,it3 PIPES rrrV8 HOSTAGE PAID. " ' i One montn, o e ..hi. II j i I I a. BPr i theitY. at the kflT P&X w "j0" i,i,.ileir p.prreirT.ITlj. RHEUMATISM, Keuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, tachcfie, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns jznd Scalds, General Bodily Pains, tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Ftet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ka Prwrtion on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil itafe,tvre, simple and cheap External Irtwdj A trial entail but the comparatiTeljr trlicf ratter of 60 Cent", and eTery one euffer fej with pain can hate cheap and positive proof Dinctioci ia Eleren Language. 80151 ALL DRUGGISTS ANDIJEALERS IS MEDICINE, A.VOGELER fc CO., Baltimore, HTd., U.S.A. i?rillJ'dT-no to H LACES ! JUST IN TO-DAY ! OF VARIOUS STYLES. Curtain Laces Some real bargains. Furniture Frinsres la all color. Straw Mattings v.' Tlie style are goo! and the prices are R. M.. Mclntire. jaae 8 MRS. JOE PERSONS IRTDXilEJ ITTERS ! O?13 SOFULA, RHEUMATISM. irtf?i8ea8e' Chronic Bilious Colic, w Kinds of Eruptions and Skin Diseas ing from impurity of the blood. As Alterative Tonic and Purifier of the blood proven itself unequalled. To3icid Blood Purifier it is t .Unsurpassed PtWs Mill's, Carteret Co . N.C., Ifv. i July 17th, 1879. ' joJ130 Dear Madam: I think SimSv ne ls the best that is now before kin for tne cme of Dlood diseases. I iriiV eoafidence in it, and believe that tJiat you claim for it. I have JKnal knowleaSe of the' condition of JjJJt r Stokes, before he commenced b L0Ur medicine, and I see you have monial that he Is cured.- Go on, latRnS 8peed T0U ln Jour cfforts to 44 to? tte condition of mankind, and in , comfort and happiness. I will ieadt vmy Pwer for you among my lours respectfully, . . Da. W. H. Babkzb smp for testimonial of remaxkAble vfif4 17 iIri- Jpe Person, rranklin &Sn i b WAI H- GREEN, WU- may 4-d&w-mi os and Organoo I KOW Receiving complete Btock af tk 141108 and Organs, which I am selling Jumble prices. Organs suitable for nd Sunday Schools at Reduced Utetock of Blank Books, &ct for MS lie fi Sootier supply of Revised Te&tamentj &udstjles:of binding. . c. Plates' liooli btore V H VOL. V - LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Miss E KA.BKER--New MIHiuery Hoi for Waccamaw ! Roger Moobe Sealed Proposals Opera House Mis Ina Macf'al: Heiksbebgeb Uammocks C W Yates PiaLos and Organs Brown lace is used in light colored Roses are blooming aud house cl-.-aners faming. - Thrice welcome the man who know when to. depart. The receipts of cotton at this port t( day foot up 47 Singular that when we are fedir.g a little Dervous we flp to a siiniuhuii to nerve u-. It is said that the syllable "leo," in oleomargarine, means that it is strong as a lion. Nobody likes to be the subject of a put up job; aud yet few will decline an umbrella on a rainy d.y. Joe says .that the best lip salve in creation 13 a kiss. The remedy should be used with great care, as it may bring n an affection of the heart. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There you have the lowest prices. f It is useless for physicians to argue against short-sleeved dresses. The Con stitution of the Unitad States says: "The right to bear arms shall not be in terfered with." This is old, but good. The gentlemen of the Cornet Club, and all others who may feel disposed to at tend, will eDjoy a moonlight excursion this evening on the steamer 'Passport The boat will leave her wharf at 7:30 and return about 1 o'clock. Hundreds, of Mek, Women and Childeen Rescued from beds of pain, sickness and almost death and made strong and hearty by Parker's Ginger I onic are the best evidences in ine wona of its ttftrlinff worth. You can find these in every community. Post. See aavertise- ment. , Fr Waccamaw, The excursiou to be given by the Sun day School of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, to Waccamaw Lake, will take placeto morrow, as has been announced. The fare for the round trip is very low, only 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children, andthose who pro pose attending may rest assured that the committee will epare no pains to make the occasion an enjoyable one to all who may attend. It will be.well to remem ber that the train will leave Front Street Depot at 8:30 o'clock. ' k Good Time in Prospective. Ihe Little