f rnv8 POSTAGE PAID. ' bi delivered by '.TaU Prtof the city, otthe jJ- wiM please report any ..rvlVir psooraregniarly. -1 ii M tf'tf- BUV ' FOTC RHEUMATISM, gturalgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, fachchd, Soreness of the Cf.czt, toot, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell-' jags and Sprains, Bums and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, hold, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches, r. ivneration on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil m uafe.ture, simple and cheap External Lwt A trial entails but the comparatively MtiT of 50 CrntR, and erery one Buffer fcj with r'i n have cheap and porttiTe proof 4 ia claims. DiMctioM in Eeren Languages. gCLD ET ALL LETJG GISTS AEDDEALEES IN MEDICINE, ' A.VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Md.,V.S. A THE -TIME TO BUY. We are oSeriog some very choice styles and at very Laca Curtains. JOT.IOSS WHO ARE IS WANT OF mh gooJs, we can show them many new a desirable styles, both by the yard and by the pair, both white and ecrue. Linen Ulsters ALSO, ALPACA AND MOHAIR I Kcjpcctfully, R. M. McJntfre. y 11 M. JuTPIRSGN'S . bi . firm iVJlttrt nT 1 ?A niiEUAtATISM, SiSSS f ' Chr0Dic w Colic j w:rue Ionic ami Pn.-;!.,,. ru- . rTodc and TJ:.i t ,a . . - u.uju -runner it: is k Unsnrn'.ecpd. - tn'i iIiLL'S Carteret Go , N. C, ) eSfT?e,ar Madam: l think .llthe be6t that now before iteiZr cure r blood diseases. 1 C'drAS60061011' and believe that. .:V,0d, clai? or it. I have ?aOri tol vyou ia Jour efforts to v 13 h S 22 haPPlae 1 will 3 . lower fn- 10arsre5pectfuliv, - - J V14- n. Barkeh V: may l-d&w-nac IU i I, emcQtt low figures. 2o,000 Tery low. WOOD oOc to 70c per loacL T . -A. of RINGER. vjf FLOWERS for t T mi ev.r. tir... tAr FSo;Ladies Mattings: 1110 BITTEES ! Xo6sFrootStreet . m H VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MAY LOCAL NEWS, Neav Advebtiemest3. IlErxsBERGEB Base Balls See ad A Card J W Harper For SmitHvUe Notice Banks of the City A & I Shbier Keep Cool C W Yates Pianos . No City Court 4o-dar. iMatristrate's Kow is dnll. You can now buj .improvtni Heatintr and Cook Stove at factory priccsat Jacxi8. Strawhetris are plentiful and sell at 10 cents per baktt or three for twenty five cen?s. Sorry to-day thstt we were in sach a hurry ab.:ut taking down our sieve Ain't M,u ? At S o'clock to-day the thermometer in this office stogd at 72, four degrees below summer heat. We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip on. There you eft the ioweet piices. f There was a sudden change in the weather last night, the atmosphere be coming quite cool. Blaakets were again laid out and this morning fires felt'com fortable.' Col. J. J. Hedrick is very materially improving the appearance of the exte rior of his dry gods establishment by a new summer drcs3 of paint and the ad dition of new Venitian blinds to the windows id the second story. How to oe your own painter : Buy the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and warranted at Jacobi's. t Yesterday morniDg, when the steamer 2. Murchison left Fayetteville, there was but little over five feet of water on the shoals and this was falling off rapid ly. Rain is needed in that section. The refreshing shower3 we have had here do not seem to have reached that point. The General Assembly of the Presby terian Church meets at Staunton, Va., tomorrow the 19th inst. In many re spects it will be the most important meeting ever held. Rev. Jos. JR., "Wil son, J). P., pastor of the First Presbyte rian Church, i3 the. only delegate from this city. He left here this morniDg for Staunton. Mrudi bj Llghinins. v A house on Fifth, between Red Cross and