IBIS 1 -olJ T V B9 7 m ... .n. T. J AMfiS, I II 3 H boTRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID. f a 50 ; Three y A. i M t One month, 60 cents. - lr will ba delivered by carriers, or 13 cents per week.. . jot, rates, or rates low and liberal jgwto reTltir pp. regularly. Sew dvprtisoments. ft THE GREAT FOR RHEUMATISM 1 '1 VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25. 1881 We trCI be glad to receive ecisisuileatlcZi trca car Crlin'j oa aay tad all rabj;cti Fera.iuer&n cut The nana of tlue wrfur east always te far tushedto tU Editor. ;s SOoTrnntaleatljai csrt be vihtea ea cnly eae side of the paper PerscasHttes But be avsidcd And It if especially and particularly uaier a-towi thai ftH MItwf a. !... ' j (J r 74 I viawaot oorrMpccdenu, uiJeat ao stat a ue editorial ooltnsna, LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. F A Schutte, Sect'j Oak Gcove Pleas ure Club ' - ggg YATESKevised Testament Heinsbskgeb New Testumeut Shrimpa in market yesterday. Strawberries five cents per basket. The regatta season is fast approach The cutton receipts at this port to day foot up 185 bales. The Passport will resume her regular daily trips to-morrow. v A young man in pressing his own suit should be careful not to wrinkle that of the girl, 'A blri in tha haud i3 worta two" dollars and a half, if it happens to be a canary. Men love chances so well that they would rather win fifty cents than earn two dollars regularly. huralaia. Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of if:o Ckczi, Gouf, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily ' Pains. Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted PQt resemble a- pair of lovers Feei and tars, ana an ozn&r Pains and Aches. A spring overcoat would - not have been uncomfortable to the wearer at an early hour this morning. i Eighteen hundred and eighty-ons does on a sofa, because there is one at each end. Magistrate's Court- T?ransfa nn Tarn. fn f AVlAT ABcl MX-vw W CVUU W a. . at at n. . . a,, tr. Tt: I iPPl bj Kesjm rallerson, uowning Millis this morning upon the charge til ; ; being nuisances oa the public street,! Biahoo Lfinan will arrive id the citv uo? CMth inst) at 4 o'clock, from the j . I. . . " ... . . reMueuce 01 .ur. wiiiiarn A. French, on , cureiug ana swearing ana wmmiiui8 tonight and will be the guest, while Fourth street, between Dock and Oran streets. ,.- - . . other acts of disorderlv conduct. The defendants, who are both colored, were bound over to the next term of the Crim inal Court. i here, of CoL John Wilder Atkinson, lie will remain until Monday, having fcurl churches in this city to visit. Geleen natr and the Two Dear. C. C. & Co'i. Red Oil. Capt. N. F. Thompson, who has for the past three years been experimenting in trying to nd a coloring for high test oils, has at last succeeded and is now turning out some of the prettiest red oil we ever saw. The oil is first filtered, then colored, and is always of the highest fire test. Capt. T. will guarantee every gallon of this oil and is proud to know that Chess, Carley fc Co's. red oil, cojored by himself, is the firstever made in the South. . r The Uc vised Yer. lin iThere bas never been a Jook printed whrvhaVcaused as much excitement as thft New Revision of the New Testa ment. Orders are pouring in from the country for it and the retail trade at the bestowed B them the to work 75 Yoice8 tbe chora3 aad e w miracles, cast out devils, heal the sick aad beamtiful scenery and elegant cos and speak with new tongues or lan- toaes, some of which are called magnifi guages. cent, hare