f - . JTOT2U I J.!. A3 :r0 .OUTAGE P : PAID. GP' . wi 8i moats?, 50 ; Throe I oeots earner, crtof tbe city. at the and Zreir paper, regniarly .tf!llrr---' i.....rmr Sciatica. Lumbaao, Utkche, Soreness cf the Onect, (sat,Quins,Soro 7 hi oat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, fail!, Ear and Headache, Frosted ftet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. .iufiiure,$imple and cfceap Exterpnl w. A tril enUili but the comparatively ElS ImtUv of 50 CenU, and every one suffer brmth tain can hate cheap and positive proof Kndooi inTIeven Languages. aDBTAllDBUGaiSTS AND DEALEE3 A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Md., XT. 8. JL. jJlattin y0W 13 THE TIME TO BUY. We are t ring Kmc very choice styles and at very rprH. Lace Curtains. p THOSE WIIO ARE IN WANT OF ji gooJs, we can show them many new I desirable styles, both by the yard ard tie pair, both white and"ecrue. Linen Ulsters AL30, ALPACA AND MOHAIR. Respectfully, R. M.:Mclntire. I S Kt?A RIIKUMATISM, vte&fZ , u uons ana 8Kin JJIseae- PFroTea hZr na 1 url5er of the blood pi"y'ea itielf unpfma1i03 icajd Blood Purifier it is iMru's, Carteret Co. N.C.. ) fativ' July 17th, 1S79. "C PedJrr.T?r Maoam: I think 1 LlVkV f 1 . . J IpbJic f:; fw ue DCt tfaat is bow before NtW cre of blood diseases. I k all .K..lnce ? and believe that P. a3S ?SoftJ0 coonof r5mSr,e e commenced MGod.rV he 13 red. Goon, PtS S ;u iQ Jour efforts to hXt ;l,0f mad, and p Wj among my Jjl 9 ,0r tesUmonial of remarkable Ubviv1fPoa' Fra'nklin- may l-daw-nac Keep Cool. s market street. 1 ""J ttoci U fuU Prices ; tne stock U full A- & L SHRIER'S, Market street 1$ rnuui 1 I m m. 111 BITTERS VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY LOCAL NEWS. . NCW ADVERTISEMENTS.. Hexrt Ravage, Treas P;ift Oue Bourfs Seead for Laurinburc Heinsbergeii Base Ball A & I S ii bier Keep Cool C W YATES--Pianos The cotton receipts atth is port to day foot up 117 bales. At 3 oplock to-day the thermometer in this office stood at 743. Don't catch a cold. If you do, let it go as quickly as you can. The whizzing and sizzing of the soda fountain is beard in the land. In onion there is more strength now than at any other season of the yeir. Fxcursiou managers are gathering up their energies' for the summer campaign. High-toned people are those who con verse at the top of their voices. The road to wealth is open to all, but it is a narrow gauge, and rough riding. You can now buy Improved Heating and Cook Stoves at factory priccsat Jacobi's! Our friends visiting Smithville to morrow can get a good fish dinner at Mrs. Emma J. Davis'. I There seems to be a general- looking around for summerquarters,; even the fly has put on his specks. We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every desciip on. There you get the lowest prices, f Rev. Dr. Patterson, of this city, is to preach in Christ Church, Raleigh, this evening on "Christian Education." The Passport resumed her regular trips this morning. The. hour for leaving has been changed from 9:30 to 9 o'clock. The members ,of the Wilmington Light Infantry are requested to meet at their armory in full uniform to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock sharp. Phillis Moore, colorea, was auaigned before Justice Millis this morning upon the charge of assault, and in default of payment of fine and costs was committed Those who are so fortuaate a3 to be the owners of pa3t due city bonds are notified to present them for payment at Capt. Savage's ofEca as interest on them will not be allowed on and after June 1st. Pistol Shot Last evening, about 8 o'clock, some . . . , , , ii one nred a pistol at a winaow in xue residence of Mr. Turner, on the corner of Eighth and Castle streets. The ball lodged in the window sill in a loom in which the family were seated. The in mates became very much -alarmed and left the premises. Was it an attempt at assassination? Tho Colored Republicans. The colored Republicans of -this State were in council in Raleigh en Tuesday. Geo. W. Price', of this city, called the