a i m x - - i nit "..)M nfit r A A.....u m - :..-t tnSS POSTAGE PAID. '.M f . On. Wowtfc- 1 badelirered byearriew, f. FPer .ny P"of the city, at the a Treire thir paper, regularly. l 'Mm a M MA SI ! FOIl RHEUMATISM, Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore 7 hroat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and -Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. So Proration on earth equals St. J a com Ort $aft,urc, simple and eiaj External Lined A trial entails but the companitiYely triJinr outlay of 60 Cent, and erery one Buffer ing with ria a kTe cheP and P08111 P r f id claims. Directions In IlsTen language. BOLD BY ALL DEUGGIST8 AKD DEALERS IS MEDICIHE, A.VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Md., U. S. A. Linen Ulsters Alpaca Ulsters, LL SIZES. S4 to 43 inches, Hdk's For Ladles and Gents CHEAP. Laces. A Lrgc assortment of various styles. Laco Curtains, Curtain Laces, We caa suit you in prices and styles. Tmk&h Batch Soap; QATMEAl CREAM SOAP ! R. tnij 1 fV!cIntire( Try Mrs. Joe Person V ItHlian Tonic Hitters. I SOKOP 0!. . . Cancer in its ear- . - . "uiumnum ju eari unease1. ftt iSf lfleM 8 tri'in from ipwi& blaTd P' ,AVa Tonic and dPwiaori: h-8 proven iielf unequal- ttE.GGY. HOLDER'S OP I HI OH. iuis.i .Huma- 0., Dfci 2d, 1880 ViV1 tin? tbat a member UiTm.J -v U8.3d il" Jo Person's u judge. stFonq's opikioh. . alri6h,.V. C Dec. Ut, If 8: , ra-,- Jaaa-n: Norm moatl- -.st u ' M"- Jo- Fr.nklic. oldb w , ,E80A1 PACKING CHESTS. 8ASh DOORS AKD BUNDS, RS, MOULDING, LUMBER, &c.f L 12E3 .WLVDOW GLA33, AT ' J 1 utt, near Red Cross .inl .7 ? "ttemu from de, itu th. . ia-at-y Jr Trnie. I " . :vnra i VOL. V LOCAL NEWS. : ; l.: . Altaffeq, Puice Co S uh, Doors aud Blinds J L BoAiwmauT Nev Spring Butter L J Ottbruoukg IucriMsiue Popul aity Heinsbekgck The ! ire HoukStoro CW Tates- -Tust UeeiTcd Seead llostottor' i ittrs R Poktxku Tiroli Bf r CAlex SruoxT Sox Soluble l ac!!d Guauo -J A 8lKlXi'Ei: t.ime E A LUMstEX urn i.d ()juiuj v Wanted nulkera i. R M McIxTiiiE IJu"ti Ulster, etc.. A & I Shkikk Arriving Daily Mayer Smith will-enforce the vagruut act. The Boar J of Aldermeu will meet to night. ' Toucan novr buy Improved Heating and Cook Stoves at factory priccsat Jacobi's. . A new street letter box has been placed on the street lamp post on the North west corner of Market and Second streets. The Water Works Company are hard at work on the side streets between Front and Water streets to day. The pipe are being rapidly laid and by the 15th inst. most of the Water mains will be in position. See Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son's ad vertisement of 200 tons of Soluble Faci fic Qnano. This well-known fertilizer has a re pi tat ion In this country interior to none, and is much sought after by pro ducers of cotton and small grain. V A flood gate has been placed at the run which crosses Market at Fifteenth street, and gates will be' placed at the run on Wooster street. Hereafter the engine will hare a plentiful water supply in these localities in case of fires. We advlae our friends to eall at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every deserip ion. There you get the lowest prices, f Mrs. E. A. Lumsdqn has notified the pmblic of her grand openiag of Spring millinery on Thursday, Friday and Sat urday. She has a beautiful selection of French flowers, etc., and we doubt not that our lady friends will see much to ad mire and rave oyer. Hon. Thomas B. Price. U. S. Treas urv Dent.. Washinerton. D. C, recom mends the St. Jacobs Oil as the, if si wonderful pain relieving and healing re medv in the world. His testimonial is endorsed by some of the head officials of the 1 reasury XJepartmeut, wno nave been cured of Bheumatism and other painful complaints. How to be your own painter : Buy the N. T. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and warranted at Jacobi's. . t There was a very large attendance at the funeral services of the late Dr. M. J. DeBosset in St. James' Church this af ternoon. Besides the large circle of kiadred, a very large numberof citizens were there to pay their last sad tribute in this way to the lamented and honored dead. The pall bearers were Doctors Thomas F. Wood, Geo. G, Thomas, J. 0. Walker and Walter W. Lanej and Messrs. D. B. Murchison, Geo. W. Kid der, Wilkes Morris and Clayton Giles. Festival Kext Week. The ladies composing the Bectory Club of St. John's Church, contemplate holding a festival at the City Hall, com mencing Wednesday, May 11th. There will be many useful and pretty articles for sale, but there will be no rafting or solicitations for subscriptions in order to dispose of