.ifteraoon, Bd7t - f,;T0BIJCTO yr,,.iV One month. 60 cenU. oc11 '.delivered by carrier, iVsbt partof tbecity,etUe - in noTita per wv 6ffau,,w jre ' wia piewe report my ano TZ.ntoAr paper.rerularly. .1 rrTvrca eaTTIT ID FOB IHEDIAT ifflr K.mmima. Sciatica. Lumbapo, -frefacA Soreness of the Cnzst, $out,Quinsy,$ora i hroet, 6 ive- ScoAfr, eJera Bodily Pains, Tocth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. It Pwmtion on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil m ttdh", simple and cheap External i trial entails but the comparatively f with pain can hare cheap and positive proof a tt rUicis. Inrectiom in Eleven Languages. BOLD BT ALL DEUGGISTS A1TDDE1LEE3 IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, lid., JJ. S. A.. Rflattsngsl yOW IS THE TIME TO BUT. Wc are oJering some very cho'cc stjles and at very let prl'cs. Laco Curtains. those who are is want of sarh good?, we can show them manj' new m uoi-awc sijies, Dotu by the yard ana 'J t!t2 luir, both white and ecrus. Linen Ulsters ALSO, ALPACA AND MOHAIR, respectfully, R'M. . RSclntire.' ' BJ 11 M JOE PERSON'S liC BITTERS ! MJIW, Chronic Bilious Colic 'iShSSm i ptI0M and Skia Diseas" iKSSte "if ' of the blood 'Pwn itself unequalled. faTo4car;LBt0!)d?er it is 3, vaneret UO..N.C, ) JSi" -Madam: I think Krt S'fiCUrof Wood diseases. I I '.Patience in n on ku I I. Hat Von olnim -r i r trsonl knni , . Ul ll" A nave fc StokM ?!r f e edition of yottrmediS' rf f8 "commenced CyGod.n; hc is cured. Goon, tfTe Su iQr Jour efforts to 'comS110,0 of mankind, aDd tn-you amons my & rtcstlmonl of lemarkable C. & wu1011' Franklin- may 4-dAw Cuba. le Fino;t Cargo this St-9 0 36 DUCTED SA v.. XEW.CEOP CUBA l Vl?TtT r, & Hutchison JLnJj Daiii JLlb 11 A V 11 IM V V o 4 L - - VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 12. 1881 NO. 63 LOCAL NEWS. . V-.v. -ifvr j-. --- - fii.h Maky M. Maiix Notice Heinsjjekgek RevL-ed New Testament. A &1Shuiek Arriviujr Daily C W Yates Kevi-ed ,Ntw Testament No City Court this morning Of ti e May spring fashions, bitiiits taud at the head. Now is the time for spring cleaning and white-wastiinp. ' A corn is a little thing hut it cau put a great niovemeltt on foot. Do rot tv gage in a dispute if there is no poss.biliiy-of convincing. Grati ude is a,.dobt which all men owe, but very few take the trouble to pay it. You can now huy icuproved Heating aud Cook Stoves factor v priccsat JACOiiJ's. Advcitising by iBcans of circulars is like searching for-a mountain with a microscope. The Water Works Company had men employed yesterday in relaying the stone on Front street. Look out for them! A number of counterfeit ten cent coins are -said to be incirculation. As soon as the ball season of winter ends, the ball season of summer begins. The latter is of the baser sort. A man in Idebt and loafing about on being asked what he was doiDg, replied that he wa3 "resting on his owes." The steamer Passport will be ready to resume her regular trips about the middle of next week. She looks like a new craft, and the improvements to her passenger accommodations will no doubt be appreciated; About this time of the year it always happens that the peach crop is a total failure but in some marvelous way it manages to pick up and turn out pretty well later m the-season. The peach crop is something yotTnevercan depend upon until you see it. A newly-married man was heard to ex claim the other day, I've had enough of kisses, I've got enough of lovel Oh, give me back my old slouch hat! comfort able glove! take off this coat that fits so tight! oh, let me muss my hair ! there's balm in Gilead yet I hope "God bless the happy' pair, say we!" Inmailables. The following umnailable letters re main in the Pbstoffice in this city : Miss Julia Mills, Hickory, N. C. ; Messrs.Hodges Bros., Baltimore, M. D. Indications. For the South Atlantic Stales fair weather, variable winds shitting