lilia - I '6rE" 'a. e"l kditos and propki.ktob. (,..5tioss.postagkpaid. " 00 Six months, $250 ; Thrae 1 7ir UCB uuuwi""""' -'5"",.c -11 ba delivered byearrierf, U7 prtof the city. at the fit,i,cr U csn-e T6 B - rsf-' i c w tad liberal ".r3 till please report any and ',",to recei-et-eir paoerg regularly . 77N7 Advertisements Zrnn. VfT PBC JYfr1ftr . r.l W . . . J ' "1 4 to A r-v r i THE GREAT mwm ii lUEaEJ y3 H BEVKW. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N: C, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1881. PLSASS SOTIOE. V e will lyj !ad to reeslrs eciaanfileaiiora j from oct frira en aiy and all aaMeet o . . . . seaeru interact cm Taa base of t-a writer nrrt alvaja ta ti r . tithed to t-a Editor. lOoBimanJcitloai b written on c nly oae aida of tie ptpar. Fersoaalltiea 'ferns t b aroidsd - And it la especially and prtdlrly cadet () 8 1 1 Ti,irs otorraspor.denit, unlesi io itat la tts editorial eoIn-. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. J W Habpek Excursion this Even,iug Abveetiser ITorse Wanted bchutte's Sea-Side Park Hot el Heinsbergeb Ne w Testa raent C W Yates Pianos and Organs List your taxes. Strawberries are played. "Walking sticks for ladies are fashionable. The nail Cobban Hew iLdvortirerocnt. Drank and Down. . -r i n i. --l j a J I rrn . i . i V uaiu xiuaier, cuioreu, p.u iu gueuuer i mere was a mile -Deieropucmj i . , was nicked ud on the street this moraine I yesterday in otr statice that both af the I rl Of SC Yv S. HtCO - in a beastly state of intoxication and car- mail robbers had been committed 2 to jail rpHE ADVERTISER WISIIE3 Tfos USE ried to the Gaard ffouse. If she sobers for trial. Blaney was sent there but -L ot a HORSE for the Summer mou,M. flnwn hv mirninir His Hnnnr Mftvor KorneeraT a trial was held to-daT. Smith will interview her. It is in progress at our close and hence Li driving and good attention. Address we cannot giro the result bat we do not donbt that he also will be committed for Hew Advertisements. je 2-St ADVERTISER, , P-O Box 213 This Evening I - Pendant lockets are nd longer fashion-abre. I' laminated w?ll paper is a great ca riosity. Are Thy Tours? Two bundles of crocus bags were pick-1 trjj ed opat the foot of Market street last! - T v xL. : j Criminal uonrt eTmgymepouceauaarouowautuc x . -. - . nnva MP.v'S a Kll LADIES Sacial Station House. One of the bundles of . Aoe louowmg cases were oisposm V V'nndThe PASSPORT wiu leave bags was marked R. S. and the other "this morning: V. . , -1 her f harf, this (Thursday). Evening, June - ' v a i. . a . S A w ar d& I . a the bas were lost or stolen. I ncer wouon waraena warrant. iu.w-iof Music on oard. Fare 25 cents lor rouua tiou granted. Motion by Btate to w mp. a woa ume Kuaruicu. , f ... . . ...I" . J1NrnARrEfl ISf 0 n 5 BEESWAX, lUGS.TT-i 'Trajs', Ilidcs, Cop- m per, Iron and Sheep Lins wanted, for which the hJgheet cash piice3 will be paid by WATSON & ECKEL, miy S0-3td-v It Wilmington, NC WiL CoInnbU & Anqusta E. B-i WILliIUToJ May Hit, 181 Suddn Sickness. SCHUTTE'S EXCUfiSIOH TICKET ARRANGEMENTS FOR Ta ynrrrot in 1ooi-n fTnt fr T. Tnt ! T . J x lr.i: ; i wv6 I x culler vUUBiT. jmuuvu giautcu. btockingi lutist match the drt-ss this Bowden, who made such a narrow escape I state vs. O. EL Grant, disorderly con- sPricff- from drowning yesterday about noon, duct. Same as aboTe. L.. M .Rr ..i i For Ilia SftOIl oY 1SS1. o-.i. was taken desperately sick last nightl state va. James Pette war. forcible IS tK"b I Ut rHltlV 1111 4 tL i oiiListivs uavc luciuc Luv.ii oiju.uinuto i - ... I in market about 10 o'clock. It is feared that in I trespass. , Case continued. r his exertions to save his lather ana alter State vs. P. Tf . Smith and Wb. ..