been prepared for the presen- Di En. Ger. barque Atlantic cleared to-day ftr Trieste with 3 818 barrels rosin -In thl. city to-dar, at 10.15 otlock, A. M. OKOROE, ton of John T, and LouUe rreticb, nqed I year and 2 months. Friends and acquaintances xue Invited to atieua tne funeral services to morrow after- ' Aicenaton Daj To-morrow is known as Ascension New Advertisements. OAK GROVE PLEASURE CMB. It is said by those who are qualified rrUE REGULAR QUARTERLY MEET- tap mvvu uut uio cuwi tauiiucut uu losofthis Cluh Will be heLftat the rum. n anrl a otrh vill hi fthRPrved bv the I beincr nrmirpd nnder the manflfrfrnfnt I i - 1 1 .- Roman Catholic, Episcopal and Lather- fPref. Chaser "Golden Hair and the j , an congregations ia this city. As it J Tw Bears," which Ts to be presented 27lu lnrt.t at 3 o'clock, P. lb f name imports, it celebrates the Ascea-(at the Opera House next Monday even-1 Punctual attendance b rcriUested. sien of Christ into Heaven before the eyes J ing.will surpass anything of the kincrever of his disciDles in Bethany, after havintr I before seen in Wilmington. There will book stores here has simmered down to th salft of the Revised Version. If the book does no other good and is a "cheat" as some old-time Christians say, it has caused many to open the lids of the Testament who have for yearsnever seen one. It has accomplished much. Near ly every one is either reading it or has bought one to read. In the past three days over 1,000 copies have been retail ed in this city and hundreds of copies have been sent to the country. . By order of the Vice President. F. A. SCnUTTF, may23-2t Secretary This Day Ko Preparation on Mrth equal- St. Jacobs Oil u t lafe, turf, simple and cheap External Imtdj A trial entails but the comparatively f Aft Tpnta. and every one 6uffer- ln( with pain can have cheap and positive proof a ia ciaima. Krectioni in EeTen Languages. SOLD BT ALL DEUGGISTS AND DEALERS 15 MEDICINE, a. vogelS:r & co., Baltimore, Md.t XT, S. JL ipril k -no te Model wives formerly took "a stitch in time; now, witn the am oi a sewing machine, they take one in no time. The Wilmington Llsht Inrantrj. We are srlad to learn that the mem- tatiea of the piece. The same operatta, THATS EECIVKD, BY 1XP3FS3, A. Postponement we understand, has been prcduced at .SiVk. . r'afrnoon Sd TriAiYCTirinn to the blackfish irrounds I Aaru8ta, Atlanta, and other Southern nrtm , wear. ewest and ricaat stock cf on the Passport, advertised for to-mtr- cities with marked success in every in- "ic " Taltie'' tUtai roww, has been postponed until Tuesday staace. n ' MIS55,hKrt5S?SL on account of the easterly winds and The box-sheet will open at Heinsber- P"T3d t?outh Front , treat high seas which have prevailed for the ger's en Friday morning and those who fSlG O COS 11 HOUSO Tast two da vs. This will no doubt be a I want choice seats should be there eariy. r I ffreat disappointment to many, but as Pont TTftrrpr Irnow inat whre the I TO Be BQed' Uai w i ill u W4 ak mm w , I WW mm wa. v rocks are, he will take the fishermen out I QTke beautiful organ donated to the , on Tuesday and by special agreement with I Rectory Club of St. John's Church by . n . 1 ITTfl .! X T ? 