Giant Fire Engine Compa ny meet to-morrew night to determine positively about an excursion to the Sound, next week. It is now thought that the gallant boys of this Company will make a trip to Capt. Manning's on Wrightsville, on Monday, night, and return by moonlight but not alone. Oh, no ; each of the brave boys who run with the machine will have a fair partner to talk sentiment to, spout poetry for, and 80 forth. It will be a gay occa sion, and we wish them all a mejry, merry time. An Accident Captain T. J. Southerland, we regret to learn, suffered to the tuue of about three hundred dollars this morning by an accident 16 the loft of his stable, which gave way under the pressure of some 800 bushels of grain and feed which was stred there, precipitating the whole, or nearly all, with a crash through the toor, the timbers yielding to the weight and falling on two carriages and one buggy, mhich happened to be immediate ly under the lolt, flattening the bodies of tb.3 vehicles and mashing the wheels up to such an extent thit they will all have to undergo thorough repairs. For tunately the accident was attended with no loss of life although some of the la boring men on the floor when the acci dent occurred, and while engaged stow ing up the bags of grain and feed, had to scramble right lively when they felt the floor giving way beneath them to prevent b2ing carried down ia the pile amid the general crash. .. To Builders and others Go to J aco- bi'8 for Sash. Blinds and' Doors, Glass, Ac Yoa can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. : " WILMINGTON, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE Kctt Lawyers. Among the new licentiates, turned out by the Supreme Court on Tuesday, we find five Dames from this section. These are James Purdie McNeill, of Bladen; Patrick Murphy Pearsall. of Sampson, lleniy McDiarmid Robinson, of Cumber land, Henry Leomidas Stevens, ot Samp son and Forney Willis, 6f Bladen. Supetlor Court. The Superior Court in session here, his Honor Judge Graves on the bench, has been engaged to day upon the. case of William Gorman versus Marsden Bel lamy, administrator of estate of H. Mc Lin. For the prosecution Messrs. E. S. Martin and A. T. London are counsel and Messrs. D. J. Devane and DuBrutz Cutlar are for the defense. The case is still on trial. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black- fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f Wedding Bells. Gen. Allan Rutherford, formerly of this city, but more recently Third Auditor of the United-States Treasury, and now practicinglaw in Washington City, was married, in this city this morning to Miss Delia, daughter of Joseph H. Neff, Esq., The interesting ceremony took place at 5 o'clock at the residence of the bride's parents, Rev. Jeseph R. Wil son, D. D., pastor of the First Presby' terian church, officiating. The newly wedded couple left for Washington City on the morning train. Vennor's Third. Under date of 2d inst., Mr. H. G. Ven- nor, of Montreal, gives his third series of "predictions" , for the current month o June: "Cool and cloudy generally, with frequent rain-falls up to the 9th or 10th; an occasional warm day, and frosts prob able about the 7th and '8th. On the 10th, llth and 12th there will be a storm pe riod, with muggy weather hail and thnnder storms; on the 13th and 14tb, fair summer weather, with cool .nights; I5th to the 18th, cool, unsettled, showery weather; 19th and 20th, warmer weather, with increasing heat, up to the 25th; 25th to the 28th, - a storm period, with sultry weather; on the 29th and 30th, cooler, with change in the weather. The foregoing forecast will probably hold good for a large portion of the United States." Be Sensible. Vnn havft nllowed vour bowels to be come habitually costive, your liver has beceme torpid, the same tning ans your VinPTra and .von are iust used up. Now be sensible.get a package of Kidney-Wort . - . sail -fc Ml fA take it laitntuiiy ana soon you wm get you've got any such organs, for you will be a well man. - Albany Argus. AnUnrortunate Acc.'dent. On Wednesday evening of last week, during a thunder storm which prevailed at that time, Andrew Johnson, colored, who lives in Holly township, Pender county, on Messrs French Bros' land, but who was plowing for Mr. Hiues, took his horse out of the plow and started for home, to get out of the storm, Mr. Hines