"7TnTl ty-': ; HOSTAGE rii". ! -ill bidelirerea j si" D , .v..iw rfiteilcw and libera tlieir papers rcgmJ. FOR RHEUMATISM Isuratgi Sciatica, Lumbago, lathche, Soreness of ihs Chst Soot, Quins, Sore Throat, S we fl ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, lrih,Ear and Headache, Frosted fat and Bars, and all other Pains and Aches. fTnn ATI Mrth eauals St. Jacobs Oil LfTiurt, simple and cheap External . 1 k wi ntfvila but the com Da rati Tel t fr7lj!..f ka Cent. nd eTerr one euffer- fitth pun can bare cheap and positive proof jinctSoos in Keren Languages. , SCLD HI ALL DRUGGISTS AHD DEALERS 1V0GELER & CO., Baltimore, Md., U.S.JL. Linen Ulsters, Alpaca Ulsters, LL SIZES. 34 to 42 inches, Hdk's Tor Ladies and Gents CHEAP, Laces. A lirge cssortment of various Btyles. Lace Curtains, Curtain Laces, We can suit you in prices and Btyles. j: iu kish Batch Soap; oatmeal cream soap ! ' R. M. fVlcIntire. M JOE PIBSOM'S TTERS ! TlCRES SdSSnS186 Tronic - BUious- Colic, EISS f of,EroPons and Skin Diseas- SSvt Purity of the blood. As S IonS and Purmer of blood "Wen itself uuequalled, jiTo ic ajd B'ocd Purifier it is V unsurpassed G's Mill's, Carteret Co., N. C, nS5t llthe tbat ia bef rS5riecUre of bIood diseases. I dolffX e in and belIeve that ifcoS tJou claim for It. I have JHI knowledge of the condition of lTonr. , es' before he commenced Cjoar medicine, and I see ran hav J power for y our8 repectfullT. for tesUmonial of lemarkable "ar c r, , . icrsua. t ranciin- Misy-aavf JF ARE NOW BUSY OPENING, and ..arranging our Soring and f Gent,,! Youths and Boys' rttmUllIaS Goods. We have t tsj3n st etock, the pretti. thto market. A caU and ,a U resntf',-.ii .. rvuuuj OUli Cited. 5 A.&LSniUEE, Market street Mm I IK B I r E Ji. VOL. V .LOCAL NEWS. Notice Raukfc of ihe city Mes 8 J ISaksu Miilinpry". Jno DTatlcu, (Tom'r Mortage Sale IIkinsb eku KH- Pianos a: d )i t::ns ,CW Yati:s Just Keceivcl A 4s I Sukieii Arriviner Daily Mayor Sraitb gave U3 no itfin again day. Nothing is as good as it seom-i before hand. It's easy to find reasons why other people should be patient. - Let evtry'rnan try to add a good name to his other capital. " : Only one intenheut that of a child in Bellevue Cemetery this week. We always find wit and merit in those who look at us with admiration. In Oakdale Cemetery there was but one interment that of an adult this week. Gloves are worn very long pow by people who cannot afford to bny new ones. Go to. Jacobi's lor Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices There were three interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week two adults and one child. The Rev. Dr. George Patterson will preach at St, James Church to morrow morning at 11 o'clock. . There have been but two marriage licenses issued by the Register of Deeds this week, both of which were for col ored couples. We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip ion. There you get the lowest prices, f The Swedish barque OriententWinck, was cleared to-day for Glasgow, with a cargo .010 barrels of rosin by Alex. Sprunt & j3on. We will wager as good a hat as any one will pay for that there is not a city in the South of the same number of inhabitants as Wilmington, that can boast of so many fine-looking, healthy, bouncing, brighi-eyed, lovely babies, all less than a year old. t. Affray at Laurlnlmrg. A serious affray took place at Laurin burg on the evening of the 5 th inst., which will probably prove fatal to one ot the parties. The quarrel wa3 between John McRae and Harrison McQcigg, both colored, during which McRae stab bed the latter, inflicting a severe ;wound just above the heart. He then took to the woods and is still at large. Whis key was the cause. Testimonal. Maj. Chas. M. Stedman has been made the recipient of a handsome testimonial from his friends in this city a3 an ac knowledgement for his services in secur ing the passage, by 'the last General Assembly, of a bill supplemental to the act known as the "Farmer's and Fisher man's Bill." It consists of a solid s il ver fruit dish, with knife and fork, the former bearing the following inscription: 'Presented to Major Charles M. Sted man by Citizens