Iir? 1 JOBU' jpXTOa AH FBOFaiMOK. .-,rnKS POSTAGE PAID. 'oa8 i Six month., $3 601 Thr Jm' " fl J5 . one month, 50 oentt. St0ftle,itJ'attll or 13 centt per wo-, i" low and liberal will pleasereport any an Tto retire llieirpapjwrelari I i t yeW Advrtisemaina. - r BEYIEW. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, MAY 30. 1881. NO. 78 LOCAL NEWS. flilili Sudden Death J Opera House To-Slzni. XT 1 1 CifTan I 3 M jl J3 " . - 1-- A. xesieru-y biwiiwi dwbu unau, uuuginir I rum IDB diagram M b lllltAI red, aged about 60 years, died .very sud- audience will greet the Three Bears and V V UUL New Advebtiemet3. Alt.ffr, Phice & Co iaih, Doors and J denly at her residence on ' Second aid Golden Hair at the Opera House this beeswax. i;.uisl5wncsj S Brafe, Hides, Cop- Blinds - J L'Boatwbight For the Sound L J Otterboubo Au Open Lttir , J W Habpek Family Excursion FWClabk, G T A Excursion -TIekets T onIiA.n For Sale Cbonlt A Mokbis Dwellings for Sale Watson & Eckel W.el, Be swaxjiags, Harnett streets; in the Northern portion evening. Professor Chase's reputation WT Iron and 3heep kius wantedL f -r which v. r-- ..---.. the highest cath miccs will be paid by 1 . J 1 A. t . : J , la TO 1 -11 1 . i i . iL. .t. '- I 3 - ner aaujjuter wuu reu-cu j -uuic i.- i V1n most artistically put on me aug-. blocks from her, and pon arriving said I There will be seventy-five Voices in the that she would be dead in a very short chorus and for the first time in this time- Almost immediately- "aftfr she city the triple quartette will render some finished, her remarks she clutched her 0f their choicest selections. watson. & eckel,. may 30-3td-wit Wilm'nton,N C Tax IMotice GeoHabbissA Co Baltimore for Wil -aignters nana ana ieu io tue uuui. miwsrton, N O - She was then in the throe f death but Heinsbbbgeb New Teffctjneut , , ' was carried t her home where she died C W Yates Pianos and Organs JG BtiitB tax Notice WILL BE IN THE Mayor's Room at tht Decuratian Day. As we write the Memorial ce8 J ti0 Wednesday, the 1st of June. ixMAmmvuiAffiiA Vprtflrfii dp. ad are I in about half aa hoar from a hemorrhage P" ,reB40,WM'.1 T. - . .V. aid for twenty woikinz days thereafter, of the lungs. ....f t, forVpt. Urm o a at . tn 1 P. M.. aud from 3 to 6 PLSABK 2TOTIOS. V rill 03ga to relTe crasiicxCcxj fron our fri?nii oa t end 3 raijcdi o Ti nasss f the w-Uf- rsnr t!wyi b ft f nbhed to tit Slltor. oae riiacf iie ppr rersocaItiea xa?st be aroUct " And It i e?jeci;y az& 'fTtinlvilj ZMtt , toed that tbs Eiitdoes alwtyt taddri it Tiewnol corr?Fp33dcnu, ui.lftj o flat Now A rtTortisompn t4 r 4 Fa? Sale, f AN'E A NO.l Mule, a'o one Cart and b.t of II&rt:c5fi may Gl rt For parilculara apply to T. DONLAN. ?upt of Oakdale Cemetery CroU C tral ailroa'!. .nercl r3sr"nser Ccpattnent. q?5SXfc7 Escuroion Tickets HP 3 ALL PLACES OF RESO'CT in the Rev. I)r. Patterson, of Hhis city, was yoa have the lowest prices. to hare preached at the Church ot the .1 A It is time for lawn barbers to oe oui ,CaU at jAC0Bfs for Garden Hoes and gtreeL In was not intended to have a PM receIve tn3 liu of lax payers NiHS.....h. . leases, &noveis,opaaes(.iKsfo.u. xucic refiralar nrocession Dut yei mere tmttnr r th intM-nnted is Tz..