inia pa fkb erttj eftsnitwn, udyt -J J A M K t . if T. ..nnlffl. P08TAOE PAID. gUBSW"" oi-imtkJ. 13 50 : Three J sl 35; One month, 69 cent. J will be delivered by earriere, r or 13 cents per wee. . "li-rmtef ow and libera SEEIibe" will pleeeereport any and . . .j ta fheir apere regularly. g DVV " r tt 1 Baiii VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1881. NO SO ... t.wmt Advertisements I LOCAL NEWS. New Advkbtisements. W k. W. R R Excursion Ticket WO& AR R Excursion Tickets W H Strauss Excursion R M McIwtibe Corset s Hejnsbergeb New Tefeta meut C,W Yates Pianos and Organs Th is month has five Wednesdays and fire Thursdays. Summer seems to have come in earnest with the advent of J ane. At 3 o'clock to-day the thermometer in this office registered 88 degrees A Correction: I Excursion Postponed There was a slight error in our quota-1 The excursion of the Evangelical Lu- tioms yesterday in referring to the prices J theran Smday School, to Waccamaw of naval stores last year as compared I Lake, announced for the Friday of thi3 with this year. Instead of $1.50 for week, has been postponed until the 10th hard and $2.40 for soft and -virgin on inst. Of course tickets purchased for m I - - May 31st, 1880, it should have , read I the firstMay will be good for the second. 51.50 for soft and 2.40 for virgin, there Refreshments will be served on board the at the City Hall "today. The being no hard im market that day. The I train at city prices, and tickets may be I are as yet limited in number. error should hardly be charged to us, purchased of either Messrs. Yates, although we made it in transferring the I Herasberger, Jewett or C. M. Harriss. figures The Cape Fear is still very low, there being only about 30 inches on the shoals at Fayetteville. The tax-listers opened their receptions callers - We gain 11 minutes of daylight this month arid loose 3 minutes. Refreshing. We had a delightful rain here this af ternoon. The cloud came dd from the - . South and brought with it not only rain bat some Jhail, not enough, however, to do the slightest damage. One peculiar- A man satisfied with himself cannot J ity occurring during this rain was in the Magistrate's Court Magistrates' Bow furnished only one I by Messrs. Alex Sprunt & Son ' Danish brig 2d of April cleared yes terday for Bristol, Eng., with 500 casks spirits and 1,601 barrels rosin, shipped Steamship Benefactor arrived here this forenoon from New York. THE GREAT wot IS I ?3EaE5 iJ FOB expect lo satisfy ether people. . Its is a blackward season for planting but the ladies are busy on spring sewing. . About the sorriest spectacle in this world is a henpecked husband. Both sexes dislike him. RBEUMTISl Kearalgla, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of tho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore l hroat, a weu im and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Ftet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. v Ka preparation on earth eqnali St. JfBS Oil. I pjgfish were Selling at 15 cents a buoch. m . - .... There is nothing curious aboat coun terfeit money, yet there's something al. together queer.' The modest man inspired by passion is more persuasive than the mo3t eloquent man it uninspired. Blackfish and pigfish were quite plen tiful this afternoon in the market. Fine rapidity with which the wind "boxed the compass." First it was from the South, then from the West, then from the North and after that from the East, all of which changes were effected within a few min utes. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There yom havo the lowest prices. t item to-dar. That was a case trie by Justice Gardner, in which Francis Met- way was charged with forging the name of Clark Hayne to an order upon which i he procured a lot of groceries from - A. Silva. He was found guilty aid bound over to the present term of the Criminal Court in a justified bond of $100, in de fault of which he was committed to jail. Complimentary Hop. We thank the Committee, Messrs. C. S. Northern, M. C. Hammond, O. W. Smith and E. P. Porcher, for an invita tion to a hop, to be given at the Kim ball House in Atlanta, on next Friday evening, by the young men of Atlanta, PLEA6E SOTXCE, T." vrm bagt&d to receive eonnasisatlosi frosa our fclcndi ea ay aaJ all rabkrt o general lateral trxt Tie cxa cj wrir ronrt alwajf be fax nished to the Editor. .V". , gOo3mnr!etlon- sut be written oa only oae side cf the Ftper. Personalities &tit be snsIJad , And It Is eaptUEy end ptfticulzrly loUer stood that tie EditTidoes not alwtjs ecdon tie viewtot eorreepo&dtsu, unless to t!at la tie editorial eolun New AdvertiEoments. V7il- tclanibi & Anausta B. S , P:.sser2r Drpartnsat, WILMINGTON, May list, 1831 r" ""-, . The Criminal Court has been, occupied all day in the trial of one case, that of Ella Shepherd, charged with a nuisance. A result had not been reached at onr close. Tho rain to-day was very pleasant while it lasted but there' was not near enough of it. If it had rained in tor rents for an hour the thirsty earth would have swallowed it all. Lose Fltb. If a forty-inch colnabiad bad thrown complimentary to Prof. F. M. Agostiii. a shell upon the decks of the steamer I We are glad to note this evidence of the Col. Janies G. Burr is still confined to his bed and has been quito ill of late. He is suffering froik an affection of the liver. We tru&t to see him amoDg us again soon. EXSUKBIOH TICKET ARRANGEMENTS , , For tho Season of 18S1. . T3TRS EE L fir r ES. A ND AT XK ACTiy ' . J X .DESION PC ISTO OF.VOBTHSSABT CEOSQIA, UI ;PiS BOUVtl CAROLINA. and wesiesn noura Carolina VU THE WILIXuTON, COLUilBll & ACQCBrJLH.2L QOMiiENOING JLWE Ut, .d exptilrg Uctrbir 21 it, If li, Hoard i? licteU will 1881, ad raserger Tt vupcrUtlca ficiii'Jes will rcrff ct to raeat tha dcaaaia cf and Mth. nnt!T cf fU Ppnti. and eTery one enffer- toj with palo caa have cheap and poaitixe proof d iti elaima. Diractiona in Eeren LangnagM. BOLD BT ALL DEUGGISTS AHD DEALERS IH MEDICINE, A.VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, JUdL, 17. 8. A iprillK3w-no te Passport yesterday atternoon as she was returning from the Blackfish Grounds, it would no V have created any more surprise or depicted the look of ' desnair to a greater extent upon the It is easy to tell whether or not a the- countenance k one of the successful fish- CORSETS atrical performance is very funny, by counting the number of people who go out to smile between the acts. It is set down in the almanac that there will be a total eclipse of the noon on the night ot the ntn idsc ana morn ing of the 12th. No particulars. ermen who had succeeded in stringing about twenty-five fine fish with which he exnected to astonish his inner man for nnnnpr than when his waiting-man. Who '' ------ 0 i il had cleaned and nicely prepared them a ul"'r"aV:v esteem in which our young townsman. Mr. Agostini, is held by the people of his adopted home. Golden Hair and the Three Bean. There was another fine audience pres ent in the Opera House last evening to attend the repetition of the delightful entertainment given under the manage ment of Prof. Chase. As oa the pre render co rfrtat!o eerrlja to 'all Intending t:uticts aid th? pablis generally, ta tie va- Mr. Myers' grocery store sports a new Uionrrcls reached yH Cjlbla, end the Colcmlia h GreeiiTille or pariiabu-i & AeteviUe ffti!roads. delivery wagon. It is one of the hand soraest we ever saw and, we are happy to say, is a home-made job, having been turned out by our ; neighbors, McDougall & Williamson. Plucky. The little steamer Elizabeth, which carries the U, S. mails between this city and Smithville, had a hole, about three , . inches square, stove into her hull on the charmmglyl .,- , Messrs. For Tisieta, Time Tiblts, ts ecqdre of P COLLI KH, Ticket rent, Union Depot, or ' A POPE. jaMw CP n a CORSETS! - Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and. Lines. A fall assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f ALL SIZES, 18 TO 86 INCHES. "WARNER'S HEALTH CORSET." "WARNER'S FLEXIBLE ADJUSTABLE WOVEN BONE CORSET. ' all gone." In