THIS FAPSB " JOSH- t. aMKS, I nAQTinV. PAID. 8CB8C.T Six 'months, J 50 ; Three m f' ... one month, 50 oent. , Ir will be delivered bj earrferi, " 01 .nntnerire4i. "7.1. rt low and libera wribers will plena report any ui ... It their papw regularly. i '--r- fair Advertisements. THE GREAT FOB RHEUMATISM J f,,rnlnia. Sciatica. Lumbar n. Backache, Soreness of -ihe Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, t Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. So Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil "m tafe, sure, simple and cheap External Imtdj. A trial entail but the comparatively triiing outlay of 50 Cent, and every one suffer y tog with pain can have cheap and positive proof 1 ita claima. Pirtctiooj in Seven Languages. BOLD BT ILL DB EGOISTS AST) DEALEES IN MEDICIEE. A.VOGEI-ER fe CO., Baltimore, Hid., aprill2daW'DM tO H LACES ! BLACK AND CREAM, ,:.:, New Dress Goods IN NOVELTIES. A Large Assortment. All just In and the prices will De found Mtisfactory. Clearingout'a lot of Ladies' Underwear cheap. Summer Silk?, Good Styles, very cheap. R-'M.'Mc !ntire. jue 10 MRS. JOE PIBSQtM'S IC BITTERS ! SCROFULA, RHEUMATISM, & alffin?5 Chronic Bilious Colic SSSSi? f the blood. As ttiuBmin Iand Purifier of the blood mi proven itself unequalled. Moaic aad Bload Purifier it i S Unsurpassed Mill's, Carteret Co , N.C., ) Km. vn July 17th, 1879. $ yourmJw S0-Dear Madam: I think tte rS rne !lthe that is now before hit 5 orlhe cure or- olood diseases. I & wflfdT.1 wdence I it. and believe that fceperIS?lat y(m claim for It. I have JouS, oowledge of the condition of few, , es before he commenced SaT, clne an I see you have feHi! 5. J on, eadl v?7 power for you among my lours respectfully, cure,. p for testimonial of remarkable ; fol??1 oyS" Joe Person, Franklin- pURCL!HL HOUSE. SK?-MANAGES1ENTf PEtuiY. . . Prop i;uPlto Atlantis" floteL p" fiT. ill BE II FANS TON eilnrata v J"1. " jour enorts to dito w 6 ?ndion of mankind, and Ha .V; -1 COmfOrt and hannoo. f -nHll .f 1 VOL. V LOCAL NEWS. New Advektisemekts. N W Schenck, D Knights of Honor Heinsbekgeb Nana's Daughter C W Tate8 liberal Offers No City Court to-day News is very scarce to-day. j - " '. No police arrests last night or to-day The fountain of youth the sod. foun tain. Lime fences. 5 our celkrs; whitewash your Bunti Dg rt mains the favorite seaside dress fuliric. lie t givelli to tiie tramp, lendelh to ihe FalooL ?t. To ovvb is human to piy up is another thing entirely. ' The mad dog season is at hand a hor ror for all the land. The crop of picnic s appears to be some what backward . Never cry over spilt uiilk; there is water enough in it already. , The market was bountifully supplied with vegetables thi3 morning. The St. Thomas' Sunday School ex cursion was well attended to-day. One inch and nine one hundredths of rain fell in this city on yesterday. Would it not pay some one to start a watering cart to sprinkle the streets? The ice cream boon is at its height' and girls and beaux eat day and night. A sand-papered heafl is a thing of not much beauty, but a joy lo the flies. The bride is generally given away, but who ever thinks of giving away the groom.? Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacob t'sT r " v ' r t- " The new hosiery matches the dress good3 and men will now begin to notice what women wear. i - . The newest mania among fashionable women,married and unmarried, is to make their bed rooms beautiful. A man who won't take off his hat to himself once and awhile in the summer, mnst be a cold-blooded wretch. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f The breaks in the Signal Service tel egraph wires were repaired yesterday and everything was in working order to day. Do . not grumble about the weather. Be thankful that you are in a world wherethe thermometer seldom gets over 100. A lump of wet saleratus applied to a spot stung by a wasp or bee, will afford instant relief. The alkali neutralizes the poison. The trip to the Snapper Banks has been postponed on account of the easter ly winds. The Passport will make herj usual trips to morrow. Mischievous boys should remember that their parents are not only liable to a fine, but that they would be rigidly dealt with if caught writing vulgarity on the sides of houses and fences. See Here. You are sick; well, there is just one remedy that will cure you beyond possi bility of doubt. If it's Liver or Kidney trouble, Consumption, Dyspepsia, Debil ity, Wells' Health Renewer is your hope. SI. Druggists. Depot Jas. C. Munds. The Fayetteville excursionists who left here on the