r w B rroNS FOSTAGBPAID. ; oitaf, - ht d9iiTereI by carneri, fU P,pr .TWbartof the city, sitae i4rtSber. will ploes.report any ud lTr tteir paper. regularly. w Iflfcuntfti Sin .4 III UfcT U 5. FOR BHEDiAT inas and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, venerai ovunj .. Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, frosted feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Xo Proration on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil lafe, sure, simple and cheap External tmir A trial entail tut the comparatively titol outlet of 60 Centa, and erery one euffer fel with psin can hayo cheap and positive proof g ittcbums. DirtctioM In Eleven Languages. BODBI ALLDEUGGISTS AUD DEALEES 15 MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Sid.., 17. S. JL Linen Ulsters, Alpaca Ulsters, LL SIZES. 31 to 42 inches, Kdk's For L&dies and Gents CHEAP. Laces. A Lrgc .csscrtment of various styles. .aco Curtains Curtain Lacet cai suit you in prices and styles. rakish Salck Scap; . OATMEAL C AM SOAP ! R- M. fclntire. JOE PERSON'S CbStCR0fula' Rheumatism, f&tate c?.ronic Bilious Colie' fffSi I r and Purifier of tb Wood I P" itself unequalled. fic "itoTd Purifier it is W. UnmPssed. Miu.'s, Carteret Co ,N.C., ) Sis. Iw r Juy 17th lsr9 &iiP Madam: I, think riX tVhe be6t tbat i8 before N ?a!l S UC,i in i4 and beliee that r'PS fe11, clai for it. I hare iWwmeS. J!0? I10 commenced f.onurVv 1 Bec you have MlZ!.1 tht lie is rnr,i nrt ' 1 Dli. w' TT T.irv saaionul of icinarkable ft&t- Franklin- tj. N0W BUSY OPENING, I of Gent's. Yot,e . Q UrSt6tock, the prctU. cheapest 6tock of hthu Acalland . QUre?tf ally solicited. " ulMHMtll I Hid IIS-S IS M M ISE letiralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chctf, Gaut, Quinsy, Sard 7 kraut, Sivef- lid BITTERS ! 52 A& I. SHBIER, ; Market street VOL. V LOCAL NrmVS. C PMebane Ship Notice v IJenrt Savagk, Clfy ( I rk An Ordi nance Relating' to Selliug onSandays Gilmoke & Gilmore To Sc.di i s See ad A Grand Bazaar Heinsbeeger The Live Dock SixrQ. ; . C W Yates Just Keceived - - A &1 Shriek Arriviug Daily ':-'. Character resembles real tattle sogt while reputation is only mock turile. . : 'Youcan uow.tmy Improved LfeaUnji Cook Stoves fttfattorr f ricCMt Jacobf- An old tiu kettle may not point a moral, but we have frr-qnently known it to adorn a taiL Now is th time lor the rrran with a hand-crgan end the festive monkey to make Lis appearance. Men who are their own enemies would find it a great deal more- profitable to be enemies' to somebody else and friends to themrelvcs. Thepublie official who faithfully dis, charge sjhis duties, is apt to tread on some one's tots occasional 'y. The same may be said of editors. - Bow to dc your own N. Y. Enamel Paint, warranted at Jacobi's. painter : . Buy the ready mixed and. t It is not true that a married man can ever become a bird, although when he comes home at 2 in the morning his wife very often makes him quail. The Bernhardt will leave one legacy to our countrywomen in the shape of her poke bonnet, which it is evident will be generally followed this Bummer. r May is one of the unlucky months for marriages. The other unlucky months are January, February, March, April, June, July, August, September,' October, November and December. If you do not like Spanish lace you had better pack your trunk and go, to Alaska. It wiltbejTnltEaTdistant region only that a woman will dare to appear thi3 summer without her gown trimmed with Spanish lace, and plenty of it. "We learn that Eev. J. B. Taylor, pas tor of tho First Baptist Church, in this city, has been requested to deliver the address at the Sunday School Conven tion, under the auspices of the North Carolina Baptist State Convention, which will be hdd at Asheville, com mencing Juno 23d and continuing three days. We are not intormed whether Mr. Taylor has signifiell hi3 acceptance of , the invitation or not. Go to Jacobus lor Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all eizes. All at the lowest prices - Killed by Llsiitnlnsr. Mr. Hingard Best, living about six miles from Lumbqrton, Robeson county, was