1HI8 PAPER X. JAMES, uadavi ! r FBOFBIXTOB. Three .c (VI One month, 60 centa. .La VI v a xoatw. " x. daliTered by carrier. 1U w 1 r H DAILY iaany Ptof the city, at the 'or 13 cents per """Tnittw Jem "d liberal 44rrtw" rie,ue report any an A" 1 ,Mire Aoir paper, rejroiarly. Advertisements. jtm i ;Jlej W . WILMINGTON, N. C THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1881. VOL. V NO 142 rM LOCAL NEWS New Advertisements. HEiNSBERGEn New Books. Haxi & Peaksall Good New Butter Henry 8avage, Tax ol Stevedores C W Yates Pianos and Organs The receipts of cotton at. this port to day foot up 43 bales. Several of the Fayettevilie excursion ists were left behind. The thermometer in thn office regit- tered 91 degrees at 3 o'clock today Vnnalllble I Kaeplnc the Bead Clean. Beautify your homes by us:n the V The folllowiar tramailable matter re- Keeping the head perfectly clean is a x. Enamel i aint. ready mixed ana war mninfl in th Pftfltnffieft in thia citr: I creat aid to health. A. distinguished aniea. coiu oni &i oacobi s Samiel Simpson, Stump Sound, N. C; physician, who has spent much of hi Lake Edward, Sun Hill, N. 0.; Mrs. time at quaiantine, said that a person M. A. Baskin, Guthrieayille, N. C ; T. whose head was thoroughly washed every day rarely took contagions diseases, but where the .hair was allowed to become dirty and matted, it was hardly possible to escape infection. Many persons find M. Cooper, Raleigh, N. C. ape. 'i hwopaun to Lecture. AT e have been requested to state, by the President and Vice Presided of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, s Tre; sa e 'i CCiee, Ci y of WJmiugtoa, If, .C. TEVEDORFS "he Board of Mer men, with the cuueurreir e of tbe: Boar." j i i -i I c speedy renei lor nervosa neaaacne Dy i Five Dollars per month on all Boss steve washinff the head thoroaehlv in weak dores, tbe said Stevedore, are hereby ,ioti. . . rm . --r wwn -11 J.II I " I fiful that tha com u;l frn irlrt .MI . T. .1111 tuai japt. . jr. i nompson wiu aeurer . w hav kn0WQ al? - rV TdTnnn iv ad- a j rr r l . . -"- - an auaresa on j cmperam ai. m most wholly cured in ten minutes by this vance. ufc.NUi savaul, THE GREAT FOR IHEUMATM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, ' Uckche, Soreness of the Cheat, hut, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other ' Pains and Aches. Ka Pmaraticm on earth equ&la St. Jacobs Olt u i tafaturt, MimpU and cheap External IbmJt k trial entails but the comparatively rifet oafoj of 50 Cent", and every one suffer tc with pain can bare cheap and poMUra proof iflttdiimi. Ptrtctiooi in Keren Langiagea. MLD BY ILL DETJGGI8TS AKDDEALEE8 IN MEDICINE. A.V0GELER Sc CO., Baltimore,2Id.aTJ.8.A9 spri! II d v-n&o te . uouse oeio-morrownaay mgnj ne . , remedr. A friend finds it the CaptSWift Galloway, the able HoUci. nth inst, at 80 o'clock. The public I . .i&rm oP10ge coldJ tor of this Third Judicial District, is m I invited to attend and there will be no I nAij ..mntnma tiiv lvino- thft the city. - l cnarre lor admission. L.aoan noartoFAno tTinrno-h wash J - I IJ a LAVA uvcv aaw vav vmvwmm ! UncYufsiKinabiv St. Jacobs Oil ia the Thil rhirtpn nianntA. ling of the hair. The head should be; a. w m. mm. uaiauiauai Aawatsw b J? '!y fl,r Um 't,f m Up to 1 o'clock today there had been thoroughly dried afterward, and avoid Covered. I r ITOnorhta nf nir fnr a. litt.lft whilft. feur battles between the birds