puussffonoz, ; 7e w21 bgJ4 to rsctlTt onac2dei:!cxs from out frUadi on amj sad all sstlaata o general latertrt bat Tfcs esse of tie writer exsi alwiji fcs ft r atoed to fee EJltor. Ooamnaleatlons aevt b wxittea ca cn!j oaada of th papr Fersoaallti&s Bcstbo arMdcd ; 5 And it It espIDj aad part!eclaTlj tsir tood that the Edit does B alwjs andon tha riaws ot oorrwpor dents, mnltas to tut ntke editorial olttna. :-,' 'i :. i-') .3 A TU C,IT05P FBOPBIITOB. CTT PAID, .1 One month, 50 cents. ' b,deliTefed by earners, & PPer r.3T part of the city, at the VOL. V. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11. 1881. NO 62 rGfi,-w. will please report any Mi ;a,ir, their papers regntarly. grii FOR, 8HEUIATI Unnmfnia. Sciatica, Lvmkaao, Backache, Soreness of tiia Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swe! ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bod7 rams, Toott, Ear and Headache, Frosted 'Feet and Ears, and all other Fains and Aches. - t nn urtli pmiftln St. Jacobs Oil tkt,iafe,$urtrinple and cheap External .' '.i'sn);to lint th MTrmTa.tlvflv t-iSinr outlay of 50 Cents, and erery one suffer- Jsj with pain can nare cneap au j iuuu rf Hi claims. Pirctions in EleTen Languages. EQLDBT ALLDBUGGISTS AHDDEALEE3 A.V0GELER & CO., Baltimore, Md., U. S.i. attin j-OV,' 13 TI1E TIME TO BUT. We are ArtPfffimp Vfrr o(nr ctvlnc arr1 of rorw xpri-c. . Lace Curtains. p0 THOSE WHO ARE IN WANT OF pa poL?, we can show them many new U desirable styles, both by the yard and t'ae p.iir, botb white aad ecrtie. Linen Uisters, ALSO, ALPACA AND MOHAIR. Respectfully, 8. M. PilcSntlre. K. JOE PERSONS SSl?l0FV' RHEUMATISM, Blltou, Colic! fmm r ' 8 ana Slnn Diseas- h Proven itc if r""aer oi the blood rhVHii itself unequalled. , TLic,vd Blood Purifier it is W XfLnmP3ssed. TrtS$MtLICartero.tCo.,N.C,?. ' 'ci'M-T, T I think f' . fcr th? bcst,that is sow before confi5lCUr? .f bl00d diseases. I J K 5 l? aud believe that & Z er of the condition of :WoorinSS;- f !?e commenced I see you have 'tlie OXX ln Jour efforts to comrhtlo,;of ciankiad,aDd lil 10 STSSi11? lPHuc8.- I will among my k P.wtesumonialof lemarkable r1" Sold bv , ,rrson Franklin C may4-d&w rP Cuba. 8 eit Cargo this , Reason, " . . SEW-CROP CURi URCLS SELECTED 1 r. XEW CROPCUBA and r , orsx!i " yw Dy SHL 18 BITTERS ! h & lurcliison LOCAL N'EWS. 1183 E Karueb New Assortmeat Bee ad Wyoming Tribe Imp'd O R M B F Hall, Assignee Dii Invited R M MclNTIRE Matting Heinsbergeu Revir-ed New Testa -t. A & I Shriek Arriving lfaily C W Yati llevi ed New i stameLt No City Court to-day. t" Tou can -now buy Improveil lleatiug and Cook Stoves at factory ricsat Jacobi's. "Vegetables are getting cheaper and it ore abundant. Four days pgo green peas sold for $2.40 per bushel and to-day they were offe red at $ I per bushel. Many lose their beuuty from the hair falling or fading. Parker's Hair Bal sam supplies necessary nourishment, pre vents lalling and grayness and is an ele gant dressing. Miss E. Karrer has just received a new supply of millinery, "Tuscan and fancy straw hats,etc. Mis K. selects her goods with much taste anil can offer as neat, stylish and fashionable a stock'as there i3 in the city. For General Cowan in General Lane's account of his return to command and duty with his old brigade in yesterday's editorial column, read General Conner- It was so written at first, and afterwards corrected in the proof, but the typo seems to have preferred it the other way. At the close of the Bazaar which will be in progress at the City Hall during the remainder of the week, a very hand some afghan for a child's carriage will be raffled. The afghan is the handiwork of a very charming little lady, and is a marvel of neatness and taste. - The "steamship Regulator, after an absence of six weeks or two months in Philadelphia, undergping repairs, put in an appearance yesterday morning thoroughly equipped for the summer campaign, with the addition of comforta ble passenger accommodations. . Can't be left Out. Included in the catalogue of the most wonderful articles of the period is bt. Jacobs Oil. The