i h T. JAMBS, ,BlTOBiJSD PKOPKICTOK. f mrpTnwS. POSTAGE PAID. 5 UU oi f ii 15- One month, 50 oenta. oa will ba delivered by carrier, -orl3cenprwe.k. Brate.1owand liberal UA Uf ?Cnre.to reeeire their paper, regularly. Tie DadA REfiEw; WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY. MAY 31. 1881 NO 79 jjeW A dyrtisemante. &'MrUBfiUJH 111! till LOCAL NEWS. , ; ; New Advertisements. Opera House Repetition c f Little Gold en Hair and the Thiee Bears J H Durham Mechanical Dntiftry Louisiana State Lottery Jxo S James Notice Heinsbergeh New Teetameut C W Yates Pianos and Organs Dave you bought your dog badg ? A jwaterspoat A temperance ora tion. Enormoai Strawberries. 8m cotton Fignr. Two of the largest strawberries we The receipts of cotton this Spring ever saw were left this morning for us have been exee ptionai. For the eight Mechanic Dtntiiitiy. by Lewis Dry, colored, who raised them days ending with te-day they foot up 86T t WILL RESUME himseUon his premises, corner of Tenth bales, as against 127 bales for tUfe cor- 1,' ON NEXT VotuUt, li. eof Mtchanicul 1 u- and Market streets. They are enormous, responaing eigm aajs i lasi year, xmr i priceFull St 60.00 ' 1 ' r i r.An.a I tK month whih torlv the re I Half Set $30.00 measuring uvu incaes ib ureuwicicuvt, - - j i t ir niinniu t ,.ti .t and are bat specimens of many others ceipta are 1,888 bales, as against 605 1 prfncess sueet btt. front ami Sicod. which he had with him. He says that bales m May, lbSO. 1 hey are as mucn nay a.-ia . . I i. J lt. t L 1 J I - he will cullivae the plants and ofler them po-aay, lacsing dui mree oaies, as uur i WotlCe lOrSdle. I O bwc last ciuiuajs vi tuc uwuu i PL.3ASE NOTICE Wo will begjad to rrlr comatinlcatlt ti from oar frier; 03 aaj And all robWu sereraJlaterart bat Tile name cf lie wrtw dwtys b fsr tiaiddto tU Kiiior. 0onu&c!e4tiora n.m b written ca c tly oae dim of the paper Personalities tinit b aroidoi Aod it Is tr?ciilj and psrticzlarlj nadei fteod that ths Kdit-jidre B-t always end on lh Tiowsot correrpor denu, ntifu so rat la t& edUrial eolcstj. Listen to conscience mare thin to in yesterday in Brunswick county - which tellect. probably extended as tar as voiumDus year and it will be noted that the re I rp ceinta last week were nearly one-half of I There were copious showers of 1D th03eforthi8 ntirein9nth. . f i.ftJiwu Raiua Yratrrday. HE JU3TICE3 OF THE PEACE for the County of New nanovrr . are hereby re quested to assemble at the Court House in THE GREAT. "One Tear Ago and How' Last year, oa May 31st, 'spirits turpen- J Wilmington in juint meeting with the Coun tv CaHimissioners on Monday, June Cth, at - . I Ol nVfini. ot-q inorl arH ft! .1 ft for COod I mre iam m inai airecuon, i e ubu ----- -- - . 10 o'clock. A. M..foi the purpose of cleciiu? ITcw Advortisemonts. '. ' T For Sale, 0VEANO.1 Mule, aW one Cait and Set of run-cis. Tor pirt'culars apply to f. DON LAN. may 31 :; Fcnt .of Oakdilc Cemetery Kew Test anient. -SEy.SE3 C EDITlOflj Ofina CUl'ifS JUtfT RECStTCD atd ..J ns.tmnii Pnkaonn nnntl9. M.B d the The m m who ' keeps" his word ucver iSf . . r4 .-taA tf tine was emoted at 24 cents, rosin at luumaiivus tuts aibmwwu - nn l lu-J la pi.ci,t diff rant etj Prt.nx i5 o 'C' anduirarjf, t FOR speaks. iAw.v..iM .ii.iint-I i- 4V. M c,ftWprfl strained, tar at S1.25 and crude tHrpen- edThS ' i. PeZ Kt ofthe i tine at 31.50 for hard and $2.50 for r oft . S.e.t .r In,- rosy SO Lit Hr.