trtx of 1HW X. J 1 h oorRlfTlOS. POSTAGE PAlID. fl0 00 Six months, W I Thrae M T k 1 15 ; One month, S8 oent. a,0B , will b.deUrered by carrier, PP maav Prt ' the city, at tha ..rt .ire their papers regularly. T,rT7.., low and liberal T, will please report any aa4 jeW Advfrtisemonts i THE GREAT Km r Tift A "FIT 17 VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, JUNE 21. 1S81 : nr. arb iroTios. : Wa -rUl &?a4 ta racttva aoaxoealeatfoct fren s? ErienAa oa ay aad all tubjaats sesaral Uisrast but Tha fiasia cf tit writs? esrt always fca fsi alshe to tie KItor. CozamssIeatSoaj Ksat ba .writtaa; oa oaly one side of the papar rersonaJliles nut ba avoided Axd it U especially end perttailsxry cadet ttOOd thai th UiLMlfnM A4 aImm'ma. l CK 146 I Mwsot eorratpeadeata, unless to.atas in tke edltorUI eomvcns. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. To Smithville and the Forte ! Heinsbergkb Parlor Organs C W YxTBsLiberal Offtrs No City Coart to-day. : T ThA iwmta of cotton at this rjort to- Prize Medal. day foot up 27 bales. I Misses Burr James, cf this city, Mr. C. P. Mebaae. ot this city, has ba received the medal awarded to been commissioned bv Gov. Jarvis as a "em Dy me ixortn Carolina agricultural martt Notary Public. Society for the best kindergarten exhi- to carry them through it. The walks bition made at the recent State Fair, and drives are delightful and then they 1 he 8 mate or wnat is evidently aH The medal which ig of solid siUeTt tw0 could climb upon the fish boxes and uke c;ir lat k. We hope the Charlotte?e bare seen our beautiful park, the site of the old The Amateurs should not fail Row Adverticomonto. unusually large fire in the woods, in j diameter and the eighth of a view of the city from the deration of a Who win nave tae nrst waiertneion oi Brunswick county, Southwest or the city, h . thirvnpsg. bearg nnon its fish cart. OU. its a nice place for stran i o I ..... ... . m I I ineseasonf wasvisiDie here this aiternoon. r fn: ca I ms uw iviivniu iuauiiJvivuf vuwvwu i "To tt 4 i 'i i, 4 o .-. Ko I - i within a raised chaDiet or leaves. had been sold, acknowledge a call th is morning MigseJ Bun. & Jamefl for Best Kinder- : from Messrs W. S. Moore and P. S. Mc teQ Collection." Onthe reverse is the ! m i v a .1 a. 4 - OK -r i . . 1 1 i i.ii. usra iu cenisper uou, uoiuaiuc iacoiin, oi IRQ tnanoiie voservm ,. f Carolina, very hand-1 cents per email quarts. who are in the city as members of the 1. awutt m- W I TTf A. A. 1 A. . ..Sam I Lrounoa vjiuo. w e regrei ia&i we uu- v ei the irentlemen's visit. I BieCUOH 01 Oiacers Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black- fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f - A Display of liuminz. A prominent shipping: mxase in this city has hacded U3 a circular just re- The regular semi-annual election of cived by them from the Cmmittee on The members of Wilmington Steam oflicers for Carolina Lodge, No. 434, pilotage of the Maritime Association of Fire Engine Co. No. 1 are ordered out Knights ot Honor, was held last evening the port 0f Xew York, wherein it is FOR RHEUMATISM Mmralaia. Sciatica, lumbago, Snreness of iiiQ Chest. I learn to UDdo Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Bums ana Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Ttotk, Ear and Headache, Frosted fat and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. h Potion on erth qnhVflTOBS Oil !1 A ntl but the comparmtively S')7 of 60 Ontf, nd erery one euffec- j Deis cen bTe ehep an poeiUTe prool ifKiciiiat. ' Kndiou In Eeren Lngngefl . I0U1I11LD5d'GGIST8 AITD DEAIEES IS MEDIOISE, A.V0GELER fc CO., Baltimore, JtTtL, XT S.L. rillWir-no t SPANISH LACES ! The lechoical Summer begins to day, according to the almanac. Spring vhickfns sell f r oue dollar a bunch, four to the bunch Base natures joy to see sorrow come I this afternoon for engine trial. One I and resulted as follows to those who seem happy. thousand feet of new hose has lately I S. P. D. J. A. Springer. . , ' 7. 7v- j 4u:. I been assigned to the Little Qiard and A place for everything, and everything If. ., i ,1.1 . 1 I biUSU W W IObCVt kUU mnviuwuu. in us piace lue uauj a iuuulu. The dog cart is on the canine path The July Yacht Race The Commc and has scooped in several worthless curs. dortand oaor . u, -.r e-isfi, The prospects for an interesting and A nuu,c t.uC. w l; ftvor the Wriffhta- what has been wrongly J'l. "r n.,J doneV : Una Yacht Club, on the Fturth, are Nine tenths of the religion , of the loomincr ud. and the resratta now bids , . a i w present day is nothing but holyomar-1 fair to be the absorbing event of the garine. D. N. W. Schenck. Y. D, Clayton Giles. A. P. Josh G. Wright. Eeporter Geo. N. Harriss. F. Reporter Jno. L. Dudley. Treasurer W. A. Willson. Chaplain Rev. J. B. Craig. Guide C. W. McClammy. Guardian J. P. Williams. Sentinel J. M. McGowan. Med. Ex'r. Dr. F. W. Potter. stated that on to-morrow, Wednesday, the 22d insL, masters of vessels in all ports are requested to display, their bunt' ing in honor of the bill abolishing com- puhory pilotage on vessels under coast ing license navigating Hell Gate, which has recently become a la7. Snow White Bread and beautiful rolls and;bi8cuits will be guaranteed if yon use th celebrated "HEP 3BL Z !0 3SS L.ow fTaterana NoBfiats. The river is distressingly low, so low 1 in fact, that the steamers cannot rap. 1 Jt-. There has been no boat here this week OF THE 23. 1 1? y 99 Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoye3 at factory prices at Jacobi's. t One act of benevolence, or an act of real usefulness, is worth all the abstract sentiment in the world. day. The following yachts have been entered tor the annual regatta: FLOUR! from Fayetteville and the bottom of the All of the above are re-elections, with river would appear to have dropped out the exception of the Chaplain. The re- and let all the water run through to From Wrightsyille yachts Glide, tiring Chaplain, Rev. C. M. Payne, de- China, The North State i3 reported to Spray. Ripple, Fannie; Masonboro, I clined a re election. We are pleased to have left l ayetteville yesterday at 9 it has taken tue first pnzo OTCT all Flirt, nee Bosa, Bessie Lee. Lizzie; know that the Order at large and the o ciociiana the jl. r. nurc at l ociock Greenville, Bestless. Frolic. I Lodge, in this city is in a flourishing and with the expressed determination other Flours. The yachts are to be divided into two condition. The officers elect will be in- on the part of the captains and crew to classes. All over 16 feet 9 inches will U tailed cn the first Monday in July, by get through somewhere and somehow At almost "every National Expogi- There is an unmailable letter in the I be in the first class and. all under in the sec 1 D. G. D. J no. D. Taylor, assisted by G. postofiice in this city addressed to Ro- ond class, though it is optional with own-1 G., N. Jacobi. I i i j -i e 1. f :.1,na I bert Ellerby, Madison Co., M . C. ers oi i yacnis unaer id xua , A ft lQSS fQp Words - I mhothaa thAV rtlflPO t nOTYl in T.nP. TirSL Of I . i t t l. .11 A At 12 o'clock to-day the thermometer ""-"1 J 7 mi I "7 UK The pleasure wmcn xnereoy aiuipu A J, i , second class. There will be two club te expres3 cannot be half conveyed by in this office registered 93 degrees, and pmea of equal value sailed forf one aa a words. Physicians of very high charac- IU18, WU, ucopiw " IrsrWt far thft winninp- boat m the ter ftUU uuwuetjr The last boat here from Fayetteville was the Murclvison which arrived Saturday. BLACK AND CREAM. New Goods IN NOVELTIES. A Large Assortment. prize iui mo iuuiu5 " I l ini-nraWfi. Beautify your homes by using the N first class and the other for the g ecificsalinost numberless, have failed Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war leading craft in the second class. to cure or even alleviate the intensity anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t These prizes will be given in addition to 0f the pain, which has frequently con- 4, rkmn;An