JIF" POSTAGE PAID. lT f ' j5 . one mor-tb. M watt ai fcdsliTered by carrion, fat PPr part of the city. at the ' 'Ceriber. rill pleasereport any art lSaM rtair capers rejrnlarlj. to ff""5 'Advertisements. n THE GREAT FOIt UEDfUTISI, Keuralgis, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted hot and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. So Prep ration on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil m t iafe.ture, simple and cheap External tmt&j. A trial entails but the comparatively trttinr ootlsy of 60 Cents, and every one suffer Ini with rin can have cheap and positive proof of Hi claims. IHnetioos In Eleven Languages. BOLD BT ALL DB TJGGISTS ANDDEALEE3 IS MEDICINE, A.VOGELER ifc CO,, Baltimore, JUd., XT. S. ul. Linen Ulsters Alpaca Ulsters, Ll SIZES. 34 to 42 inchesr Hdk's For Ladies and Gents CHEAP. Laces. A Urrc rssortment of varioiu styles. Lace Curtains, . Ourtam Lacee, .We caa suit you inpricc3 and itylcs. Turkish "ateh Soap; OATMEAL CStAM SO&P ! R. M, cintire. JB1J J ' Bushs Trime White CORN I V J OTk Boxes Smoked and'D S Sides Qrf HMs and Tierces iTru, x. New.CropCuba 100 W 0rleaBsMolsses, Just received and for Bale low by v WILLLVM3 & MURCHISON ' : 253 Bb!s Sujrars, tlranulate J j A , txtra Iiwew Orleans;Si4arf r 550 vitRtde; l2 2oie Assorted Can Jy- ' I ' Tu Choice Leaf lard, .J V Bb!s ,U(l Boxes Lemon Cakts, -. .5K3 Lye audivt,. I - I T 73 KoxeS and KcSs Sodrf, Boxcs and Half BbU Snufl,: Mron Pfr SPicc ppcr, Gin SlIdjAMa & MURcnisoN ivinar Daily ! W are xow Buar openko. Coadn 0fGent'8 ths' arid Boys' -..WiingGooat. We have 1116 largC8t fcU)ck. the PU. i a I'sru'Av a ' i f i cx4aJsT?orv,3t' err- x -k- u 10 nnn aiHecaeapwt stock of Cloth :ito. A call and 0QUrefPtfully80lidted, . 85. A. & 1. 8IIRIER, VOL. VI Mas Joe Paiisox IrdUu'fouic Rifters Lecturv Col i K "X:c:Iae Heisshekgek The LWe. lUk St. re C. W Tarin-? last Ktnrolvetl A & IuitLBR ArrivlufrPuay ; i --" , -' .--.-no More.Veuior wcrfthfr.1 ; v ; . .' if- , m .; r, ; r s. Excursion steamers brushiog,up.V ' - . ! A man oT color tlx portrait" painter. Geod.maLmni .'are-made up of- pelty saennces. . -f--?v, . Pxide aud ppy B uuall roi ii the ianiQ-; h i ft '"'f :'h s Hi 'Hie watchgrrpairpr is ajws ingaeid in spridgVlcaning. ? 1' i ) i Delirum trimhiina i3 what thej cJll the bonnet rigging. TTxe first naosquitd'of the Season "was heard Sunday. nighV. r-" Do you wish to hear the birds sing4 People are' al Ways rtadyito assist those who need no assistance - " '" - Straw bats that were fashionable, yes terday look chilly to-day. A name tor a female base ball club we hare read of the femi-nine. Venus has jilted her admirers and holds undisputed sway in the "western sky. ' How difficult for a dog without a tail to let his master know what he thinks of him. "The poof ye have always with you," but the rich always go away in the sum mer time. . Winter has fairly , overleaped Spring this year, aid has settled squarely down in the lap of Summer. Mr. T. B. Kingsbyf--iirt3"'city i3 authorized by the Caswell Memorial Association to receive donations for that fund. The most delicate, the most sensible of all pleasures consists ia promoting the pleasure of others. Steamboat men report seven feet of water on the "Shoals," in the Cape Fear with the river falling. Bags are considered very stylish in jewelry. In bed room furniture they are not so much sought after. Society has ' claims - upon even the youngest. Every infant gives a recep tion bawl when it come3 into the world. , The hands are busily engaged on Fourth street to-day, digging ths trench ia wh'ich to lay the pipes for .the water works. " ' -.: Go to Jacpbi's ,ior Doors, 'Sash and Blinds, pure White ..Lead, Oila, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices "I should relax my features" has sup erseded the expression of 'I should smile' ia circles well informed j to the latest improvement in the slang dictionary. There is not, says the Warsaw Brief Mention, & single licensed bar-room in Duplin county. All