Hon. Leonard Swett of Chicogo, pronounces it the most thor ough conqueror Ot pain he has ever known. Tilpietf. Mrs. Joseph Chadwick,of Scott's Hill, Pender County, gave birth, on Friday last, to three well developed male chil dren. The babes have' since died but the mother is doing well. v Fine Opportunity. The stock and store furniture of the millinery and white goods establishment kept by Capt. N. IT. Sprunt at Exchange Corner i3 offered for sale. The stock is mostly new and will be sold together with the good will. See advertisement elsewhere. Prohibition Meeting and PlcMc We'are'requested to state thatthere wil be a prohibition meeting and grand pic nic at Ii.ong Creek, in PenderJ on "Wed mesday, the 25th inst. A fine time is ex pected and a large crowd will be ia. at. tendanct. Popular speakers will address themeetinsr. Basket dinneri and music will add to the iu terest of the occasion. Grand Commandcry Knignts Templar The meeting of the State Grand Commandery Knights Templar are in session this afternoon, Bight Eminent Grand Commander H. II. Munson pre siding. There is very little to be done and it is thought that the Commandery wil adopt a Constitution and a .set of by laws and then adjourn. It may be that a short session will be held xhis evening The .Excursion To Day . A laoge party, filling five cars, made up the excursion to-day to Flemington under the auspices of the First Baptist Sunday School. More than an hour be fore the time of the departure of the train they began to assemble, and they continued to arrive until the last moment at which time the cars were completely, crowded. All ssemed happy and in the- best of spirits, anJ we sincerely hope that no accident may occur during the day to mar the festivities of the occa-. sion. ' Indications- For th South Atlantic SIaIm and 'Gulf States, fair weather, winds mostly Bouineriy, stationary barometer,: station The Correct Dairi. TheMecical Society of North Carolina will meet in Asheville on Tuesday, May 31st, the Board of Examiners on Mob- day the 30th, and the Board of Health on the 31st. - One of our Asheville ex changes has ftllen into an error iu stat in? that the Convention is to be held on the 23rd inst. Bew Co ua your owa painter : Buy the ready mixed and t N. Y. Euamel Paint, warranted at Jacobi's. Uenrj Berry Lswerj A?aln Ve hear it from good authority that Henry Berry Lowery. the outlaw chief, still lives and that he is now a Sergeant in the U. S. Army and is stationed some where on the plains in the far West. He eft tbe Scuffleto wn section, about the time of his reported death, in a tool- chest and was taken out of the State by the way of Charlotte. All of the outlaw band have either been killed or pardoned and if Henry Berry Lowery should decide to return te his old haunts there would be no lega' hold on him. It is .hardly thought how ever that he will ever return to North Carolina, for their are many citizeas within her borders who owe him a little private grudge and who might take the first opportunity to square their score against the once powerful and dreaded monarch of Scuffletown. A Little Girl Shot. Yesterday afternoon, at Oakdale Cemetery, during the firing of the Wil mington Light Infantry oyer the graves of the Confederate dead, a small ball about the size of a pistol-ball, struck little Eliza, the seven-year-old child of Mr. Jas. 0. Munds, in the right thigh The little one was with her motherland as soon as the lire had ceased complained that she could not walk, when an exam ination disclosed the fact that she had been shot. She was immediately con veyed home and a physician summoned, who pronounced it' as merely a flesh wouad and one that would heal in a short time. The ball bad become deeply im bedded in the thigh, and will be left there, as it is thought it will cause no trouble. The ball was undoubtedly fired from a pistol or an air-gun, and was most prob ably discharged by some thoughtless person, most likely a boy, in the crowd gathered around the enclosure. An at tempt is being made to ascertain who fired the