stf gte months, $2 50 ; Three U5- One month, 50 cents. postl ' b deliTered by CMTieW, fb ia4By part of the city, at tbe 2r.te. low and liberal SErfber will pleaaereport any and iUire their raperregnUrty. Advcrtisomonts. Keuralgia, Sciatica, Lu:pbrrn, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Souf, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell jugs and Sprains, Burns and . Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooffi, Par and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other ' Pains and Aches. So Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil mttafe,$ure, Bitnplc and cheap External IraedT. A trial entaila but the eoinparatiTcly tiling ootlar of 50 Centi, and every one nuffcr far with pain can haTo cheap and po&itive proof 4 hi eUimi. ftrcctions in EeTen Languages. BOLDBT ALL DETJGGISTS AND DEALEES " IN MEDICINE. A.VOGEUSR & CO., Baltimore, 2Td., JT. 8. A.. Linen Ulsters, Alpaca Ulsters, 1LL 8IZE3. 34 to 42 inches, Hdk's For Ladies aDd Gents CHEAP. Laces. A lirgc assortment of various styles. Lace Curtains, Curtain Lacet We caa suit you in prices and styles. 'fcish Batch Soap; CATMEAl CREAM SOAP ! R. Rfl. clntire. S. JOE -PERSON'S NIC BITT 3SSlROrSA RHEUMATISM, iSfe' Cr0nic Bilious ColIc 3tt f2m i ruptlon? and Skin Diseas Panty of the blood. As AC iVcaud Pur;fi of the bw I wca itself unequalled. lTo:ic an.a'iloTd Purifier it is . UiisTirpasscd. lIt Mna.'s Carteret Co., N.C., btr tv 16 bC5t that i3 B0W before bStfit CUr? of Wood. diseases. I WaS?Ce !? $ and belicve that F?kny?a,dam for5t- I have Stoke of Vhe Dillon of KarS;; c,orf he commenced f JJOod .CVo-- 5 cured. Go on, feliS Sir ,;U iaJOr efforts to f cJnr?! f 1U0" .of mankind, and S P f0r timonW. of remarkable I K0W BUSY-OPENING, S Ur SpriaS d FSGood, We have . pertrtock of Cloth I a,4rpectfullT A. & 1. 8HWEK, ; " Lirket street . FOB f LJLLJ VOL. VI LOCAL T AV s V. k l' V6J" I'fci" ITeixsbeeger Pianos arid Organ C W Yates Just Received A & I Subier Arriving "Daily No City fJourt to-day. Magistrate's Row failed items to day. ra"intereting Health Officer James condemned eent out of market this morning ;;nd 100 Bunches of spoiled fish " ; Dr. Eugene (jrissoin. of this State, has been made Third Vice-President of the American Medical Association now in Bession at Richmond, Virginia "VVtn A. Uuthrie, Esq., United Stttcs Commissioner in Bankroptcy, held a dividend meeting of a bankrupt estate in the U, S. Court room during this fore nocu. Dr. Thorn -s F."Vood, of this city, and Dr.S. S. Satchwell of Pender county, arr, aside from the other ph; s'ciars from this State, in attendance upon the Convention of the American Medical Association now in session at Richmond, Va.' The delinquent tax payers will be hauled up before the Mayor to morrow morning. Look out brethren, but don't get mad, Mayor Smith is only doing what he has sworn and kissed the Holy Book to do. Indications- For the South Atlantic States fair weatber,jnortherly winds becoming varia ble, lower barometer, stationary tempera ture. The Lecture To-Nlglit. Remember that Col. D. K. McRae lectures at the Opera House to-night for the benefit of the "Wilmington Library Association, and don't fail to attend. 1 will be an hour agreeably and' profita bly spent. There are few lecturers who have the talent for entertaining an audience the same length of time without wearying them, that Col. McRae possesses. Col. McRae to our mind as we remarked yes terday, is the best lecturer we ever lis tened to. He can scar as high in.lofty efoquence as any speaker in the State, or he can take the reverce and be as humorous and vivacious with sparkling wit, as any humorist in the country. In other words, the distinguished lecturer can travel from the sublime to the ridi culous, and then back again and carry his audience with him, as quick and as rapidly as any one we ever heard. "We advise those who are fond of good things to go to the Opera House to-night, and our word for it, they will not be disap pointed. Mr. Geo. F. Helderle, of