.UI8 m - tr 0- t l'l l. Id ib l lo- ce) ir - 3r S3 LrenUi4 )Dslst!rS eTB2 ation. ' Clul4ref! dty. the6. 1AU tt. B si ante T. I A Jtt K . MsjtiJT J t) g0n FKOPalKTOR. .RrrTIOSS. POSTAGE PAID. 0B8C.I?m Six month., $260 ; Three Ml1'' , . . rvn month. 60 cent. " 7 will be delivered byerrieT, 'U7 Pof the city, attha r VT if ' - 1' , - - or w CDUia rafcflowandUbem W" will pleae.report any and to feeeire their papnrc(ml VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C SATURDAY, JUNE 4. 188 1. NO 132 jj cw dvrtisementB L'OCAX NEW New Advebtuemexts. Head ITahu's Local Ads ; Heijtsbebqeb Drawing Paper C W Yates Pianos and Organs Hones Killed. Last evening, about dark, a colored v Closing Oat Sale A favorable opportunity is offered the man drove a couple of horses attached to J " il , .,1 g3. laces, handkerchiefs, etc., at their a wagon up iu iuc ucuun w ivs-i . , . , , , , F j tv. own prices. In order to make some lit- left the horses standmg across the track- , . . . , . f , , c.u tie alteration and improvements ic nis In a short time afterwards the Southern p . No interments m Oakdale this w,ek. bound tram cameltknndering along, kill- dudcd to hia cntIre stock f Days length 14 hours and 29 minutes jn both whhe Summer goods at cost. Some of hisar- to pieces. W e could not leara ; who the . . k Closing out Bale at Hahn's, oQ Market horses belonsed to nor - cair we imagine - T . street. t what induced the driver to leave his he must have his alterations made before The almanac said it would be fair to day and fair it is. ; Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 13 minute s past 7 o'clock. ; 7 Whortleberries were held at fifteen cents per quart to day. horses standing - across the tr. ck just J about tr in time. his Fall and Winter stock arrives. Yen nors Predictions for J one- Best Calicoes 6. cents, per yard at tnj rr ud tout lOtK r 12th H-.Hx'St 38 Market street. daj8 Beyond these dates cwl aid UatTeiHlif Woruai tchool. , showery weather is probable up to the Persons attehdiia-tne University Nor-1 20th, and frosts are likely to be experi- mal School will cav the following rates, fenced pretty generally both in Canada - M W - Ti,-. .,.;r,t f -nttr.n .t ihi nnrt to- xnnA fmm .Tnnft 8 to Anerust 1: One fare and the Northern States. A snow fall m-r Krrf h tear-a nn iliA fnllowinffi Hich-1. is not imTjrobab.6 in monQXtinous re UUjr lUUb .v gwu wvvu iijw, O . I XT , .. : . f -n mocd and Danville Railroad; North Car gions. The neighborhood of the 22d and Onlv nip. interment, an infant, ml4""- .,. l , . , . .,.... Belle vue Cemetery this week. FOB RHEUMATISM 3 Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, ,heha. Soreness of ilto Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, S well- jM aJff Sprains, a urns unu Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches, No Proration on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil .JT .I tA rKitart External U I $aje, wry, -r"f- ..;, oinr(l F.intgrant'. Some seven or eight cc lored person?, women and children, left here to-day for New York on the steamship Benefactor. They go North in the hope and lelief that they wiil receive better wages as servants than they receive hert, in which expectation there will be doubtless much disappointment fr them a3.the market there is overstocked. Quite a number el the friends of the passengers h d gather ed on the wharf to bid them goodbye and when the steamer cast off there was con siderable of a commotion. , f ' ' -- ; Crlratnal Court . The Court was engaged to-day in dis. posing of the following cases: - State vs. Wm. Daniel. Assault and battery. Continued. . State vs. James P. Spann. Fahe pretence. Guilty. "- '- - - - s- . . froa cir? Irlrrts on mj aad all " gsaeralltemt fcat , s "t1 tua cf th- wiiUi" Trf lraji b fat tiiLed to ft Editor. CVmcr!cVJc e i b rr!ttca oa rly o.esld cf t-pVfM. ParcsIItleji Eisl fcs ivillJ A4 It Li e;cllyd p arrrJaxly andsr ttcjd that ths IMif does not !t?tb rtdort thTvsoi corra-c-dcuu, tuJss eo sl&t Ngtt Advertisements.; vv n.i:KOTON, l'7 Sift, 1 J3i EXOUEION TICSST AUU VNGF.MKNTS For tlio .-iMiu ISS!. ' , ; ; ' TO TiltJ H ALTfl LE3GrkT3 AND . LTTK iOTlVC i x jtjrsrox points; c?'.'warB , K.i:in ciL'Xi, ti:3 vir.o;Mi BI'RI.VG 'Mc , VI i, V ILl!NOT03f & State - vs. Francis Medway. Forgery. October 3Xt, 1531, Zaz I Tr:?:" WnU wUl olina Railroad. Western North Carolina 23d days looks, in the distance, particu- Railroad. Three cents a mile, round trip, I larly cool and frosty, while the 24th to Laces All kiudk at your own prices, 0Q tte Atlantic and North Carolina 1 26th dates, on the contrary, smack or at Hahn's, 38 Market street. I Railroad. Three and a halt cents a mile, heat in many sections ot the country. ; EvenihiDjr ha, to pay up sometimes; first class, and three cents, second class, The neighborhood of the 20th is likely even the little chxkens have to shell out each way Raleigh and Gaston MM to prove - and Raleign ana .ugusta aLir--iuf. ncskcru umrcuuwiw, mo A boy does n t always get much com- The cent3 each way, Seaboard and ng in all probability accompanied by fort out of his first cigar, but he gets a Roanoke Raiiroad; Wilmington and thunder and lightning and hail. The heap of experience. v Weldon Railroad. month will end hot in most parts, with Stndr rnnr interest. You can now , , . . -r. threatening weather. - j j - i ipga innns phi inan i si ai iiaua i .... - bay Cook Stoves at factory prices at . -j , v P" a00Te T'.,, t ' Market street. matter for "carious comparisons." It v bitsun-day. 1 will be seen how sadly Mr. v ennor is oui on slo ,t Uao ti-jot, Wrmlsgir, isb -t;l '"ctobor !l IL81, ar.tl rrnor Trtt- Guilty. State vs. David Yourg Larceny.! Guilty. Slrla vs. Scharff. Assault. Not p.rt-Un f;c:i . - i.ft;6 rtrfect t- meet guilty. j tte Jeunij of stl iodcr cariforUble cr- otatOTS. l. r.topann. raise pre.euwe. I(JJ fo, all isUndir tsarist and thapuUio On trial. Br. barque L,ive Vale, btmweii, sail- roiebrated as of hia reckoning. So far the month ha. xi r I . . ' r,. I .wuiin i - fcmedy. 1 trial entails dui ine w-punmu..; d from llverpOOl, On ine 2Da u r;...., cn r.nti. .nd crerr one suffer- 1 cv -- f i ITillOI OUU.T VI V 7 -I bl with pdn can Laro cheap and positf proof port. ttteuami. Dirtctioni In Eleren Langttag-M. ' BOLD BT ALL DEUGGISTS ANDDEILEES IH MEDICINE. A.V0GELER & CO:, Baltimore ,2d., IT. ?.-. ipriIlldir-nao te 1 SI Alt SIZES, .18 TO 36 INCHES. CORSET "WARNER'S HEALTH CORSET." "WARXER'3 FLEXIBLE ADJUSTABLE for Messrs. Brown & Roddick. WOVEN BONE CORSET. ? ' Whitsun-day, in commemoration of the been the exact opposite of what he has descent of the Holy Ghost on the Apos I predicted. The Register or Deeds issuec aurmg tles ia the snape ot tongues oi nre, to i T A1I kiada at vour own prices, .. ,ii -.