1M DAILY 1EVIEIV. JOS IT. T. J AMES, Editor & Pxop'r. WILMINGTON, N. C. S TtTRDAY, JUNE 11, 1S81 lovklt! Tsloable Cattle. what a lovely spectacle is that pre- The New York Bulletin ot Tuesday, sented now among the Republican mem says: One of the most valuable con bers at Albany. Charges of bribery and wments of cattle ever brought to tLo ccrruplion are igiuU it the alrand H Is ZSi VZZlZtol all wiihm the party lines. They must The.cattle are of the celebrated Booth be a sweet-scented set. If the people of 8tock, from the "Warlaby farm, on the New York can stiud it, however, we JLf th Thames, and were purcbas- can; only if these Ee0Uemcn .re horned Sw"! at the next election then the said people Sons, the bankers, Williams street. Air. will deserve all of the ills that may be- organ, has taken great interest in fall them. See how the old thine works1 9 breeding, and is giviug his eatire Assemblyman Bndlcj and Senator Ses- S.1'-5 Tt it m i e t .i mi j.t I ... . I w wivivuiiv.ujii iuiu iuia buuuuy me uc3i I )r M c nch nf Prinrptnn vi nutnA emn m .. n Lk.... .1 l. 11 I . - . 0 J -' ' ' " 4WUO i0 UCtti "cjguuurs ai uume, as weu oreeda or foreign cattle. He has estab- new revision of the Bible in the college as of the same political faith, and yet lished a stock farm near' Bordentown, N1 Miscellaneous. Eiitered at thePostoffice at Wilmington. N. C, as Second (Jlats Matter. chapel, bat President forter, or Yale, the former deliberately charges the lat- J- and has given it the name of -'New will "re d. from the old Bible for the ter with having attempted to bribehim! Wfby' The cattle which he received MMc sake of the association." : Ihey are both Republicans, yet the'y do w& fill not support the same man for Georgia Rufa, which cost 250 each; the W Gjn.' Wm II. Payne is talked of as office and hence tho agreement to cow Meriam cost 600. vid her one day- .ySiiSSfi' flirrppnipnt the Democratic candidate for Gc vernor disaa-ree. RrarflAv .tjM.fifil ' Id.Heifer 10Q; baxon Queen, 400: . . . . ' . . ." J """"J I Kricrht Rasp -P. I on- Maa J? inn. OF Vircrini:!. 'arnp. was a linn fprfrjitA I hofrtM U :i J . " T'vvf . "uv- - w - uC Bpcitti uommuiBQ ap- other, unnamed, 250; the bull Royal unsuuier. uen. mznugn Lee nai a pointed to enquire into the matter. George, which cost 600. The total largo and influential support for the same Sessions of course extend his denial and I cost of the" thirteen cattle in England 1 Vfg w a. ra b s M c The attention of Housekeeper., Farmer, and ot- bl JVenmio, FOR WHITEWASHING AND ALL SA?ifTABV PU It eostg lea. ir, -oaPMirja thai COM MO!T WRi tk - a , rUetS, gO INSIDE, .ac f ,r all purpow-toch An4 ; i JJ H t O JJ ; PURELY VECETABLEt A PERFECT SPRIKG AND SUMMER MEDICINE. m(?re me matter rests at present. i$rad-t uoi""'"rt'' toniu afp-ctiz fi. Plcaia-tt to tbe Uite. U da ut : j i - MflA .. ' . """6" cApcueca w u. lnTiPonOE? w tne Dofly. me moat ens " " OCOOIUUB uaiu U1U1 Bi.WU Mnriran in this rani.trrnn (n noa 9n.l, puvuinimiu a St j ne impress ot Austria onerea tne to vote for Depew. he (Brsdlev) beinff a 000. te for their cur a tire properties. Trial doctors of Europe a prize of $2,000 for Stalwart and Sessions a half-hreod Of The cattle were first shipped on the