-.y Moiio Stor . . ... .... nn1 m'.nin T'rv-zo TT onlPlIO IS nnnfpn At I i!.. - Falsehood may have i.a hour, but it Wegotno.e of tt here aUh.uStt it -ea J2fO. S. JAMES, J. P., Chatrn rnian has no future. needed sorely. Life is so short that it i3 the worst of and $1.60 for good strained, tar at $1 90 and crude at $1.25 for hard, $2.25 fo r 1 5 10ATIS1 Htuiralaia. SciatiBa, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of ihe Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted. Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches, Xo IWmtion on earth oquali St. Jacobs Oil ii . tafe, iutc, simple and cheap External JUmedy A trial entails but the comparatively trifllnf outlay of 60 Cents, and every one suffer lnj with pain caa hare cheap and positiT proof cf Hi elalmi. Dirtctiooi in Eleven Languages, Robbing the Malls. ttt t1 n J Com TTnri(i(rftT I . v -n t- fiT - . ;.;n-atanhnnrofit. . v . .Auey,. uu . e.- B Jit ana .OU lor Tirgm. x ne uiuercu otupiui.x - . ,nitaA arrP-tPd to-dav and ; u ;J I uj vAA ouiUb vvi vww i 173 T UJL HI liVwlAiZIa List your taxes early. The tax lister lodged in ;ail tharged with robbing tie We are not qaite 80 fortanate, however ! will beat the City Hall te-morrow. u. S. mails. The former has been era- in cotton us in naval stores. It is but "What renders the vanity of others un ployed as a messenger at the TT. W. and iq to-day for middling against 11 cents bearable to us is the wound it inflicts on TV. C. & A. omces in tnis cuy uuu a year aso amon? his other daties was that ot gei- . n frnm thfi Fostoffice. We me Tiiree iiearsana uoiaen uair. niiVC BU1I1C Ul bUC tnvuiwu 'John Cowaw, Sect'y may Sl-2trtu-fri Star copy wed-Ptt OPERA HOUSE. TUESDAY EVENING. MAY 31- ours. REPETITION OF Little Golden Hair AND THE T One may live as a conquerer, a KiU faave gome of the particulars but are The old familiar story of "Little Oold- or a magistrate, but he mist aie as a jpfpp ihn nblication of them en Hair and the Three Bears" forms the man. until to-morrow. Blaney and Kornegay ground-work for the beautiful operetta THREE BEHJE5.S The fellow who was much struck by a were both jailed and will be examined which was performed at the Opera by universal DESIRE. vounelady wanted to return a kiss for before U. S. Commissioner Mcuigg t- House last evening under the auspices the blow. morrow morning The market is bountifully supplied BOLD BT ALL DEUGGIST8 AHT) DEALEE3 with cabbage, beets, turnips, Irish pota toes, snap beans, asparagus, cucumbers, I tn5g day. blackberries, strawberries, some whortle.j state vs Zilpha Boston berries and some few currents. rant. Case left open. niTw caffpr State vs. M. F. Bentley, et al. Lot- uon t scalier yuai wcwu, "AT, . nAan cnKmiit- .Tndment 15 MEDICINE. A.VOGELER & CO Baltimore, Md.,11. 8. A. pri!11dT-nc t of Professer Chase. The author has, by niinnl rnn.t I luuvuubuvuvi iti w ra . " . A acters. lenethened the story sufficiently The following cases were disposed 01 , f fi p f ... te has -- . - i set to music, and produced the most at tractive and popalar juvenile operetta in the Eoglish language The charac General Admission Tickets only 25 cenis. Children onlv 15 cents. , Reserved Seats 25 cents extra, at Heinsbergers may ai.ix, Peace war- "ntim ; wiii , Jac.W Oil tery. Defendant submitts. . . I .1 J 4Vm wail w nn and be happy. MRS. JOE PERSON'S INDLAXff m BITTERS ! nURES SCROFULA., RHEUMATISM, I i P.art TVapaoo Phrnnlrt "Rilioua Colic. u,,., . I ... .... , 1 i. ind all kinds of Eruptions and SKm Diseas- i T.ue Jpllowing unmaiiaDie posiai uiub tt arista? from impurity of the blood. As r . , Ttnffii. in this citv. tn Alterative Tonic and Purifier of the blood rvuwua iu .w tt has proven itself unequalled. I Tuesday, May 31 : Mr Jonathan Fogg, Exeter, N. H.; James Calvin Lamb, Pender co., N. C; maa maU r.nJo-,A Vtt tl, a MmrminiH This is the only lottery ever vozca on ana ttio iib nui vuuvtw j ; l endorsed bv the ncovle of any aiciie. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. . ! ' Unmallables. suspended upon the payment of cost. tate vsElla Shepherd. Nuisance Case continued. INPRECEDEHTED ATTRACTION Indipa xahn f?n kindlv assisted Professor Chaae. II' The Woodland Queen was presented OVER HALT MILLION DISTRIBUTED. and sung by Miss Fannie K. "Williams. State vs. Edward Bryson. HarboriDg I jer melodious soprano , won her audi- Loiiiaaa State Lottery Corasaiiy. t i 1 x I . ' I . -r - oia r rir , .... 4 seamen, no -uuui-y. State vs. W. J. Penton, et al; Lar ceny. Continued. State vs. James Frazier. Tresspass. Not guilty. SeTeral sci fa cases were disposed ot. A Span of Trouble. ence from the start and called forth fro- , IP0? qsent spontaneous applause. She wa3 J purposes with a . capital of Si, 000,000 to regally attired and bore herself with which a reserve lunci 01 over 5u,wj nas . 1 t t-:u ic since been added, that womanly, charmiog grace which is By an overwhelming popular vote it5 fran- delightrul to see. It is difficult to be- chise was made a part of the present State lieve that Miss Williams made her first qswlutiU" - ' Carolina Cxtral Krilroad,. G cerl Pisssager Deprutiiunt. ' Wii.MiXGTo.v, X. C. M.iy 2S, IS-jI. , ' w 4 , : 1 pC""! iirrnri 'tVS Excursion Tickets 10 ALL PLACES, OF RESORT Jn the Mountain section of Xo-rth and South Caro lina, will be ou sale at the clllceiof thij Company,, on and after Julc 1st, ISSt. Quick, continuous fchcdulcs. will rccom mend this Route to all. Patseters leaving Wilmington at .9 4' A. M., anive at Clevclaud Springs same' evcLinir, and Ashcville nctt mon-log a.t 0 - o'clocli. 1 Further informnticn on application to may SO tf F W CLARK, CPA Wanted rpo BORROW, FIVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS for twelve month?. Se- cuni), licai x.iaie worm nvc iimca in amount. Address P. O. B0XCS2 - may 26-tf AiaTouic and Blood Purifier it is Unsurpassed PRixriEu's Mill's, Carteret Co , N. C, ) Juiv I7tn, Mas. Person Dear Madam: I think) you your medicine is the best that is now before the public, for the cure of blood diseases. I have great confidence in it, and believe that u will do all that you claim for it. 1 nave abearance n the stasre last evening, so I Its Graxd Single Number Drawings . , , .... .j ii a. 1 u . ;a 40 1 will take place monthly. It never scales J. P. Spann, the colored individual great was her success, but yet such is the OR POSTP53rBS LokJat the following Dis- ,rt.Qe tliA arrest of Simon Greyer, rcise. tributiou : VI UV VBMVU " " w I f oil ot Ji phpt's for (iardem Hoes and an escancd convict from the South Caro- Miss Mary Lilly Kenan, as Golden S. S. Gorner, Newport, Pa City Court. GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, during which will take place tbe 133d Grand Blonih y AND THE time past been reaping a good harvest 8arprised her friends,, and veil might EliraONiliary SCffli"AlEHal MWl from the "unsuspecting," , by practicing they have beep. The Misses Empie, as At New 0rleana, Tuesday, June 14th, lSSl