- . . the week marriage licenses to two wnite "teach the Apostles ; and to bring an i HAHNa 38 Market street. X and four colored couples. I things to their remembiance," and give ' - There is some talk of an excursion this courage , preach the G.speL-- month from Shelby to this city and hence MWPHnftnflsl- witH It if originally from an Atlanta paper. to the mouth of the, river. f ' T 'nnna, vMtpa nn ih It will be read ith much interest by r.:..u -- 4i,o -pBBnW-. Tt is Gen. McBae's many friends in this city. boue, bat the durability of a woman's Tationsly writteil Whitsua-day, yTld JSS tongue is the result cf local culture. I Sunday and Whitsun-Day. It is derived 4nPTal McRae has not a superior in his n.u ftt" .TAnoBi'a for Garden Hoes and from the German tflngtien, whence profession in AmeriforWwtera Rak., Shovels,SPades, Axest&c,There AVhingsten and Whitsnn. V 1" . .. . . 1 4. . I . . . . ww . 1 Til 1- I ..... -r x 1 you have the lowest prices. i i Freshwater irercn, iront ana xmc.-1 credited. this success, uui mere uic TTi u xt; t fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort 1 thosej who wonaer, aiumes, now uo The store lately occupied by Maj. j. nsn ooaa uu Lnmnlishes it. The church people do, tt ia vp.inor handsomelv refitted ment and lowest prices aw aoobis. i f-t hA Opnpral is mot a tious man: the a m. s -Jua VJ-vi w - q af - a VA. w - - a Rev. Dr. Patterson returned here last I T T . . ' -i - ! A North Carolina System. I steadily industrious marvei, ior ne au Tt. apPma to ng. if Mr. Best's plan of more time or -34 w V -- - j A White Goods Department A new eupply of those beautiful White Several cases were continued for the term. gecera1, t- te v'i:aj p.it re&chjd Tia Oo!dstoro or TTtlJon. For Tkfcets Tir.aTibUs, c, eq!ra cf 5 JP C.Ll laU, 1'ick.t icit. cr A i OJ'F, u f a T A Chapel nill.j The past three days have been given np at the State University to the Com- r n j mencement exercises. These were open- je 3 l v Ass. Gen'i Tictet Agent ed last Thursday with prayer by Rev. 'nl Dr. Patterson, of this city. Senator ttcAf.U ..fcAbUaOjUtf J d Matt Ratisom delivered the address and iTpoonnw, lko ! it ia id tft hftTft been trulv masrmfi- iCiwUa.ii fi kl cent lathe afternoon Dr. Harrison 1 1) Y SUNDAY SCHOOL OF ST. PAUL'S Sor. I JLJ i-vane:icai juinera:i unurcu, rnuay, 1L. l)....llin.nnA Si AT. I I preacnea wb j-cwikiui Juue loth. Kclreshmcnis ou board train mon and in the evening orations were atclry prices. . delivered by representatives of the two Ti?1:e.a can bo h4d of c. W Yates, P. Societies. Ampng these was Mr. E. A. "Dci-sbtrger; d. Jcwat, O. M. llarrlss. Aldeman, of this city, whose subject was " Ti9 Esccnion p-f tponcd from "Ireland and her woes." The News and tha, data oiiplualiy'iixed. 'i icUttj purchas- tt kiAmnna pffnrt. ed already furthe'SJ, v ill be gtod ontbc Observer says of Mr. Alderman s eilort. 1(,th y. u al'llAJS$ Mr. Alderman handled his subject with jo 1 skill proved us debtors to Ireland tbe i world debtor to Ireland England mdebt-1 y; ?p TV g ft mi.-,c.DPiu v Unp-intendent: the slow-reasoning mind niaht from Chapel Hill and will preach inaugurating a -Nortn Carolina railroad wondera for apparently he never stops . : Bvstpm in to be carried out. that he could tn reason at all before reaching his con- at St. James to morrow s - " y bundiDg'a road aU of dasions. The chief secret lies In there evening. " . . '-m0wa Tf markable intuitive perceptions of the : . the way from Salisbury to Goldsboro. If arrcrue he acquired in the outset A woman cannot put on any Bide sad- , .Apja in o-ettine- control aeain ot "TV'.