of Wilmington, Jf. C, for his signal and unselfish services in destroying a monopoly. May 2nd, 1881." The whole were enclosed in a neat case of Russian leather lined with satin The Lecture Last Slsht. Col. McRae was greeted by a good audience last night to listen to his "Phantasmagoria" theme. The subject was a novel one, and excited wonder and curiosity in the minds of his auditors to know exactly what would be made of it. The lecture showed great familiarity with French history and philosophy and exhibited an amount of culture which we believe few there are in this or any other section of the country who can surpass it The lecture was rather Frenchy, though, acd for this reason was beyond our ken. There was wit, humor and satire in abundance; this we enjoyed in common with the rest ot the audience, very much indeed. We were sorry to notice that the distinguished gentleman was quite unwell during the delivery of the lecture, and was compelled, on ac count of his indisposition, to cut short his discourse much to the regret of many who were present. A ..Jf WILMINGTON, N, O, PUOC3R. MM 13 FOR MEMORIAL, .i ? -i v , m iyt kn rz , . The procession will form promptly at 3 o'clock, in three divisions. FfRST DIVtsrON. " In charge of Assistant Marshals Waiter G. MacIlae, A. D. Brou aud Jiio. G. Dardcn. will form on South side of Market street, the right resting on Fourth. Brig -G- a M. P. Taylor and stafT and rtillery Staff. Wihniugton Cornet Concert Club. Wilmington LTght Infantry. Carriage containing Chaplain ' and . Orator. Ladies' Memorial Association. Children's Memorial Association. -. Schools in charge of their Teachers. SECOND DIVISION. In charge of Assistant Marshals N. F. Thompson, Jno. H. Hanby, F. H. Mitchell, and Junius Davis, will form on South side of Market street, right resting near St. James' Church. Association of Officers of North Third Carolina Infantry. Memorial Association of Third N. C. Infantry. Organizations from other Confederate Army and Navy Forces in charge of , Senior Officers. Soldiers and Sailors of Confederate Army and Navy. Civil Associations. Citizens on foot. THIRD DIVISION, In charge f Assistant Marshals Dr. Thos. F. Wood and C. C.Redd. Disabled Confederate Soldiers and Sail ors, in Carriages. Citizens in Carriages., Assistant Marshals J. N. Maffitt, Jno. W. Dunham and A. B. Cook will have charge of the Confederate lot and grounds adjacent in the Cemetery. Ministers of the different Churches are requested to have their bells tolled from 3:30 to 4 o'clock. The route will be up Fourth street to Campbell, up Campbell street to the Cemetery. As the head of the proces sion reaches Campbell street the Cape Fear Light Artillery will begin to fire a salute of 36 guns from the hill overlook ing the Cemetery. At the close of the ceremonies a salute will be fired by the Wilmington Light Infantry. The Memorial Services will be opened with a dirge by the Cornet Concert Club. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Dr. A. A. Watson Dirge by the Band Memorial Ode by the Choir Oration by Col. B. R. Moore. Ode by the Choir. Doxology. Benediction. Call of Roll of Honor and Floral Offer 13S. Decoration of soldiers' graves in pri vate lots will be done in the forenoon Owners of carriages are requested to direct their coachmen not to allow their horses to stand in the circle surrounding the Confederate Lot. . Jas. Reilly, Chief Marshal. W. C- T. U. We are requested to state that the regular weekly meeting of this Associa tion will be held at the Ilook and Lad der Hall on Wednesday afternoon next punctually at 5 o'clock. All Christian ladies, who are interested in the cause, are heartily invited to co-operate. The, presence of the young ladies and girls is particularly desired, in order to form a Society among that mo3t influential por tion of the community. As soon as the organization is perfected the names of officers will be published. All those members, both male and female, who gave their names to Mis3 Willard are re quested to send their annual fee 50 cents to the Treasurer, Mrs. Seth Davis, be fore the next meeting, or to the Hall on Wednesday afternoon. The . Society needs