other words, after clean them off in the river but a3 the steamer The eclipse of the moon promised for I was going so fast the consequence was this month falls due on a Sunday night I he lost all of the fish. The. porter says when everybody, the young folks ante-lt ws tlna ha io pecial, can enjoy the waiting-up tor it I they can cateh blackfish m the river cleaned and won t nave to go When you with Rheumatism groan Or with "Neuralgia labor; Be sure to use St. Jacobs Oil, And then go tell your nei r it c a arA rendered and to the delight of all who for the frying pan, approached him andlc T Pfu :A Z i.: were present. In view of the lengthened " 6 F . . r . , I notice which appeared nere yesterday it stream was going too fast and the fish is I v,-o ia. jone." In other words, after clean-1 ? . ' t. the he thought he w.uld wash lJ asa ma er of Jtice, we wish to aiiuae to two characters, wnicn were upon our notes, but -which were acci dentally, omitted frani the report. These were the Will o' the WW snstainp.! Miss Thalia Lippitt, which was charm ingly and gracefuliy rendered and Big Bruin, represented by Mr. Geo. P rocks at Fort Fisher, on Monday evening. She ran to the city, had the necessary repairs made at once and went down as usual with the mail yesterday morning. IT. 0 T. U. GRAND - EXSU3SI0J1 TO Waccamaw Lake I BY SUNDAY SCnOOL OF ST. PAUL'S Evangelical Lutheran Church, Friday, June 10J). Refreshments vm board train at city price's. .luiB uccii iv-jr v.fa-" juein6Dcrgtr, a. Jewett, u. il, uarrlss. ized in our city, withTthe following otn- already clear out to sea for the crude article. as orhnnr. o"" Welsh, whose excellent execution, well as conception of the character, aided I think we'll have an early spring re- tVMt, na Ti.viiTir marked a Court street woman as she "uuu uuuus lcpai i A new supply of those beautiful White Lawns, wWtli aaa so well. Embroidery to natch. noticed her husband In the act of sitting down on the business end of a carpet tock. . Linen and Alpaca Ulsters la all size?, 34 to 42 inches. R. M. IVIclhtire.. Jwi 1 MRS. JOE PERSON'S White lace stockings are worn ever those of tinted silk with rich evening toilets; the silk stockmgs must invaria bly match the color of the dress worn, as must the satin sandals. Beautify your homes by using fie N, Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war- greatly in the success of the entertain ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. T Iment. Bobbins the U. S. Mall-Fairly Causnt. Geo. W. Blaney, colored, who has for some time past been employed as a mes senger at the Wilmington St Weldon and Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta offices in this city, was arrested yesterday on a warrant issued by XI, S. Commissioner r.hartred with robbing the Accident on tho Elver a Boat with Three Persons Capsized One Per son Drowned- About 1 o'clock to-day a shaip squall of wind, followed by ashort but naa shower of rain, struck our city. No dam age was done on shore except the break mails.' A confederate, Sam Kornegay, ing down of a small tree here and there. Dr. J. H. Durham notifies the public that he will resume the practice of me chanical dentistry commencing Monday, June 5th, and will use celluloid for back plate. For terms see his ad. in another column. - - " The Board ot Magistrates will meet with the Board of County Commission- the also arrested during the afternoon: and jailed. Blaney has entrusted with a key to lock-box of the railroads at o lo Pnatnffipfl nil ( it has been among his each morning and deliver it at the rail- 1 fRr.p.s. Seme short time since a Carolina wrote to Col. cers, together with one or more vice DMAft4a f iaAm tAkh President Mrs. G. D. Bernheim. Honorary President Mrs. C. G.Ken nedy. Rec. Secretary Miss Alice Philyaw. Cor. Secretary Mrs. H. L. McLcod. Treasurer Mrs. S. W.Davis. Librarian Miss Zoe Macumber. Yice Presidents 1st Presbyterian Mrs. L. P. Rothwell and Mrs. S. E Toon." Second Presbyterian Not supplied. St James' Episcopal Miss Aaaie Meares. St. John's Mrs. E. R. Brink. St. Paul's Not supplied. Baptist Mrs. Wm. Larkins. Lutheran Miss Lisette Bernheim. Front Street Methodist Miss Annie Davis and Miss Lizzie Kelly. Fifth St. Methodist Mrs. Joseph 5F This Excursion was postponed from the date orisiaally lixed. 