ilxe60c- Full me (Urgeet in market) fl.M. the best work on diphtheria, andf the course the excitenent is at fever-heatand S6 &m?f. MJ ,a-nise' wnin wa3L wreckedL hnnrlrndA nfrnmnpf tnra nnt. nn rft npr Uk J: m. i. vicdciju,i, tu uhiuiuui r . fc uc cuu Ja uol JUU 1UB naa Dreeaa ap- the Thames. The cattle, however, after pear indignant and charge that it is all I muoh difficulty, were rescued and trans- aput-UD iob. while the Stalwarts are rerred to the baxon Monarch. ""'o.,mu in fm feller Pekkrea .h M 1 . . . ........ IjOO. . . li 8o i d ranees m LiUmber sent ;e. w API n nn rm-.... . All druggists and mtin ... r t PH.T7iii the prize, as not one new fact relating to the disease was brought out in the con-tet. '1 he imports of merchandise at this vpoit, says the New York Bulletin, of the Tth, during the past week were un usually small in volume, their total bciog but 4,455,51 8 against 7,316,695 for the same week in 1880. Since January 1 they aggregate 181,756,658, against 221,643,705 for the same period of last year a decrease of 39.887,047 in twen ty-two weeks. gleeful and say that there is more yet U come. Gen. Edward J Mallett The class which graduated at the Uni versity in 1818 was a remarkable one. Twenty-eight young gentlemen received tneir diplomas, and out of that number a For the Kioneys, Lirer ard Urinary Or sracs, use nothing bat ''WAKNK'8 BAFP KIUMKY AND LIVER OU&E-" It stand? DN RIVALLED. Thousands owe their health and happiness to it. We offer "Warner's Bare Tonic Witters" with equal eonnaence. m a. waumkk anl 2X-daw nrmto itcchesterj NT THE . llnTTT lft'nlr 11017 J UJ A SI. BALTIMORE WEEEY SUM S$L 13 A8 GOOD A FAMILY PAPfcR arm PUBLISHED IN THIS COUNTRY. 22SH Pacific toat coul'l not be belli r than at tin's ntomcnf Tin- ivpillifr lliennnKnut I him all grain?, an 1 much of the wheat and 3Fr "Son," Whose complexion betrays some Humiliating lmpenec- "Uer smile," says a San Francisco re-1 large proportion became distinguished in porter, speakincr of Emilv Solden. alter life. One became a President of 'opened out like the Yosemite Vallev tne United States (Polk,) two became on a May raornimr." - I Governors, two members of Concrress. Properly Referred. Neighbor's pretty tW0 5 81101)3 oj the Episcopal Church, daughter "How mm-h th;a Z.av 1 tw Doctors f Divinity in the Presby . Draper's son (desperate -8poons" on her) teriaochorch two were Judges of the ' Only one kiss." N. P. D. ' will I BnPenor Ceurt, and one a Consul Gen- taKe tnree jard.s; grandma will pay " iiiere were many omers wk n rr j , . . prominent, but distinguished by no title. n.c outlook for abundant crops on the coaid not resist the xZrTr'Z whom we record Hugh Waddell. . ; I i....u, l , . J. l inree now only survive KishOD a iiiciauuuuiv iiKrfvman ttnn ttici tort I . . . uuaua.Hivmuk. , vy-. . D J "v lrpon Ar K-1 la.l.mnvM 4Ua LTw I 1 hi I . . - . - "Mj dear lir I hope your reli ri f pr.rfnF ' i Za a , ,7 n WllOSe mirror tells yOU ha,i't disagreed wither nlvlV. b,lward J- Mal' that you are Tanned, Sallow A 1 . i . . . . I ' " - wiu. i . "I J A. oeauuiui and touching sight recent- The latter was present at the late anu uisngureu m couuieuuiice, or naYe eruptions, iteaness, Itoughness or unwholesome? tints of complexion, we eay use Hagan's Magnolia Balm. It is a delicate, harmless and delightful article, producing the most natural and entranc ing tints, the artificiality of which no o'ooeryer can detect, and which soon becomes per manent if tho Hrgnolia Balm is judiciously used. v (KU'iirrpH in nmomnut; Ar I, ; ! I n hnripv i .,ntv i.m ,.,,,! tiia ..p ...... " . ,r " unC u, uruin- vouiiucncemeni., just sixty tnree vears at- J " .wv, an v ;neUL DPlle WAR At tllO ir..no . 