1 4- Tf,i nt.n bers oi tne w umingwu a-.Ku. -uj thev wiU bite like mad dogs em the niaaafactarer, Mr. E. P. Carpenter, SPA to makft ft strenuous enort m Denau i . . " I w A r j of a revival of interest in the Company. Somebody is quoted as savins that an I They want money to buy uniforms and apt quotation is as good as an original this is their most pressing need. They remark. In many cases it is better. The old lady who mended her husband's . M A 1 trousers with " a potato paten is now smoothing her hair with the comb of a rooster. that day. I or . Worcester, Jiass., ana a gentleman ia this city, is to be raffled soon for the Joint services. iwuw V4 k"a vv I Am. Vaa JJl a.V M aak M An tlfA . tin 10 f .... lwi nMauma iii2i.aica. no uuuGio.auu Rav that thev can ffet as many members As will be seen by the notice pablisa. - wwmont' w as they can get uniforms and that if they ed below tho congregations ef St. James. v d being a very fine can onlv secure enough of the latter they St. John's and St. Paul's Churches will j P0"".. , .il.uud her. will get their ranks full and keep them all worship get full. Their object is to secure apou biou at0u u wuu c, w. . SMITIIVILLE, N.C. JS TUE PLACE FOR PLEASURE ecek era to stop at." Finesl Wines, Liquors, Cl gars acd Champagnes alwajs on hand. "Restaurant" just over tho water. BRYANT MORSE, may 211m - Proprietor.- OW IS THE TIME TO BUY. We are olerfng some very choice styles and at very J man language ot prices. a. . $500 as this amount will guarantee iu.r. .raoier aaviug tuucciicu tuo To-morrow being Ascension Day, there them, including those who win purcnase poinunenvs uue vj tucui i will he Berviees in the Lutheran Church their own uniforms, a list ot at lor tne purpose oi accepung tl nor I uoot c-'rttr nptivA uniformed members. I tion to St. John's. I. .a a m i.iiii . rv i n a. atx i u m l a aai w w aa. au wm w w a. iraa u u a av a, w Lace Curtains. and desirable styles, both by the yard and by the pair, both white and ecrtte. Gen. R. E. Colston has so from his recent attack of sickness as to be able to appear on the streets, we are pleased to note. Duplin Superior Court. ThA Snnerior Court of DuDrin countV. I w x- ine services a jmim i - , o-tm tireaidino-. is in session at ' -i I , , 1.11 r 1 " r a One-fifth of this amount, we understand, unurcn win De ns lonowa: Vluxu6 ijwoMiVfo this week. In an acquaint 0q is already pledged, and there is some rrayer ana communion, ai xl mw tribunal of fifteen years, iai ivtuiwv-u . .. , . il. mhAvftUn I nnrl K.M n MravQK fl rl I ', On H TIT! H.T.1 OT1 I . - J" 1L. talk of a iestivai next muum wuwcuj i '"jv " " w-1 weaerer saw bo lew oi tne peopie oi iue they hope to secure a large portion, if at 8 o clock. Jiishop lyraaa is expeciea i ia attendance upon any session as not all. of thebalance. To do this tney to De present. i ne lonewmg nouueauo-1 nregmt this week. The fact is will need, of course, the active coopera- from Dr. Watson and , Mr. Amwer w a Ute or black, who has a 1 rA l I t 11 1 ma I - 1 1 r 1 . I A. I ' i Am ia mwi 1 1 atar. 1 . . . ... criminal uouri, ms iiuaur BC tion of the ladies, ana tnis, we leei sure, iueir re&pecuvo --i-uugiogtmvuo nw v I niprA of land to cultivate is work in sr with u mosh uiUAKHi ii vtaihi Mearcs presiding, convenes in special iiU not be wantin2. The plan is not plain lully: I might and maia to make a crop, and, ab luch goods, we can show them many new session ax xneroourL aousc iu vet fully deveiopea, dui n mn uc uiuuguu .AUC U BUyf r ""Lr Vri, J Tutt I lately, Btne were at court out tnoss on Monday next, tne auin insi. up for action at the next meeung oi xue r .Toha'a nar. I who were compelled to be there. The . I . I ZillLll. llll U I ItlX ftVUI W V V P mw mrmmm m Captain XJuil ford L. Dudley, private Company. i8b, the Rectors of St. James and St. ! State docket is not large, but aa impor" x. tt:- -ciii,,w nnrrn.r.nM t?iit7 ti & I p aqi 9. in resnonse to an lnvixatioa xo i mM tha hnrninff of