Campbell streets, was struck by lightniDg last evening and badly dam aged. A colored woman, whose name we did not learn, an inmate of the house, was stunned by the stroke. The Episcopal Convention. The Convention of the Episcopal Church for this Diocese convenes in Christ's Church, Raleigh, to day.. After the Convention is duly organized Bishop Lay, of the diocese of Easton, Maryland, will deliver a memorial sermon upon the late Bishop Atkinson, in accordance with a request preferred by the Church representatives at the funeral services of the lamented Bishop, whose death is so deeply deplored in the whole Church throughout the United States. There will be a delegation of the Church to ac company Bishop Lay from Mary laud,, who together with the standing commit tee of this diocese, will be entertained by Bishop Lyman during their stay in Raleigh during th sittings of the Con vention. , . Editor Inter Ocean. Chicago t 111. Feeling that the information con veyed wiii be of material benefit t many of your readers, I send you the following: One of our oldest citizens, Captain C. W. Boynton, the Govern ment Light House Keeper at this point, is probably one of the oldest seamen in Amerjca, having sjuled twenty-six years on our lakes, and twenty years on salt water. After this forty-six years ser vice his eyesight failed him, and for a long time he kept the Light at Chicago, until the Government bnilt the Gross Point Light here, when he was trans ferred. While seated in my store Ibis morning the Captain volunteered the following written statement: VThis is to certify that I have been afflicted with rheumatism for .twenty i20) years, both in my side and limbs. ! am happy to say, that after U3ing less than two bottles of the St. Jacobs Oil, I am entirely free from pain, though still limping somewhat when walking, from long force of habit." C. W.'Botn Toxt , ' - iteferrinsr to the foregoing facts, I migpt allude to numerous similar cases that hare come to mr notice. Dot a word to the wise b sumcient." I John Gokkxl. Or?an zitJon of the Board of Phar macy. TheBoard ot Pharmacy, which was created at the last term of the General Assembly byUhe "Pharmaceutical Bill," met and organized yesterday at Gold3 boro. Dr. W. II. Green, of this city, was elected President and Dr. W. Simp so l, of Raleigh, Secretary. The Board will hold its first session for the examina tion ot licenciates, in Raleigh, on the 30th of August. The following named g ntlemen a e those who were recom mended by the Pharmaceutical Associa tion end commissioned by Hi3 Excel lency Governor Jarvis to compose the Board of Pharmacy: Doctors W. H. Green, Wilmingtonj W, Simpson and A. S. Lee, Raleigh; Ed. II. Meadows, Newb rn, and E. M. Kadal, Wilson. The Pneumatic Tubs In a and Startling; Atpect, Some weeks ago, it may be remember ed, we printed an extract from a letter written by a gentleman of New York to a friend living here ia which hemade mention of a very nevel and stupendous enterprise shortly to be set on foot in this city. . From the following extract, taken from one of his recent letters, it will be seen that our New York friend has him self embarked in a mammoth scheme which has developed some astonishing results. lie says; "Our International Pneumatic Transit Company is now in lull operation, working perfectly, and is a great credit to American enterprise and ingenuity. The pipes at Jlast make a complete circuit of the earth and, as is eminently proper, the principal station, works and 'apparatus are located here. Th exhaust power is immense, so pow erful in fact that it is somewhat danger ous for the uninitiated to go near the exhaust machine while in operation. Last Wednesday morning, just