the articles offered for sale. U.S. District Court. The U. S. District Court was formally opened "this morning His Honor, Judge Georcre W. Brooks .Dresidine and District Attorney, Honorable J. W. Albertson representing the Gov ernment. There were no admiralty cases and the Court took a recess until to-morrow at which time the jury cases will be called. , About in Saiejof Liquor. Many of our merchants who deal in the ardent, are doubtless not aware that the Legislature at its last session chang ed -the law in regard to the sale of liquor by wholesale dealers. By the late law they were prohibited under the whole sale license from selling in less quanti ties than a quart. By the present law .they are. prohibited : from selling less than a galloav This law went into effect oa the Uth cf last tfwslu WILMINGTON, N. C, Personal, Lieut. Joha U. Rhodes has been or dered to duty on the Be venue Cutter Colfax, and Lieit. Francis Tuttle to the Revenue Cutter Dexter, at Newport, Rhode Island. The awap off was made by mutual agreement of Lieutenants Rhodes aod Tuttle. We are sorry to lose Lieut. Tuttle, but are pleased to see L:eut. Rhodes back on this station and to know that both -sgentkmiu will be Wtter situated. D-alU of Br- Mo it John iKit.et Wilmington, and not Wilmington only, bnt the State and the entire medical pro fession as well, have cause to mourn the death of this most estimable gentleman. He breathed his last on yesterday morn iug at 9 o'clock, in this city, at the resi dence of his father, Dr. A. J. DeBosset, after a long illness of great suffering which he bore with patience and chris tian resignation, passing to his rest in the blissful hope of a glorious immortality. Dr. DeBosset was born in 1838 and was a lineal descendant of a family dis tinguished in our annals for wealth, in telligence and virtue, and inherited in a large degree those qualities which gen erally insure success in any pursuit in life to which they may be applied. He had talents of the highest order, an intel lect acute and discriminating, that en abled him to readily detect the true from the false in any proposition however art fully concealed in glittering sophisms or brilliant metaphors. He abhorred shams of every kind and loved the truth for the truths sake. Was . true to himself, to his kinsfolk, to hi3 friends and his country; and in all the relations of life and under circumstances sometimes moat trying, was always the upright man and the true gentleman. Like all men of true nobility of mind he shunned notoriety and was remarkable, as much so if not more than any one we have ever known for his unaffected diffi dence and that modesty in the express ion of his opinions which i3 always the accompaniment of true genius. He had large culture, extensive reading and great scholarly attainments; was familiar with the classics and with the German and French languages, and held the pen of a ready writer, as his contributions to numerous scientific magazines abun dantly prove. Nature had indeed been prodigal iu her gifts, and cultivation had given a finished and rounded com pleteness to his intellectual powers. He had great advantages in the acquire ment of knowledge, and he ardently em braced them; was a lover of books, and a thinker, and was eminently practical as well as theoretical. In early youth be was sent to Europe to a then celebrated school in Switzerland where he took his academic course and obtained his pro ficiency in the French and German lan guages. Upon his return home, having scarcely reached his majority, he enter ed upon the study of medicine, attended the Medical College of New York, and graduated at that institution with high distinction. As an evidence of his ac quirements, even at that early age we may mention that he was one of four in a class of fifty students who passed a corapetetive examination for a position in Bellevue Hospital, New York, and was appointed by the faculty to that position which he held for eighteen months, when the breaking out of the war called him home to share the for tune of his State and people. He was immediately appointed an assistant sur geon by the Confederate government and served in the first campaign in North Western Yirginia, and was with Stonewall Jackson in his world renown ed valley campaign. In the fall of 1862 he was made fall surgeon and ordered to Bichmond, appointed Inspector of Hos pitals, and afterwards assigned to duty at the Officers Hospital and was recognized by all of the profes sion with whom he came in contact, as a skilled practioner, a brilliant operator, and a man of brains. He served through the war, and at its close removed to