- 4,n ewtinn in Ir vi v -i . I ; iw uvvvv - o a ' I ni Ilia VttHSCJl u uv.vou v w -- ltwM-fhlch vrasa eo we.l. Embroilery i. gtyle wten she goe8 in 8wimmmg. the Wegtern N 0 B. r. he will be lit- civil engineering and mechanics, serving to match. She has either cot to kick utilise a man I wurttlt n ontlet until he can an apprenticeship to ine latwr unxiiue . - ----- I was esteemed a master machinist. But or get drowned, build one, the Richmond & Danville con- mej a ma discriminatiDg Rev Robert Hett Chapman, D. D., 1 trolling every one ef his connections. In . d Qt usi be ascribed, in chief, his Linen and Alpaca Ulsters la all eize9,34 to 42 inches. f Rfl. rJJc.ntire. jus I is expected to conduct services, morning this event an easy connection could be rare adaption to his office. Ha aind is Id .PTening. at the Second Presbyterian made with the Carolina Central either at SSSSZ nuro), mnrrAw fSnndav. Lincolnton or at Charlotte, and with a f"u q1,v f monoavllables. The VJi Ulu ... . . . I UutB AU .w.r w a -r P i wu-f wi far less ouuay ior suuuiug ,---- superintendents oi a inrongu uu, . r. A. V., Bark, JeJ' iBg than if he makes a strike his road was a part, "SllSA J Goldsboro on- a new line had met in A tlanta to arrange for M savs M, M PERSON'S IC BITTERS ! rNrn- . I H 7 . ' ' . I K - r. ov f- 0(rT7T rdl I I ri) Ml II 1M ft CU W I l(W llUS BWnw 1 I cobs Oil; it cures everybody, and is con- ior uoiasooro uu . J a faster schedule. When the had sidered a eift from heaven by our people. and then has to purchase or a .-! the room : a party of gentlemen who went down lease the Atlanta & North Carolina. R. and "Gentlemen, I have Bf)u1 , a pan; bi KcuHC Wilmineton would, we think, fur- ness up the road. Make as fast a sched- the river early yesterday" morning had ouaVt LTeema so much to do- Sfeas you please, and I will make as fast rare sport dunngtheday, having caught ; . time as any of you.-- Good morning! ' a quantity of very fine sheephead. - "u " - V v.-.irn He never appears to oe ioomg wwr q JL i way, than he can find either at Newbern thingf and yet nolhin? around him Buntinzs. all wool, 12 - cents, at rtp xf ftrflW d At Newbern there i3 a PSt.anpa his observation. It is told of Hahn's,S8 Market street. X wantof water andat Morehead a, want him that he was standing at the passen- Col.Jas.G.Burr, we are glad to see, I of land. A through line from the West gt ,terminatmg ai numiog- Aa he eneinecame to a standstill ne ed to Ireland in the enormous sum of having never bestowed a single privilege A that was not wrunjr from her. He claimed I tnat the question is not one of political sienee, but one of life and death. He discussed Mr. Gladstone's bill as up to the other "F's." He paid a fine tribute to Irish valor, and asserted that she must be free; This closed the literary exercises and the merry crowd hastened to trip the light fantastic s ..vapor lit) DBA ,7NCf iATSmiS, Can n7T&j3bi3 bad at Piano.1 and Organs, A h' our. riiKo and quoins, New Advertioomonta. Horse Wanted, THE ADVERTISER WISHES THE USE ot a HOKSJ5 lor tne esummcr iyui-a. Lio-ht drivinjr and good atteDtiiu. Address je 2-3t PO Box 213 Ara Fir:tl.Mia evej rcsjoc C&'l aii tail;a your dzUo'ions at HI53SERQESS- -je3 . Lire Cook and ilaaie BtorcJI 37.i'.t is the .on I; IMtomj ever voted on and endorsed Ij the people of any biaie. ?uunfL :z .r 'MTr ucco w " -n , n - k )a ka i ,;- f- thirtv dars. for fast running T-s"wl "npumy oi tne moou. b rru toba oharo-o of tha I (Carolina avsiem as on uwu num cu, .