shot. We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip ion. There you get the lowest prices, f The Art Gallery, One feature of the Baziar, the Art Gallery, is deserving more than a passing notice. The greatest pains have been taken by competent persons to ren der it attractive and pleasant in various ways. In one corner is a cosy old fash ioned fireplace, surrounded by many old thingsof interest, and near-by may be obtained ice-cold soda water. Here may be seen and heard the organ, which has been donated to be voted to eome fortu nate person. There is also, on one side, a tree of goodly proportions, from which, for a consideration, one is allow ed to gather marvellous fruit, as tempt ing, doubtless, to youthful humanity as the old, old tree of knowledge, .but the consequences resulting from this fruit, be they good or evil, let us hope will not all be laid on the woman. An enticing stand of confectionery, of the best quality, occupies one corner of the room, and there are various comforta ble seats scattered around, where one may carry sweets to the sweet, and enjoy both together. In addition to this, the room ia. deo rated with numerous engravings, &c, some of which are for sale, and a large collection of pictures, statuary, and cu riosities numbered 'and catalogued for exhibition. The number of objects of interest irathered tosrether show a thor- m w ough research, in all ayailable sources far and near, and the zeal which brought them tosrether is to be commended. Some of these objects are genuine an tiques of Attic origin, and bear plain and evident marks of ancient Greece and others have as surely lain for long years beneath the earth's surface. Al together, the Art Gallery is well 'worth a visit. . - ' "- - ; ' ;- On ta Jacobi's - lor . Baorf . Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes WindoTrGlas?. alltizea. All at tfcs lowest Personal. Mr. George M. Smedes, of Raleigh, Mr. B. Cameron, and Mr. and Mrs. Dun can Cameron of Hillsboro, Col. H. B. Short and Mr. H; B. Short, Jr of Flem ington. and Mis3 Placida Englehard, of Raleigh, are in the city on a short visit ipoken at Sea. Captain Patterson, of the Br. Barque Geo. Walker, which put iu at Smith ville on the 9ih inst., reports having spoken in latitude 26 36' North, long. 61 06' west, the ship Golden Sea, of Southhampton, bound fron St. Thomas to" Greenock. All well and sked to be reported. - Shipped Foreign The foreign shipments to-day include the German brig Gwmarty, hence for London, with 969 casks spirits turpesv tine and 889 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs. Chess, Carley & Co., and the Norwegian barque Cito, for Rotterdam, with 3,100 bbls rosin, by Messrs. De- Rosset & Co. M. U. 39 J. The braves f Wyominar Tribe, No. 4, Improved Order of Red Men, will cele brate the birth of their patron saint, St. Tammany, on the sleep of 12 sun of 11 Sun Flower Moon at the 8th run. The above Red Men nomenclature means that the Wyoming Tribe will celebrate the birth of St. Tammany, their patron saint, to-morrow night at 8 o'clock. AlltheTribe3 in the United States and Sandwich Islands meet to-day and to-morrow, in commemoration of the virtues of St. Tammany, an Indian brave who fought under George Washington during the Revolutionary War. Conventioivof Knights Templar. Last evening P.E. C, AMartin, by authority of warrant from M. E. Grand Master Benjamm Uean, of .Boston, or ganized a State Grand Commandery of Knights Templar. There was no business of interest, except the election ef officers, transacted. The following are the offi cers elected for the ensuing term: Right Eminent Grand Commander . H H Munson, of Wilmington. V E DeputyGrand Commander Lee W Battle, of Durham. Grand Generalissimo- Geo H King, of Charlotte. E Grand Captain General S S Ever- itt, of Wilmington. E Grand PrelateRev Dr George Patterson. E Grand Senior Warden James Southgate, of Durham. E Grand Junior Warden F H Gloyer, of Charlotte. E Grand Treasurer William Simpson, of Raleigh. E Grand Recorder J C Munds. of Wilmington. E Grand Standard Bearer W R Kenan, of Wilmington. E Grand