THIS PI FEB FLSASZZTOTICZ. Wa will bagf&d to recaJve eosunaalcitlcci from cur friezis on asy ard all rsbioett general is torest but TU nana cf tha wrtfer crri olvtys ho tar alshed to tto Editor. ConacJei!crx cxal ba written: a only one slda of the ptpcx. Persoasiliks must ha ava!4 ' And It Is eapecUlly and pU.caltxly vnZtt ctdod that the Editmdoes not alwaytcsdori the views ot eomsposd eate, tnless ao itat In the edltorUl oolaatA, Ne-?7 Advertisements. r jOU. T. JAMBS, KOITOB AKD PBOPaiKTOK. ,prTTT058t POSTAGE PAID. n W Six months, f J50 ; Three " ,h. f 1 25: One month, Woenta. 3Bter will be delivered by eaxriera, J.rrtM.orlSoentt.parwt.k. ' S,iMte.lowMdJBbrU Tbibers will please report any a4 reeeir their papers regularly. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8. 1881. NO. 135 Mil i -lLvbJLJ V I i" 1 1 A V V a i dvcTtiscments THE GREAT FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the C host, Gout, Quinsy, Sore ThroatSwell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Preparation on earth equals 8t. Jacobs Ort v t $afe, sure, simple and cheap External Itmedj. A trial entaila but the comparatiYely trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and erery one auffer h; with pain can hare cheap and poaitiTe proof f its claimi. Direction in EleTen Language. BOLD BT ALL DSUGGI3TS AND DEALERS IS MEDIGUTE. A.VOGELER & CO., ipri!lW-nc ts LACES ! JUST IN TO-DAY ! OF VARIOUS STYLES. Curtain Laces Some real bargains. Furniture Frineres in all color. Straw battings. Tno styles are good and the prices are Tight. R. M. Riclntire. Jose 6 MRS. JOE PERSON'S iiudiaivt v ID BITTERS ! rSCR0FULA RHEUMATISM, Win- i 7S' ironic Bilious Colic, SiSi0 of EPtions and Skin Diseas- taAlrftsv , Puntyot the blood. As MttiSSTe 1, and Purifier of tne Wood iwtu uuequauea. i Tonic aid Blood Purifier it if Unsurpassed jmuwst uartereiuo v im.u., yM July 17th, 1879. $ Jour Jear mauam: a imnK W Zf: for the cure of blood diseases. I fli ii ! ucuco Ia ,t Bnu oeneve mat ften.S41 Qt you claim for It. I have ! fD "knowledge of the condition of takinr ' ctok"es before he commenced tT teine, and I see you have HKlInifl that he is cured. Go on, you In your efforts to e wndltioa of mankind, and . cli comfort i V in Han, vmy Pwer for you among my lours respectfully,' kniw r Dr. W. IL Bjlrxxk ta? for testimonial of remarkable ft4 M' Joe Person, FTanklla W'v n0ld fey WM-H- GREEN, .Wd- l- may 4-daw-uae nos and Organoo I Receivinr a compete fttock O '1 " A. Kill prices. Organs suitable for j Sunday Schools at Reduced Lrfe stock of Blank Books, Jtcl, pply of Revh ed TesUmenU, - "tuviimj, ,.;S,V. Yates' Book Store, Sh.1i t ' SPANISH ION LOCAL NEWS. New Advebtisiments. N W Schenck, D Carolina Lodge N 434 K of II John Caeroll The Cosm politan W H Greek Pref criptions at Night . IlEiNSBEKGEa Harnmoc-ks CW Yates Pianos and Organs No City Court to day. There have beeu only about 100 dog badges sold 8 far. The receipts of cotton at this port tt -day foot op 27 bales. A philosopher is a man who considers all other folks fool?. A veil ii a protectiou against the tuu of heaven and the sons of earth. The lady who knit her brows is now at work on a pair of socks for her minis ter. Mr. J. W. Barnes shipped from this city yesterday 78 barrels of cucumbers to the Northern markets. Beautify your hemes by using the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f Bey. Father Gross, of this city, preach ed in St. John's Church, in Raleigh, on Sunday, on "The Descent of the Holy Ghost." Some few days ago the Chicago Mayor's Secretary, Thos. O. Thompson, Esq., slipped on a banana peel and sprained his knee. Me writes that t. Jacobs Oil "acted like a charm." There were 31 deaths in this city dur ing the momth of May. Of these 9 were white and 22 were colored; 20 adilts and 11 children. Gei man barque Anna cleared to-day for Stettin with 3,338 barrels of rosin. shipped by Messrs. E. Peschau k Wes- termann. Carolina Lodge No. 434, Knights of Honor, will hold an emergent meeting to morrow (Thursday) night for the pur pose of conferring degrees. Twentv-one carloads of vegetables, most of which was cucumbers, passe11 through this city yesterday from the South, bound to Northern markets. The Charlotte amateurs have signi fied their acceptance of the invitation to visit this city and will giro the Pirates of Penzance in the Opera House here on the 20th Inst. Young man. if you begin at the top f the ladder, progress is in one direction only down. But if you begin on lower rounds, you will have the satisfaction of going up just as fast as your abilities will carry you. ' Corsets are made tf white satin, richly embroidered with whit3 silk, and under skirts of paleless pink or bine flannel, also embroidered with white silk and bordered with double ruffles of Valen cienceslace. So they say. Hundreds of Men, Women anp Children Rescued from beds of pain, sickness and almost death and made strong and hearty by Parker's Ginger Tonic are the best evidences in the world of its sterling worth. You can find these in every community. Post. Sec aavertise xnent. The moonlight concert tn the Pass port, under the awpices of the Cornet Concert Club, to morrow night, bids fair to eclipse any of its predecessors. The gentlemen of tho band and the excursion cemmittee hate determined that their guests shall spend an evening of unalloy ed pleasure. The steamer John Dawson will leave her wharf at the foot of Princess street, to-morrow morning at 6 o'clock, for Point Caswell, where there will be a pro hibitioa picnic. Fino speakers will be in attendance and a good time is expect ed. The Dawson will return to this city at 100 o'clock p. m. Aunt Matilda is a good deal exercised at the lack of judgment displayed in newspaper advertising. She savs she i i ... -i ir -V - a pretty Close ooscrver, u bub is a wbbub, and she has noticed that the storekeepers who are always overrun with customers and doing a flourishing business and who den't seem to need any advertising, are just the ones who always do advertise, while those wte have no trade and need to advertise never do so. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and lines. A fall assort ment and lowest prices at J acoii's. t A Few Remarks. A reporter from the Review office, in his search after news, called at the Sheriffs office yesterday to know when the batch of convicts turned out of the Criminal Court last week would be sent to Raleigh, and was informed by Mr. W. H. Shaw, Deputy Sheriff, that they would not go up for two or three dajs, while the fact is that they left here this morning ior Raleigh, as published in the Star to-day. Further comment is un necessary. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There you have the lowest prices. f Mew Postal Ruling. A general order has been issued by the Postmaster General, declaring samples of flour or other powdered substance un mailable except when put up in trans parent bags made of parchment paper or similar material, and sealed so that no particles can sift through. These bags must also be inclosed in boxes or tubes made of hard wood or metal with sliding r clasp or screw lids. If the boxes are made of wood no sharp corners or edges can be exposed whereby other ar ticles in the mails could be damaged. Metal boxes used for any purpose having sharp edges or corners are also declared to be unmailable. Excursion to Waccamaw Lake. Those of our citizens who desire to spend a pleasant day on the shores ot Waccamaw Lake should not let the op portunity offered them on Friday, by the Sunday School of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, go unimproved. Mr. W. H Strauss, the Superintendent of the Sun day School, assures us that everything will be ione to make it pleasant for the excursionists and we have no doubt that those in attendance will spend a day of rare enjoyment. The fare for the round trip has been put down at an exceeding ly low price. Tickets can be had at the book stores and at Harris' New Stand. The excursionists will be supplied with refreshments on board sthe train by the ladies of the church at very reasonable prices. Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacobi's. t . VorKailroad Work. Deputy Sheriff Daniel Howard left here for Raleigh this morning with the following prisoners, convicted at the late term of the Criminal Court and sen tenced to the Penitentiary for the terms aad offences specified: P. W. Smith, larceny, 5 years. David Young, larceny, 4 years. Francis Med way, forgery, 5 years. Richard Walters, false pretences, 2 years. James P. Spann, false pretenses 1 year. Robert Turner, J. n. Johnson and Zach Johnson, three colored boys, who were sentenced to two years each in the Penitentiary, will, by an order of the Court,entered subsequent to the pro nouncing of the sentence against them, be bound out to parties in the coantry. An Inquiry Kead U. We have a communication from 4'a lady reader of the Review" in which she asks: "Why i3 it that lectures and en tertainments are so frequently given for every other purpose and for the beneSt of private individuals wno really do not stand in need of it and nothing is ever said or do-ne in behalf of the Benevolent Society?" There is certainly no object or asso" ciation more worthy than the Ladies' Be nevolent Association. Its ased Presi dent has been untiring in her zeal and had it not been for the few "stand-bys" who have so nobly and generously assist ed her, the Association would long ago have disbanded; that the ladies hxvn done much towards reliev ing the wants of the indigent sick and poor of this city cannot begain- gaidand we think that they should receive more than a well-wishiog from the more fortmnate portion of our citizens. The Ladies of the Association have for years Battled against the stoicism and indiffer ence of the greater portion ot the com munity until their nerves and patience have been stretched to their utmost ca pacity. They should be encourged and helped in this their labor of love. Who will start the;ball? Their treasury is now depleated and the demands upon it are great Improving. Mr. J. McD." French., who has been confined to his residence in Lumberton for the past three weeits with typhoid fever, is slowly improving. We are pleased to be able to state that he sat up ior a iew minutes on yesterday Must be Mistaken. The News and Observer tells us that on Monday last Mr. A. J. Howell, of this city, was appointed a Justice of the Peace. Hasn't our neighbor made a slight mistake and ought'nt it to read "notary public?" We knew of no vaj cancy in this county on the Board of Magistrates and of no authority in Ral eigh to make such an appointment had there been a vacancy. BJasonic. The following is the list of Officers of the Grand Council of North Carolina, Royal Select Masters, elected at Ashe ville on Thursday last: J I Macks, Wilmington, M I G M. S H Smith, Winston, D I G M. W L Wall, Durham, GPCW. Wm Simpson, Raleigh, GTreas. D W Bain, Raleigh, G Recorder. W R Kenan, Wilmington, G C G. D P Mast, Winston, G C C. RH Bradley, Raleigh, G Steward. B G Bates, Wilmington, G Sentinel. Mrs Burnett's Charming Stories. T. B. Petersen & Brothers, Philadel- phia, have just published new editions of all of Mrs. F. H. Burnett's earlier stories those that first brought her name ard fame, and which were originally pub lished in and expressly written for Pe tersons Magazine. Their names are "Kathleen," "A Quiet Life," "Pretty Polly Pemberton," "Theo," "Miss Cres- pigny." The foregoing are 50 cents each, in paper cover, or $1.00 in clothf and the following are 25 cents each in paper covers, viz : " Jarl's Daughter," and "Lindsay's Luck." Capies of any or all of the above books will be sent to any address on receipt of the price by T B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa., or the seven books bound in paper covers will be sent on receipt of $2.50, and the five cloth books for $4.00. nllss Ina mac Call. Miss Ina MacCall will appear in this city at the Opera House on Tuesday evening next. Her announcement says: Miss MacCall, after a brilliantly suc cessful tour, during which she has ap peared in New York, Philadelphia, Chi cago, Buffalo, and most of the principal cities of the North, East and Westre turns to her native country to give a short series of recitals, which have been arranged especially for her by the most efficient artists in New York. Miss Mac Call will make a new departure in her entertainment by endeavoring to make selection a dramatic picture in it self. Having made a thorough study of her work, she will present each charac tsr to her audience in the correct cos tumes and necessary surroundings, mak ing thereby a new, novel and varied en tertainment. Miss MacCall will ap pear but once during the evening in propria persona, in all other selections she will endeavor to lose her own iden tity in the effort to present to her friends the author's ideal. In the first flush of her success in the North, where the "Lit tie Southerner" (as she was nick-naaed) received the heartiest encouragement and assistance in her endeavors, Miss MacCall instinctively turns towards her friends in the South, to share with them the pleasure and pride she feels in the almost unhoped for triumph attained in her chosen profession, feeling assured that the kindness betowed upoh her by strangers; will be warmly seconded by her friends. , It is much easier to follow an idea than a locomotive. Dr. W. H. Green has had a night bell attached to his store and is now prepared to compound prescriptions at night. This will no doubt prove a great con venience to many. Mr. J. A. Springer has sent us a cu riosity in the shape of a very young lob ster with an abnormal claw which is nearly the length of the body of therAlot ster. By the way there are any quanti ty of young lobsters on the rocks at Fed eral point. Woman's Wisdom- "She insists that it is mere important that her family shall be kept in full health than that she should have all the fashion able dresses and styles of the times. She therefore sees to it, that each member of her family is supplied with enough Hop Bitters, at the first appearance of any symptons of ill health, to prevent a fit of sickness with its attendant expense, care and anxiety. All women should exercise their wisdom in this way. New Haven Palladium. PEKD& CCCSTT 1 Stlrrin? Dai Mond.iv Mtin? Of the Various Boards lir. J. C Broadherst Chosen Corn r and ficT-J. 6- Black Superintend nt or Schools. Bukqaw, N. C, Juue Cih. 1S31. Editok Review: Lively times here to-day. The meet ing3eftthe Board of Health, of the Coun ty Commissioners, and of the joint ses sion of the Board of Education and Mag istrates of the county, attracted quite a crowd. " 1st. Board of Health. The following officers were elected: President, Dr. George F. Lucas: Secretary and Super intendent of Health, Dr. W. T. Ennett Dr. E. Porter declined a nomination for President, stating that owing to bad health aad the demands , of other busi ness he had now withdrawn from prac tice. Dr. Ennett read his annual report as County Superintendent. It was a good paper, and was referred for publica tion to the County Commissioners. But whether the spirit of an excessive and penurious economy which actuates the Board, stifling enterprise and liberality, wilt permit such a needed publication re mains to be seen. : 2nd. Board of County Commissioners. Dr. John C. Broadhurst gave his bond for Coroner and was duly qualified. Thus does Pender adhere to the good rule of keeping the office of Coroner in the Medical profes sion. A Coroner ousrht alwavs to bean intelligent physician. The Board seem to be silent and dormant on the subject of a Jail and Court House, and are thus behind public sentiment in Pen der in its just demands for these build ings. The Legislature has provided the ways and means for their construction. and unless the Board wake up and take steps very soon, public meetings or pro test will be -held all over the county. 