THIS PIPES " orrTI0y8.P0STAGE PAID. if' -c. nm month. 60 oeati. m i hi u : ti is- One montn, ou oen -oitln ' . bv carri earrierf, -r ITU u ' p . many putof the city, at the "LritM low and liberal iiffrM .,, i r ecort any and tneir papers regularly, THE GREAT sin hckuhi, Soreness of iho Chest, 'tout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, S well has and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bod7 Pains, fotfi, Ear and Headache, Frosted and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. So Prprtion on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil u$afe, sure, simple and cheap External Li, A trial ntail8 but the comparatively riiai ootUy of 50 Cents, and every ono enffer hllth ptia can hare cheap and positive proof rfilicluni. Knctiou in Keren Languages. KL9 BT AIL DRUGGISTS AJTD DEALEK3 IU MEDICINE. A.V0GELER & CO., Halt imorc, Md., V. 3. A ifrilllxiiiMUC t LACES ! BLACK AND CREAM. - New Dress Coeds IN NOVELTIES. A Large Assortment. AH just in and the prices will De found tttiafactory. Clearhag.out a lot of Ladies' Underwear chup. Summer Silks, Good Styles, very cheap. R. M. Mclntire. jue 10 JOE PEWS IKTBILPJ 1IC BITT news UHttrtrM: rvA RHEUMATISM, fe Crnic Biious Colic fctHi-u of Eruptions and Skin DiRPas- kk"p5S5 2 rand Purifier of the blood pr0Yen telf unequaUed . h 1 Toic aad Blood Purifier it is Surpassed Wv n th, 1879. 'r S?l7?er Madam: I think PSfK best that 18 now before PtteMfi . 01 Dlood diseases. I ifloiSS?eilceI?lt believe that clai?. . for it. I have itfo fiTXu "lcYSeitae condition of Stokes, before he onmm Sofand 1 seeTouha SJ-VGodi! Is cured. Goon, Srthe SZ i i- m Jour efforts to ?toKSL22dltlon of mankind, and .n 71" cOmfort. ti,1 v i -J our8 respectf uliv s J Mfom . Dr- W. n. Barker cj w testlmoniai of lemarkable fe1"' J?er Person, Pranklin- jrmay 4-djtw-uac CjrDEaK,w:MA.VAGEilEKTt a 1'1 -fcV.' la .Prop AdvertisemantB. Hnrim Off IB m r VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JUNE LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. N W Schknck, D Knights of Honor Heinsbergek Blank Book?, Stationery C W Yates Liberal Offers Mr. John F. Garrell lost a valuable mule on yesterday from colic. B careful how U eat Qoumbers. They will W up, O U lovers of good thing?. Knights of H nor meet to morrow night for the purpose of conferring de gTees. ' The "tool .s re! I iu June" is evidently upon U5. It only left its, by the way, a week er so bi- Fine r-ii s visiied u before "d y this morning and this hn.U:on, hnt jet we have not had too much. Mr. John F.. Garrell has come to the front with a cotton bloom plucked from his field at Sans Souci. Why don't somtbosy get up a rowing race on the river? What has become of the boats' crews of last seasou? Beautify your homes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f A colored man, a workman at Mr. J. W. Taylor's gaw mill, had two of his fingers cut off by a buzz saw a few days ago. Mr. Henry II. Heide has recently re ceived from the north one of the pret tiest clinker-built row-boats we have ever seen. The carcasses of the three horses and the mule which were burnt to death in the fire last night were sent out of the city this morning by 8 o'clock by Health Officer James. Don't forget the excursion to-morrow of St. Thomas' Sunday School. The Passport is in fine trim and the commit tee are determined to have every thing pass off pleasantly. This afternoon Andrew Merrick, col ored, fell backwards off of a loaded dray which he was driving on Chestnut, be" tween Water and Front streets. It is thought he had a fit ly cut by the fall. H is head was bad. Decline of Man. Impotence of mind, limb, or vital func tion, nervous weakness, sexual debility &c, cured by Wells' Health Renewer. $1. At Druggists. Depot Jas. O. Munds. The Signal Service telegraph wires are down between here and Smithville, and North and South of us. Repairers have started"-out in search of the break and will have them in working order again by to-morrow. Mr. W. J. Mott last a fine horse at the'JSbund on yesterday. He drove the animal down in the morning but very soon after arriving the horse laid down and died. The' supposed cause is not fast driving but excessive heat. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There you have the lowest prices. t It is indeed gratifying to us to know that the charity excursion given for the benefit of the, Oxford Orphan Asylum, by St. John's Lodge of Masons, down the river on the steamer Passport on yester day, was well patronized and that the committee realized handsomely from the laudable object. The campaign waxes warm. The Pro hibitionists in this city have issued a pat. little naner entitled . Our .w.j - f r Btghtsno refer'rence toCivilRights here) and will continue to issue it weekly un til August 1st, while their opponents respond with a half-sheet, filled with po tent arguments, some of which are ex tracts from the columns of the ktar. Our days of Rheumatism, according to an Illinois exchange, are well nign nnmbered. St. Jacobs Oil enters a rheumatic territory and conquers every subject. 