Sword Beared DJW Bain, of Raleigh. E Grand Warden T E Bond, of Wil mington. - This morning P E C, A Martin install ed the officers elect after which . the Convention adjourned. fVeeited Action of Some Kind In addition to the accident elsewhere mentioned as happening to Mr. James C. Munds' little daughter-yesterday, we have heard also, since our other article was written, of a lady, the wife of one of our highly esteemed citizens, naving been struck with a pistol ball or missile of some kind, while standing on the plat form within the enclosure of the Confed erate lot, which penetrated three folds of the lady's dress, and inflicted a slight though painful contusion on her body. Now, this conduct calls for the most der tsrmined and energetic efforts on the part of the police authorities to investi gate these outrages, and we hope the Chief of Police will make it his duty to investigate the origin and cause of such an outrage promptly, and not sleep until he finds out the daring perpetrator of this infamous act. If the hand of the law is not sufficient to take hold of the scoundrels let summary punishment be meted out in some other way. The people in this community are a law-abiding and long suffering peo ple, and hare submitted to outrages and indignities in - the past, which no class of j people with any manhood would eTer endure again.- We write ts feeV and are willing to go czr irdirid cal length, and take the c:ireqr:rct3, vrhitsTsr tl:y ; rr:y I ?, in f ::lir "c and bringing to punishment the scoun drels who yesterday dared to invade the sanctity and solemnity cf the place and the occasion, to perpetrate the devilish outrages referred to abovs. Nexr Advertisori6Qt A New Assortment OF MILLINERY, Lace Tuscan and Fan cy 8trawst Children's Cape and Bon- Bets, Ac. The latest in Hair Goods. Orders from the country wi!l receive prompt attention. M IS3 K. KARRER, may 11 No 6 8uth Front Street Bids Invited TpOR THE ENTTTE STOCK of Millinery, Fancy Goods and Store Fixtures, toother with the unexpired Lease f Store on Ex change Crner. ' Many of the Goods are quite new and of the latest styles, the stand the most desira ble ia the city, and the patronage first-cla6s. All parties disposed t consider ttis op portunity ofbujinsr at once a g-ood stock and good business, on very liberal terms, will please apply lor particulars at the Btore, or to a, F. HALL, may ll-5t Assignee Wiqwam Wtming Tribe No. 4. Improved O. R.M., Wilmington, N. C, 11 Sun Flower Moon, G. S. D. 390. MBER3 WILL ATTEND ceremo nies in honor of our Patron Saint on the sleep of 12 San of present Moon at the 8th Run. Visiting members of the Order in the city in good standing in their respective Tribes are included. The Committee of Arrangements have secured good music and with refreshments and dancing promise enjoyment fer all. Owing to th limited accommodations the ceremonies will bepri vate. C. H. CAFP3, D. F. BARNES, a. W. HOLDER, may ll-lt CoujmiUee A Grand Bazaar UNDER THE MANAGEMENT of the Rectory Club of St. John's Church, will be opened at the City Hall on Wei ties- day night, May 11th, at b o'clock, and con tinue throughout the week. Great attrac tions in the ART AND MUSIC GALLERY. Admission to Bazaar and Gallery 10 cts, each. Season tickets 25 cents, may 5- Star copy lwk State of North Carolina, Y Superior Court. New Hanover County. ) John D. Bellamy, Jr., Plaintiff, Vs. Cornelius Campbell, Frances Campbell an 1 Joseph W. Whitney, Defendants. THIS ACTION' IS INSTITUTED TO foreclose a mortgage on real estate in the City of Wilmington, made by defend ants, Cornelius and Frances Campbell, and it being made to appear that the defend int Cornelius Campbell is a non-re6ident, has property within this State and can not after due diligence be found therein, and that said defendant resides in Albany, New York. The said Cornelius Campbell is hereby notified and required to. appear at the n ext term of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, to b3 held at the Court House in Wilmington, on the 13th Monday after the 1st Monday in March, 1881, and answer