3rd. Superintendent of Public Instruc tion. A commendable interest . was shown in this important office. It was regarded that the school money, and the amended school law, would be lost, and a mere mockery, without a good Super intendent to stir up the people and to prevent ignorant and incompetent teach ers from continuing in office to the detri ment and disgrace of our free school sytem. It is generally believed that in the person - of Rev. J. S.. Black, the right man for the right place was se lected here to-day for this position. The vote stood eighteen for him and ten for James F. Moore, Esq. Mr. Black is educated, talented, experienced in teaching, energetic, and will put his heart as well as his time and his mind to the task of bringing popular ed ucation in Pender up to the improved methods and public necessities. A nobler work can no man engage in than that ow imposed upon this rising young Presbyterian clergyman, and progressive son of Pender. The weal or woe of North Carolina very much depends upon the sort and manner of men selected to day in all the counties for Superinten dent of Public Schools. S. New Advertisements. CAROLINA jXODGE NO. 434 Kni&hts of Honor. AN EMERGENT MEETING for the pur pose of Conferring Degress will be held to-morrow (Thursday) evening, at 8 o'clock. By order N. T7. SCHiENOK, Dictator. GEO. N. HARRISS, Reporter. Je8-lt The Cosmopolitan BAR IS THE PL1CE WHERE YOU can get the coolest, , purest and most scientifically . mixed 8ummer Drinks to be found in the city. The very best wines, Champagnes and Liquors always on hand. The beet 5-oent Cigar that is made. Drop in and cool on. juuln uauuull, je St Proprietor. PRESCRIPTIONS AT NIGHT NIGHT BELL HAS BEEN attached to my Store and Prescriptions will now be compounded at night. W. H. GREEN, Druggist, je8-lt Market atreet. nechanical Dentistry. I WILL RESUME ON NEXT Monday, 6th Lnat., the practice of Mechanical Den; Us try, udng Celluloid as a base plate. Price Full Set $60.00 Half Set $30.00 J. H. DUR 3AM, Dentist, Princess street, bet. Frent and Second. may Il-la AND Ploxnrero Wins 1 JATUfACTUiI07.3Y WHITKVI-L TTLaa Coxnytsy, TTaiteviUe, 2L O.Z ,Prlaaiad sairpla osHpplieatioa and la roarordsrsYtf w.aUlf i SooT-dftwtf Ship ftotcce. LL PERSONS are hereby cauuonea against narbor- iu er trujstiQjrauy of the crew MfS2 of the Br. hrif V.J A7. a RF :Tr CXT. SCOTT, Cart Milne, as no iltthr ot t hHr contracting will be paid by ciOier the Cay- o ALEX SPRUNT & SOX, Gt Consignees : Hrnrnoclcs. JC TOE FULtuU ATlNtl PS.101S, f l.W, $1.75, SS.W. Si. 75, IS 10 -. ' '-,,.: For a!e t- Another Lot RLVI3E.1 XE W f; s C ! 11 T Just rc jr-;'t nt. je 6 Lire K k. j t Mo. ite 8 tore Carolina Crtr.a .ilroad, G.ncral?s scngcr EepaTtmtnt. , WiLMixGTO.v.V. C. May 28, 1SS1. mlT gl 01 I Excursion Tickets rj0 ALL PLACES OF TJISORT ia the Mountain section of North anl South Caro liaa, will be on sale at tlia efflees of this Company, oa and after Juno 1st, 1SS1. Quick, continuous schedules wl!lrccom mend this Route to all. Passengers leaving "Wilmington at 9.45 A. M., arrive at. Cleveland Springs Eamo evening, and Asbcville next morning at 9 o'clock. Further information on application to maySO-tf F W CLARK, G PA EASILY SUPPLIES I ON HAND ALWAYS THE VEF.Y choicest and freshest selec tion of 5 ; Family Supplies to bo found in tho cityj My Goods are of tho Tory highotJj grade. Family Groceries. I will supply your family as low cs ' it i3 possible anywhere? Yoa eball bo waited upon bypolito and attsntivo younggentIemen, In a neat and attractive store, artl the goods bought will be care fully and promptly deliver ed at your homes. In addition to thij I am running a regular lino of Wagons for tho benefit of thoao who ard now living anl who expect to livo on tho SOUiUDS During tho coming SumtacrJ I - wiil deliver all goads free, -which aro ordered from mcj JNO. L BOATVeiGHT, Ios. 11 &. 10 Front t ia 6 V 4

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