from 6 Integrity withont knowledge is weak J rjharlnttA and thosA af Wilmington. In Woman's Wisdom and useless, and knowledge without in- thfa contest MgkJ we hear that Wil I She insists that it is more important tegrity is dangerous and dreadful. minwfAn annA violin nt f t.hft that her family shall be kept in full health ------- buis dljj a. ia mtAmm tu xuarwA a wu www w w . . , ' 1 1" . , . tl . ,. ii- I than that she should have ail the tashion- Good nature extracts sweetness from four fights. According to this intelli- dresses and stylea cf the times. She every thiog with which it coraes in con- gence therefore, which was correct up to I therefore sees to it, that each member f tact, as the bee extracts noney irom tbe nour above named, Wilmington was i ner iamuy is suppueu wuu cuougu xxup u:u w -;0;t0 Lnfl f r,oi.iftH Ther pm in I Bitters, at the first appearance of any - ""v I I onl.nnno rwf ill Vioalth tr Tirflrpnt. a fir. nf One D and D. was all Mayor Smith have beeQ five more Pitched f1" sickness with its attendant expense, care UUC uv J 11 iL. 4-V.:- .h..nnnn Vint I - - . a 11 1 I J : , , . -j -, , artA ; vll, I "cs uckwecu luc uirua iuio mkiuwu ana anxiety, -a.il women Buuuiu eicruusc had to consider.thia morning and it was ana ' an jr WS4V- v, scene of conflict than we have already Palladium, recorded above. Coed 'flew Batter. F SE:.U AND 6W-KT, Wa will tg!ad t rcslre ocunsaJcaUrsf frnra ccir fr!s ca aj aad all rt:b?i -K5arAl tstr;t tct use cf thn wrifcr tlwkjt b Cur ultloU u ia 4itor. - CcrcncileAUoa mczt ! wrlttsa' oa ! OE.e tida of tta r?' FerfocalitlM xnMi fc avaliad And it 1j wriiUy tad paniaxiarly uadf r txd tiifct thd Editis docj not alwayt ecdorr ib riswaot corrjpoadenta, onleaa ao slat a th -41t-riaI oola-noa. AdverticeniciitB, Hay ! Hay ! 150 DALES N- R IIAY' For sale low from whirf, by je 15-Ct ROBINSON vt KING. i3sw Care:o See SCII R. i. B. VVEUETT just arrived with carijo of ICE. For uale atour Independ ent ice llous cm atcr, tf twetn Market aiid Dock stieets, :.j d Nut t between Mulber ry and Walcut strc in. jelMwk W. E. DAVIS & SON COOKING F.UITE3, la Eiti and Boxes. For aile 1 w by Hall & Pearsall- je 16 f5ev Book disposed of by a fine of $1.25, which the defendant walked up and paid like a little man. SEASIDE iul ! J8 FOP. TITE .RE PEPTIC N Of gUOStSj XST The uble Is supplied with the pro ducts of the Sounds and Sea. Transient and reu?ar 'boarders taken at reasonable rates. - Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There yon have the lowest prices. t The excursionists who left this city Taate. District Conferences.' The District Conferences of the North ina Annual Conference of the JJAPFT GO-LUCK T. A Norel, by ths author cf Kutledse. THE WHITE KOS OF MSMFEIJ. AN jre', by 0. Fa ntr. je2-tf ;f. a. scjiutte. Proprietor An expensively furnished roem is not Methcdist E. Church, South, convene oi.nv. attrartivfl A ladv of refined I as follows for the present ysar: Ma ! m I fe w mmt w j I - - I t).i.:.