-, : r x.,. . a - . i . i iuc cuu oiivuuvu w. -i fcetiiuu ui orLLi cuLi duu earn w auite aresDectable show in that line by . .. I . ...,.- t ir.-w- t-ao requested so as to avoid canlusion. ijaa wm jC on at the cniees of thia Freft ai Debt luuao "uw iC" 1U vn . Oood Sher-herd. in Raleigh, last evening. Vmw nW in : SL John's and followed the band who with slow and JU15UH . 1 ' I , .U. n..Al,ai1 nnt tn flip (rrniindg. on It i .i m v. .t;rmni onBnmicpmfint wiwuu wusw uiivm yu. .vfc . may uu mbers nave maae meir puem- vuureu, kuc 6ivjx..6 , . . ,,r i - FOB RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of iha Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Assessor ' - .1 rril : Kn inna ahnnl Malt. The first of the was made by the Rector, Mr. fitts, mat uWU,CJu-6B, rVAIIV.Un . u: J ' H.vf i,Q rarinoii J Tjast 4 o'clock and were not cencluaea p m 1 1 y tAwUioiwii Dtowu-nvi"",'" I I - . . . Qcu ance in this market. truck farm near this city. ed and that St. John's was now totally as we close this issue for the pres?. r p flnnnmKMn, Tn fnrm Rome. HTiere were no marshals but the services To Builders and others Go to Jaco- a . . ua T,;Q.i0r,t i... were under the dierction of Mr. W. P. iaea 'Oi TVuau au iuuuuj v.w i - . been it ia , FIRST OP THE SEASON. Steamer PASSPORT bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, . .; h t Canaday. According to the programme j FRIDAY MORNING June 3d, 1881. -m-r- .11 .1 V. c X oa can get au sies una - membersllip ig small and tha. as lowest prices. i A rrontlpman who thinks ladies should stay h.me aud attend to the babies, says forts of the ladies. They have worked livered by Rev. A. M Conway, ana the sl published the music was ApnVTC uc her six vearaaffo the debt was nearly $8,000 furnished by the choir of St. Ste- J Wharf at 9.30 o'clock, A. M., for bmith six years ago tneueDV was -cariyo,v .p r,,p, thP graver de- vUle and the Forts, under the management Its liquidatioa is due mainly to the e- phensA.M.E. Church, the prayer oe v M.Houston , for a "Family Ecur Company, on and after June lstf ISSt. Quick, continuous cchedulea MiUrecom-.. mead this Rou.c to all. P6bCDers leaving WHmiagtoa 'at 9.4 A.M.-, arrive at Clvelad Springs same ereDing, and AeheVille next morning at 9 o'clock. Further information on application to may Z.) if F W CLARK, GPA . - I 11 F. ,- C T 6, Mrf Frosted Z", ;inld' not know what t. do with nnMa9in!f,T to relieTe the chorch of this address by Mr. H. E. Scott. After the -aW08r. -Upp&T, f WW." . I J 1 I . - . T .1 il. . J I W VO " " fesf farj, ant a other Pains and Aches. Ko Preparation on earth eqnali St. Jacobs Oil ti i $afe, ture, simple and cheap External fcmedj. A trial entiila but the comparatively trifliDC ontlat of 60 CentJi, and every one auffer J:j with pain can hare cheap and poiitixe proof tl its clalmi. DirKtioni in Eleven Languages. BOLD BT ALL DRUGQISTS ABTD DEAL18 IN MEDICINE. A.V0GELER & CO., Baltimore, JLtd.,U.S.JL iprilHd77-nao to MRS. J0 P-RSOM'S MK BITTERS ! J W HARPER Tickets 50 cents for round trip. Children rpil K LADIES OF Til K FRONT STREET X Jl " church will tve a fctrawuerry Suppf. r at the LKtle Giant HaM, on Tuesday . cvejiii'C vi-xt. There will bo plenty - of pood ttur;rs tor the iuner man and fun for the youn folks. may 2S-2t An Open Letter From the Ieadins CIolli' icra of the Metropolis j, I . ... . 