Hob Sandal rI T. JAMBS nTmK. rrOB PRO ft,lT0 POSTAGE PAID. T'J"r'f5f35 One month, 50 centt. ' .tit,1 M . j.n.orftd bv earriera, fp,Pr iTLpartof tbeeity,.ttbe ....r0' .... .nd liberal ! Lw.ir r.p.r.r.p.larly. FOR IEUBATISI Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, lachche, Soreness cf iho Chest, Sout, Quinsy, Soro I nroaz, o weu ings and Sprains, Bums and 5 Scalds, General Bodily Pains, hath, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. K Preparation on Mirth equals St. Jacobs On. uita(e,$urtf simple and cheap External Lwdj. A trial entails but the comparatively tri&i outlay of 50 Cents, and every one auffcr st Pin a ve cheftP positive proof f iti dtima Rnctions in Eeven Languages. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AUD DEALERS 15 MEDICINE, A.V0GELER & CO., Baltimore, Md., JT. S. JL, tpril lWv-no Eflaftsn TOW 13 THE TIME TO BUT. We are okrin some very choice styles and at very let prices. Laco Curtains. IlK) THOSE; WHO ARE IS WANT OF "fl,.t v). . 1 . .-ujuaus, e can snow inem many new tad desirable styles, both by the yard and bj the pair, both white and ecrue. Linen Ulsters, ALSO, ALPACA AND MOHAIR. Respectfully, . R. IVt. Jclntire. M, JOB PERSON'S iHBLaiff ChScrofula keeumatism, ;iCvenS f and Purifier of tire blood l wen itself unequalled. iToaca.ddPnrifier it is sMms, Carteret Co.. N.C.. J PBbox -n JuJ17th 1879- V SekT?T Madam: I think " W3c foMh!he 1)681 that ia before "sWS!nCUr? .f Wood diseases. I ' o K;rnce ln and believe that - taoiul k?o JiOI C,al ? forIt' I have (Joarme,iw H'fore he commenced tf;ani1 1 ee you have HlGXSv'n -S cur- Goon, Cfiie S,3; .u ln Jour efforts to HtowmSdit,0,n t,f mankind, and lUap for . W. IT. Barker T P f0r ttimoniai 0f i emarkable Mbv ?srn Franklin-"7- 4-d&w-nac J and Shinilel. low. MS 000 10 70c Per load. " a. 8FRINGER. p " i V F FLOWERS for Ch S VCar ; oLadits' MlS E. KARRER, So 6 s catAF.roiit Street '(WIIKKL ss nil gsl m u i x e bus n h m e n va . iW iJSK JL 3L 118.11 - r 71 Hi J VOL. V I WILMINGTON, N. C, LOCAL NKWS. NEW ADVERTI.5EM3XT3 Lost- Gold Ring Seead Liquor bealen' Asscciatin. Dan'i. F. Beattt Organs Read ad "Tacite" a W II Parker Mcd'cal Work Parser's Ginger Tonic DGeo Reuling Maryluua Ey n i F..ir Infirmary , ' Wil. Light Ixfantrt Firt Grail Fx curr ion of the Season CRXLrfe Morris For S i.t Ansuil Meeting Ladie Memorial Ab- sociat A & I SnuiEh Keep Cool CWYATEs-lknos Hein.cbekeii American BoOk'Fxchanse The rtceijna of cottvn at this port to day foot up only' 62 lal 8. A diuinond ring was lost cn Market street to-dajv HJoe advertisement. Character resembles real turtle soap, while reputation is only mock turtle. You can now buy Improved Heating and Cook Stoves at factory priecsat Jacobi's. The wise editor should sail lightly down the stream of life, bee inse he is a good clipper. Bow to te jour own painter: Buy the N. T. Enamel Paint, ready mixed aud warranted at Jacobi's. f The atmosphere became decidedly cooler this morning just before day and once more "bed kiver" was in demand. The thermometer in this office to day at 2 o'clock registered but 79 degrees which is, however, three degrees above Summer heat. One of the most delightful residences on Masonboro Sound is offered for rent for the Summer. See advertisement published elsewhere. The annual meeting of the Ladies' Memorial Association will be held at the school room in the rear of St. James' Chprch, on next Thursday afternoon, at 5 o'clock. The State Board of Pharmacy met in annual session to-day in Goldsboro. Dr. W. H. Green.Fresident of the Board left to-day to be in attendence at the session which is the first since its organization. Persons visiting Smithville this sum mer will be able to get a good, fresh "dinner at Mrs. Emma J. Davis' boarding house, just one block South of the gar rison. Her prices are moderate. Ful:Rted Sblp. The fall rigged