-- i. : wrtUveTotlip ftnfl Pnriflpr nf thfthlood lucwj --v.t - Pi53T m to U.;V appear thialraoming toaouid be just a, though" a North id ,0 ,heeo?ineer "Too The track in some repair, and a bulletin order had warned engi- roen nt tft rnn faster than eitrnt miies an hour over; it. This engineer had real- Pvea Itself unequalled. tax-listing. .1 . l n at a terminus anywnere ee0u?u5K. - undereoin some repair, , - I " . . .... 3 i 3 ..Mu1 ' An m Dres Goods less than cost at uahji s . ' . . - -rz. . - I -p, nttrt rnn faster than eieht mUes I Tn PnHJpra and others WO 10 OACO-I '.7 . . u J 1 - w ' -- I . ki.fi. nm it i nl9 fT IT1 nrr.r llv L Coi. - i yi.il 11 11 lx i. uici ivt & mm. there being no between him and the r , , t general the engineer was sadly puzziea It Ta.:. . . .., .i 5 Mnrkfit street. r---a.a Uiooa runner 1 is - . r.. nri Doora. Glass. ? "wr.TV"" il-v.-' Among those who have been appointed - Yo can eet au sizes and at the telegraph station betweei . .. i i . i . MIu-s.ort,t.N.C.. Notanes ruouc unoer ,u0 loest prices fi tT, 'iHro c I Messrs Alexander o ueiue, m. i - Ksxp July 17th, 1879. Messrs Aie-au , 'ramble Nuuiuict. & rv i w i inn- ii . m w a i . Tfiin ir . ni AM i ni An -kko irnr Mechanical Dentistry. X WILL RESUME ON NEXT 'Monday, X 6th in&t., the practice of Mechanical Den; tistry, tu? ing Celluloid as a base plate. Price Full Set $00.00 Half Set $30.00 J. H. DURHAM, Dentist, Princess street, bet. Front and Secp-d. ay 31-la ; Wit Columbia & Augusta B. K . .. . r ABieiiger ueparuusui.) s IflLHINaTON. May lst, 1831 y :PRECDEr.TD ATTRACTIC?! ! OVER HALF MILLION DI31RI3UTED. & t-kSffe -l bert H I it;-crtn Wm; A ' Wil'son and Thomas Since the appearance of our article of --.ruaecureot oiooa aiseases. x i-, . . , ji- yesterday m reiereucu w wc K taking up theii stand in the sand at the tne ts' Market ite. our: atten- Y. Enamel Faint.. iedy mixed and war- . th fat;t that two j tivu 1 I rfJ?:,?fidence ln ilt and believe that Evans, of this city, !liia!;httJoacl-in for it. I have! . d knowledge of the condition of Beautify yoar homca by using VHr5 Stoker befor hn commenced I . j . medicine, and I see you have . --mel 1 ICAU p, . uc aa uicu. jv v i, ATmikvU. wv. v M J tl !y J4 epeed you in jour efforts to merchants who pay larg b taxes, store 01? condiuon of mankind, and qc .j-, 4t'0erme Myer cleared to- rent, etc.. near the "new fish stand" have &1orhnaont day o'r London With 1.695 easks spirits been considerably damageUy the flies p loonrefpcctfollr, torpentide, thippeJ by Mean Williams which are drawn thithe by the fish- fftetai'5,5. and Marchison, and Nor. barqoe frank Apart from the loots ot he thing and lii., cleared for Paysandee, S. A., with 270,- the damages sustained by the merchants S l UY Mr. Jaa PAnnn Vranlrllrvl .. . i - . 1 i mfiy 4-daw-nac I Kidder & Sons. 6fTTTTt7TT i t r Bishop Ljmanand Dr. Watson ft . of lhe fi3h is absorbed in the pr ' V Ihere yesterday afternoon on the steamer Lad and gnjitganything but a pleasant LACEFOR PLEASURE seek t ' . frtr w-v-tteville. They L - Tf-a.M.wi .nMpmic ,to? t Fiaest Wlaes, iiquors, Ci2 1 vill both be present at St. J ohn's Church summer no thanks "will be due the i Clumpagues always obhand. and required to go on some wharf where their boxes could be kept clean. As the matter now stands all the slime and rnt" JuBt oyer the water. : 51 lm BRTANTfMORSE, . . . mVion 4 ViP TlishoO 1 . v , ia tnai ciiy, mhiwuwhi " oeaiers. firmation. and Bev. I i ' M-H-.