. D -. POST Ava J! x-" .."ltb,. 1350 i Thr jscitMr1 bd3lirered by carriers, fja PPef .ny part of tbe city, at the f7Vrlvotrad liber ! -Adgrtisement-8' FOII PI KIlDUlflilllK Neuralgic, Sciatica, Lurnhnno, Backache, Soreness i? iUa Onset, Gout, Quinsy, tore i nruizi, o mu ms and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth Ear and Headacho, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. .- Ta Proration on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil viwfature, timple and cheap External Sw.dy A trial enUild but the comparatively fcJi'ne outlar of 50 Cents, and every one iuffer fcl with pain can Lave cheap and positive proof 4 its claims. lotions in Eleven Languages. KLD BY ALL DSUG GISTS AtfDDEALEES IN MEDICINE. A.VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Hid., 17, S. -i. Linen Ulster Alpaca Ulsters, 1 LL SIZES. S-i to 42 inches, Hdk's For Ladies and .Gents CHEAP. Laces. A ur:e assortment of various styles. Ucc Curtains, Curtain Laces:, an suit you in prices and styles. lU'jtfsL iatch Scap; OUMtAt C$t AM 'SQAP.I 'R. .-Mclnfirei- Etj J Try Ir 'Ju Person Indian ne Bitters. f25;J A,t" Tonioan K G-Y. HOLDER'S OPINION. Km sUn tb,it mocker Kud resaltg. I bdliere rUj wmo ih i !' i -? e,SSes'1 . for tft Ptoses I-8 iT;sso's opihioh. t nSlsa,x (J., Dee, Lt, lf-8". I v. ', ,,s''"i i Xck., month- .V ' 'a f-:: tit . W -. r. x r t A in Tim H VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, MAY 3. 1881. NO. 55 3 LOCAL NEWS. JebSE VVilijeu, and others Busiuefs Changes Mks Emma. J . Davi Passengers for Smithvillrt C Malmuos, Master Ship. Xotit-f F H Dakby, Com'r Foreclosure SaTe IlEissBEneER I'heliTe Uook Store CW Yates Just KeccWcl A & I Siirieu Arri ring Daily A buJ habit- borrowrng money. AworECbabit borrowing trouble. The annual snake story will soon Le hatched out. ins Dail'7 I "3? J . tad arri..,,- ... , . our aonng and cf Gent's, Youths' and Doys' cheapest stock of Cloth W101311 A .caU and . Uoai6rtfuiiy6oncIted; S2 Spring has come! Straw hafs maybe seen now and then. .lt.is frm a colored infant th t you get S reat cry and little wool. - The road to wealth is open to all, but it is a narrow g.:age, and rough riding. The quc-stioa now agitating Sunday schools is how Adam passed his boyhood. A youth who goes to bed v. ry early may be said to be a very retiring young man. Seventy fiTc bunches offiBh were con demned and sent out of market this morning. What kind of essence does a young man" like when he pops the question? Acquiescence. One prayer book is good enough for lovers, but it takes two to supply them after marriage. The hardware and tin establishments in the city now close their doors at 7 o'clock every evening. How to ne your own painter : Buy the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and warranted at Jacobi's. t Generally speaking, ou'side of the legal fraternity there i3 not a great deal of clothing to be found in a law suit. If Adam had got oat a patent on his original sin what a revenue In the way of royalty his heirs might have received. The steamshiD Benefactor. Cantain Tribon, from New York arrived at her wharf in this city at a few minutes after ten o'clock this morning. A good many of our friends from the country are in the" city, in attendance upon the United States District Court, which is now in session. . The elephant is one of the few travel ers who succeeds in going through the country without getting his trunk past ed all over with hotel card3. A little colored boy fell into the river atjlilton yesterday and came near being drowned. He was pullecftout apparently lifeless, but was resuscitated after much trouble and labor. A. & I. SHRIEK, Market street "We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip Ion. There you get the lowest prices, f : Indications For tke So.nth Atlantic States part ly cloudy weather and in the Northern portions occasional rain, Southwesterly shifting to Northerly winds, stationary or higher barometer and lewer tempera ture. Signals are ordered for HatteraF, Kitty Hawk, Cape Henry 5 Lincoteague and Breakwater. At a meeting of St. John's vestry, held last evening, Messrs. James A. Wil lard, W. H. Green, M. P. Taylor and H. G. Smallbones wero appointed dele gates to the Episcopal Convention, to be held in Kaleigh on the 17th inst., with Messrs. G. Holmes, B Glcaves, A. n. Green and U. Nutt as alternates. Board of