-.I. 4 i- . 4 a.H. . i -. a . 4U.-i i . . t. EHEUIATISl Ktv.rnlma. Sciatica, Lumbaco, Fackache, Soreness of Ma Chest, UW warn m ff few, Ctns, o ore tiroat, o ire- iflf a prams, a urns aim Scalds, General Bodily Pains,' TcctL Ear and Headache, Frosted Fesi and tars, and all other Pains and Aches. taxes yesterday. Sampson county Superior Court is in session this week. The receipts of cotton day foot up 90 bales. 1m swim to the raft, he ruptured a Daniels, larceny. Case now on trial. blood vessel. He is reported better this rz 1 , . , , I Harbor Master's Report. I morning, we are pieaseu io siate. , hooka of Cant. Josenh Price. 1B - tr 1 ' Harbor Master, we glean the following irr n ii t jl e I a -til : l r J at this port to- anoiner nara ram mis iore-1 repon o. iue arriTtna aero oi vctsaeio uui WriglitsTille Sound S NOW OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION I ; of guests. I noon and at this writing, 3 p. m., there I ing the month of May: 5 preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil. a. .iro aimnla and cheajy External Krm'dT. A trial entails but the comparatively ..:;.." ,,r r.n rents, and every one suffer- hS with paiu can have cheap and positive proof tf its tlaims. Direction in Eleven Langtiage. just one fourth of an inci. This cool change is welcome to every- atmosphere is in consequence much v- k., v,Q fQ,OM anA cooler and there is a marKea contrast in I il ' J. 1 A X J 3 .n4-. I . . j inis respeci oetween Lo-uay auu4jcatci- foreign. iihv- n l l u i . 1 1 IP. rv liiio Luciiiiui j months. See advertisement elsewhere. this office registered 84 degrees. If your white kid gloves are soiled rub mrKUUU in ieveu ujsu.fc 9LD BY ALL DEUGGISTS AHD DEALEES cream of tartar upon them and they will look like new. Arrested on snsplciaa. IN MEDICINE. Baltimore, Hid., XT. S.JL VrilH'i--n!ic to Steamers . . 5 . . . . 4,379 Brigs . . . 1 . . . . 386 Schooners . . 12 . 2,334 Totals ... 18 . . . . 7,099 Foreign. Tonnage. Barques . . . 12 . . . , 4,424 Brigs . ... 8 . . . . 1,998 Totals ... 20 . . . . 6,422 Grand total, American and Foreign, 28 vessels with 13,521 tons. i wmi i I VIllAd While flannlln- Can. and far more profuse than during any larking about, ii his bare feet and after I Capt. D. R. Murihison, President of nrevioua season. some little time crept stealthily aboard I the Carolina Central R. R., received this r I . . I . , J -rr s. the steamer Elizabeth when he was ar- atternoen a telegram irom vapi. v . v. The rain storm which visited us to day j ,oat0(1 anA orr;Pri thp. lar.k.nn. .Tones I Jahnson. SuDerintendent. statins that savs he onlv went aboard of the steamer 1 Mr. E. H. Paul, station agent at Red I to sleep and as there was no evidence Banks, was killed at that place this TO THE USALTII KE iOliTS AND ATTRACTIVE 7 X UR21CN Pai"T NORTHS AST GEORGIA, UPPJSi SUU IH CAROLINA AND W-TESN NORTH CAROLINA "VIA THE WILMIN3T0N, COLUMBIA A AUGUSTA R. R. . QOMMENCINO JUNE 1st, and cxplilrg Transient and regular