to next week; and that Democrats" il bo disappionted in expectation that Re publicans will take each other hj the ears. An Administration Senator says some Bepnbhcan Senators hare recent 1? been to New York, and bare learned that public sentiment is in favor of ac tion upon nominations made by toe President. California reoDle are be coming impatient about the Chinese treaties, and it is feared that if they are not ratified the failure may be charged to the Republicans, and California be lost to the Republicans at the Stale elec tions. ..The caucus committee is considering what shall be done, and it is learned from Republican sources that the plan they will adopt wi l be that which has been foreshadowed in theee .dispatches that is, that executive sessions shall be held and the treaties considered, and only those nominations to which no liepubii can senator omects. 5y this means about a hundred nominations can be dis posed cf without developing the divisions in tbe Republican party and giving the Democrats the power to dictate who shall be confirmed by deciding between the fictions. . Cable to N Y Evening Telegram FOREIGN NEWS. Oof. Blc&EiOBd Ktate. "Washisgtox, D.CL, ) : April 29; 1881. j ' Senator Butler, of South Carolina, is a man of fine personal appearance, strong, clear and pleasant Yoice, grace ful in language anu aeiiTcrjr, uu um KaM inisivo metaoa 01 empnasia iaai. driven hia best noints right home to the of his auditors. He was listen ed to with unusual interest yesterday both br Republicans and Democrats tion h undertook his self appointed task of proving that the Republicans had . - - . - lfAUA.. made a bargain witn oewwr juuuvuc. It was performed as clearly as it could be without Tiroducine direct evidence, and as forcibly as it could be by one of ' - a 0... X3 the foremost orators in me ocuic. ... o presented no points of proof that were entirely new. That would have been difficult to do, because the subject has been gone over many times in the course of the six weeks debate, and no i mo cratic Senator has spoken gingerly re gard to the Republican Readjustcr al liance. But Senator Butler grouped all of the proofs in an effective manner, so as to form a connected chain of circum stantial evidence which, not disproved, would lead directly to the conclusion that the alliance of the new Virginia Senator and the patronage he has or is to receive - at the hands of the Republican party bear the relation of cause and effect. . Republicans are not, of course, satis fed with the case made out by Butler. They say he failed to present anything but hearsay, and only formulated suspic ions as an indictment. Gen. Burnside had pledged himself to give up his com mittee chairmanship if Butler could sat isfy him by proof that there had been a bargain. Of course nobody expected that he would admit that his party had been convicted, and it amused Senators a good deal when he arose and gravely said that Butler had failed to prove the alleged bargain, but he would not ask him to resign his commission as Senator, and thanked Butler when he interrupted to say that, although the charge had been proved, he (Butler) would not ask him to resign his committee chairmanship. The greater part of Butler's speech, which required about two