Rakes Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There lina penitentiary, is again in troable. It Hair, was charming, and her acting and you have the lowest prices. t seems as though Spann has for some singing was perfect. This little lady Chas. Anderson and Fred -Bell, white , . . i.ftwn ;nlaw as false pretense. Faithful and Frailty, Mis3 Whitehead Under the personal supervision and manage- the Rersnnal bnnvbm rf Tio nrtnrHrfnn of I coo mon wpr firraiirned for an atlray. I . . . sato1 rvn n. I aa Arm. and lllSS Jackson. aS JjlOM' I ment Of r.. --b- wv, : I o - 1 1 his morning UB WM "I-" " I rr DT-ropnui r T rr?,o Uklngyourmedicine, and I see you have Judgmcni was suspeuueu m warrant sworn out by Mr. W. MClvans joc, enaciea meir caanciua uiuuuj, and Gex . jubal a. EARLY, of Virginia RSHuiuuiu uub lie 13 SUICU. viu wii, i usc.ouuvh " I nhrt RtatPl teal BDaUU liaU Ktl;Cll uisuw I cuu kiuu onw .www I I 4T1fOI MriTO . n III I I "VS Chas. Anderson was then arraigned a Jifof boots and characters impersonated , and sung by -J. 'UnV,,V, dd to hia comfort and happiness. I will for resisting the police. For this oBence that the iegg w hich Spann represented them. Mr. Welsh and Masters Kann only Halves, $5. Fifths, 2. Tenths 51. ?lnaJ. !my we? n you amoDg my Anderson was fined $5 and went below . Dr0Derty 0f another. He weiler and Dennie Button, of Goldsboio, list oftrize?. acted their characters with precision friends. Toura rpunprffnllr- ur. w. H. Barker m ueiauiu ui paj mcu. Send stamp for testimonial of remarkable . cures. Freshwater Perch,. Trout and Black ,"MbyKs' JS.2S! n".r fiW Hooka and Lines. A full assort- ooia Dy vm. u. liKJiiiiiW.nvii-1 - " . , , aington, N.C. may 4-d&w-nac ment and lowest prices at J acobi s. T Rflaftiriss I The Festival T.Nlght. as his was the property was committed in default of bond. Chicken Dispute and Heras Kace. Active preparations are being made for a chicken dispute, to take place in this city, commencing Tuesday, June 14, . i . .. . , ; :' a QrJ in last three dars. The main win It should De Dome iu mmu - , . . ladies of the Front Street M. E. Church be between Wilmington and Charlotte, will give a strawberry supper at the There will be about fifty birds to the and great credit. Master Hutton is im mense and has much of the born actor in him. Prof. Chase, as the Bard, did well, i as was expected of him, but his training of the children for the chorus and the beautifol march was the greatest en comium which can be paid to his ability. Mrs. M. P. Taylor and Miss Anna 1 Capital Prize of $100,0000100,000 1 Grand Prize of 50,000 50,000 1 Grand Prize of 2 Large Prizes of 4 Large Prize of 20 Prizes of 50 " 10) " r 200 " ' 600 " m rwv tt 20,000 20,000 10,0T0 20,0X) 5,000 30,000 1,000 20,00!) 500 2.J.000 S00 30,000 200 40,000 100 00,(J00 . 10 100,CKXJ The Ocean House SMITIIVILLE, N. C. JS TUB PLACE FOlt PLEASURE seek ers to stop at. Finest Wines, Liquors, Ci gars and Champagnes always on hand Restaurant" ju&t over the water. may 2l 1m BRYANT MORSE, Proprietor. Pianos and Organ? J AM NOW Receiving a complete fttock of Pianoi and Organs, which I am selling' at rea.s8uable: prices. Organs suitablevfor Church and Sunday Schools at Reduced Prices. Large stock of Blank Cooks, &ci, Ac." Another" supply of Revlse-1 Testancntr, au sizes ana f tyie oi binuing. C. Vu Yates' Hook Store ; may ZO i State of North Ca"rdi:na, 100 rnrrr Will Ek DUU'l wvi J r I . , I ill iSt ilA. W 13 THE TIME TO BOT.TVe are LiuleKGiant HaJi this evening. They