Aldermen. The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Aldermen was held at the City Hall last night. Present: Mayor Smith.and Alderman Bowdn, Eluggin?, Northrop, Telfair, Willis and Sampson. Committee on Light3 reported favora bly on sundry applications for street lamps, and the reports were adopted. Committee on Fire. Department were granted further time in the matter of a ew fire-alarm bell. Committee on Police were granted until the next meeting to report on ap pointments to-the police force. The commissioner of the sinking fund. the city treasurer and tax,collector, and Mr.T. J. Southerland, were granted un til the next meeting of the Board to file the:r official bonds. The Mayor appointed Alderman Hug gins and Chief of -Fire Department, F. G. Robinson, standing committee. en Water fiTorks. Messrs. Gerhardt & Co., having offer ed the lowest bid, were awarded the con tract for repairing city carts and har mess. James Lane wa3 awarded the contract for painting, &c, at the City Hall, his bid being the lowest: $253. The Sanitary Committee reported a health ordinance which was adopted. A communicatiqn-ljpm the county Board of Health, submitting an address by Dr. Thos. F. Wood, was referred to Aldermen Northrop and Huggins. Col. J. G. Burr was awarded the con tract for taking the tax list for 1881 ; his bid being 3.50. Petition for a gas lamp on the corner of Eighth and Ann streets, was referred to committee on Lights.. Offer of Ed. B. Holt in regard to fire alarm was referred to committee. It was ordered, the Board of Audit and Finance concurring, that the pay of street hands be continued at one dollar per day. Alderman Huggins offered the follow ing, which was adopted : "Resolved, That inasmuch as the law creating a 'Board of Audit and Finance for the city of Wilmington' makes it in cumbent on that Board to fix- the salaries and pay f the officers and employes of this city, that this Board of Aldermen are in no wise responsible for any increase of salaries or pay these officers and em ployes may now be receiving." A petition from citizens to prohibit the sale of merchandise other than drug3 and medicines on Sundays, was read, and Alderman Huggins offered the following which was adopted : "Any person or persons who shall open his store or place of business on a. Sun day for the purpose of selling or dispos ing of or offering for sale any goods, wares or merchandise, or any article; or any person or persons who Bhall sell or dispose of any goods, wares or merchan dise, or any article on a Sunday, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on convic tion shall be fined not to exceed twenty five dollars. Provided, that nothing in this ordinance shall refer to druggists selling medicines or ice dealers selling Many lose their beauty from the hair falling or fading. Parker's Hair Bal sam supplies necessary nourishment, pre vents falling and grayness and is an ele gant dressing. A Small Mr ike. Some of tha hands engaged in making the excavations for laying water pipes through the city, struck this morning and refused to work. The cause of the strike as we understand, was because the wages had been reduced from one dollar to eighty cents for a day's work. r8tLotiii ttepakliean.) It is something usual indeed that the Republican consents to editorrally for ward the interests of advertisers of what are known as patent medicines, as it does not frequently fall oat that wt can have positive knowledge of their merits, llowever we take; pleasure ia saying of St. Jacobs Oil .from individual experi ment, that it ia a most excellent remedial agent, and aa such we can heartily re command it, - , . ice. A petition from sundry batcher3 re garding the weighing of beef cattle re ferred to Committee on Market and Fees. The Board refused to concur with the Board of Audit and Finance in the mat ter of the tax Ion commercial, produce or merchandise brokers, and recommend that the tax on the same be fixed a three dollars per month. The report of the Chief of Fire De partment was read and ordered on file' and the Board adjourned- De Jarnette's Condition. Below we give Dr. Eugene Grissom's reply to the editor of the Danville, Va., A'eics in regard to the present status of De Jarnette, the fratricide's mind : Raleigh, N. C, April 26, 1881. P. Bouldin, Esq., Danville, Va.: Dear Sir: Your esteemed favor to hand. DeJarnette