hours and a half in the delivery, was devoted to a qz1t : A subterranean passage leads reply to Frye's wholesale denunciation from the Czar's room to the stables, ot Southern political methods. wwhich where a number of horses are kept sad- - Frve mctured in very dark colors and at- died and bridled dav and nigrht. Senti tribnted to the effects of the "barbarism nel3 are 'posted at intervals.of twenty of slavery." Butler pioducea a sicKen- yaris all around the building. ing array of criminal acts perpeiraieu in f m'ni And other New England States, And plained that if crimes committed in The imperial bedroom has two win hft Sonth resulted from the barbarism of dows, protected at night by massive iron slavery, it might justly be claimed that shutters, which can only be reached from the numerous crimes committed in New the outside by passing though three Wtwriani iuafo thp TPsnlt of the peculiar spacious antechambers, in which are ririlisatinn of New Enerland. This kind posted eighty Cossacks, armed to the of argument he deprecated, but felt teeth. They are allowed to speak and bound to meet Fryo upon the:ground to move about in the two outer rooms, and turn his own weapons upon him. but in the hall adjoining the bed- With great force he-discussed the true room perieci snence is mainiainea au civilization of the South and emphasized night. The general on duty for the day it bv recalling a long list of eminent sits in an easy chair, his Cossacks sitting statesmen and. military heroes (the latter includine Federal Generals George H. Thomas and Winfield Scott, and Adnri rtil FamumtV who have made illustri ous the history of the United States, and of an electric apparatus which rings a who were oorn 0,n soumern sen ana were 1 ,iu cvci.guaru uuusc iuc f pecimens of the products of what Frye palace grounds. When the Emperor is .no.rintrlv called civilization based I about to retire to rest, before shutting upon the barbarism of slavery. the door, he removes the enter handle, Butler also made a home-shot at Frye so that no entrance can be .effected until and at most of the men who are accus he himself personally opens the door .ri Kaaf ih Snnih. when he in- from the inside. Unlike his father he quired what part he took in war in con- cannot endure the presence of an armed qaering the rebel brigadiers, against soldier in his bedchamber. whom he now. in times of peace, charged Lonpqx, April 28. At a banquet eo valiantly. given to. the Ministers by one of the City More than one stalwart felt the sting companies last night, Lord . Hartington, of this reproach, and the stinging sar- replying Jto the toast of "Her Majes- easm of language and illustration with ty's Ministers," defended the policy of the which it was presented. Frye being ab- Cabinet, and, referring to Irish affairs, sent his colleague replied to so much of said he believed the evils of Ireland were Butler's speech as related to Maine. Be- too deep seated to be removed by any ing wholly unprepared he spoke with ap- changes in the relations of landlord and 1 1 1 JI. ian n t 4 r"tl aoa Atrila 1a a rl 3 nr3 - wwtll nova parent enert. ana nis remarks wereuis-r6""" iuuat ouutUj muuww Protecting: the Unhappy Czar Against the Pious it the Nihilists London; April 28 A-letter from