1 ickete purchas loth""' -w- xiuuaw Kechanical Dentistry;- IILL RESUME ON NEXT Monday, Gth inst., the practice of Mechanical Den tistry, ut ing Celluloid as a base plate. Trice Full Set $C0.O0 Half Set $;;o.;o J. U. D UK (JAM, Dentist, Princess street, bet. Front and Second, may 31-1 in Baltiorj for WMigton, H,G' THE SCIU:. MAKY BEAR 3"wi11 e rcaly fr cargo as abOYC, TOM . M era. at me vJOurb xiousu, uu iuwuuoj uauj m what an excursion train IP KITTPkQ ! elecUagaSnperintendent of Public In- would be furnished for. By soe means V 1A & A JEJaWSy I I struction. But the harbor was not so fortunate at that time. Mr. Jas. O. Bowden and hi3 son, Mr. L. Tate Bowden, were crossing the river at Point Peter in a small boat to the turoentine distillery of the former I Keen. " 1" T.n 7" :Z W U,ttai Which is situated last Catholic-Not supplied. QUtieS lO VUC ma." " I O ' . . ,1 ,, 4inn. the Point. The boat was Deing rowea i ino regular ncciwjr by a young colored man named Tom I held at the usual place, Hook & Ladder Howard, and an awning was spread to flail, tnis w eonesoay j ai u;ruuu. protect the occupants from the rain. When the sauall came ud. the boat was sailing iru.n Bait' more about 4th June. For freight and pase, apply to ll. KELiEY&CO., lialtimore, Md GEO. IIAKUIiiS & CO., Wiiniinton may l?fin BEESWAX, HAGS,? 'iiracss, luaes, cop per, Iron and Shecpiklas wanted, for which the: highest cash prices will be paid by WATSON & ECKEL, may SO-Std'-wlt Wilain!;tOT,N C Hew Advertiflemonta. CIS SCROFULA, RHEUMATISM, Hetrt DifiPftJW. r.hmnio Rllinna rirtlir:- ad U kinds of Eruptions and 8kin Diseas- Wlanr from iTiT-.Ti i-Hw rwf tVio Hlrwnrl A R w AlteratiTe Tonic and Purifier of the blood . The-street brigade were employed yes terday in improving the sidewalk on the North side of Mulberry, between Fourth and Fifth streets, by hauling on gravel. It was much needed as it has been here tofore a miserably sandy thoroughfare. , To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &r Ynn can cret all sizes and at the lowest prices. - . t Never witness a ttar with apathy or indifference. Words, looks, actions may Blaney heard of this and he thereupon immediately capsized and the occupants wrote the party in Col. Pope's name, thrown inw xne water. w Tontiflman' name to the! The colored man, Tom Howard, imme- ... -. .-it.i r- cArt 4i,ol ;ifoi stmr.k off for the shore, wnicn letter, ana siaung waviw vw train would be furnished. An envelope was distant only from fifty to one bun. was enclosed which Blaney had address- dred yards, but before reaching it was - a -i t - a Vmrllcppn tn Bik beneath tne water. r 4 t rm m ; r t iiiih I ii n uiiu mvmm m ww m Wilmirurton & Weldon 2. Paxienger Department, WILMINGTON, May iltt, 1381 The i Tonic and Blood Purifier it is Umnrpassed PBnxu'rfLL's Carteret Co j N. C, ) -v July 17th, 18T9. $ - Ptrsox Dear Madam: I -think TOUT filAriisr.i t. IV. . iv.t I - .r KnftM ?PttbUc, for the cure of blood diseases. I h 'HP conficlence in It. and believe that 1. H Jon claim for it. I have I nmp airect from the neart, and speaks V onnlMnn At I vv i . iguage of truth, nature r I . . t. j :.i i ... at pUced a certaia be Mrr-. r. . RynTrRgI0N TICKET nii rarnffn ze it when it came into uis i uu j o i - hands. The matter looked so suspicious the old gentleman that he was abundant- j . ARRANGEMENTS . . ... Ill Ll. 4 kA onwt Af n fa nflfl.1. I - that the carty to whom tno letter was aa-1 ly auic w wcwiaa.a. w i a r ICC! dTMdthe matter ia the hands letthia father clioginS to the orer- For the SeaSOll .Of 18S1, y ui kuc cure qi oauuw uuscooco. . . . . . . repeat conficlence In It, and believe that be artificial; but a tear is unequivocal; it jouat Mr. Stokes. bfore he commenced I at once the lan rS your medicine, and I see you have ttmmad that he Is cured. Goon, ! J