preceding him. When that gentleman reached the house he looked around for Jackson but found only the mule, with out the rider. He immediately returned to look for Jackson and tound him ia the field lying on his face on the ground, and apparantly lifeless, near a tree which had just been blown down, with his leg badly broken in several places, his hip dislocated and with internal injuries' as was afterwards ascertained. The un fortunate man revived and was taken to his house where Dr. W. T. Eanett, of Burgaw, was summoned to his as3is tanc Dr. Ennett succeeded j in re ducing the dislocation, but the leg was so badly crushed that ampu tation was found necessary, lais was performed next day, although the body was completely paralyzed. He stood the operation very well but Dr. Ennett fears that he cannot recover. Johnson was highly thought of and was esteemed one of the most reliable colored men in the neighborhood. , i Why will people, when clearing a piece of ground, leave . tree3 standing therein? A numberof sad accidents have occurred from this fact. Miss Karrer invites the attention of tho ladies to the many, new and pretty things for evening wear she has just re ceived; also to the stock of ladies' and children's clothing, which will be sold at reduced prices. - - lifiiw. cool Floors and Cool Rooms. The late cool spell makes all house keepers ready to tafce np their carpet- and put their floors on a summer footing Mattioz makes a delightfully cool room when the windows are kept bowed, or f jr unlighted parlors on summer evenings, 1 but red and white matting, which is the most durable sort, does not look so cool as a stained fleor. Staining fibers is so easily done at home, and as these are the easiest rooms in the whole house to keep in order, it is not surprising that every spring the housekeeperincline3 to have yet another room finished in this way and lays down her mattings in the hals and entries, where bare floors are noisiest. Do not put carpets in your closets; oil cloth or matting is much better and can be easily kept free from dust. Matting after being swept should be wiped with a damp cloth. Hot salt aad water will thoroughly cleanse it and .will not dis color it. If one can afford to do it, it would be a healthful plan- to lay aside the carpets of sleeping rooms daring the summer and substitute the cool, fresh mattings. A great many people laugh in a somewhat scornful way at any new suggestions relating to matters of health; they think the old tried ways of doing things are the best, without much regard to their results. Il nothing is ignorance and narrow-mindedness more plainly shown than in this. T Severely Shaken by bavage Sharks Cant. Paul Boy ten, of world-wide fame as a swimmer, in an interview with a newspaper correspondent at the sea i-hore. related the following incidents in his experience: Reporter: "Captain lioyton, you must have seen a large part of the world." Capt. Boy ton: "Yes sir, by the aid of my Rubber Life Saving Dress, I have traveled over 10,000 miles on the rivers of America and Europe; have also been presented to the crowned heads of Eng land, France, Germany, Austria, Belgium Italy, Holland, Spain and Portugal and have- in my possession forty-two medals and decorations; 1 have three times re ceived the order of knighthood, and been elected honorary member of committees, clubs, orders and societies." Reporter: "Were any of your trips accompanied by much danger?" Capt. Boy ton: "That depends upon what you may call dangerous. During my trip down the river Tagus in Spain, I had to "shoot" one hundred and two waterfalls, the highest being about eighty five feet, and innumerable rapids. Cros sing the Straits of Messina, I had three ribs broken in a fight with sharks; -and coming down the Somane, a river in France, I received a charge of shot from an excited and startled huntsman. Al though all this was not very pleasant, and might be termed dangerous, I fear nothing more on my trip than intense cold, for as long as my limbs are free and easy, and not cramped or benumbed, I am all right. Of late I carry a stock of St. Jacobs Oil in my little boat (the Captain call3 it "Baby Mine" and has stored therein signal rockets, thermome ter, compass, provisions, etc) and I have had but little trouble. Before starting .out I rub myself thoroughly with the article, and its action on the muscles is wonderful. From