1M9 PA FEB PLfiJLBE 2T0TXCS." 'Wm will be gi ad to reeeire communication ,.cd r, f.o,. Sua.,. JUH. . JAM",:.. ,0rrO AfD FEOPaiKTOE. from our Mend en aaj and ell abjeeti o I . J B 4 'cj T ri IB 33- aigntl ! ies. iloiri ,y politC lemeo, ;ore, liter- is c lini ifitof a- - f and the K. ' v : " : ,Birr,0S8,P08TAGEPAaD Aai mOIltBB, 9 W fa uu " 1 I 1 25 One month, 60 cent. BoBtha, b,detiTered by carrier, " "t. or 13 cents per we.. id!l!Lriberi will plea.erepoi w reeeire their papert regularly. TITO report any and VOL V WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1881 Ti ciaa cf tls writer cat ahrayi fct fir althedto the Editor. OomawaieatJoni etrt be written on enly one side of the paper Pexsonalltlea aut be avoided . 7 And it if especially and particularly under rtrwwf that thm TZAitn Anm ilviti mi?am ' 13 I tn riw,ot orrepoadenti, unless to stat in at editorial commas. EKE jew- A dvertisements. II A SI At iUBELlIf. LOCAL.NKWS. Kew Advertisements. S G Noktiir- r Keep ool See &d Family Excursion Heinsbebgeh Bateb Heliotrope Wat r C W Yates? Pianos ari l Organs 1 tie Eclipse of the Moon. I Auld Lang Syne. 1 a rlmmr Pripct The total ecliDse of the moon, of which An old friend, one of those whom we a t tj,:8 writtine. 4 P. M.. the . indica- X I . .... - - I wj have heretofore informed our readers, new in "boyhood a better lor wusser t) non3 are not very favorable for a view will take place early to-morrow morning, days, reminds us that he is still above 0f tne eclipseto-niebt, or, rather, to-mor- a m a . If the weather is good and the atmos- grouna oy sending us copies oi two P- row morning. It is still cloudy and with there clear it will be tf sight well worth pers published m his adopted home. only a slight prospect of clearing up New Advertisements. Sealed Proposals, EALED PROPOSALS for building' an - addition to the. Court House ..will be -re-' .Days length 14 hours and 33 minutes. To-morrow is knewn as Trinity Sun day. . Sunpetjto-morrow afternoon at 16 min utes past 7 o'clock. the sacrifice of a little sleep. The moon will be full at 43 minutes past 1 o'clock. The eclipse begins that is, the dark shadow enters upon the moon at 26 minutes after midnight. The total phase Samuel S. Peterson is his name, and he jt VAad prove a great-disappointment I ceived at the Ofllceof County Commission- is a native of this city, where he has many should the moon hide behind the I ers until Wednesday the lSthinst., at 12 M, t many relatives. He is now located in a demos before she gets behind the earth, Pla nd .-cificatlons RfLn at offir rnld rli'mitfi fin Winter C harlot tetOWU. I aa enoh annthpr onnortnnitv will not oc-l ' ' v i r i Prince Edward Island, where some I car nere again until June 21st, 1899, of JamesJF. Post, opposite ourt House. commences at I heur 29 minutes, and years since he was teaching school. It eighteen years and ten diys from this Proposal to be addressed to Building The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 35 bah 3. Tlx r Aero-nn it.termnits in Bellevue Cemetery ihii week. ends at 2 hours 51 minutes. The eclipse ends at 3 hours 52 minutes. Study your interest. ioa can new buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacob!!?. T is like taking a peep into a long-sealed book to hear, or read of him now. May he prosper and live virtuouslyand die happy. je 9-2teod Nortlw asterly wimls and a dectdedly cooler atmosphere ibis forenoon. To Builders and others Go to Jaco- bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, fec. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. t FOB RHEUMATISM Uuraima. Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, fort, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ing and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, 1 Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Ftei and Ears, and all other. Pains and Aches. I PmrUon on earth equals St. Jacom Oil mithur, simple and cheap External ImmiIt A. ril entwl but th comparatively MBm outlay of 50 Cent, and every one euffer fcjwltk pain can hate cheap and powtiTe proof rfitieUimi. IHnctiooi in leTn Langnages. SOLS BT ALL DSTJGGISTS AND DEALEE3 IH MEDICINE, A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Ma, ZT. S. A iprill2lv-no te Trifles light as hair sometimes the whle course of a man's appetitite. Serge will be the thing for traveling costumes this summer, and navy blue the color. writing. We give elsewhere the hears of Committee. the eclipse as published last Tuesday in the Review, but we since find a fuller, and a tabulated statement in the. Char lotte Observer which we give herewith: H M S Moon enters light shadow Moon enters dark shadow Total eclipse begins . . Middle of eclipse . . . Total eclipse ends ROGER MOORE, ' S ' - . V"--- . E Chrn'n Building Commute e A Poor Ml eraD.e ODjvCU Health Oflacer Scbarff, while perambu lating his beat this morn ing,camc across a tnm rj or unfortunate colored man.bythe name I A Beautiful bignt n? Tt,- kAama Twbintr in filth and most sinsTuiar and remaraaoie puc-i Moon leaves aarK snaaow i ' a';b t,Q n6w0(i nomenon was witnessed on Front street Moon leaves light shadow tothecitv Dhvsician. The wretched ob- yesterday afternoon which attracts tne ject of humanity was seated in a flat at the foet of Mulberry street this morning MAM 1 where heremaiued until the Buperin- e rare anu remaruic mu ' Tnni"are the best evidences in the world 11 12 1 1 2 3 4 06 07 02 07 04 08 45 07 26 06 28 04 23 69 SfMISH UGBS:! Thtrre were lur imerinunts in Pine Forest Cemetery (culored) during the J tendent of Health in the goodness of his week, two adults and two childien. t There were four marriage licenses is sued by the Register of deeds this week, one to a white and three to colored cu- ples. Among the notaries public appointed by the Governor on Thursday are Messrs. S. N. Cannon and E. G. Barker, of this city. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There you have the lowest prices. t 'There were threeJnterments in Oak- dale this week, one adult and two chil dren; one of the last named was brought here for interment. BLACK AND CREAM. Hew Dress Goods IS NOVELTIES. A remarkable sun spot, which with slight telescopic aid is resolved into-a congeries of spots of all shapes and sizes, is now visibla not far from the, sun's equator. " TTnvnmcns op Men. "Womex and attention and excited the admiration of Childken Rescued from bed3 of pain, several gentlemen in the locality where sickness and almost death and made m,0w. ,AnA was wit- strong ana neariy uy rair u.u nessed. Ia passing down the street heart had him removed to the County above named yesterday afternoon our at- ja every community. Post. Seeadvertise- TTAT,a ThA individual named tention was drawn to the brilliancy oi ment. A AAVMWW W " ' . above is from Wilson, on the W. & W- renex oi tne setting sun as w R. R., and has been engaged in working thn m the large glass window ot ueo. hereon lighters until disabled by the &- -trench & &on s boot ana snoe store, steady encroathment of the fearrul aauupoucioscr uukitbwwu c wu.u 0 malady from which he is suffering. tmctiy see tne masu anu yarus oi i suare-nggea tessei lying in me river A Narrow Escape- n,ar the wharf, while a still closer obser A young man wh was rather bibulous- Vitioa revcaied the green trees beyond ly inclined, while handling his pistol ale Island, i he clouds, with the dif rather carelessly in a saloon on Market f($Tut tintg given by the rays of the street, this morning, was surprised by an slowlv departing king of day, to- r . 1 1 . . ll. " explosion m one or tne cnamDers, e gether with the clear blue sky, m 1 1 1 A. 1 T 1 3 I ptwaer irom wmcn Durnt nis nanua uu . ere aU perfectly blackened his white breeches, wnne tne reflected in the window. It was such a ball went through his pants near the ;.tnra aa no artist other than the Hand knee luckily, however, for the owner of Divine could portray or place upon can the weapon without touching his flesh yaS3 with the same amount 0f perfection and sped on through a spoke in the bacK ag waa visibie to the few who enjoyed Pianos and Oij ansr.Qv J AM NOW Receiving a oomrlotc tock ok Pianes'and Organs, vjlurh 1 aia selling at reasonable