St. Petersburg' gives a gloomy account of the new Czar's life at the Casle of Gats china, thirty miles from the capital. Before the Court removed thither several huadred aiti3ans of the Preobrajinsky regiment were sent to make ihe necessa ry alterations - At midnight they as sembled in Kq church at Gatschina and were sworn secretly to silence, death or Siberia being the penalty of the infrac tion of rtheir oath. Ten rubles were the price of each man's silence. The altera tions were made in forty-eight hours. THE SECRET BETRAYED. !Vodki soon loosened the tongues of the workmen, aud the following is a de scription of the precautions against as sassination made in the Palace of the ed to Hon. A & ITerrixnon and Judge A 0 Avery for addrtsse?. ' ; The following resolutions were unani mously adopted: - Wherex. The Legislature has left it optional with the county commissioners 01 each county in the State to grant or refuse license when applied to; and, whereas, the most if not all the licenses now in existence will expire by the first Monday in May next; and, whereas, it is important that a fair and impartial vote or the people should be taken upon the A . t 1 T T m question now aguawng me state; and whereas, these liquor dealers will, in th opinion of this convention, bso the liauo m . w - I soia oy them lor the purpose ot perver mg public sentiment; therefore. Kesolved, That we respectfully pe tion the county commissioners of ea county not to grant any other licen until after the election to be held on t first Monday in August next. Kesolved, T. hat in tbe opinion of t convention the ladies 01 the State ho be organized into prohibitory societies anu mat me executive committee be in structed to proceed at once to pcrltct such organization. Speeches were made by Bev .James Mahoney, of the extreme western part o the SiateJ and E R Dudleyof New Manover. A reso'ution of thanks was tendered to Hon J C McBae for the able and im partial manner in which he presided over the deliberations of this convention. A vote of thanks was tendered to the tizens of Raleigh for their courtesies, etc. The convention then adjourned sine die. on the divan which runs around the whole room. ALARM SIGNALS.. At the general's right hand is the knob Bishop Lyman's Appointments May 26, Ascension Day St. John's, Wilmington. May 27, Friday p. ra. St. Mark's, Wilmington. ' May 29, Sunday a. m. St. James', Wilmington. May 29, Sunday p. m. St. Pauls, Wilmington. May 3i, Tuesday Clinton. June 1, Wednesday Faison. June 2, Thursday Smithville. June 5, Whitsunday Fayette ville. Ordination. June 17, Friday Wilson. June 19, Sunday Rocky Mount Con secration. June 20, Monday Halifax. June 21, Tuesday--Scotland Neck. Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmington District, Metho dist E. Church, South, 1881. (Second round.) Wilmington, at Front Street, Apl 30, May 1 Smithville, - - May 7- 8 Brunswick, at Zion, - - May 14-15 Topsail, at Herring's Chapel, May 21-22 Onslow, at Gum Branch, - May 28-29 Clinton, Cokesbury, Coharie - June 4- 5 - - June 11-12 June 18-19 L. S. BURKHEAD, Presiding Elder. LEECIAL fflSWS jointed. But as a whole his speech was 1 ,1 A singularly conservative aougwu rciupci ed for one who has been inclined in the oast to take foremost