before the 8.40 projectile was sent through, a clergyman happened to step into the room 3. JThe exhaust machine, being accidentally and sud denly set to work, was carried in to the tube and whisked around the world in eight minutes and ten seconds. The involuntary traveler returned, how ever, having sustained no damage but a few bruises, with a new scheme forcon erting the Japanese and a slight for eignaccent; The projectiles, or coaches; are beautiful affairs and have a seating capacity for five persons, besides the Conductor. The schedule time for a trip around the world is five minutes, allowing a few minutes for din ner at Weldon, and the purchase of alli gators' teeth at Jacksonville. This schedule has to be closely adhered to in order to prevent 'collisions, as about twenty projectiles are kept in constant motion. We have no double track yet, so only run in one direction. At first wo sent them westward, but were obliged to dis?ontinu3 this be cause of the deadly effect on the conduc tors, commercial travelere and others who spend a great part of their time on the road. We had not considered that in every trip'nround the world; travel ing Westward, a day is lost, which at five minutes to the trip is twelve dajs to the hour or a whole year, nearly, lost every diy to the conductor aud travelers, after allowing them a sufficient time for meals and recreation. We did not dis cover this until two of our youngest con ductors had become gray haired old men in a few week3. and oue poor fellow, whom we engaged at ths ae of 3S years, after being in our employ 52 days actual ly died of extrema old age So we changed the course of "travel East ward with, of courso, the opposite1 result time is gamed instead of lost; a conductor's age is diminished nearly a year every day and we tae care not to engage one under the age of o years, or retain him longer than 60 days; at which time he shows a remarkable fondness for kite3 and marbles. One ras cal, whom we engaged, misrepresented his age; he was only 59 years old and, before his time of serviee had expired, had to be carried out of his projectile and turned OTer to a nurse. As this wonderful result becomes advertised the tube is daily besieged by old people am bitiou3 of youth, and as a substitute for the elixir of youth alone our enterprise is an assured success." ' Many lose their beauty from the hair MKn f-rli'r.0- Vnrtpr'd Ilflir Bal UlUUg tvuuigt - - sam supplies necessary nourishment, pre vents falling and graycess and ia an ele a a : .- - -. . - --..... g&n uresaiug. lifllW. The Yennor-able weather prophet who predicted a snow storm in the North about the middle of May seems U hare been pretty. correct in his prophecies. 'l he DitTflnff. The Water Works Compsny will complete all excavations in the lower part of the city to-night. The excava tions, after this date, will be confined to the upper part of the city, where it is only sand that will be turned npu This will be continued until the Superinten dent of Health thinks it unsafe to pros ecute the work any loiger: Simon Gregg's Case. . Simon Gregg, colored, who was ar rested by officer J W. Bryan on Mon day as an escaped convict frbn the South Carolina penitentiary, is trying to prove before Justice McQwigg's court that he is not the "wanted" man. He has pro duced witnesses who swear to his identity and innocence, and he avers that he is a victim of "the fellow who looks like me.'' The case has been postponed un til to-morrow on account of the absence of two witnesses guards at the peniten tiary at the time Gregg is said to hare made his escape who are expected to arrive on the Southern train to-night. An Appeal. Daughters or the Cxpk