Br. ship 'Dona, 1,369 tons, Clements cemmander, is en route lor this port. She was at Liverpool, April 21st. The Dona will be, when she arrives, the first full-rigged ship which has entered this port in a very long time. - , In the case of a lady ef his ! congrega tion who had been bed-ridden with Rheu matism for seventeen years the Kev. F. V. Auchholz, "Waseca, Minn., ad vised the use f St. Jacobs Oil. She used the Oil for three days, and was able to leave her bed. Sad Bereavement. "We are sorry to learn eif an affliction to Mr. and Mrs. N. Jacobi, in the loss this morning of their only daughter, lit tle Cecelia Rachel. Hex! little bright eyes and cheery prattle will be much missed by those who knew her. "We ex" tend our sympathies to the bereaved pa rents. , We advise our friends, to call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip on. There you ettke lowest price j. f Death and. Larcenr. Last evening a colored woman, whore name we could not learn, died very ud denly of heart disease at her house on Fourth, between Nun and Church streets, and during the excitement caus ed by the death, a colored man slipped into the house and started off with a basket of clothes which had been sent to the woman to wash. The man wa3 de tected in fcthe act but made good his escape- through tht back door of the house. - To ba Made Happy. Our young townsman, Mr. William H. Shaw, eon of Deputy-Sheriff W. H. Shaw, left here this, morninsr for Beau- fort,N. C, where he expects to be united n marriage to-morrow,"the 18th mst., to Miss Mary, daughter of R. W. Chad wick, Esq., who was for a number of years since the war a resident of this city. and Deputy Collector of the port of Wu minsrtoa. The happy coaple expect to arrirVbtre jon Thursday evening. - ,1 in Anniversary Celebration. In accordance with a custom estab -lished in the year 1866, the Association of Officers of the Third N. C. Infaatry celebrated yesterday their fifteenth anni versary, by a reunion of its members around the festive board, which on this occasion was spread iu the spacious building of mine host Sehutte, on Wrlghtsvillc Sound. There were pres ent Col. Wm. L. DjRosset, President of the Association; Captain Wm. A Cumtnicg, Captaiu R. F. Langdon, As sistant Surgeou J. C. Walker, Assist aut Surgeon Thomas F. Wood, Adju tant T. Calhoun James, Knsign II. B. Bntlr r, Captain R. S. R" deli fie, Cap tain J. L. Cantwell, Captain James I. Metis, Lieutenant Geo. W. Ward, and Armand IX Meares, eldest son of the late Colonel Gaston Meares, as Tegxilar members of the Association. The honorary members present were Hon. Geo. Davis, who was a member of President Davis',. Cabinet General R. . Colston, who at one time commabded the brigade to which "the Third" was attached, and Captain John N. Maffitt, the daring commander of the Confederate cruiser Florida. General Jaraei H. Lane, who was so thoroughly identi fied with North Carolina troops during the war, and who has done so" much since the war to place the glorious achieve ments of his splendid brigade upon rec ord among the archives of the events of those stormy days, was present as an honored guest. As usual, when the regular toasts were about to be proposed, Col. Wm. L. DeRosset, the President of the Association, following a custom es tablished from the inauguration of these celebrations, offered as the first , toast, "Our Gallant Dead' which was drank standing and in silence. Then it was that one f the distinguished honorary members of the Association, the Hon. Geo. Davis, who occupies the seat of honor on the right of the JPresident, in the absence of the most distinguished honorary member of the Association ex-President Jefferson Daviswas called upon to reaL,a beautiful poem," wnicn was paraphrased from an Irish poem, and read by the same gentleman on a pre vions occasion two years ago. But