place among the ontr&fre fthriekers of the North. After a creaeral defence against Butler's in dictment of New England civilization he asserted that by the admissions Reverdy Johnson in the kuklux trials, of Senator Hampton in a recent speech, and of an editorial in a Charleston newspa per, there had been outrages and viola- tions of the right of free suffrage in the - South. He reiterated a former condem nation of the now historical carpet-bag KOTCrUIUCUUJ, UIIU nuuilwu uav mw t pie of that section naa Deen suDjecieu 10 severe trials. What he condemned most was that Seaators riso in their places and den v that the ballot has been vio lated in the South, or that political per -. .,...t.A-ii l4 FnnMr4 T01F lll nAfflr OCVUUUU9 UU UVAUl l VVJ. tuvj ,. , v. make the North believe it, and the North be effectually removed until the number of owners of property is increased. The Greatest Blessing. A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures every time, and prevents disease 0f I by keeping the blood pure, stomach reg ular, kidneys and liver active, is the greatest blessing ever conferred upon man. Hop Bitters is that remedy, and its proprietors are being blessed by thousands who have been saved and cur ed by it. Will you try it? See other column. Eaqle. an- TUE TERRIBLE CONSPIRATORS. WIIMINJTON MARKET. AMIL 50. P if. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Dull and nomi nal. KOSIN Quoted stead j at 91 50 for Strained and 1 55 for Good Strained, a decline of 5 cents on each grade. Ho sales reported. TAR Q.uoted Oim at 51 9t 1 per bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at tl 59 for Hard. 92 50 for Soft and 92 60 for Virgin. COTTON Quoted weak. No sales re ported. Tho following are tbe official quo tations : r .. Ordinary . Good Grdln&rj. bow Middlia..... MiddlIacM...........M.......M.. Cents Cotton...... 81 bales Spirit! Tcrpe3tir.M 127 eaaJcs Rous m...........m...... 13SI bbis TSkTM... .MM...... ..... ..M Grade Tarnecdo- It Dynamite at the Czar's Palace 111 ness of ihe Czarina. Paris, April 28. A despatch to the c mo ilWUU VCUOIV - . - - will continue to insist until the ballot "?Z .f qV S. .u.M u r a t;a ra; in th I mines hare been aiseovered at St. Pe- whole country. . tersburg. A quantity of dynamite was While Hale was speaking Conkling ,Jast affer ,0(1 V -rtiocoi wJa mto the courtyard of the Palace of Gat- - v:. i,, a rf. Tifu schina concealed in a load of hay. The hoarse, and it was noticed that Conkling Czarina is seriously ill, being subject to ' moved quietly around among tne desks r '" f Vl UttU. . j i..j. . a m. . k a m ttiA MOina Dona r-w . . . nr 11 Mil from poss. "A peace offering," said the j tive at first, Senator Mahone indifferent;,- bnl01. anA Pn tnnlr Hessy Helfmann's illness is expected to oe Drougnt to a .close in a very short time, and it is feared that this will be the signal for her execution. The Intran et tempfand sent up a written paper to sl9e.avU declares that she has been ruth---nneonle inmnedat the conclusion Mesaly Wrtnred since she has been a pris- ielJSL a resolntion askincr for an in. oner bt this Statement mfast AiJ&Z 5f a bargain. It wu. ene: cial T jyvuiugvw v mm MffaKB-ao -o. w ruptjonKo 8imply a reqat that Attorney-uenerai iurnisu xne oenate sVcopy of Marshal Lewis's reply to the T . .. L . i t ..? ciai agent wno reporiea irregularities cum graho salts. J be taken 0 administration of his office. The ! Condensed from Batalgn VUitor. Prohibition Conremlon. SECOND DAY -AFTKRXOON SKSSIOX. A State ExecutiTe Committee of twen- . 