-,ct V A PUS lUio - rerj afterneoa. Hnsdirt ,-Tnva POSTAGE r aiju. 8, S3 50; Three M f' fl J5 . One month, 60 cents. will be delivered by earner, fW PPer ., .rtof the city, at the '.-..teiJow end liberal EStaib will plewereport any and ( -te receive their papers regularly. v-ew Advertisements. G3 THE GREAT FOB RHEUMATISM J unraaa. Sciatica, Lumbcqo, Backache, Soreness of ilw Chest, tout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell was and Sprains, Burns and ScaJOS, general aoaii Pains, Tootfi, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches, v I Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil m I iafe. ntre, aimple and cheap External mii. A. trial en tails but the comparatively tain outlay of 60 Cento, and every one auffer- ' kt with pain can have cheap and positive proof a itickimi. Dlrtctiotii in Eleven Languages. BOLD SI ALL DEUGGISTS AH LI UJJ Alrtiii3 IS MEDICINE. A.VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Md.iU. 8. JL, fcrt!ll-dAw-nao te MRS. JOE PERSON'S TfflO BIT-TEES ! CURES SCROFULA, RHEUMATISM, Heart Disease, Chronic Bilious Colic, and ill kinds of Eruptions and Skin Diseas M arising from impurity of the blood As m Alterative Tonic and Purifier of the blood it has proven itself unequalled. AuTosicaid Blood Purifier it is kTJMnrpassed. Pttinn'. Mill's, Carteret Co , N. C, July 17th. MKS. PjrsoN' Dear Madam r I think jour medicine h the best that is now before toe public, for the cure of blood diseases, I we great confidence in it, and believe that ft will do all .hat you claim for it. I have tie personal knowledge of the condition of joun? Mr. Stokes, before he commenced ng your medicine, and I see you have Mi i testimonial that he is cured. Goon, , 8ay God epeed you in 6ur efforts to meliorate the condition of mankind, and 51 "! ?U comfort and happiness. I will w all in my power for you among my "lenas. Yours respectfully, - " ' ' Dr. W. H. Barker tare? P onia! of remarkable tiT?? hJ Mr8 Joe Person, Franklln JMLC. Sold by WM. H. GREEN, Wil--wnta. v. may 4-d&w-nac Pianos and Organs J Ail &WjfoxivInt; a complete stock r nis'and Organs, which I am'selling UltMonMe prices. Organs suitable for and Sunday Schools at Reduced ' Urje stock of Blank Books, Aether supply of Rerlsed Testaments, 13 and itjlesjof binding. ('W.Yates5 Book Store Notice. WINS QUALIFIED s Admluistrattix onto Jndge of New Hanover fctoiJjL Vr. 5e U hereby given to all per il ttliJ:rti to the esUte of said deceased aje immediate payment, and to all per jfT11 claims against the deceased to l,f?fi payment to my agent, Mr. 1U. tVi0PP on or before the 13th day of k WT?; erwl8e notice wiU te plead ""W their recorerv. 5miaw6w-thu MARTM. MAIIN, AdmirxUtratrix CELL HOU s E. C5DK HEW MAN AGE HOT, WmaiBto, S. C. ' u PEttRY. . . . pro. J . ri?ncu7prtor Atlantis Hotel, to as! lt Poiotment. Teiml pa m i 1- H VOL. V - LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. R M McIxtike Spanish Laces Cobles & Co Lime Paint HEiif8BEROEB Hammocks C W Yates Pianos and Organs No City Court. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 67 bales. A straw bat that can be folded up ahd put into your pocket, is among the latest novelties. . Study your interest. You can now buy Cock Stoves at factory prices at Jacobi's. f A distinguished biubeJor wants -'to know if u. woman was designed to be the equal of man, why it is sl.e can't whis tit? YouDg niao, a diamond pin looks real nxe and glisteos brightly; but when $4 a'week supports a man and pin both; one or the other is not genuine. Beautify ygur homes by using the N. Yi. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war anted. ' Sold only at Jacobi's. f A writer on style says: "It is the fashion in France for ladies to take tea in their bonnets and gloves." One of the objections to this is that some of the bonnets do not hold more than a lump of sugar. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Bakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There yoa have the lowest prices, f Our subscribers down in Onslow Coun ty can now rest easier. They will here after get the Journal the day after, in stead of the week after, publication. Col. Brink having succeeded in having the Sound route day changed from Thursday to-Friday. The moonlight excursion given on the Passport last'night by the Cornet Con cert Club was largely attended. It was a beautiful night and there Jsaspleniy of moonlight and plenty of music to add to the charms of the occasion. Florence Morris, a white woman of illfame, was arraigned before Justice Hall this morning upon the charge of disorderly conduct. The cae was past" poned until to-morrow at 10 o'clock, the defendant giving bond for her appearance at that time in the sum of 50. Exports Foreign. Swedish brig Carin cleared to-day for London, with 1,438 casks spirits, and British barque Northern Queen for Liverpool, with 3,789 barrels rosin, both cargoes shipped by Messrs. Alex Sprunt & Son. German harque Emile also cleared to-day for Stettin, with 3,908 barrels rosin, 'shipped by Messrs. Pater son, Downing & Co. J r res ted and Locked Up. A seaman by the name of Patullo belonging to the British brig Elizabeth Scott, lying near the steamer Passport's wharf, was arrested this morning and locked up by order of the British Vice Consul at this port for using obscene and profane language in the presence of ladies. The occurrence took place, we understand, just before the departure of the Passport on her regular trip to-day, and the lady passengers were unwilling listeners and witnesses to the indecent conduct of the unruly sailor. "A Few Remark?." We, the Reporter referred to in Mr. W. H. Shaw's card which appeared in yesterday's Review, do not desire to cast any reflection upon him, but hold to our opinion that he stated on Tuesday after noon to us, that the prisoners would not be sent to Raleigh for two or three days. We do not see how it could be possible for us to have misunderstood him and we hold firmly to the belief that he made the statement which. we accredited him with using. Since reading Mr. Shaw's card we must say that we are satisfied that Mr. Shaw is as thoroughly conscientious in his belief that he did not make the reply alluded to as we are that he did. Possibly it wasa case of "heterophemy" after all, in which case we,are willing to dismiss the case. v Be Sensible Yon have allowed your bowels to be come habitually costive, your liver has become torpid, the same thing ails your kidneys, and yon are just used up. Now r be sensible, get a package of Kidney-Wort take it faithfully, and soon you will for get youTe got any such organs, for vou will be a well man. Albany ' Argus, F WILMINGTON, N. C, Prohibition picnic at Point Caiwell Quite a large crowd left this city yes terday morning on the steamer John Dawson for Point Caswell to be in at tendance at the prohibition pic nic which was advertised to take place there on yesterday. A Review reporter accom" panied the the excursionists and is en abled to day to give the following ac count: On the trip up the river the young ladies and gentlemen indulged in the dance, the music being furnished by Pascucci's band, and the trip was a de lightful one. At each landing on the Cape Fear and Black Rivers the num ber of excursionists was added to and upon arriving at Point Caswell a large crowd was at the Dawson's landing to greet and welcome them. The excur sionists were escorted to a building which is temporarily used as a place of worship until a church can be built, and after the Committee had seen that every one was comfortably seated the meeting was called to order by Mr. E. A. Hawes, President of the' Point Caswell Prohibition Club. The Rev. Colin Shaw opened the meeting with prayer at the conclusion of which Dr. Geo F. Lucas, the Secretary, read the Prohi bition bill and the following letter from Major James C. MacRae, of Fayette ville: Fayettetille, N. C, Jane 3, '81. Messrs. B. P. Paddison and others, Committee: Gentlemen It is a matter of real re gret to me that I cannot accept your kind invitation to meet with yon at Point Caswell on the 9 th and address you in favor of Prohibition. Engage ments in the Federal Court at Raleigh require my presence and will keep me there