mis j .srr Tr r . -rt T. UME8, pTr058.F08TAGEPAm BW .1 nn Six mum.no, - - Three M a08th. b-delivered byearriera, fr..inyPnof tbeeity, atthe n nitnu per 'iSS-ribtfi pleerePort any and ?a .-hair naoeri rem larly. y flw Adyrtigemea ts. THEGREAT FOR BHEUMATI Nturalaia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of tho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swoll ings and Sprains, Burns and " Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Proration cn earth equals St. Jacobs Oil u t toft, ivre, simple and cheap External BrtJJtdy. A trial entail but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Centi, and every one Buffer lug with pain can hare cheap and positive proof of id claim. Direction Id EeTen Languages. COLD BT ALL DBFGCHSTS AITDDEALEES IS MEDICINE, A.V0GELER fc CO., Baltimore, ltd., U. S. JL attin N TOW IS THE TIME TO BUT. We are offering some very choice styles and at very low prices. Lace Curtains. rjO THOSE 'WHO ARE IS WANT OF mch goods, we can show them many new and desirable styles, both by the yard and bj the pair, both white and ecrue. Linen Ulsters ALSO, ALPACA AND MOHAIR. Rwpectfully, R. B17 H iclntire.' MRS. JOE PERSON'S Id BITTERS ! 0HJht5CROFULA rheumatism, idSuf' ChronIc Bilious Cllc. ttiSnL f f Eruptions and Skin Diseas U Atefir? Purity of the blood. As Ve Ton,c and Purifier of the blood 5 "" PWTett Itself unequalled. Tonic and Blood Purifier it is PE unsurpassed- JTnnt b Mill's. nnn v n Hm p. July 17th, 1870. ytnMUnTrTv ar Maaam: 1 think pSr S.the tnat 18 efore W &W I cure of bIood diseases. I 11 aidoan H UQce In U and belicve tnat ttPern. t atyouclal!a for !t- I have nTr n,wled'eoftne coodltionof totVS before he commenced m.a?ich,nf' and 1 ee Jouhave UaTGSd hi he'l cured. Goon, toSi? condition of mankind, and 40 1 to Lmfort ad aappioess. I wUl ours re.-ntf.iiw for testimonial of remarkable !?fe&.on, Franklin- ' -Hill may 4-dw-HAC KeeD Cnnl. THE SUREST WAY to do that is 1 out iu full nvKaa costumefl ULGHTAT EHRLER'fl, :Empori um on Market etreet. X U Of OUr fraW!a at ' w" p ; the stock Is full llCan.tttiyand make prices R at I.SHBJER'3, mi 8SL 3 D n The VOL, VI LOCAL NEWS. New Advebtisements See ad Fxcurelon to Waccamaw Heinsbeugeb Base Balis A & I Shkieb Keep Cool C W Yates- Pianos The fir3t shrimps of the season wi re in market yesterday. At 12 o'clock to-day, in thisoffi. e, the thermometer registered 74 degrees. Ton can now buy Improved Heating and Cook Stoves at factory priccsat Jacobi's. Go to Jacobi's lor Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices . The Cincinnati &lur editorially says: ot. Jacobs Uil is a boon 01 incalculable valve to rheumatic marlvrs all over the world. . . The steam tug Orlandi was raised yesterday, and is now on the shoals op posite the VV llmington Ac VV eldon It. K. depot. The fish market was well supplied yes terday afternoon with pigfish, blackfish, croakers, flounders, etc.. Fine pigfish were sold at 15 cents a bunch. . The cool snap continues, bat with a better prospect for to-morrow. The wind this forenoon was almost ' due North bnt it has since veered around to the West. The proceedings of the Diocesan Con vention and of the second day of the col ored convention in Raleigh will be found In fall in this issue, as extracted from the Nems and Observer, There was a stag party of gray beards on the Sound to-day, in honor of the glori ous twentieth. Captain Chas. D. Myers delightful summer residence on Wrights- ville was the rendezvous If this fine weather continues there will probably be a very large attendance on the excursion to be given to Wacca maw to-morrowby the Sunday School of the First Piesbyterian Church. The tram leaves the depot at 8:39 0 clock. tie All the produce brokers on the wharf paired off to-day and agreed not to make a transaction in spirits, rosin or cotton. In addition to this the Pro duce Exchange was closed tight, and eome.of the prominent commission houses on "Water street closed their doors at o'clock, for the day. Thi3 gave the day something of the appearance of Sunday on the wharf. The Twentieth, Wilh those of us who were left in the city the day