is unquestionably of unsound mind. I am preparing a report of the case for the medical public that will, I think, convince every reader with capacity enough to appreciate, and hon esty enough to acknowledge the truth when presented. Respectfully yours, EuoExa Grissom. Good Board. Persons contemplating visiting Smith ville during the Summer would find it to their interest to call on Mrs. Emma J. Davis. Her house i3 on the water front and is possibly better adpated as a board ing house than any in the village. It is well kept and the table will be suppUed with fresh crabs, oysters, etc. Her rates are moderate. See advertisement elsewhere." Spring: Time and Other Subjects. Spring, gentle Spring, with a warm touch of Summer, is upon us in fall force to-day, and all vegetation rejoices in the seasonable weather. The trees are beam j tiful in their new and full grown foliage, j while the gratsy plats scattered here and there throughout the city are fasci nating to the eye. The verdure of plants and trees alike are pretty to 'look upon, and all nature seeema to grow glad that Spring time has come at last. Wil tningtonnow wears herprettiest garb,and not only delights the stranger who visits our city for the first time bat pleases the eye of the native who points with pride to the beautifully shaded walks and delightful promenades on Front Third and Market streets. The fragrance too, of full blown roses apd hyacinths load the air with delicious perfumes, while the gentle So nth breezes, invigor ated by the salt atmosphere as it comes fresh from the ocean, keep3 pleasant the temperature of the body while strolling along the attractive and shady . walks But the promenading tax payers are not alone to enjoy the delicious resorts of these tempting strolls and grassy plats, for the bovines, which are a privileged species in our midst, divide the pleasures and occupy the sidewalks as well as the grassy plats, quite frequently from early morn to dewy eve, but more fre quently, from dewy eve until'early morn, when the little tinkling bell, that has such a charm for our city fathers can be heard in almost every quarter of the city, interspersed with the bellowing of half a dozen bovines, more commonly known as cows, as they come up to join in the sport of their companions. Then some way fairer who happens along reports the filthy condition of the sidewalks to the health officer and the police. If the cattle were kept where they should be however, in their owners' lots, it would not require so much of "Doctor" Scharfi's valuable time to look after these small matters. N.- B.-a-This narrative, like the storie, in the New York Ledqer, is to be continued. Go to Jacobi's for Boors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices Board ot County Commissioners. Concluded from yesterday's Report. The petition of sundry persons that the road leading from Hilton Ferry to the county line between 'the counties of New Hanover and Pender, known as the Negro Head road, be opened and de clared a public road, was granted, and the Sheriff 'was ordered to lay off the same. The Register submitted his report for April, covering $15.20, amount received as marriage fees and paid over to the Treasurer, and exhibiting receipt for the same. It was ordered that J. K. Browa be appointed special surveyor to survey the lands of Tabitha Hays, in Wilmington Township.. The following were drawn to serve as jurors at the approaching term of the Criminal Court, which convenes on the 30th of May: A. T. Hewlett, Joseph Mitchell, G. A. Smith, T. W. Meares, Thos. H. Wright, Archie L. Freeman, Joseph Jones,. Robert E. Lse, Philip Christ, Bcnj. Farrow, Geo.F. Alderman, W. W. Hnmphrey, R. J, Scarborough, Thos. E. Davis, Samuel W. Holden, H E. Orr, Henry .Turner, James Corbett, E. H. King, J, L. Breckenridge, . Benj. Scott, Wesley House, Henry D. Gilbert, Josiah D. Merritt, C. B. Fennell, E. T. Hancock, David Jones, John F. Maun der, Wilkins. Roddick, C. B. Wright. The following were drawn to serve at j the session of the Superior Court, which meets on first Monday in Jane: First Week W. F. Wenzell, G. W. Borneman, Hezekiah Borham, Lewis Todd, Geo. II. Jackson, Cornelius Jack son, L. A. Hart, A. A. Bartsfield, Wilkc3 Morr&, Sol. Bear, A. Weill, Washington Highsmith. Second Week F.. G. Barrentine, Al fred Howe, A. J. Hill. W. H. Hardy, Alex. Oldham, Isaac