side, and much fun is expacted by those 1 accorapaninlents oa oJerini? Borne verv choi Ktvles and at verv rA lime to all who may at who love the sport. On Wednesday, the I . , melodian and crave entire j j - I UlUIUiOb t- - I . . , i j I H"'" V " I 1 lowpries. tend, and Capt. Parker says inings ioid, a iroiuuB - - satisfaction to botu auaienc ana Yipui. ix, x,, - will be all serene. After the perfor- Soitherland s new xrac. alike.;The choruses, which were rendered jX APPROXIMATIOX PRIZED lOOApprox'n Prizes of Z20Q $20,000 100 lo-J iu,hj '.- T,5'J0 . .. - Tl tWanrtho r,i.m BPor thl9 CUV. OOrBC Ol lUtJ IWyo I . . , i-itu 4l:nM maM L i mance av iuc upci '""i , j i pnucipaiiy ujr nn.iv " -v .b-, noo fliirTQ mc: I . , . u r.a nrHi I r.m Aiontft A n?nsta, Charleston andl.r , . 4 w wmi buiiiwa 1 andience wno win isn ouyji -n uww o s, amounting' to $.j2J,500 BEAUREGAKE, of La. EARLY, of Va., Cmm!s5io:icrs Application for rates to clubs should ouly I New ITatiitver Cox Cornelius famxS) hat-Ill W M lore rclof e a iuir the Citv of Wiluij!. arts, Corne'iu aud TO THOSE WHO ARE IN WANT OF be suonlied with the choices, of berries, Richmond are expected xo u . tuchc. Av cream etc. desirable styles, both by the yard and bJ Repair, both white and ecrue. will enliven the occasion by their pres ence. The "boys" expect to -have a , t i Ko Viad hr eutc 1 J 1 . I fessor Uhase will repeal nis ueaumui vSn? ho"n useParer?s Ginger eW and are looking forward with J as nne as we uac cC4 to thc office of the Company in were a source of woonderment to the en-1 xew Orleana. tire audience. By urgent request Pro fessor Chase will repeat hia beautiful Tonic. For promptly regulating the much.pleasure to the sport Linen .Ulsters, ALSO, ALPACA AND MOHAIR. Jhcck. Sec notice. pectfully, R. Wl. (V2clntire. "Til ('imp and kidnevs and purifying the blood there is nothing like it, and this is the reason why it so quickly removes nimbles and gives a rosy bloom to tne aUwho would like to spend a pleasent evening to visit the Opera House. Write for circulars or send orders to M. A. OAUFfII, Niw Orleini, L or M. 4. OAUPHl,t Ho. 212 Broadway, Sew You. may Jl-tuea-tb-aat-1w-w:w A Di-bisrd Use. The beautifal grove at llilton is put to rather a debased use on Sunday af x a . vp have been told by a b - I LcrUvOUJ o - P. GRArros, Sto&y, B Ladd i eentlcman who happened to stroll out v. , - T T if. .i Halbkbt E. Patks. Commissioner ot Patents 15) Pate sits- - HlHEi GRAFTON & LAOO. eyst-Lawand bollcuwi .j AmU . 040 nd ForeiKn r.uui(. l Fifth Street, ?ahii gton, D. Or bS08 Patent law a M ita branche Vidn; , Dt and In thaBuprem. rWS?U Cota of tbe United Btala Knt free on receipt of ttato that way last Sunda. He says tUat rronns of men and lewd women wn be RPen about in the grove playing cards nd drinkinz. The youngsUrs play hise ball and the men and women in dulge in such conduct a dp great Tio lence to morality and decency. Hilton, w think, is iathe city limits, and the police should keep an lye on those who gather there each Saday and desecrate the Sabbath day. J xtx, Tonr intereaU Yoa can now -t . a . i r.Mnrv t,ricesai ouy uooK ow' jACOBffl.'.