during the whole of next week. I trust that you will have a pleasant time and that the campaign with you will be a rigorous and successfal one. The Anti-Prohibition State Conven tion which met in Raleigh yesterday has sounded the key note. The efforts of the people to relieve themselves of the great est ill which afflicts the commonwealth is characterized as -'obstructive to the moral, social, political and ma terial progress of ,jir people." We areTTtrhrarecT aslfanatics. TiieJooTe" exertions of the large body of Christian ministers throughout the State for the suppression of this fruitful- source of misery and vice are met with a sneer at religion ; and the earnest hopes of Caro lina's drughters are greeted with deri sion. Reform has always met with opposi tion. We are not the first reformers who have been charged with fanaticism. These Christian ministers, like their brethren long ago, are prepared if need be to face greater ills than the scoffs and jeers of infidelity, in the path of duty ; and the women of North Carojina have been too recently tried in the furnace to falter at a sneer, God speed the work ; let us do our part, and so shall we be clear of offence, whatever may be the result of the strug gle. I ara your friend, Jas. C. MacRae. The Rev. Colin Shaw, the orator of the day, was introduced and held his. large audience spell bound for an hour. He is terse, forcible speaker and carries con viction to the hearts of his hearers. He used plain English and his language was such that a child could' clearly under stand him. At the conclusion of Mr. Shaw's speech a bountiful repast was spread on tables near the building which the vast assembly was cordially invited to partake of. The Wilmington excursionists received marked and cordial attention from the hands of Pender's sons and daughters and were made to feel perfectly at home in the fullest mean ing of the phrase. After the picnic the meeting was called to order by Mr. E. A. Hawes, who by the way makes a most capital presiding officer, and Mr. E. H. King, of this city, entertained the audi ence in a neat little speech of about ten minutes in length. Dr. Satchwell was next introduced and made a most forcible and exhaustive speech of about an hour's length. He was warmly congratulated upon his ef fort which is said to be one of the best of his career as a speaker. He Bpoke of the moral, physical and scientific ef fects of alcohol upon man and wag fervid in describing the damaging effects of whiskey upon persons of weak natures. The Prohibition Picnic was then at a close and the large crowd repaired to Giddens store where they indulged in the dance, the iiiazy waltz, and rapturous racquet, for about three hours. At 7 o'clock the Dawson left for this city, bringing with her a party of happy ex cursionists who will ever remember the Point Caswell Prohibition Picnic as an oasis in the desert sands of life. The trip down the river was a most delight-1 fal one and the night was a beautiful lEfHW. FRIDAY, JUNE 10. ending of a most pleasant and enjoyable affair. . The committee of arrangements 'for the speaking and pic nic did their work well, and they deserve the thanks of ev. ery one present. We have never seen so large a promiscuous crowd as assem bled at Point Caswell yesterday so en tirely free from intoxication or anything pertaining to rudeness. To Capt. R. P. Paddison and his estimable lady we doff our hat in acknowledgment kindness shown as. Resumed her Place The steamer Wave, Captain Robeson of the Express .Steamboat Company has resumed her regular trips on the line after a few weeks absence at Fayette vi lie whither she has been undergoing repairs. The Wave put in an appear. ance here early this morning with her new clothes on, having been thor oughly renovated and repainted for the summer. Hundreds of Men, Women and Children Rescued - from beds of pain, sickness and almost death and made strong and hearty by Parker's Ginger Tonic are the best evidences in the world of its sterling worth. You can find these in every community. Post. See aavertise ment. Some Snakes Mr. E. A. Hawes, in burning