t THIS PAPEB PLSAE5H0TICE. Wa will ba ltd to rtcelra o-Jtcaarltacoct froa out Trias njca tuj tad all nibiat 9 g9cerallct3m tuS Tha raao of the wrttc Ktal5j aa fsr nSfiedta tit Editor. r j am a j i; " l0ITOB AND PKOPaiWOK. tKBirri058. POSTAGE PAID. -1 rti Six months, $2 M ; Throe CcnasKa&iwtfcsj cart fca written ca orly ons ride cf the pijr. ; Pexmalliies xawt fca traWtl '. " 7 Aad It Ij espcl3y and pi t. ohuly 2f stood that th Ediwdoe? cot always endort tb viwot eorreeposde&tt bjx1u to sat la Us editorial colas 1 I 1 J5 ; One month, ceata, DoBtw, delivered by carriers, .Esi." Pof tbecity.attho ,rar rte low and libera riber. will pleaaereport any -J rv " t-hAir naoerf regularly. vol: v WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, JUNE 7. 1881. NO. 134 ftiw ' - Mill IlHIW. Adverti8ementSj fjii v.1 .BIIMJ 11 Pl Kfllltl LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. R P Paddisgx Grand Prohibition rie Nic. CCR R Than?e of Schedule OM VanOesdelj There i no nse Talk ing . ' , HEiN83EBGER-wHammocks C W Yates Pianos and Organs Discontent ia the want of self reliance One little flirt can make dozens of men uncomfortable. , Almost tool enongh last eight for fires aad blankets. THE GREAT WHEN il The receipts of cotton at .this port to day foot Up 95 hule.3. Pollteuess is like great though :it comes from the heart, - FOR RHEDMTISI, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns 'and Scalds, Genera Bodily Paps, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted feaf and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Fa Preparation on earth eqnala St. Jacobs Oil. u $afe, sure, simple and cheap Ixtemal iMMdy. A trial entail but the comparatiyely titer outlay of 60 Cento, and every on Buffer feg with pain can hay cheap and poaitlT proof d fu claims. Pirtctiooi in Eleven Jjanguage. SOU) BT ALL DETJGGISTS AUD DEALERS IN MEDICINE, A.V0GELER fc CO., Baltimore, Hid., V. 8. -J-ipri'.U'daa'-nao tj There is a "tied" in the affairs of men Chat leads on to baby carriages. .At 3 o'clock to-day the thermometer in this office registered 90 degrees. Steamship Regulator, Capt. Doane, arrived here to-day from New York. City Court. Laura Hall, for being drunk aad dis orderly, was fined $2.50. In default of the payment she was sent below for 5 days. G. W. Herring was arranged for re refusing to pay a huckster's tax. Judg ment was suspended on the payment of tie tax to the Clerk of the Market The Court then adjoarned. Varttia Bca-rt It wasa little lively around Burgaw yesterday. The Board of Health, the Board of County Commissioners, the Board of Education and the Board of Magistrates met. Dr. Geo. F. Lucas was elected Presi dent of the Board of Health and Dr. W. T. Ennett, Secretary and Superintendent. Dr. E. Porter declined a nomination as President. Dr. J. C. Broadhurst was elected Coroner and Rev. J. S. Black County Superintendent of Public Schools. The Oxford Orphan Asylum The Orphan' Friend which, by the way, has been considerably enlarged and improved, contains an article from the Den. as we suddosc of Mr. Mills, its A, r . Mr. C. M. VanOrsdell, who has beei at of the city for several days past, has letnmed, and is now at his post, looking I Superintendent, in its last issue, which is happy. as follows: : : .1 "We have now more children than we ine aupenor uoun was m session ever had before and are making brick as again to-day. The only business before I fast as we can to erect another house for the Court is civil cases, of which there I the boys. YTe have not the money to a forfvitrlit I do bo much; but we are relying on the T d O SPANISH LACES Won't some