steamer North State on Thursday last on their return trip home did not arrive in Fayetteville until Sun day morning owing to the .law stage of the water in the river. Another cotton bloom, this time from Bladen county, the first, we believe, re ported from Bladen. It was sent by Mr. irHrSmith, of Abbottsbnrg, through Messrs. G. Boney & Sons, of this city. Mr. Smith writes that he has about 75 acres in cotton and that it is all looking splendid. : Don't Take any Chances on Life when Warner's Safe "Kidney and Liver Cure will regulate and keep you healthy at all times. . .... - - . WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 1 4 . Pawenffer Law. ; ; The recent lavs of the TJ. S. Govern ment relative to the overloading of , ex cursion boats are very rigid aad a Cus tom House official is now required to check of each passenger. This is done in order to prevent, more .persons from going on a boat than she ii allotted to carry. T ' . - . We have known people who bad not stirred front their beds for six weeks, on account ot Inflammatory Rheumatism, to be cured in less than one weefcbyt. Jacobs Oil, savs MaxBaumeister, Esq., Walla Walla, Washington Territory. The Cotton Exposition. From Dr. J. E. Winsnts, who has been appointed the agent for this city, we have a handsome lithograph view of the grounds in Oglethrope Park, near At lanta, as they will look when the build ings of the International Cotton Exposf tian will all be completed. The exhibi tion will open October 5 th and close" De cember 31sL Dr. Winants will take pleasure in furnishing all information which xaay be desired. Sadden Death. A cole red woman named Phillis Thompson, living on Ninth, between Walnut and Red Cross streets, died sud denly yesterday eveniig. 3 She was a washwoman and in the morning went to do a day's washing at Mr. Scarborough's, on Seventh street, apparently in her usu. al health. About noon Mrs. Scarborough in passing by the washroom discovered the woman lying down, and seemingly in great pain. Assistance was called and a wagon procured and she was sent home when a physician was called, who pro nounced her disease a congestive chill, from which she died about 4 o'clock, p.m. Beautify your homes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t Danchy & Co. 1 For four years past 'we have liad deal ings with the large advertising agency of Dauchy & Co., heretofore at 191 Fulton street, and we have found them in every particular prompt and reliable. Under these circumstances it is gratifying to know of their prosperity. Their busi ness has increased so much of late that more extensive quarters have been found necessary and hence they have removed te No. 27 Park Place, corner of Church street, where the firm occupies a floor extending through the block to Nos. 24 and 26 Murray street, a space about 50 by 200 feet. About 50 feet of the Park Place front is partitioned off fpr the counting room and private office. Be yond, the walls are covered from floor to ceiling with pigeon holes for flies of newspapers, and on one side of the room are a number of alcoves, furnishing places for about 8,000 files. The Mur ray street front is given up to the ship ping department, Messrs. Dauchy & Co. being also manufacturers and dealers in printers' supplies. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There you have the lowest prices. t The Old German Volunteers of Wil mington. We have time and again urged the re organization of this fine company and have recently been informed that all that is wanted to briig this old com mand forward is to get some representee tive man ot the German population to take hold, and in ten days thereafter the German Volunteers will have their .ranks fall. After conferring with a nuzaber of the old members we have come to the conclusion that Mr. A. Adrian kis the man, and if he will call a meeting of his German friends to organize a company Wilmington will have the German Vol unteers in full blast in less than ten days Ihe German Volunteers can uniform themselves with the service uniform adopted by the State, at a cost of $800, and go to Yorktowc They can then get their fall dress uniforms at their leisure, but let them adopt this service uniform now and let us chronicle the fact that they are organized and will go to York town. Gen'l M. P. Taylor will have them armed at once. We hope this sug gestion will be at once acted upon, and we shall soon be able to say that the Ger man Volunteers are out with fall ranks. Xadies who A rr BEC3ATC Elko ax c and purity are using Parker's Hair Bal sam. It is the best article soM for re storing gray hair to its original color and beauty. . To-morrow will be St John's Day. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 16 bales. . J- ; :' 1 The interior of the City Hall building will receive a coat of paint next week. CoL J no. Wilder Atkinson; of. this city, wus registered in Raleigh day-be- fore-yesterday. - Rer.T. P. Ricand, of this ; city, will deliver the Masonic address to-morrow at La Grange, Lenoir county; 6 ; Brig Angelica cleared to-day for Pror gresso, Mexico, with 200,515 feet lum ber, shipped by Messrs. Northrop & Cumming. . The seaside lovers and the mountain climbers, " are 1 betaking themselves to sections where they can indulge their summer penchant. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash; Blinds and Doors, Glass, fec You can get all sizes and at the lowest prioes... . . . . , . f The iron railing around the City Hall Park is receiving a new. coat of black paint which much improves its looks and adds to its durability. At 3 o'clock to-day the thermometer in this office registered 82 degrees, which is six degrees above Summer heat and four degrees higher than at the same hour yesterday. To day is the last day allowed by law for listing taxes. Up to 3 o'clock this afternoon 3,223 persons have listed, but there are between 600 and 700 persons in the city who are delinquents. Rev. W. T. Jones "will fill the pulpit of the First Baptist Church next Sunday, the Pastor, Rev. Jas. B. Taylor, being absent in Asheville this week in attend ance on the Sunday School Convention. A lady wants to know why the rail road companies do not provide special cars - for tobacco chewers, as fellas for smokers. Bless your innocent heart! to bacco chewers are not 80 particular &s that. An ordinary passengar car is good enough for them. A society of young ladies has been or ganized for the promotion of long en gagements. The members have noticed that after their ' marriage the amount of reveaue in the form of candy, bouquets, carriage rides, opera tickets and picnic?, fall off with a very marked rapidity. He says She is Crazy. Mirah Nixon, colored, was arrested in Brooklyn to-day for disorderly conduct. Since her incarceration in the city prison her husband has called at the City Hall and states that she is 'crazy. He says he can do nothing with her and that he has been compelled to fiend their chil dren in the country for their personal safety. Seventy-Third Birthday. Mr. H. Nutt, of this city, celebrated ta-day his 73d birthday, he having been born June 23d, 1808. ' We are pteased to say that he is still vigorous and hearty much more so, in fact, than many who have passed the three score years And ten and we trust that he may he spared many years yet. He has received numer" ous congratulations to day and bears his blushing honors as modestly as a school boy. The Biver and River Steamers. The steamer A. P Hurt arrived in this city last night about 9 o'clock. She left Fayetteville on Monday morning about 8 o'clock. From Capt. Worth we learn that the water on the shoals is very low, and that the steamers have to be pulled over them by main force. The steamers North State, Wave and Mur chison were at Elizabeth town yesterday afternoon. By the united efforts of the three boats' crews one of the steamers was pulled over the shoal, and the men were at work on the other. The river frieght has accumulated in this city and the Hurt will have more than she can carry over with the assistance of two barge fla.ts which she will have in tow. Capt. Worth has not, as yet, experienced an insurmountable trouble, as the Hurt is said to. float on a heavy dew. Hundreds - or Met, Woxex axd Chiuesn Rescued from beds of pain, sickn'383 and almost death and made strong and hearty- by Parker's Ginger Tonic are the best evidences in the world ef its sterling worth. Ton can find these in every comznutity. Post. See advertisement 23. 1831. . NO 148 Bishop Lyman' lppotnlmrnfs- Jane 24. Fridav llolv Innorpnta Bertie Co. June 25. Saturdav Windsor. Tiprtifl Co. V June 26, Sunday Wood ville. Ordi nation. . M. i" - June 27. Monday Roxabel, Bertie Co. June 29, Wednesdav Kinston. ' Len- 4-1 . - ,7 oir Co. . June 30. Thursdav Holv Innocents. Lenoir Co. July 3, Sunday Newbern. Ordina tion".- July 5, Tuesday Beaufort. f . Holy Communion at all morning ser vices. Collections for diocesan missions. Qnarterly Meetings. Wilmington District Methodist E. Church, South. Third round, in part: Duplin, at Richlands, . . June 25-26 Bladen, at New Church, . July 2-i 3 JLiizabeth, at Elizabeth town, July 6 Whiteville, at Wbiteville, . July 16-17 Lebanon, . July 23-24 Smithville Station.