.ma PA PBS -r. JAMBS. OS"' rrnva POSTAL rAiv. H I' 15- OM montl, SO MBtfc Ppef .Trav Prof the city, at the "?Z n cents per we.k- r.te.'oandlibem ilT7iben will please report any a eire their papers regularly. i ii FOR RHEDMAT Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chsst, Bout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, S well ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains end Aches. So Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs On. mt$afe,$ure, simple and cheap External ttmtdr A trial entail- but the comparatively ttitoc ontUt of 60 Cents, and erery one suffer ing with pain can have cheap and positive jroof 4 in claims. " Piraioni In EeTeq Languages. EOUBIALLDBUGGISTS AHDDEALEBS IH MEDICINE. A.V0GELER & CO., t nr j rr a Baltimore, Md., XT. 8. JL. ip.tll iiT-nw Matt in mow IS THE TIME TO BUY. We are Bering some very choice styles and at very .of pn-es. Lace Curtains. JO THOSE WHO ARE IN WANT OF !Uch gooda, we can sho-V tlicm many new inddfiirable styles, both by the yard and J the pair, both white and ecrue. Linen Ulsters, ALSO, ALPACA AND MOHAIR. Respectfully, ; R. m. RIclntlre. IRS. JOE PERSON'S IHTDIAKT BITTERS ! jnSiJCR0FCLA RHEUMATISM, iauta&TS Chro?ic Bilious Collc SLv!? Puritvlof the blood. As Eicata Blood Purifier, it is Mill's, Carteret Co., N. C, ERSnv T, Julyth, 1879. $ ERSox-Dear Madam: I think f wiT ; r bCfit Ia wore wSforere of blood diseases. I i i5T;eDcelnit' d believe that fPSS 2f claim for it. I have ti. CkeS, before hft r-nmmDno iittaabfAr n- Barker W for testimonial of icmarkable ferP,cr60a Franklin- Atr.naA tlew Crop Cuba. Seasmi 3g 3. SELECTED SEW.CHOP CUBA 001IERC SELECTED & ilurchison J mm n Si ? onkrtv &na 1 see you have PjcSi he ls cured Goon, Pr4lS:8K.you iu your efforts to r 111 k te f aQ4 haPPines9. I will K TouVW" '? ou among my r ni VOL. V The river Dwina, at Archangel, Rus tia,has flooded a great part of that town, causing great distress. ' m m The electric railway from Berlin to Lichterfeld was opened ! hnrsday, and was snccessfuHy worked. Tho damage at Podol. tbe Jewish quarter of Kieff, by the recent riuts was 22,500,000 roubles, instead of $30,000, 000. lhe Russian rouble is worth 7 cents. It is officially announced that the re cent municipal elections in Spain result., ed in the return of 28,079 ' candidates favorable to the Ministry, and 3,824 bos tile -thereto. - . It is reported that the i'arq!i3 of Lome will soon retire from tbe Governor-Generalship of Canada It is said that hia relations with the Gladstone ministry are not very satisfactory. The New York stock market is still fearfully inflated. The bulls have had their own way for weeks. When the tumble begins, as it surely will begin some of these days, theu let somebody stand from under. : ' The Turkish delegates to the Grecian Boundary Conference now propose to modify' the convention, for handing over the ceded territory so that the evacuat ing may take six months instead of three, as proposed by the Ambassadors. The French campaign in Africa has been short, sharp, decisive and success ful. It has been brought to a close by a treaty with the Bey of Tunis and it may well be understood that the French haye secured all they demanded. Th3 Powers.stare with open mouths, and say "What does all this mean?" and France responds, "Nothing of any importance, gentlemen; it is only a little, private dif ficulty which has already been amicably arranged." It was very warm in New York and Brooklyn on Thursday, the thermometer being up anions the nineties. Nobody was prepared for such a sudden hot spell and there was really great distress. In Prospect Park, Brooklyn, there 4was a brigade parade and seventy-five men were overcome by heat. Eight cases of sunstroke were reported in New York and eix in Brooklyn.' In New York, at noon, the thermometer marked 92 de erees: m Brooklyn, at l p. m., it was over 95; at Rondtut, at 1 o'clock, it was 96; and at Port Jervis, at 1 o'clock, it was 94 and at 3 o'clock it was 100. There was a large sale of fine cattle in Philadelphia on Thursday. The N. Y. Sun says : The sale was attended by about 300 people, many of whom were ladies, .but there were only about a dozen buyers, the mass of the farmers present being frightened oil at the start by the stiff ness of the bidding over Gambetta, a Jersey heifer, which sold far $500. The sale .lasted four hours, and the receipts amount to S20.763.50. an average of about $262 for each' cow, heifer and calf. This is the lowest, average known in Philadelphia for years. T. A. Have meyer, of New York : H. N. Strong, of New York : J. B. JDavis, of Richmond. Va. j A. Wilhelm, of Lebanon, Pa. ; D. A. Given, of Uynthiana, Ky.; h Shaw, of Boston, and Dr. Borland, of New London, Conn., were the heaviest tbuy- era. LOCAL NEWS. - New Advertisxments. . R fl Beery First Grand Excursion of the Season Heinsberqer New Books v A & I Shriek Arriving Daily C W Yates Revised New Testament Days length 14 hours and 4 minutes. Mayor Smith gave us no news to-day. The market was well supplied with strawberries this morning. Some of the "boys' are getting hun gry for a blackfish excursion. The steamer Passport will make her first regular trip this summer on Thurs day next. Mr. W. M. Hays will act as a health officer during the ab3ence'of Health GfS cer James. The repairs to the wood work on the steamer Governor Worth are being dene in this city. The hour for holding evening services in St. - James' Church has been changed, and until further notice the services will be held at 6 o'clock. WILMINGTON, N. C.,. No interments in Bellevue Cemetery this week. . Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 58 min nntes past 6 o'clock. Strawberries to-day 20 cents a quart or three for fifty cents. There were two interments in Oakdale this week both adults. When is a man, like "friendship, most seriously tried? - When he stands a loan. Many a great man who thinks himself a great gun is nothing more than a big bow.' .... - Woman is like the reed which bends to every breeze, but breaks not in the tempest. , . The 'six weeks following the widow er's marriage is now styled the oleomar garine honeymoon. There seems to be a pretty general change of mails4and schedules all over this State, to go into effect to-morrow. The Register of Deeds issued three marriage licenses daring the week, one to a white and two to colored couples. The thermometer in the Review office climbed up to 89 this afternoon at 3 o'clock. At 1 o'clock it was one degree lower. A family of youDg ladies who reside Hp town so often entertain company on the front stop that they have gained the title ef step-sisters. There was much promise of rain last evening although but little fell. The thunder rolled and the lightning flashed and a small quantity of rain fell and then the cloud passed over. Too much lime cannot be used about your premises just now. Scatter it live ly in every direction. A small amount of money spent in lime will be a good investment in a sanitary point of view. Health Officer F. M. James will leave on a visit to his friends and relatives at his old home, Nantuoket, Massachusetts, to-morrow morning. He goes via New York and will be gone for about two or three weeks. It is now thoaght that the nrst race between the yachts of. the Carolina Yacht Club will take place over the Wrightsville course on the 4th of July. There seems to be no prospect of a race on the river this season. fin tr Jirtrmt's lor Doors. Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. A11 at the lowest prices . We publish elsewhere an articleWrom a member of the Ladies' Memorial Associ ation, relative to the recent outrage at Oakdale on which we have com- mented. In this instance we depart fiom a rule which we are justified in calling "invariable," as we do not know who our fair correspondent is. In this we thinis we are fully justified. hi I. - i i Personal. Mr. J. M. Watson, Signal Officer at this station for the past year or so, leaves on the steamship Regulator with his family for New York to-morrow morn. ing. We part, with Mr. Watson with great reluctance. He is an obliging and courteous gentleman, and we wish him success and prosperity in his new ftund home. Tne fiecelDis. We understand that the gross re ceipts of the Festival held by the Rec tory Club at the City Hall this week will probably reach as high as $700, and that the expenses will nat.be more, prob ably, than $100, if as much. Besides this there is an organ, donated to the Club, which is to be disposed of for their benefit, and we trust that the net amount will reach at least 300. This organ has been a source of much vexation to the ladies. It was shipped from Boston, if we are not mistaken, nearly three weeks ro, and to-day, after telegraphing in every direction, it ha3 just been heard from and will probably arrive to-morrow. It must have gone around by New Or leans to get to Wilmington. The fault, most likely, was in the hck of proper shipping direction. It is said to be an legant instrument. J. D. L. Harvev. Esq.. of Chicago, HL, j f A - - . snent over two thousand dollars on medi cine for his wife, who was saffering dread fully from rheumatism, and without der iving any benefit whatever; Jet w0 ot" ties of St. Jacobs Oil accomplished what the 'most'Esuiiu. mcuicai men jausu w llfffllW. SATURDAY, MAY Anniversary Celebration. The association of officers of the Third North Carolina Infantry will celebrate their regular anniversary, the 16th of May, on Wrightsville Sound this year. Members of the Association are reqaest ed to meet at Dr. ThosF. Wood's office, on the corner of Second and Chestnut streets, promptly at 9 o'clock on Monday morning. Many lose their beauty from the hair falling or fading. Parker's Hair Bal sam supplies necessary nourishment, pre vents falling and grayness and is an ele gant dressing. " : '-The Firtt cf ahe grsisn v As Intimated by tu jesterdaj; the first grand excursion of the Beason to the seaside will be given bj the Wilmington Light Infantry on their anniversary, the 20 th., which falls due next Friday to Smithville and the Forts, on the steam yacht Passport. Our friends may rest assured that no pains will be spared to enhance the pleasure of the occasion, and we do trust that it will be a fine day and a large turn-out. The Bazaar. The Bazaar givea by the Rectory Club of St. J ohn's Church closed its doors last night. It was opened n ..Wednes day evening and, despite many draw backs, is considered as having been very successful. The tolltwing were awarded: The pair of vases, "for the most popu lar married lady i Wilmiigton," was awarded by ballot to Mrs. Jno. E. Lip pitt. Neill JSmersoa received the largest number of votes, and was awarded the afghan "fer the handsomest baby." Miss Augusta Lippitt was declared "the most popular young lady," she hav ing received a majority of the rotes cast Miss Loula Parsley was the recipient of a handsome handkerchief case as "the prettiest lady at the Bazaar." . An elegant tablecloth was given Mrs. C. D. Myers in partial recognition of her arduous efforts to make the Bazaar a success. The ladies have still a number of handsome articles on hand which will probably be disposed of by them at some entertainment next month. , We Correct. In the fight over the ; proposed new county of Vance the Oxford Free Lance and the Henderson Tobacconist have organized a little controversy. In do ing this the f ree Lance evidences the state of affairs in Pender cotmty. That paper has the "best authority" for making the followiner assertions: 1st. The county has no public building. 2d. A special tax of 2,500 per year fpr fnnr vphtq wah levied hv the last Legislature for Pender. 3d. Up to two years ago jury tickets were goin at a song. 4th. Conntv scr nt ia not saleable at 5th. Despite the fact that no buildings ... . . nave been erected, tne county is under stood to be groin sr in debt and has been since its erection. . The "best authority" is sometimes, un reliable. The first assertion is correct. Pender cotmty has as yet no public buildings, but soon will.have. The second assertion is correct and is also corrective of the first. The tax alluded to is for the purpose of erecting a Court House and Jail. The third assertion is correct, and for reasons which we will hereafter explain-1 sentiaDy. There are two classes of scrip. That issued, during the past two years, since a Democratic Board of Commis sioners have had control of affairs, is, if we are correctly informed, worth par and in tvi n aM aflA. inf ma . T lT a , -.x.l have never seen or heard of any of it.be I ing offered for sale. The fifth assertion is entirely wrong, I and, for that matter, is just ths reverse