prices. O'gani tuitalle' for : Church and Sunday Schools at Reduced Prices. Large stock of Blank Books, &c.t ; &j. Another supply oi ReYiaedTcstanjent, all sizes and ftylcs of binding. C.1W. Yates' Bo k btor, SCHUTTE'S New Advortisements. " Keep Cool ! BOTTLED SWEET CHAMPAGNE CI DER on ice. A pure, healthy and re freshing beverage for Summer; not intoxi cating. . Pare, Cold Soda Water on ice at the same place, under the Review Office at S. G. NORTHROP'S, jell Water St. Store. SEA-SIDE PARK HOTEL! Wrislitsvillc Sound JS NOW OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION of guests.' I - la a-m iv wm -w- rw m m iw ra n i tTm m . i .1.1 . . .1 -it. it. . aillllff . w Aw M w 1 w I Ui xae tauie is Euppiiuu hhu iuciio- beaatifally mo SimHmia AND TOT FORTS gant Steamer PASSPORT. Boat wiU leave her wharf at 8:30 o'clock. A.M. A String Band will furnish Music. Tickets for the round trip ouc; cmioren A larje Asgi isb rtment. and Rprvanta 25c. of a chair, carryiDg half of lt.away ana th, beajitiful Bightlwhich, in company I dode ob3ecUonable persons.' finally bnrying itself in the wall in rear with seTCrai oUler gentlemen, we had the -.,, the t i 1 A I . . . m, ik-ixvib .w 1 oi tne saioon, some ieu y aiua iau priyiiege of enjoying yesterday, l ne i committee. young man who two seconds before the d;fferellt hues given the , clouds by the In theabsence of Rev. C. M. Payne I discharge of the pistol was seated in the I' of the reflected sun were maiy night services at 8 p. m. will be conduct-1 chair opposite, had scareely moved his ftnd brilliant,' and yet true to nature. ed at Second Presbyterian Church to- seat -when the accident happened. Who Th P snn i00ked like a ball of red fire as morrow by Rev. Dr. J oseph R. Wilson. I gay8 there is not an angel of good guard- .fc nearej xiq horizon. Another remark- There vrtll not be any morning service. AU justia and the prices will re found tttLrfictory. Thanks to Messrs. H. H. Kasprowicz, M. Newman and H. G. Latimer, the committee, for an invitation to attend Cle.ring,out a lot of Ladies' Underwear the excursion to be given by the members cheap. Summer Silks, Good Styles, very cheap. R. M. Mclntire. JuilO V of Wilmington Steam Fire JEngine Co, No. 1, on Monday next. Fashion item: Fashionable belle wants .A to know what .shade will be the most pre ferred this coming summer. Well, the shade of a big elm tree will be very pop ular, but -at the seaside the shade ot a big umbrella will be much sought after. mg tne movements vi boluc wuho jck vu earth? The chair in which the young had -been seated was, a3 stated ! above, partly carried away, ana tne course of the ball was in a direct line with whfira the vounff man's breast would have been. Caught at Last. A white man byfthe name of Alfred Thompson, who hails Irom UoiumDus county, waa arrested here last night, be tween 9 and 10 o'clack, under a capias able incident of the occasion waa that the figure of a young lady who was on theroof of a shed near by in a frolicsome mood, we suppose, withsome other sweet misses of the gentler sex, was distinctly visible in the reflected light of the win dow as the great orb of day gave its last long parting rays Derore ne disappeared from view. MRS- JOE PERSON'S IC BITTERS ! r,SJCR0FUI. RHEUMATISM, Cd "e. Chronic Bilious Colic, SuJSJ of Eraptions and Skin Diseas- vM uic ana runner oi tne Diooa Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks, and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t The Rev. George Patterson, D. D., will preach and administer the Holy Commnnion m bL Mark s (Jhurch on THE MAILS. The malls close and arrive at the CSty Po.it Office as follows : Northern through mails 530 p. m. issued from the Superior Court of Colum I Northern through and way bus county. .It seems that some four or mails......... Jkl lsu ""V V Mails for tbe N. O. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. O. Railroad, at.... ... 