funds, with which to commence its work, and hopes thi3 request will find a prompt response. Mr. Matt. McDermott, I. C. R. R. Shops, Waterloo, Iowa, writes: I was taken with an acute attack of Rheuma tism last fall, and confined to bed. At first employed a physician, without bene fit; then sent to Wangler Bros. Drug Store, and obtained a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, the U3e of which soon gave me re lief, and cured me of the attack. I can safely recommend it to all suffering with Rheumatism. How to De your own painter : Buy the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and warranted at Jxcobi's. t llfllW. SATURDAY, MAY A Card From the ladles. ; The ladies of the Memorial Associa rion in this city make an eloquent ap" peal in the subjoined card to all who feel an interest in the object of the Associa tion; which w8 doubt not will be greeted with the same ready and cheerful re sponse that has characterized the liberal minded and patriotic citizens of Wil mington on similar occasions in the past. To THE CITIZENS INTERESTED: The ladies of the Association will be designated by badges and none will be allowed to enter the enclosure without this distinctive mark except the mem bers of the different organizations form ing the procession. Through the efforts of the Chie Marshal carriages wijl be provided to bring those ladies of the Af sociation back to their homes - who may have walked out, and have no means of riding back. This is a kindly considera tion that is appreciated. The pub lic are earnestly requested to fore go for thi3 one . day in the three hundred and sixty fire, the decor ation of private lots, and give the flowers thus used to theadornmentof thejgraves of those who fought and bled and died for them. The ladies of the Association do not think they are asking to much, or more than is due te heroic dead. Those, therefore, who nave flowers are respectfully urged to devote them too this cause either in special tribute or by send ing them to the school room in the rear of St. James Church, where the ladies of the city one and all -fwho are in sympathy with the objects of the Asso ciation, are invited to meetand assist in arranging garlands for the soldiers' graves. Ladies Memorial Association, The Ladies of the Memorial Associa tion wish it understood, and we are so requested to state, that no lady need be excluded from membership who has ever contributed in interest or money, Mem bership to the Association can be ob tained by handiDg name and subscrip tion (fifty cents) to the President, Vice President or Secretary and Treasurer . Troublesome Children that are always wetting their beds ought not to be scolded and punished for what they cannot help. They need a medicine having a tonic effect on the kidneys and the urinary organs. Such a medcine is Kidney Wort. It has specific action. Do not fail to get it for them,-x'c7ia?i c Cnuroli services .: . Worship in the various churches of the city to-morrow as follows : ST. PAUL'S ETV A.BT&. LUTHERAJV CflUKCII, Corner Sixth and Market streets, Rev. G. L. Uernheim, D. D. pastor. Euglish service at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. ST. JAMES' PARISH, Comer Third and Market streets, Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D., Rector. Third Sunday after Easter May 8th. Celebra tioa ar, 7;30 a. m. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Sunday School 3;30 p. in. Evn ing Prayer at 5 o'clock. bt. John's church, Corner Third and Red Cross sts. Rev. Thomas D. Pitts, Rector. Third -Sunday after Easter May . 8th. Early Celebra toia at 7:30 a. m. Morning PraTer a$ 11 o'clock. Sunday School 3:30 p. m. Evening Prayer and sermon at 8 o'clock. FIBST PBESBYTERI AN CnUKCLT, corner Third'and Orange streets, fiev J. R. Wilson, D. DM pastor. S3rvice at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. JSabbatli Scboo 3 p.m. ST. PAUL'S FPISCOPAL CHUECII corner Fourth and Orange streets, Re7. T. M. Ambler, Ui tor. Services at 11 a. m. aud 7:30 p. in Sunday 'School at 3:30 p. m. Seats free FIEST BAPTIST CHURCH, corner of Market and Fifth streets. -Rev J. 13. Taylor, Taste. Sunday -School at 9:3! a. m. Srvsc-" .t 11 a. m. and 8 p. a;. Broiklyn Sunday School at 3 p. r;t,- Auuual M e;i-i of Cburch for bueiueis Monday night at 8 o'clock. Young Men's Prayer. Mmg Tuesday liight at 8 oock. CbuTch Pray, r Meeting Thursday night at 8 o'clock. FROT STiiEST M. E. CITUBCTI, (SOUTTI) corner Front aad Walnut streets, Rev. E. A. Yates. D D , pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and b p. in. Sumiay School at 3 p. ru., W. M. Parker, sup't. Christian As sociation iu; is Tucsdav eveninga - after the first au 1 Uiitd -S n 1a7sin each mouth; Prayer Ale-it i?'