eff some new ground at his farm near Point Cas. well, a few days ago, killed three rattle snakes, the smallest of which sported twenty-three rattles, and on the follow ing day he and one of his hands killed seven good s-izsd watet moccasins. Mr. Hawes neglected to measure the snakes but says they were the largest he ever saw. .We had determined to publish no snake under 15 feet and only publish this because we think that "a baby snake" sporting twenty-three rattles should be fifteen feet long. , De Pere (Wis.) Standaard. One of oar patrons here had a log to roll over one of his feet, and was unable. in. conseq oence, to walk the distance of a rod. for the IasT tWDThonths. About two weeks ago he observed a notice of t. Jacobs Oil in the Standard, and sent to W. H. Chapman's Draff Store. West De Pere, to purchase a bottle. He applied it to his foot, and in two hours he was able to walk across the street: in two davs the pain had entirely lisappeared. The foregoing are strictly ;he facts in the case; the party's name is Fohn Yergeldt, and he will certify to his at any time. Bishop Lyman In FayettCTllIe: The services in St. John's Church, fayetteville, on Sunday last, were very beautiful and very impressive, both at morning and evening services. In the forenoon the prayers were read by Rev. Dr. Watson, of this city, and Rev. A. A. Benton, of Rockfish. Bishop Lyman preached a very able and instructive ser mon from Timothy, 4c. 16v., after which the candidate for the Priesthood, Rev TnVin TTnalrp tpq. rkrARpntpn hv his fathfT Rev. J. C. Huske, D.D., Rector of St. John's. All of the clergy present united with the Bishop in the "laying on of hands," after which the communion was celebrated. The services at night were very inter esting. The Rector baptized one person, an adult, and nine candidates were pre sented to and confirmed by the Bishop. The sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Watson from Romans 8c. 18 v. Military Blatter. v The Raleigh News and Observer oc casionally states that the new service uniform adopted by the authorities is highly approved by the military in the State, and that it will be worn by all the companies attending the Yorktown Cel ebration in October. We are informed by Gen. M. ;P. Tay lor, who commands the Second Brigade, that he does not know one company in his command who have decided to wear the new service uniform. Gen. Taylor also informs m that while in Raleigh last month he conferred with General Manly, of the First Brigade, who agreed with him that it would be unwise to cause the military to purchase the new uniform at this time, and said that he did not know of a company in his com mand which had decided to wear cit to Yorktown. Gen. Taylor says that both b.3 and Gen. Manly were of the opinion that if this matter was constantly bought to the attention of the companies in the State through the newspapers it was calculated to mislead the companies and produce dissatisfaction, and they both agreed that it was advisable to let the commskds go as they are cow ixsifsnsed. 1881. NO 137 New Advertisements, LIME PAINT . The attention of Hooaekeepert, Farmer! and other it called to the above "Jiifnl and Val uable Preparation FOR WHITEWASHING AND ALL SANITARY PURPOSES. "''' s . It coiti lea ia eompariaon thaa COUttON WHITEWASH, or the rn'lsked lime, and its durability and beauty ar two-fold greater, n never loses it strength It can be kept for Tears When applied it forms a sarfaee as SMOOTH A8 K eJOAUK, without sine r plaster. It can O used coo venleatty and economically in intkiag MORT&K, INO tNSID&J, and fjr all purposes In which sand and line are employed. We soliJta trial. - . We refer to the Knickerbocker lee Company, and others. V ' ' ' 1 " Soil at wholesale, by the barret, and in smaller peerages, at the Manuftetor7 ) In Barrel, White-.......... -....$2 03 Colors 13. 01 P2I0S: X 1.00...... ............ l.fo ' J la doodBacets,(2jOals) White 60.... " . 