-i. Ti: .t i - tt TiiItt 91 i n f v k t,i:- ,ua,.u-6,:; Charlotte Dist., at Monroe, . . July 23 cheap but of their kind good pictures, stateavine pist.f at Newton, . . July 28 Mn.Ja lout fnr Waahinirton D C I w "MV" r m btatesvilie 1MSI., ax, xxewtou, . . on Monday last for Washington V. U, engravings, or cartoons, and such Greensboro Dint., at Kerners- Mecliaiiical Dentistry. T WILL. RESUME ON NEXT .Monday, ' jT J X 6th iut., the practice of Mechanical Den J lu h vr i.f Vid- w uJd$zn!ih'E r,t' tcr j tistry.uMng Celluloid as a baseplate, a . left thereon their return trip this morn- July 28 t straws some I vine. ind and are expected to arrive here I ' Av:. I Salisbury Dist., at Mt. Tabor, Aug 11 about 6 o'clock to-morrow morning. ,? " !r:r; Shelby Dist., time not yet appointed. There was one arrest by the police to the judicious appliance and arrangement j For ale at ' Lire Book and Mnsio 8tor? AM LACES ! BLACK AND CREAM. ; Hew Dress Coeds LV NOVELTIES. of such uretty things as artistic taste Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black day, that of a poor fellow who took more I wiU suggest will do more toward mak-1 fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort aboard than he could carry in the way of ing a little parlor charming, homelike ment and lowest prices at Jacobi s. t John Barleycorn and the natural se-Jftnd artistic than thousands of dollars quence is that he sleeps in the Guard I 8pent on vulgar and inartistic arrange- House to-night. . T. . . I readers to reflect on. A young salmon, about two inches Bishop Lyman's Appointments- otnintr fnr our ladv I secration Uipill.. & " I T OA XTwirloTT TTolifaT U UUC XlXWiAVjlCJ .u.uxi.iaa. long, ?was caught in the river a few days ctVLAv y0ttr interest. Yon can now ago Dy uapt. isisoee, oi ino nveauier . Coot stoves at factory prices at HJUzabetn. rne nine nan nan an me i jACOBla T Notice- TTAVING QUALIFED as Administratux of the estate of W. D. Mahn, deceased, be- t m arto T?nnVTr AT mint Con fore the Probate Judge of New Hanover June 19, Sunday Rocky Mount. Uon lunty notice lg herfby xen to aU pcr. sons indebted to the estate oi earl aeceasca t.ft makft immftdiatft navraent. and to all oer- June 21, Tuesday Scotland Neck. J 80ns having claims against the decea&ed to Tno 9 Wodnpsdav -Hamilton. I Dreaent them lor navment to my aerent,, ju. JW 9a' Tfinradav Williamston. I W. H. Yopp, on or before the- 1.3th. day of MAAW J Price Full Set StiO.OO Ualf Set f30.00 J. II. DURHAM, Deatist, Princess street,' bet. Front and Second, may 31-ltn THE BEST PAPER TRY IT ! . Be&utifally Illaatrtted-SStV Year. o S3cicnticl;S American," A Large Assortmentr All Just ia and the prices will De found Mtisfactory. Clearing out a lot of Ladles' Underwear cheap. distinctive marks of the salmon, but it is the first we have ever heard of about here. Summer Silks, 6od Styles, very cheap. R. iVI. CVJcintire. jane 19 MRS. JOE PERSON'S IIMDIArtI TON IC BITTERS 1 Superior Court. Several civil suits were disposed of this mernincr. the most important of Files & Mosquitoes. I , . , waa vr:nias Carr versus Cronly Co.. A 15c. box of "Rough on Rats" willl . ,r. -in which June 29. Wednesday Kinston, Len keep a house free from flies, mesquitoes, " 7OP other oir Co. rats and mice, the entire season. Drag- Mr. Carr, as Constable acting for oiner June 30 ThlirsdayHoly Innocents, gists. parties, sued Messrs... wuo, m i,. Co. ; . , ar'.vlDW as aeenta for another party, naa juiy 3 aunday isewoern. uruiua- Stamped velvet or plush is most fash-1 P v .Icoooainn whi.h -nlaintifif I tion. ionable for covering table tops; some- -" rZ osA July 5, Tuesday-Beaufort. . times two or more colors are put togeth- - " - Holy Communion at all morning ser- v.. . r I r rrVio To.?nt.iff. we learn, however. I : r-a n.tAVnlr f.almn Tf thft table 18 1 "r " . VlCCS. VUUTCUUua