Bear, W. A. Wright, Geo. M. Summerell, John H. Pugh, J. L. Roberts, G. Wasnington Green, Julius Fernberger. The Board adjourned to meet on the first Monday in June, at 2f o'clock, p. m. Thermometer 84? this afternoon at 3 o'clock. How is that for ice cream and eod3 water?, !. " Mayor Smith was without a single case to adjudicate npon tbi3 morning. The delicious strawberry ia still rather scarce in this market. It has not com menced yet to float promiscuously and conspicuously upon the delightfully fra grant mint julep. At the maoie'pal election in Smith- ville yesterday the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: Mayor, Lewis Jones; Commissioners, Moses McKethan, Luther Spencer, Elijah Pi ver, Albert Wescott and Henry Daniels. - Officer Banting hauled a sailor man inf belonging to the jschooner MarytC. Tay lor from the classic . confines of Sleepy Hollow, this morning, and lodged him in jail to await the Captain's orders. Meanwhile the vessel has gone down the river, and JackJTar is left at the hotel de Howard, tojeogitate upon the dangers and misfortunes of a land cruise. Ti.e New Ordinance. Already the new ordinance passed by the Board of Aldermen in regard to Sun day traffic is being unfavorably discussed. The news dealers and the cigar men will be the principal sufferers by the enforce ment of the ordinance. But then gentle men, you most all agree that there ought to be at least one day of rest which is free from business. A, Priioner from Pender. Lewis McKoy, colored,"-was sent down from Holden Township, Pender county, last night ia custody of an officer, by Justice Blood worth, upon the , charge of the larceny of $30. Defendant was com mitted to jail in thi3 county for safe keeping, until the next regular term of Superior Court in Pender. V PULSUS XTOTICZ. TTe will fee glad to receive ecsmiaictisr from our fries j oa aay and all mblectj o ffe&eral Interest but ., The aame of the writer &ost alwtyi be tut aished to the Editor. OoffiiccnlettloMBgit he 'wrUiaa ca nlv oae aide of the paper - ' PertoaaUtiee racst be avoided And it is especially and partlsularlT ender stood that the Edit does not always endorse the views ot oorrespoadents, unless so stated la the editorial columns. Bishop Lyman's Appointments. - May 26. Ascension Dari-Sf .TnWs Wilmington. ' May. 27. Fridav n. ' m. St. Milra'. Wilmington. ' May 29. Sundav a. in St .T.mM Wilmington. May 29. Sundav n. m St. PanVa Wilmington. May 31, Tuesday Clinton. June I, Wednesday Faison. . June 2, Thursday Sraithville. June 5. Whitsnnd . . j J ----- Ordination. .. June 17, Fri.liy Wilson. J une 19. Sunday Rock v Mount. Con secration. 1 ; June 20, Monday Halifax; k x June 21, Tuesday Scotland Neck." Troublesome Children that are always wettin? their beds oucht not to be scolded and punished for what they cannot help. They need a medicine having a tonic effect on the kidneys and the urinary organs. Such a medcine is Kidney Wort. It has specific action. uo netiaiuo get itior taem.-itecAane How Advortisemonto. Notice- ALL PERSONS ARE hereby forewarned not to trust or narDor anv of the crew of the Swedish Brisr "EMIL." asneith-it: er the Master or Consignees will bo respon- 61 Die. U.MALMKOS. may 3 St Master r PASSENGERS FOR SMITHVILLE CAN FIND PRIVATE AND TRANJ sient board at Mrs." Davis' oa the water front. The table will be supplied with fish. crabs, eysters, etc. v The rooms are clean, neat and airy. Board per day $3. Binglo jucai oj cents. 137" Bath Houses free to boarders. MRS. EMMA J. DAVIS, " ay 3 lm . . - Proprietress : One Week Off. One week from to-day and we have Memorial Day, which, according to an act passed by the last Legislature, is a legal holiday. The Banks will of course suspend business, and likewise the Pro- dnce Exchange; and we presume the, merchants generally during the greater part of the day, at least. This, however, has been the custom among our business men for a number of years past. Narrow Escape We hear that on Sunday last, as Mr. Hauke Tollers, with a party of ladies and gentlemen in his carriage, were going to the Sound, and when about two miles frjom the city, one of the horses attached to the carriage .shied and ran off from the embankment, taking. with him the other horse, carriage and passengers, ail falling in a miscellaneous heap with the passengers on top. They were extricated from their unpleasant and dangerous