VARIETIES. N. T. Express. A Jersey incident. ? Hiscollaneous. 57 zzzZiZi2.2zi r ni can. cleV..,. f the kind A loreiy Qt mold romam-ea. fiy woa iw I. -thle maiden fair. K;;pd with a dreamy air, ' auswered wun x Btlould smile!" be HiJ sdirtntier or completer, brown, no eyes no blue; o bth is tenderer or sweeter. Vo?,rSyutn who gains the hand wf lbS5Sitf race sha added. -And Willi mow" .t you forget it!" u thoadear mistrefsof my heart! "' H. xt ina fcneel beiore thee "f JEW heaven ;y sweet thou art. Au . Httw deroatly I ndjre thee " u rnd away her lovely he:td. sa ir" a ugaid loott that fliel 4U ni la murmured tcceuta said. My "aL m .-You make me tired." Heasuniiff ibj Bab. n.vt measure the baby. There N an o' j superstition that if jou do, it will die the Tear is oat, and 'tis always . .i ta be on the safe side. Do you see that name writtea in lead pencil on the miner1'? tnavs where we- meagared the baby. If yon get duwn on VODr knees you will be able to read, 'jim-jaat so high." It wasn't a year , tht we all came out .here, father, mother and the girls, and got down on the eraes and stood him p there. lie at all WIS nftlPQb LU OUll UIU. ttUU s "-n . - www, . o7 yr.j 1.1,0. wirtlotjj m the srtriri'r. and hnM e.eiii" -r-- o - - iTnTh nnd tumble down and we'd all airh and cteer mm up again, ana den- , -i il. nnrtl flat, nn h?o tiaarl n? n.e law iuc iuv. - "v uu notched the wall, and then we wrote that to mark the Bpot, but . I've wished many a time since I'd never had it done. Yoa t,t we had been reading some pretty verses about that very thing, and it jost fitted to onr baby exactly in the. begin ning: We measured the riotous baby - Against the cottage w ill; A lil grew on the threshold. And the boy was j ast as tall. That was so like out baby that I cut that Terse out and pasted it on the blank leaf of the big Bible. Then Jennie said there were more versei that suited him, bat alter getting the full drift of the poetry, I most wished we hadn't seen it, bat 1 took two more verses and let them go with the others; here they are: Bis eyes were wide as bine bells, (That's little Jim exactly!) His moith like a flower unblowD; (That's him again), Two little bare feet, like funny white mice, Peeped out from his snowy gown. And we thought with a thrill of rap ture, That yet had a touch of pain, When June rolls round with her roses We'll measure the boy again. Now. if it had stopped there, as I ex pected it would, I'd have nothing to say, tad there'd be another mark on the doer cuing, much higher," but but--well, what's the use of beating about the Wh in this way? You see' there' no mark there, and it wasn't any supersti tion after all. I went to-day, into the room where he lay, all white and peace ful like, and bo still that it was a sin to cry and disturb his sleep, and I added the rest of the poetry that Jennie had kept, without knowing why, to the old Bible: We measured the sleeping baby, With ribbons white as snow, For the shiay rosewood casket That waited him below. Aadout ia the darkened chamber We went with a childless moan; To the height of the sinless angels Oar little one had grown. That tells the story of little Jim bet- wiaani could tell it; that is why there's a hush over all the rmnsn. and the onii toe bright, and the birds have topped singing, and we can never again -letsure the baby, for he has gone ao hirh" that we can only reach him by tne ftldea ladder of death. Tour Mind will Grow Sirens: jnd peat not by what you reject, bu by what you cordially accept and . be ?we. Your health will improve, just la proportioi as you obey Nature's laws, li jourraind is diseased, refresh it with wtable relaxation. If the two great organs of your body, the kidney and iiver, out of