iui - : . I n -. MftRars. iJronlv & j 1 j y w mw 1 asnia a lcia uuia - m square, ine center is 01 ub cuwr, vuc . . - . tTttvtireds of Men. Women and four corners ofanother. and the interven- owlilinere0.0 Children Rescued from beds of pain, ing side pieces of a third. Uld gold, rich riZ ,xr-i 'r nm. the "CKn 1" red and peacock blue arc the most popn- n nnrf ftl,nripd to in Tni? thft best evidences in the world lar shades. I . . t...,-n un of its sterlinsr worth. You can find these oar issue OI yesieruay I nnitv. pnt. See advertise- EiDorts lerelzn. iTron in ,m ft verdict was returned ' i kh w j i mpnr. Since our last report the following jQ fayr of the plaintiff for $a,vuv, ine for foreiern I r- awarded, we THE MAILS. VCSOCio uib vivuiv- ww a I JLC tuuaoauu uui" " ' i ,. , . . .t nii ports, Tiz: Ner. barque iJeoZt,e, for hear, dimage, for the libel by tbe pub- PD " " WJ Hamburg, with 3 109 barrels rosin, snip- nshed card of Mr. Ormes tne general Northern through mails 530 p. m. Ded by Messrs. Williams & Murchison, Southern. Agent and the nine, hundred Northern through and way - . 11 . . . - il. I : 1, flo. Kornno .Vrtr nf Heme. &1SO IOr I JaII.mi nrlitifinnal fnr the SIX mOULUs I uiauu.... CkliVa UVill vv. J r ' I UVUM9 OUU1 ivivui Hamburg, with 500 casks spirits and services which plaintiff claimed he was ok- T?r?dHnl v- Innocents, May,iw,otnerwise uus nouce wia ce pu V UUv A a. v- t ' Bertie Co. June 25, Saturday Windsor, .Bertie Co. ... June 26, Sunday Woodville. Urdi nation. June 27, Monday Roxabel, Bertie in bar of their recovery. MARY M . m A iiM , may 13-1 aw6w-thu Administratrix Pianos and Qrgano j AM. NOW Receiving a complete stock of Pianos and Organs, which I am selling at reasonable prices. Organs suitable for Church and Sunday Schools, at Reduced Prices. Large stock of Blank Books, &c., &c. Another supply of Revised Testaments all sizes and styles of binding. C W. Yates'. Book Store, jo 6 Carolina Central Railroad, General? Irwenger Department Wilmington, N. C. May 28, 1881. mm - . 1 3 x contract. The connsel lor aeienaam. have made a motion for a new trial which His Honor -will hear on Saturday. nuMa b Heart Disease, Chnmte : Bu7 Colic; 1,835 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs. entitled to, as we understand it, as per i r of ErPons and Skin Diseas- -Paterson, Downing & Ce. arising ftom impurity of the blood. As j"r.ttve Tonic and Purifier of the blood 14 prorpn itsAif 11 Oil - . uuuvu. , p - nnt-. i ne oupenor voucu ui x buuw wiuw, Judge Graves presiding, convenes at Bur- gaw on Monday next. Mine host R. AT nmmn Via a hia rt0 tinTP.I TlflW l,Cnl- I " .... . t . AliTn. .. , . , , , "T. "I: ' "LI' " . at hand and with a very attractive laoie "iu xuuuu a luiuu a i pieiea ana reauy ior iuc icvsuwu accommodation of guests at reasonable . .. , . . . x 4u. thepenof 5:40 a. m. Raleigh...... 5:40 a. in. Mails for tbe N. O. Railroad, and routoa supplied there from, including A. & N. O. Railroad, at.. ....5;40 a, m. Southern mails tor ail points South, daily..... 7:45 p. a. Western mails (C OR'y) daily (except Sunday) 9:00 a. nv At Rome and Ibrtad. The July issue of this new monthly is Mail for Cberaw & Darlings t j j v attractive table I ton 7:45 unsurpassed rat-s. Attendants upon Court, or other would do well to eive Mr. sMnx's, Carteret Co., N.C., J q m a call and partake of the excel tTT t'oN uear Madam: I thinK I lencies oi nis woie, cic, ctu., c., ti ftntv ne is the Dst that Is now before puduc, for the cure of blood diseases. I p. m. T 7 WaiU fnr ooinfa between Flo- . The initial article is from nuced Charleston 7:45 pm . . l J. a vrl Howl. Im ! 