1DI8 PA PES .. .rerr oftoroooa. Hunday. tf- 6T f A MRS'. JOSH- ' XPIT0B ASD PEOPBIKTOK. nnaTAlW PAID. C00 Six months, a 50; ;Throo m Jr' mi. one month, 50 cent. 5 r will b delivered by carriers, '" p?e- innT pari of the city, at tho ile rtw low and liberal obtfribers viU P1aflerePrt nT nd Lto reeeira their papers regularly. yeW A dyertisements FOR RHEUMATISM, jrwraty'ff, Sciatica, Lumbarc, lakuhe, Soreness of ike Cicsi, Sort, Quinsy. Sore Throat, S wall inas and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, j hatfi, Ear and Headache, Frosted Ftsi and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Jo Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil utafe,tre, simple and cheap External jcudy A trial entails but the comparatively tfbf outlM of 50 Centl, and every one suffer b( titk pain can- htTe cheap and positive proof i iadiimf. BrKtioos in Eleven Langnages. RLIIBTALLDBTJGGISTS ABDDEALEE8 U MEDICIHE. 1V0GELER & CO., Baltimore, Md., XT. 8. A. i?ri!lldT-nac tc v BLACK AND CREAM. New Dress Goads IN NOVELTIES. Ulsters, A Large Assortment. All just ia and the prices will oe found itisfactory. . Clearingout a lot of Ladies' Underwear peap. Summer Silks, Good Styles, terj cheap. R. M. Nlclntire. jiae 10 M. JOE PERSON'S ! fU'RES SfpnvTTT . . pSSJuS?' conic Bilious Colic; PiSt&Syof. -e blood. As ?vn fana uriner of the blood - .tu uuequaiiea. roaicd Blood Purifier it is IHnsTirpassed Mill's, Carteret Co.. N. C. &s.i. July 17th, 1S79. Parw xDear Madam: I think t WTfne 13 tte test that is now beforo ?nrW. -necure of blood diseases. I " treat " b urB UI oioou uiseases. l Wi dence in it. and believe that pcr, you claim for it. I have 5r wledge of the condition of r2roii , , oeiore ne commencea fJ1 speed you in jour efforts to VSn on(tion of mankindand h0Tt and happiness. I will "54 iU , . Ek. W. H. Bakkje k lor testimonial of remarkable iPby Vr, vv v.. "v. w ienson, xranKJin- Pott, jf.c 7 WM' H" REN, Wil- CEL5L HOU'SE. 5KW MANAGEMENT, I ttiuatOH, . C. 1 L D. V - - PropJ rwaay, . ih'8.ti PUSH LACIS Ml BITTERS r VOL. V LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. B G Worth ritizen's Meeting Heinsberger New Books." J G Burr Notice. to Taxparers Excursion Cumberland Lodge K of P for Smith vi'le Altaffer, Price L CoSash, Doors and Blinds . L J Otterbourg Friends iu the Coun try J L Boat wright Picnics and Excur sions Opera House Miss Ina MacCall C W Yates Pianos and Organs . The schooner Mary Bear arrived ia port yesterday from Baltimore, making the trip inside of three days. Scbr. C. H. Macomb c i cleared to djty for Gonaives, Hayti.by Messrs. K. Kid der & Sons, with 124,776 feet lumber and 20,9.00 shingles. The' friends ot prohibition are to have a grand rally in th City Hall this even ing for consultation a3 to the campaign. Some stirring speeches may also be ex pected. The alarm of fire yesterday morning, about 9 o'clock, was caused by the igni tion of an ash-barrel on premises near the corner of Third and Red Cross streets. No damage. 1 Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There yott have the lowest prices. . f The eclipse came off on Saturday night, not according to appointment, but somewhat earlier than the time designa ted. According to our clock the totality was at 3 minutes to 1 o'clock. It wasn't much of a show after all. 5tudy your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacoii's. t Mr. Walter L. Kelley left here last night for Birmingham, Ala., where he goes to assist his brother, Mr. Geo. C. Kelly, who has recently opened a large mercantile establishment at that place Out best wishes are his. ' We are Sorry. In speaking in Saturday's issue of the accidental discharge of a pistol in a sa loon on Market street, we did not desire to intimate that the young man who was examining the weapon was drunk. This certainly was not our intention and we are -sorry that our words could admit of inch a construction. We are assured that the gentleman was perfectly sober. .Gryital Weddings. Our typographic friend, Mr. S. G. Hall, and. his wife celebrate their crystal wedding this evening, having dannedthe harness matrimonial fifteen years ago to day. We wish them unalloyed pleasure in the festivities of the evening snd a long akd happy lite of conjugal felicity. Capt. F. G. Robinson also scores his crystal wedding to-day. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at J aoobi's. f To Builders and others Go to Jaco si's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, fcc. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. f The Southern Historical Paper - This valuable and interesting periodi cal for May is on our table, and as usual is full of historical incidents and remi niscences of the late war from a South ern stand-point. The most noticeable features)of this number are "The Descent of Gen. R. E. Lee from King Robert Bruce of Scotland;" the Dedication of the Army of Northern Virginia Associ ation Tomb, and unveiling of the Jack son Stature at New Orleans; Description of the Scene and Monument: Verbat im report of the Fpeech of President Davif; Origin af the "Lone Star" and the coat of arms of Texas. General JLirby Smith's campaign in Kentucky in 1862. Reminiscences of the A. N. V. Capture of Winchester and rout of Banks, We would not be without a copy of this valuable work and we.think it the duty of every Southern man who has the abil ity to do so to become a subscriber; but especially do we think it obligatory up on every Library Association or Literary Society in eaph Southernjcommunity, for the sake of truth and justice, to become the repository of this important work. The cost is a mere trifle, only $3.00 per annum, and would be a far better invest ment than trashy novels which last for a season and are soon worn out and thrown aside. Daily WILMINGTON, N. C, The Cocklnr llaln and Race- The cocking main between Charlotte and Wilmington will commence to-morrow at Klein's gardens and last for three days. The birds have been here for sev eral days and are said to be in excellent trim. The race between the black colt "Unknown" and "Mary Wilbur" will in all probability take place em Wednes day, though "Unknown" ia sufferimr. from a slight attack of epizootic. Quite a number of "the boys" are here and more are expected to .arrive to-night. Tfe can't Help It. No matter the source or cause, we hate growling, and recommend herewith the remedy. Use St Jacobs Oil aid laugh at pain. It will do the work every time. The Lease of the Opera House Mayor Smith and Aldermen Worth and Chadbovrn, Committee on Public Buildings, visited the Opera House this moraiag, together with k Captain E. J. Pennypacker, the lessee of the same, to take an inventory of the amount of city property contained therein, and also to examine into the condition of said prop erty preparatory to awarding the build ing for a term of five years lease to the highest bidder, whom the committee shall adjudge the.most reliable and trustworthy in carrying tut the provisions of the con tract or the terms cf the lease. The Committee on the lease from the Board of Aldermen, wo learn, meet and open the bids at the City Hall, either ia the Court Room or the Auditing Commit tee's Boom, this evening at 8 o'clock when the award will be made or the con tract given out as stated above. City Court. Mayor Smith had an unusually large levee this morniBg, the principal at tendants at which were first, Georgianna Gause, sable-hued, charged with disor derly comduct ; $1.00 fine or two days' imprisonment was the way His Honor disposed of this case. Addia Harriss another very dark brunette, for disorderly conduct, was made to suffer the penalty of one dollar fine or take the alternative of lodging two days at the city's expenses in a cell Frances Moore and Delia Gardner, two denizens of Paddy's Hollow, were arraigned upon the charge of an affray The