on this occasion it was said by those who 1 istened to the recital then jand now that our worthy townsman excelled any rendition of a similar character that was ever made within the hearing of the same listeners before. The unanimous verdict was that the poem, which of itself is very beautiful, will never be fully appreciated, even by those who may read it for themselves, until they can once hear the recital of it" by Mr. Davis. At the urgent solicitation of many friends we publish this poem once more, so that those of our leadera who may desire to preserve it can do so. The lines are a3 follows: Reoclar Toast at thk Anniversary Dinner of the Association of Offi "cers or the Third North Carolina Infantrt, May 16tii, 1879. OUil OKA til ' Wno fears to spaakof ""Sixty-one?" Who blushes at Us fame? - When cowarcU s:eer at ut-tids taea done, Who hangs his lietrtl m -s!i;ime? lie's au a Knave or umu ivij. rho slights his recoid Urns; Rni n.inip man. like you. juc '. WW All his glass with us. Wo Hrinfc the memory of the br..ve. The faithful not a few w,.ma Ho npar Potomac's wavo. Some sleep in "Oakdaie" too: - - Hundreds aro gone but still live on The names of those who died. Ail true men. use you men. Remember mem wJVa priuel ineoih thA isnd of distant States .ymv . r Their patient hearts have laid. iL'kn.o with tha stranoror'sheMllASShlStS Their unwatebed graves were made; Butlno' meircwy iwir noiu us, . W here frienas may never come, i in tnifl mfiD. like you meu. Their spirit's still at home. Th dtist of some Is Southern earth. Among their own they rest; . a ot tne same juuu bunt buvu. Has caught them to her breast. And we will pray, mat irum iue Full many a race may start, of true men. like you. men. To act as brav a part. Th.vnwa in rfArlr und eYil days To right their native land; They tlndled here a living blaze That nothing could withstand. Aias: mat migub niuuw t - They fell aud passed away; Ana irae meu, Are far too few to-day 1 Then here's their memory may U ba For us a guialng llhi To cheer tho' lo&t our liberty And lead us in the right. Through good and IU be patriot still By each good impulse stirred. And you meu, be true men : , , Like the dead, I "the gallant Third." Our object, principally, in giying some little account of the anniversary celebration of the Association of Officers of the Third N. a Infantry yesterday, is not to obtrude the name of this Aesocia- REVIEW; TUESDAY, MAY 17, tion before the public, because we know that it is personally distasteful to each individual member to hare the Associa tion paraded in aiy unseemly manner and thi3 we have tried to avoid before the eyes of the- community, but to let the survivors of other commands see the beauty of having an organization of this kind to perpetuate the deeds an4 history of Southern soldiers during the war, with the hope that they may be incited to emulate the example of this Association,' and form themselves into organizations of some khjd to -preserve the records f the four years, of war. There are enosgh survivors of Lane's X. C. brigade in this city to get up a formidable , association of that command and likewiat of other commands who went from thjs place and vicinity. Will not oar old Confederate friends then endeavor to start a move ment of this kind, in order to preserve the many thrilling historical incidents which occurred in their commands during those years of strife? It is the only way the truth of history can be correctly ar rived at, and it is a duty which every surviving soldier owes not only to him self but to his country and his posterity as well. Oar SmlthTille Xelzhbars. jThe Smithville Library Association will give an excursion on the steamer Passport from Smithville to Wilming ton and to Hilton on Wednesday, the 25th (of May. This Association is the first organization of the kind ever start