licenses expired in that county with the last day of April, and the County Commissioaers have re fused to grant them any more. ? rjWe have received from Mr. John .Spelman a copy of his pamphlet, enti tied "Short-hand Simplified." This is a very valuable book, especially for re porters. The price is only 25 cents. Ad dress Mr. John Spelman, Raleigh, N. C. for-particulars. The Democrats have carried the cities of Raleigh and Charlotte in" the muni cipal election. In the latter city, how ever, the principal issue in the canvass was prohibition or no prohibition. The former carried the day, but we think the advocates of prohibition were principally Democrats. Mayor De Wolfe being re elected on that ticket. How to De your own N. Y. Enamel Faint, warranted at Jacobi's. painter : Buy the ready "mixed and t Twisted Trouble. Receive for that Golden Remedy, St. Jacobs Oil, a thousand thanks. I suffered for many years with rheumatic pains in my limbs, my legs were drawn together, and Deo-ole called ma "crooked HaerteL" I used St. J acabs Oil, and was cured, and now feel so well that I thiak I co?ld a . . . . - - WILMINGTON, N. C, When a girl talks about two strings to her bean, does she mean his sus- j peuders. , , It has bern aalhoritatiye'y deDied that Gen. Ilancock was coolest when on the point of -a tack. , . ..-vPeunsylvania editor joicos in tbe njaiMKrildjp. , IIe probuWy fi-!d.s the scissors mightier; than jKe pen. Young ladies and elephants attain their growth at sixteen. But here anal ogy ceases . One ' t runk is enough: for an elephant- And even the unspeakable Turk raises his infidel voica against the American hog. But then the Sublime Porte al ways was a little fearful of Greece. Major James Reiiby, Chief Marshal for Memorial Day, requests that all the Assistant Marshals meet him at Mr. Junius Davis law ffice, on Princess street, to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock. Hook and Ladder. Ilook and Ladder Company, No. 1, have elected the following officers to serve for the ensuing year: President Col. Roger Moore. Vice President R. G. Rankin. Secretary M. S. Willard. Treasurer Albert Gore. Foreman R. H. Grant. 1st Asst. Foreman Albert Go; e. 2nd Asst. Foreman B. G. Empie. Truckmaster H. A. Watters. Axemen J. H. Daniel John Watters, F. A. 'Lord, N. IT. Quince, H. II. Wai ters M.S. Willard.; Thecempany's medal offered as a re ward to the most prompt fireman, for the year ending May 1st, 1881, was awarded to Mr. Albert Gore. The company will celebrate its anni' versaryby a supper on the 20lh inst. A pair of horses have recently been purchased by the company, which will greatly increase the efficiency of the or; gonization. A Mistaken i ITer, Yesterday a young lassie who could not have numbered a great many sum mers, but who" possibly had arrived at the tender and charming age of sweet six teen, was seen crying and sobbing as if her very heart would break, on the cor ner of Fourth and Chestnut streets, and was kindly approached by a gentleman who gently endeavored to render the distressed young damsel some assistance. But, he failed; his consolatory words fell on the heedless ears of the sobbing maid en and the kind-hearted gentlemen -was non-plussed. He now epitomizes the in terview as follows: I saw a maiden weeping drear, And in her eye was many a tear. I softly touched her marble brow "Maidem," I asked, "why weepest thou?" She answered not; yet still the tears Gently trickled into her ears. "Maiden," I said, "oh tell me now Your secret sorrow why weepest thouf' She gently raised her jioble head, And showed to me her wet cheeks, red. ' Why weepest thou?" I once more said. Replied 6he ia a voice of lead: "None of your business!" JL Pugnacious Strike. . Sol. Nixon, colored, one of the hands who had been employed by the "Water Works Company in digging the trench for the pipe-layiug, but who was one of the leaders of the strike yesterday morn ing, got himself into considerable diffi culty during the day. He went to where those who