1 J .T V " , t..n i,,. ,..( i .. I-'j , r.a I gruHauwa, ana wasamarKea u..... i u.e..Mn mini rwuuiiug sun pnaut oifppeu Hpou ntr loot and re- leature ol the ccasion. or severe north winds that are common maied thereuntil the youDg lady was at this season. The best authorities cal- &!t? comV". Gen. Mallett entered his 85th vear on culate upon a full average yield in Ore- Une. wj. wicago J rib the 1st of May. He is a native of North gon as well as in California.- -When Booth T.n.o M-n.ii v X5?Ll,naV, .D.fn m Urane couct we gci, jjiaiu logeiner in tne same piece Woman's Wisdom "She insists that it is more important A. 1-4 -1 - ... . b - The Montgomery Advertiser remarks: in London, excursion steamers from New There are a number of newsD&Der re id- York will be in order." savs the Svra. 1 ph? TTeraTri -.uja v " , . msiaw iuab it is more important ers who should profit by the following: " "eflf S?' fiT. inland that her family shall be kept in full health Newspaper subscriptions are always feis S bIwetS li eXCnl0n than lba 8e should have all the fashion ed in advance; that is to say, if the tTnPosl f order5os- jble dresses and styles of the times. She enhs,f;uiM. .M,i.u u.: . ..... therefore sees to it, that each member ef u uuu.uuit, tuc puuiwucrD gentleman wno had bad luck at her family is supplied with enough Hop are obliged to, as the paper dealers, the ards entered a forty-cent restuarant. Bitters, at the first appearance of any compositor, the type makers, the ink p fWfter,' . former,yemployed at the symptons of ill health, to prevent a fit of dealers, the scissors grinder, the pencil romteraftS sickness with its attendant expense, care sharpener, the landford and others' will CSVtS ff their pay till the year ex- ployed herel" says the gentleman, piqued I Palladium. leave the delinquent subs- at ?e .S?"' ?Yes, sir,: replied tae .yu,,., axtCr, m a aiffnuj; "Out 1 do not take fiarnliiift nfi hma 7 meais Here!" From the French. I " ..v, mi not wait for pires. We leave the delinquent criber to finish this item to suit himself. Governor St. John, of Kacsas, claims , When a boy sees a big hornet's nest that therhiM1oT .aTofMs SUteis RSIlffittTOjSB wonderfully successful. Topeka, with a hits it with a stone. He would rather population of 20,000, has not a single beave a rock at it than to have five; dol" saloon, and has had only one case of Jfrs- In a few seconds he would rather drunkenness since the law went into ollars that he hadn't heaved the effect. An inebriate took an overdose a'mw:,, l. , ; iiiiowwu wuman reiurneu irem a Goacral? ?i tsenger Cepartmnt - Wilmingi os, N. C. May 28, 1881. may I-ti th-t-Tym-cF The Orteiaal and Heleoted Rt ri riT 01 miereat a a conettate cbraca fAmll ii?. Ha lyrical plec 'e also of