1 .51 . .-.:. .1 Lnn U Aann thebalht, as it is not long enough tor a burden and to them the reliet wm oe auaresa, cume uu hPilt. and not bier enousrh for a bustle. " ' -- I . . . I n - ! J- r. nraM f-0ot,Qf'T,oarlv U of this debt was gres3 0i me services mmutc-guu- It is said that coffee without milk or u idated the administration of fired from the revenue cutter Colfax sugar aids digestion but in this bever- pattergori, who was so recently which lay abreast of Market dock with age, as in mostothers, people rather con- , iha Church, and who her flags all flying, bnt with her own suit taste than digestion and prefer to 1 nd th debt there when he first as- colors at half-mast. ITie flags on all take a littlelsugar in theirn. , f . . t t meek the Federal buildiDgs were also at half: IhJ KlUVVt V w v - j the ladies paid the few hundred dollars mast. called to see us to-day when,nunfortu- I remaining and thus St John's became I Encomlnms to a Wilmlnston Lady. j oTTaBUUBO ea . nately, we happened to be out. He will I free onCe more. "VVe only trust that it Tne Greensboro Battle Grund, in I Men'BWfcf Depot. remain here but one day more, leaving on remain free. eiviusr a, description of the closing exer-1 D - u;rYorr letter, iontainioK wi e his return to Savannah to-morrow even- Fre8hwater Perch Trout and Black- cises of the Greensboro Female College, J. mg. fiah Hooka and Lines. A full assort-1 says: f,me enure programme was gv.u, ed ut0 Pall and Winter ciot.mjr, to re and the pieces faultlessly rendered,; mi i yoia xauaiveiy oj yuuu the vocal solos by Misses Coffin, Garrell ""without fiTleait bedUocr do- HPO BORROW, FIVE UU.VDRED AND NEW TOUK, ilay -0di, 1?2I Ship Notice. A LL PERSONS are hereby JI.1l. cautioned oainst harbo.- OS in or tru'fctinp: any of tlie crew JJjps. of the 15r. barque JSOKTHEliN ft QLLLN, J. a. Andrews, Master, as no debts ot their contracting will be. paid by either the Captain or Confiornecs. . ALEX 1 & SON, may -.t Consisieca m t Blaekfish Excursion. J ment and lowest prices at Jacobi s. t .11 i I . The steamer Passport win mae utri Well ortti-tts rflce. Wanted the Huntsman's chorus, and oiare the .me Vp-topidj. A-- nnT . A - , f- wp,n. nimit. - P. O. BOX 2S3 mar 26-'.f uv j ft Vll II VI B - I JUT 1m 1 nrst xnp oi .ne euuu tu . Tue IllUstraiea acejuytu j. flnt .nmpt JiV'r r.V,ri Vu T . - . . . . ' i rvi on TiTinn mi i.nr. ui t lil uubvt w - i w a a nr rmr liiniiimir. uullu a aio pURM SCROFULA, RHEUMATISM, Grounds to morrow. The sea will De as reached rour editorial table, and p-tion proud to s.yhaa reached atnd,rd reputa- entity, Real Estate worth llvo liinei the I i iTaarf Tricon pin-ATito wiinn finiic. I . ... - , rr i -I . t I fiTin Tiiano. deserve SDcCiai menviuu. 1 r. " J .. ' i . , , 7 IV V.iTtv-V I smooth aa a dish and jap uarper ua i , t i d wea ie to welcome tne June r - :-noa. ware now jnuiciarmK i..r juur i . tnd all kinds of Eruptions and Skin Diseas- smuoui s u a r ng nt g laaw e aie to weiw The encomiums showered upon MlSS oWNTKADE" euchitylea and patterrs a? amount. Address s ansms irom impurity 01 we wouu. receneu a mesaago uuu " - I number, wnicn 13 unusaany iun -i i j-i,tQ f Mr Trm F I hive nerer before been -no a the ouyere tn AlteraUveTonie and Purifier of the blood ff , t- . t d t gtand by their pn-ravintr3 and interesting and val- Mlce (arrel, aanghter 01 meibo. " . 