1 cat's ngnt. - Cut by his Axe. A colored man,an axeman in the Cape Fear Steam Fire Engine Company, had his hand badly cut with an axe at the fire last night. The accident was caused by the falling side of one of the cow sheds striking his axe and throwing it with force against his hand. He imme- - w diately received medical attention. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash. Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. t T" The Gounod Club. Oar visitors seemed to enjoy the day at the Sound on yesterday. They vis ited the beach and took a sail on the bay, anlolled under the old oaks of Wrightsve, which have been for years silentwitOaJs of such merriment. The dinner-prepared by Mrs. Cameron for her guests was rich in Sound fare, and wus served in a very tempting manner. Last evening the ball at Ger mania Hall, given complimentary to the Club, was well attended. Notwithstanding the fa tigue of traveling and a day's frolic on the Sound, the ladies looked as fresh, and rretty as possible, and the gentlemen their handsomest. The dancing was kept up to a late hour. Most of the Club returned to their homes to-day, and, let us trust, carrying with them pleasant recollectins"'of their visit to cur city. If they enjoyed themselves to the extent of the wishes of our citizens, we are content. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black- fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t The Fire Last Sight. Ihe alarm of fire last night, about 10 o'clock, was caused by the burning of some stables in the Fifth Fire District, owned by Mr. W. P. Oldham, and occu pied by himself and Mr. J. C. Steven son, ihe nre onerinated m a small wooden building in the rear of the "Scandinavian Saloon," onJWater street, between Dock and Orange, and soon communicated with the stables and sheds used by Messrs. Oldham and Stevenson. Mr. Stevenson lost two valuable horses, two delivery wagons, a buggy, dray and harness. His loss is estimated at about $550, on which there was no insurance. Mr. Oldham lost a mule, cart and har- ness. ihree cows, a stallion and a mule. the.'property of Mr. Oldham, were also in the stables, but were driven out. Mr Oldham's loss is about $450, on which he had no insurance. The window sills and eaves of the ice house of Mr. Jno. E. Lippitt caught fire but the flames were , extinguished before much damage was done. The Are de partment were promptly at the scene of conflagration but the alarm bell was not rung for fifteen minutes after the alarm was given,- in fact the engines were on the spot and the hose unreeled before the bell was rung and one of them was playing on the fire when the bell was first tapped. Pender County Registrars. A t an adjourned meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Pender county, held in Burgaw June 21, to appoint Regis trars and Inspectors of an election to be held on Thursday, the 4th day of Au gust, 1881, the following persons were appointed Registrars : Caintuck J. J. Pridgen. Caswell Jos. Thompson. Columbia J. F. Johnson. Grant :R. K. Bryan. Holden R. N. Bloodworth. Holly J. J. Player. Lincoln Cad Robinson. Rocky Point T. Hodges. Union D. W. Rivenbark. The Board of County Commissioners issued the following notice : i The Registration Books, in the hands of Registrars, will be kept npen ifor re vision from the 36th day of June,1 1881, until and including the day proceeding the day of election ; and the election will be conducted in all respects accord ing to chapter 275, Laws of 1876- 77 as amended by chapter 152 Laws of 1879, and the rettrns will be made to the Board of County Canvassers. Persons entitled by law to vote who shall have resided for twelve months in the State and for ninety days in the county, and who shall be on electioa day actual residents of any precinct will be entitled to register and vote. Those who shall have arrived at the age of 2 1 years since November 2d, 1880, will have to register; and all those who shall have removed from one precinct to another since that date will have to reg ister anew. J Persons who registered for the November election, 1880, and have since changed precinct, must, upon pre senting themselves for registration, pro duce a certificate from the registrar stat ing that their names have been erased from his book. The election shall be held to take the sense of the electors upon the question of prohibition; those desiring prohibition shall vote a printed or written ticket with the words "For Prohibition" on it; those opposed to prohibition shall vote a printed or written ticket with the words "Against Prohibition ' on it. Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacosi's. t KEYIEW. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 183 bales. Some few of the Charlotte gentlemen remain over in the city. Steamship Regulator, Capt. Doane, arrived here to-day from New York. Emma William3, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, was sent to the City Prison this morning .for five days by his Honor Mayor Smith, in default of the payment of a $2.50 fine. The heavy rain of last night and to day extended well up the road. Corn and potatoes were suffering much for the want of it but it is feared that the cotton crop will be somewhat damaged by the heavy rainfall. At 3 o'clock to day the thermometer in this office registered 78 degrees, scant, wo degrees'above summer heat. At the same time yesterday it registered 03, a difference of 15 degrees in the tempera ture tn 24 hours. The foreign exports to day foot up 118..495 feet lumber, and 39,400 shingles, per schooner Walter EPalmer, for Port-au-Prince, and 187,916 feet lumber, per N or. brig Gazellen, for Pernambuco, both cargoes shipped by Messrs. E. Kid der & Sons. New Hanover bar is represented at Pender Court by Messrs. McRae, De vane, Cutlar. Holmes, Moore, M. Bel lamy, J. D. Bellamy, Jr., Strange, Dar. by and W. B. McKoy; Duplin by Messss. Stanford and Powell; Sampson by Messrs. Boykin and the Kerr broth ers; Onslow by Nixon and Pender by Williams, Bland and Ramsay. The State is represented by Solicitor Swift Gallo way, of Greene county. What's in a Name? We learn that a slight question arose in PenderSuperior Court yesterday whether the legal name of the county seat was Burgaw or Stanford, which puzzled some of the lawyers so that they were fain to withdraw from the court room and take observations of the surrounding country to see and de termine what town they were in. This fact mast be taken in all seriousness ; no smiles peraissable. We Would Like to See. The Charlottese again. A railroad to the Sound. Aline of steamers to Baltimore. A first-class hotel at Smithville. The police force get better wages. Our subscribers pay up their back dues. The railroads give excursion rates to this city. The site of the old market paved and improved. The Summer utiifoims promised the police force. The market bill decided by the Su preme Court. More cotton factories and other indus tries in this city. A yacht or rowing race on the riye r opposite the city. More interest taken in the Ladies' Benevolent Association. A volunteer fire department better than ours. But we won't not m this country. Twenty.five feet of water on the bar and a little more oh the shoals between here and Faye tteville. To Prevent Sunstroke. The following hint3 for the prevention of sunstroke? are given by Dr. Edward C. Mann, of New York, in an article npon this subject in one of the medical journals: To avoid sun stroke, exercise in excessively hot weather should be very moderate; the clothing should be thin and loose, and an abundance of cold water should be dra ck. AVorkmea and soldiers should understand that as soon as they cease to perspire, while working or marching in the hot sun, they are in danger of sunstroke, and they should immediately drink water freely and copi ously to afford matter for cutaneous transpiration, and also keep the skin and clothing wet with water. Business Enterprise In Toledo, Ohio In the May distribution of the Louis' ana State Lottery there were thirty o more lucky ticket holders in that city One ticket, No. 31,414, obtained from M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La., by mail, brought for the $2 sent by Mr. Fred. Schroeder, No. 836 Michigan sL, and A. D. Riffel, of the Vienna Bakery, No. 333 Broadway, a, prize of $5,000. . ltdiw 22. 1881 NO . 147 Mr. Editor: . If you have any irificecce with the city authorities, the writer of ibis (for ODe) will be very much obliged if you will induce them to take some steps to abate the intolerable nuisance caused by crowds of idle people gathering on the pidewalks, and preventing quiet citizecs from passing without turning into the streeta or forcing their way through what is often a. filthy and offensive mass of humanity. Such obstructions are not permitted in better regniated cities, and observation prores that they are i ot even noticed by our policemen. While on the subject of nuisances, an other may be mentioned, viz the man ner in which awning3 are constructed and goods of all kinds allowed to be sus pended over the sidewalks hanging ?o low that a person of ordinary height cacnot pass under them without stooping, and the use of an umbrella is out of the