refused to strike were employed and used violent, abusive and threatening language to the "workmen, to such an ex tent that some of them signified an in tention to quit work, alleging as a rea son, that they were afraid he would put some of his threats into execution. Dr. Cloud, hearing of the disturbance, wen to Nixon and warned him to keep away from the hand3 and not disturb or inter fere with them in their work, when the latter turned upon him with the most villainous and abusive language at his command, adding threats to abuse. Up on this the doctor had a warrant issued for Nixon, who was arrested and taken before Justice Gardner for an examina tion, where he was ordered to give bond in the sum of $100 to keep the peace. At the trial Nixon tlaimed the privilege, to which he was entitled, of coaductlng his own case, and he conducted it in such a manner that he came very : near being a,Wvm1 ta ? fnr lasolence' to the sl WW j - WEDNESDAY. MAY 4. 1881. NO. 56 U.S. District; Court. v fn the case of the U. S. ts.J. C. Wright, of Colombus county, for the al leged failuie to removed stamps from to bacco boxes, which was on trial when oar report closed yesterday, the jury re turned a verdict of not guilty. There , was no session of the Court to day in consequence of His Honor, J tdge Brooks, being confined to his room by sickness. Hailstorm at Whltovtile. ,- We learn thata Jerrifia bail storm visited Whiteville" and Vieinity'yester day. The wind blew'riolently, uprooting trees and overturning fences in its path. Hail stones of considerable size and quantities could have been gathered from the fields in the country around, at least, so says our informant. We .pre sume and hope, the cropt are not far enough advanced to have sustained any serious damage from the storm. Tbe Last or the Strike- The strike, which we alluded to yes terday, had but a brief existence indeed, and resulted in but little loss save to the trikers. This morning a much larger force than was employed before the strike, presented itself for employment, and among those who presented them selves were nearly all of those who struck yesterday. The force is now con siderably augmentedand the work is be ing push2d vigorously on Fourth street. There was a rumor that the former price $1 per day had been restored, but thi?, we learn, is not the fact, the hands working for eighty cents per daj. Furiher Arrangements lor llcmorlal Day. ; "We understand that the Ladies' Me morial Association of this city have selected Colonel B. R. Moore as the br ater for the occasion on Memorial Pay; and that that gentleman has accepted the invitation and will deliver the Memo rial address. We congratulate the ladies upon their, selection of . an orator. The choice, we think, is a good one, and Col Moore every way competent tou fill the position. An orator of no ordinary ca pacity, Col. Moore is at the same time one of the most erudite scholars for his age to be found in our midst. In addition tojthese necessary qualities, Col. JIoore has also the other quality of having been a Confederate soldier and having shed hi3 blood in the cause of the Confederacy. We also jearn that the Rev. Dr. A. ? A. Watson, Rector of St. James' Church, has been requested to act as Chaplain on the same occasion md that the reverend gentleman has signified his intention of accepting the invitation, and will 'serve the. ladies in that capacity' on Memorial Day. , , Caswell Memorial Association, j To all North Cd relinians y at JTome or Abroad: - ! The General Assembly of North Caro Una, at its late session, passed an act ap propriating five hundred dollars tobjiild a monument to the memory of : ur fir3t constitutional Governor, Richard Cas well. This sum is entirely ina dequate for the purpose, and was only intended to assist the patriotic citizens of the State in their efforts to build a monu ment commensurate with the great deeds done by him whose memory it is intended to perpetuate, We know that every true citizen of the State, adopted