tuUyi J1MB8 ...u ir? afternoon. lOlTOB AD FKOPRICTOIU i PTI05B, POSTAGE PAID. CBC six month, $2 50 ; Three t rtV'9 1 ,5. one month, 60 centa. B , U btdeliTered by carrier,! ftlP!lin.ny part of the city, at the JK'T,rW mnd liberal " -5rilieir papenreirniarly. filare to jjew Advertisements. r 1 T H V 1 1 A TILT 1EHW. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 3. 1881 TT will bcit2 to raeelTe cctascaicatiori frota our frioj en axj and ail rabbet geaend lateral tut The naaeof the writer ut always 6 far idahed to the Editor. ECtensunleaiiosj &ut be written oa c nly oaeeide cf lbs paper. , Personalties cut bearded And itia especially and particularly eader - -jm mvi a (J. 13 1 I lhe TlT0 rrejppsdetf, ucUes to itat in the ed.toriaI ec!nsjn .LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. a Hetnsberger Drawing Paner IIewbt Savage License Tax Hexby Savage Draymen'H Tax W & W R P. Excursion Ticket . WG&AR R Excursion Tickets C W Y ates Pianos and Organs Bobbery The receipts of cotton at this port to 1 he" chicken house on the premises of day foot up 198 bales. James H. Carraway, on the corner of The baga tricked no on the street Eleventh and Market streets, was euter- Wednesday n:ght by the police hare not ed last night and robbed of quite a num Deen claimed as yet. ber of fine fowls- The thief or thieves effected an entrance by ripping off the ride of the chicken house. The barber shops all close their doors now at 8 o'clock inthe evening, except on Saturday. Take notice. Short sermon weather this. Clean up vour back lots at once. city Court Julia Ann Ilnnter, colored, an old offender who was picked up on the street port, alLf which are square-rigged. drunk and down on yesterday, was the There are 21 foreign vessels now in port and. 14 cleared and sailed for this Use lime about your premises rntwnth. da nn the vacant lots. H1 ca8e before hia Honor Mayor Smith this moraine, it being her nrst onense Pums have made their appearance in Lince the new administration came into market; " I nnmpr sha xxrna AifU'harcr.(i. hnt admonish- I r ' o i Thfi IlfKird of Alderman meet Mondav ed to sin no more. evening. Bencvailiiff Feather Beds. - i The Board of Auditneet n( xt"'onduy We give below directions for renovat- afternoon. A brand new re f rigerator car, the property of Mr. R. Partner, arrived In this city this morning. The car was filled with the best Tivoli beer and it is said to be the best Mr. P. has yet sent to this city. In oMen times fish dealers were satis- MARRIRD. Oa the eTHuir f Jure tr t? e A. A. Watiui. I l., Nti-lK!,a, youire .a;Mer of t lt J O Giee', t HaO. w. Lot: so, o 8 C New Advertisement.. How AHvortisomonts, Mmn fir mm. I THE SCUR. MARY .BEAR' will be rca Jy for cargo as above , ' " -ri . feai ii) irotn Baltimore about 4th June. J- or rrelfffet and rasar, apply to ' , II. KfLSEY & VO.t Biltimorf , Md '.' GEO. HARRISd Jc CO., Wilmiakton.N C icaV iO-tfi , . . - ; H6fo VVanted7 rpHE ADVERTISER WISIIE3 THE USE ita, I ot a HORSE for the Samme-nonthr 1131, wiU beproa eded aeicst, ' - Mr - - v HKNRY 8aVAO?, Juht driving and good attcntic ASdrcsr je 9-it BUr C9pj Tax cojiecior Tre'urer's Office, WlLMLMiTOX, N 0 Draymen-; xlkiot ee& pP bt T;sd4jr. Ju'-e Treasnrer OiSca WILKX5OT0N, 3T 0. License Tax. je 2-St ADVERTISER, rOBoiSIS .Ilechanical Bentistiy,- Med With selling their fish at the loot of maBOITY LIORWE TiXfor the month T .RESUME ON -NEXT Mocdar, . . v . . . . . 1 I I 9 I I . ft TTT J Jk I FOB Mr. L. Tate Bowden is simew ter to-day. . ing feather beds. This being the proper tt Market h ereth a street is naved, 1 of Jmae ii now da. Call up atd hat bet- seaT i11 j113 Pe i116,0110 aud contended mo other place would an- n$tu Blr .opyH ' l ctliJc'tor' RHEUMATISM, nay oe oeneniea oy ii,. e copy iroF u the oW flshitei Now - - ' i an exenange. the v so uare their boxes and barrels at w-t-f. I. 1 . ii 1 Ll AH 3M1 A. I mty-eignt persons usiea xneir taxes via ieamer Deas ana puio ws are ireax- th - j t he Market site yesterday. I lJ improvea Dy puiuig mem on a cieai i . . .