.g a. id Preaching Wednesday evoi;iug-i At 8 t cl jck- F IF Til STKKKT AI. V. CUUi.C I (SOUTH,) oa FifVi, between 7'uu aud Church s re?t--. liev. T.P. Kicaud, pastor. Services at ll a. in. and 8 p. ra. Sabbath School at 9 a. in Prayer Meeting Thursday eve ning at 8 o' Jock. . SECOND PKESI. YTE CT AN CHURCH, Cor Four h and Cmipbe!! ftreet Rev. C. M. Payne, Pastor. Services at 11 a m. and S p. in. S .obatli School at 3:30 p. m. Prayer 51te:i g Wednesday at 8 p. m. Seats fee CHRIST'S CHUKCH (CONGEQAH'jXAL), on ian, b twieu S xth and fcevaiitn. Kev. D. D. Dodse, Pastor. Preaching at 11 a. in. end 8 p. m. ' aster's Bible Class at 12 1 p m. J'rayer and Praise Meeting Weouesday .t 8 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m.t ia ilaraorial U 1L Many lose their beauty from the hair falling or fading. Parker's Hair Bal gam supplies necessary nourishment, pre vents falling and grayness and ia an ele gant dressing. 7, 1881 NO. 59 Magistrate's Court Ileary Statcher, colored, was arraign ed and tried before Justice Gardner tbia morning upon the charge of larceny of a small sum of money from another colored man, and was ordered to give bond for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court, in default of which he was committed to Jaif, Notice THERE WILL BE NO BUSINESS traEs acted by the Banks of this city on TUES DAY, the 10th inst., that beinsr a leal holiday A. K. WALKER, . Cashier First National Bauk. J-- --- 8. D. WALLACE, f" may 7 H Cashier Bank of New ilanpver. rVlrs.S.. J Baker HAS JUST RECEIVED A NICE LOT of Bonnets, Hats and Flowers. Mil linery in general. Also all kinds of Ilair Goods. Prices to suit the times. Some thing for everybody. Orders from the coun try promptly filled may 7-3t mortgage Safe. By VUTUB AND IN PDUSUANCBof a deer of the Superior Court of JSew Ban over county, made ia a casae there pending wherein Levin Meginney ispla;ntifl",nd Wil Ham Smith aod tri e Josephine 1 8n itn, Thomas O Bantiag aod wi e Louis Buntirg, Tiriaia Smith and Susan F Smith, are de fendants, the nndertignsd, Uommimoner appointed by the stil decree, will fell by public auction, to the higbett bidder forcasb, at the Court Home door in the city of Wil minzton, n Hondar the 6th .day of J -ne A. D. 1881, at 11 oM ct, A. M., the follow In j described lot of laud situate ia the s&id city of Wilmington, to wit Beginning in the Southern line cf Mulber ry street, niaety feet ne3twardly from its in tersection with the western line of aec cd street, and runsinc theoca soutawardlr par allel with Second street sixtj-aix feet, tbenoe westwardly parallel witu Mulberry street eerentj-fire feet, tbeuee northwardly, par parallel with Second street lixtj-six feet t the southern line of Mulberry efet, and thence eastwardlj with Maibcrry street tc the beginning, bring part cf Lot No, 1. if Block 191. JN. D. TAYLOR, may 7 16-26 Jane 4 Commistioner Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS are hereby cautioned against harbor ing or trusting any of the crew of the Nor. Bark "RESOLVE." Capt A. T, Speilterg, from Dunkirk, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by Captain or Cousiguee. . may5-3t C. P. MEBANE. A Grand Bazaar -TTNDER THE MANAGEMENT of the U Rectory Club of St. John's Church, will be opened at the City 'Hall on Wednes day niijht, May 11th, at b o'clock, and con tinue throughout the week. Great attrac tions in the ART AND MUSIC GALLERY. Admission to Bazaar and Gallery 10 ets, each. Season tickets 25 cents, may 5- Star copy lwk IT IS WELL KNOWN to the World that the United States is more liberal to Its soldiers than any other country