Pern, Ind. says that he had suffered very much with Rheumatism and used many remedies without benefits He found the desired relief in St;, Jacobs Oil. Changes in the Signal cups. "We learn that Serg't James M. Wat son, who has been in charge of the Signal office at this station for a number of years, has been relieved . from duty here and ordered to report to the station at Atlantic City, N. J., of which he will take charge. McGann, who has been in charge at the latter station, has been ordered to the charge of the station in this city. Mr, F. H. Clark, who has been Serg't Watson's assistaat here, is also relieved and ordered cn the North Pole expedition via Alaska. Mr. H. S. Gardiner, from the Sloop Point station is ordered to accompanytheXorth Pole ex padition via Lady Franklin Bay, and Mr Kyle, from the station at Fort Macon, is ordered to Sloop Point. "We very much regret the departure from this station of the courteous and efficient officer in charge, Mr. James M. "Watson, and his no less affable and competent assistant, Mr. F. H. Clark. Both of these gentle men, have made many friends during their stay in our midst, and we only ex press the sentiment of the public gener ally, when we wish them the same success in their new positions that they have met with here. . - U.S. District court. There has. been no business transacted before tho Court during the day. The Grand Jury is yet in session, but it will probably be discharged this evening. Ttoublesome Children that are always wetting their beds ought not to be scolded and punished for what they , cannot help. They need a medicine having a tonic effect on the kidneys and the urinary organs. Sach a medcine is Kidney -wort-" It has specific taction. Do est fail to Et it fcr thea,-xcAan js : "V '- ' v ; ' " v- ' Da il WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 6. Memorial Inslsnia. It is important that all members of the Lad ie3 Memorial Association should secure badges, which can be obtained from its officers, to wear upon Memorial Day, as only those who wear the insig nia will be able to gain admission inside the Confederate lot on that occasion. Prchlbllorr Law. Ex-Senator and Ex Judge Merrimon has written a letter to a friend ia which he gires the opinion that the Prohibition Act, passed by the last General Assem bly, is already a law and that the people will only vote upon the question as to the penalty pronounced in it against those who violted tho law. Admitted to tsaii. The case of D. "W. Thompson, charged with the murder of J.M. McLeoI, at Abbottsbarg, a notice of which appear, ed in our Lumberton Correspondence in yesterday's Review, was continued to the next term of Bladen County Supe rior Court, and the defendant admitted to bail in the sum of 5,000. We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip ion. There you get the lowest prices, f peaks in Xewbero. We learn that our talented townsman, Col. Jas, G. Burr, is to deliver the Me morial address in Newbern on Memorial Day. Col. Burr delivered the address before the Ladies' Memorial Association of this city three years ago, and it was pronounced one of the finest of the many eloquent addresses which have been de irered before the Association here, since the inauguration of these Memorial Day ceremonies. Col. B. leaves for Newbern on Monday. Concerning the Festival. Donations in the shape of edibles, for the Festival to be given by the St." John's Rectory Club, can be left at the residence of Capt. Chas. D. Myers, and will be thankfully received. A handsome pair of vases have been donated to the Club, which willbeaward ed by a majority vote to tho mo3t popu ar married lady. A very pretty toilet set has also been donated, which in like manner will be awarded to the most pop ular unmarried lady. Floiycrs for the Heroic Dzad. Tho Ladie3 of the Memorial Associa tion, earnestly request all ladies who nre in sympathy with the cause, whether members of the Association or not, to meet at the school room in rear of St. James' Church, at