killed by li0hthing on the evening of the 3rd inst. Two of his children were severely stunned by the same stroke and the dwelling house was very badly damaged. Mr. Best leaves a wife and five" children. . Commencement Exercises. Our thanks are tendered the Marshals for the cturtesy of an invitation to at tend the, commencement exercises of the Uiiversity of North Carolina, which will take place at Chapel Hill on the 1st and 2nd days of June next. Hon. Matt. W. Ransom will deliver the address before the. Societies on that occasion, and Rev. Wm. P. Harrison, D. D., D. O, will preach the Baccalaureate Sermon. Galveston News. 'Essaying to doctor the scara received by the candidates for the presidency the Madison, (W is.) Democrat, wisely pre3 cribes St; Jacobs Oil. Of course we could not expect our worthy contempo rary to do otherwise than recommend that famous Old German Remedy- which 'heals all wound3 Taut those of love" and soothes all pain3, save those of-political disappointment. City Court. Hattie A. Churchwell and Louisa Henry, , two. damsels of thd colored per suasion, were arrested, and arraigned be fore the Mayor this morning upon the charge f disorderly condact. After lis tening patiently to the evidence in the case his Honor Mayor Smith discharged the first named, while the woman Louisa was sentenced to pay a fine of $5 or be conined In the C P. for tea days. In default of payment of fine, defendant was forced to accept the alternative and went below. WILMINGTON, N. C, U.S. District Court. There were no cases tried before the jury to-day. Several cases were sub mitted without trial, end some others were continued. All the cases were of minor importance. L Ki zaar and Festival It will Ee, seen by advertisement in 4his is&ue that th ladies connected' with St. Jokn'a Church will give aBazaar rand Festival at the - Citv . Hall, com- menciug at . 8 o'clock on the evening of the llth insCand continuing throughout tho ;-we. 'llti-prico of ;admision is within the teach ojfaiL; the entertainment will be just such as the indefatigable en ergy and excellent taste of the ladies Jinow so well how to arrange. We be speak for them a generous house on each and every evening. Directors Meetlns:, The Board of Directors of the Duplin Canal Company held a meeting in this city yesterday, at which they elected the following officers to serve for the ensu ing year : '. President Win. ' Larkins. Vice-President W. T. Bannerman. Superintendent W. L. Young. Treasurer and Collector for New Han over County J. L. Boatwright. : Collector aad Paymaster David Far rier. Oa motion of Mr. Wm. Calder, the Treasurer and Collector were ordered to collect the monthly instalments of five per cent., up to the 1st of May, inst. We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's forllousehotd Hardware of every descrip ion. There you get the lowest prices, f Tiled and Re-Tried. 'Squire Millis tried a case of disorder ly conduct or nuisance thi3 racrning, in which the nuisance complained of, con sisted of the defendant using profane and obscene language. Qaite a serious charge and one that need3 the heavy hand of the law to regulate it -a3 there is too much of this same sortlTnuisance practiced on the streets here constantly, day and night, but more particularly at night. The 'Squire, however, has grant ed the defendant a re-hearing and the case will be rc-opened this afternoon. North Carolina Uledpcai Journal. The April number of thi3 valuable magazine is at hand. As a scientific periodical, devoted to tlie dissemination of knowledge useful and valuable to the profession and to sick and suffering hu manity, it is an honor to North Carolina literature. The editorial columns of this number contain the "North Carolina Pharmacy Act of 1881," which is an im portant piece of legislation, not only to pharmaceutists,but to the people aHarge, as it prescribesamong other things, the way, manner and by whom poisons may be sold in this State and fixes a penalty for a violation of the act. There is also a paper on "Medical Ed ucation" in the State, from which we learn that during the past