constant exposure I am somewhat subject to rheu matic pains, and nothing would ever benefit me, until, I got hold of this Great German Remedy! Why, on my travels I have met people who had been suffer ing with Rheumatism for years; by my advice they tried the Oil, and it cured them. I would sooner do without food for days than this remedy for one hour. In fact I would not attempt a trip with out it." The Captain became Tery enthusiastic on. the subject of St. Jacobs Oil and we left him citing instances of the curative qualities of the Great German Remedy to a party around him. Beautify your homes by using the N Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war" anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f Ember Days. By authority Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, of thi3 week in the Episcopal and Catholic Churches are set apart as Ember days. These days were designated as early as the third century by the Church for fasting and prayer. All the Ember days of the year are the Wednes day, Friday, and Saturday after the 1st. Sunday in Lent, after the feast of Whit Sunday, after the 14th of September, and after the 13th of December, The weeks in which these days fall are called Em ber weeks. The name is probably of Anglo-Saxon derivation, meaning the circular days, and in the canons they are termed the quatuor anni tempora, the 4 cardinal seasons, Some, however, have j supposed the name to be taken from the ! ancient custom of using ashes or embers in conection with Casting. - Study your interest. Yoa can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacoui' a. ' ' t 9. 1881. NO. 136 Suit for De fa mat I nu f character. Molly Oberton, a soiled dove, formerly of the neighborhood of Paddy's Hollow, who has been swearing out warrants against different parties, first before Justice-Millis and then before Justice Gard ner, for defamation of character, has had the misfortune to have every . case de cided adversely to her interests and ia consequence bound for the costs in each case. This renders the gentle Molly liable for the costs and unless she can liquidate the amount charged'againt her in these cases, she will have to go to Jail and swear it as well as sweat it out. Moral don't be too hasty to prove that others have defamed you, but when you do attempt such a thing always be sure and have a good character before you at tempt to prove it. Editoe Review: "Comment is un- necessary." in reply to A. rew Ke marks" from the local in the Review, June 8th, I have a "few remarks" to make. First, I did not say to the locil that "the convicts would not be sent to Raleigh for two or three days,"' but I told him that the Judge had under con sideaation whether to send the three boys or bind ,them out, and the others would be sent when I was informed whether the boys were to go or not, and I did not then know when that would be. I was informed from the Judge 'about 6 o'clock, p. m., that the boys would not be sent, after the Review had been issued for Tuesday. Second, I did no.t feel un der any obligation at that hour to in form the local that the convicts would go off Wednesday morning. Very respectfully, W. H. Shaw. Wilmington.N. C, June, 9th, 1881. The Reporter who applied to Mr. Shaw for information, and to whom the reply was made, is absent from the city to-day. Ed. Review. DIED. STEMMERMAN -In this city, on the 9th inst., at 5 A. M., Mrs. ANNIE M., be loved wife of Glaus Stemmerman. A native of Wehldorf, Germany, aged 45 years, C months and 12 days. The friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral oa to-morrow (Friday) alter neon, at 3.S0 o'clock, from her late resi dence on corner Front and Orange streets, from tkence to 8t. Paul's Lutheran Church, thence to Oakslale Cemetery. A truly neble and deveted wife and mether, friend, neighbor and Christian has gone to her rest. Z7e7 Advertisements. Miss E0 Karresr HAS JUST RECEIVED a beautiful as sortment ef Evening and ' Millinery Flowers, Afternoon Hats and Bonnets. Linen and Mohair Ulsters, Uuderwear and Children's Olothing, which will be sold at reduced prices. je 9 OPERA HOUSE. Tuesday, June 14, 1SS1. One Nteht Only ! Dramatic Recitals. Comedy, Tragedy, A, Laughter. NEW DEPARTURE j BY ' excitement Hiss Ina Haccallj Tears. Emotional For particulars see Bills. J0 Sealed Proposals. gEALED PROPOSALS for building an addition to the Court House will be re ceived at the Office of County Commission ers until Wednesday the 15th inst., at 12 M, Plan and specifications can be seen at office of James F. Post, opposite Court House; Proposals to be addressed to Building Committee. ROGER MOORE, je9-2teod Chm'n Building Committee 110 ! FOR WACCAMAW t rjlHE EXCURSION OF THE Sunday School of St. Paul's Ev. Lutheran Church, previously advertised for to-morrow, June 10th, FRIDAY, will certaialy take-place at that time. Fare for round trip 50 cents. Children. 