hiah order of merit- lieidej thee merits it ia a oompendiam of THifi NEWS OP THK WRFK. -well collated and of iofitite rariety. All freeh rcourresces t home and abroad find place in its columns. The bright and graphic letters of tbe special correspondents ofTHK tsVH at the -eabicali of b,nrrTtm In California ai d eLe where. nr nnhll.h. i. the Weeklr, n in addition to drsr.ribin he c u-se of roll ic. eret. (rive tbe irip ue da awd the d ift of even U "8 'nrb MJ-vKAi; tr TUB lnN wi'l knoj, the aierr of ihe Weeklr w"l icf rni'-o in r. i.p,,?t to try thing- of In tttrfebt, r i;icall- ttud s cUl v, ti-napirinjr t tfiat foiQt v. hi (,r bes'des, tbatia se ri tie or j j. us. th t t t ee tv ie a' spioe f rri tj, T- ui be epn:ied tu make the Weekly ?TaciiTe . HE. WlKJas OKE DOtUn a mE( T'HE OIROULATfnV i; a. newspaDer h.. i j . a J 1 rmr It contain Id irt the PaUTH.rlw' dipartiueat; fVl enbracet special di.n.i-k5' 4 4 week fro, all rMo?ihl iTfft tare alone toake. .THE WEKRTNr.UfiR , wrv IaL i P r no ae - m ... . ikiuioi rerort Tn nx.-Ai, f obrcinff u,,,. ie i . . .- report. o ,h e9che. 1 THE FARM LKl-AltlT or the Weeslj .' Berald , or the Weeil P...u J -'"' ...2. I v "II 1881 THE SDN. iBALTlMUHB 1881. Published Daily, Except Su5dy. Ben weed m tbe u : Freshest and Most Hstiflfact rj of all ewa papers. Low in Price Compact in'Form. Independant is Fxpression. GcEservativefn bin (lone, Excursion Tickets 3 day's visit to New York yesterday and T10 ALL pLACES OF RESORT In the 6 eda:ret:;fe ountainsectiouofNorthandgouthCaro i - w6Mnm iii luc, j. epeni I of patent bitters, and the man who sold the "medicine ' was fined $100. There are no onpn sa nnns nnt;ir u rF oro. F'u " i uau a aeiipni m T.imo- i ano worth and Atchison, and these are under Soh.it?e?.? fiVe dead Unambe on sale at the offices of this Company, on and after June 1st, 1831. bodies were krnncrhf in nrKil. T . T prosecution. The Governor letter was It was btier thin a" fonml.-mV uciuiu me receni luaiciai I Azieraia. decision shaking the constitutionality o tne law was rendered. utuym visitations fori lSSl,er the M. K. Church South- Quick, continuous schedules will recom mend this Route to all. Passengers leaving Wilmineton at 9.45 i - I n - HW r. ' xf. .J L J:' '-Bishop Paine. Men,. A.M., arrtr. at Cleveland fplto same . """""uos pujsi-1 pui onierence at Bolivar, November I cians hare made a concentrated reore-1 9 5 North MississipDi. at OrPnI eTeninff d Asheville next morning at 9 sentation to him that he must iro int I -November 23 ; Mississippi, at Brookha! I o'clock. The career of THE SON, froin ia earliea bezinniojr, has been characterized by a pro. greBsire spirit and an original and effective enterprise. To these characteristice it stead fastly adheres. Covering as it does the whole field of news paper endeavor, its every r umber is a com plete reflex of the spirit of the times and the activities and even s of the day. THE 8Utf expresee its opinions on cur renteveni8ss tney arise nd on subjee-s of public interest, with the view only of arriv ing at rigt t results aad conserving tbe gen eral welfare. Its consistent integ- ity is thor- uuguimownana unaerstood. 