,ma fifkb Sand eye . FL2ACS SOTXC2. Wo will tajrjii to roeelvo ooamtakailcti froa our frisoJ? mi aay and all rchbtt general intemt tal ho asjBs cT cu writer next ei V b t ftbhodto Editor. - ; ICommnnieatlozi tLxst bo writes ah raly 3B.eciU of the papr. Perscaalltfei Best bo v Mde4 And It is especially atd portiaalariy tader itood that the Edit- dee o eJayS e&dort the viewi ot corrwpoi dent, tdki to gut m the editorial eolonna. r St 0 rBOPBIKTOH. i jplTO' to WWTAQEP mfn 50 ; Three fe'8 ... . n.. month. 50 cents. ,oii! . ' delivered by earners, city. At we -B,r.te:low ad liberal VOL. VI WILmNGTON, N; e., SATURDAYi MAY 1881 .nv And NO. 71 I BJW papers refirtHi7' l) A f dyrtisemen8. as FOR RHEUMATISM, Keurafgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of (fid Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted feef and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. ft JVpration on earth equals St. Jacobs Oh m i tafe. sure, simple and cheap External XffuAj A trial entails but the comparatively MllBC eotlay of 50 Cent, and every one suffer bl with pain can have cheap and poaittre proof if iti claims. . Pirtctiooi in EeTen Language. 80LDBTALL DSUGGISTS AHD DEALERS IN MEDICIHE, A.V0GELER & CO., Baltimore, Hid,, V, S. A, ipri! 11 daw-nao T0W IS THE TIME TO BUY. We are jtftring some very choice styles and at very it prtes. Lace Curtains. fpO T30SE WnO ARE IN WANT OF Uh poJs, we can show them many new m desirable styles, both by the yard and PJ lie pair, both white and ecrue. Linen Ulsters, ALSO, ALPACA AND MOHAIR. - Respectfully, H. M. Rlclntire.. 7 11 i JOE PERSON'S PC BITT I CSrfCROFULA, RHEUM SStoSL: Ch.rouic Biliou ATI9U a.nu.,"q Qrouic Bilious Bilious Colic, rinTf!?f options and Skin Diseas Ijg impurity of the blood. As fPKS"i?5r of the blood w nucquaiica. Hoaicaud Blood Purifier it is Carteret Co , N. C, ) k . July 17th, 1879. :r AIam: I think Zre that is now before w u kill nnct v. a & a rrettennfl , CUre of hloocTdiseases. I WiSS?ce It, and believe that fconl t!J.ou, claI'11 for it- I have f?ia2 re h8 commenced J(kdr, e Is cured- Goon, ? iQ, Soar efforts to S cornlio,n of mankind, and Cp fortP-y'-11- Barker Por testimonial of remarkable S&wff10''' Franklin-P- mav 4-d&w.iar . H ,u ot 0ttr soa t ex- ry and make - . . ex: a " IiieiiEli AL8HBIEK'S, rketBireet n LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVEBTI3EMENTS Bbtakt ireRSE -The Ocean Ilowse Hkinsberoeb Blank Books W X Botd Caution Notice A & I Shriek Keep Cool C W Yates Pianos Day '6 length 14 boars and 14 minutes. One sqnalling child will spoil an entire reuing. The best health lift we know of h a doctor's bill. Sunset tomorrow afternoon at 4 min utes pnst 7 o'clock. The lf ceipis of cotton at this port esteiday and to day foot up 51 bales. Youckiu now buy Improved Heating aud Cook Stoves at factory iriccsat Jacob. 's. - There were two interments in Oakdale daring the week one adult and one child. A policeman's lot is not a happy one. Before appearing in full uniform he has to be clubbed. There were four interments in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery this week; two adults and two children. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer in this office registered 82, which is six degrees above summer heat. We adylse our friends to call at -Jacobi's for Household Hardware of erery descrip on. There you get the lowest prices, f The Register of Peers has issued fire marriage licenses during the week, two of which were ttr white, aud three for colored couples. There were two interments in Bellevue Cemetery this week ne adult and one child. The adult, a sailor, came to his death by drowning.' Go to Jacobi's lor Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices T hose who are going to Laurinbnrg to-morrow, rto attend the dedication of the new Catholic church at that place, will bear in mind that the train leaves the depot here at 5:15 a. m. Thanks to the Marshals for an invita tion to attend the Commencement Ex ercises at Wake Forest College on June 7th, 8th, and 