former was fined $1.00 and the lat ter released without damage to her fair(?) name and character beyond what it has already suffered. There was still another case of a per son whom the charge recorded against is abusing a police officer while in the dis charge of his duty. The sentence of the Court being;only $2.00,fine, and not at all commensurate with the offence charged, if proved, we omit any further mention of the matter, Inasmuch as we were un able to be present and hear the evidence at the trial. ' In reference to the last case reported above we feel satisfied that Mayor Smith will act up to the full measure of the responsibilities of his oath and con scientiously and faithfully discharge the duties of his office in every instance. But a policeman should be protected while on duty from insult or obloquy; this is the only point we desire to make. The position of an officer on the city force is not altogether nnlike that of a sentinel in the army and for the eentinel on pest General Lee always enforced the strictest regard and respect both by positive orders from army headquarters and personal exam ple. He contended it was the highest duty of a soldier and should command respect from officers and men alike. And so it is, though in a less degree perhaps, with the guardians of the peace and good order of a city. They should be respected by all jreod citizens from love of law and order, and by others from fear of the penalty attached to a violation of the law. If a police man knows that he is sustained by au thority in the discharge of hia duty, if a eood officer, he will perform that duty both fearlessly and honestly, knowiig that whatever the consequences may be he will be protected by those who en trusted him with the authority to act, provided of course always that the officer does not exceed that authority and be come himself a violator of the law. "Bosgh on Bats' The thing desired found at last Ask druggist for Bough on Bats. It clears out rats, mice,, roaches, flies, bedbugs, lie. boxes. MONDAY, JUNE 13. Hew Steamer. Capt. S. w; Skinner is having built a tern wheel steamer, which is about , 80 feet long and 24 feet beam, at his marine railway, in the southern portion of the city. The hull and deck house are abou t completed and are ready for the recep tion of themachinery. Hiss HaeCall. Our readers are reminded that the box sheet for Miss Ina MacCall's dramatic recitals at the Opera House to-morrow evening isnow open at Heinsberger'i. We have every eijance'that the enter tainmtst will be a pleasing one, and we trust that the young lady will be greeted by a full house. She has been received elsewhere with much favor, and we trust that she may be able to say the same of Wilmington. Excorslon To Morrow. The excursion down the river on the steamer Passport for the benefit of St, Paul's Lutheran Church, to-morrow, bids fair to be a very successful and en joyable affair. The young folks will trip the decks, keeping time with the music, while the older portion of the ex cursionists will help them out and show them how to dance. Thewell-known ability of the committee is a sufficient guarantee that nothing will be lacking to make the day one of rare pleasure. Mirth and enjoyment will prevail, but liquor and rude behaviour will not be tolerated. superior Court. There is an interesting case on trial in the Superior Court now in session in this city, it boing - no Jess than the suit of Gen. M. P. Taylor against the Bell Telephone Company. Able counsel are employed on both sides. Col. D. K. McRae and Judge Bus sell appear for the plaintiff while Major D. J. Devane and Major C. M. Stedman will argue the case for the defendant. The jury were just jnade and empannel led at i o'clock. , .'.