to Southwest, stationary barometer and temperature. Who Is. lit) ? There is a lucky man in "Wilmington. Ticket No. 25,2tf4 drew 1,000 in the drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery which took place on Tuesday last. The ticket is held in this city, but the lucky man's name has not been divulged as yet. How to De your own. painter : Buy the N." Y. Enamel ; Paint, ready mixed and warranted at Jacobi's. f How Wise. In place of the former staple free gossip, if we are correctly informed, St. Jacobs Oil is now the usual tea-party topic. How wise and how much more beneficial! The Sunken Tusj. The steamtug Orlando, which sunk at her wharf, at the foot of Orange street, on Sunday morning last, still remains in the same position. She is lying keasily on her side, and i3 made fast to the wharf by hawsers. Atjow tide one end of her pilot house canjbe seen and about two feet of her smoke-stack is above the water at high tide. Mr. R. H. Berry, who has the contract to raise her, suc ceeded this morning in getting a chain under her bows. . Other chains will be put under her to-day and to-morrow and it' is thought she can be raised with very little trouble. It is hoped that her machinery ard hull will not be hurt by the submersion. The steamtng Nyce i3 towing the rock to New Inlet in order that the work on the Inlet will not have to stop for lack of material. Go to Jacobi's - lor Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices - . a . v , . Don't Ton Forzet 11! Executors and Administrators should remember that the last Legislature en acted a law requiring all executors and administrator's notiees to be published in some newspaper published in the county Unless such a notice is so published, a creditor is cot barred from proving his debt against the estate by any length of time. . y . Off ftr Flor M e. R. II. Tait, a youag genileinin of this city who is universally liked by his many friends and acquaintances, will leave to night fpr Jacksonville, Florida, where he goes to take a position in a large dry goods establishment at that place. Mr. Tait carries with him the best wishes of his large circle of acquaintances. Board of Health. The Board of Health of New Hano ver county met in regular session last evening. The subject under discussion was the water supply and the sanitary condition of the city. Several sugges tions were made looking to the improved sanitary condition of the city. On the 14th all work of excavating for the wa ter works will cease except in the sand hiil3 near Hilton. A Monster Alligator. An alligator was killed at the Bluff, near Liliington Hall, oirthe North East river, a few days .since, which measured ten ieet eight inches in length, lour feet three inches across the hips, four feet eight inches from arm to am, or across the upper part of the body, five feet around the body, aad twenty inches from the lower jaw to the upper jaw with the mouth wide open. His gatorship was killed by Mr. James Shaw, of Pender, at his father's landing. The hide has been preserved and will be made to serve a good purpose. Col. Burr in ftevt berm In its account of the ceremonies on Memorial Day in Newbern, the Nut Shell of that city thus refers to the ad dress of our fellow-townsman, Col. James G. Burr, who in response to an invitation from the Ladies' Memorial Association of the Elm city, consented to make the annual oration; says our cotemporary: 'Col. Burr's address was a master effort. Good judges claim that it was the best ever delivered here. Vhile, in many respects, it was similar to all other ad dresses delivered on such occasions, the speaker interspersed in his remarks many beautiful and original ideas, and expressed able and eloquent thoughts that could only emanate from a talented and cultured mind." Planetary Eyents Burins: May. At 5 o'clock Wednesday morning Yenus passed between the earth and the sun, but, as