boarders taken at Octobar 21 tt, U8i, Koar-d Trip TicxetJ wUl ba on eulo at Wilminctoa uat'd Cctobot-Jit 1881, a-d Farsoager Txtnfpcrlaticn facilitiaa will be perfec; to coet tie dc-.anc,B of and The tablejs supplied with the pro- Tonaage. I ducta of the Sounds and Sea. Je 2-tf F. A. SCHUTTE, Proprietor eral in this section. rr,, - vr -t.:u:.j ' against him he was discharged this morn-1 morning while coupling cars. Mr. Paul ii- ,u;M .u inff by Eis Honor Mayor Smith. was engaged at .the time of his death in IN ALL SIZES, IS TO 36 INCHES. This is the only Lottery ever voted on ami endorsed by th people of any tilate. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION ! OVER HALF MILLION DISTRIBUTED. Misiaaa Stats Lottery Comrauy. TWrti-.nrafArl in 1Sf for 25 Years DV tllO ... - i . . 1 nU.MinlJn i jjegisiature ior .aucaunai auu vjuinuu coupling some timber cars together on a I pUrposeg with a capital of $1,000,000 to . . , a I - f S-too OOfJ has are displayed this season. Excursion this Evenin. . TW rn fintrinft abont which a reserve fund of over $420,000 has """"" " " I I I gQg been added. i..n i n.t . via nunflTT II I ii ? i 1 V 1, 4-n.n 1n V. a nn..cinr Ima Tnhlfh WO IfnflW I i K Rf Pnnl'ii mill hnnHo nhan I hlRf VAX maflK a TlS.rL OI LHU UrUSClH kbai'V have borrowed their umbrellas. twill be immensely papular with the I his head was caught between two sticks 187 I young tolKS. ana wita many oiu cues, i qi timoer ana xerrimy crasneu. ne uicu m ubajiu oiu r Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and onoapg rua short excursioDS in a fflW minte3 after the accident. ZZ&2 yV 'AL?S.TSnS -r.i. ni.i, a a r, rri,ft I r r . I . UKmirunH. iivon. vw,.. oLo.veib)opauCa,ica,au , ftwn : th riv p rtw o erenincrs of each 1 Mr.Panl was. as has been said, the ! tribution : Wh'if ft ftnntf c Bpi .rini nnt yu have the lowest Prices t week during the summer months. The Station Aent at Red Banks, and was! GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, vvvl Jurvl'' . - rr 7, TT" l U . t.-r o -x... -lf -I dnrine-which will take r.lace the I A fnoh nn i im o ATTTQ that hnSt OS STO I -VJf W 1PILVR I1HT WI1U.11 b O I (HIP OI infl TTinSt KneriTKLlCl UHSIUKSH CU I a ncw feUppiy of thosc beautllul u llite nt if the drar.; Gf the dress makes o'clock and return at 10:30 o'clock, thus jn that section of the country. He leaves ' j ttio nnL 1 1 1 r1 1 j ri i I -r 11 1 1 1 1 1 Mil ii iv 1 uuu 1 iriviii" lici Cko a.v j bubi 0 iu v m iwa m.u v t 1 vviir il Luiiui vu aw wv utu mww mw 1 . , , " .r . tto enjoy themselves ior a coupie ei creai aeaioisiyieanuseii-abbuiuucci, rtv-o o ov O,o11 ..f .t:- PTnp-t. . . ' . . .. ,-0,1 nr,o TOni ;nw, latein- .onietT with rr ,r"'.::"TJfisb Hooks and Lines. A full assort .u,4. " -- - - y 1 ori thot thDCA ennrr. PTrnrmnnM win uk i . . . ; mun w. T 1 . ri.trrt v 1 ,1 . . I render CDfjrUtle eerrice to all Intending culeta aad tho paV.icgeaerallr, to tbe va Tiouj poia'.a reached Columbia, and the Columbia; & GreenviKo or, HrarUaturg Aeto Hie Railroads. Fir l icoi, Tixo Tables, Ac, ecqaira ot? 3 PCOLL1GB, Ticket Ucion Depot or A POPE, je l lw G P AT A Wilmiitoa & Wcldoa . R-, . Pars 32 get Department, WILMINGTON, May. tlst,TS81 to muk;. 