order, restore them by using t imer's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. wudcan be kept clear by care, and je kidneys and liver by the great rem WJ wove mentioned. ' Why the Flihei Die. Seth Green, talking of the extensive death of fish of late, says: "It is owing to nothing else than their tendency to flT8 i great schools There are some aore than a million of them mov lB right along together. As is the case J1 large herd of buffalo, they sweep pithing before them ia their own line. w coaseauence is that the weaker ones y U the rear of the school, and Jjwirse there is hardly any food left for then. Their only alternative, ? 57 ist stick together, is that those juid shall starve to death. I know ? alewivea, because, in addiUon to named, they are always very 7a hen fond dead in pure water nn r, och circumstancea. But iU too jS they make splendid food for salmon, ana other deep-water fish. They Selves are of the herrinjr or shad 11 n besides beinc crood food for fishes, they are very fair, prhen -rvij coosed, ror table use." hy Wear Plasters? ihtj nay relieve, but they can't cure lame back for the kidneys are the JJ"Je au you want a remedy to act Jctiy oa their secretions, to purify aad rre their healthy coodiUon. Kidney- ' has that specific action and at same time it regmlltes the bowels ecUy. Don't wait to get sick, but iZ P? to-day, and cure yourself. iStT1 or.dry for eale at tliedrug BinQhamton Republican. - - 7;.7?Z: a morning au tus acij autiea oi a New Jer sey forest. The birds aangblithelv upon 6" anj Buasnioe qua tied the dew from grass and petals, and all nature seemed to rejoice like a bride n her wedding-day. The maide gathered violets, arbutus, and cowslips, while he gathered what he supposed to be a white Kitten mat had taken refuge in the hoi iow stump 01 a long-departed tree. Mis erable fate! Strange catastrophe! Un happy man! Referring to the incident uiterwaras in a letter to a friend the maiden wrote: "II George were boiled ' i-uwuauuu j care in me hot springs of Iceland I don't believe he'd ever smell sweet again. Golden Marriage. r r 1 . . iuamage is graaaai, a iraetion of us at a time. A happy wedlock is -t long falling in love. I knpw young people think love belongs only to brown hair and plump, round, crimson cheeks. 60 it does for its beginning, just as Mount Washington begins at Boston bay. Uut the golden marriage is a prt of love which the bridal-day knows nothing of. Youth is tlie!tassel and silken flower -of love; age is the full corn, ripe an 1 solid in the ear. .Beautiful is the morning 'of love, with its prophetic crimson, violet, purple, and gold, with its hopes of days that are to come. i3emtifuit also, us the evening of love, with its glad remem brances an J its rainbow side turned to ward heaven as well as earth. Death of a Noted Dorse. Hickory Jack, the noted trotting stal lion, died in this city, yesterday after noon. He was 26 years old on the 7th of last May, and had traveled further, perhaps, than any horse on the turf nickory Jack s sire was bthan Allen, dam Lady Litchfield, by Long Island Black Hawk, tie was foaled m Connec ticut and was raised by a bottle, in a house, by Ord. Carpenter. Mr. Jack Chcmbers bought him, in 1865, and car ried him to Glasgow, to make a five-mile race. In 1867 be carried him to France, where he trotted srveral races. He then went back to England, for a match with a Manchester cart mare, but the mare paid the forieit, one hundred pounds. Be returned to America and trotted on nearly all the tracks in this country. Among others he trotted a double race i at PhiladelDhia. His record was 2:32.' A huber of his colts are living in and near this citv. and are all fine animals. H hn.i been