1 WlauKST JND FINANCIAL are. orouht dowr t- ir e iat-er hoar t pab icf tlon. iid e"er j-nii; iXen to uke them trnst worthy AKiat;LTUiiAL Matter . re'e-ot i-Klect-d, i-d the furor will find m taa coiu-ju derated to this subject many tonai aiecutsiona alwa s have plaoe ii Veekivafcnd, with its s odes ana rthr lite stare tie well vriHr. la..r. t... I 1(T xeeniDc hnliHi... . at ton.e and abroal, its political aad general St??!'' Tbi ! P'esfltodr news and gosv.p and its excellent Market f!1 department, widelv ijobiS. Y.l ana financial HeDort. THw Mii.Tmmip "mow Vr l.l KhY HlN eoa.naer.d8 Itself to 11 hA i' to bva ttorouehlv irood rnor . . I THE UOIIV.. TflTV low rrio I r- . . . e r uf ubt o -iDtinn Tnvariiblr Cash in JLVwi receipU for practical dlehet. Ibitr1 One Dollar per Y ear tor one copy or any ' ahlOB t the lowest pries hr nnmber ofoopies. PJ r MT "em rf cooking or economy w?s3k INOUfiABKO PREMirjM COPIES TO dPVtn,ent u Prsctically tanadars: GETTERS UP OF CLUBS. g before pubUestlon Uttanfto? The following liberal Premium Copies are u!!!?8?: d2 wpowtiMtbiir; given to th se who get up Clubs for the 4 i, B' .ThaflonDPrttaatsf UALTIMORE WEEKLY bGN- J661! BsJd wiawethshoasivSs x v a uriics.... . SS700 I ' . nanarea times the pries offaa With one extra codv of th WIT,- Pr- interest, of Sun one vear. I i EJT COPliiS mon . . SKILLED LAB0K 1 With an extra y oT the Weekly 22.? w"1 TTtWa, fsJ. un one year, and one copy of tf vtod a1' h the Dailv-'Hnn fho f 7 corded Theie is a Dare davotod tofii FIJTEEN COPIES. TKnn itet P ases of the buaiaess markatiCrr e WHki. r4"?001? c, e a valtablsfattsi xounaiu the specially reported rrteJ t i 01 te rt it," 31TI fui' .het 7oal Th tonr ( Tb come C1 ,Thit and si 'set he ihe'lL .SOOBs An gite t or Li Iti that t f itsppc were s With an extra oopy of the Weekiv fiun one year, and one copy of theOailv Snn simnntTa TWENT Y COPtEB $20 00 W th n c xtra copy of the Weekly Bun one year, and one copv of mT. tno DailT Bun nine months. THIRTY COPIES n wi With an extra copy of tha Weekly 8 un , and one copy of the DiUy TIIK PKODUCE MIBaTTi Pporting Hera at home! aid ibmi, I ether with a htory-every wc,sSt ysome eminent divine, IatarsTj. 1st DramsUc, Personal and 8ea Vote Us no paper In the world wklch ttt Forfuil terms and S? ew! every wset If til U . a. . -- -waaB su nnraii a, a . a. a aw r gewer up or Ulabs. tee nronnm. i tub- I r;.-"' ""Jt" "D. rwf um, UN, Dail v and Wkl U11,4r a can subscrihs atui Us Vvrn our ALMA O.IJ for 188 1. Vain. lb. Upper House if he expects to remain ' SSS fioi i m public life. Ue solfers constantlj Western Conlereoce, -at. iloward Ut7 -mi!f?. ..iuv.a, i.uc icauit oi overworK. I r4 iu.isoari. at Mnhpri CV a i - a ' .w a y Further information on application to a a fTt Tat m The extent and variety of THE 8UK'8 The safest Tnlh .... - , Local Reports, their careful feature, acceptable boih at home and abroad. 