133d Grand Monthly ivn THB lEitraorlinary Semi-Aunnal Drawing Linen ciHCl AlpHCQ an cxpenditare of $500 yearly for dress. Ulsters la aU.fcize?,3t to 12 inches. Freshwater Perchj Trout and Black-j At New Orleans. Tuesday, June 14th, 15S1, h Hooks and tines. A full assort Under the personal supervision and manage- ed that these short excursions will be ment and lowest pricea at jAC0BT 'f SS! G. T. BEAUREGARD of Louisiana, . very popular with the ladies, who can, if ana qek jubA-L A. EARLT, of Virginia. N- they feel so disposed, indulge in the A Sarin to ihe Tax Payers. ; ; ;a ft . jane 1 US re- Beautify your homes by using the jn. tucy lcCi aw -o, 1UuT t - ,A : P r- maa nnn Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war-1 racquet. Of course they will be popu- ine diu passea ax -xne a5 - LapiUH mZtJ iJ)lUU,UUU 1 1 . w a x - vnn ianar 'a u uvmiiiiii w I i i. . n i w w ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t lar wim ine Senu-emen lur wuw B1U l"v , "7" . 4 KSf NoTiCE-Tickets are Ten Dollars tb (JpnprRi Af?semblv relative to Coro- them does not dote on moonlight, music ners andUoroners' inquests vinnauy aooi-1 Quljt Halves, $5. Fifths, 2. Tenths $1. where I r1 set encr rnonPiis?! ZAlff ill 1 iaiis. nnd hpantv ? The first excursion I ishes the office, except in cases where to improve their appearance should Jwm take nlace this evening. Try it. I foul play is suspected,and then the Cor- 1 1 j i 1 it 1 .fl I X 1 An4 ..-.lac-ia CATTIO realize wnai, speciacies iney iastj ui i oner cannot uoia an luiucai. quiw themselves. I The Trial or Xick. nunier. I reliable Derson will make an affidavit- xo . ' : : . . ' 1 1 From the "Warsaw Brief Mention we I the effect that the deceased came to his At twenty a man is ess a icrtr 01 1 . f0ii0W;D- relative to the trial death fev violent means. The bill is the woman than ot women; he is more , , rr . fVr-i- rr love with the sex than with the individ- iaB" wcc"' - - ui Bi-. -- - 7 SI1,, , v her, Llerfeotthe superior oun m je- and tax payers, iseiore me um I 1 nal. however charming she may be. 1 - , 3 -tU u . 4, I . , . . , M n or 1 ' a nr.f funntv. rharcpd with burnincr the I nassprl m fines la were held over all per- I j7 - o i i -a Clerk's office at Kinston, the trial of the I SOns who died suddenly, at a cost of from j i . i wtJ inure; ii a ua ijkzi o auutu .v i jacaix o vfaaaw j--aAn.vt - - w bkjuo tiaav uxvu wwuvvm t Cus SCROFULA RHEUMATISM, list this week, the State Jovrnal, - week-1 case having been removed to Duplin: $20 to $25 to the county, no matter LIST orPBIZES. 1 Capital Prize of $100,000 $100,000 1 Grand Prize of 50,000 50,000 1 Grand Prize of 20,000 20,000 2Lare-ePrizesof 1 0.000 20,000 4 Large Prize of 5,000 20,000 20 Prizes of 1,000- 20,000 50 " 500 2.5,000 ion 800 30.000 600 " 100 00,0001 10,000 " 10 100,000 APPBOxniiTiox tkizes. lOOApprox'n Prizes' of $200 $20,000 100 " liw iu,u" If . 7.ri EXCUESI0H TICKET ARRANGEMENTS - For the Season of 1SS1Y TO TUB HEALTH.-KE5CUT0 AND ATTRACTIVE EXCURSION POINTS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLrNA, THS VIRGINIA SPSING3, &c, VIA YriLMINaTON & WELDON R.R. . ilO.MKNGISG JONS ls, and eplrin October Slet, 181, Found Trip Ticieta will l,.7i '-""c, vu I ' Rlntl3 of Eruptions and Bkin Diseas- ; ium impurity oi tiie dioou. as n i'UTativeTonie and Purifier of the blood proven ldf unequalled. AsaToiica2d Blood Purifier it is TJnsnrpassed - .uill !, Varrereiuo f r. v., f r. ouiv uui, io7. j lonrt" ERS )X-Tear Madam: I think :ie5jacIne