6ject of this request was to complete I ty fire were appointed from the difierent )! i.aawi kt L. T nnla'a nnnntna I 1 - ' I !.. - i. IT A HnI ' vuo tewm uj uaiiuK j-nsnio ouusnci ui,u congressional U13U1C15, WllU XX -a. vjr ur . "ii ii i rvf i i i -r - Jl . . wifcu iuai oi jyisLTici--Ai-iurucy xuriv auu i per, as cnairman. the special agent's report. J Gen. S. II. Manning, of New IlanoTer. Senator Mahone says he does not ex- J and Capt. S. G. Rankin, of Cumberland, poet to reply to cutler s speech, lie does j were appointed from third district. not see that it contained anything re quiring a reply from him. If any Demo crat thinks therewaaa bargain, he ought r to ask for an investigation and produce the procfi. In conversation with Republican Ben ators to day they expressed the opinion that there is now a reasonable prospect that executive business will be attended 1 This committee of twenty-five at once selected a central committee of nine. Mr T C Williams, of Warren, read a memorial from the ladies of Warren, which stated that they had there organ ized a prohibition society. Addressed from, several coiorea men were read. ; ' A standing vote of thanks wastender- BOTS HEWS ARS1YED. tameA-;lizabeth,Wilklnson,8iiltlivllle, Mmer. . . , Steamer D llurchison, Roberta, Fayette- Vllle. Villlanis& Alurchlson. Steamship Gulf Stream, Ingram, New York. T E lioud. Hteamerl) Murchlson, Robei La, Fayette vi lie, Williams & Murchlson. Nor barque Aifsen, Petersen, Antwerp, Paterson, Downing A Co. Ger barque Oberon, Westphal, Granton, Scotland, Alex Sprunt d: Son ) A ELxporta. fom its. Antwerp Nor barque Alisea 1,435 bbis rosin ... Granton Ger barque Oberon-2.14 bbl rosin PURGSLL H0?USiE, TJ-VDER NSW MASAGEKBJJT, Br Im PERRY, Prop Lt.t9Proprietor Atlantio Hotel. first Ol&sj ia all its appeintcenU $l.tO to $3 per dar Te ml I AND Hit of VczzzU Orcr 100 ; iczi in Pert April 23, 1881 BABKT. Ger Marie, 586 tons. Pennien. . B Feachaa & Wettermann Nor Alfen, 375 tons, Pettersen. Belde & Co Nor Bona Fide, 511 tons, Allefsen, CPMebane Ger Elsie Mexler, 373 tons. Dabm, Peecbau & VVlermann Noi Erstitningtr, 377 toia. I drflec. Uoide&Co Ger Atlantic, 393 tons, Sheari. , Ger Ft&rcf II. pe, 236 nu-, Hatnann, K Peschau A Westermann Nor Jerbuen. 271 tons. Svt ndsn. C 1 Mebane NcrFjomAuden. ZGS tois. i vrland. Heide A Co Nor A M Schweigaard. 429 tons-Johnson, UP Mebane Ger Ljdia Peschau, 403 tow, Bremen, E Pescbaa JSc Westermann Nor Morvl 363 ton". Matthiesen, repz Heide Co BRIGS. Ger Oberon, 242 tons, Wes? phaT, E Peschau & Westermann Br Zingn, 199 tons, Barns, EG Barker & Co Br J Williams, 338 tons. Nelson, E G Barker & Co SOHOONEBS. Am C W Lewis, 320 tons, Hupper, J H Cbadoonrn Am Hattie A White, U9 tons, Bed ta, "EG Barker & Co Am Watchful, 137 tons, Gill, EG Barker & Co Am John J Ward, 236 tons, Iuman, Geo Harriss & Co Am Jessie Hart, 2d, 255 tons, Wall, EG Barker & Co Am Aha Y Cole, 202 tons, Hitched, Geo Harries & Co Am C H Mec Comber, 120 tons, Perry, E G Barker &mCo Am Jjhu Somes, 137 tons, Walls, EG Barker & Co Am Edward Lameyer, 145 tons, Kendall, EG Barker & Co Am Jenni-j R Morse, 408 tons, Anderson, Master Am Saml Hart, 210 tons, Qolbrook, EG Barker & Co Am Irene E Mesenrey,244 tons,Meservey . Nortcrop & dimming Am Geo .Churchman, 281 tons, Rlsley, Go Harriss & Co Am Carrie Belle 274 tons, Seavy, . ifi Ci Barker B Uo Aai'E HDrummond, 296 tons, Hi gins. E G Barker & Co Am Mama Reynolds, 312 tons, Tilton, I E Kidder & Sons Am Clara, 293 tons, Crammer, laid up, Geo Harriss The foIlowtST crout:c--j repmsats wholtJils prices ftasrally. Ia tnaHng vp Bali ordan UxharprlMS oar to be aharssd BAGGIffO . standard.. 1 fi BACK If North OarolixLa, Haau, y ix Bhoaltos.'O Haws...... Bides, V ShoTuden... Orr Salted 8idu Vfi. 10 o ft o WO is o 10 Q 13 Shoulders, V fix.. For this Port from Foreign Ports BARKS. Nor Agatha, 360 tons,Rohr, sailed from jureraen, f eb 24 Ger Anna, 326 tons, Siewarts, eailed irom Ulasgow, rub 24 Hot Braekka,36&tons.N-E.en, sailed irom Amsterdam, April 1 &wd Oann, 472 tons, Westerland, saiVd irom J-iiverpool, Feb 25 ' Ger Charles. 306 tons, Laughoff, cleared from JLiOndon, Jan'y 29 - Dan Elene, 471 tons, Dahl, eailed from Liirerpooi, ireb 25 Ger Erni e, 419 tons, Knuth, sailed fromSt Nazaure, Marcn 12 Nor iforsrtte, 349 tons, Knudaen, sailed from Belfast, Feb 11 Br Geo Walker. 418 tons, Patersen, sailed from Havre, March 18 Ger Hera, beback, sailed from Limer. ick, January 23 Swd Israel, 320 tons, Tallin, sailed from liVerpool, March 8 1 Nor Resolve. 398 tons, Soeilberf. sailed irom JLmn&irff, Jan 13 Ger Richard, 463 tons. Paste, sailed irom uavre, Marcn Nor Tborgnv. 448 tons. Andersen, at Bristol, April 7 Nor Suo. -Nielsen, sailed from Havre, Marcn 4 Br Vizcaya. 276 tons, Butler, sailed from riymotitn, Marcn 20 BBlGSi Ger Albert ine Meyer. 266 tens. Zelek. sailed irom Havre, Marcn 2 Nor Brazillian, 332 tons,: Beree. sailed irom Algiers, uec 14, Swd Carin. 283 tons, Schmidtsailed from Hull. April 4 - . Nor Cod gal, 334 tona,?Danielson. at St r k t -v iyazaire, jao iz. Dan 2nd April, Soreasen. sailed from Gioarutna, Feb 10 Swd Emil, 265 tons. Melmors.. sai!ed M rt - irom jaavre, januo . Nor Gazellep, 260 tons Wevbe. cleared trom Lionoon, April 2 Nor Ragnxuld. 197 tons, Hansen, sailed from Rotterdam, Feb 21 Nor Saltero, 332 tots, Nover.saHed from Cette, January 20 Swd bvaun, 32d tons. Jansson. sailed irom ot Vincent, Jan 31 Nor Tramore, 355 tons, Christiansen. M . " sauea irom ttrim&tad, Marou 31 RED CEDAR PACKING CHESTS SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS B3ACKETS,rM0ULDING, LUMBER, &c, ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS, AT ALTAFFEB, PRICE & CO'S. BKEJ Lire weight BABttSI-B Spirits Turpentine Bssond Sand. mqm.m.. r -7.k. .- 1 DA a WW lUIIffWaj Mil ...Ml m w B&IGKS Wllmiagton,? H T 00 Jortaera BUTTEA Worth Oaroliaa & -forthern. TB Tb. TaUow, y Pw Adamantms. V set. OHESl northern Fattorr, V a Dairy eream, y p.......... OOFTSE Java, 9 !. too, v 9XO o 1XO m . rta 17 r 8100 A MONTttT t 1 r w - - tact . " 3rtdw. vr " T titT, 12 00 00 IS 2& U 10 JLasnrra. H &. OOHK MAL 9 boihel. O o o o o o o o 18 O TWO 176 s 00 SI 00 OU Of O IB O o o o mm GOLD 14 14 10 28 S3 40 15 15 11 SO 20 20 T6 HEDAL AWlRrIr KSl a0w THT o J w o o T 1 23 GOTTOJf TIES V bdl... 1 T5 DOUESTIO Bheetinr, 4-4 yard.MM. Tarn. V banth 1 10 maocerel, JTo. 1, V bbl.M.16 00 Jfo. 1, p X bbiM..HN-.MM. 8 76 Maekerel, No. 2, ? bbU..12 60 lfo.2, "O X bbL.MMHHH. 