ID'tlsm II.-.. Yt; lfMooi A,. ,n 19 fr,,m impurity f3ir.Vi lve, Tonliand I tee-; V; e Ton'e, and wuh F 1- Hi VOL. VI LOCAL NEWS. New AdTrtlBen;nU. - C W Yaie--Do You Waut an Organ ? IIeinsbekgek The Live BookStoreJ A & I SnuiERArriving Daily ' No .Citj Court to day. Oaly one interment, that of a child, in Bellevoe Cemetery this week. Only two adults were interred in' Pine Forest Cemetery daring the week. Only one interment, that of an adult ia Oakdale Cemetery during the week. Tou can now buy Improved Heating aud Cook Stovc6 at factory prlccaat Jacobi'.- Bow to L-e your own N. Y. Enamel Faiut, warranted at Jacobi's. paipter : Buy ft e ready mixed and The Register of Deeds issued marriage licenses to two while and three colored couples during the week. Rev,T. D. Pitts, Rector of St. John's Episcopal Church, who has been cn a visit to Florida, has returned and will fill his pulpit to morrow. Col. 1). K. Mcllae will deliver u tare next Friday night under the pices of the Library Association, theme will be "Phantasmagoria." leo aus- ITis The semi-annaal meeting of the Grand Lodge of the I. O. of G. S. and D. of S. will convene in the City Hall in this citv on Tuesday mornine, May 3rd, at 11 o'clock. ' We are requested to state that there will be baptism at the foot of Princess street to morrow morning, at 11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. A. M. Conway, of th First Baptist Church, colored. George I. Graham, Esq., of 820 N. Nineteenth street, Philadelphia; Pa., a widely known journalist announces his loss of a war inheritance in the shape of a chronic case of rheumatism by the use of one bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, after all other specifics had proved of no service. Cone Abroad. The Ior. barque Alfen cleared hence for Antwerp to-day, and the Gerfbrig Oberon for Granton, Scotland. The former carries 3,435 barrels rosin, ship ped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co., and the latter 2,144 barrels rosin, ship ped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son. Larsc Lf raon. We saw a lemon this morning grown on the farm of the Rev. T. D. Pitts, in Florida, which weighed one pound, good weight, and measured twelve inches in circumference. The lemon i3 one of an improved kind and is said to be of a bet ter quality than those usually sold in market. St. Paul's Kvangellcal Lutheran ; hti:Ch In consequence of the absence of the pastor Rev. G. D. Bernheim, D. D., at Synod, there will be no preaching or Sunday School at the above named Church to-morrow. Wc are informed also that during the absence of Dr. Bernheim, the Church will, under the direction and supervision of the ladies of the Dorcas Society, un dergo a thorough renovating, the win dows being painted and the walls kalso mined, etc. The ladies of - the above, Society have, we are told, been greatly instrumental in reducing the debt of this Church. ' Last Chance. Remember, boys, to-morrow (Sunday) is the first day of May, itnd all of you who have not already done so, had bet ter attend your Sunday School, that is f you want to get your names down in time for the first pic-nic or excursion. It may be considered a little cheeky, but what does that weigh against a whole days' pleasure on the banks of the beau tifai Waccamaw, or the joyou3 festivities of a day at "Hilton,", surrounded by numberless handsome lasses aud the rel alization of an inspection of the contents of the numerous baskets that are always on hand on such occasions. We imagine that we hear you all respond: "I am go ng and don't you forget it?" Indications. For the South Atlantic States, farr weather, North to East wind3. higher ba rometer and stationary or lower temper ature. Many lose their beauty fKfca'tbV' former falling or fading. Parker" sam supplies necessary x-e Parted by the venUfallinj gant dra - ; , Laurir?, N O " .PAULi I WILMINGTO N, N. C, SATURDAY, APRIL .Rer. Tr Wilson's Lcclnro. We listened with pleasure last night t) a highly interesting and entertaining address upon the subject of ''Courage" ,from the Rfiv. Dr. Wilson, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church ia this city. The lecturer was very happily introduced by the President of the Association, Mr. Charles II. Robinson, who declared that he claimed to be a modost m m notwith standing his frequent appearance before the public But another mat-Scr which seemed to distress the worthy President, and which be alluded to in bi3 introduc tory-reinark&r foci .tbi. hewas afraid the audience might expect the same amount of eloquence from him that was listened to from the Hon. Geo. Davis on the occasion of Dr. Deems' lecture, when Mr. Davis performed a similar part which devolved upon the speaker now. But added the speaker while it is my duty and pleasure to introduce to you the Rev. Dr. Wilson, I am sure that he needs no introduction to a Wilmington audi ence." Dr. Wilson then