- . . . July 23-21 L. S. BURKHEAD, Presiding Elder. ; New Advertisements. IMana's Daughter, CONTINUATION OF AXD Scqael to Smile ZjIa'j Bellgtic Ncral cf "NANA". Translated from the French by John Stir. ling. : Ntn'j daughter hu an Il'nitratel forer. with Portraits f th Heroine and of all (he Piiccipl Ob9rattMaia th work oa i!. Trice 75 c-cts ia Faper, or $1 ia Clcth. For s lie at HBINSBEKQER'S. Live Book and MniicStore je 23 Mechanical Dentistry. T WILL RESUME ON NEXT MoTiday. 1 6th inst., the practice of Mechanical Den; tistry, using Celluloid as a base plate. PriceFull Set $60.00 Half Set $30.00 J. H. : DURHAM, DcnU&t, Princes street, bet. Frant and Sccocd. - may 31-lm For Smithville. ! fjpHE STEAMER PASSPORT "makes her regular trips for Smithville, leariDg wharf foot of Market street, at O.OO A. M., except on Saturdays, when she -will leave Smith ville at 7 MO A. M., and Wilmington at 4 P. M. J W HARPER je lS-tf Notice- H AVINQ QUALTFED as Administrati ix of the estate of W. D. Mahn, deceased, be fore the Probate Judge of New Hanover eounty, notice is .hereby given to all per sons indebted to the estate of 6aid deceased to make immediate payment, and to all per sons having claims against the deceased to present them for payment to my agent, Mr. W. H. Topp, on or before the 13th, day of May,l8S2,otherwIse this notice will be plead in, bar of their recovery. MARY M. MAUN, may 12-law6w-thu Administratrix Corn; Bacon, Molasses. 10 000 Buslls prime yte corn I JYQ Boxes Smoked and D Slides OCA Hhds and Tierces ODVJ - .New Crop Cuba f Bbls New Orleans Molasses, Just received and for sale low by WILLIAMS & MUBCHISON 1 Flour,g Sugar, Coffee, &c. lOOO.Bbls Flour, all. grades,'; 250 Bbls Sugars, Granulated, A Extr UandU, 80 Bbls New Orleans Sugar f . 350 Bags Coffee, different grades, 125 Boxes Assorted Candy, UK) Tubs Choice Leaf Lard 75 Bbls and Boxes Lemon Cake?, 375 Boxes Lye and Potash j 200 Boxes Soap, 75 Boxes and Kegs Soda, 100 Boxes and Half Bbls Snuff. Shot. Buekets, Paper, Spice, Pepper, Gin ger, Hoop Iron, Jcc, Randolph ahceunga, , . For sale by , , fcb28 WILLIAMS & MURCIIISON The Cosmopolitan BAR 13 THE PLACE WHERE YOU can get the coolest, purest and most scientifically mixed 8utnmer Drinks to be found in the city. The very best Wines, Champagnes and Liquors always on hand. The best 5-cent Cigar that Is made. Drop In and cool off. JOHN CARROLL,;. 8 Proprietor. Tile Ocean House V SMITHYILLE.tN. C. jSTfli PLACE FOR PLEASURE eeek era to stop atlaest Wines, Liquors, CI garsand Champagnes always on hand. 'ReftiurantJust over the wateri BRYANT MORSE, v xaay 21 lm . , Proprietor. ;ru:jin:roTic2., ' TTs will bdla4 to rec!vt ocamralcatTcti frost rar CrUais oa jty aad all saVoets V general tetemft bul Ta nazat of Co wtfSsr east always ho fit . akaed to fao Editor.' i: tFOorrayntttttioas mist bo wrlUsal ea only oat sido of Iho papov. Persoaiafiej xasit bo avoliod S And It la WpeelaDy aad pcCszlulj cader ftood that tho Cdltacdoea aot ahrayM&dors tho views ot oorrofpoadeata, unless to ttat ia t3a odltorUT eolnane. ' ' liexi Advorticomonts. t : Show WhitG Brer.:! and BEAUTIFUL ROLLS ANDBISCUITS will be guaranteed if yon nsilho celebrated 2EtL 3E 3D) 3SS OF THE IE3 23. "t 37 ":.y w OUR! It has taken the first prize pyer all other Flours.. . . At almost 6very National Exposi- . - tion held during the past " . five years. For salo only in Barrels and Half Barrels, by I0ATWGHT, IVos. fit Ss 13 N. Front St Je 23 Good tlew Butter. jp RESU AND. SWZET, ... , COOKING EUITER, -. . . - - . ? - . . - la Kits and Boxex. N , For etli bw by - ; Eall &. Pearoall. je 16 RED CEOAR PACKINQ CHESTS, RASH, DOORS AND BUNDS, RACKETS 'MOULDING, LUMBEB, &e; i f ALL SIZES WINDOW.GLASS, f1 AT IMfl J AXTAFFEB, PRICE & GO'S. " - ' ' -. " - Factory: . . Ofilce: Foot Walnut st. Kntt, near RedCrou Liberal Offers RE M IDE TO THOSZ In want of Boob, fcutis&erjy Fancy Goodj, Jkc, &u Drop in and lock aronnd. " No trouble to ghow Goods aod answer qneitionj. 8f ee5al attend tlcn !s eilled to the fie! that I t a offerlsg tetter twnsoa itrinly first elaj PUaof tad Orgaas tiaa ever bifjre. , C W. Yates' Book Store, For the Sound. rpUE WAGONETTE will leave earner ji vecoza ana rrlncess Streets, EVERY EvPNING. YexcDt iinTidr vnn tttt SOUND, t 0 o'clock. Returning leave tho Sound In the morniurr. at 7 o'rlrlr p. r 50 cents each way. - jei7-itr . T. J. SOUTHERLAND. 100,000 Brick JJOR SALE HARD AND SOFT, 12 LOTS TO SUIT At Lowest Cash Figures, , " .;. r ' ' " ' At the Coal Tard j a spring: