pl2ags zronrjz. T5e wm tagltd to receive ream an! callers from our txisaig on any and all subject o ffoaerallstertftt but Tie aaae of the writer mmsi t2vy be f r nlahed to the Editor. gOomniOTleitlaaa tzxei bo written on only oae side of the paper. Personalities mvtt be avoided' Aad It If especially aadpsrttrairly aader rtood that the Edit-, does not alwtys eclori the views ot eorrefpotdeAtu, Uu so slat ta the editorial colcscr. if ' -rnV8 VOSTAGE P AID. v-rSffl.. 150; Three - M P'' 1 .r,5 . Oae montb, 60 cents. .M naeuicicv -j .. j. pari ui j eDU per wee. 1. and lifeWJM " VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, MAY 16, 1881. NO. 66 will p Wreport any f PP""g1rt7- mis Allii f. t.-...I ShiBjrlM-"" j - r. aiElii uoorg ana l B0ATWi:iGiiT-ummer Arrange- j OTIEBBOCKG- rom a Subscriber -K ABBE-Keceired this Moraing nUEuMEGINKET-Votice ' yRTSAVAG-Doff Ordinance i jfc I Shbiek Keep Cool r ff YatW Pianos ' au5SBW0KAmerican Book Exclvamge Corner loafers are standing nuisance?. A new strawberry joke will take tbe 9vurt ckc. it of rest, men often tire them- In pursa. fjTfcf. The failure of one man is tb1 oppor- ssitj of another. Tbe sweetest hirbiagers of spring lie organ-grin Jera. berc is but one kind of lore, but a thousand copies of it. The receipts of cotton at hi3 port to" lH foot op only 24 bales. 1 fin is indispensable to a woman ,ho can ho longer blash. Censure is the tax a man pays to the pablic for being eminent. There are men who take a dozen drams without a single scrapie. - Three men and two women are now confined in the county jail. Aminsweshis success in life to the tananwuo walks beside him. Decisions in law suits are rendered the' as lard is rendered by trying. Xo City Court this morning, nor po lice arrests Saturday night.nor yesterday. Tou can now buy Improved Heating and Cook Stoves at factory priccsat Jacobi's. To give your sn (Term g rheumatic neigh bor a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, is true clarity. Go to Jacobi's lor Doors, Sash and Blink, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes WinJow Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest pres Capl W. H. Parker, of our city, we reyret to learn, received notice on Sat urday of the death of his mother at her tome in Connecticut. It was 2,500, and not 25,000 barrels of rosia sold on Saturday, as was stated in oa issue of that date. One cipher ton many made the difference.! Good newspapers are driving novel- re&din? oat of prists w cwi h age of practicability yet, and j then there will be no fun in iivln?. "ewcre wronz in statins that the4J ctoryClubofSt. John's Church will u $T0O by the Festival held last o The amount will notexceed $500. ft mistake was ours. Xt Friday, the 20th insL. U a trftn. 1 holiday. As to whether onr "oTer. .orkd" merchants will avail themselves I " oosemnce and the opportunity Some Ivrr,-Qf; -.r a- i- uu, icmama vo do Been. B. n. J. A Tirana - ,i ""una mux wuiuicuvc rUieait corner of .Front nr nu-V lt' lheloer story to be a store, with Portable halls in the second and stories. - . c notic that Goldsboro is taking P toward -. . . . tbnrT FroTiamg a circulating hlk liJB!Uar nterPe might ac- Sod m oar own city and enable ho 3 10 lmProc their leisure Pairs on the steamer J'asspoW vua,PM and steam was t .--luay w see how she work . jeryUiiBg was satisfactory. It is iainn. UCQ improveasUe rtraQce and comfort. The r' l 6b8 wUl be raised mor dfs3haTu beCa SWCpt M hauling her to the top of . the 8u jTTTr ' ' :.-t. - U J! We gave a description Jtttorf . 10 have beended- Wak7p 7 lbe itch- S-T. Jordan, and The Streets-Oarboge Last Summer, it will be remembered, tfaw streets of this city were very filthy an 1 the Health Officers averred thit there were not supplied with a sufficient number of carts to haul the garb.ige off. We hope that the evil will be ic iv-frfA this summer and that p;lcd oi Vijud and decaying vegetation will not Le per mitted to remiin on th streets. Tilt? ( rsrps. The recent favorable weather baa been of immense advantage to crops of every description. All along th line of rail. road3,in every direction, the labors of the .farmer premise tor be abundantly rjwardtd. In ?ome 'section however the worm is making ci-nsiu. ruble havoc among the young cotton plan's in the upper portion of Duplin and in the tor ders of Wavne counties. Badly Hurt A colored man, whose name we could not learn, was severely hurt on Saturday afternoon by jumping from, a train on the. V. c W. R. It. while in motion. He was '"booking" a ride from the depot to the Cape Fear Tobacco Works, and as the train passed the factory he jamped off and was thfown violently against a crosstie which was lying alongside of th track. Hra head was badly hurt and it is thought his injuries will prove fatal. The Diocesan Convention. The Diocesan Convention of the Prot estant Episcopal Church convenes in Raleigh on Wednesday next, the 18thf inst. The clerical delegates from the churches in this city leave here to-morrow "morning and the lay delegates will go up, some to-morrow nightand oth ers on Wednesday morning. ' It is ex pected that the attendance will be larger than usual this year. On the first day Wednesday, Bishop Lay, of the diocese of Easton, Md., is to preach the Memo rial sermon on the deceased Bishop At kinson. , . Howto.De your own painter : Buy the N. T. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and warranted at Jacobi's. t Capture era reultenliary Bird Officer Jno. W. Bryant arrested this morning Simon Gregg, colored, an es caped cpnvict from the South Carolina penitentiary. Gregg made his escape about two years ago and came to this city. About three weeks ago two of the men wh were employed as guard3 at the time of the escape at the penitentiary, saw Gregg and mentioned the fact of his escape to a colored train hand on the W P C. & A. R. R., who upon his arrival in Columbia notified Col. Litchford of the whereabouts of the fugitive. Yesterday Officer Bryant received a requisition signed by Gov. Jarvis from Col. Litch ford, and this morning' arrested Gregg and turned him over to the SherifF. Bryant will leave with'his man in a day or two. Gregg has been running an eat ing "shop in Paddy's Hollow since ne came to this city. VPhp Caa Beat Xnlil A friend in Pender county sends us the following interesting item: It is well known to farmers that one of their standing difficulties is that our colored laborers dislike to spht rails and but m few hands are able to split more than one hundred and fifty a day out of ordinary pine timber. But there is a one armed Confederate soldier living at Burgaw who easily splits his three hundred rails a day out of common pine trees. It is Mr. I. H. Brown, who has remarkable desterity in the use of the one arm he brought from the war, having liost the other at the battle of Gettysburg. He mauled that many on last Friday, the hottest day of the year. Wc are infprmed that he is able to go out any day, when well, and split and make in fence two hundred and fifty rails. If any one-armed ex-Confederate sol dier can equal this hard working man let him be known. His Pender friends are ready to bet any amount, jrom hve dol lars up to one hundred, that, with this one arm, he can average five hundred rails a day ths year round out of ordi nary pine timber. The gauntlet is thrown. Who will take it up? This section was visited last night by a terrific thunder storm. There were a number of rery sharp peals of thunder, evidencing that something was struck not far off, but we have heard ofjno dam ages. There was a heavy rain which must bare been worth thousands of del Iarso the truckers. Advertkement.1 A CiRD As I have been a citizen of Wilming ton for mauy years, and during that time have derived Iroaa its good people a lib eral and encouraging patronage, as well as have enjoyed among them a character of ut.qafehtioat d integrity, I deem it ray duty :sOt only to myself, but to the com munity in which I livo and which has so ge ii' "To usly pitrortized and sustained me, but More especi isly to those in this com m itiiiy who have allowed long acquain tance to ripen into frleudahip for, me, to make this publication 1 am a private busi tess man and expected that I would have been spared this necessity, but my own feeling of justice to those who hare been vilf ly slandered with myself, con cerning the mtters in this' publication, kavrs we no room for hesitation no mat ter how different from the usual course of my private business life Uis action may be. With this preface, therefore, which I hope may not be deemed inappropriate, I have tnis te say: The report has beem circulated that I, as superintendent, have been guilty of misconduct, not to say 3 corruption, in the management ef the repairs of the Marine Hospital at this place. Now, to those (and perhaps there are some) who wish to believe ill of me, and who would if possible distort a plain, unvarnished statement to suit the desire of their slanderous, irrespon sible and ill-disposed minds, I have noth ing, nor will I hereafter have anything publicly to say. To men of justice those who are rea sonable, and who when they hear the voiceof calumny will stop and consider, will examine the facts and figures, will investigate from whence the vile calumny emanates, to those I address myself. 1 he following therefore are the facts and figures of the entire matter and ot them I challenge the'mmutest scrutiny, emphatically assured that even the most cursory iavestigation will satisfy any well meaning persen, and they are the only ones whose opinion I regard, that not only those whose names have been joined with mine, but myself also, have been most crnelly, most vilely and most shamefully slandered and calumniated. - The total amount paid by the United States government for repairs" of the Marine Hospital, and labor and services connected therewith under my supervis ion, coveriag everything as sbawn by the records of the Treasury Department at Washington, is $5,8154.77. This amount includes the salary of the watcn man, who was employed directly from the department at Washington before my appointment as superintendent of the re pairs, and my salary, I also being em ployed directly from and by the Treas ury Department at Washington, at a stated sum per day, both amounting to $1,114.00, leaving the sum of $4,750.77, which was all paid to the following per sons in the amounts opposite their names, for which I hold the receipt of each per son or firm respectively for labor or ma terial furnished, as the case may be, leaving therefore properly only the amount of 4,750.77 as being disbursed by me. The following are the disbursements: FOR MATERIAL. James F. Post . . W. E. Hill & Co. . . . N. Jacobi . . . Jas. H. Chadbourn & Co . Altafl'er, Price & Co. E. G. Barker & Co. . . Giles & Murchison . Worth & Worth . . . Parker & Taylor . . . S. S. Burtt ... . . 740 00 553 64 90 05 81 64 57 87 3G 40 32 69 24 75 19 56 14 75 51,651 35 S 346 50 315 00 101 50 205 62 174 75 - 173 25 178 94 81 80 63 00 152 00 29 00 14 00 90 19 ' 68 81 7 12 4 37 7 31 FOR LABOR. Perry M. Rice . . Coleman Twining . William Litchy King McCall . . Barton Burnett . . . James K. Cutlar Robert Martin F. C. Sadgwar . . . Wesley House . . Moses J. Merrick . Henry H.Hill . . . Abram Betts . William Whelding . . V Samuel Clayton . James Cultar . James Winfield . . . John Faison Joseph L. Roberts and Henry Edward, for plumbing, mate rial and labor . 1,080 26 $3,099 42 Making for salary of self and watchman . . . $1,114 00 For material . . . 1,651 35 For labor . . . 3,099 42 Total expenditure by U. S. . Government . . $5,864 77 The foregoing is an exact exhibit It was a simple business transaction. I. was in full charge and control, and no one in this city was connected with the matter or had anything whatever to do with it, either oneway or the other, ex cept those who were paid the sum3 stated above. The Treasury Department at Washington employed me. I made my reports to them direct received com munications and instructions from them direct, and was alone responsible to them and no one -else had any supervision, charge or control, even the most -remote, over my actions in the premises, in any way wbatcTer. The ; estimates for the material, prices, &c., were submitted to the Department at Washington, and the same were approved and authorized before any purchases were made. Tbe bills and pay rolls were all certified and forwarded by me to the department at Y ashington and paid by . checks made payable U those who famished the ma terial and to the employed. The checks were all turned over to the proper par ties at once by me. In some instances as the payments of the laborers were monthly and they t required small suras weekly to pay their billsjto support their families, I advanced these small amounts m sach cases without any compensation or security whatever and when their checks came to hand I cashed them at their request upon their endorsement and retained the amounts due me. During the month of November last an error occurred in the time of four of the employees by which they were allow ed altogether to the amount of $22 88 too much time. In checking off the amounts coming to these four with my time book I discovered the mistake and deducted the surplus and made the necessary en tries in my books to deduct the same in my final settlement with the Depart ment. Ihe men, however, were of the opinion that the money belonged to them on tne ground that ths cnecks were made out to them for these amounts; and to show that I had no isiproptr interest in the matter I paid them the amounts previously deducted and notified the Department, inclosing the amount of overplus, with the request that these amounts should be deducted from their checks on the last payment but it was too late. The men themselves, however, when they understood the matter.prompt ly refunded me the amounts, with ont exception. It is proper for me to state in this con nection, as this is a full and absolutely correct statement of the whole transac tion, that daring my absence as superin tendent of the repairs Mr. Joseph L. Roberts was my manager conducting my business, as I was not supposed to shut up and discontinue my business on ac count of being employed by the govern ment; that the estimates of plumbing material were submitted to the depart ment at Washington and authorized to be done and the amounts for the labor and material of the plumbing was turned into my business, I having Mr. J. L Roberts and Henry Edwards regularly in my employ and paying them a stated salary. Something has been said about the charge of $1.25 for a capstone to cover a manhole in a cesspool. The stone was individual property, not the prop erty ot the government, and the price ($1.25) was an exceedingly reasonable one and was a charge in connection with the plumbing. It seems to me that per sons must be hard up to find fault when they make a charge of that small value a cause for it. These are the facts in the matter,honestly and candidly stated, and to them I call the attention of my friends and those of the community (who are well disposed, and the great majori ty of them are) who may have heard the vile and unfounded slanders that have been circulated against me for some weeks past. Respectfully, D. M. Dart. D. M. Dart, being duly eworn, says that the facts set forth in the foregoing statement are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed before me, '.this the 14th day ot May, lboL. S. .Van Ajirinqk, Clerk Superior Court, New Hanorer Louaty. Well Said! The Newberniant of last Saturday's date, pays the following handsome trib ute to the memorial address delivered intiat city last Tuesday by Col. Burr: The address of Col. James G. Burr, of Wilmington, the orator of the day, was most admirably conceived and forcibly and gracefully delivered; it was chaste, refined, pure and classical, and stamped Col. Burr as a ripe scholar and polished speaker; it was listened to throughout with, wrapt attention, and won the ad miration and approval of all, and was pronounced by competent judges, one of the finest eulogies of the kind ever de livered in this city; the peroration was peculiarly appropriate, and in its simple beauty and grace was truly sublime. We in common with the citizeis of Newberm return to Col. Burr oir sincere thanks, and tender our kindest wishes lor his fu ture happiness and prosperity. Al tiuue and Abroad. The May issue of At Home and Abroad has been at hand for a week or more. It is a an excellent number, bet ter, we think, than the initial issue. Professor Ton Jasmond concludes his rather heroic sketch of Bismarck; Dr. Bernheim give3 us a few chapters from his travels abroad; Mr. Norwood Giles tells us all about the turkey buzzard and Col. Waddell contributes a sketch of Waccamaw Lake and the legends and traditions pertaining thereto, told so quaintly and so hnmoronsly that we would be glad to give it to our readers had we the space, hoping that its perusal would afford them as much pleasure as it did U3. These are the salient features of the issue but the departments are all fall,nelping to make op a Tei7 interest ing issue. - District Conferences The District Conferences of the North Carolina Annual Conference of the Methcdist K. Church, South, convene as follows for the present y.-ar: Warrenton Dist , at Weldon Washington Dist., at Washing ton . . . Hillsboro Dist , at Pittsboro, . Wilmington Dist., at Elizabeth town. May 12 May lg July 7 July 7 Faretteville Dist . at Carthage, July 14 Kaleigh Dist, at Gary, . . July 21 Charlotte Dist., at Monroe, . . July 28 SUtesville Dist., at Newton, . . July 28 Greensboro Dist., at Kerners- Tille, . July 28 Salisbury Dist, at ML Tabor, Aug 11 Shelby Dist, time not yet appointed. Troublesome Children that are always wetting their beds ought not to be scolded and punished for what they cannot help. They need a medicine having a tonic elect on tbe kidneys and the urinary organs. Such a medcine is Kidney Wort. It has specific action. Do not fail to get it for them.