as early an hour as possible on Tuesday morning next to as sist in arranging garlands of flowers with which to decorate the Confederate graves. It i3 also reauested that all ladies who can obtain flowers will brinr and donate them for the occasion. How to dc your owa painter : Buy the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and warranted at Jacobi's. 1 Personal, v e were grlad to welcome bacii once more into our midst to-day, the Rev. Dr George Patterson, assistant rector of St. James' Church in this city, who has been absent on an extended tour in the South during the past lour months, on a mis sion connected with the University of the South a church institution located i at Sewancc, Tennessee. The many friends of the Reverend Doctor in thi3 city and vicinity, will bo glad to know that he is enjoying excellent health. This will be good news indeed to the friends of this highly esteemed gentleman, who were apprehensive some time since that his health was failing. Doctor Patterson has a peculiar hold upon the affections of our people, which will last as long as they are both per mitted to inhabit this mundane sphere. He has been with them through trials and tribulations, and ia the hoar of need when it required strong nerves and a stout heart to stand at the post of duty. Bishop Lyman's Appointments May 26, Ascension Day St. John's, Wilmington. May 27, Friday p. m. St. Mark's, Wilmington. May '20, Sunday a. in. St. James, "Wilmingtofl. May 29, Sunday p. m. St. Paul's, "Wilmington. May 31, Tuesday Clinton. June 1, "Wednesday Faison. June 2, Thursday Smithville. Jane 5, Whitsunday Fayetteville. Ordination. June 17, Friday Wilson. - June 19, Sunday Rocky Mount Con secration. June 20, Monday Halifax. : -: Jcno 21, TussdayScctbni Nc:! . KEYIEW. For Ladles Only. Combininig pink and red is one of the freaks this season. High dresses are cut a little lower than they were formerly. Striped stockings come in the mo3t vivid colors this season. Little blue grapes .in clusters appear as substitutes for flowers. Robin's egg blue will be much won by young girls this summer. The closer a bonnet is tied the more fashionable it i3, according to the latest rule, - :. One of the court trains made to be worn at the Queen's first drawing-room this year is strewn with hmmmine birda. Two yards of tweed are required for the new Scarborough ulsters, so that they are by no means expensive. A New York bride recently went to the altar with her veil fastened by a horseshoe of orange blossoms. The kangaroo sleeve i3 an elegant ad" dition to the nomenclature of. milliiery It is worn with a dolman, and is detach ed from the body of the garment from the elbow. One of the new freaks is for a bride to dress in some bright color veiled with white muslins and for the bridesmaids to wear white with sashes and gloves match ing her gown. 1 Tweed suits for girls are made all in one piece by lengthening the lining of a Jersey into a skirt and mounting a kilt plaiting and a sash upon it. It is not wise to put a hood on a gar ment that is expected to outlast the sum mer, for the hood has been used too much, and is going out of fashion. Some of the new mummy cloths have borders and powderings of daffodils, and are intended to be especially appropriate for spring costumes. THi: MAILS. The malls close and arrive Pcbt Office as follows : at the City Northern through mails. ... .6 00 Nortbara through and way p m roaiiS o:cU a. m. liiicign 5;oU a. m, Maila for the N. O, Railroad, and rentes supplied there from, including A. &N. O. iMsiroaci, at o;3U a.m. Southern mails for all points South, daily..... 8 am and 7:45 p. m. Western mails (U (J K y) daily except aunaayj :iu a m. Mail for Caeraw & Darling- ton... 7:45 p. m. Mails for points between Flo recce and Charleston. 8 a m & 7:45 p m Fayotteville, and oaicea on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays i;uu p. xn. Fayetteville. via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays 8:10 a, m. Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at 6.00 a. m. Smithvillo mails, by steam boat, daily, (except San days)............ 8.30 a. n Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shaliotte and Littlo River, S. C, every Mon day aud Thursday at... 6:00 a. xn. Wilmington and I!ack River Chapel, Mondays, Wedncs- . days and Fridays at.. 5:00 a. m. OPEN FOR DELIVERY . Northern through and way mails.......'. 7:00 and 7:30 a. m. Northerc mails 9. 00 a m Southern Mails. ......m 7:30 a. m Carolina Central Railway 4:00 p. m. Stamp Oifice open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and. from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department "open same as stamp office. Gener-l delivery open iron 6:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m., and on Sandtys from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. Stamps for bvo at goaeral delivory when slasnp cfficG h closed. Mails collected from street boxes every dcy at 3:30 p. m. QaartcrJy Meetings For the Wilmiagtoa District, Metho dist E. Church, South, 1881. . (Second round.) Wilmington, at Front Street, Apl 30, May 1 Smithville, - - - May "7- 8 Brunswick, at Zion, - - May 14-15 Topsail, at ITerring's Chapel, May 21-22 Onslow, at Gum Branch, - May 28-29 Clinton, - - - - June 4- 5 Cokesbury, - - - June 11-12 Coharie - - - June 18-19 Lu S. BURKHKAD, Presiding Elder. HEV FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A branch Fruit and Confectionery Store under the "Review" Office, corner Water and Chestnut streets. All persons passing that locality are respectfully invited to call and be suited with Fruit, Home-made and Fancy Candle3. Soda Water, Cigars aada general Elce variety, a iTUXOP'S, 1881. NO. 58 MARRIED, At the residence of the bride's father. Hinesville, Ga., Wednesday evening. A pril 27, 1831, Mr. JAS. S. GKOVES and Miss LILLIE EDWAKD3, Rev. J. W. Far mer officiating. N6W Advertisements Pianos and Grgans POR OA8H f2 UN ttK All of my Orijaaa are warranted for Etc yeftH. Ck!l nd ?e? f r ymre!f, at LWeBook and Madia Store HAMMOCK! Croqiifti Pet, Japsee Goods, at may - THE L.IVE BOOK Ml ORE Ship Notice. A LL PERSONS are hereby J cautioned against harbor-. ing or trusting anytfthe crew jV of the Nor. Bark -RESOLVE " s Capt. A. T. Speilbenr, from Dunkiik, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by Captain or Comsignee. may 5-3t C, P. MEBANE. A Grand Bazaar TTNPER THE MANAGEMENT of the U Rectory Club of St. Jehn's Church, will be opened at the City Hall on Wednes day night, May 11th, at is o'clock, and con- Iinue throughout the week. Great attrac ions in the ART AND MUSIC GALLERY. Admission t Bazaar and Gallery 10 ets, each. Season tickets 25 cents. may 5- Star copy lwk "TT IS WELL KNOWN to the World that J the United States is more liberal 4o its soldiers than any other country on the face of the globe. Every soldier who served ninety days or more In the Union Army, du ring the Rebellion, and who has an honora ble discharge, is entitled to one huudred aad 6ixty acres of land, under the home stead laws. For particulars address GILMORE & GILMORE, may 5- Washington, D. C. SOLUBLE 'ACIF10 00. T OF THIS MOST POPULAR FERTIL IZER, just arrived and for sale by , Alex, Sprunt & Son, x may 3-1 w PU'R'CELL HOT1SIE, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, WlUHSQTOH, N, C. B. Ii PERRY, - - - Prop. LatProprietorj Atlantic Hotel. First Ul&ea in all ita'appoiniocente. (Terms 12.50 to $3 per dv. ib' Conii Bacon, Molasses. 