her dark side was turned to the earth, was invisible. In a short time, however, she will reappear on the west ern side of the sun as morning star, and before the month closes her radiant presence will grace the dc.wn for an hour and a half before sunrise. Venus is now at the same point, only invisi ble in passing the sun, as she will be in December, 1882 ; but then her bright side will be turned toward the earth, and she will be seen all over America, making a transit or crossing the sun's disc. The last transit, in 1874, was the occasion of millions of expenditure in fitting out expeditions to different countries where it was to Le visible. The observers of - the transit of 1882 will witness a rare phenomenon, that will not occur again until 2004, one hundred and twenty-two years hence. The most beautiful celestial picture of the month occurs on the morning of the 26th, for the waning moon will be near Venus, Saturn and Jupiter, though she passed her conjunc tion with them all on the previous day. As Venus rise on that morning about ten minutes after 3 o'clock, Saturn ten min utes later and Jupiter about ten Min utes after Saturn, if the sky is clear, it will be safe to promise a superb planetary show, well worth taking pains'to witness. The new moon of the 27th throws her shadows over a portion of the earth, and causes a partial eclipse of the sun, invis ible here. The Ladies of the St. John's Rectory Club have received from Mr. M. J. Din- glehoeff a handsome silver card receiver, which is now on exhibition at the City Hall and will be voted for at the Bazaar to-nignk Shipped Yorelrn The Swd. Brig Emit, Captain Malm ros, cleared from this port for Greenock, Ireland, to-day with 2,710 bblstar, shipped by Messrs." Paterson, owning & Co. Also the Nor. barque Jerbuen, Capt iin Syendsen, for Rostock with 2587 barrels rosin by Messrs. E. G. Barker & Co. More Trouble. Jacob Wilson alias Walter Wilsan, colored, now languishes in jail in default of the payment of costs in Squire Gard ner's .court. It seems that Wilson owed Alice s Bishop also colored, money for board, and that Alice had possession of Wilson's trunk which she was keeping in "chancery" until the board bill was paid. While the woman was absent from, her dwelling Wilson by raising a window in the house got in "and took his trunk off. He was arrested for the offence' and is now in jail for costs. . A Health Officer Arrested Capt. Francis M. James, one of the Health Officers ot the city, was arrested yesterday on a warrant sworn out by G. W. Herring before Justice Gardner. Health Officer James is charged with forcible trespass. He condemned and sent out of market yesterday ferty-four bunches offish, the property of the pros ecutor, who claims that the fish were mot unsound. A preliminary examination if the case was had to-day, but Justice Gardner withheld his decision until to morrow. It is thought that if the plain tiff gams the case he will institute a civil suit against the city for damages. The Bazaar and Festival. The first eveaiug tf the Bazaar and Festival by the ladies of -St. Joha's Rectory Club was only partially suc cessful last evening, but the ladies hope for better things and a more -thriving patronage this evening and to-morrow evening. The entertainment offered to visitors :is a Hall beautifully decorated withflags, and brilliantly illuminated with gas, in which are tables containing choice pieces of handiwork, elaborately finished, and other tables on which are tempting viands and refreshments of every kind, behind which wait some of the fair maids amd matrons of the Club to serve the customers who may favor them with an order for their goods or chattels. The, flower stand was among the most beautifcl things we saw in the hall last night,while the table with the faney articles and needle-work, iu cur judg ment, came next in point of attraction. The Music and Art