- irrass plat, duriag a heavy shower; let! The Body UeCOVered. u &lninn. Liimhano. The' Board of County Commissioners the beds become thoroughly wetted, I The bodv of the unfortunate man. Tom mmuruiuiui -ir - i . - . i . t i r . . i j BM Soreness of the CnesfTA meet Monday afternoon. "SZrS Z Howard, who lost his life by drowning c. Gout, Quinsy, tore inroax,sweu- The Superior Court convenes in this them with rod?; this will lighten -the dnesday, was recovered this noon by ings and sprains, o urns ana . feathers and make them much more I Henderson Davis and Jim Clark, who Scalds, General tsoauy Pains, mm f f. J j mt 4 I m , r f ? a. Tooth, tar ana neauuenv, irom upono, .o nae ast, ior tmsporu Dled FuhlaSt the bottomof the Northwest river, near ttdi ana cars, una u uuiai. Drawing Paper, SD DSAVflAO MATifiilALy, Can always be had at HSINSBERGEB'S Oth in.-t., the practice of Mechanical Den tistryf.uinr Celluloid as a base plate. Price KuU Set 00.00 " v . ' llalf Set $30.00 J. U. DURHAM, DcutUt, P.incess street, bet. Front and Svcond. -Notice Pianos and Organs. ucauuj i.w oiccp. jlk icuiutcu uuob u nave Deen a ragging ior n ior me pasii xj u vua jri&nua aau voukiici Nor baroue Lwn. Giernldsen. saile I renovates the feathers. K mu 1 j i , f Ua A - - ' I LWUUilVSa XUC UUU V WiUUUU&GU UU UVUl m to'tf Aches. o Prmratioa on earth equali St. Jacobs Oil tafe,ure, itnple and efceap External BwiedT A trial entiila but the comparatiTely titfict out of 60 Cents, and eyery one suffer ing with pain can haTe cheap and podtiT proof of iu claimi. TirKtioni in Eleven Languages. BOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALEBS IN MEDICINE. jlvogex-er & co.; Baltimore, Md., U.S. A., ipril lJKJAsr-nio tc ' CORSETS ? CORSETS'! IX ALL SIZES, IS, TO 23 INCHES. The latest. "Do you dance the quad I The boys are telling some amusing I ly opposite the distillery ol Mr. J; U, rille?" "No; but my brother Bill, who anecdotes about their frientts who visited I Bowden, It was brought to the dock at is ill in Brazill, he dances the quadrill." the Black fish Grounds a few days ago I the foot of Red Cross street, and there rrv. iMMM hn on the steamer. Passport. One of oar dressed by some of his friends and from IT y V t I i 1 n 1 T i a i. 1 iUn. An -m.ir-k.-I 4 a Inn lain na i Ham your favorite pet dog will be scooped in TerJ parucwar irienas, wno venmrea e wcuye iu .P Mxa Vioi. I r r r . , unless vou ake him "selid" with a "' i . comuiiuea ror niai. h , I m reply to her , anxious inquiry if it I As was foretold by us, ;the examina- a i 1 j .11 i i: ;t .T ! T I . . . - i wouiuu ii muntj mm sicn, .a owm x uu t10n yesteraay ot oam jornegay, cnargea i weareieaseaio sww vnau v,ux. u. r sick j fish all the time The with hPW imnliVatod in me mail rob- - . i j ti 11 a J I I or i v. uurr is consiuerea macu ueiw tu-uay passpor had. hardly . crossed the bar bery effected by Geo. W- Blauey, .re- ana mat ne. m up loraauurt UBra when our friend commenced to "turn gaited in his beinir committed in default morning. i wnjte about the gills" and was soon pay-! of a bond of 300 for trial at the next Hundreds of Men, Womb.v and I ine homage to old Neptune. He was I term of the District Court. BothBla- Childeen Rescued from beds of pain, deathlv sfck and one of his friendg ap. n and Kornegav if they liT'ef be Erar "what BhallJ sure Uo take a tfip next Fall to -All J . - - I . It ? 