0l0thiBfr GarII1eata erorj ithasr-roven itself uneaualled. eUect lDal iney . u J some engravings ana mteresunj, u nf ihiacitv. are eratifyinff to herl w.- iuitedto tatisfr the most etnbbo n I A 3 . J A-lr- 1rtTf ni IM I . 1- 1 MM.M. wi w mi W t -W " . . compac. ana woum. ui,.n uabie reaaiig matter. , n0 doubt taaiea, and quutj and mate oayona e like mad dogs. Under the management of its new - . . - . M publishers Messrs. Munn & Co. the h d a .f dcZ9M 0f the YEKY LAXE6T in r;7..ot7 Sftenii-fir. News has risen to f-rtlier: 0ar ,a 8prin Suif. We are .atiified our selections i-. t v, anfl Pnnfirm. rl"l'"'u",lWk"""v . . . Ut, r,1oofi-.rp !0f hearinsr a better vocalist -ill sot orove an "Elephant" on your h tnds 1Suop xjymau t-wCu ilft ; fpnnt of illustrated journals r- mQ offr.Didl-B0 d.ome are the Aia Tonic a ad Blood Purifier it is Unsurpassed The Ocean House ' SMlTIIVILEE, N. C. fS THE PLACE FOR PLEASURE seek ed at St. James' Church yesterday Imo pon a college rostrum. Miss uarreii 5"--;- ;.w w tooffar our ers to to? at. Finest Wines, Liquors, Cl- ,. an, tKt pMVa at niVrht At P-Mished in thls coantry and being is b d with boquets and encored Jg - comratuUtiona upon the derrred- . f morning and at St. Pauls at night. At d at a lew price, it is within the nta she was forced to reappear." whi.hbas followed your efforb, to gars and Champagnes always on hand. -OQ,l, f ftll whn are interested in novel- Of the Rev. J. Jt. Mann, wno was extena to you uuu iqt p- P-ubtisk's Mill's, Carteret Co , N. C, Julvl7th. 1879. your medicine ia the best that is now before I thq former church he confirmed sixteen the public, for the cure of blood diseases. I d at the latter six, all young hvesreat confidence in it, and believe that . . Wiim:1l-tnT, U will do all that you claim for it. I have ladies. During his stay m Wilmington the personal knowledge of the cond'tionof the Bishop hasxonfirmed twenty-fur in jvub air. aioKes, oeiore ne commenceui . - , , ,oa w. ftll nfi xucwu-i.-.v ffjour medicine, aid I see you have me .wmW - - .Q7 illustrated' articles reacu 01 an - t - Q-00t M. tronaire ao Ubarallr beatowed on our h -use. tip mipnp.a. theluseful arts and natural once tne pastor ui tu - d Mmre TOtt- ttlat eTery thin, in our " ---- I hj Church m tniS CUV anu wuu uuui i . H-amiit of renr baaihef a history. . his friends here by the store, it says I hallbe 0Br MPCuLaim intia future as i Th Jnnp. number contains handsomely ..to A nnnal Sermon was nrcached m the h naat. . u - . - . .--- - . u..Lm.ikn...-:r. es on the Ch mpanzee M. E. Church on Sunday mining i. L ere"e.r.7oar :DQe Dic"- vot4ka n" c uu kuo r J"- T j, rn nfMnrth Carolina I be lined with satin, aa requested, ich Farming, New Fire- by Rev. J. .E. Maw .of North Oaronn Truating to aee you aoon in rferr Tor r, we ionierence. --nc tu"- , "Reitauraiit" just over the water. my 2 lira BRYANT MORSE, Proprietor. and Gorilla, Ostrich lili testimonial that hts is ured. (Jo on, I aAm ftrp. vnno- ladies. Only in St. iBdluy God speed you in your efforts to I ,. . , ia imellorate the condition of