passed off very quietly. There was almost literally nothing doing on the wharf, many places of business being closed, while the streets presented a forlorn and deserted appearance. The only parade daring the day wns. that of the Wilmington Light Infantry from their armory to the boat. The Light Infantt y. The excursion given by the Wilming ton Lia:ht Infantry to-day on the steamer Passport to Smithville and the Forts was well attended. At 8 o'clock the company, under command of their new Captain, Col. Jno. L. Cahtwel), formed at their Armory and marched to the boat At 9:15 the steamer left her landing and teamed down the river. At Smithville there was target practice, the prize be ing a beaitiful medal of so!id gold, 'to be worn .by the w nncr for one year. This was won by Mr. A. A. Johnson, the same gentleman who carried it off last year At firs there was a tie between Mr. Johnson and Mr.J.W.Brinkley which was shot off, Mr. Johnson scoring 7 and Mr. Brinkley 4 oat of a possible 15. At our close the excursionists had no t returned to the city. . District Conferences- The District Conferences of the North Carolina Annual Conference of the Methrdtet K. Church, South, convene as follows for the present year: Hillsboro Dist, at Pittsboro, . July 7 Wilmington Dist, at Elizabeth town, ... . July 7 Favetteville Dist, at Carthage, July 14 Raleigh Dist, at Cary, . July 21 Charlotte Dist, at Monroe,. . July 28 Statesville Dist, at Newton, . . July 28 Greensboro Dist, at Kerners- ille, . . . July 28 Salisbury Dist, at Mt Tabor, Aug 11 helby Dist, time not yet appointed. J Many, lose their Jeauty from the hair falling or fading. Parker's Hair Bal sam supplies necessary nourishment, pre vents falling and grayness and is anjele gant dressing. . - - ; Daily- WILMINGTON, N. C, Fir. at North we it, Eurly Wednesday morning the store of Mr. John E. Moore, at North west,in Co lumbus county, on the line of the Caro lina Central R B., was destroyed by fire. The loss is about $500 and there was, we are sorry to learn, no insurance. Mr. Moore and his brother were aleep in the slore at the time and barely escaped with their lives. have not .learned the origin of the fire. - ' - Norfolk as a Business Centre We have received from Mr. Cary W, Jones, of the Norfolk Virginian, & c6pj of the second issie of his compilation of 'Norfolk as a Business Centre." , It is a large volume, handsomely gotten out and profusely illustrated with views of the principal points of interest in and pear Norfolk, prominent business houses, hotels, banks, public buildings, &c. It is in every way a. very reditable prodic. tion, and one which seems to be liberally sustained by the business men of that m thriving city Change in Officers. We had the pleasure of a visit this morning from Mr. Samuel A. Lfaney, of the Siscnal service, who has just arrived in our city and enters upon duty as the Assistant Signal Officer at this station. Mr. Jlaney relieves Mr. F. H. Clark , who has been on duty here for seme time and is now temporarily in charge of the station. Mr. Clark, who was originally ordered to Alaska, has recently received notice to report to Washington City for duty, and will probably leave here on Sunday or Monday for the Capital. City Court. Amelia Bradley and Alice Hall, two dusky hued damsels from Paddy's Hoi low, found their way to the Guard House under a police escort at the wee sma' hour of 1 o'clock this morni'mr. Alice Hall was first an ested for disor derly conduct, and taken to the Guard House, . where she was followed by Ame lia Bradley: and the last named individ. ual was arrested after she reached the Guard room, for her boisterous manners and disorderly conduct there. " . Mayor Smith, after listening to the evidence in the case, said $10 fine or thirty days n the C. P., in each case and defendants went below. A colored individual, who requested us to suppress his name,- and a white sailor,' were arraigned upon the charge of disorderly conduct. From the evi dence in the case, it appeared to the sat isfaction of the Court that the individual first referred to in this case was the pri- marv cause ot the