-xciane MARRIED. snORT ME ARES In St John's Church, Wilmington, N. C, on Thursday, Mayl2tb, by the Kev. Thomas D. Pitts, assisted by the Rev. Geo. Patterson, D. D., HENRY B. SHORT, Jr., to MAUT ALLAN, daughter of Horn. O. P. Meares. No cards. Hew Advertisements. Lime and Shingles 1KOfi BBLS. FRESH LIME AND fJKjyj Cement at low figures. O SHINGLES, very low. U,UiJU WOOD 50c to 70c per load. may 10-St J. A. SPRINGER. Received this Horning LARGE LOT OF FLOWERS for Miilinery aid evening wear ; also Ladies' Llaea Ulsters. MISS E. KARRER, may IS No C Ssuth Front Street Notice. TTAVrvo rmr.v oTTAT.TFTTrn tv tttt? 1 proper Court as the executrix of &e last win ana testament oi the late .Levin Megimney, notice ia hereby given to all per sons having claimi against my said testator, to present the same te me ou r before the 15th day of May, A. D.f 1882, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of a recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment. VALERIA MEGINNEY, mayl6-law6w-mon Executrix Keep Cool. A ND THE SUREST WAY to do that is by coming out in full Summer costume, BOUGHT AT SHRIEK'S, Clothing Emporium ou Market street. We are selling all of our goods at ex travagantly low prices ; the stock is full and must be sold.-Call early and make selections at A. & I. SHRIER'3, may 16 ) Market street Office Treasurer & Collector. City of Wilmington, Kt C. May 10th, 13S1 Doe Ordinance. mHE DOG ORDINANCE of the city goes iato effect on the ICifc day of June next. All parties interested are hereby notified that Badges cen be procured on application at this office. HENRY S A. VAGE. mayl6-2tsac Treas. &Tax Col. i Pianos. jjAYlira BSfiN APPOINTED BOLE Acoat for the sde of tha D ?CK Ell t IAN08, I womM aaaoaaee to the public that they earn bo seem at my Warerooxs Th-s Pjaros are ma rivalled as to tome and fiiih. We in vito UnUeUai sal the publio to examine the iMtrwmenta critically. Ther can te obtaiMd tor le mosey than aaj other rinVCtact PUao. We will alio have ia stoek a ehsaper grade of Piaaoi ia a few oys C. W. Yates' Book Store. American Book Exchange mHB 0BCAPS3? PUBLISHING Hos e im Amcriew -All Boikx pubIL ei bj tie AJBtrieiB Book Exeaiag e are f r tali at ? HEIY 4BKRQE&' Live B. ok rita.-e Fianoa and Organs, LARGE ASSOiTMZST jut received, aad for sale oa the popular Hoi tb!y Instal msat Flan at ' wT 1 Uto Dook and lloxic Store : y 17e7 Advortiscmonta. Editor Review : 1 QBLIGE A SUBSCRIBER by stating to ihe readers of your excellent. paper, that ' OTTERBOURG, owing to the rush of bail ee's during the past week, was uuable to get out as usual his regular advertisement. I make the explanatory reque-t in his be half, knowing, the dUa.iutMent man, will experience ho peruse every Monday Otterbourg'e ORIGINAL v sayings. TcU them further, in behalf of the "MEN'S WEAR DEPOT", thit OTTERBOURG he a just rczeived an decent line of DRAP D'ETE SUITS, the best at 613.00; also SILK ALPACCA FROCK and SACC COATS, ranging in price from $1.00 to $5.00. Mention the "MIDDLESEX" BLUE FLANNEL SUITS, bearing the tag cot taii:ii,g original guarantee from manufac turers, as to substantiality oi color; NONE GENUINE WITHOUT TAG ON SLEEVE; price $12.50. Impress upon their miads the advisability cf buying Clothing and' all Men's TTear from OITERBOURG'3 "Iron Front Store", the headquarters for Style and Quality. And this deponent will be " entirely tathfled with the Ood results ac cruing from such 'statement; laaylfi - SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.?. ON THE FIRST OF JUNE, or sooner if necessary propose lo establish a regular System of Do livery for THE CQUVmiEUCZ CF HESI0ENTS CH THE DirFERENT SOUNDS. I will deliver free of any oxpenro whatever, all goo Js bought of me , at either Masonboro, Greenvillo'cr Wrightsville Sounds, my Wagon leaving my Store every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. This being rather a now depart-, ure, and of ths greatest benefit lo the many families summering it on our Seashore, I hopo my under ' " taking may bo rewarded by receiv ing many orders from all. Bespectfally, JNO, 1,80 ATWH10HL Ios. II & 13 N. Front St RED CESAR PACKING CHESTS, SASH, DOORS AHD BLINDS, RACKET3, MOULDING, LUMBER, &o ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS, AT ALTAFFEB, PIUCE & GO'S. I Factory: Foot Walnut at. ma j. IS OlSc Nu?, near Red CroeYs PASSEKGER3 FUR SMlTHVULE GAN FIND PRIVATE AND TRAN! stent board at Mrs. Davia' on the water front. The table w 111 be supplied with flsh, " crabe, oysters, etc. The rooms are clean, neatacd airy. Board per day $2, Single Meal 50 cents. TSJ" Bath House free to boarders MRS. E3DIA J. DAVI3. OW RAftld For au. ktaai of fnut r Persons reridtssr oat cf tae elty cm' JTTw their prlitisiz euefoliy exsssul ana naUcd to thea;trs cf posits

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