- . The receipts of cotton at this port to- An Annual Occurrence- Fverv vear about this time one reads i thp rolninns of all the leading news papers throughout the country a stunning I day foot up 124 bales. annonncement mat over uo 'uu i 1 m HolkM will be ei?en away to some District Conferences v. A ..Al BaltjnoM Br Witaiutoa. H. c r-sc- T1IE SCHR. MARY BEAR i-5wlll be ready for cargo as above, 3 will be giren away io I inline wiuicrcucra - fr0in Baltimore about 4th June. i i.ll 1 CIA C- O CI I i j. r -f L K I ... - . persons wno snaii seua vi-v, v i i ne) Uisirici vouierencea oi mc i j-or iretjrbt and passage, appjy io to M. A. Daaphin, No. 212 Broad way, Carolina Annual Conference of the New York City, NY.,or same person Methcdist E. Church, South, convene at New Orleans, La lor a wnoie or M f0n0ws for the present year: fractional part oi a iicaet iu v.u . fjillsboro uisi., ai jruisDoro, . "j Somi.Annnal Distribution, to be made w;i mintrton DisL. at Elizabeth an .Tnnfi Uth. at New Orleans, La., by I tnwn , . . July? " " . . 1 I - -', V . the Louisiana State Lottery, unaer ine Fayetteville Dist, at Carthage, Jn y w rclusive management of (jenerais a. I Baleigh DisU at Cary, H. KEI JsF,Y& CO.. Baltimore. Md GEO. HARR1S3 & CO., WUniiajrton, N C may v0-5t BEESWAX. RAGS, Bra5S, IIids, Cop- . July 21 j per, ira and SheepAina wanted, for which WOOL, Beaurvsrard ot l,. ana uuuzw - Uharlotte liisu. al lonxoe, . --j t. .... . DaiJ by Newton, . . owy to ' - WATSON & ECKEL, may 30-3td-wlt 1 WRnimgton, N C of Va. The manacement pays the Char-1 statesTille Dist.. at ;w nAnitAl at New OrleansLa, orer 1 rjrppnsboro Dist at Kerners- a million of dollars for the privilege. yiHe. . . . . Jaly 28 Salisbury DisU at Mt. Tabor, Aug II Quite a large number of persons em- Shelby Dist, time cot yet appointed. .. I n p p ' U fl 1 1 :C brated the opportunity of a day's sport p . ' ' . . PrlBtla. rU K UCLL nU UjO k. at the blackfish grounds to-day. ThcN,"" "-t--. -; ihir.andas the wind ia from the right Uelrmatiaxeaxefiillytrtfuta4aa4 nnSbil t.PrftwTljltar attaatJd HolaX. quarur.weareconfidentthe fishermen, L of I Sr1" m Mvinir l niM ILG1C' - ." ' , - - Superior Court. ntv. Johu LT. L'ciiini', Jr., PlaintlH, . Franr: i Cimr.hrrlf and liitru-v, 'endimt. is INdTlTUTlSn TO 2are on rel - estate in pton, taade by defend Fraucei Canirbeli. aud It bi lm: made tc appear that the diJendant Cornelius Curnpbdl H a noo-reideDt, Las nrooerty -withm tLS.- hta'ii and cah ..ot ftr" due diuzt'iice be found, therein, aod that f-akl deictndiut re.ide in", Albany, New Yi.rk. The iil ('orneltus Campbell fa hereby no! i.'eu and reqnire!, to appear at the u'Vxt tt r.n of tin; Jsuprrfor Court of New H anover CouLly. to be held at the Court IIou-c in Vi;minton, ou the 13th Mf nlay ut r lh: Ut MondiV la March, li j1, atr i :i r or d;.-ri:ur to the complain tiled in thf a. R. VaS-AMRINGE, Clerk Surw-rior C lu-t, Nr.r Hanover Co. f.'ti J 1 "J ' r- 'f :t i .t corri r Coart ew Kai' Tir -f u ry , . rr, r.- ti. Dje(nbr Tris IfeTS i i urn p.iiin, r is H. rr.S.-li n. r ptktitiC.aad 4,ftorge W. aii wif, Ht phia a., ar deftnsaBU!, i'o t 'Certitsr?, t fsr.liil"a er ap?or:ti r. n 1 decr?T, wiil i-U for cL, aS tQv.l'.c a-jck-n, a th Aart HoM door, i w 4 ty of tf.'''o4:at3,n licedty, it eih rfav "f Jr.t. MS-.I,t 13 n'c'osk, ai, U that lot of i ic tilutta ia tii J cilj, aau toacdd a foll?- at a poia f-jxtj-.te ff??t vcs cf t ia-eeion f Hlitii aad -?a?ci itrew on raid Cbarch itee:, oafha nfc !ce tlier'if, atd ruo ci w-f3'.-rf :j l i'.e icathara Use ct taid Chi ca , :fet tci'r-ro feet; tLrcc octhwaftlJy, f.me; with tlxih ctrect fey-3 !!; :h;c0 Mtrardj, pral lei with Ciarch ttreet frry-cn feat; Ibesca rrwardly, yaraliel witU Bixt1 alreet, fry-r0frtt9ttt fceslatis?, btlag ap&rtcf L.t 24tidckSl. v ' i r, n. DARcr, i