is the best that Is now before liv? for the cure of blood diseases. I i; J Pat C0ISlence in it, and believe that do all that you claim for it. I have hon i ,KUOWledSe oftne conamonou oeiore he commencea TtJ.0ur "ine, and I see you have ailV r- 1 lDat be u cured. Go .Peedyou In jour effort u.i?rr!u(nc condition of mankind. on efforts to Condition rf manVind. And i h:s comfort and hannlnPss. T wCl Sen's Vm-V Power for you among my loursretpectfullv. DR. W. H. Babkeb I - i tut mi., i .r v;.i, Unnoi. r ri I v (Va .nnmolnnpoa .t.fpndinff I i inniisnpu nr. iiaieiiru uv jur. uuuu ine in ui iitiv uuuiti, vjuuui i wuai wcic wc v,m,uuiu . ' 4 h I Sanerier Court of Lenoir county, charged I Tv0 Ac Tnr instance, if it had not! 11.279 Prizes, amounting to $522,500 opeimaa, ugauv. - - with hnrnin- the Clerk's office of that , . "" " 4l i Geii. G. T. BEAUREGAKE, of La. 7JZe Croitnd. daily, issued at ureens- " u;u v Mw-Vori f 4,ia leen ior ine enactment i tuo w - jural A. EARLY, of Va.. i riinniv. wuiuu ltcu iuiuibu uii . , . " ' , . I .niuit ntnnM Va holri nra fhO rawV OT LnB t JOmmTSSlOnerS unfortunate man. Tom Howard, who I Application for rates to clubs should on y lost his hre yesterday by accidental I oe owe w icC vi - drowning, as every one Knows. ttll.0 j , --- . county which had been removed io xms i - -. - vi-' borobyJ.AV. Albright, for prohibition. C0Unty began on Wednesday morning quest would be held over the body 'or the . . .. ,i I . t-i-J in T I nnfrtrtnnatu man. Tom Howard. WOO Success to you DOtu, gentlemen. lana was jcompiei-u u uwuva x. M. saturdav. resnitiD m a misinai, me jury istanding seven for conviction andi ce,i c - ti . i. esfH SacP for testimonial of remarkable tol ty Mrs. Joe Person, Franklin by WM. H. GKEEN, AVil- ihe Ocean House SMITIITTT.T p. v n P THE PLACE FOR PLEASURE seek to stc-a at t- i. ... . icai. me$, iouors, vi; v-uA-pagnes always on hand. " Wrant" just over the water.' 21 lm BRTANTfMORSE, Ilorf Is the Test. - IJ J OUUUlUg rw w -w-. ,w- . Dizziness, nausea, despondency, jann- five for acquittal. There were over fifty 1 .. . .r .nnflfn infliinimatirns.irrfl.r. ;rnccna anA j ni t o k nnmhpr of others U1C" ttUAiuH,'"'""","v"''in" mkutoavo, ..w . - - . , i i a ui,.n y.rl t . i el, iemaie diseases aua au iruu-ica ui i irona jenvir prbcui., mo cuoc cauuu6 the urinary organs? and bladder, are I widespread "interest. There were nine Safe Kidney aud Liver Cure. prosecution and six for the defendant. i he jury was above the usual average. Theref ore "lots and cords" of fish in xhe case was thoroughly contested and market vesterday afternoon and tke developed a number of circumstances so , . .4v-'-f stron and convincing that seven of the lower the sun sank the cheaper they got. J, satifed of the defend AVe saw three fine bunches, blackfish Janv8 guilt ; five good men, however, (for and sheephead, which sold for a quarter. au t.he members cf the jury were good v men), were not so satisfied, contending, flprstAnd. that the motive was not ivv,nn il a utramer Xorlh State, left I snfficientlv shown, and so saved the de- i v " - I - -wttpvilln vesterdav there had been fendant. The case was removed, to Car- -j-y-- - . p . teret county, and the defendant recog- a rise of about four inches of water in .ed $000 for appearance at the the river. No further rise is expected ext Superior Court of that county. J. and the water is still Quite low. N Or1fn. Write for circulars or send orders to M.A. DAUPIIirv, iw Orlekue, La or M. A. OAUPIll. No. 212 Broadway, New Yoib may Jl-tuHth-at-2w w2w L. Stewart, Esq., of Clinton, and CoL D. E McRae. of "Tilminton. made r k'i:wakee etinel 1 I anphps f -rftat nower for the State. tvl and tfcft dpfenrj was arnod with ability j iarge uumuti w jvrj.