ed in Smithville. . It now numbers about thirty members and has already quite a number of books, donated by their Smithville and Wilmington friends; they have a pleasant room in the garrison which was obtained through the kind ness of Lieut. Niles. It is hoped that the friends of the Association will ap preciate the motive which instigated its organization and assist its members in making it a valuable addition to the town of Smithville. Pjan or Episcopal Visitations ror 1881, or the M e. Oaurcn Blum. First District Bishop Paine. Mem phis Conference at Bolivar, November 9 ; North Mississippi, at Grenada, November 23 ; Mississippi, at Brookha ven, December 14. Second District Bishop Pierce. Western Conference, at Howard City, September 7; Missouri, at Moberly, September 14; St. Louis, at St. John's September 21; Southwest Missouri, at Springfield, September 28 ; Indian Mis sion, at Caddo, October 5 ; Arkansas, at Dardanelle, October 19; Alabama, at Selma, November 30; South Carolina, at Union, December 14. Third District Bishop Kavanaugh, Columbia Conference, t Walla Walla, August 25; Los Angeles, at Carpenteria, September 15; Pacific, at Petaluma, Sep tember 28; Denver, at Denver, October 13; Montana, at Helena," October 20; Northwest Texas, at Waxahotchie, No vember 16; North Texas, at Greenville, November 30; East Texas, at Jackson ville, December 14. Fourth District Bishop Wightman, II olston Conference, at Wy the ville, Oc tober 26; North Carolina, at Durham, November 23; South Georgia, at Colum bus, December 6. Fifth District Bishop McTeire, Ten nesse Conference, at Lebanon, October 19; North Alabama, at Hunts ville, No vember 2; North Georgia, at Athens, November 16; Virginia, at Charlottes ville, November 30; White River, at Bebee, December 7; Little Rock, at Pine Bluff, December 14; Louisiana, at New Orleans, Janury 3, 1882; Florida, at Moaticello, January 17; Baltimore, at Fredericksbunr March 10, and has charge of the missions in China and Bra zil. SixtK District Bishop Keener: West ern Va. Conference, at Ashland, August 31; Kentucky, at Danville, September 7; Indiana, at Gosport, September 14; Illinois, at Ashley, September 21; Louis ville, at Owensboro, October 5; West Texas, at Goliad, November 16; Texas, at Houston, November 23; German, at Houston, November 30, and has charge of the missions in Mexico. Maryland Eje and Ear Infirmary. Tne annual meeting of the board of lady mangers of the Maryland Eye and Ear Infirmary was held yesterday at the institution, No.. 54 Saratoga St., Mrs. Wra. H. Bruae, President ; Mrs. George Coates, Treasurer; Mrs. R. Barry, and Mrs. Hugh Lee, Secretaries. Dr. Geo. Renling read his annual report and an nounced that on Saturday last the 900th case of cataract operation had been per formed by him since the establishment of the institution in 18S8. Daring' last year 1,794 new cases of eve and ear af fections have been treated at the dispen sary and indoor department. In the latter fifty-one patients received treat ment and operation free of charge, pay ing for their board only, while twenty five patients were boarded, operated and treated ;gratuitouslT. Nearly every State of the Union has been represented. 1881. NO. 67 Troublesome Children that are always wetting their beds ought not to be scolded and punished for what they cannot help. They need a medicine having a tonic effect on the kidneys and the urinary organs. Sach a medcine is Kidney Wort. It has specific action. Do not fail to get it for them.