question I There are other permitted nuisances which might be referred to in this con nection, such as cattle and hogs being at large in the streets especially on Sun days and during the night but the above will do for the uref-eut. One Subscribes. If any Header feels tired, ha3 a severe headache or loss of appetite, it means that something is the matter with the kidneys which War ner's Safe Kiduev and Liver Cure alone can Help. Now Advyrtl&er.icntt; CAROLINA LODGE No. '434, IC nights of Hon i a EMERGENT MEETING FOR THE purpose of Conferring Degrees will be fceld to-morrow (Thursday) evening, ati o'clock. By order N. W SCHENCK,' Dictator. GEO. N, HARRISS, Reporter, je 22-lt Blank Books, Stationery, ND EVRY A2TICLS ia tis ceisarj to carry on any bs'isesg, Mercantile or otherwise, c 8ii be f-utd at pi ices o szi the times, af nZI53BF.r.2:CL'3. -Pianos .and Orgai euperkr to.avy ir t!:e mvrkct, . i'or s iJc at is 1 Live Boot nad Xcvio Htcre To Smithville and ihe Forts ! St, Horns' SaMay Sciieoi ExonrsB, THURSDAY, JUNE" 23, ISM. BOAT TO LEAVE THE WJIAUF, foot of Market street, at 0 A. M. Music and Relresliinents. Family Tickets, $1. Single Tickets ;"() ct3 Tickets for sale bv Mess; s. D. O'OON OR, L.BROWN and J. II. McGARITY. je 21-2t 100,000 Brick 9 F OR SALE- HARD AND SOFT, IN LOTS TO SUIT At Lowest Catii Figures, At the Ccal Yar J J A SPRINGER. jo 20 Ot. 5 i' MW&'iXD, Vi. O LiUOJ 3;iniii hud EJItors Largest circulation, Cheapest HabEOfip ttea Pries, Jxwef t ACYtrthicz Hates. ?3y liuily circ;lti'-'n cott ever 4.00", -Tfce'ontf alternooa parerln KIchanad. 0 isGb3pf iptioa prisa Daiiy, .i-) p?r: nam; Weklv, fi cer anauia. r$nd f"r fr-eci a-i 1 f.- des 7 . For til e Sound. THE WAGONETTE will . 3:ave f'rmr Second and Princess Street. EVERY EVENING, (except fcundayt). FO'I THE SOUND, at C o'clock, Jieru'riiin:? l;;ive 1 he Sound ia the momiu, sx 7 o'elctk. Fan-, 50 certs each war. .je-17-lw T. J. SOUTIirjlL ND. Good '-ci:j. Fcr aU Ijxr by Hal! & Pearsa!!. rLSAfissoncs. win tw rtIrt ecantsfciScsi fctn ozi fxLndi ca taj sad til r&ssis o of Ql wzttu vxtMt alwan bo ttx n!&ed &o Editor. t LOocadaoai azsi U wriUatca oal ous eiia of tho pap FroaaIltiai nut bo avoided And i: Li especially aad psrtiottlarly ca4r rt3 Cut the Edit doe. not altrayi eadort the views ot correspondent!, ulesa to ttat bi tie editorial eohrona, . Ke w Advertisements. J Snow White Bread and SEAUTiFUL ROLLS , AND BI3CU1TS will bo guaranteed if yon usa Uie celebrated . 45 OF THE PL It lias taken the first prize over all other Flours. , At almost every National Exposi tion held during tho past five years. For E?.Ie only in Barrels and Half Barrels, by BQATWR18HT, JiMUa V . a & 13 N. Front St 1 u a A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. SEVENTH GRAND DIS TRIBUTION, CLASS G, AT NEW OR LEANS, TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1631 184th Monthly Drawing. mm State Lottery Coipaiiy. Incorporated la 18GS for 25 years by the Legislature for Educational and Charitable, pirrposcs with a capital of $1.000,600 to which a reserve fund of over $120,000 ha Eince been added. . ' By an overwhelming popular vote Ha franchise was made a part of the present ' State Constitution adopted December 2d, A.D., 1379. I Its Grand Single Numbe DrawESGS will take place! monthly.. " It never scales or postpones. Look at the following Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE $30,000. '' 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH, HALF-TICKETS, ONE Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize - - - $30,000 1 Capital Prize - - - 10,000 1 Capital Prize - - 5,000 2 Prizes of ?2,500 - - - 5,000. 5 Prizes of 1 000 . - 5,000 20P12C3 of 500 - - . - 10,000 30s) Prizes of 100 - - - 10,000 -2i)0 Prizes of 50- . - - 10,000 .500 Piizes cf 20- - - 10,000 10OO Prizes of 10 - - - 10,000 APPROXIIIATION PRIZES, ir Approximation Prizes of $3002,700 0 Approximation Prizes of 1001,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 Prizes, amounting to - - $110,400 IWjnsiLlecorreFponding agents wanted ; at all points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid. lor further information, write clearly, gi in z 1 ul i address. Send order by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by by uviii, addressed o.vly to M. A. OAUPni5 Nw Urlani. La' , or r.I. A. PAUPlllit No. 212 D road way, New Tore All our Grand Extraordinary Drawing are under the supervision and management of GENLR2L3 (. T. BEAUREGARD aad JUBAL A. EARLY. ja ;i-v7cd-sit-lwww ' Liberal Offers A iiA.DE TO TH03S ia watt of Book, Tzs$j Gocdi, Jtc., Ai, Drop 15 &zi lock trotzd. 5o trouble to ihow Qd jis aid amwerqaKtioss. 8;edal attca tics U called to tha fict that I 13 ccYrisz better t;ra:i oa ttrljily first cla-j Fiaioj aad C. W. Yates' Hook Store, F OUE