- o . , - have used that wonderful remedy, St. and power by Capt. Grancer, of olds Jacobs Oil, for Rheumatism with efiect boro, and J. F. Wooten, Esq., of Kims- truly marvelous. Frequent reports jare ton. made where sufferers have been afforded : - - j -t nwintf Iarorlv. New bars worn bv ladies at the fiiae The fact that it , is an external remedy, I are called gipciere3. How is . that for a coramenos u io n "I r .CT vl- I novelty, and what could a . stammering ttherwiso thiak'of going out of the bea. "Ojeiy, M v ipn track to find a remedy. Fsuu " " r a GRAND EXCURSION TO To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass,' &c You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. . . t When the Fields Are White With Cotton? -No money now-; can't buy Panose' VTaCCaiTiaW Lake ! Organs till cotton comes in." Yes you can. Eae np $10 Cash on an Organ, . 8TJNDAy SCHOOL OF ST. PAUL'S .n GOK 7r.Ti yn . Ttnrtn anrl VA Will 1-C . . t . i r-i V trt.liir eell you during June, Juty, August andl 10t. Refrefehments on beard train sepiemter, at i&oc ottom v ash xvis, i at city prices. ana wait i montns ior tne w Tlckc(8 had of c. TV. Yates, P. uu vrtc cert int-wu 1 Helnaberrer, 8. Jewett, O. M. Harms. ThrAA Month. f!rAdi No InteresL I nuwi5w Don't forget it. Grand Summer Clear-1 Sf This Excursion waa postponed from ing Out bale of New and SendHad the date . orginally to; Instruments 500 Organs, au oiyiea. .----- ' W H STRAUSS All grades. All prices. Must be closed 10- W U8ia T g KnDTTS! nechanical Dentistry. Guaranteed Iiistrumenta from tix best ,.---- - vttt w.,' t . rn ;-r l-i r WTT.T. Tl-TTVTE ON NEXT ilondar, ? -iJ't- JV 7.: rTOibei 1 toatthe practice of Mechanical Dtvi tion mailed fo e of charge, jobemg Oellaloid as a baseplate, imposed opor. by Beatt, or any other I Jn set C0.00 nun, by order ing at once iromi xae ure i Half Set 130.00 wt-nli. t;..a Omn Denot ofl J. TT. DURHAM. Dentist. . iiiwwtw v - o f w - the fc'u Ijddei & Bato 8ouTHXwr I Princess street, bet. Front and Second. Mrar-srsj. 8TAjarAn. Ga uw I bit sua -r . - , be cn sale at Union Depot, Wi'.xnicgtor, ua til October 1st, 181, aad racaz'or Trar.2 pcrtation fc;itie3 will be perfect to xacet the demniiofatd render coxfortable aex v:c3 for all intondicg toarlsta tad the public geacral'y, t5 tto variotii p;IntJ reached vU Goideboro or Weidoa. For Tisiet?, Tixe Tibles, Ac, enq lire cf 3 P CJLLIu3 Tlfikat Acest, or A POPE, ;9l lw G PA A the scuk.mauy beau i-lwni be ready for cargo as above itth 6ai;iu iro.ii DalUmore abouttli June. For fre5bt and passa-e, apply to II. KELSEY K OO., lJ,t!inure, Md . GEO. IIAliaiSS CO., Vi Liiaton,J C. iaxy 10--:: ; . ..' Tiew Testament REV;SE0 OKFOHD EDlTIOP.' i J i ZUUU can C3 Lid ?ih: dratfy-eJ. Froia 15 v.3 ad spsrarJf, at may 20 tl 3IK 8 liEIiOLS 8, Lira Hook aai HoauJ 8tcr Wanted rp bohho w, fi vs jiVspzzD axd tiTT D0LLAH3 for twelve mo-ths; Se curity, Heal EstAto, worth Stc Umes th3 amount. Adlresa Y. O. EOS t ...BIT A