FEAR:--Spring in her fresh beauty is once more among ns. In living green and sunshiie glori ous she sits enthroned over nature, while the air is thronged with tuneful birds and "the voice of the turtle is heard in the land." This, our Memorial month, will soon sink into the past, a past, per haps, of vain regrets, cost aside like sea weed upon the shores of time. While the floral offerings of Memorial Day are fading in their beds of gray moss upon the graves of our boys, and the echo of the sacred servico still lingers lovingly upon our hearts, the little band ot untiring women would fainj gather themselves together once more for their annual meeting, and it is to this meeting that they urge your earnest attention. The object of a year Iy gathering together is to reorganize the Association: to elect officers and managers for - the ensuing year, and to hand in the small annual tee, 60 cents, which entitles each subscriber to a mem bership for one year, and to a seat n the enclosure during the memorial serviees. At their last annual meeting they num bered not over fifteen souls present; tt the meeting of the year before, May 1829, not more than nine ladies respond ed to the summons. Such a lack of in terest, of patriotism, of gratitude, when so little is required, is almost unparallel ed, and renders those who are not phys ically unable to atteod unworthy to place even a withered leaf upon the mound which they should hallow with tears, and bedeck with flowers I Be ye wives and mothers and encourage each neglect? The cause was a common one, should not the care also be common to all? Let not this appeal be made in vain; with your hearts in your hands come forward and join the thinned ranks of earnest women, whose only ambition is to keep loving watch over their sacred dead! The boys in grey bivouac no more beneath the stars. Homes are no longer deserted, and the tocsin of war has sounded its final clangl We are living, but they are dead dead for you and us! Daughters of Wilmington, will you, can you forget them? i . A Smooth Complexion can be had by every lady who will use Parser's Ginger Tonic. For promptly regulating the liver and kidneys and purifying the blood there is nothing like it, and this is the reason why it so quickly removes pimples and gives a rosy bloom to the check. See notice. Go to Jacobi's lor Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, OAs,. Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. All at tie lowest prices Bishop Lyman's Appointments May 26, Ascension Day St J ohn's, Wilmington. May 27, Friday p. m. Sti Mark's, Wilmington. May 29, Sunday a. m. St. James', Wilmington. May 29, Sunday p. m. SU Paul's, Wilmington. . May 31, Tuesday Clinton. . June 1, Wednesday Faison. June 2, Thursday- Smithville. June 5, Whitsunday Fayetteviile. Ordination. June 17, Friday Wilson. June 19, Sunday Rocky Mount. Con secratioa. " June 20, Monday Halifax. June 21, Tuesday Scotland Neck. The Greatest Blesilng- A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures every time, and prevents disease by keeping the blood pure, stomach reg ular, kidneys and liver active, is the greatest blessing ever conferred upon man. Hop Bitters is that remedy, and its proprietors are being blessed by thousands who have been saved and cur ed by it. Will you try it? Seean other colusaa. Eagle. ,: 18, 1881 NO. 68 Plan of ptjc pl Vitui.ui rr 1881, r h- M. K Church Su:h. First District Bishop Painr. Mem phis Conference at Bolivar. November 9; North Mississippi, at Grenada. November 23 : Mississippi, at Brookha- ven, December 14. Second District Bishop Pierce. Western Conference, at Howard Utv. September 7; Missouri, at Moherly, beptemDer 14 ; b; lxuis, at