tha conrtnouse secretary xo x, xcmr , Howt0De yourown. ' " ::t - ; TOnr1o1 u. fuft -Rpotor f .1 V Jarvis. and Col. Paul Faison, of Raleigh, N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed ana j--"t'r-: nC inoir counxy, .7 ' I I I ij ! VUIAU -79 U&llblAUg waw ww in tho 1 1 tt thm mnrninrr. i warraniea at jaux 1 H I I 1 V CU X LA bUJ V a. V T vuAM mm. w a. 1 Linen Ulsters ALSO, ALfACA AND MOHAIR. Respectfully, R. fVl. (lclntire. a7 11 MRS. JOE PERSON'S tioll " of 'their cegatiob, for irhick tb. Clerk of .hat Court stands l doing so, have agreed to recall the ap-1 indicted, bat which was removed to " Z . . ir I 1. 1 - . 1. rr, ! no RlAO lfills b w i ia ar - a w bl- a a mm vm aa aar aa m m a a a a ai ai , raj a aaaaajak a. a ,i a a a, a vai We are giaa to see aiajor ouu. , - w .-w - - ointments made by them for that day Dnrfinfor triaU will take nearly or cuite -r-w 1 I .nrfincrl rk hiia I I UG I IIICTLS litU.Ut HUU " a.... I , . : 4 I " " bed from sickness for several weeks past, Last evening, j ust before the mgnt po- unite tfae Bishop ftnd taemselvea u at his post in the clerk's office lice force came on amy, vim. the services at bt. John's. VY alter ooservea xwo cuiuicu u6 once more of the Criminal Court. in in a very suspicious manner about j - aiS O . . Go to Jacobi's lor Doors, Hasn ana , entrance, on Chestnut street, to at TtTl A. T a Ail VnwntffVna I . 1 the Carolina Rice Mills. He reportea the facts to Officer John O'Brien who re lieved him. Officer O'Brien went around to the mill and found it open and discov ered that one of the men had taken out A. A. Watsojt, T. M. Ambler. Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window G lass all sizes; All at the lowest prices v peo About one hundred of the good pie of Smithville came up on the Pass port this morning. Some of them spent Qf f.ce and that the other wa3 f0l. llftllin mmififlTlfl in the city shPPiDS wn'le oe lowingwithacandle. The llllrJIl. HI I E.K V I picaiced it in the beautiful grove at H:l- , , the men dr ll.UE3 SCROTrTTT A TJTTTj,TTr TTOlf 'il-i 5?? Chronic Bilious Colic, 4 iT. , 8 01 eruptions and Skin DiseaS' f--v aa ijiooa rurilier it is V fc unsurpassed ftt's Mill's, Carteret Co , N. C, V. i July 17th, laiv. rJi . -Dear Madam: I think ffd?5 the best that is nowiefore m Zl7 ior Pe cure of blood diseases. I t a Tdn .it .t . cucc m "t ana oeneve xnax ber.. l-w you claim for it. Fatal Accident A Terrible Death. Mr. Randolph 'Williams, aged about 24 years, a son ot our friend, Thomas M. Williams, Esq., of Brunswick ceunty, met with a most distressing and heart rending death on yesterday, about 1 o'clock, near his father's place, two miles from the town of Smithville. Mr, Wil liams had been plowing at a neighbor, about 1 j miles from hia home, and was re turning, riding a mule. "When within about a . half mile of his house a dog on tho mndaifiA inmnod at the animal, which the Gurd House when he n , . , thrnw?nff M rvflii-B. paint during the month, the contract for broke and ran, followed closely by the of- J -entaBling the trace chain around his which, however, has cot yet been Jet ficer. During tne cnase xue ugm-- right leg. The mule Btarted off, drag- out, too attempts to cuxouicer v i icu. "a,- r n a larse knife and finally succeeaea m the tntire week. There are letween for ty and fifty witnesses to be examined in the cs.e, and that, with the large array of the best legal talent in the State whe have been engaged both by the State and the defense, will necessarily consnne much time. Officer enter- picaicea it in xne oeautuui , mill and the men