1 1 1 . . . I Vontn v Ka A O a. w . .J ana noming out relative rest will relieve "cPur ' imst at John's aobut for his immense recuperative sion, at Caddo, October 5; Arkansas nmvu ouna iwcii m me ease witn i "wr x: Aiaoama at I wiiirhhe sleeps. After an exhaustinz tT ' t?wvul0w south Carolina, at sitting of Parliament he can ,ro hnm 1??!. . - - i and sleep eight hours on a stretch with-' Columbia Conference, -at T Walla Waflaf out once waking. But no man can draw gusl 25; Lo8 Angeles, at Carpenteriai forever even on such a constitution as his September 15; Pacific, at Petaluma.Sep! with impunity. m ' ,v?nTnS! ai neIen. October 20 On May 24 Queen Victoria attained ?rte8,fc i!' fc Waxahotchie, No! her 62nd birthday, an age which has NolS been exceeded by eleven only of the sov-1 Til,e December 14. - r : ereigns of England, dating from the nF0Mth Di8trict Bishop Wightman,! iNorman conauest namely Henry 1 who attained 67 years ; Henry. III., 65 years; Edward I., 67 years; Edward III., 65 years; Queen Elizabeth, 69 years ; James !e Purest and Best Medicine ever made A combination of II iwaeuon, with ro parties of i nrope; Bloo4 all tha hM. nru all other Bitters make m or linn. rw . Appetiier, Tonte aiSfiJ2?,5K IT8 COBRE8PONDENflR oreien and domestic, ia nnanmoflu in F W CLARK, G P A? 1 1 ceUence and freshness. am WAHtHJNWTUjy BUREAU covers all the phases of political information transpirine at the National Caniti proper note and comment. UnfiicBiiaH . v, past, it will be maintained at tha ihQ. TAB MARKET AND STOflK RRPnnra ui xia oua are couected ard eomnfi with the almost care, and m&v ha tv . . .. ' J WU OB saie gmaes Dy all who desire to obtain te ieB. ana ieosi trustworthy information on iueoe important topics. In short, THE hUN will eontinneto main- tain tna hinrK . . nM ii 1 . - w i i.j.mi,uuu tl ums acqaireo as a -nio-pruiny, accurate and well mtmA aew-pspfr. aiwajs ready to add to its facili- feb!7- IA. 8. ABELL A CO., Bun Iron Building, Baltimore, Md. JOB PBITIM! and th Eolt 12' w&BiK .Lr long- exbt Zare their operations , W1BU Perfect xire an BiUer. Sn a weeily form. One Dollar a Yc: ' ' ;'; ;Addrest, - . ; ;i IYcir York llentM. ' Broadirsy sad Ana Btrss-Tr1 AT THE Holston Conference, at Wythe ville, Ocl rr -v, r vwuuna,; ai 4-furnam. rMOvember 23: Sonth nnm;. ni bus. December 6V " um Fifth District Bishop McTeire, Ten- II., 63 years; George I., rrr IL, 77 years; Georire vember 2: North. diWi,; lltzT : Georsre IV.. 68 Tear.4-November 16: Virciniau at ' fifc.u J PK?S,SS or TTTTptotna are, Don't waiviitti yoi, ar-t ti "op otters. inela Do not bTt no cor or wuaetiop Bitters. est Medicine ever peraoa or family should wSauSC utiaametbUdar. a "i 2or Cough Cca, bt, sat and best. i - u,, Dy aneorpuon. Aik I tT'ia-,lna irrwu-Hbie enre for drank . v . . mw ana narcotics: . Hop Ritim Mf?. Co. RW., N.T, LOWEST PEICES 1 THE DE0T PAFH1 Itnl BaaatifoUy IUutrated-i T Tho ffelentlflc An: ties for collecting sens whenever neceesarv to meet the increasing dnmnnrfi r and to mainUin the his-b enn fidAl V JvT.i! I ASHPRTAItl fsv n.M - I TZ. its lare and steadi y iLcreasicilat " " ' m ' UtfO RE ILLZIT HAYING YOUR i PRINTING 67 years ; George III., 82 years and William IV., 72 years. On the S1!?' Nvemb?r -White River, at I FCOriaaa I lAAMMKAMf : T fait, w- - 20th inst, she will have reigned forty. BlffiS3; $"01 foar years, a period which has been ex- Orleans, Jannry 3, 1882- Florida t ueeucu uy mur xugusu sovereigns only I "wmwho, uauaary n; lialtimore at numeiy, Ueury 11., who reigned 56 veare: I Vcucr,cb,ounr; arcn 10, and haa KJward III, who reigned for 50 years . OI ine mis'n5in China and Bra- liueajn Elizabeth, who reigned 45 yeaiij Sixtfc BistrictBishoD Keenrp- v. ami George III., 60 years. fern Va. Conference, at Ashland. Auirnat Ilcro If tb3 Test. I 7; Indiana, at GosDort. 