chemist invent a face powder that does not contain lead and tastes good? Oir young men are dying of lead poisoning, and kissing is going oat of fashion. Study your interest, xoa can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacob i's. t Lioooes. the Churches, the People. Reader, we hope you will find it in your heart (and in your pocket-book) to help ns provide for the education of poor and promisii&r children whose fathers and mothers are dead." In this connection we would state that on the 21st instant an excursion will be given down the river on the steamer Passport under the auspices of bt. ohn'sLodcre. No. 1, of Masons of this JUST IN TO-DAY ! OY VARIOUS STYLE3. Curtain Laces Some real bargains. Every person authorized by the law to city win be under the manage- il . ! i ' 1 J 1 . solemnize ine rue oi mainmony, buwuiu i ment and control of the Orphan Aeyiuni bear in mind that the law imposes a pen-1 nnmm: w f aau . xdee. consisting of ... I rrr 1 w " " aity wr aoa Fwt ccL iiim w i Messrs. w ra. bh.- oisson, W. W. Allen the license, properly miea om, wunin and j0hn W. Perdew, tnua anoraiug out mm two months after its celebration. I citizens an opportunity or .enjoying a Beautify yonr home, b, using the N. pleasant excursion and at the J J . . . , I r ..nu;t,n(;nir fnwarfls the SUDPOrt 01 v T?amo p. nt read v mixed ana war-1 wuu-h j. . uuaui&i . j Board' or Alderaen- The Board ml in regular monthly ses sion at the CitGall last night. In the matter of uniforms for the po- ice torce the Jbinance " committee was granted further time. Certain condemned fire hose was re ported sold, and the amount realized $28 was ordered to be credited to the Fire Department. The committee on Fire Department was granted further time on the matter of a fire-alarm bolk The adverse report of the same Wmraittee on the qaestidn of a telephone fire-alarm was adopted. Report oj the committee on Police, recommending the reappointment of the police force, as now constituted, includ ing janitors, was adopted.' fne Sanitary committee was granted farther time. Petition of certain butchers, regard ing the weighing of beef cattle, reported adversely from the committee, was disap proved, being contrary to law. The Clerk and Treasurer and Tax Collector presented his official bond $20,000 with O. G." Parsley, Z. Lati mer and E. E. Burruss as sureties; the same approved by the Board of Audit and Finance. A communication from the Board of Audit and Finance was received, namiig Messrs. Norwood Giles and R. J. Jones as ;the committee to act wuh the Fi nance Committee of the Board to ex amine and destroy bonds and coupons that have been paid and cancelled Petitions of D. Stelges and J. W. Hewlett to erect wooden buildings were granted. The following persons were elected as a 'Board of Commissioners of Naviga tion and Pilotage : Messrs. J. H. Chad Don. MeRae. H. B. Eilers. Jas. Sprunt and D. G. Worth. Report of the Finance committee, re commending that a tax of five dollars per month be levied on each stevedore making contracts for loading or discharg THE MEDIC aL KEIT. The Doctors f Council at ,Uht t11o A Foil and Harmonious Srssion. the trachea to prevent saroca tion. This bloody operation was doae high up on the ide of the romantic mountain, in a negro hut, and the poor patient ' was nursed assidioa sly by his numerous " doc tor Iriends. Succediog the operation, the strength of the patient failed fapidly so that it was necessary to penorrn the operation of transfusion of blood. Qhe persons famishing the blood fori the purpose were two robust nero friends(?) of the patient, who agreed to give