on the face of the globe. Every soldier who served ninety days or more in the Union Army du ring the Rebellion, and who has an honora ble discharge, Is entitled to one hundred and sixty acres of land, under the heme etead laws. For particulars address GILMORE & GILMORE, may 5- Washington, D. C. SOLUBLE PACIFIC 6UAN0 1 OF THIS MOST POPULAR FERTIL IZER, jut arrived and for rale by Alex. Sprunt & Son, ' may 2-lw pufioELiL mmm 8 UNDSa SEW HA9T AGIEM EU T, B. L I'KRRY, - . - Propl Late ProprietorJAI'tntieIiutei. Firit CIb in all i'??rciat!Eeat5. ?Tenn tl.60 to S3 per Uar. !eb 8 tJJ Fresh Every Day TIN A3HOBTJIENT 6P 0A5DIE8, Jrre: ch an; Ooaiettla, jait recti dJ ttd foi .fcle. - THE 05LY OENUINE HOME-MADE Cat.dr In ti city, will bo found ever? day, fresh aal sweet, three doors South ot the ietoee on So nd street. AUo, Nuti Sal3ine,;Fmil. o. O. E. JEYS in22 Nr tH t'c$tr,m HEW FRUIT AND CQUflZWinZZY STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED nAS OPENED A branch Fruit and Confectionery Store under the "Review" Office, corner Water and Chestnut street. All person passing that locality are respectfully invited to call and be suited with Fruit, Home-made and Fancy Candies, 8oda Water, Cigars and a general nice variety, at - S, O. NORTHROP'S, aplS Water fit. Store. 200 TOMS T7 rill L3lxJ ti r;:.:ra c; .--ilc-t JTsertllitrrert let . nUld to tti Editor. Ccaaaraloatfonsiscst be.vrltiea c -ulj cae sida of th pspr. ' J A ParsooaaUesiatjtUaToU54 -And it la epetalj and iwrtlealatly uad w jteod tJiat Uis Editmdoea cot alwajt csdort theTiewioleorrwpondtat, urlrta to ttated la tie ftdltoriil eolutens. How Advertisement?. PAsSEKGESS FOR SMiTlMlLE pAN FIND riUVATE AND TRAN sient board at Mr. Davis' on the wat-r Iront. m he table tU1 1-e supplied with fish, crab?, oysters, etc, -..The room are clean! xfA!ri airv- Board 1K;r day $2. Single tST Bath Houses free to boarders. .. MRS..EMAIA J.DAVIS. . , mxySlm Proprietress Just Received NOTdM: L- OV ZH)JY. JiTSTLY obratei Ora .ci. , rar n-t inprove; Cabltet Orgii i;'stttuy first Clauasd war.: ratted far fire jer?. Sold fur caih cr on ia t .1 -t; ; Full it'ocx . Booi t, Bt&t! o z:rr , Fabodv;Ac.Acvj'-V -: ...... Yates' Uool Store. my 2; TivoSi Beer0 POHTNEK'3 CELEBRATED TIVO LI is EE It j3 brought to thi3 city in our own REFRIf? KRATOR CARS. GUARANTEED . FRESH AND PURE. City and country orders promptly filled. Customers whohavc our empty bot ties will please notify us either at office on Trinccss street or shipping depot on Second street. . . may 2-lw j We Offer : j loOG Bbls Good FL0UR' 3QQ Bass C0FFEE - - linn tfbds New Orleans? I LUU MOLASSES aw- w 300 Bales nAY 2000 Bu6hels"wniTE C0R,,' HALL & PEARSALi; COifEBOiAL HOTEL; xWIL!UGTON,N. GT Large Sample Rooiac tor Comni ercial TraTcIcr?: rjlHE PKOPBIETOE haTtef ttorottgaly renovated this Hotua andcra!2he4 It entire lynew, prepared to 3lv to tht trailing publio all the contenUnolei cf a FIRST CLAS3u HOTEL. Itb loeated la;theejj o&tre cf tho btislEtsj'parl cf tie city, bIrf coavealsatto tteprbeljal bsdnesj horrer Poitoffloe, Cnitoia Hoe, City Hx'itd Court Hone. JBS-L F;r.:-Clacs Bar asd Billiard 8alc a conneotod yrilh tU Ucts'- HATIi $0 sf&ll DAY. ojt 24 t 5UUUTIC, ; Corn; liacon, Molasses, 10 000Cushs Prime "c01 275 Boxes Smoked andD S fildc O Kf Hhda and Tierces OOK) NcwCropCuba 100 Orleans Molasses, Just received and for sale Idw ky WILLIAMS & MURCIIISONJ Flour, SugarTcoffeo, &f lCOOJBbls Flour, all grades.'J 250 Bbl. Sturar,, GranulatedX.l.JZxUA OandC, SOBblsNew Orleans Sugar, " S50 BfgiJCoffee, dhTerent;grade3, 125 Boxe J Assorted Candy, 100 Tubs ChoIc4;Uaf Lard, 75 Bbls andBtxes LcmonlCaiei, ' 375 Boxes Lytand Potash 230 Boxes Soap, ' ' " 75 Boxes and Kegs Soda, i 100 Boxes andjEalf Bbls Snuff Shot. Buskets.Parjer. 8nic tVrrnr. nir. ger, Hoop Iron, &c Randolph fcheetlngij x or aaie ny feb 23 WILLIAM3 & MTJECTITSON Pianos andSOrganco POa OA3H OR ON TUB EAST I.VdTAlliEar PLA5. Ail of my Organs are wsiraated fcr fivs y esra. CaUaad fee f jr jo srsalf at niTI5RB2n:OER'0 UveBaok aad iiajld filer HAUX0CS3I CroaaftSU. Janap'tt Oaoit, at rosy 6 TUB LXTfiOOK QT02H

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