3?.u urn 11 1 T I . -m. . -r Tonic are the best evidences in the world I ten your wne n you aiei "Aen ner a i Dany, JN. X X H. 1 uaroy, iisq., ap- of its sterling worth. You can hna these I died fishing," was the feeble response. I peared for Kornegay in the above ex- m every community, rest, bee aaveruse- , amination. and Hon. D. L. Russell for uaii at jacobi s ior uaraen Aioes anu i Are Jirit-Ulisi in evry respect Call aad makt your selections at t HSI53BERQKR'3. je 3 Lire Book and Mario Store Wilmintoa & Weldoa B. PaiieDsr Departmant, WILMINGTON, ilay tlat,13dl rjHE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE fcr the County of New Hanover are hereby rc quested .to assemble at the Court House iu Wilmington in joint meeting with the Coun ty Commissioners on Monday, June Glh, at 10 o'clock, A. M.,foi the purpose of electing a County Superintendent of Public Instruc tion. JXO. S. JAMES, J. r., Chairman Jpnx Cowan1, Scct'y may .11-2t-tu-frl Star copy wed-sat GRAND EXCURSION TO Ws&& Waecam aw La ke '! A friend, resident in that county, gives i.ufioutoitJ UCAITU niRrrT." I .. . . . . , . i nnn.ttHwiiini l it as his opinion, irom an mai ne cu us wnw. i-.iwu. 'U'APVPRa TTT T7VTRT.T. AT.TTTSTA"RLE I 4t,rtf n1T,o tpi'H irofo fivA to Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. -There the prosecptioH,: WOVEN BONE CORSET." one against Prohibition. TVe have 'received, withHhe compli- Beautify your homes by using the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t A fashionable paper says that "a pcl-jments 0f Hon. K. P. Battle, the Presi H'hite GOOdiS Department onaise for dinner should be cut square, jdent, a catalogue of the University of Ijlu ib uuu aiaicu, uuncci,. nuuiuw " i jn orta uaroiina, ior liiou-&a. Anecaia polonaise should be roasted, fried or boil' wue shows a total of 191 students for Lawns, which wash eo well. Embroidery I ed. EXCUE8I0N TICKET ARRANGEMENTS For the Season of 188K TO THE HSALTH RESORTS AND ATTRaCriVE FXOURSIOIf POINTS J 0 WE3TERN NORTH CAROLINA, THE VIRGINIA SPRINGS, Ac, V1A1 WILMINGTON & WELDON B B. "lOMMENOlNQ JUNE 1st, and expiring to match. Oh STef, Good Idea. AMrs.Lewis, an English lady, who tas October Slit, 1181, Round Trip'Jicleti will recently come to this country to regulate Wilminet00, oa its domesticitv. wants to introduce tnir-1 teen-vear-old bovs as house servants, til October 11681. and PusengerTranE the past collegiate year, of whom 32 Good idea Lots of fan in it. How the porUtion faclUUes wiU be perfect to meet Linen and Alpaca Ulsters la all 6ize?,34: to 42 inches. R. f. Sclntire, jaae 1 MRS. JOE PERSON'S X&DIiLuT rVn RniMora and rViora fTfi in T a rru I -arOTO noninra 97 inm'nrs 27 RftnhnmorPS. I . i 1 ? 3 x I .... m. w ui.uviU v vW . j-- , .-r ' i ooys wouia enjoy piaying pitcuaau wsa i e iemtndf of and render comfortable aer nr'n ("a. Qnoli Pllnrlti arA Vnnra dloaa 11 fraaVimon A Titinnn.l . 14- 1a.Wfl.nd 101 . . l i L.llll :it. At. I ' "l . ' " 7 ' - witnme crocitery; -pass oan wita vuo c f aU faUndIag-touriatai and the puhlic fec. You can eet all sizes and at the I medical, 13 having been counted- twice I-. n1 Bnnjrtino- watr from the I lowest prices. . . t in the class divisions. We notice the kitckea fftucet all over the house. And Pciata "ached Tla ; J ; , names of J amea D. Murphy, from Pen-1 thea tae well k2own tendency of thir- Goldiboro or Weldon. .ucua&e.ok der county as a lourtn year smaeni, ; t2en.ye..0ia boys to keep their hands For Tieketi, Time Tables, Ac, erqiire of i 01 r.aucauon mee. a, ms uuur uuu E. A. Alderman, Thomas Badclifle amd absolateIy clean would .add a reUsh to on Monday next for the purpose of elect- charles w. Worth, of this city, third the dessert that would make thea as pal ing a Superintendent of Public Instruc- year . DaTid stone