5;40 a.m. five months ago warrants were issued in Columbus for Thompson's arrest, on the charge of several larcenies committed in wiad of them and escaped and came to this city. Sonthern maita for all point, rriL cu CP" P rl virviKna VifT0rmrn r.nnfer- I ' -i m n n' i. ue ouctiu ui uiuuiiuv.v.r i vv patera mans uun y i uanjr I j 4VA -nn) na onthnri tlP.S in thlS I S4nnr1aTI . . l-frl 1 H I lil 1 a. Ln UllllbU MM . I 1 t?Aij aj ft Kv j m - - - Sunday, June 12th, being Inmty bun- ocrfainod that Mail for Gheraw & Darling i - , n i l, I CltV WUCU lb Xiao - da v. services commencing at 11 o clock. 1 ' , ,. ton " ' w . I Thrtmneftn TCQO llPrP I' 0 1 1 Illilll UWUU - .... m - D. Hillhous i. t LMalls for points between iio .. I .fotinir Tiat hft knew the man andtnati . . phariin ....... in the above p. mi a. m, 1 PTea itself unequalled. In the evening the Rev. Buel, D. D., will preach Church, services to commence at 6 p.,m. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Seats freed. . stating that he knew the man ana ma l rerjCeaDa Charleston. Tin was then at work at the Gas V orks. pavetteville. and ofiices on . I -r. m J Capo Fear liiver, Aueauaya, 9:00 7:45 p 7:45 p m m. 1 fyltoiz and Blood Purifier it is ITJnjurpassed 'S. Carteret Co . N. C. Km. Juy 17th, 1879. $ !rJfsoJt--Dear Madam: I think taM?6 14 best that Is now before l. ZzT ,or the cure of blood diseases. I A capias was then forwardedto Sheriff xrnnn;nw vhn ntVnsted the ar 4USkllUlU, " rest to a colored deputy, who . . . ....'I TT A 11 rA nn.inl X" n nnm nnf I Hnorl and Tni5SPfi tR DirU. XiC UkilCVI auuuai uuvnuiviutui' i mv v. Th. snmfpp T.ffrht. Tnfantrr. m nn- at the Gia Works for Thompson (who nWand r mafchifr nrenarations for nad changed his name), and Superin .,i V oOT tendent Reilly stated that there was no LUC 11 USUiU 11J1U UUl vunu v. i - . 3- xl x - I nno (171 Ilia TlftT-1 oil answenmr to that Application naa oeen maae lor lacm 10 w- r-j " the Secretary;of War, from whose office a name. The officer left and Thompson let tor ha been received bv Mr. Bovd. got wind of the affair and skipped the town, lie was last neara irom as naviug been in the employ of a Mr. Williamson, a. ;ilor at Florence, from whom he M aaitiivai - mrA iTridavfl x:rJ p. m. Favetteville, via Lumberton, . .daily, except Dunaays .w u Onslow O. H. and Intermedi ate offices, every Monaay and Thnrsdav at . 6.00 a. m. PIMM J Smlthvillo maihi, by steam boat, daily, (except bun . a 8.80 a. Dj. theSignal Officer .at Smithville, grant ing them the use ot the garrison for cne davsl... 0 " M Malls for Easy Hill, Town Greek, Shallotte and Little "mirpt S "O.. every Mon day and Thursday at... 6:00 a. m. orxs roB deltvebt. No liquors allowed on the Boat. J. W. oTaAUoS, -v ALEX. ADRIAN, L. VOLLERS, V Committee. JOHN HAAR, Jr., H. A. GLAMEYER, J je 11 Bates' Heliotrope Water. a ILOSAL E8SE5CE of Exquijite fra- grancs. In eaoi bright drop there ii a oharm. Triil stzj 25 cent 5; largo she $1. For sale at . HEINSBERGEK'S Hoy t's German Cologne. mHE MOBT 73AGBANT and lasting cf JL ati perfame. ... Beware f coucteif-its and Imitation, Whohs .Je and Retail at HKIN8BERGEIV8. jell LiTe Boot and Mmio Store Corni Bacon, Molasses. 10 000Busha Prime miteC0RN' Boxes Smoked D 8 Sidefl IO Hhds and Tierces OOU New Crop Cuba jjQQ Bbla New Orleans Molasses, ' Just received and for sale low by WnilAMS & MURCHISONJ ducts of the Sounds and Sea . Transient and regu'ar loardcrs taken at reasonable rates. IF. A. SCHUTTE, je 2-tf ; Proprietor IllVaiss E0 Karrer &i UA8JU8T Kruici Vrjjj a beautiiui as- i-i- sortment of Evening and Millinery Flowers, Afternoon Hats and Bonnets, Linen and Mohair Ulsters, Uudcrwcar and Children's t'lothing, which will be sold at reduced prices. Je 9 RED CEOARIPACXIHQ CHESTS, SASH, DOORS AHD BLINDS, racketsmoulding, lumberc; all sizes window;glass, , ALTAFFER,PRICE CO'S. n f Factory: Foot Walnut st. Office: Nutt,'near RedCross s DIE f GOODS S THIS WEEKS iJafldeuce in it, and believe that week No date has been fixed for their dfcS4ty,Vlal? for ita,1.tavr visit, as yet, so far as we could ascertain. rltr fi Knowledgeof the condition of ' J riJaC)riet, hefore he commenced Beautify your homes by using the N. Korthern throoga and way 1 T .Oft a stole S300 iagold It seems that he XZl VoOp.m. r temL.T ,cmet aot A see you nave WOd speed you in your efforts to d wT mfort and happiness. I will a 3 power for you among my ! Iob respectfully, . . .St-., Da.W. H. Barker for testimonial of remarkable t4??1' Joe Person, Franklin- Beautify your homes by using the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war" anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f City Court. may 4-daw-nac 5SW UAAGKVIENT, Wlt'BTOW, S. C. U Pt... HY. . . m propJ 1. Nu.Sr Atlantic HoieL totaI. r41 appoxotiueatt. .Terms then made a hurried trip to Wilmington CM(Ain Central Railway...... 