Conveation to order and came very near being eltsted Chairman. Hewas cne of the epeakersKas was aho Geo. L. Mab son and Jos: C. Hill, of this city. The proceedings will be found in fall on the fourth page of this issue. Hw to Deg your own painter : Buy the N. Y. Enamel Pabit, ready mixed and warranted at Jacobi's. t Pic NIC and Prohibition. We are informed that the pic ic and prohibition meeting appointed to take place at Long Creek on Wednesday next, the 25th inst, promises to be large and interesting. -Pender county, we are assured, ."will turn out handsomely. Good speaking, social enjoyment, and good eating, will be the order of the day. A considerable number from the city are expected to go up by steamer. The la dies of Pender are warmly giving their countenance to the proposed meeting and will be on hand in large nu-abeis. v District Conferences. The District Conferences of the North Carolina Annual Conference of the Methcdist K. Church, South, convene as fellows for the present yean Hillsboro Dist., at Pittsboro, . July 7 Wilmington Dist., at Elizabeth town, . . - July 7 Fayetteville Dist., at Carthage, July 14 Raleigh Dist. at Gary, . . July 21 Charlotte pist., at Monroe,' . July 28 StatesvilleTCiL, at Newton, . . July 28 Greensboro Hst.. at Hernera- ville, . r . July 28 Salisbury Dist, at 1 Tabor, Aug 11 telby Diat, time notyt appointed. The Wilmington Light Infantry will form ranks, ready to march, at 8 o'clock in the morning; so says the Captain com manding. Bro Bonitz, the Census Bureau at Washington, D C, has published the population of Goldsboro at 1 933. Has not the Census Bureau made a hades of a mistake? A Fire The roof of the stable " on Captain J no. T. Rinkin premises, corner of Front and Walnut streets, cauerht fire this afternoon about 3:30 o'clock, aud would possibly have ended " in a large conflagration, but for the timely aid of citizens, among whom were some of the Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, who rushed to the scene of danger, and mount ing the shed, had the fire soon under control, and extinguished it in a few minutes. The origin of the fire is sup posed to have been a spark from Mr. Alex. Oldham's c mill, situated across the street from the scene of the accident. The damage amounts to little or nothing. City Court. An unsophisticated individual from the rural districts was arrested yester day for being D. and D. He slept in the Guard Housebutwas released with a word of warning. . Lewis Green was arraigned for an as sault upon Frank Hargrave, a depraved woman H with a white skin. His Honor Mayor Smith, for this offence, passed sentence of $1.03 fine or, five days in the City Prison. The same defendant was then arraign ed upon the charge of resisting the po lice. Five dollars fine or ten days in the C. P., was the sentence in the last named case. In default of payment of fines in each case, the defendant was es corted below. Assault with a Deadly Weapon Last night, about 8:30 o'clock, George Davis, colored, knocked Josh Rush, also colored, in the head with a club or stick. ''llnwintr the rrf frnlara as near as we can get them: Rush is engaged to be married to a sister of Davis wife but for some reason Davis dislikes Rush and tried to prevent the marriage. Last night Rush called on his fiance who lives" at the house of her brother in-law, on Fourth, between Hanover and Bruns wick streets, when Davis walked up to him and struck him with the stick. Rush was carried to his home and medical as sistance summoned. We understand that Rush's skull is fractured and that he is in a very critical condition. Davis was arrested and crave bond of S50 this 0- morning for his appearanee before Jus tice McQuigg's Court when Rush i3 able to appear and give evidence against him. Th Simon Gross Ca3. The examination of the witnesses in the case of Simon Gregg, colored,"charg ed with beinjan escaped convict from the South Carolina penitentiary, was continued in Justice McQuisrsr's Court to-day. : The two men who were guards at the penitentiary at the time that Gregg is