two years seventy-five applications have been made to the Board of Medical Examiners for license to practice medicine in the State. Of this number sixty-three were granted and twelve refused, "At this rate the standard of examinations was by no means so high as the Board wished to make it It was painfully evident that if a higher standard had been maintained, twice as many would have failed." Many lose their beauty from the hair falling or fading. Parker's Hair Bal sam supplies necessary nourishment, pre vents falling and grayness and i3 an ele gant dressing. Bishop Lyman's Appointments May 26, Ascension Day St John's, Wilmington. May 27, Friday p. m. St. Mark's, Wilmington. May 29, Sunday a. m. St James , Wilmington. May 29, Sunday p m. bt. 1'auis, Wilmington. May 31, Tuesday Clinton. June 1, Wednesday Faison. June 2, Thursday Smithville. June 5, Whitsunday Fayetteville. Ordination. June 17, Friday Wilson. June 19, Sunday Rocky Mount Con secration. June 20, Monday Halifax. June 21, Tuesday Scotland Neck. Troublesome Children that are always wetting their beds ought not to be scolded and punished for what they cannot help. They need a medicine having a tonic effect on the kidneys and the urinary organs. S ach a medcine is Kidnev Wort It has specific i action. 4 Do tot fail to get it for them. -Exchange Eeyiew. . THURSDAY, MAY Pemnalt JVe bad the pleasare of a short visit this morning from the young silver tongued orator of Harnett, Elector for this district in the lata Presidential campaignDan. Hugh McLean, Esq. Mr. McLean, we are glad to see, is looking well and happy. Harnett should be proud of her gifted young son. Col. HcRae'a Hectare Col. D ancan K M cRae is anuou need to deliver a lecture under the auspices of the Library Association to-morrow even ing at thef Opera, House at' 8 o'clock. The mere announcement that OoL Uc Rae is to lecture, it seems to us, is all sufficient to draw a large audience, for lie is by heavy odds, the best lecturer, is our humble judgment, that lias ever appear ed before a Wilmington audience ia our day. The theme, "Phantasmagoria," is a sort ot magic lantern business, subject to contraction or expansion, and princi pally made up of illusions. We expect, however, on this occasion to learn as we always do when we listen to this dis tinguished gentleman, something inter esting and to hear things that are rich, rare and racy. Lumbertox, May 3d. The Spring terra of the Superitr Court is in session at this place, his Henor Judge Gudger presiding, and Mr. Solicit or M elver representing the State's in terest. The court is well attended though most of the cases are of a trivial nature. The case of D. W. Thompson charged with the murder of J, W. McS Leod, at Abbottsburg, en the llth of last March, creates much interest and is the all-absorbing theme. The evidence in the case is substantially as . follows: Oa March 10th Mr. Thompson was in Wilmington and purchased nearly - a ear load of merchandise. The railroad an thorities told Mr. Thompson that 'the car could be side-tracked at Abbottsburg and used by him to send shingles in to Wilmington. Mr. McLeod, it seems, was under the impression that he was ta have the use of the car to send nis ireigni in. ne was m tne car. when Mr. Thompson approached and told him to get out of the car as it had been promised to him (Thompson) to send his shingles in. AJ heated altercation followed when Thompson shored Mc Leod, who fell out of the door striking hi3 head on the railroad track, fractur ing the skull, from the effects L of which he died on March 12th, the day follow ing the occurrence. Thompson disappear ed bat surrendered himself to the Sher iff of Bladen county, at Abbottsburg, on yesterday. At the last term of the Superior Court of Bladen the Grand Jury found a bill against Thompson, charging him with murder. Witnesses in the case were examined to day under a writ of Habeas Corpus in order to as certain whether or not the prisoner can be released on bail. The case is now (Wednesday May 4th) being argued." The supposition is that Thompson Will be allowed to give-bail. One of the