6 00 MacWreLWo. 3 p bbL..OO 00 Mullets, y bbl.M..MM.MM. 3 60 V. O. Herring, ykeg.M..M 6 60 Dry Ood, fc ...... T FLO US Fine. V bbl. 0 00 Super, northern, V bbl. 6 00. Kxtrado " 4 bbl. 6 00 Familr ' p bbL 7 00 Olty MiUEzaper V bbl... 7 00 " Jramilr w bbl... T 50 " Ex. FamilrVbbU. 8 00 JttiiTHjlEKlitt PtruTianQaano.piOOOBi.OO 00 Q1Q 00 uaroana Ftrtmser ' "WW O40 00 OSS 00 O10 60 000 00 O 6 60 O 6 26 O 3 76 O 6 00 o 0 O 4 00 O 6 60 O 6 69 Q 8 60 7 25 9 7 76 O 8 26 Patent PUblTS mmm a --a- --. saw iiiixs s Aim fitiHiwiw ij TT . STEAM ENGINES O a. BUiLKOOIa ST., BAJLTIilOEE, MD. f -0 if W II K apl 81 4w LNUMAtllKlrHVfi Varaua Ouano, " ' 00 00 Complete Manure 00 00 Ghana's Pbosphate " 00 00 Wando Pboephate, " " 00 00 WUeoz, Gibb k Co., ma nipulated Uuano .00 00 Factorr: Foot Walnut st. ..apl 24 Office: Nutt, near Bed Crosst Wlafl Cum pas j, V UceTille, N. O. . Prices and saesples n applieatioo. Send in jour ortfer J tor tb beisdsre. deo7-iwT . - Fresh Every Day -fNE 4QhSOTT OP 0.LHDII8, Sy Ah and Domettfe, jiut reei i tsle, THE ONLY GKKD1NS HOME-MJLDJ Gandj In the eity, will be fotmd ererr dsj, fresh and iweet three doors South d the PostofSae oa 8eooed street. Also, Huts -UisinV.FrttiV O. E. JEYSSS- a jsi-22 'Hear tU PertoSoel GLUE- B. OUAIN Ooro Jtore.l? 66fiM Oorn, eargo, j? 66 8t....M Corn, tL, boihel...-.. wf Dai rmmmm 9 KmbKaI owe vw w a w fUfluA HIDES Green, V to .. . aj TT vs 2d L Y Saitern, 100 &M. O40 00 07 00 O40 00 G40 00 045.00 Sprinff cfc Summer tvles. HOOP IBOIfa ton. LAEDlforthern V lb.M..M Korth Oarolina 9 ZhM..M. LI MIC bbl... .-.......-MM.-. . LDMBKS OltyitwuntA'wd 8b.ptir,rMwdfiT?Mrt.l8 00 ftough edge plank. M ft. 16 00 West India eargo, accord ing to quality, V M ft... 13 00 Dreued uooriig,ieasoned.l6 00 Boantlisg and boards, com mon, ? M ft.... .....1J 00 tiOLA8di-SOub.hhdVgl 37 Cuba, bbis., 9 gal..M..MM, 39 Sugar houie, nhds. V gal 25 bbis. 9 gL. 27 6rieanl Choiee bhU. V gaL 00 9 AIL8 Out, 20dto4d,kg,bais 14 70 76 26 60 00 26 M n l A I.I vt 70 O ' , iS g 1! Hh J-1 4 I 10 O 1 16 . 7 vC--J 10 o rr 0100 Jtirjr 01000 I 0ll8 Kerofene, 9 gaIM. Mil, V ....... Li&ieed, V gal.M.M. 'MM...M Koiia. V gaLM..M...M..M... uTb P bu4heL.M.M. 00 10 FKJlN POTATOE8 Sweet, bat. Irlih. -forthern. 9 bbl..... PORK Morthern,eity meM.17 60 Thin, V bbL......... 00 00 Prime, V bbl (extra).. .....00 00 Hump, y bbl ................00 00 BIOS Oarollua, !.. M. . 7 Xutladia,? Ib. ftoagh, V buheL......M..I RA.QB Ooontry, V & - Hemp... M awiila................... m... 8JLLT Alum, p gaek...... UrervooLy saek.. JLmerieaa V lack .. Uarihal'i fine, V saek., tJAtm 9i mm .V BOGJtB Cuba, V Forto ftleo, y & 9 E " Crushed- O Sk. BOJLP Wortherxu I S. SHIXGLES Oon tract, ppi 6 00 Common,' M,W(WHHW, 2 00 8TAVE3 w. O. bbU V 11.12 60 . ?. ? Jt V- .00 00 TALLOW y a..... ft TlMBEl-hipplng 9 H M.12 00 Mill, extra per C ......... 10 00 Mill, prime perM.10 00 Hill, fair per M 8 00 Common, per MMM.M..M..M6 00 Inferior to Ordinarr.perM 4 60 WHISKEY North'n,pergl 1 25 lforth OaroJna. per galM.p 00 WOOL Unwashed, per 26 Washed. jer B - - ., 36 Burrr wool, per 18 Ol8 00 025 00 14 e o o 00 o 00 Q 3 76 O O O O 90 O 60 C 2 60 18 00 O00 00 000 00 O00 00 o o o 7K 00 . 