droppea every- ton. I4T,; on! toot to their heels. One of them ran up stairs and jumped out of the i i i i ing repaired in the Court Rcom at the second story window on a sneu ueiuw uu while the otner, wqo uau bc- was caught, and started I TT 1 1 T n J .1 1 I r in. 4 h l a it ia TirA. I I r,tmay Meraure Tonic and Purifier of thehlodd nosed, we understand, to give the entire creted himself, f . P Ven ltself une(iualled- inside of the building a fresh coat of on his way to . .mnto to rnt officer O'Briea with I TV, n Trolnorl o vTrAsr an Mr. J. Dm I f suwn Wis., had a violent making good his escape. attack of rheumatism, disabling bim alr uromptly reported at the station house mn3t. fr.im movinff. l Durcnasea. Coil.,nt Tjftht reen. wiia a ae- The case was t r-wm,, ior tbe cure of hlood diapARes. I veth , . j v.v wai u tur lb. x imic i .. - . . a- . r - raaf tn-ml.,,i r n. i .i e I l l . r O f TonAha ilil a nrl nflnrRO I ., ii. i n. -"wfTicuycui I iih f'fiiiiiii ifiri in i ni- ti. 1 1 1 1 1. 1 if. lit .11- tt im,juj V- a . mu. i . . i . n n . w i I rf t n t riM t 1 1 t I m C r. StokP, K'r. " Cr r . . ..r" a 1 Jr t tail oi men, cu uut.; v jpur medicine, an.i t T-r,M haw I , T i , r,;.i mnnth. I VinnsR and re-arrestca him. Iurff' he Is cured--Go.-on, nrp'at w.aJ mv snrnrise to find myself The man who eseaped last night by fc aT x rva ia(Mfa.l Va m mw- . . m. v . aar ap - -j I w rfthe T-fJi Uomnletelv cured in three days, and have . nf of the window was recog- .1 a t. wumuuu ui iiiu.ii kiii u . auu 1 mi - i uuiuiu a h 0mfort anti happiness. I wiin not been troubled gihce. nized &g p w Smith, colored, the engi -a. i J LHJWfr inr Vaii rs w rrt rm tnv S p 1 I Te'iM in or.im:mp.r nn-ainst dravs I niuf of Hip mill and the man wno was - - For Smithville. ON AND AFTER TIIE lGth inst., the Steamer djci uiu nut iciuuic ucr r.- 1 Ai C5 111 III. J rtuiar inps ior ciniLiiviiiC, eaviucr whari leot of Market Street, at 9.0a A. M., except on Saturdays, when.ehe will eavc tfmithnlle at 7 Z0 A. M., and YYil niiugton at 4 P. M. may IS- J. W. HARPER Hew Testament. REVISED OXFORD EDITION. 2000 0 3 6S BS0EITED ltd can to had ia eight diar.riatlty lej, JFroia 15 im's aid upwarJr, at nSINSBEUGER'S. may S3 Lire Book and Mnilc Store 1 '.tads vy Ver for you among my lours respectfully, a I lt V I S TI I Ytr vTM iSm tf il., aDAIkvaA -mp for tesUmonial of remarkable M.A1"- Joe Person, Tranklin: ppoa s UJ A. U. GREEN, Wil Ll' "V" may 4-daw-nac PACKIHQ CHEST DOORS AHD BUNDS, SIZE3 WINDOW GLASS, AT hpinrr driven faster than a walk on the arrested proved to be William Daniels, streets? If so, would iti not be well to colored, a huckster in the market. The enforce it before in accident happens ? men had a preliminary examination be- We saw some little boys make a narrow fore a magistrate this morning and were escape from being rua over by a horse committed to jail in default of a justified and drav on Front street a few after, bond of $200 each. Smith, the engineer, noons since, and the driver of the dray haa the entire confidence of his employ seemed perfectly indifferent ia regard to ers and had never been suspected, &ot- the matterand kept his horse going at withstanding the fact that a was Known thftsfime rate oi sceeu, wnuuuu uucujiju mir to reia him,' even after the incident which came near being an accident; re- fercd to above. A Bloated Body that thieving was going on. lanieis was also tried for an assault upon the officer with a deadly weapon and required to give bond. Many lose their beauty from the hair does not always beW to an inebriate, falling or