up their vital fluid at the rato of $1 an ounce. No expense wis scared by the doctors to fcivr: th's liie, ul though tho case seemed bocicss from tl e beginninjrl We, have Kven obiy a .disconnected account of the' proceedings, and refer those more deeply interested to thenoxt issue of the Xorlfr Carolina Medical Journal, New iidvertiaerj catr. "(COXCLCDED.) (Reported tor tb DaiLY Hsiar.) Ashxvills, N. C, Friday , June 3. The general c njoint session of the Board of Health tud the Medical Socie ty is a comparatively new feature. The Secretary read his report, setting forth the broad and deep foundation upon which the Board was building. It is gratifying to know that among the laity Gen. Clingman and Capt Davis. Senator from Buncombe, were ardent supporters of the work of the Board. The reorganization of the State Board of Health was effected as follows: Dr Marcellus Whitehead, Salisbury, President. DrChas J O'Hagan. Greenville; Dr J M Lyle, Franklin, Macon co; Df E L Payne, Lexington; Dr Geo A Poote, Warrenton: UrS a aatchwell I'ender: Prof Wm Cain, C E, Lenoir; Prof Sim- iT a'ld 5ouTf.tt,hc otbt"uftr? u founJ 10 Wake Forest College; Dr Thomas " dA' r-vVvn.Ni,, r u tn. I 1 t 1 o a kJiiWf 3ta?k.a; There is no use V ..Iking, "T7AN ORSDF.LL IS AT HOME AGAIN, V and when he is at r.r.e c:i 1 of the Cam- mons, F Wood, SecreUry. The outlook of the work for the next year, based principally upon the increas ed interest manitestea ail over tne toiaic by the people, is bright. Committees were appointed in every county 10 can vass the work the Board has m hand, to secure as far as possible a thorough knowledge of the needs and aims of this eminently uselul body, that members of the legislature might go to Raleigh with an intelligent appreciation of what is wanted. The oration delivered by Dr Long, of Newbern was what was expected. These orations are intended by the Society to attract the interest of a mixed audience in regard to the progress of the work we areaiming at. Few medical men have the gift of public speaking to the degree that Dr Long possesses. His voice is not full or sonorous, but his flights in the realms of poetical ideas amount to a psychological phenomenon. The au dience responded in repeated applauses. It is to be regretted that such a speech could not be printed. Some of the volunteer papers, one by Dr Sexton, of Raleigh, and one by Dr Lewis, of Lumberton are worthy of no tice, and will be placed in the haad3 of -.A LI!. -i!.. - Tk CJ Jfouth side Market Street. je 7-lt : Wilmiggton, N. C. GRA?Q Pi-QHieiTIOH PIC HIC. THE STEAMER JOKN DAWSON will leave Wilxaicgtr.n, Thursday, June 9th, at 0 A. M., for Point Caswell, where a Grand Prohibition Pic Nic will held. Addresses by distinguished f peakers. Fine Band of Music. Good time guaranteed. Returning-, tlx Steamer will urriro at Wll minixton at 10 P. M. Fare for the round trip ly cents, jc -7-lt 11 P PADDISON CAROL1V A CisHiTltAL RAU ROAD Wrusa-nfttftt, Sr. O.f i WS1. J CtiAKas of Scimur.i5. OK AND AFTEH Jnne 6, 1831, t fcl loslcgr Bahodtalo will Do oeibted n t ia liitlro&d z PASSEOSS, MAIL AND EXPRESS Dtiiy czcept Buxfiiji the committee on publication.' Dr Sex- - ":vTA7-V"-i;"ji.risr-iliwnVra-rft discussion." Reports from the umei 01 ine 7 The inauguration of officers , in the Department and the Superintendent or I , , . t ver? imp0sing ceremony t t 1 ii. .nnii o n ri apnmpn. 1 1 Athini, nan inn inn v ucrscrves utu-i ri iiaie Traii-3 Ros 1 and 2 stop at "gtdjUttcB; onlj, und-poicu cesiinawa m wgvy- Th?se trains Furniture Frineres in all colorf . Straw PiJattlngs- The styles are good and the prices are 1 right. R. M. PJlclntire. jana 6 JOE PERSON'S IC BITTERS ! ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t . The steamer John Dawson will leave her wharf in this city on Thursday next at 6 o'clock for Point Caswell where n. Tmhihit.ion nicnic will ba held. Ad- . F the Orphan Asylum, one of the most im- j portant charities appealing to oursym pathies. -m- -w m ma m r & BmA rtrm it "w uiiiiii'm in aaav Petition from J. V. L,umsaen, v.. m,, uon pui tu. TVE" cba.rl-.tte i.h lra'.n. So.. 3 , is and S. Jewett, asking for a mod, rui7 time of Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Harris fixation of the Sunday law, was not granted. "Riiia for naintinff rooms at aamm w- W closa connection at 3 and 4 for Clve- on tibelby Di- Hippocrate3, made humorous compar isons between the old methods and the n,firinA onA ziwi.1t narticnlarlv on the ludi- bUO V.-J U& TT , u. r m .... C t hv,vpu Snadea.Axes.&c. There Hall building were referred to xno com iwv- -y ,prr(.ft wfirft examined a "aw, e ' ' I m i? ..n.anli'Ua &aw j xama Atcrha h the lowest prices. T mittee on ruDiic wuuius, urcsoca win wo ovv j i J v speakers and a good band of music will be in attendance. Eclipse of the Moon. Vnlf artirtrv acrfv UOU XAJtmuim j Q f - . 1 1 . . n. l-i r It AT to act. .1 uis aavice w iue youuci wiv.-v. -r,. i i TTnnit MTin r and I il rTffftssion was most exceiienuy uuu, ma oi ureurso uuuiv, 1 r , . . t. iui The June moon fulls on Sunday, the keep ta oraer the city clock, .was referred Soman, I 12th inst., and gives ns ine rare ircau w t0 a special commiuusc, guuow-i -y-Cry little was done aiier ine maugui - a tntivl lnnar eclipse. No celestial pneno-1 dermen Hoggins and jn ormrop. i tion of the mew president. JTo 5 Ne 6 PASSENGEIl AND 173E1U11T. Lear WUmltigton ai.. 6:30 F a J-Arrive t Uaislet at, ia a j j ' at Oharlott iU. 80 A U LatTft Charlotte at-7;30 P g A.rrive ft ilasiletat -. mm, X tt Yiiiaingtca at 9:30 A U u ai eieent Banaav, v TON rtnBction frr lialeizhoa 8turday No. 6 i dsUy except Batnriay. SSKLiJY DIVIBIO;, PA8HGEB,UA1L ESPllECH A5D FELIQUT. ... ...4- - t ret v 11 menaiseasier to understand. Theearth The committee on Streets ana wnarves xne social leavureo Vi 7 ?... f Arrivoa-HheiDj . sun and moon and recommended sundry repair, to Nutt AtA ii. .te: t S obscures his light. It can only occur at street and various docks. Adopted. engages a very considerable portion of Tr4luso3 5 i 6 wt .ci-w vccti;B the time of full moon, and there would jport of same committee concerning thJ Th bulk of this Society M aot to iigb. except as be a total eclipse of the tnoon every 8idewalks, was referred to Chief of Po 0 Ui onth if the snn's path and the moons lice. . "S ia prlvate intercourse, unre- S'j ard 2 o ecnaccttcnal path wereonthe same plane or level. Application of E. J. Pennypaokerftr 8eryed of papers and men are cbariotte ith '1'-; Bnt the moon's orbit is inclined to tne innBin oflease ot upera n, hourly going on. v as. SraHori.hotiU.d cieiy.wiia MIRES SCROFULA, RHEUMATISM, 'V Heart Disease, Chronic Bilious Colic, ill kinds of Eruptions and Skin Diseas- arising from impurity of the blood. As -- inwauve i onic and Purifier of the blood 0 MS PrOVen 1tplf nnomiolla Vsmallables The following nnmailable postal matter remains in the Postoffice in this city : Miss Marven, Port Samson City, N. MM. "V C; miss EliaaL Sampson, Jialeign, JN. O. : Sam All Tuck Plantation, care Jno. Stoney Prosba, Walworth Plantation, TJteryille Post ; E. J. Garner, Newport P. O. : James Calvin Lamb, care j onn Patterson, Pender county, N. O. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black- ecliptic about five degrees; therefore the I yearg from October 1st fish Hooks and Lines. A tuii assori ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t At a ToMr n. A hia i)nfiast im I the ooera -w V 4IVWU Jl A mm I Unsurpassed- Mnof at. hr noae or croaaiuK i nivpd. LUWPll WHO) ww- . ww. , , oint at the time of fnll moon in order On motion of Alderman Northrop, the . . i, i: j ci,a io hnwATPr. r.iu;n. Mcnlntion wa3 aQODieu: 1 nnnal lnrnirp. in many tO D6 Wiaiiy ecupseu. , WuuuB .1 " , . I T:3rn mnr worthv of much oftener far enough from her nooe JleJ of tirpnoUcT From small y,KA above or below the earth's shadow tee be empowered xo i wi I inerv has been con ning on ine sieamer Ba,. 6ufflM hft of all articles iq we "T: ;I ua rf-tnta by Prof; Chase complimentary to the nen mere is no u, , - ing, and to have supervision over - Biructeo, uTinS j - - rif gtnoid diesand genUemen .ho took par, , in near enough to Wj W reirs the .essee; of-The Three Bear, ana Uol- a poruou 1 the buiidtok for the term of five .year. feguUr raaks, .power evou The Excursion Last Nlsht. The excurslbn down the river last eve- . a . 1 V . . - - Z A M on ine steamer .rxipri. gncu sembling of these medical men means, x ur '-icI k-c3 3 ard connt c? tir nf a centurv they have under-i . Le&ir at Uicoiitoa. token at their own expense, and at great " U - Q. ifM.. cases, xo mau i je . Shin Notice. LL PERSONS arc hereby cautioned ecralnst harter- ing or trtip-any of the crevv of the Br. Ms ELIZADEIII - - mm tmAd a? VU WW W V J w - July 17th, 1879. v $ WRS PsRsox Dear Madam: I think jour medicine is the best that ts now before pnwic, for the cure of blood diseases. 1 den Hair," was indeed a very enjoyable ia partiaily eclipsed. But on the affair. There was vocal ana msiru i mg oi mo r . . 77 j I not to be leas xnan . uuu-, all ble for a grand exniDiuon oi iub annum, payaDie quarterly. lute peat confi,dence In It, and believe that Cl rvn amH 7 uoa 6Ped you In your efforts to Tfrr tbe condition of mankind, and do an comfort and happiness. I will fawli my power for you among my o , Dr. W. H. Babkkr JZ. fUmP for testimonial of lemarkable Mrt. Joe Parson, rranklln- yiontal mnsir. and dancine and '!..'i.m.MirM' Th. Ainor trlided I int? power of the earth's up to her wharf at about 11:30 o'clock moon isK full, she is at her node, she is in . . I . t, t.- MooMct nni nt. to the and the excursionists departed, bearing perigee, orav ua - 4uam iMH,t reellections of the earth, and he will pass ceniraiiy wuiuugu Wll.il l I . - . . . , rm. i: Vwo;no the earth's snauow. xue aupw s1" that is. the dark shadow enters upon the moon t 26 minutes after midnight, i wr-rvrr 4'artticott. as no acDta oi r,Bn ftto '?Beit urmrPible;idntKbat7ulce7toelforth Carolina Profe- Zbs iiu b. pAl by ::ttar tie Cap- ?T nnttobeleas than six ' hnnarea aouare l0Jl m me ironi raua. ... uv 8 iTi't SPRliNT & SON. Consignee shadow. The wu ao all that von claim for it. I have irllaloknowledSeoftne 000411,011 of excursion complimentary to The Three r. Stokes, before he commenced I ..... -..". 3 jour medicine, and I see you have 1 Bears and uoiaen TTiia ia the second epoch which the lio ard Keeper were rererrea w me mjur to attend the eoUege m 1'hiia- to report at next meeting. delphia, the only school then in exist- A petition from the Wilmington Mar- ence in .this country, the Medical ho .efcCpiy.asprcsente. andrea.by g3tSSSS Mf. 1. A. Durr. ATiprman Northrop moved the The total phase commences at 1 hour 29 ftintment 0f a committee of three 'the sanction of the law, but what we esteem T. . - . . . . ",.a..OV Kt miantoi I r . , J Tf I mien tmOTS hlfiThlV wXatt