of the facts in the case. When the Dem ocrats came .into the administration of affairs, something over two years ago, for the first time since the formation of the new county, they found it already heavilyjburdened with debt. They immediately inaugurated a wist policy of reform, and as a result have not only paid off the expenses incurred dur ing their administration, but have ac-l tually largely reduced the old debt. We have not the figures bv us now, but thinV ihnt ihtt rioht wajt Knmft 7.000. and .i.. ;. t --i, rfl-, aai, k u -ecu iwuwi mj . Board,during the past two years, to about I 1000. It is safe to assume that, had - . - ... . . - i t- wtW T-Td nnt tJi-9 1 ore a .ddlsrl NO. 65 entxreb services. Worship in the rarioua churches of the city to-morrow as follows : it. fauts rr vara. .l-jtiissx church, Comer Sixth nd Market stiveta, Rev. G. D. B-ruheim, . U. L. pastor. English ervioe at 11 . in. mud 8 p. in. Sutiuwy School at S p. m. " - . T. JAMES PABI&a. Corner Third rd Market streets, Rev. A. A- Watson, D. D.. R-clor. Founh Sunday after La-r My loih. Celsbra lion at 7:30 a. iu. Morning Prayer, at 11 o'clock. Sunday School 4:30 p. in. Even ing Prayer at 6 o'clock ' . ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, CoroT Third and Red Cross sts. Rev. Thomas D. Pitts, Rector. . Fourth Scniaj after Easter May 15th. ; Early CVIebra toln'at 7:30 . in. tlorning Pra-er at II o'clock- Children's Service 5 p. au Evening Prayer aad scraou at 8 o'clock. " r TXE8T BAPTIST CHURCn, comer of Market and Fifth streets. Rev J. B. Taylor, Pastor. Sunday School at 930 a. m. Services at 11 a. m. aud 8 p. w. Brooklyn Sunday School at 3 p. in. Young Men's Prayer Meeting Tawday night at 8 o'clock. Church Prayer Meeting Thursday night at 8 o'clock. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHUECH, corner Third and Orange streets. Rev J. K. Wilson, D..: D.tpasfor. Service at 11 a. ra. and 7:30 p. m. (Sabbath Schoo 3 p. m. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH1 corner Fourth and Orange streets, Rev. T. M. Ambler, Rector. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 3:30 p. m. Seats free FROST STREET M. E. CHUECH, (SOUTH) corner Front and Walnut streets, Rev. E. A. Yates, D D., pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p. m., W. M. Parker, sup't. Christian As sociation meets Tuesday evenings after the first and third Sundays in each month. Prayer Meeting and Preaching Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. FIFTH STREET . M. E. CHUBCH (SOUTH,) on Fifth, between Nun and Church streets. Rev. T.P. Ricaud, pastor. Services at 11 a. m, and 8 p. m. Sabbath School at 0 a. m. Prayer Meetinc; Thursday eve ning at 8 o'clock. . SBOND PEESDYTEBrAJI '.CHURCH, CorFouriA and Campbell street iicv U. m, rayne, rastor. tervic3at u a ni. and 8 p. m. Sabbath School at 3:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at S p. m. seats free. CHRIST'S CHUECH (COXGSEaATIOJr AL), on Ann. Ddtween sixth and sevenths- Rev. D. D. Dodge, Pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Pastor's Bible Class' at 12i p. m. Prayer and Praise Meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. Sunday i School at 3 p. m., in Memorial Hall. Wilmington, N. C, May 13th, 1881, xLiDitob Review: I was both shocked and justly indig nan t, (in common, I n resume, with our entire community) on hearing of the per- peirauon oi ine unmitigatea outrage by wnicn a iaay ana a utile gin - were wounded bv rjistol shots fired bv nn known hands daring the Memorial cele bration on the 10 th of May. and 1 con fess that I have been greatly astonish I ed to find that no effort has been made to I invesugate the ailair, and discover, it i . ..... .... I F""e " uuscreani.wug. commitiea "ie oasiaroiy act in order, to Tl?8 Ylem to condign punishment. I " " eviuens mere was mpre inan one I eugageu in ine aiaDOUcai pioi, ag mere I was inree aisiinci. snois nrea. one wiin 1 A 11 If ? TTT-1 X I w:s n me mayor oi vt umingion oner a reward oi si,uuo for tne appre hension of the would-be assassins? If crimes like this can be committed with impunity, and the offenders go unpunish ed, what security have we for the future? What a spectacle would be presented, if our ladies shonld be compelled to call upon our soldiers to guard them while A 1 t il m . m m . . iuut paia ine trioute oi auecxion to our dead heroes? Very respectfully, A Member or Tim Ladies Memorial Association. 