handsomest little churches to be found in the State has just been completed here, and is the property of the Baptists of this town. The building is made of brick and the best of heart timber, aud is stuccoed and penciled to represent marble. It is 40x70 feet, with a clear pitch of 40 feet. The spire is 100 feet high, and is beautifully finished with an appropriate finial, and is supplied with a clear-toned bell. .The erection of, the church is due to the unflagging energy and liberal donations of our former towns man, Mr. J. McD. French, now of the firm of B. Godwin & Co., of this place. The church will be dedicated about the 29th of May. Rev. Dr. Pritchard, Presi dent of Wake Forest College, has been requested and has consented to deliver the dedicatory sermon. The Rev. W. T. Jordan; the pastor of the church, is doing much good work and is universally liked byjtii8 congregation. He is a young man of great promise, and will some day be among the acknowledged theologians of the country. The burial-ground near the depot, where repose the mortal remaies of some of the best of Robeson's citizens, which has so long been subjected to the rava ges of cattle, has been snugly enclosed by a substantial wooden rence. rarmers generally are planting and using very much guano. The young crops look well and there is every reason to expect a good yield this season. More anon. Indications. For the South Atlantic States partly cloudy weather and occasional rains northerly winds stationary or lower ba rometer and stationary temperature. PUR CELL HI05JSIE, DNDE5 HEW UASAQKillttT, WlIJUTO, Sm C. B. t. PERRY - - Prop! Late.ProprtatorAtUaUe'notel, - Firrt Glass In all itsvappsiafcaeatz. -Termi $XE3 13 S3 per Oaf :b M 5. 1881. NO. 57 HeTT Advertisements. Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS are hereby " cautioned atrainst aarbor- ing or trusting anv of the crew of the Nor. Bark ' RESOLYE." CapU A. T. Spellberg,from Dunkirk, as no debts of their contracting will be paid bv Captain or Coasignee. may 4-8t C P. MEBANE. A Grand Bazaar TTNDER THE MANAGEMENT of the I J Rector ClnK of fit. JW Church will be opened at the City Hall on Wednet- tlrrae throughout th week. GreaVattrae ! tiens lather AHT AnO MUSIC QALLEBY. each- Season tickets 25 eenls. isy 4- s Star copy lwk rr IS WELL KNOWN to the Werld that the Uaited States is more liberal to 4s soldiers than aay other country on the face of the globe. Every soldier who served ninety days or more in the Uniou Army du- ring tne Aeieuioi, ana wno nas an nonora ble discharge, ia entitled to one hundred1 aad siztr acres of land, under the harne- stead laws. Fer particulars address may 4- Washington, D. C. AW ORDiriArJCE ng to Selling on Sundays IT ORDAINED BT THE MAYOR and Board of Aldermen, and it is hereby or dained by authority of the same, that any persen or persons who shall open his store r place of business on a Sunday for the purpose of selling or disposing of oroffsr ing for sale any geods, waies or merchan dise, or any article, or any person or per sons who shall sell or dispose of any goods wares ormerchandise, on a Sunday, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on convic tion shall be finsd not to exceed twenty-five dollars. Provided, that , nothing Itt this Ordinance shall refer to Druggists selling Medicines or let Pealers sailing Ice. Passed by the Board of Aldermen May 21,1881. HENRY SAVAGE, may4-lfe Star copy It City Clerk SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUM0 1 00 ; OF THIS MOST POPULAR FERTIL : IZER, just arrived and for sale by Alex. Sprunt & Son. may 2-1 w ' RED CIDAS PACKING CHESTSi rtiinii nnnrkr arm nt iuno 18 R A'CKTS,MOULDING, L UMBER, &c, ALL SI2ES WINDOW GIAS3, . AT . ALTAFFER, PBICK iCO'3. Factory:' Office: Foot Walnut St. Nutt, near lied Cross tt i may 1-. ' COMMERCIAL HOTEL WILMINGTON. 