said to have escaped, identified the prisoner as the escaped convict and one of them described hiin accurately be fore seeing him. When Officer Bryant read the requisition to Gregg before ar resting him he ii ied to- escape. He is said to have been convicted of the larce ny of a cow in 1877 and at the time; of his escape wa3 on a detail near J the penitentary cutting wood. - During the examination of the case this morning a little passage , of words was had . be tween the Justice and Mr. M. Bellamy, Gregg's attorney. Mr. Bellamy thought the Justice d scoarteoas and resented the language and manner used towards him. Mr. McQuigg threatened a fine for contempt, whereupon Mr. Bellamy told him that he could enter the fine, if he chdse, and notified the court that he would have the man tried in a legal way under the writ of habeas corpus, and that he (the Justice) had no warrant of law for the trial or examination of a prisoner who was arrested under a req uisition from the Governor. J ustice McQuigg committed the prisoner to the Sheriff to be turned over to special offi cer James Spann, who has the requisi tion for him. Spann says he will leave with his man to-night dr, tn Jicabi's for Doors. Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all eixes. All at the lowest t he If iw Cathelic Church. The dedication of the new Catholic Church at Laarinburg. will take place on Sunday next, on which occasion a special train will be run iron this city to Laarinburg, leaving here at 6:15 A. M., arriving at Laurinburg at 100, leaving Laurinburg 4:15 P. M., and ar riving here oa the return at 80. Tick ets maybe had of Messrs J. H. Uc ; Garity, L. Brown and Dan O'Conaor and it is probable that there will be a large attendance. v The Church had been built by the members of the Roman Catholic Church resident at Laurinburg and is now ready for dedication' to the worship of Ged. High Mass will be held la the Chrch at 11 o'clock, the celebrant being Rer. Father Gross, of this ciry, and immediate ly thereafter the dedicatory services will he held. In the afternoon, at 4 o'clock, there will be vespers. The Laurinburg Enterprise tells us that the new Church has been handsomely finished and suita bly furnished with all the conveniences for the proper' observance of the forms' and ceremonies peculiar to the Catholic mode of worship, and reflects credit upon the small.membership residing in that town upon whom the expense of constructing and equipping has almost entirely de volved. The building inside measures 32x50 feet between the front doors and the partition separating the vestry from the church. ' The vestry measures 10x20 feet inside. Both room3 are well venti latedthe front rosm having three large windows on either, side and two in front while the vestry has three large windows and a deoropesing on the South side. The Twentieth. To-morrow will be the glorious 20th. day of May, a day made memorable in the annals of Nerth Carolina history, by the fact that a brate band' of Carolin ians, inspired by a love for liberty, and imbued with a Spartan heroism and de term inatio a, assembled .in the county of .Mecklenburg one hundred and six years ago, ana tnen ana mere on tne zutn or. May, 1775, declared with a boldness un known in the history 01 inia tuuuw; that time that the people of America, the white men of this favored land, who were the citizens thereof, should and of right ought to be free and independent of the British yoke. Their glorious example was followed one year and two months later by another . band of patriots who made a similar declaration, signed and issued it. To this last document, how" ever, tne movers ana signers tnereto no doubt caught their inspiration from the Carolina declaration, which was the first movement of the kind in the land. And now the Legislature 'of North Carolina, one hundred and six years after that im portant event, has declared that the an niversary of that Jever memorable day shall hereafter be considered a legal holi day, for which the small boys, the banking institutions