Gallery Was said to be highly interesting and "trooly amoosing' as the late Artemus would say. But of that we do not spreak from observa tion, but from hear say. The balloting for the different prizes jwill be continue to mght and on each succeeding night until the close of the Festival. The record at the polls stood last nigh as follows: Toilet set for the most popular young lady in Wilmington Miss Jtsie Myers 20, Miss Loula Parsley 7, Miss, Jaaie Parsley 5, and so on scattering down to one vote. Pair of vases for the most popular married lady Mrs. J. E. Lippitt 31, Mrs. G. G. Thomas 13, Mrs. S. H. Fish, blate 5, and several scattering. J ewelry case (the gift of Mr. George Honnet) Miss Lottie Green 18, Miss Josie Myers 3, &c. Organ Mrs. E. M. Cashing 9, Mrs M. P. Taylor 3. Fashion Jfotes- Mipses will find the sailor hat in Milan braid and broad fancy bands the favorite for every day wear. New Lisle thread and silk gloves have long, loose buttonless wrists reaching halfway to the elbow. The leaf star, and almond brocades are much used for summer mantles, but plain satin is much more durable. Soft gold shades, silver, buttercupi red, blue, gray, black and white are the prevailing colors for spring bonnets. Small, straight jackets, not quite closed in front, but drawn together by ribbons, are worn by little girls this spring. The buttons .'on the summer gowns are all small and insignificant. It is th8 fringes and bead trimmings that give gUtter this year. . The shirred mantles of black satin surah ar the msst ffshiesab! cf spris wraps. . Tkey are trimmed with Spaa&h lace, jet and citnfls. Decidedly the warmest day of the season. The thermometer reached 8S in this office at 4 o'clock. ' I!inqtimt. Over $300 for back taxes was paid into the City Treasurer before 9 o'clock this maraifig by merchants. Mayor Smith is stirring the delinquents up with a long pole and withiu the past tendays sixty four merchants have anted up at the Captain's office. Mayor Smith says he is "going for" all deliaqnents and ex pects to save much money for the city. Soma perstas who paid their license tax this morning" were in arrears for 12 monthstnd several others had never paid a license tax since they have been doing business in the city. Many lose their beauty from the hair falling or fading. Parker's Hair Bal sam supplies necessary nourishment, pre vents falling and grayness and is an ele gant dressing.' l?eT7. Advertisements- ' - ' PLIL1Q2 lamer. . tte will be glad to rteelvo eoamuaioatfers from mr frlenlf on amy and all rsbiertj o general Iniirat but The name cf tie writs nrrt alxr aji fct ht a!aaod to the Editor. ConanaleaUoaj nut be writtaa on only oao side of the ptjxr. Personalities xasit bo avatded And It is especially acd esrScuUrly uader rtood that the Editmdoesot alwr ji eadon the riowiot eorrwpordeatt, exits to slat tntke editorial column. 4 Notice. H AVING QUALIFED as Administrator of the estate of W. D. Mahn, deceased, be fore the Probate Judge of New Hanover eounty, notice Is hereby given to all per sons indebted to the estate of said deceased to make immediate payment, and to all per sons having claims against the deceased to present them for payment to my agent, Mr. W. H. Topp, on or before the 13th day of May,iSS3,otherwise this notice will ie plead in bar of their recovery. MART M. MAHN, may 12-2aw6w-thu Administratrix SASH, DOORS AUD BLINDS. BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, &c 4 - . . . ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS, i ATJ ALTAFFER,-PRICE & CO'S.5 Hew Advertisements. ' A View Assortment OF MILLINERY, Lace Tuscan and Fan cy Straws, Children '8 Caps and Bon nets, c. The latent la Hair Goods. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention. MISSKKARRER, . my31 No G South Front Street PASSENGERS FOR SMITH VI LLE CAN FIND PRIVATE AND TRAN sient board at Mrs, DavU' on the water front. The table a id be supxlied with fish, crabs, oysters, t. The rooms are clean, neat acd airy, lioard per day $2. Single Meal 50 cents. . . w , :. a t3T Bath Houses free to boarders. 