St. John's September 21; Southwest Missouri, at Springfield, September 28; Indian Mis sion, at Caddo. October 5 ; rkansas, at Uardanelle, October 19 ; Alabatne, at Selma, November 30; South Carolina, at Union, December 14. Third District Bishop Kavanaugh, Columbia Conference, at Walla Walla, August 25; Los Asgeles,at Carpentena, September 15; Pacific, at Petaluma.Sep tember 28; Denver, at Denver, October 13; Montana, at Helena, October 20; Northwest Texas, at Waxahotchie, No vember 16; North Texas, at Greenville, November 30; East Texas, at Jackson ville, December 14. Fourth District Bishop Wightman, Hoi ton Conference, at Wythevi He, Oc tober 26; North Carolina, at Durham, November 23; South Georgia, at Coluin bus. December 6. Firth District Bishop McTeire, Ten nesse Conference, at Lebanon, October 19; North Alabama, at Huntsville, No vember 2; North Georgia, at Athens, November 16; Yirginia. at Charlottes ville, November 30; White River, at Bebee, December 7; Little Rock, at Pine Bluff, December 14; Louisiana, at New Orleans, Janury 3, 1882; Florida, at Men ticello, January 17; Baltimore, at Frederickaburar, March 10, and has charge of the missions in China and Bra zil. Sixth District Bishop Keener: West ern Ta. Conference, at Ashland, August 31; Kentucky, at Danville, September 7; Indiana, at Gosport, September 14; Illinois, at Ashley, September 21; Louis ville, at Owensboro, October 5; West Texas, at Goliad, November 1C; Texas, at Houston, November 23; German, at Houston, November 30, and has charge of the missions in Mexico. Troublesome Children that are always wetting their bed3 ought not to be scolded and punished for what they camot help. They need a medicine having a tonic effect on the kidneys and the uriaary orjrans. Sach a medcine is Kidney Wort. It has specific action Do not fail to get it for them.-Exchange Advertisom?nt9. Notice. rHERB WILL BE NO BUSINESS trans acted by the Banks of this city on FRIDAY, 90th last , that day being a legal holiday? A. K. WALKER, Cashier, First National Bank , S. D. WALLACE, Cashier, may IS It Bank ofNewHauover A Card. THE LADIES OF THE MEMORIAL Asi eoclatlon beg leave to rcturm thanks to the Chief Marshal and Assistants, for their efficient services rendered on last Memorial Day. Also to the Orator for an appropiiate and graceful address; the Cornet Conceit Club and Amateur Choir for their beauti ful music; the Chaplain and all other friends who kindly lent their valuable aid on that occasion, may 18-lt For Smithvillo. ON JAND AFTER THE 19th Inst., the Steamer PASSPORT will resume her leaving wharf foot of Market SLreet, at 9.0 A. M., except on Saturdays, when she will leave Smithvtlle at 7S A. M., and Vi'. mington at 4 P. M. may 18- J. W. IIARPEIt Base Ball AT6BT LARQ TARIETF of Balls and Bat Just received at Base 4llNdBEQKR'3 Croquet Sets 7. LARGE LOT OF 10HT and FOUR Ball Het. Jut reeeived at HEINBBXBGEE'i A Japanese Goods. A JTBW 8V7PPLT of thoto fcoinafal ttoodf J tut received at . HKIH8BKBQER'8. may If . Live Book and Mario Store " Keep Cool. ND THE SUREST WAY to do that Is by coming; out In full Sumner costume," BOUGHT AT SHRIER'i, Clothing Emporium on Market street. We are selling all of our goods at ex travagantly low prices ; the stock is full and must be so!L Call early and make selections at A. L SHRIEK'S, may 18 Market street JTOWRATKS roratt kinds of Pris ting Penoas ttaiimz oat of tno dtf caa tave Cxslt priatta carefollj oxeoctod aaa natlsd 3 therx tret of postages - I7o T!H&air.f44 trecv8e5Si;srIcx:tf rca car fi!2sra axy and all r:V vti t gencrtlteterMt Tfc sx3i9 cf Eta wrttar nt lxsj b f a atoed to tho Editor. r Cosaasalcitlotj amrt bo wrltu on eclr tridof thsptper. Persoa2tiM