and the members of the Produce Exchange are verv thank ful in that it affords a pleasant day of rest and recreation. We wish we could include in the above category editors al so but then there is no rest for the wicked. In this connection we will mention the fact that the gallant boys Of the old W. L. I. will celebrate the twenty-eighth anniversarv of their organization to- morrow by an excursion on the steamer Passport down the river. The Fxcuision To-Morrow. Those who want a mouthful of salt air can get it to-morrow on the excursion to he given by the Wilmington Light Infantry to Smithville and the Forts on the steamer Passport. We are assured that the gentlemen of the committee fiare made every arrangement which has occurred to them for the benefit of their guests and we trust that the attendance may' he large. Ortraanfs string band will furnish music foa the occasion and there will be excellent opportunities for dancing. At Sraithuille the Wilming ton. Light Infantry will have target pratice. The boat is to leave her wharf, foot of Market Street at 8:30 o'clock. Mr. John Loose, 51 Degraw street, S. Brooklyn, N. Y.t writes: For quite a long time I have been a sufferer from rheumatic pain, which increased in spite of all remedies that I tried. Having heard verv high praise of the St Jacobs Oil, I concluded to make a trial. My left arm feelinsr too painful to endure a severe rnbbin?. I took a niece of flannel, staked it well with the St Jacobs OH, and nut it around by arm as tithtly as I could bear it After the first night of this trial. I commenced to experience relief, and after two days aUpaiaTanish. ed, leaTW a pemssent enre. 19, 1881 NO. 69 THE M Tbe mall clone and arrive at the Cit Pot Office as follows : Northern through maiU . . . 5 30 o. m. Northern through aud va. njUs. ........ 6 40 a m. Raleigh 6.45 a. m. Mai! for Urn N C. Riilroi, . and' route t-uppi ied there ' from, including 'A. & N. O rwilrvad, at. ........ ...... .v. 6.40 a. m. 8uthern mn'.ii 'rall points ' South, dai;y 7:45 p. m. Western mails (C C R'y) daily ; (oxcept Sunday ) . ... 8:10 a. m Mail for Cueraw & Darliog" too...... . . ..m ......... . 7:45 Mails for points between Flo p. m.4 renceaod Charleston. ......... 7:45 p m Fayetteville, and offices on ; - Cape Fear River, Toes-lays, i and Fridays..M. HO p. m. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, dally, except Sundays..'... 8:10 a. m. Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at.......... 6.00 a. m. SmithTllle maliar by steam boat daily, (except bun- ' days). .'. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shai lotto ud Li"ie ! River, 8. O , every Mon day and Thursday at 8. a. n 6:00 a. m. OPEN FOB DELIVERY. ITorthern through and way mails 7:30 a.m. Southern Malls ,M 7:00 p. m. Carolina Central Railway...... 4:00 p. m Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 5:30 a. m, to 7:00 p. m,, and on Sundays from 8:20 to 9:80 a. m .Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office ir dosed. Mails collected from street boie sver; day at 8:80 p. m. Tronbleseme Children that are always wetting their beds ought net to be scolded and punished for what they cannot help. They need a medicine having a tonic effect on tbe kidneys and the urinary organs. Such a medcine is Kidney Wort It has specific action. Do net fail to get it for them.-a;c7ianfe Ne7 Advertisementa. TREASURER'S OFFICE; XIBR30N3 HOLDING PAST DUE Bends of the Citv of VTuiuiifiiu, .,w.v -creDy aotifled to present the same at this office for payment on or before June 1st, 1S314 after which time no iaterest will be allowed. HENRY SAVAGE, maylQ-3t Star copy Tieasurer For Laurinburg f fJIHE -CATHOLIC CHURCH at Laurin burg will be dedicated n SUNDAY, May S2d. , A special train will leave the Depot of the Carolina Central R. R. at 6.15 a.m., arriving, at Lauriuburg at 10.30. Leave Laurinburg at 4.15 p. in., arrive at Wilming ton at 8.30. , Tickets $1.50 from all stations east of Lumberton, and $1.00 from Lumberton and stations west of Lumberton. Children un der 12 years, 