9th. In the list of Mar shals we find the name of Mr. E. S. Al derman, of this city. "YVe are requested to state that the or gan donated to St. John's Rectory Club has arrived, and will be on exhibition at Mr. P. Heinsberger's book store from and after this date. Parties interested are invited to take notice of this fact. Mr. Nelson Cutler, Foreman Ashton Valve Co., Boston, Mass., writes: One of oar men was very badly jammed, but by the use of St. Jacobs Oil he was en tirely cured. Another man in our em ploy was cured of Neuralgia by the use of the Great German Remedy. We are requested to state that there will be lay reading at St. Mark's (colorl ed) Episcopal Chmrch to-morrow morning at the regular hour, and a sermon from Rev. Mr. Pitts, rector of St. John's Church, at the regular evening service at 5 o'clock. Export! Forclso. The foreign shipments from this port to-day are as follows : 3,492 bbls rosin, per Norwegian barque Norvig, for Trieste, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Spruntc& Son; 250 casks spirits and 2,700 bbls. rosin, per Norwegian brig Congal, for Hull, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing A Co. ; aud 2,540 bbls. rosin, per Swedish brig Gustaf Ad!,ioT Hamburg, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. A. Plunge Ratb. As the steamer Passport shoved off from the wharf this afternoon on her way down the river, a white man who was late, but anxious to secure a pas sage, even at the risk of a docking, made a leap for the moving boat, but instead of landing on the steamer's deck he plunged into the river. A lice was thrown from the steamer, however, which was stopped as soon as possible and the man wa&auled on board safely when the Fassflort steamed oa her coon e again withcptber person added to her passenger list, vsrwas a wetter if not a sadder man than bet he cade his dan. gerosslcsp. A Novel Way. The members of the Second Baptist Church, Rev. J. P. King pastor, have in augurated rather a novel way of raising fu ds for their ( h arch, which has resulted successfully. The plan wis to distribute among the congregation a number of little earthen jugs with a space left open near the top for the reception of contri butions. These jags were carried around and aid solicited. Last night a "jag breaking',' was had at the Charch and $75.24 was found to have been raised. 3 li euriUorjriJUttWKf.jr The" Charlotte Democrat challenges our statement in reference to the report that the famous outlaw chief. Henry Berry Lowery. i3 now alive and asserts that "the evidence is that Lowery was killed at his home in Robeson county." On the coutrary,tthere is simply no evi dence attached to the case at all sim ply rumors brought in by the Scuffle tonians themselves to the effect that Lowery was killed by tha accidental dis charge of his own gun. There has never yet been "evidence"' enough as to his death to hang a dog by a jury composed entirely of cats. . Another IUiChae. The Charlotte Democrat tells us that the Richmond & Danville R. R. Co. have bought a controlling interest in the Chester & Lenoir Narrow Gauge R. R, 'wnich, by the way, now connects with the Carolina Central at Lincoln ton. A mandamus and an injunction to prevent the combination from getting en tire control of the work has been issued by Judge Mackay, at the suit of indig nant stockholders, who censure the President and Vice-President of the C. & L. N. G. R. R. very severely for the ac tion they have taken in the premises . By the way, how is it that our usually well-informed neighbor, the Democrat, calls this road the "Cheraw & Chester?" The Right Man. JdmesrSpann, colored, who was detail ed as a Special Deputy with the proper papers to convey Simon Gregg, colored, an alleged escaped convict from the South Carolina penitentiary back to Columbia a few days ago returned to this city this morning, having delivered his charge over to the Superintendent of the peni tentiary at the above. named place upon his arrival there yesterday morning. Gregg, it will be remembered, had a pre liminary examination -before Justice Mc Quigg, of this city, on Thursday last, in which hs stoutly denied that he wa, or ever hadbeen, a convict. But his captor Spann, now says that he "fessed up" when he arrived at Columbia and ac knowledged the fact that he was the right man, although he thought he was la the wrong place. Kooli and 'Ladder. 