disturbance, ana ms Honor thereupon imposed a fine of $3.00. The latter was fined S1.00. Both de- ndants planked down the spondulicks and the city treasury was increased $4.00. This finished the docket and the Coart adjourned. Lippincotl's Masazlns for June opens with o well illustrated article on "The Lower St. Lawrence atid the Saguenay,". whic'a is full of fine touches in the way of description, and will no doubt have the effect of sending many summer tourists over a line which presents so many noble features differ ent from those of more familiar routes. The third chapter of Dr. Oswald's ' Zoo loffical Curiosities" treats amusingly., of "our four handed relit ives'and has some capital illustrations. "Among the Cqw boys," by Loui3 C. Bradford, is an ex cellent sketch of the life of the Texa.n herdsman and cf the career pf King and other great cattle owners. Mr. Dor man B. Eaton 'discusses the sub ject of "Tecurj ot Office." Rowland Connor writes critically but genially of the Oloral Reformers" who blossom out annually at Boston during "anniversary week." 44 An American Salon in Rome," introduces Miss Brews ter and her circle, regarding whom Baiss Tincker's new novel, "By the Tiber," has just been piquing the interest of a good many readers. There are several capital short stories and sketches in the number. The serial, "Craque-o'-Doom," reaches a dramatic climax in this num ber. The poetry 13 by Maurice Thomp son and Louise Chandler Moulton. The editorial departments are well sustained, and the varied character of the number is popular and entertaining. Magistrate's Row is doll, it is dull at the City Hall, it is dull on "Water street, it is dull in commercial "circles, and ye local is feeling dull, consequently we can give nothing but dull news to-day. MEfBEW. FRIDAY, MAY 20. The Ladies' Memorial Association. The regular annual meeting of the Ladies' Memoiial Association of Wil mington was held at the school room in rear of St James Church yesterday aC ternoon at 5 o'clock. We are happy to learn that there was a much larger at tendance than usual and many new mem bers admitted. There was also a much deeper interest manifested on this occa sion, we have been told, than has been shown on many previous occasions for several years past. The subscriptions from old and new members, including pri vate donations ef $5.50,. amounted to $35.50. We have also teen informed that since the adjournment of the meet ing other names have been added to the list of members. This we Jcnow must be very gratifying to ihose ladies who are still endeavoring to preserve the organi zation, and continue the prevailing cus tom of once a year on each succeeding anniversary of the death of Jackson of making' the annual pilgrimage to the tomb of those who sleep in quiet Oakdale. The efforts of this Association in rescuing from oblivion the names of the dead Con" federate soldiers will be probably ap preciated when it is known that the grave of every soldier interred in the sa cred precincts of that beautiful city of the dead, that had naught else but a common. wooden head board to mark the place of his resting, has been supplanted by a marble stone, with the name and com mand Of the deceased carved upon it This together with the beautiful memo rial of .the silent soldier on guard in the Confederate lot, will be lasting monu ments to the efforts of the noble ladies of the Memorial Association. In this connection we will state that we recently heard a gentleman, whose experience and observation are both varied and exten sive, state at a private dining that he had seen many shafts and columns which served the place of monuments to thede parted worth of those who slept beneath or who had fallen in defence of their country at different times in the carnage of war, among which was the monument m London to the soldiers tf the Crimean war, but never had he observed one so beautiful in symmetry, so tasteful in de sign, and so appropriate to the purpose, as the Confederate monument in Oak dale. There is no doubt that this monu ment is an ornament to -the place and a credit to the worthy ladies and. their good male friend who'aided them so ma terially in accomplishing this work. What a pity then that such an associa tion should languish for want of active working members? But we know such will not be the case; we have too much confidence in the true women of our fair Southland to suppose that they will let any indifference over take them in their noble, work. The following officers of the Associa tion were erected yesterday for the ensu ing year: President Miss Hettie James. Vice President Mrs. A. L. DeRosset Secretary Miss Kate Burr. Treasurer Mrs. E. A. Anderson. Managers Mrs. Jno. L. Cantwell, Mrs. Roger Moore, Mrs. John Poisson. Mrs. W. Geo. Thomas, Mrs. John Ran kin, Mrs. Daggett, Mrs. James Hill, Mrs. T. H. McKoy, Mrs Norman Mc Rae, Mrs. Eugene Wiggins, Miss Julia James Miss Bettie Price, Mrs. WaB. French, Mrs. O wen Fennell, Mrs. J. J. Hedrick. " We advise our friends to eall at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrlp on. There you get the lowest prices, f Unorinz the Xeffroei It is hard to understand what J..C Hill, of this city, meant by tha resolu tion he introduced into the .colored con vention at Raleigh on Wednesday, in regard to what he termed, "the ignoring of the negro by the Democrats." Bill is one of the last men in North Carolina to talk of such a thing, inasmuch as he is now, and has been lor lour years past, a Justice of the Peace of New. Hanover county, appointed by a Demo cratic Legislature. This Democratic appointment has been, his .bread and meat since 1876. The Greatest Blessing- A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures every time, and prevents disease by keeping the blood pure, stomach reg ular, kidneys and liver active, is the greatest blessing ever conferred upon man. Hop Bitters is that remedy, and its proprietors are bein? blessed by thousands who have been saved and cur ed , by it. AVillyoa try it? Seeian other column Eagle. - . . 1881 NO. 70 THE MAILS. The malls c!ne nl rnre at the Citv Post Office f U.w0 : NbrthtTti through mail a ... 5 30 j. rrt. Northern throagb an! way miU...... ...6:4 a tn. lUWgb 6.4 J a. tn. Malls for the N O RVilroad, and routes irapp'ied there from, Including A. & N. O Rail rood, at ............... 6.40 a. m. Southern mails - u all points Sooth, daily.. 7:45 p.m. Western mails (O O Ry) daily (except 8undaj). .......... 8:10 x. m Mail for Oberaw & Darling- ton......... .............. 7:45 p. m. Malls for points between Flo rence and Charleston: 7:45 p to Fayetterille, and offices on - " ; Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridavs.;.. l.00 d. ml FayetteviUe, via Lnmberton, dally, except Sundays...... 8:10 a. m. Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate office, every Monday and Thursday at.......... 6 00 a. m. Smithville malls, by steam boat, daily, (except Sundays).......- M 8. a. n Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shailotte and Little River, 8. O., every Mon day and Thursday at.. ...... 6:00 a. m. OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Kdrthern through and way malls.... 7:30 a. m. Southern Mails ,M 7:00 p. m. Carolina Central Railway...... 4:00 p. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:80 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 5.30 a. m. to 7:00 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:80 1 m. Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office i closed. Malls collected from street bote, overj day at 8:80 p. m. Troiblesone Children that are always wetting their beds ought not to be scolded and punished for what they eaniot help. They need a medicine having a tonic effect on the kidneys and the mriiarr organs. Such a medcine is Judiey Wort. It has specific action. Do net fail to get it for them.