10 000,Busha PrIme WMteC0RN 275 BieS mokcdand D 3 Sides QKA and Tierces OOU New Cron Cuba 1QQ Bbls New Orleans Molasses, J J ust received and for sale low by ....... WILLIAMS & SIURCHISONj Flour, Sugar, Coffee, &c. lOOObla Flour, all grades,; 230 Bbls Sugars, Granulated ,A,Extra j ana u, 50 Bbls New Orleans Sugar, 350 Bags Coflee, differentgrade3, 125 Boxes Assorted Candy, 100 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 75 Bbls and Biea Lemon Cakes, 375 Boxes Lye"and Potash, 200 Boxes Soap, 75 Boxes and Kegs Soda, 100 Boxes amdHalf Bbls Snuff.! Shot, Buckets.rPaner. Spice. Pemxr. Gia ger, Hoop Iron, &c, Randolph Sheetings. forsaie oy feb23 WILLIAMS & MURCHISON Fresh Every Day FINE ASSORTMENT 67 CANDILS, French sad Domestic, jut reodTd asd fat tile. TUB ONLY; GENUINE HOME-MADE Osndj in the dry, will ba faaad ererr day, fresh sad tweet, three doors 8osth of the i o to SLce os geeo&d ttreet. Alov SnU BsiriB, FriW Ae. C E. JEVS5S, VnX2 Hear ti PottofS JfOWHVi' for all klaiicf Prists; city eta hits itcir vzizil": ctr.r. !!y crrt ::: 1 1 WO! v yAsa goner. - " Ws will b ciad to receive ecuszrI;-J;r : from. oar friends on say sad all ' rzt ;rti o feaersllatftrest tmt Tae aasas or the writer bo slwayt be fzr &ihed to tas Edltor.- Oonaaaalestlonjs;tbe wrlitea mtzly oae tlii of the piper. Fersaaantief m.zsi be avoided And it b especUL'y and &rtiadarly na ier itood that the Edifcwdee cot alwsye endcrra the riewi ot eorrefpocdenta, salett fottatcd la the editorial eolaans. Ttcvr Aavortisomont?. Notice ALL PERSONS ARE hereby forewarned not to trust or bareor any of the crew of the tvr- er the iraster or Consignees will bo rcf pen fcible. . , C. MALMIIOS, " - may S?t ... :, .V, yvHssMr - ., PA5SEKGESS FOU SMITS1VILL" CAN FIND PRIVATE AND THAN slent boarn at Mr. Dvia on the water front; The tabt ia Im supplied with fUh crabs, oysters, uc. The rooms are clean, neat and airy. Board per day $2. Slnl J Meal 50 cent. . 227 Bath Houses free to boarders- MR3. EMMA J. DAVIS, miySlm . Proprietress - - , "vmrk Lecture, QOL. D. K. McRAE WILL-DELIVER a Lecture for the benefit of the Library As sociation, at the OPERA HOUSE, on FRI DAY, MAY Cth, at8.30 o'clock. P. M. Subject "PHANTASMAGORIA," owSlagle - Tickets 50 cents, cents each. . Two or more may 4-3t Just Received. NOTHIiKr LO P. CP THOSE JUSTLr ceiebrati Crgatiettef, new nJ iaproted; Cabinet Orgaas, etriot'y.Ilret Ciars and sr. . - rested for five yesrr. Sold for cash or on iast.lmenti Fall stoek Books, Ststlonery, Fancy Goodi, Ac, Ac. Yates' Book Store. ruty 2 usiness Chane:6c JESSE WILDER, HAVTNQ BOUGHT the entire interest of the other three partners in the property and business of the firn of Wilder & Co., of Brunswick, Ga., erid firm is dissolved; and tho business will be continued by Jesso Wilder, in his own name, who assumes all liabilities of the firm, and to whom, all claims duo the firm are payable. -JESSE WILDER, S. H. MORTON, JNO. D. SPRUNT, B. F. HALL, ' . Jesso Wilder, of tho firm of Wilder & Morton, Wilmiogton. N. C, having sold his entire interest in the propeity and busi ness of said firm to B. F. Hall, the firm of Wilder & Morton is dissolved; and the busi ness will bo continued by S. H. Morton and B. F. Hall, under the firm name of Morton & Hall, who assume all liabilities of tho firm of Wilder & Morton, and to whom all claims due said firm arc payable. JESSIE WILDER, ' S. H. MORTON. B. F. HALL. The above changes do rot affect the firm of Hall & Pearsall. B. F. 'Hall will con tinue, as heretofore, to give his personal at tention to the business of said firm, whilo the business of Morton & Hall will be un der the personal supervision of 8.H.Morton. HALL & PEARSALL, MORTON & HALL. may a-at - Tivoli BeerQ PORTNER'S CELEBRATED TIVO LI BEER is brought to this city la our oini' REFRIGERATOi; CARS. GUARANTEED FRESH AND PURE. City and country orderspromptly filled. CsT" Customers who have our enipty tot- tles will please notify us either at office on Princess, street or fchipping depot on Second street. may 2-1 w We Offer 1 jXrifi Bbls Good FLOUR, gQQ Bags COFFEE, 11 nr Uhds New Orleans 1UU molasses; JJQ Q Hbds and Bbls Cuba do 3Q0 BalC5 nAY QQQQ'BusbelslWHITE CORN,; HALL & PEAESALi: apl IS GOflMEOCIAL HQTfcls Large Sample Rooms lor Commercial Traveler: rjl3D PBOPRIETCa asri&x tierocgtly - reaovatad this Hoaee sniTarsliled it entire- ly 8 w, it prepared to firs fc tie tzvroltz . pablio all tie ecarezleatlsj of a rHJT OLASSoHOTXL It Is locxtKl la; tie.vtry ocntrscf tia IcrlatMpxrt cf tledty, fcsft . eosrenlcatto.tisprlatlisl IzCncn hozzit, Pat?2v Cnrtoa JLnuVAr HU; atd