ailing- for some time. Last Saturday he appeared to be much better, and Mr. Chambers, who was about to leave the citv. srave him to Mr. H. Mad den. He relapsed, however, and died vesterdav afternoon. Mr. Madden win bury him at the Fair Ground, this morn-inn- ond rtlnr.A nrer him a tombstone. with his pedigree and time. Augusta (Jtironicic uonsiiiuuonutw, L Madam, Whose complexion betrays some numuiaung iuiyvwvu tion, whose mirror tells you that you are Tanned, Sallow and disfigured in countenance, or hare Eruptions, Redness, Boughness or unwhole somo tints of complexion, we say use Hagan's Magnolia Balm. It is a delicate, harmless and delightful article, producing the most natural and entranc ing tints, the artificiality of which no oaerrer can detect, and which soon becomes per manent iff tho Hagnolia Balm is judiciously used. may 1-ta th-sat-nrm-cm 1 ?st?" flimr, Baehn. Mandrake, BtUllagUk ana Iv: m ckiTifnliv in Parker's Ginger Tome an tn make it the oreatest Biood Purifier and the t Best Health and Strength Restorer ever aseeU to i w r It cures uyspept nntymimra. 1 T T leplsi)ess, and all diseases of the 8tomach,. tlowilaL Luiwi, Unr. Kidney, UnaaryOrjaaa; Mil cami iiAwiniiiiu. - m with rAetrmnriA(l rr, itrrdisease.useihsf 0iCtMiay. No matter what ! your lymptoms may be, it will surely help you. J H , V I ThJ Tovrc cures drunkenness (is the Best Family Medicine ever made entirely. t?:lr. Rftters. Gineer Preparations and other Tonics, and combines the best curative prop-. terSesof alL Bu7 a 50c bottle of your druist . wrapper .PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM msy 1-tviat-nrm Tk bnt aad smt aomtclrUlrJ Wanted mo BORROW, FIVE .HUNDRED AND vnrrr TOIXARS for twelve month. Se enrity. Tttvm. ir.tAtM worn nve umca m amount. : Addrcsa PO. BOX;2S3 mayiJ$-tl a--Sm m 88rs:-Ss3S2?E" (urn til S ss ;i S a s fe I!?' &? 'fiziHnirH ta tit ISffl may 1-eod-lm A TRUE ERFECT STRENGTHENER. A SURE REVIVER. IROK BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especiallv Indigcstum, LtyspcpFia, Inter mittent Fevers. Want of Appetite, Loss cf Strength'. Lack of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Food. Belching. Heat in the Stomach. Heartburn, etc The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give lieadaohe. Sold by all druggists. Write for the ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful and am rising reading- sent free. - BROWN CHEMICAIi CO., Baltimore, Md. spl 13-arntte' CAROLINA CENTRAL RAtt BO AD J COMPANY. Orvios Gmnaaj BvruiJrruojnrT, .) WHmlngrton, If. OL. Jane 4. 1881 CHXHex or Sohedui ON AND AFTER June 6. 1831, 'ti fol low inar Bohedule will be operated oa t' is RaUroaa : Pa.BSEN'GEB, VAIL AND TRAIN. EXPRESS DaUy except Sundays Leave Wllmingt0B.M..MM.9.4K A M Arrive at Oharlotta atM..6.45 P 11 Leave Charlotte atM..MM..I.OO A M Arrive at Wilmington at.S.SS P M Jfo 1 ETo 3 Trains Sob 1 and 2 stop at rsenlmr.atationa only, and points designated in the Oompa ay's Time Table. Thse trains make clois connection at Charlotte wi.h trains Nob. 3 and 4 for Cleve land Springs and all points on Shelby Di vision. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Wilmington at. 6:30 Arrive at Hamlet iUn. 1:34 " at Charlotte at. 8:00 Leave Charlotte t.i..J:Z0 Arrive at BanJtatM..M. 1:25 P A A P A A 11 II 11 H fe 11 to If 0 6 J " , at Wilmington at 9:30 No. 6 It daily except Sunday, bit connection ar.Raieigaoa Saturday w No. 6 ii dally except Saturday, SHELBY DITIB10N, PI B8IN3ER.M AIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. -a m.' V ' mm mm irm s) ao Arrive at Bhelby aU..Mw100 P U . "J Leave Shelby at 6:00 A 11 AO r Atw . tutim . a. on A li Trains Noe 5 and 6 make close connection a Hmlet to and from Raleigh, except as