fading. Parker's Hair lu rwniw tmShlei will cause bloat, but sara supplies necessary nourishment, pre Kidney troubles wiucause Diot, CTavnes3 and is aa ele- gingthe unfortunate young man for about a half mile. Mr. Williams managed to get hold of the mule's tail and kept fits head from the ground for some time and sang out to a woman on .the road side to "stop the mule, or I'm a dead man." An effort was made to catch the animal, bat it dashed off at full trallop through the woods for about two miles from the hoase and returned, still drag ging the lifeless body of the .unfortunate young man. When the animal was caught and the leg of Mr. Williams ex tricated from tho trace chain ..it was dis covered that all of his clothing, save one sock and a small piece of his pants leer, had been torn off. and that four of D , his ribs were broken. B3j back was perfectly black from the braises he re ceived, and some portions of his body were badly torn. He died a terrible death, and one which makes one's blood run 'cold to think of. A coroner's in quest was ield yesterday over the body, anr1 the rimains of the lcceased were interred ihis mornin?. We tender ccr heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved pa TUB MAILS. The malls oloee and arrive at the City Port Office as follows : Northern through mails 530 p m. Northern through and way malls......... i 5:40 a. m. Balelgb.............. 5;40 a. m, , Halls for tbe N. C. Railroad, ' and routes supplied there- f - from, Including A. & N. C. "iauroaa, as......... o.w . iu. Sdattbern malls for all joints South, daily.. 7:45 p. m. Westsra raallsO OBy)dai!y (except 8anday)w..... . 9:00 a. m. Hail for Oberaw & Darliog- tOB.MMWMMMM)IMM 7:45 P E3. Halls for points between Jflo- renes and Charleston. ......... 7:45 p m Faytttsrills. and offices on Gape Fear Biver. Tuesdays. and Fridays.. ......a 1.'00 p. xn. 8.80 a.'r. 6:00 a. m. Fayettsrille. via Lnmberton. dally, exoept oanciays....M y:uj a. m. Qnslow OL VL and Intermedi ate casts, every ilonaay aad Thursday at 6.00 a. m. S&iithTille malls, by steam fcoat, daily, (except Bun- Halls lor Easy Hill, Town Oreex; bhallotte and LdtUe Blver, C 0., every Mon dsy and Thursday at......... orxa 70S DXXrVXBY. rrcrthern through and way nfirr.. . 70 a. ra. BoutaWra lfng -7:00 p. m. Carolina Central Railway...... 7:15 p. m. Stamp OfSce open from 8 a. m. to 12 VL, and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order aad JEeglster Department open ffmtm as stamp ffffjf. Geseral delivery open from 5:80 a. m. to 7:00 p, m. and on Sundays i.om 80 laihtd a. cu Gtamcs for rob in snail quantities at csurcry wsea stamp ouco u cenrrt-d frca ttmi boxa every SOO .COPIES, OF TUB REVISED TESTAMEHT : JUAT RECEIVED AT C. .W. Yates' Book Store; may 23 We Offer z s loOG Ebl5Good rLoun' gQQ'Bas COFFEE, 100 2QQEa!csnAY, 200 0 BtIbcls1TI2n E ' C0R2ff & PEAESALi; Xlhda New Orleans . MOLASSES, a?l Zmi PUBCnLL .pusie, DND ES' jrsW IIAJf AGSil E5T, Witero, 1Y. a D. La PEURY, - . - Irop5 Lata Proprft-rr Atlictls DoleL -Fin: CUts ia all it appointaanu. Term s f 1.10 to 1 3 pr dT. Ub 8-tiA F resh Svory Day LHS A3302THEKT 01 CJL3DIL3, Fmehaai Ddsestls, Jut received ard fca atla. TUB 02TLT GENUINE HOiUT-iUDB Candy ia tbs c!ty, will fcs fjXLS-i every day, fresh sad swet Cres doors Snth of the Pott 5339 03 Saraxl $L-:;t. Aho, UzU XUtdn,!Fr-IS te . ' C. E. JiryU?,'! ' yZl - - ---- -S A C....; .VU fc6V uU,nearKedCrossit Warner-8 bate Jvianey auu w. w I l""rj:? w has never tailed to re move it. I grant dressing. rents and relatives. -

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