25 cents under 12 years, to be had at C. W. Tatee', P. Heinsberger,s, C M Ilar risa' and 8. Jewett's and at train. Train leaves Front Street D.pot at 8.3. o'clock, A. IL An enjoyable time Is anticipate! and the committee will spare no painsTo make it so. EcfiesJuncata fold at city prices. t 9 W. IL STRAUS3, Sept. We will tagisJ to recti re eocsHinlcftticsLj from oar frteait en say snd all subjects o geaersJ Litems but . - ' - . Tne name of tie writer cut Iwiys be tut nlxiedto tie Eiltcr. Ooxaausleattoaj &ast be written' on only cae side cf the pap' FersoaAlItles it tut be rrol5ed TAnd It is etpwially and particularly nader stood that tie Editmdotg not always endors tte views ot correspondents, u&less so itat la the editorial column. - Kew Advertisements. -Mammocks. IOK FOllLOWlSCr PSXCES, 51.50, $1.75, $1.:0, $175, $J.OO For sale at Another Lot REVISED NEW TPrMflRNTV OXFOUD iDITIOS. Just reciTd t liiaauKHGEIl'i. je 6 Meorfc- d Mede Btrr TTitJt w the ontu IsOtteru ' rvtr rrJnl on ami eiulorsedby the people of any t(afe. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION vVR HALF MILLION' DISTRIBUTED. LonSiaia Stats .Lottery Compy. Incorporated i-i 1SCS for 25 years Dy the , Legislature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of 81,000,000 to wbich a reserve fund of-over $120,000 has feint e been added. Hy an overw helming popular vote its fran chise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D. 1ST9. - Its Gh a xd Sixgle Number Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales ou postpones. Look at the following Dis-' tributlon : GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, duriug which will take place the 133d Grand Monthly AND THE ExteNte? Seii-Ainal Mmi . At New Orleans, Tuesday, June llth, 1SS1, "V Under the personal supervision and manage ment of Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, and Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. r apital Prize $100,000. SST" Notice Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5. Filths, 2. - Tenths $1. list or prizes. 1 Capital Prize of 100,000 100,000 1 Grand Prize of 50,000 50,000 1 Grand Prize of 20,000 20,000 2 Large Prizes of 10,000 20,000 4 Large Prizes ot 5,000 20,000 20 Prizes of . 1,000 20000 ."0 " 500- 25,000 10) " . ' S0,000 200 " 2.0 40,000 ("00 " 100 00,000 10,000 " 10 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZE3. 100 Approx'n Prizes of 200 $20,000 100 u 100 10,000 100 " " 75 7,500- 11,279 Trizes, amounting to $522,500 Gen. G. T. BEAU11EGAKD, of La. Gxn, JUBAL A. EARLY, of Va., Commissioners Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the olllce of the Company in New Orleans. Write for circulars or send orders to M. A. DAU I'll Iff Ndw Orleans, La or M.A.DAUPHl!V,t Wo. 212 Broad war. New Yoret. msy tl-tues-tfc-3t-2w w'w SGI-SUTTE'S-' SEA-SIDE PARK HOTEL ! Wrights ville Sound '3 NOW OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION of guests tTh& Uble 13 supplied with the pro; duct3 of the Sounds and Sea. Transient and regular boarders taken at reasonable rates. F. A. SCflUTTE, Proprietor je2-tf fi ne Ocean House SMITIIVILLE, N. C. JT3 THE PLACE FOR PLEASURE seek ers to atop at. Finest Wines, Liquors, CIJ girs and C hzmp ignes always oa hand. "Restaurant" jas jjrer the water. IEYANT MORSE. "Proprietor. may 21 lm The Cosmopolitan BAR 13 TflE PLACE WHERE YOU can get the coolest, purest and mo t scientifically mixed Hummer Drinks to be tound in the city. Tbs very best Wines, Champagnes and Liquors always oa hnd. rhe best 5-cent Cigar that ls made. Drop ia anlccol ciV. JOHN CARROLL, JeS - . Proprietor. -Y t nical Dentistry, I WILL RESUME ON NEXT ifoadsy? Cth lest., the practice of .Mechanical IX if tU 3-y, uinr Cell uloid a.s a base platen Price Full set. $mm ; Half Set $ 30.00 J. 11. DUKELVif, bc3tif,T7?J , rriaccn street, Ltt. Preat &zi ScccnL say Zhla .