1 ixr . pen oi tnai ciose Biuucuu ou i D ayettevuie, ana oui uu etkaf . il wi x , unnaence In " and believe that yflo all that you claim for it. I have jOttK1141 knowledge of the condition of The K. f P. Excursion The excursion down the river on the vr4JjOttr miono .i'-.'.T n v..t.. I r 4V.iTr.;kto r PotViiaa nf Kav.tteville. r;i ta,,, "v.uvj auu X eco juuuaie JJl IUCA.U1JUW wi J .w w . j GW waaW!nobeDjordby.r npoa.- MiS' condiUou of mankind, and try friends. As the Passport passed fa Tmrt and happiness. I will the office of Mr. R. E. Heide, Vice ftfcnu v y Pwer for you among my uo Tours respectfully, Counsel of Norway, Sweden and Den- k&aitimnf 4 Dr. w. H. Bibkzr matv the excursionists were 'saluted-by EUmp for tesumonial of remarkable , t . , on(1 Mp j? the steam tug Ivm. JVyce and Mr. toT 7 Ira. Joe Person, Franklin- Heide dipped his flag in honor of them. SbyffM'LSr- ArrmoatSmitkymosomeortbe ex- cursioniats got off while oiners weni over i fl fi?S P to Caswell but the greater portion went r I out lO lae uiacausu ww-. - SKW MANAGEMENT, ,pf, Smithville at 8:15o'clock and went up the North West river as far as tha bridge when she returned to this city, Prop arriving at 11 o'clock. The excursion ists lett to-day on the steamer Jsonn b .. Propria ulaaaiaii $4 jr atTt Hf Proprftor AtlaAtieRnll. "- LI1U. I. to MrJi; ociotmeoB. . Tenni - on tv.p tnn, trip home worker, Dr. Thomas F. Wood, and is en- Cape Fear RiTer. Tuesdays, . titled "North Carolina as a Field for the F' Naturalist." It is a very interesting exoept Sandays...... 9:0a a. m. paper and on a subject which no one we Qnslow 0. H. and Intermedl- know of can handle better tban can ur. ate omees, every iuoauay Wood. Fol.oioS thi, we have The SaW Moth and the Star' a tale, by Mrs. d (elcc?t bun Clara Dargan McLean; "Gems from days)...... & 3f a. n.. the German PoeU," by Miss: Lisette Mails for Easy Hill, Town C. Berabeim ; "CriosUies ofW SS f ' by Jos. Salyarda, Jr. ; A little un, d d Tbnrsday ftt......... e:oo h, m. by Mrs. J. H. Watson; "Helen," a opxn fob dxlivehy. poem by Lewis K. Smith ; "Oceanside Northern through and way -hp,7and8, b, .- bJS-'ZII "Some Birds that I Have Seen one i Carolina Railway 4 00 p. ra. the best papers of the series, by the way, stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 by Norwood Giles, Esq.; "June," a M., and frcm 2 to 5:E0 p. c Money poem, by Mattie N. Brown; "Across Order and Better Department epeo pucuj, uj , saxno aa stamp office. the Atlantic," by Dr. Bernheim ; Qeoerai deU very opn from 5 :S0 a, ra . Letter," a poem, by Virginia Wythe i to 7;00 p rn,, and on Sundays frcm 8:30 "Morehead City and its Surroundings," to 9:30 a. c. 4 r ir t i nirV and "In Stamps for sale in small ouantities at by Mrs. Mary Bayard Clark, and In j wbcn, ftaip office i the Highlands," by Hiss Bemheim 7 , There are also the usual pages of selec Mails collected from street boxes every tionsandtheedltorial notes. dsyattfO p. m. Excursion Tickets mo ALL PLACES OF RESORT in the Mountain section of North and South Cfc.ro Una, will be on sale at the offices of this Company, on and after June 1st, 1S31. Quick, continuous schedules will recom mend this Route to