T?ino. nri in orJer to in. fined me to my room for three months at A cute observer remarks that he -who the Champion Flag and in order ta m One week ago I was seized stops his paper to economize, is like the y . . , with an attacK oi acute rneumausm oi man who goes bare-footed to save his merchant3 hag offered a Sttfficient knee-joint became swollen to enormous shoes'" quantity of blue flannel to nnifrom the proportions, and walking rendered im- Good'temper is like a sunny day; crew of the winning yacht. The tide POfi-- ... . . i r ll I - I O . sheds a brightness over everything; it is win be high at 3 o'clock and the pros- t tQ another month's confinement ah I,,.. n ,n 1 u urm -twi fminfl the sweetener of toil and the soother of cta are that the entire race can be sail- to my room and bed, whilst sufferiag nn AllJuBUuand the prices trill De found ed on the top of the tide with a smashin, told agonies By chance I learned of .afiM H cu v thft wonderful curative properties of bt. Some one has suggested that the mat- breeze. Jacobs Oil. I clutched it as a straw, ter of the market house question be sub. Commodore Wiggins will be on hand and in a few hour3 wag entirely free from mitted to a vote of the people at the with his colors flying. pain in knee, arm and shoulder. As mittea to a vote oi vue flnmminff has a iuniper bath before stated, I cannot find words to con election in August. Capt. Cumming nas JaP my praise and gratitude to the dis J tub, The Go Around, which he will sail this ki 6of rheumatism. Twelve persons have been pdisoned 1 attd from which he proposes to deliver I Ch as. S. Strickland, Boston, Completed. The work of closing New Inlet is practically completed. The wall is now finished and is as solid as its projectors claimed that it would be. There is some little finishing off to do to the Zekc's Island end, which will give one or two men work possibly for a week locger. We will have something to say ia a few days relative to the importance of this great work, which when beuti was sneer ed at by the "I told you so" population. It is a great achievement, and should be duly celebrated by our people. ticn held during tho past five years. For sale onlj in Barrels and Half Uairels, by a, a , BQATWH10HT, & IG Ne Front St e 50 uU&futery. Clearing. out a lot of Ladies' Underwear Summer Silks, Good Styles, very cheap. R. M. IVlclntire. juia JOE PERSON'S We BITTERS ! TlTTTTT1 r 1 FTITCIir 5K Dise&se, Chronic Bilious Colic, raen iridnr f.raption8 Skin Diseas- at Germania Hall toiH? r H piiniyoi tne Diooa. as ftfctf2iUTeTon!c an(i Purifier of the blood yruTen itaoir it. by eating ice-cream. This is good news the prizes to the winning yacht. The Qui 9 Boylston Flace and 156 Harrison Ay. for the boys, but very hard upn the ive will cruise behind Capt. C's. craft. girls, who already have too few amuse- . list or Letters. ments tho Pirates Lait N Igiit. Tbe following is a list of the letters re zrr , To Rav that the' large audience pres- maining unclaimed in the City PosUiSce Call at Jacobi s for barden noes ana q Honse ,ast night were Wednesday. June 22 : Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, Ac. There ion oftliepirates B-Jno Baker Jr Horace Bryant, Y von have the lowest prices. t cnai - fiPmP H A Ball, Clara Burch. m. - ot renzancc mc wulCD uu 6 r 0 w CoUms W. M easier, L.ydia The Gounod Club, the Wilmington of the Gounod Musical Club of Char otte Cyrug Amateurs and their friends are spending would but feebly express their sensations D-Mary Deans, Doctor Deberry fheday.onWrightsville, the guests of ofpleasure. It was one of the most e- tt. iuj. .t i-d Ann V . Cameron. Thev will lightful entertainments whether ren- (iThomas j Graham. visit the beach and indulge in a sail on j dered by professionals or , amateurs h Duncan Holmes, Church Uines, G .t.. o rrAn:Aun,AA .nmnii-Jthflt wp. have ever seen on the boards of S Hacken & Son, H M Hunter, J W - - -e- ' I . .1 TT f-J n tt ttt rl TSJof Hill ty the Gounod Cl.b, mil be given the Opera