Cowan, of Columbus, ag late of puddiDff in a fivet 4 TON IC BITTERS An actor will tell you that it doesa' hurt to let yourself fall on the floor, but if you try it you will get deeply impres sed with the belief that the actor is a liar. Try it. . Owing to the inclement weather last evening the advertised excursion on the Passpott down the river did not take place. Capt. Harper proposes to make up for it next time. The U. S. District Court will net meet again in this city until tho last Monday in October, the 31st of the month. The Clonic aad Blood Purifier it is mail robbers, Blaney and Kornegay, tt.- i must tnereiore sweiier m jail- nere U liAkl i i in.M:u v Vl CMS SCROFULA, RHEUMATISM, nttrt Lisea r.hrrn1 IHHrma flnHp. W U kinds 6f Eruptions and Skin Diseas r.Vr1111 impurity of the blood. As Ik . - v luuiu U1U X UltUCi Ul Oivuu we-proven lteelf unequalled. . throuirhout the Summer, T.l 1 Ttt. 1 W7U ft . .n . . . - Km. Pr.v.wrir 'r t' The Nat.onal bewing Macnine uo's.. mediciuTuthTbttUnowbe Bean, Boston, Mass.. public, for the cure of blood diseases. I writes: Aiy wu.e usea ot. .lacoos uu ior jjjjj ao all hat you claim for it. I have iately cured. 1 was cured of rheumatism !ooEnUeknowledsofthe condition of by iVavinNmost highly recommend it t.Cr5 Xr- Stokes, before he commenced -uAm;c,2,mt0.A T into.ri nn. ase ntore thisy asf rgyour medicine, and I see you have I StimnT!al .- ! i. a a I Chi Jr y God speed you In jour efforts to I Without it. orxtethe condiiiou of mankind, and! pur would net be hi comfort &nd- lifthn!nPM. I will frirn 111 my power for you among my Yours respectfully. eT1 8tmp for testimonial of remarkable tityMrs. Joe Person, Franklln LCU 801,1 by Wil. H. UKEEN, WU- ijv. v,. may 4-dw-nac T'he Ocean House 8MIT1TVILLE, N. c TSTE ? LACE FOR PLEASUiaSc): top at Ernest Wines, Liquors, Ci ad Champagnes always on hand. Uttrant" just over the water. I respectfully, AIB. W. H. xSARKEK BRTAN-PMORSE, - "Proprietor. Criminal Court The attention ot the Court was ac cupied this morning in the trial of Fran ces Outlaw, charged with nuisance. The jury is out. t This afternoon the case of the State vs. Henry Statue, alais Henry McNeil, ChargediWilh larceny, was taken up, but up to tie hour of our closing the case was oaf trial. The? case of Wm. Daniels and P. W. Sm:ii charged with the larceny of rice fron Ahe Carolina Rice Mills, which was 'In trial yesterday, as given to the ; ly late last evening ef ill cT The jury is second year, and S. J. Chauncey, of Co- Iambus, first year. Te publish elsewhere Rev. C. H. I Wiley's report on the University, which will be found of interest. restaurant. 8 P COLLIER, Ticket ient, or A POPE, , G P A T A T If KMSR505, je 3 lw AMU uen'i ilexes Agent BT SUNDAY SCIIOOL OF ST. PAUL'S Evangelical Lutheran Church, Friday, JuneUOth. Refreshuienls ou beard train at city ? prices. Tickets can be had of C. W. Tates,!.,' ITeinsbcrger. S. Jewett, O. M. Ilarrifis, Ci7.ThIs Excursion was postponed from the date originally fixed, 'lickets purchas ed already for the 3d, w ill he rcod on tho 10th. - W J I aTKAUiJS SEA-SIDE PflBK HOTEL! Wriglitsville Sound J3 10W OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION of guests. C3r The table is supplied with the pro- ducts of the Sounds and Sea. - Transient and rcrular boarders taken at The Seaside Park Hotel Mine host Schutte, of the Commercial Hotel, in this city, has one of the most I Wfl- Colnmbia & AnTiita E. elegant resorts on Wrightsville Stand. The house is roomy and comfortable, the grounds are absolutely capacious and Passenger Department, WILMINGTON, May 1iJ, 1 831 reasonable rates. je 2-tf ;F. A. SCHUTTE, Proprietor Meteorological Report. 