--tacoa, wfll'5 d-oea " -.; -!. J cent at a Priest. Huns's, 23 Jlarkct e treat to know how he had discovered his diso hpdience. Sometime subsequently Gen eral McRae explained it The engine had rolled m, bespattered wun me white mud which was nowhere else on thp mad than at this particular portion of the track, and the engine must have been running at a rapid speed to oecome so bespattered. General Mcltae is considered Dy some in he an austere man a kind of marti npt in disDositicn. This is a mistake: he is a disciplinarian, but he is entirely just and even generous. He would discharge a favorite Tor dereliction or auiy, anu la ml him rnnnpv from his OWB PUrSO the next day. lie is humane a man of warm sympathies and fond of the society f -Miifren. Rt. Dr. George Fatter- son, a prominent Episcopal clergyman of Wilmington, N. O., who had known General McRae from the tatter's boy hood, remarked to me a few days since that few men were better versed in, or had a finer taste for literature than tc. Rt with these. William McRae had some marked peculiarities, and one of (Ko- ia a 1 prided indL?DCsition to appear -- - . . . . T - . F . wptc Lhave here presentea mn-ia Z:zrz, rnlr cf a tSTTTTSirClV EXCTJE8I0N TICKET ARRANGEMENTS For the Season of 1831. TO THE HEALTH JJEJOBT3 AND ATrR-CTIYE I X3TJR3ION POISTtS O? NOS.THSifeT 0102QIA, UPPE3 BQUMI CJlUOL'NA A3TD WE3TEE2I NORTH CAROLINA TIA. THE WIL -UN 3T0N, OOLC U 31 A A AU9USTAB.B. QOMMEJiCINQ JD5E lit, axd exiig Uetobsr 11 it, lUVEoixd Tdp Iicct wUl - a-v. v be on sale at Wilmiocton until Cctber U 1881, aad PMagtr TrarrportaUcn faeCitUf w-U bprfc to most tke deaands cf ard render oomfortabla tnrlx to all inteadirg tcmrittt aad thapablio geaerally. t) tha ti- rioui polats rtaehed ria CjlaabU, and tie Colombia k OreenviUe or Hpartvala-g h AshevSUe BtHreads. t ForTl8keI,Tl-e Tille,Ao,, erqlre ot 8 P COLUKSTi0ket Areat, Ualon Depot or A.POP- ,ur ai a 1. JLn'-Cr-TTi:-:. it-t telaia State Lottery GoassBy. ' Incorporatea in ISaS for 25 years oy the Lcp-UIature for lJucatiocal ami Cliaritable " puqioses witli a capital of $1,000,000 to w.ich a reserve fun! of over ZtHOflW has ticc-been aflileu- liy an ovenyhcltnia? popular vote Its fran chise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted rcceaiber 23, A. If 1S79. Its flr.JLND Sixglk .NcMnxu Dr.Awr.vos wiil take place monthly. Ir Xcvzn scales ok rosTroxEi. Look at the following Dis tribution : - GRAND PIlOMrNADS CONX'EKT, during vliich vrill' take place the . 133d Grantt BlonJhly AXD TUB Bxiraspimsrj . SiQi-Miial- Dawi--1 At New Orleans, Tuesday,. June 11th, 1SS1, Under the personal Up2iri;on and manage ment of Gex. G. T. BEAUREGARD of Loulelara, aud Qzi;. JUiiAL A. lAilLY, of Vjrji.'-C. CapilaV Prize $100,000. Nutjce TJcVc-iJ are Tf n Doyars only. Halves, X lillhs, 2. Ttntl:r-U. i,ti? or raiz-s. ' l dniui Piizo'cr 16,000 sioo.ryv 1 (iralid Pr;?.i f f .Vl,0'J M.OCO 1 Graud Piiz? rf" -VXiO 20,000 2Lartre l'ii.t, si,f , Vtjm J0,0O 4 Ir-re Vtizcs oi. fXtB 20,0CO eI'rlzescf 1,000 UQflM liv : S0,fX ck) ' ito mjirAp 10,0(K) -IC 1C0.CC0' 100 Approx'ii 1'rUei ; of. 200 S20,0iV 303- . it' io.tf v v " 100 11,270 Trizr?, cnnailic-1-3 Geo. G. T. BSAURK;aU, of La. Gen, JU3AL A. KARLT, of Va.t ' ' Coiiisj!oer ArpHcatlon for ratrs to clubj ehouIJ only be made -to the office of tLe Company la New Orltan?. W'xils fo: circaJari or ccid r-- LI. A. UAVVIllZl cr :i. a. o AUtniri ,ti r:o. 2i2-cr5a(l?7.ii, ;;.r I'cr tz7 a-v-:- 7-";v;j Proprietor. X

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