Iloase m th,s city, l te cas. -wg, Ud was exceuentttuu ii, t.u.u & R0bers, Susan Hill. imnrftrmfllt in this resoeet could haTO I t "Prank .Tones. Jas T Jones. W J Suicide and Ujspepsia. .Tnran B Johnson. Emma Jones. Emma . i- j l uccu luduc. i " i ' ' TSX-'SWX The Pirates of Fenz.ce a. in iUelf. Johnson. est tonic, best bilious and Liver Kemedy I as suiy a piece oi nwnsecsc w w known. SI. To aicaid Blood Purifier it i' ftunrpassed IXI''8 ilTLL's. Cartpret. Co.. N. C. ---- - ' Munds. -iwffifi Aa Wends of the Professor are pleased to I 1 "C&JClriA Is v. . .. ' i r I i i l.: 11 V1- o mnnrr n it 5eS?u r w kUC mat is now ueiore i see nim ioofciL.g ncu auu kiau& u " tu &ii that .a. t I . LiTincrston. Martha Jj JLe- Draggists. Depot Jas. I strung together for the stage, yet ia tnis. &WiD Baehael M Laboo, L.vid J-ittie ni in n nrnsin. which is trulv exauisite, I ton. a Jb ijeacn. imjv. , - i I ' mr r.f lies its principal charm. The bare words M-R IV Murray, Muerra mmui- ma no jjuuv.j ...... i.n forrrFo a Mnrri.4. Willift Monroe- are nothing; it is in the .pint with Ik" " ' which the piece is 'produced and a cor p Viririnia Pearson, Filmore Picket rect rendition of the excellent mnsic E L Pearce, Henry Price, Master Wil .niroo if aft ftprpnta.ble. We do lie rotter. Personal Professor F. M. Agostini, who is now a resident of Atlanta, Georgia, is in the city on a visit to his parents. The many claim for It. I have I you wait Ob! we promised not ortne condition oi to tell. nat wish to particularize as to the enter tainment'last niglt, yet must mention a few names, those 1 of Miss Mamie Lyon a3 Mabel; Mrs. Go. F. Bason, as Buth, HI 2Qn - uvwre ue cuuuucuvcui o. iuutua I Q,nu iillSSea if riSVOB, II jmouw buu r.ooni.i - . " it I Tho 5nndav School of St. Thomas 1 1,. fl9 -Rdilh. Kate and isaoei among oir "ai is enrea. uo on. i - . i ' - HeU speed you In your efforts to Catholic Church will give one ot tneirjthe ladies; with Mr. A. . Jacon as ? k MmS1 liH SS 1 delightful excursions on the Passport ou Geru Stanley; Mr! Willis Pegram, as tdT "O tt tvm 4v. 4., . lnnMnT r.Qt Mnsi( ftnil TpfrMhTnents. I rr 7 "..T- hi- "p. T. Martin, ail the iUtuauaj uwaw. - - I jp rCUCrttAj iUl ju. . a good time and a pleasant day will be I jVrate King; Mr. Geo. E. Jordan as guaranteed to alL The committee m I Samuel and Mr. P. S. McLauchlm ... ;n J n I . -' .I.a charge oi tne excursion wiu u u lu as the Sergeant of jrouce, a uiaw their power to increase the comfort and I jr j, Bidez, Musical Director, in pleasure tf the passengers. They know I fact eachand eyery lady and gentleman how to get up pleasant parties, and we js a star (0f greater or less magnitude) feel confident that the excursion on in her or his particular role, and the Thursday will not lack by comparison piece not have been presented with any of its predecessors. more acceptably. VYe trust that our Charlotte mends vmT power for you among: my 1. Tin Y17 TT Tl . llinp for testimonial of remarkable klby Mrt. Joe Person, Franklln V ??ld WM- H- GEEN, Wil- ru ii U L'iil HOUSE. w'feifeu,.Sf0 AtUaU:aoteL rn T:1JA fttvanft ia JaCO- i-s for Sash, BUnds and Doors, Glass, Trill not let thi, be the las rt u the 4,. Yon dn t aU i and at the firrt, time that we haw had them among New AdvortiGemonta. To Smithville and the For is ! St. : Bratf Smilay SgIioqI ; Exclusion. THURSDAY, JUNE 20, ISal. XOAT TO LEAVE THE WUA-KF, loot X of Market street, at 0 A. 31. Music and Keiresnments. Family Tickets, $1. Single Tickets 25 cts Tickets for sale by Messrs. D. U'uus OR, L. BROWN and J. H. .McGARITl. j21-lt ., Fof Kent- Foreclosure Sale. iy T VIUTriR k$t IN PURSUANCE of J3 r. cecr?o cf tha tapctior Court of Bfw etove? ocacty, iTi&sa at tne uoaambar ; Term lblOi ia j.cau'S'a there pending, where- In H. f rtnbi:. ii. Uro., re pl&lnufU. aad Ueorgo W. Friso ssd wire, Hophla A.