17mm Rurtrpant. AfrCann. Signal Ofil- f rn.f h ihft Mlwrne well shaded and the sea view is very ex ,fn.fLmnnth nfMftv, tensive. There is also a due regard paid - I x J. 1 rkv i .nn. vnnn 'I Anlfl rometer, 30.372, date 1st; lowest baromlluo 6W ----- XrAUUXLOXVXl XAUAUKiX 70.6 degrees highest temperature, 93 d tteiJ Dfer a Jof? uf D' a For the SCaSOll Of 1881. degrees, date 13th; lowest temperature, OI P fcUw" 54 degrees, date 9th; greatest daily range aau a au 0 Uu of thermometer. 24 defirrees, dates 9th and I olQ irec3 U1 "uc vrw uMMBU w- v i: . . i r . 12th; least daily range of thermometer, average man nappy ior me onrpPa tP.4thrmpanhnmiditv.71.1: ior a rauroau w u, f uviwwj --w - j total rainfall 2.11 inches; prevailing wind, southeast; total monthly movement of wind, 3,588 miles; number -of foggy days', 0; number of clear day3, 6; number of fair days, 22; number of cloudy dajs, 3; total number of days on which rain fell, 9; total number of days on which no rain fell, 22; dates of auroras, 0; dates of solar halos, 0; dates of lunar halos, 13th. Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacobi's. t "Wilmington, N. C, June 2nd, 1881. Editor Review: Dear &iY-4t would be a great kind ness if you would draw the immediate attention of the city authorities to the dangerous condition of a part of the wooden roadway on Nutt street. I say dangerous to the limbs of horses and mules d raying on that basy and crowded part-of the city. : The roadway is break ing up fast and seeds immediate repair. : Yours respectfully, : Crvis. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish m Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f The Date of Secession. Editor Review: The journal of the Secession Conven tion, published by John W. Syme, Ral eigh, 11362, page 3, now before me, snows the members assembled at 11 a. m. on Monday, the 20th May, and immediately entered on business. The ordinance was introduced by Burton Craige and unani mously adopted same day. The record closes as follows: "And then, at half-past six p. m., the everJmeaiOTable twentieth ot May, theJConvention adjourned until to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock. On Tuesday, tho 21st May, page 23, "Messrs Badger, Batcheler and Gorrell severally asked and obtained leave to he it recorded on the journal that if they had been present yesterday they would have voted in favor of the ordinance dissolving the Union then subsisting between the State of Norm Carolina and the other States." " '' Edwabd Cajtjwxll. Brjpley'a Jess 2, 1S3L ; TO THE HEALTH EXSO&TS AND ATTRACTIVE IX0UB3IONPOIJTS 07 NO&THEABT GEORGIA, UPPEB SOUTH CAROLINA AJra WZ3TZ2N NORTH OAROLUfA TIA THE WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA A AUGUSTA B. K. lOHUXNCING JUNE lit, aid exLLg October 31 it, If 81, Board Trip Tickets mill be on tale at Wilmington uaUl October lit, 1831, ad Paneager TraafpcrtaUan facilitif will be perfect to mett tie demindi of aid reader ooaforta&le lerviM to all iateadirg tourist! aad the pablle ceaerally, t? the ti- rloaf poiati reached via Columbia, and tie Colombia A Greearille or Bpartasmrg A Ashtvflle SaUreadf. Tor Tickets, Time Tablei A , eaqiire ef OP CO LLIE3, Ticket Agent, Unloa De?ot or A POPE, OP AT A T IX ZllZZZOZlj JiJ.Iw AntGcViTlcitt Art For the Sound. 1- :. iirTTr :u rt- " jay u.juiA win uuiiiaituco ita ii;- tiliir trip to tiio JifTcrent ON THURSDAY Morning, Juno 2ftL To familie3 residing on cither of tlio Sounds, cr theso who eipccfc shortly to move down, tlu3 wfll lo a great convenifcue, a3 their Family S upplies2 Wili ba dolivcrctl at their'doors IxcO of any charge. All orders Jeft ut my Storo will ba promptly delivered cntho sJjdts named dayi - JNO, mm i in inn ii ill's FAMILY GROCER, ty:5

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