above. Through Sleeping Cars between Raleigh and Charlotte. Trains No. 1 and 3 make connection at Charlotte with A , T. A O.K. R., arriving at Statesville same evening, and connecting thre with W. N. O. R. K. for Asheville and all points on Wt N O R. R. Trains Rob o and a connect c.'oseiy with Chaster A Lenior at Liooolnton. Ii . OHNrtON, Je 7 General Bupsrlntenaet t WILMINQTON & WEIDON &AILHO AD COMP AH Y , Otvtcu ot GaVii DuraaimBmnT Wilmington, N. a May 14, 18SL' CHANGE 07 SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER Mav 15th. 1881, 1, it 6 40 P M, Passenger Trains on tie li' mington k Weldon Railroad wiu run ts follows DAT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daily No. 47 North and 48 South, Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at...M-..M.. o ao a .m Arrive at Weldon at 1 00 P JS Leave Weldon.......MM....MM..M.M. 3 30 P 11 Arrive at Wilmington, Front Su Depot iLm.immwhim. . Fast Thrcnifh Mail and Passenger Train Daily Nos. 45 North and 4U Bouts Leave WUmingtonFront St. Depot ai M..MMMMMMMM. Arrive at Weldon 1.25 A M Leave Weld on.... ...... 6.15 P J& Arrive at Wilmington, front bt, Train No 40 South will stop only at Rocky Mount. Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.:: Trains on Tarboro Branoh Road leare Rocky Moon t for Tarboro at 7.40 P M daily and Tneadar. Thursday and daturc ay at b:iK AM. Returning, leave Tarboro it 9.50 , A M daily, and Monday, Wednesday asc FridaTat8:30 P Mi Train AO. 47 mains ems connection ai ( Weldon for all points Worth dailr. All rail 1 - . . . ria Richmond, and daily .except Sunday via Bay Line. Train No 43 rum daily and makes ieiore connection for all points North via Rich mond and Washington All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and bare P oilman Palac Sleepers Attached. juaa w. 111VIXI&, trsnerai nupv A. POPE, Gea'i Past. Agent may 18 ' Rust Well Auger, Eust Well Drills, Bust Horse Power, THR BEST AND MOST 8TJGGX88FUL Well boring and Prospecting Tools Man ufactured. . ' GAS PIPE SHAFTING and couplings. The most improved Burface Attachments Guaranteed to make good wells anywhere. Works much faster and with half the labor of any other tools. ' ."JV Auger an imu worz oy axon or umbo power. Drillf tad Hons power hart capacity for XjOOOfeeU . in txaanre rears ana no iaunroa. Ma from best material and sols! far hat tho price of other. Bendfor rtreulars. - ft37xydAw JCLJostpbjlfo TONIC mm 1 V i vf Gen' I Suo'tG Office WILMINGTON, . COLUMBIA AND AU GUSTA RAILROAD CO. Wilmington. N. a. May 14, 1831, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON AND AFTER May 15th, 1881, at 1.06 P M, the following Passenger Bchedule will be run on this road NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Daily). Nos. 48 West and 4T Eaet. Leave WilmingtonM..MM.MMMMMM. 10 05 P M Leave FloreneeM.MM....M.......M.M. a OAK Arrive at 0 0 and A JunetionM..M 6.45 A Arrive at Columbla........ 6 00 A H Leave Oolumbia.MMMM.....MM.M..M.l0 00 P It Leave O G and A A Jonction.........l0 20 P M Leare Florenoe 2 00 A M Arrire at WilmingtonM..MM.MMM.. 6 20 A M NitHt Mail ihd PAsssHssa Tba,ik, Daily, fto. 40 Wrsr, am) Dat Mail ahd Pas SKSfiKa Ieais, jo. t3 East. Leave Wilmington t.........,.ll 45 P W arrive t Flo- ence.. 3 15AM Leave Florence 1 05 P M Arrive at Wilmington 6 05 P M Train No 43 slops at all ftrtiona No 40 stops only at Fleminsctnn, White ri.le, Pair Blaff and ttv fan Paaf9at;erB Tor (!olaiuoi&, &r.t i! points oc G. A U. ii. it., O., A A., it K. Vtations, Aiken Jorrtioa, and all points beyond, should take 48 Night Expren. Separate Pullman Sjeepers for CharUato and for Acgoeta on train 7. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmingtor JOtW jr. rITIBTE, Ganeral B.r jl. rurK, uen'i ras. Agent Qmij 15 THE BEST PAPER TRY IT ! Beautifully Illustrated 36tV Year. The Scientific "American THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN IS A large First-Class Weekly Newspaper 01 8ixteen Pages, printed in the most beautiful style, profusely illustrated with splendid en gravings, representing the newest Inven tions and the most recent Advances in the Arts and Sciences; including New and In teresting Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, Medical Progress, Social Science, Natural History, Geology, Astrono my. The most raluable practical paoers, by eminent writer in all department of 8cience, will be found in the Scientific American. Terms, $3 20 per year, $1 60 half year, whioh includes postage. Discount to Agents. Bingle copies, ten cents. 8oId by all News dealers Bemit br postal order to MUlfN A CO., Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York." T A T'T? TVJT1 C In connection with IT IX 1 Hill X Oathe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Messrs. Mnnn A Co. are Bolie itors of American and Foreign Patents, hare had 35 years experience, and now hare the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. . A special notice is made in the Scientific American of all Intentions patented through this Agency, With the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, pub ic attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often easily effected. An person who has made a new discovery or invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to Mnnn A Co. We also send free our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents areati, Trade-Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address for the Paper or concerning Patents. MUNN A CO., 37 Park Row, New York, raiaa O fie, sie. F A 7th Sts , nor 16 Washiagton, D. C. Benj. F. Gbafton, Stobt B LArD Halbebt E. Painj. - A. Lata Commissioner ot Parents. fa PAIFlEt GRAFTOfi & LADD7 Attorneya-at-Law and Solicitors of Atnt i! can and ForeigD Patents. 412 Fifth Street, Waehlngtcni D. C Practice pat?nf law ia all ita bracche In the Patent Office, and in the Suprem and Circnit Courta of the United State Pamphlet rent free on receipt of slam for postage, an 8 1 j RED CEDAR PACKING CHESTS, SASH. DOORS AND BUNDS, RACEXT3,IOULDING, LUMBER, &c; ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS, AT ; ALTAFFEB,;PBICE & C08. Factory: Joot Walnut Et. Office JaU,ccax BedCross THIS DAILY BEIiEW. JOSH. rX J -AJfcdES EDIT OK AND PUBL1.SIILB Ib prjbiit-heci Everv AiterncoH (Sundays excepted.) At the following rates postage paid : One Year,... ....85 Six Months. ........ 2 Thiee Months ..... 1 25 One Month The paper will be deln cred carrier p, free ol charge, in any part of the city at thekbove rates, 13 cents per week. The Dailt"Ritiw is now in fourth year of its existence, is per manently established, with & large and jete&dily increasing eubscrip. tion list, and presents to merchants and others a xnest desirable'medi xzm for adTeitisingl ixxis WILMINGTON J01HAL. Is published EVERY FRIDAY. At the following'rates : One Year Six Months, Three Months. ... . ...... . Tin WlLMINQTON dOUBNAL tizCXL' tea i largely , in the ad jo ning" coun ties as well as injjthe Western per tions of the State anc? presents nn oqmlled facilities to merchAntsfcr xnakisg knerwn TrhatJthe.T havo for I rale. The fc-Hcidijr cuouooai recrercnti V.jn'ii prices giaarallj. . Ia xaaxiajrvp ". .- i 1 r s hii Lor prices qt to be eharflrea - BAGuirra rUandar.. 5 1 !S 1 lb . ... ... . 3AC0NNcrth CtroUna, jaais, f ................... StoUIers, 2 03 O 6 O Via n o 10 tj Wwtsrn bs.ckfd P-i.. Sfcnciders... Dry tli4 biiss. V 9o BEF UTeweigL lUtf a r ii its Terras due Saw Ycrk.aftek, cw. 1 f5 - tWA.x-v it m eUlCKS WikaisfrtonM T 00 o o 1 (0 0 CO 21 t 8 00 mi cf crth L'aroiitiaa Northern, V E.