( ara defendants, the undereigned. Commission er appelated by eaid decree, will tell for CAih, at public auction, at the Court Houia door, ia the City of Wilmington, on Mondy, the 6th day of Jcae. 18al9 at 12 o'eloek, 11, Atl thet lot of )3i aitttste in said city, ana bozedfd as follcwe EeglnniDK at a point forty-cno feet yeat of the intersecllon af Bixih and Cturch atreeta, on eald Church etreet, oa tha eoath aide thereof, and mo si -gwfstwardiy 1oejp the e.nthern lin. ot said Church etreet lorfy-one feet; ihesea ? arithwardiy, parallel with Sixth itreet fifty-Qro feet; thenee ewtwardly, paral lel with Cburch street forty-ona feet; tbfcca rcrthwatdij, paralUl with Sixth fireet, Cfty-five feet to the bginiiiii, being1 a part cf lot 1, block 91. F. H. DABBT. ixfcv S-law4w-tuaa Ccmmlaaioner I UFf"BR MT SOUND PAHS cn Masonboro Sound, fur tho eedson, (.tiil oramb&e J?t). House two etories, six roomi, far- rished. ila; cistern and good well water. j, 10 'it GEO. A. PEGS, I i 1 1 iZZ.i State of Xortk Carolina, ) Superior Court. New TTanover County. V John D. Ucllamy, Jr., Plaintiff, vs. and , lie; cistern ana gcoi wen . i V. . n Al?o eetTAnta rocinj atd stibiss.! Cornelius Campbell, Frances Campbell 12j 03. I Joseph W.Whitney, Defendants.: JOO.OOO Brick OR SALE-HARD AND SOFT, IN LOTS TO SUIT At L,vv,ctl Cash ngure?, At the Coal Yard J A SPPJN'GZPv. jc 20 3t N Organs- ;W AND MODERN tJTTL. t'.raur- RDannah Ramsey, Mildred A Robe son, Solomon Readie, Morris Ratlcy, F Rotherberg, B It Kussell. T Harry Taylor. S Mary Southerlin, Martha Smith, Christopher Sanders. V Christian V anK03S. W J B Wright, David "Williams, mis3 Lizzie "Williams. Peroona calling for letters in above list will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C. . E. B. BRINK, P. M. Wilmington, New Hanover County, When a man is climbing the ladder of fame he likes rounds of applause. If any Reader feels tired, has a severe headache or loss ftfannetite. it means that something is the matter with the kidneys which War ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure alone can help. piased far beaatr aai duraVJity, tweet; fall, ympatbetic tones, raxiatj of n.aic. csbi- nations, and artutis wrkacacthir. relyisg upon tte diecrimit&tr3g patlic, 7h- hyeB5 freely ehcwa their favor, to award ojr La'cst Spscimsca contiauaace of ;h stire. Ere-y icatrtunfcnt warranted for brs ytfrj Call and mike- your aeioc i n, a. je TO ; Lira Book and ilciic Store C "TEE. STATE." BICUilO.fD, VA. niMTtEntAYNB It "REIKIS K, Owners a&d Editors Iarpet circulation, Cheapest Babicrf? tien Piice, Lbnt AdTertiit5fr Katej. p-V UiliJ eirC6l.UOB COW Vjar ihm obJt afternoon paper In Richmond. 8cbsetipti03 prica iaily -Ci.0 pr Mia; Waekly, $1 per anantD. :jnd for fpcioiea opici free. yuca THIS ACTION 13 INSTITUTED TO foreclose a mortgage on real estate la the City of Wilmington, made by defend ants, Cornelius ami .trances tampreu, uu. itbein made to appear that the defendant Cornelius Campbell is a non-resident, has property within this State and can not aftar dnc diligence be found therein, aad that . KUid tlefenaant reeiaes in ja.ioany, new York. The 6ald Cornelius Campbell la hereby notifled and required to appear at h nPTt tprro of the Sunerlor Court of New Hanover County, to be neldattna Court House in Wilmington on the 13th Monday alter tho 1st Menday In March, l-Sfl, gnd answer or demur to the complain filed in thl3 action. - S. VasAMRINGE, Clerk Superior Court, New Hanover Co. al liMawGnr-taea Libera! Offers jJli: U ADE TO TH033 ia want cf Beokr c tati Tteiy, Fancy Gozd, Ac., A a Drop iaad lock around. No tronbla to ahow Ooowi aad ana war qneitioaa. Br. eslal atten tion la cdled to tht fact that I tax efftrte better ttrxca on atristly fl rat clan Pisco aaa" Or cans than ever hztxe, C, W. Yates' Book Store, For the Sound. nnnE WAGONETTE will leave corner X Second and Princess Streets, EVERY EVENING, (except Sundays). FOR THE SOUND, at 6 o'clocK. itetumins leave tho. Sound in the morning, at 7 o'clock. Fare 00 cents each way. L j 17-1 w T. J. SOUTJIEKLAND. wiUPli to isT:: lKappUitmenti. Tana t I us. SxtS - . v n va v a iwvm

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