mankind, and MarK'S coioreaj were iucic ujr wato hi comfort and happiness; I will I the cla?S. m my power tor you among my frieuds. Yours respectfully, NtoteCi KS. ; Z; ,, ,5, to Middlings Purifier and a lumber of Hw AdvertiaemonW. . x w iu j i , - ;n.0:,-a hosiHPs n ----------- OPS2A HOUSE. Grand Fat-ilr Kxcuraion. , -r ii VTo-im Wiro TJnat. w"'cuw. -" , : , T.i. ;. ui are less xjocobioutc, mo x-- i and ijearer3 deligntea wiin tue Perforating Machine, a new ana novei sermon. Embroidering Frame, the new Electric xay 3 3 Ycura, very tro'y, I. L. FALK4 CO., 455 aud 457 Broadway, New York. Fit i DAY, EVZHiriG. MAY 30- cares. ' fWS. XIZZZS-- - ,- for Slier Sound. frorr1 Kit fa Tr T. N. C. Sold bv WM. H. GREEN. Wil-1 ThnrsdaT. thf 2nd. has been D0stpn- iar6 a.1 . ' I IVI w j . , olatfon.N.C. may 4-daw-nac ... . u "iyA I accomoanied by engravings. ed Until tne lOUOWinuajr,xiiuajf,vMo I-" - . .. f V,;a V,anr1 V . , I tIia Buh?e.rmtion Drice of this nana- on account ot a Sunday ocnooi ecur- OFFER lUtt AL, on reu--i VV bleteims, that two-story commodi- My Wagon 'Will COmmtnCO ltd rCg- dwellinffand Out Houses r all Inther- Oi cecoum, The subscription price lfl . . n on acconai or a ounuay owuwt wv- . - - ftr u ous dweJiinffana uui nuuKSr iwlattiip,'s I rTl7- r-copyf-droVau 'MUWibliUU UgvW B On FridavIthe cheaa rates will be in cents per copy, . CRONLY &M newsdealers or from puDiisaers, juc-sid. On Friday the cheap m 1 C 1 . rt r1 A at NW 15 .TT .U7t Co., 37 Park Row. New York, j offering Borne very choice styles and at very nd accommodating youDg Jgentlemen ; City Court. f k"pnea. ! havekindly consented to assist in serving Ravner Pearsall and Mary Kenan, oat the refreshments. See advertisement tw) eviiisposed colored women of bad Lclse where. " I character, were arrested m the lower Mm!ni f!ourL cart of the city late Satarday night or r.N . - 1 , t m. - . WHO ABE IS WANT OF ... tribnnll conTeBed in 8p.ciai se, early Sunday m.rn.ng toi notws con- -.-ow w .ion this orDine 11 .'clock. HU doc aa coo.eyoa ...t, 6,: .ieyard-dbHonor Judge Mearcs, ;ite defd; fallowing named persona were arawu to , ' . ! veTGLdJu anU bore evidence of the encounter 8, w George F. Alderman, foreman, beth of ;them had MP"0BdsP T v xm!.hl Thos. U Wrijrht, their craninims where the wool did grow. Joseph Uitobe.1, 03.11. vngnt, that the other had inflicted Archie U Freeman, Joseph Jones, Robt. One aliegea. tna .T o. E. Lee.'Beuj. Farrow, "NT. "vY. Humph- .Ve. oXhtJE. H. the blow when they reached habi- JL-" -w- T T)AMLAtivirtnra J r"7 " 4 w.rd rock was exhibited in court J0siah:MerrItt, U. xenueu, -?r ;-3f- hv may 30 It MORRIS. Auctioneer nlar trip to tie difTerent Baltimore far WiMigton, N. & TIIE SCHR. MARY BEAR -will be ready for cargo as above, Lace Curtains. THOSE WHO ARE IK WANT OF tk p, be-k white and ecrue. a Unen Ulsters, ALSO, ALPACA AND MOHAIR. pectfuUy, " Til. rjldntire. v v in- 2a-rn v - i a i hi Kin sr. J Josi I Jones atn.ncA DV as tne weapuu uku v -v , one of the belliserents. His Honor Messrs. AYangler Bro.; Druggists. -Smith prescribed fr such con; Waterloo, Iowa, write: duct a fiae 0f $2.50 in each case-or the JZm?& rnattve of Ive day, lod.tnent in the forgave we sold any medicine that gave c. P- In each case the alternative was such general satisfaction as St. Jacobs acccpledt a-d the two went below. Oil, or whose sales could even distantly Qf Qf M old a?? James West by name, waa dis. wniCB iu iuw-r- V , , ." I . 1 , .r-j.. j:--V-- Thia ctm r a 1 1 . r r .-i. nn(irini ciuct. niespn una ue tauib u-tuaiKtui - uaw wu owiciiurs ui jaai I in T)rOl vi iu r ' - (n UI 1 n. - 1 . . . Vl whftTPVPr far 1 - -1-3 t. 1 i V.a frt TT. (UI. ' sureign raieuu, , i there WOUia De no - uu-w ----- ; i Ulcu uic uuwucaa - ' . - i m w n n iuim HlLBZET PAIBX OoomiUriocer ot Patents. o lMjWHE, QRAFTQU a UDd. - wwifc - okwiw, 1 mere wouiu 1-3 - - . . - 1 u.- mfUi Strtt. wwn ti nr f L htin five hundred testimonials in I . TV Stores it , Yoa can now factory prices af nt n n iffi IVJ BU Wrj ON,THUBSDAT Morning, Jane 21 To families residing on cither of the Sounds, or those who expect shortly to movo down, this will bo a great convenience, as their Family Supplies- Will be delivered at their doors free of any charges. - ill -.-I,-. (I mr? QtnrA "nrill . J 1 irj-. -n n I -"AA UiUCiO 1C1K t J " rianos ana uictnoo t am NOWEeceiving a complete stock fa promptly deHvered on the above of Pin3 and Organs, which I am selling - at reasonable prices. Organ suitable for named y. Church and Sunday Schools at Reduced - . DO A Tl'DIPUT Prices. Large stock of Blank Books, c JfJUl tl uUA I W .illUll 1 1 c. Another supply of RevUedTestaaaents, all aizes and style of binding. C W. Yates' Book Store, ncs. 13 N. Front s t sailing trom Baltimore about 4th June. For freight and passage, apply to tt KCT.STr.YslO.. Baltimore. Md GEO. HARR1SS & CO., WilmiBgton.N C in-T ' . Hew Testament REViSEO OXFORD EDITIOII, -nnn C0PIE8 JUST RECEIVED and can bs had ia eifht differs -t'atjlea. Erom 15 ien'j and upwarda, at S-LSSBEBOBR'S. may 30 live Book and HmiU Store Tk TR. a. b. chase has the honor m to announce a representation of tc bcauti ful. romantic Juvenile-Opera of AND THE Scvcnty-fiTc younj La dice, Miiscs anJ Roys In Chorus. Beautiful Scenery, fiplcn di J Costumes, apprcpriate Stie i- Settings and acti9n. Trirle Quartette of Gentlemen--rir&t time in TVilniinqtcn, in Select Male Choruies. Admission 50 rent. Children 2.3 cccts. Reserved Ceat"- cents extra, at Hclmber er's. may 21 FAMILY GROCEE, rdotice. Hp AVI.VG DULY QUALIFIED LVTHK roper Court as the executrix of the Ia&i will and testament of the lite Iev!n Mesinney, notice i hereby t7en to all jr fons - .having claiirj against my eaid testator, t present the same 10 tne ou or before Iho 15th day of My, A. D.t 1 vi, or thi notice will be pleaded in bar of a recovery. Ail p;rson5 indebted to the eatate will pleaso make immediate pivment. ' ' VaLF.IOA 3IEGIN'NET, niaylG-lawCvr-rnon E-ecutrix ' WW F& U I T AK 9 ' C 0 U FECTIQfl ER Y STOaL Tir uxDnnaiGXED nAs ortirzD a branch Fruit a nl Confectionery Store under the "Review". 0iee, corner Water and Chestnut ttrce-i. All person pasting liy Invited to call and b2 euited with t'ruit- Home-made and that locality are respectfully Invit Fancy Candies, Soda Water. Cbrars and a general nice variety, at t b. g. yomirKOP's, pl 2 Water tcrt;. 1. vain . . m . 1 Ariinir i ui saucLus 1 . m r ra d";u'pni dee. " . IJAC0"'" i IN

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