-'i Beautify your homes by using the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f The Washington Eicarslenli ti. About seven hundred persons left this city this afternoon for Washington City On an excursion train chartered by W, HMHowe and Anthony Maultsby , color. ed. There were about one hundred and fifty whites on the train, for whom spe cial coaches were provided. . There were twelve coaches and one baggage car in the train. Quite a number of the partyi both white and colored, were from along the lines of the roads leading to this city. The excursionists will arrive in Washington about noon to-morrow and will return here on Saturday. Ladies who Appreciate Elegance and purity are using Parker's Hair Bal sam. It is the best article sold for re storing gray hair to its original color and beau . Arreuted and Locked Up. Amelia Bradley, colored, was arrested end conveyed to the Guard House this morning for being drunk and disorderly. Mary Stewart, a colored girl, was also arrested over in Brooklyn while engaged in an affray with a colored man by the name of Wesley Aney. The latter made his escape, but the girl was carried to the Guard House. A razor was found in her possession which she alleges was the property of the man Aney whoa she avers was trying his best to cut her throat with the weapon, which he .was only prevented from doing by her wrenching the blade from his .grasp, in doing which the prisoner, Mary Stewart, received a cut in her right hand. After the woman was securely lodged in the City Prison Officer Harriss, who madejthe first arrest, proceeded in search of the other offender, Wesley Aney. The Sonter Light Iafanty. A letter has been received in this city by Mr. F. H. Mitchell from Capt. Delgar, of the 8uater Light Infantry, stating that there is an expectation that General Hampton will accompany the command on their annual encampment at Fort Johnson. He further states that several of the gentlemen will bring their families with them, provided suitable ac commodations can be obtained, and that there are also others fro-d Bichlands and Columbia who are expected to accompa ny the command. Capt. Delgar did not state in his letter when the company ex pected to go into acsp2at. NO 139 Kew Advertisoraeats, K. vf P. for Smnhvilie. fUMBFRLAND LOIfiE So. 5. Kriihts j of Pythias, ot Fayettevilie, will eive an Excursion to Smithville and the Blackfifrh Gromnd. Wednesday. June 15th, on tha Steamer Passport. Leaving Wilmington at 12 Noon ; returning same night. Fare for Round Trip 50 cents. Tickets for sale on Boat and at Otterburg's Men's Wear De pot, je 13-lt FRIENDS I A THE COUNTRY OBDEBYOUB (Mir& to 1b SMJB31 ly . Express FBOM Lm J. Otterbour?, THE Wide-lw-ke, Ge-ihearL Clever and Reliable Clothier of Wilmington. Send for a Shirt, a dozen Collars, a Vest, a pair of Pants, a Smit or one hundred Suits send ' for any thing in the Men's "Wear Line. Otterbourg can and will please you, and make no mistake. Otterbourg has made the wants of those In the country a study . He will attend personally to the selection of Goods ordered, and patrns can fully rely on his fine taste and sound judgment, ac cruing frm long experience In the busi ness. Otterbourg will ship C. O-1), goods In his line at the Lowest Possible Prices. When ordering a Suit mention. Style of Coat desired; state if dark, light or medi um color is wanted. Take measure around breast for size of Coat and Veet, and send waist and inseam measure for size of Pants. This is an excellent opportunity to get the very latest in Ready Made Clothing, and at prices satisfactory to every one. lf The privilege of examination will he given providing the receiver agrees to Dav return charges skould roods not suit. tiend a trial order, and be convinced of our ability to please you, to L. J. CHERBOURG, 22, 24, 26 and 28 Front St. jt 13 PICNICS AIID EXCURSIONS. JUST BEOEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF Ferris Pig Hams, Breakfast Strips, " Beef Tongues,i,Extra' " Smoked Beef, All uncanvassed. -V , Lunch Hams in Cans Corned Beef " " Tongue " Deviled Turkey. " Chicken, Tongue, " Ham, From the above, with