176X7 Advertisements. CIIIOT GrtAND EXCURSION OF THE SEASON rpo oMITTTvTLLE AND TIIE FOBTS. Ai on FRIDAY, 30th May, lb81, on the ele-1 -rant 8teamer FASSPOET, giTen by the! Wilmington Light Infantry, iickeu for tbe rouad trip 75 cents. Ser- vants and children over 8 years old, 50 tie. Special rates for families of 5 or over. - Conunjttee reserve the rteht to exclude objectionable persons. Refreshments at city prices. iicjLBia ior saie at tne boat and by tie I Committee. 3T" No liquor allow el on the boat R. H. BEERY, Chalnaaan Committee Arrangements, naay 13-1 1 Star copy it PASSEflQEOS FOB SMITHVILLE n -rao. PBJVATE AND rtAK FIND PRIVATE AND THAN yj 8lent board at Mrs. Davis' on the water ironv ine tanie wia be supplied with fish, lJ7 5?. ncui uj. ra per car js, cln-ne .C7".Eath IToTi$e3 free to boarders. 21E3. J. DAVI3, my 3 In 14. 1881 ' - PLSAn32JOTICr. 7a -till h glad to receive cr.msr.lcxt!-r-froa op ftUacj oaaxy and all rabjccU o general interest bat Tis Mine of tis wrtt BSrt alvaya bs far nLt6d to tit Editor. Ooim---il6atloBji-iiitbe.wrlttca on only oaa aids of tat pajr. FersoaaJltlds cast be avtfded -'Aad it Is eepcUIIj and psx&salulj tudar ttood that the Editor doe- not always end era the views ot corrwpor dent, ualeu so ttat In the editorial ooIuesj. lYew. Advertlsemonta, New Books. rjlHE KIOflfiOF.', A Bozaaase froa tae Gtraaa. By Mrs. A. L. Wlitar ' Mas Par do J Uew Cook Book aad Atarketia-- Galie. 1 Tair BarbarUa. ' . By ft a: cia XI . BaraetU J- t MCiired at HSINSBEBOES'O y may 13 live Boot and Ifaito Store A ; SJeiv Assortment OF MILLINERT, Lace Tuscan and Fan cy Straws, Children's Caps aad Bon- nets,&c. llie latest ia 11 air Goods.. Orders from the country will receive ' MISS E. KARRERr No C South Front Street may 11 We Offer loOG BbIa Gooa FL0UR' 300 Bas C0FFEE' 100 Uhds New Orleans'! MOLASSES JQQ;nhds and Bbls Cuba do g QQ Bales HAY,- 2000 BusIlels wmTS comr, " HAI spi Vi & PEABSALI. forn Bacon, Moltusses. 10 000 Bush3 pmo 1711110 C0RN 275 Boxea Snoke,iaiidI) 8 fildc ' O X f Hhds and Tierces tJUU New Crop Cuba 10 0 0rleaM Molas8ei - Just received and for sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCniSONf Flour, SugarTCoffeo, &c; 1000 Bbls Flour, all grades, 250 Bbls Sugars, Granulated, A, Extra OandC,S 50.Bbls New. Orleans Sugar, 350 Bags Ceffee, different grade, , 135 Boxes Assorted Candy, 100 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard . 75 Bbls and Boxes Lemon Cakes, 375 Boxes Lye and Potash,' 200 Boxes Soap, 75 Boxes andlKegs Soda, J L100rBoxes and Half Bbls Snuff, Shot, Buckets, Paper, Spice' Pepper, Gin ger, Hoop Iron, &c Randolph Sheetings T For sale by Jb23WnlJAiIS & MTJRUmSON Hevisca New Testament- rjlHE BLVI3EDj,VS3IO OF THE New Testaxeat will bustol ia NowToxk, on the 17th of May, at the (clioIng prices Ue, I5o, tPCc, $1.0?, $1.50 ted $2 50 eacfc. Parties la tbs cuatry wUl pleais lend in their ord:g at occa. an thtt im wt ... .tv ce've pro-opt attention.. C. W. ; Yates' JJoot Storo. may 9 Bids Invited -pOR THE ENTTTE STOCK of Millinery,' Fancy Goods and Store 'Fixtures, together with the unexpired Leaae f Store on Ex change Corner. Many of the Goods are nf tn nmvr on nf ine latest styles, the stand the. most desira ble in the city, and the patronajre first-lass. : All parties disposed to consldftr thu nrw portunlty ofbujing at .once a good stock and good business, on vert- lfhrt tm. wUl please apply lor particulars at the Store, or to B. F. HALL. n-ayll-St Assignee Arrivins: Daily ! TTE ARE NOW BUST OPENING, marxing and arranging our Sprin" and Summer etock of Gent's, Youths and Boys' Gothinjr and Fnrniihlmr Rorv?.' TT t, -T a " m. i w got this season the largest stock, the prcttl . est etock and the cheapest stock of Cloth log ever c fTered ia this mirket, a call, ar.3 an Inspection ls respectfoKy solicited,, A.4ti.srntn:n, 3'arket street inch 23 JOW BAXJii JTaraa saaojef I'muz rersocj r?t..ls-f ezt cf ti c tlulr rrlzv.?z c srsfuHy eri ; a: ' ti i ft i . ; U:i r.'.:

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