all. Passengers leaving Wilmington at 0.45 A.M., arrive at Cleveland Springs same evening, and Ashevillc next momicg at 9 o'clock. Further Information on application to TUIE RnTE.TiyiO A''sSEION IB A X Urgs I'itgt-V'Uti efcly Newspaper ox ittcen '?e?, rint?i is tha moat beautiful t?Je, prefceely iMubtratccl v,Hh tploxidio en- tion? acd.tb icot rto.n: Adraieea in tbg Tteticg f n. AcHuluro, llorticalrare. ; "Ciecie, &tarsl History, j'eo!cjrT -ABtrdno-V rav. rk to most vlea'o praatical paon, by stvi e t riteri i t tU 1pr tryoutof cieoce, il! be fouo in the e'c.er.tifio AmericiD. tern,, 1 1 20 j er year. 5160 balf year, bib i includes pf stngo I 'icnant to jjenta. il&r". ernt b7 potsl order to AJDNN it , PuHishTi, 37' Park kow, ew Yorlr.' f rV IS T HC1 In connection with 1 1 LliiN I kJohe HUIKNT1F1U &XKK1DAN, ntfsre Mann 4 Co. are bollc uriS r.f A'jit io5.-i an J foreign Patata, tav h5 3fy-r.-rs e't,e krce, 'ard row hare th t.r. et ctabiirhitent ic the uor.d. Patents te ctjt'Azt-i n ti beet tertra. A apeclal a nr;i ia n jfiq in thrt fHf-i lifi rifll nf ill 1'arer.tiopp vtf i:tl through this Affency W th tho r.arje ar.d r tid .-r ca of the Patentee. My tbe ira j ense cirruUfon thus eiten, pub ic at er tkn ia. direr tvd to tta taerita cf the -,w pa'est, and tales or introduction often tafilj f:2' Cti. An pe."8 ia who has r.j.'ie a new discovery or iuYeatio'., can efcrtam. free cf charge, vfiethpr a patant ca probably ha obtained, by writia? to Mum A Co We also tend free ocf iiid IJo k abmt the Patent La w, Fat?T,ts ' BTeatt, T ra-e.Marke, their com, end how procured, with h nt forproeuriag . Kr&r,oca oa inf eniioni Address fcr the faperor c-nferciD-r P&tentB. HU.NN & CO., 27 Pe.rk Botr, KbT? York, fun ' J:,oi.,, J'4?ti Vji, r 10 ViMiKtoa, D. O. Br may GO-tf F W CLARK, G P A 8500 Reward. -XTR WILL PAY THE ABOVE tewari for any case of Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, Sick Headache, indigestion,. yuu pauon. or Uofetlveness wc caniiUi n vviLt'fl vo-otahi T.ivpr PilU. when rw int s arc strictlv coiaplied vsith.. They ardfpui ely Vegetable, and neve r fail to give satisfaction. Suffar coated. Large t-oxes, fUt.ftifno no Piila.25 cents. lor pole by ail rmt fHctji. P.pware ot counterfeits and imitatio ns. The genuine manufacture! only by JOHC. WESTifcCO., "The JH11 Ma kers," 1 31 & 1S3 V, Madison St., Chls-o. c-n. ai vi.-a rr cpnt Jv mail prcpai l on rwrintr f a3 cent stamp. inch -d.jcw IV iffeiiTiWDw Freieh.:sd Domftatia, jcx Tf,lTs4 atd fct fib Ca jdj In ta Jtr will b- foaaJ reri !. t i nd srk,c ?bzt dswi rVati o oea fle on de- ajr-i rtru A' at fiai&lsa. , Trnii. . t. V UALBrT E. PAIH2 fata CcEimisrioner ct Tatbat3. P 6i PAfNE. .'GHAFTON & LAD?" ttors?yS'at-Law and Scllcltora of Amsrli csu and Fcreicn Patcntf.) 412 r.fih Street, Wahlnton, D. rmcllce patr'n Isw in all its brascho in the- Petcr t 01T.ce, ad la 'the Saprenj ! Crtt.:t Courts cftbe United Btata i sn ftkfc u-Zii Ireo cn receipt cf ttara f r;. '.siasc, tQ 2S P. "J C;3AH PAOSIXG CHESTS.Q SASH, DQOnS A!iD BUHD?,' RACKETS, MOULDING, LUilBElt, Jtc ALL SIZES YnixDQWOJJL, AT ALTAFFEB, PEICB k C0'3. Fuctory: Poos Walnut st. ' . OCcc: uit, near lied Cross s Kliss E Karrer BAS JCST P.ECEHED a beautiful as sortment of Eveiiioff and Millinery Floirers, Afternoon Ilit and Bonnets. I icen and Mobs ir Ulsters, Uudensrcar and Children's lothiog:, whieh wlUhf sold at reduced prices. 9 1 j i icroUQ : -----