'j he anniversary of that veteran organ ization, the Wilmington Hook and Lad der Company No. 1, wa3 celebrated last evening at the truck house. There was no parade during the day, but at - night the members of the Company and tLeir invited guests' assmbled in. force at the truck house, where a bountiful collation had been spread. The hall was tastefully decorated by the fair hands of lady friends, and everything was auspicious of a pleasant evening. After some little time spent in pleasant chat and converse by those whojwere'there assemb led, Mr. Martin S. Wiliardt .the Chair man of the Committee of Arrangements called the assemblage to order and in a very pleasant and appi-Gpriate little speech invited those present to seats at the tempting repast which was displayed upon the board. This call wa3 respond-' ed to with the ready promptness which characterizes the boy3 of the Hook and ! Ladder on all urgent occasions and for awhile after there was bat little said while a great deal was accomplished. The repast was followed by copious supplies of ice water, prepar ed in various ways to suit 'the palate3 of all, and then the whilom silent tongue3 were lotsed and toasts were offered and responses made and wit and repartee passed rapidly around the social board untilj the time for separation rolled around. It wa3 an exceedingly pleasant occasion to all who were present and has been the leading topic of conversation among them to-day. Manv lose their beantv from the hair falling or fading. Parker's Hair Bal sam supunea ueccsoivrjr uuuiuuucuii fw- vents tailing and grayness and 13 an e!e Cant dxessic M a gi urate's Court. I Larry Fisher was arraigned before a Justice of the Peace this morning upon a warrant sworn out by his wife, Landis Fisher, npon the charge of willful aban donment. The defendant submitted the, caseand was released upon payment of fine and costs. ; The same defendant was also arraigned upon a psace warrant by the same plaintiff in the foregoing case, but the parties became reconciled and the" la3t named charge was withdrawn by tho prosecutor and defendant discharged. 4 ' Asta til t VF i h a Deadly YT ap- The case of Geo. W. W. Davis, color ed, who a few days since was arraigned and tried before Justice' McQdigg upon the charge of an assault with a deadly weapon upon J osh - Rush, i colored, in which it was thought and alleged, by the prosecution that the victim of Davis as sault had suffered a fracture of the skull, was brought up for trial before the same Justice again to-day. The evidence on this occasion did not, however, justify the presuuptien that Ras3 was seriously or fatally injured, it appearing upon the trial that the city physician had exam ined the wounded man and pronounced his condition favorable for recovery. The defendant was thereupon bound over in the sum of $100 for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court. How to oe, your own painter.:Buy the N. Y. Enamel Paint; ready mixed and warranted at Jacobi's. fiupreme L,ode Knights of Honor The Supreme Lodge of the Ksights of Honor of the United States . held , their 8th annual session at Minneapolis Min nesota, on the 1 0th inst. For the infor mation of the members of the order in this city, we make the following extracts from the report of the supreme officers. The report of the Snpreme Dictator was thorough and complete, In it he stated the following; "DuriDg the year ending April 30, 1881, there had been thirteen assess ments on each member. There were six hundred and seventy-eight orders drawn on the widows' and orphans' benefit fund, amounting to $1,351,000, and one hun dred and tilty orders on the general fund, amounting to 38,074.24. December 