0 MRS. EMMA J. -DAVIS, m y 3 lm Proprietress. . We Offer : loOG Bbls Gooa FL0U' gQQ Bags COFFEE, 1 OH New Orleans; LUU MOLASSES 100 Hhds na Bbls Cula r 300 Ealcs nAY i2000 EusLc!s wiiite corv HALL & PE&BSALL. Factory: Foot Walnut st. may 2 Office: Nutt, near Red Cross's Bids Invited -piOR THE ENTITE STOCK of Millinery, Fancy Goods amd Store Fixtures, together with the uiexpired Lease of Store on Er cbasge Corner. Many of the Goods are quite new and of the latest styles, the stand the most desira ble ia the eity, and the patronage first-class. All parties disposed to consider this op portunity ofbujing at omce a good stock ad good business, on very liberal terms, will please apply lor particulars at the Store, or to B.F.HALL, may ll-5t - Assignee m. GOODS i THIS WEEK S DELICIOUS PEACHES AND TOMATOES! All varieties of Choice Preserves, in one and two pound Cans,5the best in the market. Our elegant Family Flour, . jParole d Honeur, PigHams,rBreakfa8t Strips and Small Shoulders, Parched Java and Laguayra Coffee, ; Thesegoods are all fresh this week Our prices and qualityof goods will convince you if you will try -us. Try the'preparedSoups. For sale at . ceo. rcjYERsy fob 14 5 oi. 11 tad 13 Booth front 6U HEW FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY STORE.! ' mHE UNDERSIGNED WAR nprvifn a X branch Ftult and Confectionery Store nnder th "Rrlw" w... and Chestnut streets. - All persons passing aad be suited with Fruit, Home-made and Fancy Candles, 8oda Water, Cigars and a general alcoTsriety, at o. u. WOKTHBOF'S, apl2 Water 8t. Store. I O W &ATE3 Tor all madi of rnzxxg tislr prlaaj cxttfzllj oxo3ti aad ' c l!o ia t5rrs (tm at BcyJscd New Tostanienr, rpiIE .liEVJS'iD VERSION OF TCK MCW TE6T42IENr OXFORD EDITION, will be ruViisbe-l 1 Ve York on tieHih of Mr, tt the tMt wing prlcei :15e, I0et 23o, 750, S1J0, $L69, $1,75, $2.00, $2.C0, $3.25 S1.E0. AU orders from the country; will t t col re pi onp t attention at nSINSBERQER'S. may 10 Lire Book and Muilo Slore ReYiseS New Testament. rpHE RL VISED VERSION OF TEE New Tostaaest will belusoeJ In New Yoik, on the 17th of May, at the following price 16c, 25c, leCc, Cl.oe, $1.&0 &nd $2 50 each, : Parties in the c;untry will please send in their ordofs at once, t o that they will-re. ceive proajpt attsntiofi. C. W. Yates' Book Storo may 9 A Grand Bazaar TINDER TOE MANAGEMENT of tie J Rectory Club of St. John's Cbarch. will be opened at the City Hall on Wednes day nisht, May 11th, at is o'clock, and con tinue throughout the week. Great attrac tions in the ART AfJD MUSIC GALLERY Admission to Bazaar and Gallery 10 ct each. Season tickets 25 cents, may 5- Star copy lwk ' Cornj Bacon, Molasses, 10 000 Busha rrime WMte C0RN 275 Bozcs Smokea an D s 8Wci QpCf nhds and Tierces OeJly New Crop Cuba- JQQ Bbls New Orleans Molaascs, - Just received and for sale low by WILLIAMS & 5IURCHISON0 1 Flour, SugaiCoffeo, &c9 lOOOJBblslFlour, all grades, 250 Bbls Sugars, Granulatcd,AExtra CandC, 50 Bbls New Orleans Soar,"; S30 Bags Coffee, different grades, L125 Boxes Assorted Candy, J 100 TubslChoIce Leaf Lard 75 Bbls and Boxes LemonCake- 375 Boxes Lye and Pdtash,; 200 Boxes Soap, 75 Boxes and Kegs Soda, -lOOBoxes and Half Bbla.Snuff, Shot, Buskets, Paper, Spice, Pepper, GtoJ s"i xxun, sc., juanaoipn tJhectmgs feb 23 WILLIAMS & MURCHISON Arrivmar Daily ! YfTE ARE NOW BUSY OPENING , marking and arranging our Spring and Summer stock of Gent's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Goods. We hare Srot this season the largest stock, the pi ettS st stock aad the cheapest stoci of ClotiJ iaj ever offered la this nirket, A call zz 1 aa iaspectionUrpKtfallyrDllcItcI ' fA.Lcnnrnn, -

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