God speed you in jour efforts to ITorite the condition of mankind i JJ w his comfort and happiness. I will person is temptation free fcwT "V" power ior y Yours respectfully, an4 sincerity. No place, no company, no age no m9 ' Let no man Il DT noicr frr vmi amrnr TT1V l i iL.t woo datpp tpmntpdr le k lis. W. 11. nlKES eaj for testimonial of remarkable tJ1 by Mrs. Joe Person, Franklin 3?; C. Sold by WM. H. GREEN, Wil tC. may 4-d&w-nac The Ocean House 8M1THVILLE, N. C. J8 THE PLACE FOR PLEASURE seek era a. . op at. Finest Wines, Liquors, Clj ad Champagnes always on hand, i 'Uuranf Just over thrwater. him not be high minded, tut fear, for he may be surprised in that very instant wherein he boasteth that he was never tempted at all. V a Smnoth Comolexion can be had by every lady who will use Parser's Ginger Tonic For promptly regulating the liver and kidneys and purifying the blood there is nothing like it, and this is the reason why it so qnickly removes i mimmoa anil iri its n iwj w.ww- jffcheek. see nouce. . 1 1 Stud v tow interest. Too. can now . . f..(AM nviMI lit t . railroad asrent who forwarded the letter and envelope to Col. Pope. A de coy was thereupon arranged. The sum of $265, all of which, except one five dol lar bill, was counterfeit, was placed in the marked envelope, duly mailed and as duly received by Blaney, who was watch- turned boat and struck out for the shore, finally reaching a timber raft in an ex hausted condition. He was assisted to land by parties on the shore who saw to him at once and landed him safely. Mr. Jas. O. Bowden clung to the boat and finally unshipped the rudder, with ed as he took the decoy leuer, wiia nrnicn ae propcucu iumu others, from the bor. This ?occurred at to the shore. He was able to wai nomo 7 o'clocK and at 11 Blaney was in jail, when brought to the city side of the At 10 o'clock this morning the case river, but Mr. Tate Bowden was unable was heard before Justice McQuigg, when to walk without assistance. Blaney was moved to make a confession The drowned man, Tom Howard, was i i i of fnftlaran. about 25 vears of age, and leaves, we woicfl TOTcra tci6i fetVM . I - t".i It will not avail him, however, as the evidence against him without the con fession was conclusive. The prisoners were both remanded to jail for trial at the next term of the U.S. District Court leara.a wife and one child to mourn Mm. ; TO THE HEALTH RESORTS AND ATT31CTITE IX0UR8I05 POINTS Or WEBTEE5 NORTH C1R0LI5A. THE YIRGIMA BPRI5G3, 4c, T1X WILMINGTON A WELDON B.S. OMMENOiae JCNX 1st, aadexpirist! 1 - October 3 Lit, ltll, Rouad Trip Tickets will be on isls at Unloa Dpotv Wi'micgtoo, ua Ul October 1st, 1681. and Passenftr Trar porUtion fseillUM will b perfect to meet the demsals of aid rendtr eoasfortablo ter He wa said U be an excellent swimmtr ( je9 for all Utoadlag toorijUi and tha putUe m it and surprise is maniiestea inai should have been drowned. he That was a sun-burnt crowd which the Passport landed yesterday afternoon, There was but one case to-day before Mayor Smith. Pot Hoots, someumc known as Edward BlCJt txiano, wm direct from the happy fishing groaads. charged with drankennesa and dubjderlj geatrallj to tho various p ilats reached U Ooldsboroor TTeldoa. Tor Tlexjts, Time Table, 4c, esq lire cf 8 P OOLLISBTUxet Agent, or . A POPE, , JlMw OP ATA Set of Harness; O.l Jfulc Off W4 , also one Cart atd For particulars apply to T. DONLAN. may S J-G; Sept. of OakJale Cemetery How Testament. REVlSiO OXFORD EDITION 1 JinCElTED aid 2000 can hi hf. ia tibt c;H.rr.t ft;te5. Frc -a IS cecti aai xxpmTZt, a: may 20 flSlNSSEGER-C. Lira Uoofc ai tloc Store Wanted T 0 B0RB0T7, FIVE HUNDRED AND 1 irTY DOLLAF.3 far twelve .'months.- Se curity, Keui Estate worth C?e tiinci the amount. Adlrcis P. O. BOXS33 may 23-tf CNDE3 SET H3AGE!2E57, D Zm PEHRV, - - PlCp; Itts Troptin Atliatla Ha!;!. Vlrri U ul l3.?PCiita:;u. Teres The excursionists had fine sport. ccndtrU tt! 211m BRTANTJMORSE, Proprietor. 1 (buy. uook Qioves .ww Jacobi's. : .

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