26, 1880, assessment No. 78 was made, and 114,973 received, showing a member ship of 102,000. From that time to April 26, 1881, the gain has been about 2,500 new members per month, and the total membership today is 117,000." From the report of tho Supreme Re porter, J. C. Plumer, welearn the follow ing concerning the financial condition of the order for the year: "General fund, cash on hand Maydst, 1880, 14,401.27 ; cash received during the year, 50,111.96 ; total received and on hand, 64,516.33; drawn on same, 37,822.95, leaving a balance on hand May 1st, 1881, 26,393.38 ; resources, $33,891.80 ; liabilities, $2,203.33 ; leav ing net resources of 61,689.47. 'Widows and orphans benefit fund, total cash on hand and received, $1,354, 389.14, with disbursements of 1,351,000, leaving a balance in the treasury May 1, of 3,389.14. During the year the ex penses for all matters outside of benefits were $28,932. The total number of working lodges May 1, 1881, was 2,302, and the net gain of membership during the year was 22,644. Total membership December 1, 1880, 98,987 ; German membership, 6,301 ; English membership 92,686. Total number of deaths in German working lodges 239, making one death to ever 22.36 of their number ; total number of deaths in English work ing lodges, 1,625, making ono death to every 57.03 of their number. lho'fntftl rpnm ntj om nil ennra i he total from December 68&to April 10, 1881, inclusive, were-$37,495.37 ; total disbursements, 20,495.16, leaving a bal ance of $17,000.20." :r Troublesome Children that are always wetting their beds ought not to be scolded and punished forKfrisfc they cannot help ilp. ITiey ne-ainedicio effect on tb tfdneys amrJP2all0S Organs runs, buch amedcine is I - having a tonic the urinary organs. Kidney AY ort. It has specific action. Do not fail to get it for them.-jBxciane District Confereoces- The District Conferences of the North Carolina Annual Conference of the Methrdist' Y. Church, South, convene as follows for the present y2ar: Hillsboro Dist , at Pittsboro, . 'Wilmington Dist., at Elizabeth tOWn,; . . : . . . Jnly7 Jnly7 Fayette ville Dist, at Carthage, July 14 Raleigh Dist., at Cary , . July 21 Charlotte DisLat Monroe, . . JnlyS Statesville Disf ., at Newton, . . July 28 Greensboro Dist., at Kerners- ville, .( . ; . July 28 Salisbury Dis at ML Tabor, Aug 11 Shelbj DisL, Aime not yet appointed.- j - Now that hey are making everything out of pape, they should apply it to hnrinf- rlnvps naner - xsashy. so t 10 i Military ft! aitrr. Adjutant-General Jones has issued a general order relative to the new unifirm which it is determined to adopt for the State troops.-" The following is prescrib ed for all foot officers : : Sack coat of dark blue cloth with rolling collar, to have five North Caro lina State bsttoiH. large in front, and two small buttoud oa each sleeve. To b3 cut square in fro at, and to fall well over hip. Troasera of sky, blue cloth, cut to fall well over foot, . To have at outer searaaold : cord. Cap of dark blue cloth with crossed Titles in gold embroidered in front. Shoulder straps of dark blue cloth with the following in signia of rank: Captain, two bars; fiist lieutenants, one bar; second .lieutenants, plain.. The nniform for enlisted men will le as follows: Blouse of cadet gray cloth, lined throughout, cut square in front, and to come well over hip. To have rolling collar, Ive North Carolina State buttons, large in front and two small buttons on each sleeve. Trousers of sky blue cloth, cut to fall well over foot, and to have a welt at outer seam for privates, a black stripe one-half an inch wide for corpor als, and one inch wide for sergeants. Cap of dark blue cloth, with enamel strap To have in front crossed rifles with above company letter, and below regimental number; all in metal. Gen. Jones says that companies will not bo required to procure this uniform at once, but are urged to adopt it as soon as practicable. The uniform can be obtained at a cost of $8.62. Com panies desiring, to provide