some of the celebrated Wafer Crackers and assorted Cakes Together with a nice bottle of Clar et, and Lemons and Oranges, There will be no difficulty in any one selecting a nice lunch whenever desired. JNO. L. BOATWRIGHT, rYos. 11 & 13 IV. Front St jo li ' Mew Books. THE BALirrc If AID Rnaascdfroa tho Gorman, by Hrs.A.L,. Wicer. Frieo $1.35. Just rood vod at HI5SBZSQS'j NO If AlIS SERIES. Tsir'WHdow. ThifloadorHadttia. Tor talo at HEUBBEBOEE'fl Pianos and Organs F02 CA.8H OB OJf THE Eary laitalput Plan, a - ecu a beso Eire. jo 13 lirtEocxtsdlteis&ttro 1881 PLEASS ZTOTICZ. T7e xrUl to; ad to reealva eoxanusleatlcri trovx cur friaatfj oa tzy and all rcbjoets o Co&eroJiatarost bal tio naao of writer cat al voyi bo f r niaaodto tie Editor. ' Oomatolettloaj mt ho .written' on only oaodde of tie paper. Forscmallgeg aeit bo avoldod r Ae4 It Is especially and partleslaxly UBdsr stood t&t the Editatdoes not alwayiadori tho vitwt oi corrwpcadenti, unless so itak la tie editorial eohnen. . Now Advertisements. Citizens' Meetirier.' THE FRIEXD3 OF PROHIBITION aro requested to meet in the City Hall. Monday, lath inst., at 8 SO P. Mto consmlt together as to the bpst the subject to our people. Come out ! , We expect ssme stirriDg words from inTited cpr.cr. n. U. vvuKrii. i'rteldtmt a 10.14 f- k ... jc x ronimuon Association OPERA HOUSE, Tuesday, June 14, 1SS1. One iisiit On Dramatic Recitals. Comedy, Tragedy, Laughter, rxcitement NEW DLPAKTCRF M HaeCall. Emotional Tickets now on'1' sale at ITf Admission 50c. . " For particulars see Bills. je l3 Notice to Taxpayers. ONLY NINE DAT3 LEFT in which to civein vour lists and not nn ivif -re listed. To avoid beiBj placed on delinquent jisl aiLena 10 iui oRce, as l nave no power to extend the time. ' J, G. BURR, je 13-lt . Assessor f RED.CEDAB PACXIHG CHESTS, SASH, DOORS MIQ BLINDS RACKETS,MOULDING, LUMBER,;&cf ALL SIZES WINDOWGLASS, ALTAFFER, PBI0E ..- '' Factory: '. Office: Foot Walnut at. Nutt,' near RedCross a Notice; HAVING DULY QUALIFIED IN THE proper Court as the executrix of tho . last will and testament of the late Levin Meginney, notice is h?reby given to all per sons having claims against my said testator, to present the same to me on or before the 15th day of May, A. D., 1833, or tills noUce : will be pleaded in bar of a recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate payaeat VALERIA MEGINNET, maylG-law6w-moa Executrix Pianos and OrgansP J Ail NOW Receivinr a complete stock of Pianos and Organs which I am -selUng at reasonable prices. Organs euitablo for Church and Sunday Schools at Reduced Prices. Large stock of Blank Books, &ci &c. Another supply of RerielTestamctitr 11 sizes and styles of tindin. C.JV. Yates5 Book Stored Kfliss Efi Karrer 8 TTAS JUST RECEIVED a beautiful as-JL-L sortment of EveniDg and MUlinery owers, Afternoon Hats and Bonnets. Linen and Mohair Ulsters, Uuderwear ani Children's Clothing, which wiU be sold at reduced prices. Je9 Corni Eacon, Molasses. 10 000 Bmhi PrImo WMtcC0R Boxes Smoked and D 3 Sld O X f Hhds and Tierces OUU New Crop Cab jlQn Bbla New Orleans llolaesei, Just received and for f ale low by ; WILLTAM3 & MURCHLEONj Flour, Sugar, Coffee, &c, 1000,Bbls Flour, all grades,; 550 Bbls Surars, Granulated, ATExt CandC, y. JDbls New Orleans Sagat, 350 Bsgi Coffee,' aiSerentgradea, 125 Boxes Assorted Candy, J 100 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard 75EbIs axd Boxes Lemon Cakes 375 Boxes Lye and Potash," 200 Boxes Soap, , 75 Boxes and Kegs Soda, 100 Boxea and Half Bbls ficcflr, ShoVBuekets, Paper, Spice, Pepper, Gin , ger, Hoop Iron, &c Randolph ISheeticgs, For sale by i feb 2S , WILLIAMS & MUECHISON Eleclianical Dantistry TWJLL RESUifE ON NEXT iTonday.1 Cth lnt..theTJraPtii?of Ifffhanf.-'tl n. i txtryf using Celi ulr I I as a base plate. . Half Bet t J. XL DUr.IIAM.Djitlt,' rrincesa street, btU Front and SjccaiV ciySllxx

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