-ZiarcAane --" niBD. JACOBI Thi., Thursday mornins,Ci:C LIA R AC URL. arrd 5 tpa and 7 mnntSt only daarhter of Nathaniel aud Uosalie i facooui The friends and acauaintancea of tbe fam ily are Requested to attend the funeral, to morrow; morning at 10 o'clock, from the i i i . ... rceiueace oi ioc parents on oecona,oetween Nnji aneL.Cn arch. streets, thence to Oakdale Cemetery. '. . Uevr Advertisement. Annual meeting. THE ANNUAL ME SITING of the Ladies' Memorial Association will be held in the School Roam in rear of St. James' Church, at 5 o'clock on Thursday afternoen, May 19th. V may 17-2t i LIQUOR DEALER? ASSOCIATION. A MEETIMJ OF THE LIQUOR DEAL EKi ASSOCIATION will be held THIS EVENING at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is refuested. By order of the President. may 17 1 ' For Rent. A VERT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE. .-(partly furnished) on Masonboro, fer rem ior ine summer, uwmer wauld like to arrange for Board with party renting fer iwo aauits. . r ossessioa Immediately. Apply to CRONLY & MORRIS, may 17-lt Star copy It Agents Lost. fjnO-AT, BETWEEN 1 and 2 o'clock, on Market street, a Small Gold Ring set with three diamonds. The finder will be"liberally rewarded by leaving it atthe - may 17-lt REVIEW OFFICE. First Grani Excursion of tto Season; n0 SMITHVILLE AND THE FORTS, onFRIDAT, 20th May lbSl, on the ele gant Steamer PASSPORT, given by the Boat will leave 'wnarPwc at 8.30 o'clock. Ortman's String Band will furuish music for the occasion. Tickets for the roumd trip 75 cents. Ser vants and children over S years old, 50 cts. Special rates for families of 5 or over. Committee reserve the right to exclude objectionable persons. Refreshments at city prices. Tickets for sale at the boat and by the Committee. taT" No liquor allowed on the boat. R. H. BEERY, Chairman Committee Arrangements. may 17-3t RC ATTlf8 ORG4NS i7 Stops, 5 Set II CM I I I Golden Tongue reeds only Address, Daniel F Beatty, Washing. ton,NJ. may 17 4w MAKE HOME BEAUTIFUL. FINE 8TEEL ENGRAVINGS. Choice subjeets. lowest prices, fond for Cat alorueaad prieelist. AGENTS VfANTKD. Address. J, C. MeOUBDY A CO , Philadel phia, P. mayl74w For Saw-3HlLf FeitnUrie. cuid Mackine tsbops. For circular, .ddraM THK TAN ITU CO. Stroudfbortr. Monroe Ca,Pa EMERY WHEELS nd CRIND1NQ MACHINES GOLD MEDAL AWARDED THE AUTHOR A. new A rut Medicu Worz. warranted the beat and cheap, est, indispensable to every man, entitled "the Science of life." bound in finest IfYench tnnalin,emboeted,f nil ftiltt 303 pages.containft beautiful steel engravings, 125 prescriptions. SKftW VUj .M wu. J UWU , Imtrated aarnple, 6 e. : send bow, Addreee Peabodv ill edi- 0U THlfiLF. Xxa,2(a4BnlnneastJ08ton. HAVE YOU EVER .'KIOTO Any ponon to be serioot ly ill without weak tomah or iaaotira lirer or kldsevsT And when t&eto ors;aas ato in good condition do yea not find their porsesior enfojins; good health? PAftKta's Givobr Toaio always rofalates these Important organs, and never f alio to makothe blood rich snd po'e, and to ttroBSTtheo ovory part of tho e jatem It has oarod hoadrods of despairlog iaralidi. Aak yovr aoichbor aboat it. may 17-4 w IIABYIiAND EYE AMD EAR INFIRMARY, 54 Saratoga St , Baltimore, THE BOARD OF DISZCTORR taYo this opportanlry of laformiag tho public cf the superior advantages cf this Irit.Htlon to patients nfforioj; from Eyo and rar af fections- Tho Iastitatioa baa beta la opo ratios for tfco past twolvo years, and is mitt ecatrally loea'e'J, two dsors bslow tit. Paul's ebarch. Indbzoat patieati will find a 'si ion. f roe of charge- By order of tho Board of Directors. Q. W. DOB8I5, f resld.at DiafiOTORS B F Koweover, ami U Phoomakor; Prof H E Bhorhord, Mop. Pub. Bch-ols, John II B Latrobe, D J Poley. U Uortoa SUwart, ChrUtiaa Az, Boa Ui xaaav aad otoars for speelal Information apply to - VTU GEO. JLKTJL1SV. UoT?, XT llonumeatCt ,(Ut.V non Fl&ee) Csrgtrsaxn cha-ge. xaijl7-4w Wo trill ballad to rctilvB eczmacalaatlcri frca cur fciatSj oa aay aad all nti o fsacrtHattroft but: tlo tiae of tio wiltw aw: xJwati tit t to tit Editor. rOommualoatlonf mastbo writiea on taly oao sldo cf the paper. Personalities must be &vid4 And It Is especially aad p&rtloahvrij