Bal timore, where he gained much .reputa tion in his profession, but 'desiring a larg er field of action, he established himself in the city of New York, and making the treatment of those delicate organs the eye and the ear, a specialty, he soon became prominent among the learned and scientific, and was rapidly rising to distinction, when he was stricken down by the fell destroyer which terminated his career at such am early .age. He was an honor alike to our city and eur S tate and C2p 'people have surely cause to MONDAY. MAY 2, mourn the loss of one to highly gifted. When the aged and infirm pass away from the busy scenes of life, however much we may mourn their departure, yet our grief is softened by the reflection that they were permitted to remain so long with u, like a goodly tree whose limbs were laden with the heavy dews of miny seasons, but when the young, the virtuous and the accomplished are cut down, dried up and withered in the early spring time of life, we cannot repress the enquiry, why should thh'be so, why -this- apparently - unfinished ' life T The answer is found, and is found only, in the words of inspiration, that God's ways are not as man's ways, and that however inscrutable his dispensations may seem, however shattered our earthly idols may become, our simple duty is not to qnes tion His acts, but to bow in humble sub mission to His holy will, knowing that He doeth all things well. In this spirit we commend to that Merciful Being, who is the God of the widow and the fatherless, those now suffering under this heavy bereavement, assuring them of the deep est sympathy of friends and kindred, and ur people generally, in this dark hour of their sorrow and distress. Gas Light Company. At a meeting of the Wilmington Gas Light Company held to-day in the office of the Secretary and Treasurer the eld Board of Directors was reelected, and is as follows: - President Edward Kidder. Directors Z. Latimer, Dr. A. J. De Bossett, Donald McBae, Geo. B. French, Edward Kidder, W. H. McBary and E. S. Martin. At a meeting of the Board of Direc tors Mr. B. J. Jones was reelected Sec retary and Treasurer and Mr. John W. Beilly Superintendent. City Court Wm.Dadney an old colored man who is quite a nuisance was found alseep in a boat last night and was arrested by a po liceman and carried to the station house. He was charged with vagrancy. Being quite an old man an effort is being made to send um to the poor house. Heinnich Gervin who is said to be a runner of a sailor boarding house, was ar rested at four o'clock this morning charged with disorderly conduct. There has been a warrent for his arrest for a a week past in the hands of a police fficer, but Gervin has managed to elude the law until this morning. He was fined $5 and cost, or ten days in city pris on. He went below and the Court ad journed. Go to Jacobi's lor Doors. Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, OAs, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices . Board oi county Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session this afternoon Present, Chairman Bagg and Commis sioners Worth, Moore, Pierce and Mont gomery. The Treasurer presented his monthly report which is as follows: General fund showing balance on hand $24,811. 18; school fund showing balance on haad $7,074.08; special fund showing balance due the Treasurer $586.35. Surren dered one bond of $500, and four of $100 with all undue coupons attached and five coupons of $3.00 each. The bonds and coupons were burned in the presence of the Board. It was ordered that the Board of Mag istrates be requested to meet the Board of Commissioners andjthe Board of Educa tion on the first Monday in June, for the purpose- of electing a County Superinten dent of Public Instruction,' and to take into consideration the settlement of a dii puted line between the, lands of this county and another. Betail liquor linccnse were granted to the following named persons: Peter Mohr, J F Rolfs, A Deaumelandt, J H Strauss, John D Stelljers, H A-Glay. mayer, J l Ulden buttle, il Loeb, TV Ulrich, W H Grotgec, Carl Mugge, John M . Bremer, John Haar, Jr, B F Eyden, H W Bryant, H E Scott, JJ Otten, B L Perry, C Schulken, C Stem- merman, B J Scarbourougb, D Stelzers, Lamb & Parmelee, L Toilers, P H Von Kampen, A C Wessell, A K Heyer, S J Meyer, M O'Brien, Chaa Wessell, N Hullen, n Bryant, B H J Ahrens, GE Burden. M C Williamson, J L.Beat wright, P L Bridgers & Co, H Litxen, E Bryson, E W Doscher, Geo Steinkin, Geo Myers. At the time of closing our report ths Board was in session. 