4H)0 p. m to visit hi3 wife and family, whom he Stamp Office open from 8 a.m. to 12 had left here, was then traced to Colum- M., and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money bU. S. 0., 'thence to New Yo. and 2g! thence to Charleston.whence, on tne sup- Qpneral delivery open from 6:30 a. m. Flour, Sugar, CoffeOa &ct 1000 Bbls Flour, all gradei, 250 Bbls Sugars, Granulated, A2Extr 1 OandC, 50bls New Orleans Sugar,t 350 Bags Coffee, different "gradea. 125 Boxes Assorted Candy, 100 Tube Choice Leaf Lard 75 Bbls and Boxes Lemon Cakes. 375 Boxes Lye and Potash 200 Boxes 8oap, 75 Boxes and Keg-s Soda, 1 OO Boxea and Half Bbls Snuff. Shot, Buckets, Paper, Spice, Pepper, Gia' ger, Hoop Iron, &c, Randolph Sheetings, ror sale Dy feb23 WILLLAM8 & MURCHISON The Eoglish sailor Patullo, arrested position that he would next appear in this to 7;00 p.m., and on Sundays Irom 8:30 tfi:30 a. m. Stamp for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp offico is closed. Mails collected from streat boxes every day at 4:00 p. m. vesterdav for indecent lansruaffe in the city, a strict lookout was Kept ior mm Dresence of ladies, was arraigned this He did arrive here last luesoaj nigof irht Serjeant Davis, of the The sentence ot the Court was a fine of I olice force, with Officers Green. Ken ci aa .n.i i.. l-tMr Williama and - Woebse made a , Dave Mallett. the incorrigible, who I descent upon his house and, effected his voe Wl-nil n n ostArrlaT . for beinif D. rantnre. The building was sui rounded, aj svww J w- f o I n t ' i . made several desperate rnrr.e habitually . costive, your liver ha leftthe Court Room with a fuU he,rt to attempts to escape by the wmdows when become SK go and get himself full of spirits again finding that it was useless, he quieUy 4 0f Kidney-Wort in order to show what grateful and ap- surrendered. He is now in jail to await uke it (jathfully and uooa you wili for- .;;t riT.i; MfPrfain.for the the arriral of tbe officers from Colum- t youe got any such organs, for you w wv..in " I" 1 -... . ll yf 7T.. Be Sensible. You have allowed your bowels to be preciative i bus. will be a Trail nan. Albany Argus. THUi LAURINBURG EHTERPRISE ja THE BEST MEDIUM; throogh which to advertise Fall aad Winter Good4 among the people of Kobvaoa, Kirhmond aad Aa ron on as ties, la North Uarolisa, and ia the border counties of 8ata Carolina. Tbe EgterprisabMalanre a4 iTercuiag eircn tidra ia the Pee Dee aad Care Far aeetions ef this tints, barioz obtained a Urge eirffSK latioa la the latter flannr the six moniai ... nhHahd ia FaTetterille before Its re- noral ta Lauri&burr. aad la the foxaar tMa ihm last few months. V Advertlseatsti wiU be leserted by the aoath. qTiirtcr and year at reasonable rates Adlressa u incuurri, DELICIOUS PEACHES AND TOMATOES All varieties of Choice Preserves in one and two pound Cans, the best in the market Our elegant Family Flour, Parole d Honenr Pig Hams, breakfast Strips and Small Shoulders, Parched Java and Lagnayra Coffee Theso goods ti e all fresh this week Oar pricea and quality of goods will convinco you if you will try tie. , Try the preparedJSojps. For sale at '... . GEO. FjlYER'SV fob U Tas. 11 a?d IS Boatb JTrcnt Stt Eleclidiiical Dentistry I WILL RE3UIE ON" NEXT Monday, Cth iriit., the practice of Mechanical Den Imm O.-LllttlkM mm m t14a PriceFull 8rt fGO.00 Half Set 20.00 J. U. DURHAM, Pcntiit, Princess etrcet, bet. Frcst end Sccos I. tuy Jl-1 r T .... eb.U leniency of the Mayor.

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