as well as native, will be glad to have the privilege of assisting in raising the legislative appropriation to a sum that will more nearly meet the requirements of the case. Therefore we have issued this circular. hoping that everyone whose eye it may reach will forward to the treasurer of the association any sum which may attest his admiration of the great, many and noble services to tne Old North State by that sterling patriot," intrepid soldier and wise statesman, whose memory we wish to hand down as a rich legacy to cur posterity. .;. ' -. " ; . ! -;- His Excellency Governor Jar vis is in full accord with this object, and has notified the Caswell . Memorial -Association of his intention to further its ends- Tbis association is permanently organ ized and now vigorously at work. The citizens of Lenoir are already' coming forward with their contributions. It is earnestly requested that the vice presidents of the Caswell Memorial Asso ciation will push the work: of collection, so that, if possible, the monument may be ready for the ceremonies of nnveiling on the fourth day of July next It is proposed to locate the monument on the public square, in the town of Kinston. AM contributions should be forwarded to James A. Pridgen, Treasurer Caswell Memorial Association, Kinston, N. O. Committee on Correspondence F. B. Lortin, J. P. Bryan, J. S. Midyette, Wa A- Coleman, Richard H-Lewis, Kinston. Donations will bs received by Mr. T. B. Kic5bsryl . , Quarterly Heeilnss For the Wilmington District, Metho dist E. Church; South, 1881. (Second round.) -Wilmington, at Front Street, Arl 30. Mnv 1 Smithville, - - May 7-8 Brunswick; at Z?mi. - - Mav 14-15 Topsail, at Herrn's Chapel, May 21-22 Onslow, at Gum iiran'ch, - May 28-23 Clinton, - - - - June 4-5 Cokesbury, - - - June 11-12 Coharie - - - Juoe 18-10 L. S. Bukkhkad, Presiding Elder. Tou can bow brr Improved-Heatln? and ; Cook Stoves at factorv prlccsat Jacobi's. Now Advertisements. Lecture. -TIOL. D. K. McRAE WILL DELIVER a Lecture for the benefit of the Library As sociation, at the OPERA IIOUSF, on FRI DAY, MAT 6th, at 8 .30 o'clock, P. M Subject "PHANTASMAGORIA," . Admission 25c may 4-3 1 MRS. JOE PERSON'S WIG BITTERS ! CURES SCROFULA, RHEUMATISM, Heart Disease, Chronic Bilious Colic, and all kinds of Erupt lens and Skin Diseas es arising from impurity of the blood. As an Alterative Tonic and Purifier of the blood it has proven itself unequalled. As a Tonic and Bio 2d Purifier it is Unsurpassed- PaxBTiaa's Mill's, Carteret Co., N. C, July 17th, 1879. $ Mas. Pekson Dear Madam: I think your medicine is the best that is now before the public, for the cure of blood diseases. I have great confidence in it, and believe that it will do all that you claim for it. I have the personal knowledge of the condition of young Mr. Stores, before he commenced taking your medicine, and I see you have his testimonial that- he is cured. Go en, and I say ;God speed you in your efforts to ameliorate the condition of mankind, and add to his comfort and happiness. I will do all in my power for you amoncr my frtends. Ynnr rftspflr.r.fnllY'. - Dr. W. H7 Baexeb - Send stamp for testimonial of remarkable cures. Prepared by Mrs. Joe Person, Franklin ton, N. C. Sold by WM. II. GREEN, Wil mington, N. C. may4-d&w. Grand Opening. OF SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINE RY. There will be a grand opening of Fine French Millinery, consisting of all the latest styles of Hats, Bonnets.Flowers, &c., from the leading Houses of New York and Paris, at Mrs. E. A. Luinsden', on. Thurs day, Friday and Saturday of this week. The ladles are respectfully invited to attend, may 2-3t E A LUMSDEN. ' m ' ' mm m I S The live Bookstore. QONTAIN3 THE LARGEST and most complete stock of POFULAR LITERATURE, MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, PIANGO AND ORGANS, latest etjle and superior to all ethers in quality of Tone, Finish, Dai ability and Llegacca of Design and litddh, for c&zh or on tie easy insUl meat plan. Call and