11 .I NO. 54 Juvenile Opera. The Juvenile Opera "Little Golden Hair and the Three Bears" will be pre sented in this city in a short time under the management of Mr. A. B. Chafe The opera is said to be a charming cne and the composition is far above the or dinary standard of juvenile opera. Mr. Chase has very successfully presented the opera in several of our Southern cities aad his reputation is such that guarantees success in hi present undert -king. ... Indications t. For the South Atlantic States, fair weather, Soutkerlv , winds vpering to Northerly en the Northern Coast, sta tionary or lower barometer and tempera- tare. niKD. DbROSSET At the residence of his fath er, in this city, on Sunday morning the 1st inst., at 9.15, Doctor MOSES JOHN De ROSSET, aged 42 years aud 10 mouths.' Funeral services at St. James' Church this aftermoom at 5 o'clock, thence to Oak- aie uemetery. GRIFFITH In this city, on the 1st inst., REBECCA BROCK GRIFFITH, a?ed 7 months. Funeral this afternoon at 3 o'clock: 170X7 Advertisements, SOLUBLE FMF1G6UAP I 0 TK1 OF THIS MOST POPULAR FERTIL IZER, j ust arrived and for sale by Alex. Sprunt & Son, may K-lw Wanted. rjpO MORROW MORNING, 20 CAULKERS, at the highest rate o wages, not exceeding $2,50 per day for first class. EMPIRE SECTIONAL DOCK i may 1 Grand Opening1; AF SPRING AND SUMMER MDLLINE 7 RT. There will be a grand opening of Fine French Millinery, consisting of all the latest styles of Mats, Bonnets, Flowers, &c., front the leading: Houses of New York and Paris, at Mrs. E. A. Lumsden'a, on Thurs day, Friday and Saturday of this week. The ladies are respectfully invited to attend. may 2-3t E A LUMSDEN. Lime. Lime. F ULL SUPPLY BEST ON THE .MAR- KET. LOWEST PRICES. One HORSE for sale. mayUt J A SPRINGER Tivoli Beer PORTNER'S CELEBRATED TITO- l!u?j BEER is brought to this city in our own REFRIGERATOR CARS. GUARANTEED FRESH AND PURE. City and country orders promptly filled. BT Customers who have our empty bot tles will please notify us either at office on Princess street or shipping "depot on Second street. may 2-lw Increasing Popularity AND at; IRON FRONT STORE! Next Week : Hovelties Adapted to the Season ! Gents's Balbriggan and.Gauze Underwear, Percale and White Shirts, Collars, Cuffs and Neckwear, " Linen, Cambric and Silk Handkercaiefs, Trunks, Valises and Umbrellas, ; CELLULOID GOODS. A new supply of Spring Specialties in Men's, Youths' and Beys' ..Clothing expected on Tuesday's Steamer. We will ship to parties at a distance anj, thing ia our line C. O. D.t at Bottom Prices, wlUi ptfvUege to examine. Men's Wear Depot. S3, 24, S3raad23 North Front Street. . may a 1881 7VwSl fceglxd p tzzzIt cczzzlzi'Zzn from our frisadf ca tsytii til rjcj o tke nxae of tie wrUsrinst always be far MJhed to the Editor. OoasiciIcUIosj mat be ;wrltt ca et!y cue side of the paper PenoaaQuet must be arolded Aud it is especially and particularly cader tood that the Editntdoe not always endens the viewf ol correspondents, unless so stated la the editorial columns. Eew AdvertkomcnfcL &.M Wrt v.. s f Why Suffer heedlessly Witb the convulsinfi:, spasxodia tortures of fr- ad exi9 and billions resxlttent, when Uofteiter's Htomach Bitlr. acarea!Mfrt t b al curative of malarial fevers, will eravi.-ms me ctnsa or to much lu Serin g No less effective is this bamgamt alteranve la cases of constipatlrn, dyspeptia, liTer eom- piaioi, rneomawea, oaa m goceral dssility and nervous weazns. For sale by all Dragxhis aud De&lert genorally. . . may 2 The Live Bookstore, Q ONTAINS THE LARGEST cad most complete stock of POFULAR literatuhe, MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. PI ABTOS AND ORQANS, latest itjle and superior to all others in quality of Tone $ Finish, Durability and Elegance of Design and liLish, for cash or oa tbe easy lastal meat plan. Call and see and be convinced At HElN8BEROl&'8 may 2 LiveBook and Music 8 tore Rlew Sprine S te o3 ! I "AM NOW SEIiUNG tho aboTO delicious article at 30 -Cents per Pound I being the very best quality, 1 fresh and full flavored. Thig prico. , should induce purcoasc. JolmSL.SBoatwrifflit. 11 and 13 North Front 'St, Westphalia Ham. I have just received a fc shipment of THIS EXCELLENT HAM, 1 cured expressly for Summer vzo Having almos t a National reputa tion this Ham is justly considered among the best in use . TRY TtSEPJ, JNO. 1 r;niriiinmii! SLi. uUAl WnluUli Ho. lt;&13 W. Front St may a Just Received, NOTflER LOT Olf TH93S JUSTLY celebrated Orgastic, sew aad iaprjvei Cabltet OtgTt sir ist'y Jlrst Class aad wtr raated for fire yerr. Bald for cih cr ca laitilaeati Full itocjt Boos, Statlcacry, Fancy Good, &e., Ac. ' v-:'V; r Yatc3' Book Store. 0 my 2 u

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