cut b avMied , - And It !i especially ni psriirsbirly uad rtoM that th9 EdJtde tto alw. ji don the rlewi ot eorrspeJentt4 axJcg to tat o tfcs editorial o!tr?i$. Hew (ivcrtisonicnts. Annual rvleetinq". rpHE ANNUAL MEETING of the LaH X Memorial Association will be held ia the School Koom in rear or St. James Vf , J at 0 'clock 1 hursday arte rnoen , iay iJLh. . may 17-t , FirrGriBi fiiratfiie Season rjpo SMITIIVILLE AND THE yORrs, oa FRIDAY, 20th May, 1SS1, on the cle vKili m7- PASSfOltr, jrtven by the Wilmington Liht. ittantrv. - r Boat will iYC wiiarl loot of Market et . Ortraan's String Band wiU furnish music for the occasion. . . - . Tickets lor the ronn1 tHi TK vants pnd children over 8 years old, 50 eta. -yv.via4 1 iics 10r jsmuies oi o or over. Committee reserve t.h Htrfct n oDjectjouable pe..sons.' reiresnmcnts at ciiy prices. . Tickets for sale, at th Committee. lF" No liqu,or allowed on the boat. - . K II. BE Kit 1 cnairman Committee Arrauecments. may 17-St Pianos. HYlN0 BEEN APPOINTED P0L5 Ajceat for the cale of iha DITCHER WAN 03," I wou'd anrioanco t the puhlio that they can bseeaQ a?my W eroox'i. lhccePUof are utrivatld aa t tOTe aai finish. W In - vi te yunciani ni he publio toexanulno these ijtracients crjt;c!iy. Iber can be oiTo?a icr ia rnner than aay other Firet-C:!H tir.zo. wiU alia have ia stock a ch.p?r rada of Piino la a few 0. W. - Yates' Book Htoro. ma? IS . f ORGANS 17 Stops, 0 Set EAF3 I S II Gc ldtt Tongue reeds only " a5. Ad irei, Danial F Bealty, WaaLlng. tm.KJ. may 17 4w ' MAKE HSM2 BEAUTIFUL. TlSR 8Ti-KL KNOEAVIXD3. Choice' -L iubcts. J orest priee3. hoadfar Cat. aH?ue aad pro l'ust. aEN'T8 v7a.NTku, A'drM. J, O MeOLTUDY at LO,9 PhUade? phU, Prt. nay 17 4w2 For Faw-anils, .UacLine Mnops. I or t irculart. address Mouro Co.. lu. . EWERY WHEELS aM CRSKBINQ MACH1UE3 GOLD MEDAL AWARDED .--THE'" AUTHOR A new &rrrt Medical Work, cssfc, iDtl;i))on53 bi to- eTery " rasis, entitled "the Scine rl iMo ."boand in tin Mt lf'recfj T3 vji iin , cm boswl , fal I tfi 5 1, 300 ' paeg.ccntainnbeTitifolstet cn.trftvinCT. 125 prwcriptioa. r.rir.nrTtf ill .Mt. Kvw.il. iilnstrata esmpSe, 6 c. : wn(i nevr, Address Feabod E'cdu oil Inctitntor Ir. W.M.PA&., KEii,iio.4 bulfinchrt-lrston. HAVE YOU Aoy pereca to ba serioaa'.y ill without watk eisinach or inaotivo lircr or kidseyiT And when thess orsj&n? a:ongocd condition do ycuuet find ttieir pc?e?sior enjojic ffced health ? PABKEB'i disQzn Tosio alwaya reflates tlieaa bsportsnt organs, and cevtr iaUs to znhe the blood rich and pure, ard to etresgthea every part cf the sjsteni. It ha curei haudrc-i3 of despaiiiag Isv&lUr. Aek jour rsighbor abotit ft. rcay l7-4w eye mid m wmm 64 Saratega St , Baltimore 2Id. THK BOARD O f DIr,CTOR3 take this opportunity of iaiorrain tha pabllo of tte superior adrartae tf'tUj Irct tatioa topttieatf sunefije from Eye and Ear af fectioas The Iw.Uotin has beei la ope ration for tto pat t reive jeara. aad is m sk centrally looaJei,two d ors below rit. PanVs charch. Indigent patUnti will find tiaa. free of charge By ordfof the Board of Uireetnrs. O. 7. DOBBl.V, -f rcriieat DISfJCTORS B P Newcower, Ptia'llX Ffcoensaker; Prof H K Huerherd, Hop Pub. cneolf, Joha H B Latrobe, D J Foley. O Morton 8t6wart,OhriitiaJ Ax, PoaJ F Ul ccar, end others, for special ftfjrnixtkin applrf DB. 0'. HKULIJr.- No 79, W 2IoMmeQt : , (XU Ve con Pises) Surgeon in cta'go. msyi7-iw v AT THE LOWEST PRICES ! D3E:ELiVJRBE! Satisfaction Guaranteed I piiiiTi'so cabsfclt; xjicctid otpiTiozs T9lCiini of thalt7 tzl'j.tit to thra ty mill free cf poztsgs. ' r, a. T7A-rcor, iCcrajrCbeitaitail T7it:r5trs:ti FfFl mm JOB FE1T18 s Pharmacist, JBvan&ton,

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