sit uation as speedily as possible; fortunate ly, with no injury to persons oranimals, although the vehicle was badly damaged by the horses in their struggles. Magistrate's Court- Miry. Williams 'sued out a warrant before Justice Millis this morning for the arrest of jMag Quince, upon a charge of assault and battery, and then swore out another warrant to make the same defendant keep the peace. The defend ant was duly arraigned before Justice Millis, but submitted in Jeach case. Ia the assault and battery case she was dis charged upon payment of costs. But ia the matter of the peace warrant, she was required to eater into bond of $50 to keep the peace for sixty days. All the requirements of the law having been complied with, the defendant was dis charged. The parties were all colored. U.S. District Court. The following is a list of the Grand Jaiy of the United States Court now in session in this city: R S RadclifTe, foreman; Nicholas Morris, Stephen H Morton, Harding Johnson, J W Collins, Aaron Kellogg, J W Smith, B F White, Julius W Taylor, P H Haydei, N W Schenck, W H Alderman, Daniel Elli son, R Greenburg, N H Sprmht, B P Hall, Asa Ross, J K Brown, John J Gayer. - The only case thus far disposed of was thatefO. Salvensen vs. cargo of salt. Motion for decree against claimants of salt tor balance of costs. Motion grant" ed. . The case of the TJ S ts J C Wright, ofCeluobus county, for failure to re move stamps from tobacco boxes is cow en triaL District Attorney Albertson for the government and MaJ C 21 Sted isia for th3 dzfzzz. Business Changes JESSE WILDER, HAVING BOUGHT the entire interest of the other threo partners in the property and business of the firm of Wilder & (Jo., of Bruiswlck, Ga., sahl firm is dissolved; and the business will be continued by Jesse Wilder, in his bwn name, who assumes all liabilities of the firm, and to whom, all claims due the firm are payable. JESSE WILDER, S. H. MORTON. JNO. D. SPKUNT, B. . HALL. Jesso Wilder, of the firm of Wilder fc Morton, Wilmiflgton, N.C, having sold his entire interest in the propeity and busi-'" ness of said firm to B. F. Hall, the firm of Wilder & Morton Is dissolved: and the busi ness will be continued by S. H. Morton and B. F. Hall, under the firm name of Morton & Hall, who assume all liabilities of the firm of Wilder & Morton, and to whom all claims due said first are payable. JESSIE WILDER, 8. H. MORTON. B.F.HALL. The above changes do not affect the firm of Hall fc Pearsall. B. F. Hall will con tinue, as heretofore, to give his personal at - tentioa to the busiacss of said firm, while the business of Morton & Hall will be un der the personal supervision of S.H .Morton. -HALL & PEARSALL, MORTON 4l HALL. aay 23-3t Foreclosure Sale. BY VIRTUE AND IN PU?8uAN0B of a decree of the Rnperior Coart of 2ew Hanover couaty, made at the Deeeaber Term 1879, in a cause there pending, where-. In H. Brunhild & Bro., are plaintiffs, tad Ueorge w. rnae amd wire, Hophi A., ere defendants, tee undersigned, Uoxnmuilon er appointed by said decree, will sell for cash, at public auction, at the Conrt House door, ia the City cf WilauDRton, on Monday, the 6th day of June, 1831, at 12 o'clock, 11, all that lot of land situate in said elty, and bounded as follows Beginaio g at a point forty-one. feet west of the intersection cf Bixth and Church streets, on said Church street, on the soflth side thereof, and run nifgwestwardly alosg tbe southern Hoe ct said Cha'ch street tozij -one feet; thence southwardly, parallel with Sixth street, fifty-fire feet; thenee eastwardly, pral 11 with Cknrch street forty-one feet; thence ncrtawardly, parallel with Bfxta street, fifty-fire feet to the Beginning, being a part of lot 1, block 91 F. H. DABBY cay Commissioner Lime. Lime. JULL SUPPLY BEST ON THE .MAR T. LOWEST PRICES. One HORSE fer sale, may 2-St . J A SPRINGER Grand Opening. OF SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINE RY. There will be a grand opening of Fine French Milliaery, consisting of all the latest styles of Hats, Bonneta.Flowers, &c , from the leading Houses of New York and Paris, at Mrs. E. A. Lumsden's, on Thurs day, Friday and Saturday of this week. The ladies are respectfully invited te attend. may E A LUMSDEN. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUMO I 200 TrKKB OF THI3 MOST POPULAR FERTIL IZES, just arrived aad for ealebj Ales arimt & Con,