came forward and began the delivery of his lecture upon the theme already mentioned, ne fir3t proceeded to give the origin and derivation of the word "courage," which he asserted came from the French and Latin languages. After tbi3 histo rical insight into the origin of the Word, the distinguished divine led his audience on into an interesting discourse, upon this theme, in which he defined true courage, manly courage andFheroic cow duct. Noble self-sacrifice, when pesti lence and famine, disease and danger are faced at the same time, by administer ing to the wants of the sick, suffering and dying, was described as a courage sublime in its nature. Florence Night ingale's visit to the loathsome prisons where she administered to the wants of suffering humanity, was commented on in beautiful terms. The brute courage, which was mere animal instinct, was likewise illustrated by drawing a picture of a column of troops charging a fortress. Bat a courage that wa3 grand and sub lime was instanced by referring to the charge of the brave six hundrad at Bal aklava, which the eloquent speaker de scribed as an act standing unrivalled in the history of any country. If it be not too presumptions, we can suggest to the reverend gentleman right here, that he can find several instances of a courage more sublime and enduring in the histo ry of the late war in the army of North ern Virginia. We can point tho distin guished lecturer to the bloody heights of Gettysburg, and thfe hard fought fields of Chancellors ville, and the Wilderness besides numerous other instances, duringl the four " years of strife, in verification of our assertion. The Six Hundred made the charge and retreated. Other commands have charged and though subjected to a withering fire after gaining their position, held it for hours, until ; in one instance a com mand of nearly 300 muskets, dwindled down or melted away under the galling fire of the enemy by being killed and wounded until all but a bakers dozen were, scattered bleeding and dead upon the ground. It takes less courage to make a charge than to receive one, so old soldiers think, and say. But the Reverend Doctor's lecture was consider ed an admirable one, and as we said in the beginning, a highly entertaining discourse, to which the large audience present,listened with profound and silent attention, only interrupted by the fre quent outbursts of applause. Stolen Property Recovered. On Tuesday night last a ycry fine mocking bird and cage was stolen from the piazza of Captain John Barry's resi dence oh Sixth between Red Cross and Campbell streets, A search was insti tuted for the bird and cage and last evening it was ascertained that the steward of the steamship QulfStream had bought a bird and cage answering to the description of the one stolen from Capt, Barry. The steward was approch ed about the matter when he stated that he bought the biid and cage from a color ed man for $5.00. He willingly gave the stolen property up to iU rightful owners, but is unable to give the name of the person he got it froraor to-u tify the man. ; There ft t-j3 not the wor RATES DAY cuuu - . ... jt mx'-.T-' i. v,of VpP?rtiri Per j 22 s rsnidLar ont cf tls "oitr can bail their printing carefollj ezaoated aad oil, to tiem fret of posters: H- T7AREOCK. A rfobo Act. Yesterday afternoon a little white boy who wa3 unable to swim, swung into the river on a slack rope which was tied to the wharf and to a boat near by, and . gradu ally sank' as his weight pulled the boat in and gave the rope more slack. He had gone under twice, and was sinking for the third time, when Master Freddie Bissinger discovered the di owning boy, and plunged in catching hold of him just as he disappeared under the water, and with the assistance of a man got the lit tle fellow safe ou shore. It was a noble act on the part of theOMgrescuer for he ran the risk of loosing his own life in try ing to save that of his comrade. . Look out for Her. Two or three weeks ago a woman and a little girl made their appearance in this city and presented themselves aa worthy objects of charity, and collected . a snug little sum of money from gentlemen of this city. The woman has since been seen handsomely dressed in . silks and satics attending festivals and dances. We have been told she has several very handsome suits of silk with gloves, hats etc., to correspond, and that the girl now daily begs going from house to house. It would be well for our citizens to re fue to assist her in future as she is in no way an object of charity. Rankm Hall Professor Fanning. The reception last night at Rankin Hall, given by Mr. T. C. Fanning and his patrons, wa3 well attended and re sulted in a success for the object contem plated by the movers in the undertaking. The little folks as well as those of older growth who were present at . the recep. tion, seemed to have a hearty good time But how could they help it under