'VI sj. tiaueau. d BDoudencv. iani I Illinois, at Ashley. Center di iu ol appetiie, h 11 immations, rav ille, at Owensboro, October e , tvundi disea&e, atd ail troubles of Ue I Texas, at Goliad, NoYember itav 9-nrm-eow eivee eviderce. icrma oi tutscription by Mail Cr Id arance. 8ix Months, postage it eluded...."""" 3 oy Three Months, postage icclndsd " 1 un 1 X Satisfaction5GuaraniAflrf"i A. 8. ABELL A CO., Fnbliihers, hBB Irnn Mnilj fh ifi r..T. J. larva Ffrti.maM Vaiilr KtfZ' Sixteen Pages, printed ia ttsaM fr, rraviags, represeatini- tas f DOHE ELSEVHBRE I miShSS9S' Mcienea, datura) History, 0tf"?Tl t: -tnj. Tin) most valaafilt prty; enslnant writers iaali apva; will be fosad la tat eeicBCf7.f B'i'tlfflom, Md caw 1 - e3 m el c ES w 2. 3 3 "! - fl c r . PI. I a 3 si untia y organs and bladder, are quickly I at Houston, November ana sureiy reraovea - 1 Kidney and LiTer Care adder, are quickly I at Houston, November 23: German, at Lal t2S-Fs by Warnei' Safe Houston. November 30. and hwS ! . . I of the missions ia Mexico. B 5?E?,S ' xray leod-la Health is Wealth I 1 v.8.1:3.?. BBAra! TTTf T , ePcmc lor Hysteria Dizziness, Convulsions. W. tt J. . ' Mental Depression, L. 7 of MemorT tency, premature Old Ae. exertion, excesses, or ,er" which leads to mfaf ri One box will cure entcW Ear? i crintaiiwrmftmor'. '.eS-. Ch box Ur atewSSto. frrlD,.ODe dol bv mall nrTvaM rT 1" " CJ uouars: sent aissalKhr.?r Prfc- We each order received by us for pMKTI50 OAREFrjLLy EXECUTED or persons reJdiff out of .the elty and tea to them by mail free of postage. Coftw, ti,tttand Water Streets Office Review ta?ldi,i mchl gTirantee six bpxea to cure any each, order nwJTMl J vlth cotnpanied wltS'donarser the purchaser our written .ZJit1!1 SXia turn the money if the trea t mf Wre" . ;Mrffot' eirrulatioc, Cheareat k.- effect a cure. Guarant&' tlenP.ioe, Lowest ldmWRabi? 5-("cceesor to' I CHAMBBELATA't; A BMkftTg. " t tj mua fltort & Planner) TVUiingn" Nr AUrecn man will receive nromXaJL J rrw- i.-.m - uu'a now ver 4 C2a 8aJoiiptioa pric Dailr. So CT- whlca inclodes postaga. i1!- deafera Saait py poctal PATENTS. AliKKlOAJ, Meavf. Maaa L itors of Americaaaad forf ff . had 35 years experiesse, l. f largest etUtZiahmeat ta 5 i f areohtaiaad on the best tsfc. notioe Is made ia the Bdeadl Mr'.. ail Inveaticru oaUsted tareiX.rV With the same and reatdas es sfi ffiT By the immense circulate 4 1 ie atteatioi is directed W.fjg, i aew patent, and Us- . j easily effected. - arr' A persoa who has saade a asw , or Laventioo, eaa mmmttMSM," 7 wtether a patent eaa probtMfJ by writing to Mona A .rlas free Oar Hand Bo A &lQ!;'&r and how Brocarsd. vita vT ji advaaees oa laveadoaa1f- ? Paper or swiermJrawj- mJ 1 need I He .worda seed tl rowa arounrJ I 1 V ri The people ic rale this set aeeds i pwiryh 4 flop wortl The f Uwork lodinof. con occasion. in fwiti I H?2 iroujh jblari 1 . Ooenj, exhi 8: 1 Twol told ei urn t If mcJi 22-daw-lT" . aumi TfeeUy, f 1 per aaaum. - . . . , , - COT 19

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