7!c C0RLES & C0. Lmt and lumber llerchaats o. Jfi. Corner front and Kaoe ftiem, l'QlLaii ft A. Advances made on Consignments of Lumber or Ties, and qiict sales xcxda mils for Lumber sent to cut by if desired. Je 10 Zjx dw SPANISH LACES ! BLACK AND CREAM. New Dress Goods IN NOVELTIES. A Large Assortment. All just ia and the prices will De found 1 . i satisfactory. " Clearing.out a lot of Ladies' Underwear cheap. Summer Silks, Good Styles, very cheap. R. il. Ftfclntire. jane 13 Corn Bacon, MolassesT 10 000Buslls Frime witeC0RI' Qtypj Boxes Smoked and D S Sides iOPCi Hhds and Herces OOU New Crop Cuba ;JQQ Bbla New Orleans Molasses, Shxst received and for sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISONj Flour, -Sugar, Coffee, &c lOOO.Bbls Flour, all grades, 250 Bbls Sugars, Granulated, A ' Extrj OandC, 50bls New Orleans Sugai, 350 Bags Coffee, different grades. 125 Boxes Assorted CandyJ 100 Tuba Choice.Leaf Lard - 75 Bbls and Boxes Lemon Cakes,; 375 Boxes Lye and Potash," 200 Boxes Soap, 75 Boxes and Kegs Soda," 3 100 Boxes and Half Bbls Snuffy Shot, Buckets, Paper, Spice, Pepper, Gln ger, Hoop Iron, &c Randolph Sheetings, For sale by feb23 WILLIAMS & MURCHISON n GOODS 2 THIS WEEK I DELICIOUS PEACHES AND TOMATOES I - All varieties of Choice Preserves in one and two pound Cans, the best in the market, Our elegant Family Flour, Parole d'Honeur Pig Hams, .Breakfast Strips and Small Shoulders, Parched Java and Iaguajra Coffee, These goods ai e all fresh t his week Our prices and quality of goods will convince yonpf you will try ns. Try the prepared.Soups. For sale at GEO. MYERS'. fa ITefc U d 11 Brit Trot Bulk PLEASE SOTIC2. ATo wd be glad to nesln eoamtalcatlcai from our tries ii on uy and all tubjaett genera! iatarait bat Tio naae cf the writs etst Uwaji bo (at tJahedtotio HJttor. n. ' " i Oonaualeatioat nzx U wriUea a cnlj erne alio of tie paper. Persoaaliilfis mt be avoided v'HK5:r-: ''And It li eepeelaDy and particularly ad itood that the Editmdoes not alwtvi'eadort the viewi ot eorratpoadenti, unlet so ttat la the editorial ooluana. New AdvortiBomonta. -.a, uuuu ruu HAUK HOUSES OUTSIDE. BEING ir . rr r r r i .air.nrnuuf , . Hammocks.. TTHE FOLLOWING rilOtS, 1.S0, $U5, $2.;0, $2.75, $3.C0 For sale at nsixucEKasii's Another Lot REVISED NEW TESTAMENT UXFOKD EDITION, Just received at 111K3DE2GKR'& je6 Live Book and Moiio 8 tor SCHUTTE'S SEA-SIDE PARK HOTEL! YriMisviiie sou tin JS NOW OPEN FOR TOE RECEPTION of guests , The table is supplied with the proj ducts of the Sounds and Sea, Transient and regular boarders taken at reasonable rates. F. A. SCIIUTTE, Proprietor je2-tf . Elliss Eq LXarrer HAS JU8T RECEIVED a beautiful as sortment of Evening and Millinery Flowers, Afternoon Hats and Bonnets, Linen and Mohair Ulsters, Uuderwear and Children's Clothing, which will be sold at reduced prices. Je 9 Kotice. JJTAVING QUALIFIED as Administrator on the estate of Henry Chlandt, deceased, on the 4th day of May, 1831, la the Probst Court of N ew Hanover c.unty, notice Is hereby given to all persons indebted to the estate o: the sad Henry Ohiandt, to jnako immediate payment and settlement; ad all persona having claims against g aid estate, will preseet them for payment on or kefore the 9th dey of May, 1882, or this notice ulll be p'eaded in bar of their reoovery. This 9Ui day of May, 1881. Q. VOLLEBS, mayl3-law6wfri Admnistrater. RED CEDAR PACRifJQ CHESTS, SASHj DOOnS AHD blinds; I PJLCKETSMOUIJDING.LUIBERct ALL SIZES WINDOW.GLAS3, "AT altaffee,:pbice &;co'S. . Factory: Office: Foot Walnut feL Nutt. near RedCm, The Ocean Houne SMITHVILLE, N. c. J3 THE PLACE FDR PLEASURE zeck era to stop at. Finest Wines, Liquors, C1J girs and Champagnes always on hand. "Restaurant" jiuij jrer the water. BRYANT MORSE, Proprietor. may 21 la The Cosmopolitan BAR 13 THE PLACE WHERE TOU caji tret the cnnlt nn rrvcf scientifically mixed Summer Drinks Vy bj found In the city. The very Lest Wines, Champagne and Liquors always oah&nd. The best 5-cent Cfear that ia made. Vroo in and cool off. JOHN CAIiROM.. Mecliaiiical Dentistry, I WILL RESUME ON NEXT Monday. Cth InsU. the uractice of ifechjinfa l i.Tt tistry.udnjr Celluloid &s a baae plate. Price Full 8et $00.00 Hilf Set $ZQX J. II. DCP.OA1I, DenUst, Princess street, bet. Front and Seccad4 xssy 2Mb :