-Exchange DIED. Ia Brooklyn, on Thursday, May 12th ISflL THOMAS COURTNF.Y 8KKVOSS aged 68 years. Interment atFlshkill, N. T. 17ot7 AdvertisemGQts. Excursion to VVaccainaY. TIT THE SUNDAY SCHOOL . FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, . SATURDAY, MAY 21st, Train leaves at 3.30 A. M. Tickets 50c, to be found at Yates', Heins berger's, Dyer's and Munson's. may 20-1 1 TREASURER'S OFFICE. pERSONS HOLDING PAST DUE Bonds of the City of YTilmiigten, NiC. are hereby notified to present the same at this office for payment on or before June 1st, 18S1, after which time no iaterest will be allowed. HENRY SAVAGE, mayl9 3t Star copy Tieasurer Notice. JJAYING QUALIFIED ai Administrator on the eitate of'Heary Ohlandt, deceased, on th 4th day of May, 1381, it the ProbaU Oonrt of 5ew Banover o unty, notice is hereby fives to all perron indebted to the itata o; the taid Henry Oh aadr, to make immediate pay men 1 and lettlemoot ; ad all peraona havinr olama aza'ntc aaid eitate wUl preeeat them for payment on or tofore t&a Stb Uy or Jiy, o thif nr.Uee Trill pe p iMM in oar or tnel- rec Tory. This tth day of May, 1831. may 13 lawf wffl AdmlolatraUr. r Folr Gmithville, O N 'AND AFTER THE J 19ih inat, the . 8teamer JkZ PASSPORT wiU resume htr regular trips for Smithville, leaving wharf foot of Market Street, at 9.00 A. Mn except a Saturdays, when she will leave Smithville at 7 30 A. M., and Wil mington at 4 P. M. may IS- - J.W.HARPER Baoe Balls0 ATKUY LARQB YARIETY of Base Balls aad Bats Jastreeeived at HKINSBg&GS&'S Croquet Sets tARQE LOT OP EIGHT and FOUR Ball Bats. Jut received at HKINSBSBGE&'i Japanese Goods. ABW 8UPPLT of these beautiful Gaodj . Just received at HC158BK2GE'S. may 1 Lira Book: aad Matte 8 tore Oir BAT3 For att Uadsof Priatlsg fereoss resldi&c out of the city caa have tslr prists; exrafzlly ezaaztsd tzi zaiiled to tea.Crcs cf peri rex . PLEAQ22rOTIf";,:;;'';- TTa will ts glad to reesive tonuaaBlcC-r j from ear frieatoa axy and .all tabfs-t teaeral lateral bat Ta uaaae ot writs? mart alyt fir ted to the Editor. ,LOonaaieatioa samst ba wrlttea a ely oaa sMa of the papr. FersoaalltiM jnst be avoided Aad It is esreeialiy aad partieaiarij an Jo tnod that tha Edit- do ot always asdora te views ot oorranpotdeB, aide ts so rtst in the editorial eolanns. New AdTortisementa. Pianos. LlAVLa,KEjr ArPOlNTJEO FOLS -aeai fr tb t&Iof ihs DtUKESPlAXO, IwuM aatoaace to the paMie that 'hey cin ba eeoo at my Waerooua. lhj Piaaoi ate a- rivVl-d as tone and aUh W iu -ri :u icLn ani tha pablio to eva&iae eaa i-stratint crit?elly hey can be - uiai&fa 'cr ; i m r, lean any other st a cheapo Vrale cf Tiaaoa in a few days."' .. - . O. XV. Yates Book Store may 16' - ... ; - ON THE FIRST OF JUNE, or 1 sooner if necessary, I proposal io establish a regalar Systom of Do 1 . livery for THE CONVENIENCE G? RESIDENTS QNLTHE DIFFERENT SOUNDS I will deliver free of any expense; whatever, all goods bought of me,' at either Masonboro, Greenville or. Wrrgbtsville Sounds, my Wagon leaving my Store every Tuefd-vy'; Thuisdoy j and ISatuiday. ThisHbeing rather a new depart ure, and of the greatest benefit to the many families summering it on bur Seashore, I hope my under taking mayjbe rewarded' by receiY- ing many order3 from alJe BesJ)ectfally, JNO. L, OQATWHiGHTo IVos. 1 1 & 13 N. Front St may IS NEW. FRUIT APiD rONFECTIOflERY STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A branch Fruit and Confectionery 8toro under the "Review" Office, corner Water and Chestnut streets. All persons passili that locality are rcf pectfully invited to call , and be suited with Fruit, Homemade and Fancy XJandlea. tioda Water, Cigars and a general nice variety, at S. G. NORTHROP'S, : apl2 Water St 8tore. PASSENGERS FOR SMITHVILLE GAN FIND PRIVATE AND TRANJ sient board at 3Irs. Davis' on the water front. ' The table will be supplied with flh, crabs, oysters, etc. The rooms are clean, neat and airy. Board per day f 2. Single Meal 50 cents. Eiy Bath Houses free to boarders. MRS. EMMA J. DAVIS, nny 3 lm Proprietress JOB PfiHOTS ! AT THE LOWEST PRICES ! A2CE5TAIH MY PHICESIDIFORE HAVING Y0UR1 PRIflTINQ DONE ELSEWHRRE! Satisfaction Guaranleed 1 p21NTI5G OAB5F7ILY EXEfJUTID or pjfioi reJiia;-at of the elt aai.sei I to th'm by zaaU free of postage.. " E.B. WA&RCOr, Connr Chestntid 'Water Streets ft&ei IUriear Raldiar me&l PUR CElsl H013S!?C U5DES BSW 1IA2TAGE1IE3T, Witrerojr, IT, C D.ivpcaiiY, - V:c? MFIrrtCTaaIaa!lItJS?53t3txt;'j. re: : Market streeV V

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