50c. from all stations. Trains stops at all Depots sroinr and returning. For further particulars and tickets enquire of J. H. McGarity, L. Brown and Dan.' O'Connor. may IS -It otice- TTAVING QUALIFED as AdminMratiix JUL of the estate of W. D. Mahn, deceased, be- S fore the Probate Judge of New Hanover: eounty, notice is hereby given to all per- j sons indebted to the estate of said deceased to make immediate payment, and to all per sons having claims against the deceased to present them for payment to my agent, Mr. W. H. Topp. on or before the 13th day of May,1883,otherwlse this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. MARY IT. MAHN, may 12-2aw6w-thu Administratrix For Smithville. iVN SAND AFTER THE J 18th Inst, the 8teamer PASSPORT will resume her regular trips for Smithville. leaving wharf foot of Market Street, at 9.00 A. Un except oa Saturdays, when she will leave 8mlthviUe at 7 30 A. M., and Wil mington at 4 P. M. may 1- . J. W. HARPER Baoe Balls a AVEST L1BOK Balls and Bats YARIETY of Bstrr Jnstreesived at nXlN5BEQKRfd Croauet Sets 1 ARGE LOT OF SIGHT and 10 US DsUtts. Jut received at Japanese Goods. AntW SUPPLY of thotn bewtifBl Goods Jut receire4 at .: ' ' . UClfttSBKEQEB'S. may 18 Live Book and Mvtio Htoro jO W BATES Tor all kSnds of .rrictrg Ponoeo rosUQac omt of Cio dt can iavo tholr prlntlax carafaily exocuted sad sasllcd t taea.frts of pottsres , Um Dm T7ASH0C2, - Ugiad to rtrdrs ecajncalca'Jari frca ear 'fHaad oa aay as4 all iabket ffeoer&l laWcjt bat Tfcfaaccf u writer bi ifi bfr nlihea to da Editor. Ootanreaiet!oj taxst be wHttaa oa onlj o rfda of th papr. PerKa!itlei nnt t be avoU4 . And It fj espeefelly aad particularly adet ttoo4 t2ut the Edit does net alwiyi tedor U vitirtot eorrvpc r t, &1m to f.i ta tie editorial eoln.'nA. Kaw AdTertiaemoatp. .FiB.Gp.ini 4lcnKioB cf to SeasM. 'tJ. c-iii m 1LLE AND THE FOUfS, on FRIDAY, 20th May, lbSl, on the ele g tit steamer PASSPuRT, giren by the ' VNiliiiingtoa Li-ht Infantry!- t , llve wharf foot of. Market t , . at ...) o clock. - ( rtman's String Band will furulsh music -lor the occasion. ... . . : Tickets for the round trip 75 cents? Ser vants and children over 8 veare old, 60 cti. Special ratc fir familieof 5 or over. - ; Committee reserve the tUht to exclude objectiouable pe -sons. T . , t rie freshnieuts at city prices. Tickets for sale at the boat and by the Committee. J . , 1" No liquor allowed on the boat - ' (.'' -v,. R. IT-.J$V.RUY Chairman Committee Arrauiremeuta. ?y 17-3t - - v , . .. may Pianos. ": H AY1 NO hZES Ari'OfJJTBn Kmc Aneat for the sale of th DUK EEL PIANOS, I wou'd announce to the publia jthatthey cw b at my Wa erooii. ihfis Platoi 0 u:,riTiled tone and finiah. We In -vn kuiiciins nl the publio to examine4 iheaa lnatrumentt trit:cU. The can be riret-Clasi Fif.no. We will laa fcTe la , stook a cheaper grale cf Fianoi la a few C kW. Yates' Bo Store may J 6 . , . - MER ARRANGEMENTS! 'OX THE FIRST OF JUNE, or soontr if necessary, I propose to establish a regular System of Do livery for THE CQMVJIEKC GF RESIDENTS QM.THE DIFFERENT SOUHDS M I will deliver free of auy expense -whatever, "all goods bought of mo. n- ?Wiar ..Jki."-irOi : Greenvillo'cr Wriglitsville Sounds, my Wagon " leaving iiiy Storo" every Tuesday, Thursday and Satuidfiy, This being rather a now depart ure, and of th3 greate3t benefit to the many fami:i23 eumrnering it on our Seashore, I hope my under taking niay'Bb3 rowarded by receiv ing many orders from alJ Eespectfiilly, - mn i n n ATisminiiT t 19 c. -t rMvw rt i?OS. in iX . t rOIll 551 may 16 fflSS ! AT THE LOWE3T PBICES ! AS C E3TAm MY PRICES 'DEFORS lmnz YCURl PRIHTIfiQ mil ELSEVHHRE! Salisfaction Guaranleed I PUNTING CARFJLT.Y or pjra3 roiiiia j't t it of t'js sH Ai.ltti t to them ty call fres cfpoAtgi. Corner CLejUan4 T7ater Btrecti f)Olcs BTiw Holding , nebl PU.RGEki HOUSE, UNDES JSSW HAAiKUEXT, Witvivsrax, IT, C o. Jm PciiaY, - - - PrcpV Late Pro jxlstur Ail ia Lis He tel. flni Class la all 1U sclstxsats. Teics JOB 0 " . J

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