fee and be convinced, . At HEINSBEBGEH'3, may 2 LiveBook ead Music 8tore Caps and Bonnets in lace and Silk. m rT ' wa r!a i urn nnn nnmr a A. received, Beeatiral ttaoitmeat. Ml shapes of Ladies' BonnetJ and Ht 13 the latest and most fashionable Btra-ars, eto. Elegant assortment of Flowers, Beset and Millinery Goods. Orders frrm a distance filled with fame care and precision as those from city patrons. IdlSH E. K ARRSR, P 35-diw No 6 8outh Front Just Received. NOTHKR LOT OP TH03S JUSTLY eelebraied Organelles, new and isiproved; Cabinet Ogaas, strictly First Class izd war racted for fire years. Bold for ch or on instilmeati FaT etoc Bools, Stationery, Fancy Gsc-ds, Ac, As Yates' Hook Store. may 2." SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUMO 2 OF THIS MOST POPULAR FERTIL IZER, Just arrived and for sale by, C- Aloa Spxnnt & Son, n r y 7 PLEA5X2 J oner. Wa wC2 be glad to recslra ecascrlciilcsi from oar friends on aay and all rabjseti srencraliniaTii tmt Tae naae of the writer trail always U rut tdshed to thsj Editor. ConaauaicaUoa zavit ha written ca c tly oas sida of the psyer, rermaHtlct mvit be &vlded And It If especially and roularly caier stood that the Editor does tot always ercrie - "v 11 1 vt wi i npvi w wilj (I&ICM mJ BT9SICO la the editorial oolunns. How Advertisomonttj. Riot ice- A LL PEItSONS ARE hereby harbor any cf the crew of the iO- er the Master or Censignees Trill be respon sible. C.MALMROS, maj3St Master u a w 1 svr in n r , e m n sr. s iisa mm CAN FIND l -vTTATR AND TRAN slent board hi Mrs. Davia' m tJA wati front. The table will be supplied with fish, crabs eysters, etc. The rooms are clean, neat and airy. Board per day $3, Single Meal 50 cents. v - 53f" Bath nouses free to boanlpr. MrUj. EMMA J. DAVIS, m-.ySlm Proprietress LiniGp Lime. "pULL SUPPLY BEST ON THE MAR- KET. " LOWEST PRICES One 1TOR3E for sale. - may2-3t J A SPRINGER usineos Changeo JESSE WILDER, HAVING BOUGHT the entire interest of the other three partners iathe orofrertr and hunex nf ih firm of Wilder & Co. , of Bruaswick, " Qa., saia nrm 13 aissoivea; ana the business will be continued by Jesse Wilder, in his own name, who assumes all liabilities of the firm, and to whom all claims due the firm are payable. JESSE WILDER, S. H. MORTON, JNO. D. SPRUNT, B. F. HALL. Jesse Wilder, of tho firm of Wilder Morton, Wilmington. N. C, having sold his entire interest in the propel ty and busi ness of said firm to B. F. Hall,' the firm of Wilder & Morton is dissolved; and the bus!-' ness will be continued byS. H. Morton and B. F. Hall, under the firm name of Morton & Hall, who assume all liabilities of the firm of Wilder & Morton, and to whom all claims due Raid firm are payable JESSIE WILDER, 8. II. MORTON, B. F. HALL. : The above changes do not affect the firm & Tlll 1 1-k T -W 01 iiau c rearsaii. is. r . nan wm con tinue, as heretofore, to give his personal at tention to the business of said firm, while the business of Morton & Hall will be un der the personal Buncrvision of S.H.Morton. HALL &-PEAKSALL, MORTON A HALL. ; mar 23-3t Tivoii Beerq R. LI BEER is brought to this city in our own REFRIGERATOR CARS. GUARANTEED FRESH AND PURE, City and - country orders promptly filled. EST Customers who have our empty bot tles will please notify us cither at office on Princess street or shipping depot on Second street. may 2-lw ew &prin&: t f eo3! I :AM NO W SELLING tho above ' delicious article at ' . - 30 Cents per ! Pound I being tho very best quality, - f ' , . fresh and full flavored. Thii price should induco purohascau , atohn L Boatwriglit ll'and 13 North Front St. iWestphalia Ham. I hava just received & shipment of THIS EXCELLENT; HAM, cured expressly for Summer'uso Having almost a National reputa tion this Ham i justly considereel among th8 best in use tp r 3 nrnn ire v a miiiiuj. ML L. SOAtMi T . Tlcx tVjCz rr.JJ. Fzc:: B Mr aance as in my younj cays. - i , ; Jon jt HatSttl, FrcnsrJJUt f c: -rt, CJrjcet street

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