25 1 IX A - TViV. TV - .............. 13MO UXO 70 O 86 O 00 O O CO o xo 10XO 10XO 0 9 O Q0 O 00 00 00 1 60 00 10 00 11 00 ,3a T 50 3 7ft oi 00 O00 09 o 00 01s 00 014 00 01s 00 O 9 00 O 7 00 O 00 O 6 00 O 1 60 O 00 o O 20 I AM NOW RECEIVING DAILY lira and well selected stock of all the litts styles In Ladles and Misses', Chfldraci Men's fine BOOTS and SHOES, cociStt? of ' Ladies' Button Boots, in Kid, Ton, Pebble and French Kid Hand Mde,Tci and Machine Made, of the best nuke, rcd as you hare been getting st my place, u4 which need no further recommeodaUoB, Also, the same in Infants, Chlldnc, Youths and Boys. EST My Men's Wear Department vQst be surpassed by any store in tie efy. 1 call Is all I ask to conyince you sf tie Pi ices that defy competition. Respectfully, . ROSENTHAL1 33 Market Street neh 28 O o o 1881. m SDH BALHECE 13 Pablished Dally, Fzeept Baaiiy. Besovaed as tt ' rresheit and Host Satisfactory of sa fto papers. Low In Prlce-Compidia Tm f Independent ia KzpreesioB, Cttwrn-Tii .: Tone.;; " .', 7 he career cf THE 8U, Ire" 1 H beginning, has been characterised ,fcy jirj g readre spirit and an orJal wi efgj enterprise. To these ehariteriaiaB fCoTsSj? as II rfoei thswislsff? paper, endearor, its tTen plete reflel of the spirit of the fiaw p aetirlties and erems of the Jrey TBJB 8U expresses Its oplsfcss ren t erenti as they arise sna si JZs., pmblic Interest, wltk lis ttorW g, injr at rigtt results and ffjrii -rVt w,lfr. ItaeeniiiteBtiateirlk onahly known and an.- ...!. Do You Want An O reran ? N8TBUME5T3 CP THE BE3T MAKE THE B0K Is sdspted to thsatsi' ' . enjoys a world-wide eccsefc always on hand, and sold on easy Instal- The extent and rariery Tfi Tnai R.rwrtL their earefsl seearitr Croquet and Hammocks, Lare aroicance of prurleney. I ...- m ifth t noise a ...UUP, ISSPWDXS1V foreign and domestic, Is iasw?s meats. r tock Books and band at low prices. Stationer j always on orers all the pbaeei 1 trawpirto at the J3lti proper note and oemmot fgJ;- JsaCl will be maintained at If tandard ia thefatare. vtfCi SfiTB ViuiricT AMD 8T0CX Health is Wealth I ffiaKSs,j I ,! bv all who C DR. E. C. WEST'S Neetb and BaAHf latest and most trnstworthy fcBr Tbeatmext : a specific for Hysteria, I theee l,BP'Jy!?Tf -ni aitis''. imanew, vKjnvuisions, JNervoua Headache, I la "on, in . iJ, T has SI Mpl.t.1 nmraca.n T , -r -r I ..I. tm. Mrh rinntAUOn Mm".L'. tency, Premature Old Age, caused by OTer-l ntorpriaiDjr, Jjte SSftLS"?"?:: or r-lndulgen Uewpsp, Yates5 Boole Store. apl SI which leads to misery, decay and death. une dox will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dol Jar a box, or six boxes for five dollar -nt D mall Drenald on nwint f th w. I -'""-. . V mm mV - wwa v w mT L -tWV. . 4T kHIPriniIJil " V ruarantefi sir boTMtn .f,;--t,-t wio. Terms ca - each order recelyed by ni for 1 boxes, at wY.,r rorUf tor!, f companied with five dollars, we will lend ? n oUT,dr jl tie. for coli.ctlnfw-.- rf . to meet tne CTBr JTinij r t and tomaintain the WfJs its larf e and steadily fcereass. rires eTidetee.t. .T rjj-X efTectacarc. Guatees Issued by WM. 0ne Month, pctUgs iscituie-- receive prompt attention " fc-sfli.;-,' jch2j-cUw-ijri , rr I ffcbis