or demur to the complaint filed In this action. S. VanAMRINGE, Clerk Superior Court, New Hanover Co. apl 194aw6w Foreclosure Sale. BY VIRTI7R AND IN PUE8UAN0JE of a decree of the Superior Coart of ftew Hanover county, made at the Dscoaiber Term.1679. ia a cause there pending, where in H. Brunhild A Bro, are plaintiff, ecd George W. Price acd wife, Sophia A.,, are defendants, tbe undersigned. Commission er appointed by said decree, will cell for caih, at puhlio aaction, at tbe Court Home door, la tbe City of Wilmington, on Mocdsy, the 6th day cf Jnne. 18)1, at 12 o'clock, ii, all that lot of land sltutte in siid city, and bonndd as foilowiBazinoicc: at a point forty-one feet west of the inte'etc'ion f m . M . m M Dixtn ana uoaraa etreeu, on esia iau:co street, enth) soith gldo thereof, and rue nlrgwettwardly along the coothorn Jife ct said Cha'ch street fory-ose feet; thence oathwardly, parallel with ixth street fifty-five fret; thtneo eutirardly, paral lel with Church street frty-one faat; thefiee ncrttwardly, parallel with Sixth ireet, fifty-fire feet to the beianiag, beia; a part of l-t I, block SI F. H. DAUBY, may S lawiw Commissioner Arriving: Daily ! yBt ARE NOW BUSY OPENING, marking and arranging our Spring and Summer stock of Gent's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Goods. We have got this season the largest stock, the prcttL est stock and the cheapest stock of Cloth ing ever offered in this market, A call acd an Inspection is respectfully solicited. A. A I. SHRTER, mch 23 Market street NEW FRUIT AnOiCOflFiCTIOflEBY ST0EE. TETE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A branch Fruit and - Confectionery Store under the Review1" Office, corner Water and Chestnut streets. AH persons passing that locality are rezpectf uDr Invited to call and be czHedwlih Fruit, Home-made snJ Fancy CzzZlzs, Ccla Water, Cljirs and a rcreril xzzlztj. t v " " . f -V V r--. v Kexr Advertisamont?, fVJ rs. S. J) Baker HAS JUST RECEIVED A NICE LOT cf Bonneta, HaU and Flowers. Mil nuery m general. Also all kinds of IUir Goods. Pricea to suit the times. - Some ttflnff for everybody. Orders from the coua try prmptly filled may 7t Ucvfscd New T8tamenr. Oxford Erfilioii. rpas RiVis i ; Jveib of .tax ftiS W: TE5TAME& ft OXrORD EDITION, rill b published U New Torkoa the l7ia of ilay, at the fUcw!i prleef t lie, jo, r.o, 75a, $1.10, l.6 $175, $100, $2.50 $5.25 $i.8, ordr froa tteoomatr ' will reooire prciart attaat'en at H El KSBERO kR'3. , may 10 . Lira Book aad Mntio Btore Keyied Kow Testament rpHii ULVISED VS13IOX OF THE New TeaUxoat wi 1 is usee J ia New York, on tbe ITth of Jt'aj, at the lollowin prtoei 15c. 15s, tf.Cc, $!.0 $1.10 Vidtl 59 each. Partl?i ia tha c .uitry will pleas lead la their oide a at orce,, - thit thf j ill re. ceira pioaipt attention. ' a Y. Yates' Book Storo, may 9 PAsSEKGERS FOR 8MITHVILLE CAN FIND TRIVATS AND TRAN sient board atrMrs. Davis' on the water front. The table will be supplied with fish, crabs, oysters, etc. The rooms are clean, neat and airy. , Board per day $2. Single Meal 50 cents. " 5?" Bath Houses free to boarder. MRS. EMMA J. DAVIS, : my 3 lm Proprietress . .Health is Wealth." "Health of Body is Wealth of .-. ' '.. ' I IT ORDER TO OBTAIN THIS, it ia necessary to vlq vonly the purest ami freshest of Groceries, and these can always be had by calling at 11 & 13 North lront St, I keep in stock always ' Tho Purest Now Spring Batter, Pure leaf Lard, The Finest assortment of Canned ' " Good?, both Vegetables , tad Fruit juneu jL'ruiiF, ail Kincts, Dota Jb or eign and Domestic. - Hams, Breakfast Strips Shoddeny Tho choicest lloyuno and Formosa Teat, J The Fre3hest Crackers and Cakea, Flour of all' grades Fresh ar- , rivals every week. Fish in Bbls. Half Bbls. and Kitr. Korlh Carolina Boo Herring from the Roanoke, and almost all other goods ia my lint: If yoa trill purchase tho pure fresh necessariea of me, I am curb you will aeqxdrs that health which -will giva yon welllh; . - - . J l . . urj or nigucr tespcratcrs. prices ' . -- '

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