1ST. O. ILarge Sample Rocras lor Commercial Travel or2 tpUK PftOPWETOB Lavixsj tlior!dj r raorted tola Horns tad fsrslshsd It entire ty caw, Is prepared to give to th traveisj piblla all the eonvealaadet of a FIE37 CLABIJ HOTEL. It li located In,' theery sntr of iae buaUaas pert of tha t&tj, bcls; eonvesleat to the principal bus! jces hoara- fostoScey Custom noise, City Xlili sxd Coart House. Flnt-Clau Bar aad BUUari Saloon oaeaetad wiU this Hotel &ATS3 VI rH. DAY. JOW B1TK3 For allkiads of Pristir Parsoaf reHiax oat of ths city can have t1ir prictiax carafally ex3tsd and wailea to shea free of pastar : -; ;.. - Urn - i . AIii0 'm-j - win ItgUi to rtcclu ecnarzIciC:rj from cur frkadi ca aay tzi Cl tztz'j o general laterert but v ; Tas csae of tta wrltsr mcrt alvajt bs ftt aishsd to the Editor. Oomaidlcatlon cut baJwrltUa ct;nly one side of the paper reno&alitiss must be avalded And It Is especially and parikuUrly uader -stood that the Editvoces not alwajs cacon lha visws ot eorreffpo&denu, ulets so slate d (a the editorial ooluates. Hew Adrertisemoiitg, Wotice- A LL PERSONS ARE hertby harbor any cf the crevr of the Swedish Ilriir EMIL 'anHth.i t-r the Master or ConsiTn win k .-nnn. O w.vc-UVU HbJe. fi.MAi.MRna may 3 Tt Master PA3SEKGERS FOR SMITHVILLE G AN FIND PRIVATE AND TRANI sient board at Mrs. Davis' oa the water iront. The table w Ul be mmulit-d mit crabs, oysters, tte The rooms are clean, neat and airy. Loi d per day $2. . EtnsloV I -Bath Houses free to boarders. MRS. EMMA J. DAVM my 3 lm Proprie.ress Lecture, WL,. it. jv. HILL DELIVER a Lecture for the benefit of the Library At sedation, at the OPERA HOUSE,' on FRI DAY, MAY 6th, at S.S0 o'clock. P. M. .. Subject 'TnANTASMAGORIA." . Admisfirm 25o. - may 4-8 1 . Grand Opening. OF SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINE-' RY. There will be a grand opening o Fine French Millinery, consisting of alltlie latest styles of Hats, Bonnet3,Fiowers, Ac, from the leading Houses of New: York and Paris, at Mrs. E. A. Luaisden's, on Thurs day. Friday and 'Saturday of thia werk. The ladles are respectfully invited to attend. Q ON TAIN d THE LARGEST and moat. cozcpleie stock cf POPULAR LITERATURE, MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, PIAN03 AND ORGANS latest stylo and eupertor to all others ia quality of Ton, Finish, Daratility aud Ilegtnce of Design . and liikish, for cash or on tie easy Instal meat plan. Call and fee and be convinced. ' At UEIflBBEROER'B. may 2 LiveBook and Muiie Btore - Just Received A NOTHfcR LOT 07 THOSE JUSTLY celebrated Organelle, new snd lmprcvs?f ,t Cabinet Orgaos, strictly Ilrct Class aad war ractad for fira Team. Hold for cathorcn iaitilmenti Full etcci Bookf, SistloncTy, Yates' Boot Store. may 2 Business Chaneec JESSE WILDER, n AVTNG , BOUGHT the entire interest. of the other threo partners ia the property and business of the firoi of Wilder & Co., of Brunswick, Ga., said firm is dissolved; and the business will be continued by Jesso Wilder, in his own name, who assumes all liabilities of the firm, and to whom all claims duo the firm are payable. , I JESSE WILDER, S. II. MORTON, JNO. D. SPRUNT, B. F. HALL. Jesse Wilder, of the firm of Wilder & Morton, 'Wilmington. N. C, having sold his entire interest in the propel ty and busi ness of said firm to B. F. Hall, the firm of Wilder & Morton Is dissolved; and the busi ness will be continued byS. H. Morton and B. F. Hall, under the firm name of Morton & Hall, who assume all liabilities of the firm of Wilder & Morton, and to whom all claims due said firm are payable. JESSIE WILDER, 8. II. MORTON, B. F. HALL. . The above changes do not afTect the firm of Hall & Pearsall. B. F. Hall will con tinue, as heretofore, to give his personal at tention to the busiacss of said firm, while the business of Morton & Hall will be un der the personal supervisioa of S.H .Morton, HALL k FEARS ALL, MORTON A HALL mar 3-3t . . . . Tivoli BeerQ POETNEU3 CELEBRATED TIYO U BEER is brought to this city in our own REFRIGERATOR CARS. GUARANTEED FRESH AND PURE. . City and country orders promptly filled. CST" Customers who hate oar empty tot ties will please notify us either at oO.ce ca Princess street or shipping depot on Second street. may 2-1 w We Offer : 150 G BbIa Good iX0UB' OQA Bags COFFEE, 1 n fi Hkds New Orleans IUU iI0LAS3E5,' JQQ Ehdj and Bbla Cuta 2QQ Bales HAT, 2000,Bcs!lcl3 TiE' C0ILV,-