andor ttood that tho Editwdoes act alwsjs cdcrt tho views otcorrwposdent, aieM to tut tn Ue editorial eoIn?tr-s Kevr AdTerti3emoat, Keep Cool.' D TI1E SUREST WAY to do that Is coming out in full Summer costume, ' BOUGHT AT SHRIER'3, ; Clothing Emporium 6u Market street. We are selling all of our goods at ex travagantly Jow prices ; the stoek Is full and must be oM tCall eajly and make s dictions at - n A. & I, SHRIEK'S, . y 1 - : Market street 0i2ce Treasurer & CoJlecton ; . City of TVilmtjigftoii, IT, C.i " May 10th, 1S31 Doff Ordinance. milE DOS ORnTVAf!r j V lug VlkJ W iiito effect on the 10th day of June next. All parties interested are hereby notlfleJ that Badges can be procured on application at this office. IIENRY SAVAGE, mayl6-2tnac - Treas. &Tax Col.- ; Pianos. JJAVlNa BEEN APPOINTED BOLE Axeat fr tho gild of thj DICKER PIANOS, Iwvu'd amouace tha puMis that they cia hi seaa at ejj Wa"ercoa:s, 7hes Piasos are nr riyalltKl ta toao and flrh. Wo u -Tits Mu.fcitni ani tho public to exaiiiino thtsd ibstramenta critically. The ean be obuiu . for los nionoj then any other Firtt-Ciis Fiano. We will also have in stock a cheaper gra2o cf Pianos in a fw dajd' 0. Y. Yates' Book Store. may 1G American Book Excliaiigo rj13S OdKAPSar PUBLISHING Hours i Auisiica. All Bocka publlaied by tho Americas, Book Exchange are for sale at HEISHBERGER'F, Lira Book etore Pianos and OrgansP aud fer saIc cn the pepclar llorthly Irstal- meat Piaa at HSINSBERQER'a, : , may 16 Lire Book and Manic Btoro Foreclcsuro Sale. Br viiiTnaAXD in pdsboanoe o: a decree of tho Miperior Co art or ew Hanover county, iaada at -the December Term 1873 ia a causa there pending, whero in U. Brunhild A Bro., aro plain tiffi, a&d George W. Prio tzd wife, 8cphia A., aro defendant?, the under tJgntd, CommiBiioc er appointed by taid decree, will toll for csih, at pubKc auction, at the Court Home door, iathe Citr of Wi!ritigtoD,on Monday, iho 6th day cf June. 18 1, at 12 o'clock, 11, all that lot of land situtte in said city, and bounded as follows Beginning at a point forty-cne fet west of the intersection of fixth end Osurcfr streets, oa said Church street, on tha south tide thereof, and run ni gwestwardly along: the coathern Jiao ct said Chu ch street lorry-one feet; thence oothtrardly, paraMei with fcixth street fifty-five feet; thence istrard!y, paral iel with Church street fortyK)no festj tbeccd rcrtfewardly, parallel with Blxth eireet, fifty-fivo fiet to tho bsjjincla, beLag apartofljt 1, bloci91. P. II. DABBr. xesy 3 Iawlwtu33 Commissioner - State of North Carolina, V i Superior Court. rnew xianover bounty. JohnD. Bellamy, Jr., Plaintiff, ! Jornellus Campbell, Frances Campbell and . Joseph W. Whitney, Defendants. J foreclose a mortgage on real eeUto In theCiry of Wilmington, made by defend ants, Cornelius and Prances Campbell, and it being made to appear that the defendant Cornelius Campbell is a non-resident, has property within this State and can not after due diligence be found therein, ad that eiiJ - dclcndan resided la AlbDy, Kew- York. The said Cornelius Campbell Is hereby notified and required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, to be held at the Court Ilouee in Wilmington, on the 13th Monday after the 1st Monday ia March, 1831, and answer or demur to the complain filed in this action. 8. VaxAMRIXGE. Clerk Superior Court, Xew Hanover Co.' apl lSMswtftr-iaea RED CE'JAi! PACRIIIQ CHE! a I wt SASH, BOORS AjdD BLOS, racket3,.mouldi:;g, lumber &i ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS, . at ,-; ALTAFFER, TRICE & CO'S.'2 Factory; OZlce: Foot Walnut at. Xutt, near Red Cross a mav IS . . JO W BAXili - jar ari5li of Pristlr z Perscrss resiiln; oat cf tn city en hire thobrpriiUnjr cr3faiiyezntti 41a rai:;i to them (re of postajs; ' IL. f-, v; Kr-.r

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