themselves with it, will, upon application, be furn ished with all necesfary information in detail. me oeauty or the thing lies not eo mnch in the appearance the new uniform will make upon the streets, but in the fhet of its cheapness. One very impor tant difficulty in the way of full ranks in our volunteer, companies heretofore, previous to the war as well as since its close, has been the cost of the uniform, which so many of our young men who are willing to enlist in some company have been utterly unable to afford. If the new uniform will look as well, wear as well and can be purchased at less than half the cost of the old, then the active mem bership of every company should be rap idly increased. New Advertisement. The Ocean House JSTHE PLACE FOR PLEASURE seek ers to stop at. Finest Wines, Liquors, Ci gars and Champagnes always on hand. Restaurant" just over the water. BRYANT MORSE, may 211m ' Proprietor. Caution Notice. jLL DISREPUTABLE PERSONS OR persons under the influence of liquor are forewarned not to trespass on the Govern ment property at Smithville, known as the Garrison of Foit Johnson. Any violation of this caution notice will be dealt with cc cording to the laws of the United Statc3. . W. T. BOYD, Sergt Shrnal Corps U. S.A.. In charge. ..5 may 3!-5t ? Blank Booke NKS, tfUOILAGff, GOLl PSN.. Pen eibj, Stationery of every variety asd style at H KINS BKBQE li3 OB. CA8H OB ON T11K BA3Y I9RTALUENT PL1N. Sfe&lo BrzM, OoltarSf Violins. And oil other Made! InstrnmentJ. lor sale at UKiir8BEBOKaS. may 31 Live Book and Made Htore TREASURER'S OFFICE. -pERSONS HOLDING PAST DUE Bonds of the City of Wilmington, N. C. are hereby notified to present the same at this office for payment on or before June 1st, 1SS1, after which, time no interest wiU be allowed. V . ; -' HENRY SAVAGE, may lV-St Star copy Tieasurer LOWRATJCdroraU xiadjofriaiui rerwms rnr slinc ont of tho 'dty cai cave their prise n earsfcily oxotztal ti4 & tiled t tasra.trto cr rests Ad vorti8ement3. Rianos. J A YI N J i-fc jt APPOTNTED tCJ E t r tb a! of thi DFC'KKRPIANO?, Iwju'd aato'aca to the pnbha'tbarbry can be eLa a iny Wa-erooxi Iheso Pinto S re n rlvaU--dU t we tB4 fii,H. W In . rue ;uiicin? ani the puUio to esandoo ;be itraiffnts rlticlir - hy can to ibiiid 'cr J- m M .Wn MT other Firn-ciA Or. iu la- bve in jt a, oap r A c.f - PUnofe la a Uw 0. -V. Yates' Book Store may IS V -:; , l , -..; , SUMMER -ARRANGEMENT? ON THE FIRST OF JUNE, or sooner if necessary, I propose to establish a regular Sysfom of De Now livery for THE CD?Vf5fEMCE OF HESIOENTS CHITHS nimnni sounds. "I will deliver fra3 of any oxpecBo , wbatcver, all goods bought of me, at eitheV MasonbDro, Greenville'or Vriglitsvillc Sounds, my Wagon . leaving &j Store every ;Tu9d?y, Thursday . and Satuidy, This being rather a low depart ure, and of the greatest benefit to the many famiiios summering.it on ' our Seashore, I hopo my under , taldng maybo rawardod by receiv ing many ordcrj from alJ IC3pectfolly, 5 JNO. I, B0ATWR1GHT. lYos.11. & 13 N. Front St may 16 NEW. FRUIT A?JD C0FCTI0EaY STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A branch Fruit and Confectionery Store under the "Review" Office, corner Water and Chestnut streets. All persons passing that locality are respectfully invited to call and be suited with Fruit, llome-made and Fancy Candies, 8oda Water, Cigars and a general nice variety, at 8. G. NORTHROP'S, aPl3 - Water tit. Store. - ...!: PASSEKGERS FOR SMITHVILLE CAN FIND PRIVATE AND TRANJ Eient board at Mrs. Davis' on the wtr j front, l"he table will be supplied with fish, crabs, oysters, etc. The rooms are clean. Meal 50 cents. tiT" Bath Houses free to boarders. Illi3. E3LSU J. PA VIS, my31m Proprietress MM! AT THB LOWEST PBICSS ! ASCESTAm MY PRICES BEFORE IMVIXQ TOUR PRIHTIfJQ D0?2c ELSEWHRRE ! . Satisfaction Guaranteed I PRINTING CAItEFUJLLT KSCUflD or p sr433 T9 A IUjI h ot t'ja est aid sei to them by marl free of pOitse. Cornsr CLtcBtd V7AtrfiecU Pilfi.CEbivH'OUSE,. o tm i-EuriY. - . Prop: Lai PrcprUr At!i3il3 CotiL JOB PB V - t