-........ CA N D lAri-pcra V 2.. Tallow, V 1 dsraaxitiae, V '.- . Kalian, Faetcrr, S. Dairj ersain, y "p .State, j) COFf KS Java, t fr..... 11 U o o a o o o 14 14 10 25 Q HMO Lauyra. " E... lc: O VUKX SLLAL -V bushel. . ?0 COTTCil TIES V Nw bdl 1 f0 X Pieced 1 25 DOME8TIC Sheetirg, 4-4 1? yard... 9 O xarn, 9 oonsn m....m. 1 CD FifcUI- Kackerel, Wo. 1, p btl..18 CO No. 1, VKbbl ......... 8 ir Mackerel, No. 2, tf bbL...13 tO No. J, 9 bbU....... e 00 Mackerel, No. 3 V bbL..0O CO 038 CO c;io bO 1W CO tj t C a 6 55 iP 3 7ft O 00 O 0 0 4 CO O 6 10 0 6(0 O 8 00 O 7 35 O 7 76 $J 8 23 llulleti. bbl . ... N. C. Herring, Veg. Dry Cod, If E... 3 &G & 10 T 0 C3. 5,60 6 CO 7 10 7 CO 00 FLOUttFire. V bhl ... Super, Northern, fcbL... Extra do " bbl. Family ' J bbl... Oitj ilillExBuper bbl. GO jraznL'y.UDLl 7 CO - V.rr.Uw)KKl a .-vi JE3TIL1ZESS Ptrurian Gusxo. P SOOO 2s.C0 CO Carolina Fertiliier " 00 CO 70 00 C40 00 040 CO an cc 010 00 040 00 t" Navaa;a Guano, " co 00 " CO 00 Complete Manure 41 Whann'sPhocpbata pnata ou uo hate, " " 00 CO Vtnrfn I'hn.nh.f. l Wilcox, Gitb A Co., ma nipulated Guano. .......M00 CO GLUE V2.. .. . CO o & a o UKA1AT Cora Jtore.p 6Cat 70 Corn, cargo, V 53 s.M.M Corn,ysL, bushel..,.... Oats, p baiDal...... Peas, eow, p busheL... H1DC3 Orefcn, p d DrTa fe? 2a)aeeeeee HAY Eastern, p 100 El-. Jforth Hirer, Zl 100 lbs.... f8 03 65 70 4 10 30 by 10 & HOOP IRON V ton....... 80 OO C85 00 ULRD Northern P a. ...... . lljf 12f North Carolina p Ib... 12MO 13 LIME P bbl iO O 1 24 LU MJb JSlt City s Uam a' wd 03 00 bc:p stuff, res awed, p II rt. IS Rough dlgo plank, p Mfi.16 West India eargo, aesord- OH CO Cl 00 Oil CO G25 CO or ing to quality, p M ft-..13 CO Drwed aootinssasoaed.lS 00 SsantliEg and boards, ecn- con, p M ft M1I C3 1IOLA8PE8 Caba.hhdpgl 34 Cuba, bbic, V gei....... 4 1 Sugar house, nltds. p gal. 25 " bbls.pgal. 23 Crloeu Choice bbls. p gaL 00 NAILS Cut, S0dt&4d,pkV,bafLs 014 aj V u u the OILS Kerosene, p galM..M Lard, p pal ................... Linseed, p ? si.. ... Rosin, p gal................... PEAN0T3 p buaheL..... POTATOS8Sweet,p bus. Irieb, Northern, p bbL.... 10 o a f5 Ci 25 00 1 25 PORK Northern, city a est. 17 60 Thin, p bbL CO 00 Prime, P bbl (extra) ..CO CO Bump, p bbl ......CO CO KICE-r-Carolina, p I Rough, buiael. 75 O 1 55 RAGS C&ua try, P 2 1 14 Clty,p flOPIi- Hemp...... M.. Maxilla.... BUG A Cuba, p D.M..M Porto liifco, p 2t..M.MM.M A CoSeeP Ti 13KO ioc 10KO U " V 2).. o a o - iMsaet x C p CO 70 75 CO EALT AJuei, P eaok Liverpool, V sack. IIStMl Aatftioanp laek ......MM. Jifcrshal's hce, p sack.. Cadiz P isck...... BOAJ northern, p E.... a CO u BHLNOLEa Contrast, PiM 6 CO Coram on, W ....... ...... 2t 00 BTAVKL4 W. O. bbl, p M.12 E0 R O hhd. p E..M.M..CfO 00 O 2 75 ?16 00 OOOOO O CO IC 00 Ol4 CO C712 CO ? 0 CO t co "o sco C? 6 CO co 28 TALLOTV p ... TliilihK Shipping p il.14 CO Mill, extra per LSI 10 CO Mill,pnme pr M....M,....10 CO Mill, fair per M ............... 8 (K3 Corscion, per ....... 5 00 Iaftriort.) Ord:nary,per H 4 CO' WHiaKKY-Northn,perRl 1 25 5orti Ca.'oitA, per gal.. 2 CO V?COL Unwaahe.per&M. 10 Washed. xr 2 ......m. 25 Brrn' S.H..MM 10 FUlTflS AT THE LOWEST PEICES ! JOB ASCERTAIN MY PRICES BEFORE HAVIKG YCUR pnifsTIHQ DOHE ELSEVVKiIREI 1 00 50 Satisfaction Guaranteed ! DBINTINQ CARErOLLT EXECUTED A or penosj roidiaj cut of the city asl tea to then by nail free cf pcztage. Comsr Chectast aad Wat 'Streets 0e R:viewi3aUirni 2achl 13 13 S - 14 MX 00 18 S3 0 10 IS li 11 SO 1& 20 , K 1 Tb 1 to 7 1 1C 14 70 to tin 7b 11 - 40 15 3 41 00 CO r? o U 90 O 60 . e s to 18 00 coo 00 000 00 coo 00 1 10 00 00 CO BH X 11 00 00 CO 1 35 CO I tl B