ail VUlS 13 l heiOUOWinjf IUVCIUCUwC IS Ul mum lUlUUVW) w i juajfUl W - je G-St lair. Who vt lOO.OOU AWJ. was Given! . a .ft U1 1 I m n 1 : .MM-At I il . HAtm interest to many readers. At me iaiTte eblipse ends ai nours u. unuutco. i Qtber two-to conier wim a wtuou Grand Monthly Drawing -of the Louisia- Q 21st the moon i3 ia conjunction f m th Boarj 0f Audit and Finance na State Lottery, held in urieans stnrn. On the moraine: I tua enui matter of tliia relative to the subject in. S&h, by wit Horse Wanted. ADVERTISER WISHES THE USE Liot. RSE for the Summer months. ADVERTISER, PO Box 213 -v' ot rrr rt AAA An Anril 12lu, lio. oi,u9? urewfjv,vw. . ... . i - - , . .?:- was arawn I cr the aa me r.v. - pnmmnnicauon. ana ixpw r z i . ... i - - Mayor appointed awer- and Alderman. fclf of this, or $15,000. .H. GREEN, Wil-1 in San Francisco, CaL, and $15,000 by Slperb picture, made up of the waning Board. The may4-dAw-nac CharlesSailertlqr of JAt. H7; NJ-; m00Wf the bright planets Venus and men Worth , INC, 14, t o?, ui w . Tnnit.r Between 5 o' Jas. Gaudm, S. urainiree, aiass., uu - - ar na,ftrine S. Tavlor. Sullivan. Ind.: Lint of the 21st and 2 o uau ww.w o J ... hold which our organization has taten in every intelligent community m the State. It would not be in good taste to con clude this account without paying our re spects to the medical faculty and thecit- izena oi Asnoviue wi . : inrr hOSDltalitV SUOwn men Biancs and OrgaiiQo -v. T Ail NOVT Itcccivins a complete fttock. of riip.aarand Organs, wLfch I am'eelllc ' at reason V..-5 prices.- Oratu tuitable for Church 'and caaday chooh at Induced jXriccs. Large atom ex liiii u.., tfce. Another ttiply cf Revised Testairenli, all tl2C3 an 1 rtjles o? btn-linj. " ; C. ViV Yates ilaok Hon. A. M. Waddell came forward! and 1 The banqnet at the Eagle Hotel I was wathn advocate of the a handsome affair, and was cnlajly 3 2-3t clock on the morn 'oTvnlr in ins a Ftor. I .... . J...(. wuv-a iu- stated that he was me - ""r"".Tr'k. .k.. nf wines I No. 4819 drew $5,000, one-half drawn bj noon of the 22d the moon is in conjunc- membrg Qt the force and a Jrfe I The ladies showed exceed- A Mr. Jas. M. AlcKwen, 4 wooa ot, . wjth five planets, Alars, faaturn, tAIt NepUaoupiteandV 0Ut to Alex. Beyer, Philadelphia; and Tjjnscroni Occnpatlon. No. 96,183ft , W J . v. aiur ... -nt u. Esterbrook &i V M T t ciifitiSlIUO.aa T T -1 S ? 5LI.U l. u r iii u a. il 5?. T5, $20, $X75, t3 C3 . a ml a Marc Aftiie Clt V. XOT I . . .11 iMmP() to CDIOY nnmoer oi mc a-i"j"8 w- , i ing koou ww, - . r a. ikA un im la. . . . w . iraan Minn tbe purpose or presenting w i inerriaaua wiwa - f R increase of their pay. he awu w. i . - bnt came i . mfr -.j rvatient of lr.or- Z-iA-nr r Aaheville. presented I . ' i - M.1int disease OI ane Va UUaiUeal DentlStry. V aii buy b Foundry. L BM-t. COLU. w w - - a m ILL RESUME ON NEXT Monday, . U 1116 Practice of Mechanical Den rrtr. l.w- rnce-uli Set $t30.00 . Half Bet 130.00 ! Prir,,... f- H. DURHAM, Dentist, 5 wi 1 UU Front nd S0?001- rn. intAs I thill sneaa: A WO Ul ded among 1w2ucae. ao.uc. - KrQiv hnmt in working They were .hhmm m - a. 1anDaiD. nw. ai -- . . . - 1 : three of our men ang. Thej ssssfes sssi sssias was not a paid advocate, . . . the request of the petitioners. I cop, a On moUon, the petition was i ISbrlwo members of v.r: r!mmittee. to confer viihlU1 Dr Nor- rttira Ql XaA ttt.lia.a a, .Mwi tntire iaw. It was Grand Senu.Annn Drawing gaofSyuST &lj'oTvr I thos, aCncted with paioa or rheumaU.m. . eux , . Anothor Lot last rsiircd at k.tia'wf Jo" Lira cok a-'jd Etaro

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