such excellent management as that of Profes sor Fanning? By the way, the Professor, we regret to say, took his departure on the steamer to-day for Fay etteville, whither he goes to open a school on Monday next. Mr. Fanning is no stranger to our people, having lived among them some twenty-five or thirty years ago. He only comes now to re new the acquaintance so pleasantly be gun then. We trust the Fayettevilliaus will accord the Professor tho same cordial . welcome so characteristic of that hospitable people. Go to Jacobi's lor Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes , Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices An Anniversary. To-day i3 the anniversary of one ot the most disastrous fire3 that ever occurred in Wilmington. On Sunday, April 30thj 1843, about 10:30 a. m., the alarm of lire was sounded, the wind blew almost a gale from the South and the flames swept every thing in their course, commencing on the North side of tne alley next North of the present National Bank building, From this point every house on Front. Water and Nutt streets were destroyed save a few buildings lyiDg between Prin cess and Chestnut streets, on West side of Front street, and two othcra nearly opposite the4telegiapii office. The confla gratiou extended to the extreme North ern limits of the city, sweeping every thing in its fiery course consumming rail road depot, offices, machine shops and ware houses, together with a large quan tity of naval stores on the wharves at the depot. Such was the rapidity 61 the de structive element, that in less than three hours after the first alarm was given ev ery house in the line described was razed to the ground. The event transpired on Sunday as be fore stated and caused great panic among our citizens. Many persons rushing to their homes from their respective places I of worship,'; found them enveloped in flames; in fact many individuals narrow ly escaped with their lives from the burn ing buildings, i There, was only one lHe lost, however, that of an old colored wo man who had succeeded in getting out of her heuse but was enveloped in flames from surrounding buildings and perished in her yard. So we arc informed by one if our oldest citizens. '. My Good Woman tVTiwr o ra T-rn en nn nf cnvfo norof aKl ito tell folks that you are wellt Ten to 'one its all caused in the first place by ; habitual constipation, which no doubt . finally caused deranged . kidneys and I liver. The sure cure for constipation is he celebrated Kidney-Wort. It is also 1 r . n't ... . i i -x diseases. 1 housands are cured by it every month. Try it at once. Toledo Blade. - 30. 1881. NO 53 ennrctk services. Worship in tho Tarious churches of th city to-morrow as follows. FIRST BAPTIST CHUECIl, . Comer of Market and Fifth Rtiwfjr Ttt J. B. Taj lor, Pastor. Sunday School a v-jv a. m. oervicea at 11 a. in. rd S d. m The Lord'j buppr will t e administered after th-j morning esnnsn. rtmokkn Sunday School 3 p. ru. Young Men's Prayer Meeting r- -day nieht at 8 oYlock. Church Praver Ik iine Thursday riinbt at 8 o'c'ock. ST. JAMES PARISH. Corner Third and Market streets, Rev. A. A. Watson. D. D.t Rector. Second Sunday after Kater and Festiv.l of fct. Philip aud St. James May 1st. Morning Prayed "and Communion at "II oVock:. Sunday School 3;30 p. m. Evening Player at 5 o'clock 8T. john's church, Corner Third and Red Cross ets. Rev. Thomas D4 Pitts, Rector. The Second Sunday after Easter May l?t.- ilorning rraer ana Jioiy uoxnmuciou at 11 a, m- Sunday School 3:30 p. m. Evening Prayer and sermon at 8 o'clock! The Rector has returned and will conduct the services. FROST STREET M. K. CUU3CII, (SOUTH) corner Front aud Walnut streets, Rev. E. A. Yates, D D , pastor. Services at 11 a. m. aud 8 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m., W. M. Parker, sup't. Christian As sociation meets Tuesday evenings alter the first and third Sundays in each month. Prayer Meeting and Preaching Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. FIFTH STREET M. E. CHUCCH (SOUTH,) on Fifth, between Nun and Church streets. Rev. T.P. Ricaud, pastor. Services at 11 a. m, and 8 p. m. Sabbath School at 9 a. m, Prayer Meeting Thursday eve ning at 8 o'clock. SECOITD PBESHYTEBIAN CHURCH, Cor Fourth and Campbell streot?. Rev CM. Payne, Pastor. Services at 11 a m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath School at 3:30 p. m. Prayer Meetiug Wednesday at 8 p. m. Seats free. CHRIST'S CHURCH (CONGREGATIONAL), on Nun, batween Sixth and Seventb. Rev. D. D; Dodge, Pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p, m. Fastor's Bible Class at 12 p. m. Prayer and Praise Meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m., in Memorial Hall. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, corner Third Jand Orange streets. Rev J. R. Wilson, D. D., pastor. Service at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath Schoo 3 p. m. ST. Paul's episcopal churchI corner Fourth and Orange streets, Rev. T. M. Ambler, Rsctor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m, Sunday. School at 3:30 p. m. Seats free. Now Advertisements. The Live Bookstore. QONTAIKS THE LARGEST and zaost complete atook cf POPULAR LITERATURE, MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, PIANOS AND ORGANS latest etjler, and superior to all others in quality of Tone, Finish, Durability aud Elegance of Design and ri&Iah, for cash or on the easy inatal r meat plan. Call and gee and be convinced, At apt SO HELXSBERQER'S. Live Book and Musie 8 tore Spring Cassimeres. nnfl03E WHO FEEL AN INTEREST IN Southern Enterpr ize, will be greatly pleas ed by an examination of the really merito rlous ALL WOOL Cassimeres now on sale at my store; 12 different styles, the produc r - tfon of the Bethaaia, N. C, Woolen Mills, Just the thing for Men and Boys. Suits for gentlemen made to order at low prices and fit guaranteed. . JNO; J. HEDRICK, apl 25-3t m tues-sat WMiigtoa Gas IMt Compy. rjlHE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock holders will be held at the Company's Office, on Monday, the 2d of May, at 12 o'clock, 31. RICHARD J. JONES. Sect'y and Treas ap29-2t Gaps and Bonnets in Lace and Silk. FOE INFANTS AND CHILDREN jntt reeeived. Beautiful assortment. All shapes of Ladies' Bonnets and Hats, la the latxt and most fashionable Straws ete. Elejcant assortment of Flowers, Hoces and Millintry Goods. Orders from a distance filled with la-ne care and precision as those from city patrons. HISS . K AKRKB, ap 2a-dw No Booth front St riEV FRUIT AUD CONFECTIQNEBY STORE TIE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A branch Fruit and Confectionery Store under the 'Beview, Office, corner Water and Chestnut streets. All persons passing that locality are respectfully invited to cll and be suited with Fruit, Home-made and Fancy Candles, Soda Water, Cigar ' and a general nice variety, at -8. g. Noimrr.op'3, : apl 3 Water t, tcr?V Wt win be glad to rture ecazasslciL'cn from cur fries ii on car and all ni'rsU o ffenaral literal but : The cast of the writer curl always bt f cr to ta Editor. OonuaualcatloajtKrtU 'written ca ctly cao ride of tte paper. Persosailtiea emit be avoided Aad It It especially and particularly end er stood that the Edit does net always eacrse the Tiewsoieorrerpoa dents, unltu to ttahd la tie editorial eohrana. ' New Advertisements, ill. CROTVM,Aticlioncci BY CRONLY & MORIOS, AUDTICn SALE OF REAL ESTATE. MONDAY, 2d MAY NEXT, at 11 ": o'clock, a m we will sell, at the Court , House, 'V : v,'v That Valuable Uoimproved Lot,CCxlW feet upon West ida of Front, between Mulberr-.H Walnut sa., and Lot and BuiIdii -, Drug Store and Resi dence N. W. corner ampUell an d . Fourta stretta. -ail !3-3t 13-33 . - . ' IfJwCROiSJLy, Auclionccr. 1 CY CRONLY & MORRIS". Admistrator's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE : Superior Court of New Hanover county, in a certain special proceeding there ped ing before the Clerk, wherein Alfred Ilowe, as Administrator of Julia Pettlford, is plain tiff, and Orlando Dover and wife Margaret Dover, aro defendants, I will on ifon- -day, the 2d day of (May, 181, at 11 o'clock, A. MU mt tho Lourt House door, in the city) of Wilmin ton, offer for sale by public auction, that lot of land, eituate in said cify, arid designated upon the plan thereof as Lot No. S in Block 201. The said lot-Vwill be divided in half and sold In two lots, each being: of tac width of 03 feet and of the depth of 103 feet. Terms One third cash, residue In Sand 6 months with interest from day of tale. - ALFRED HO WE, apl 1 11-30-30 Administrator Coriii Bacon5 Molasses. 10 000Buh5 prime toC0RN Bbxcs SmokeuaildD S Sides Q Kf Hnls & Tierces ' OOkJ New Crop Cuba " 100 bIflew Orleans Molasses, Just received and for sale low by , WILLIAMS & MURCHISONJ Flour, Sugar, Coffee, &cj 1(X)0 Bbls Flour, all. grades, 250 Bbls Supars. Granulated, A, Extrft CandCJ;- 50 Bbls New Orleans Sugar, 350 Bags Coffee, dlflerent;grades, : 125 Boxes Aborted Candy, 100 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 75 Bbls and Boxes Lemon Cates, 875 Boxes Lye and Potash, 200 Boxes Soap, 75 Boxc3 and 'Kegs Soda, ; 100 Boxes and Half Bbls Snuff,; Shot, Buckets, Paper, Spice, Pepper, GIdJ ger, Hoop Iron, &c Randolph SheetlngiB For sale by feb 23 "VVTLLLAMS & MTJRCHISOKJ V evv Sprine: tie ip I" I AM SELLING NEW SPRINGE Butter of tho very finest qua!; ity andfdelightful flavor, THREE POURJDG I For 0MS DOLLAR I ; Or 30 Cents per IPonnd I by the small tub. 'Z v?1 . All consumers would Eavo moil ey by purchasing from me, John X. BoatwrighfcullTi 11 and 13 North Front St. " 7 i" "PRIDE OF THE PAHTOY." Another fresh lot of this Flour jtut arrived. THE FINEST FLOUR SOLD IN WILiLTNGTON. Send in your orders early and get it while fresh, v - X JNO. t. 80ATL7mn?lTV ' V ; Ki th - , rr; .. - I .. ;5f