...1 - m ' .. . r THIS PA FEB PL2A8I2 ZTOTI02 I . t r-TFiMi 1 : - .: " " " . - . J A M E S, XTOB A FKOFKI.TOE. eRlPTlONS. POSTAGE PAID. Bt yr, 0b month,b cent. " Ir will ba delivered by carriers, part0f thecit''tthe 7 Writer low and liberal sribers will please report an y an .i rto reeeire their papers regularly. . - Advertisements. THE GREAT FOR RHED1AT Heuralgia, Sciatic a-, Lumbago, Backache, Sorer.ecsjf iliQ Chest, Sout, Quinsy, Sore I hroat, S we li nos and sprains, a urns ana i 1 Fl . T. f umtm lib SSI. Paw I ueeper wua eacn year, Tooifi, Ear and Headache, Frosted fflflf and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. 5o Prtprh'on on earth equals St. Jacobs Ort, n $afe, $urr, simple and cheap External Umtij. A trial entails but the comparatively rJBj ontlaj of 50 Cents, and every one suffer fcj with pain can have cheap and positive proof itadumt. Dtnctiou in Eleven Languages. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AWD DEALEK3 IN MEDICINE. JLVOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Md., TJ. S. A, ipri!lldw-nao to H LACES ! BLACK AND CREAM. Hew Dress Goods IN N0VELTIE3. A Large Assortment. utisfictory. Clearingout a lot of Ladies' Underwear Summer Silks Gaod Styles, very cheap. R. M. lclntire. jus 10 ' MRS. JOE PERSON'S ! i CfXSS SCROFULA, RHEUMATISM, fi,86' Chronic Bilious Colic, , 8 of Eruptions and Skin Diseas nS?? impurity of the blood. As Aiwraave Tonic and Purifier of the blood m proren itself unequalled . It . fH. io3ic a2d Blood Purifier it is Unsurpassed Vila's Mill's, Carteret Co , N. C, ) v. July 17th, 1879. S YoBi??80Jr Dear Madam: I think iUnnMrclne is the best that ts now before . PQDllc, for theenrp nf hlnM rtlspafsPR. 1 ft iflfconfideuce in it, and believe that tte lhat TOU claf m for it. I have JfcTtedge of the condition of ti Stokes, before he commenced Jour medicine, and I see you have HdfSfl 11111 he Is cured- 60 on 1-.,, ' wd gpeed vou in cmr efforts to iJTrte the condition of mankind, and to J! cmfort and happiness. I will vmy Pwer for 5'ou among my . Jours respectfully, 1,5,1 Dr. W. II. Barker tar luimP for testimonial of remarkable Jpred by Mrs Joe Peon FrantHa-BtC-r Sold by WM. H. GREEN. Wil- Hfujn t tja&y 4-d&w-nac R.C JilL HOUSE, CD ER y KW - slA-X . GK ii US T, Prop H7 V yprietor Atluui3;HoteL PAIS MIC BITTERS Terms r 1 1 VOL. V LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. W M Parkek, Supt For Waccamaw Opera. House Concert W E Tavis & Sox A Rei lv to the "Ice Ring."' Heinsberger Summer Readiutr A li VaxBokkelex Coopers Wute4 C W Yates liberal Offers There are odI y four prisoners confine J in the county jail. New moon to-morrow minutes d ist 8 o'clock. morning at 49 At 3 o'clock to-djj the thermometer in this otlice registered 84 degrees. A;r. M. Crouly. Ai , has been appoint ed a notary public by the Governor. "Will tLe coming man flj ?'? Probably when the coming woman gets after him. Two or three first cl ss barrel coopers can get emp .yment by applying to Mr A. U. V an Bokkelen. e inow a man so near-sighted that he can't recognize a creditor whpn liAieffort.S tft exneriitA thm hnaineixa tf hm pusses one on the street Right habit is like the channel, which dictates the course in which the river Scalds, General Bodily sha11 flow' and TTnich ws deeper and Indications For the South Atlantic States fair weather,light;variable winds, mostly east- arliy efafiAnniiit n k! . vi v Bwn-iwuoijf ui uiguci leuipcraiure or I oaromeier. Eat onions. We once knew a'poor un fortunate fellow who was the prey of every one. Poor people borrowed of him from morning till night. He commenced eating onions. Now, no one goes near him. Oaths are vulgar, senseless, offensive aud impious; they leave a noisome trail port is very elaborate, covering 48 pagest upon the lips and stamp odium upon the and we understand that it will be large soil. -They are inexcusable. They graf ly circulated. "We have read much of it ify no sense, while they outrage taste aad dignity. I There is no place in the wide world like home.. It is the dwelling ef D A I lives we owe to it and its inmates. To make it pleasant and attractive should be the aim ot every man. If you are a wise man you will treat AUjustla ami the prices will ce found the world as the moon treats it. Show it only one side of yourself, seldom show yourself too much at a time, and let what you show becalm, cool and polished, J - . But look at every side of the world. caught and made to bite tho dust since the 10th of June. As soon as the dogs are caught they are taken out of the city ana Kllieu, lUSieau vi uciu piaucu m vuc I r 1 pouau lur twu ujo, iuC ua ance ot persons living in the neighbor hood. Would not be without St. Jacobs Oil if it cost $50 a bottle, says Mr. Russer, 216 Rush street, Chicago, 111. To-day, St. John the Baptist's Day, was celebrated "by Mt. Nebo and Giblem Lodges (colored) F. and A. A. Y. M., by o noiwila onrl TnVl! instfLllatinn nf tVlA f VTt Vphn T,n No. 14. at the Opera House this afternoon. J. W. f. p n a. M delivered the ad """J " I dress. 'ine arrandjury ot -enaer oupenor . . - i Court, having completed the labors of tne ssesion were caueu ueiure " uus waves, m iuc j-j evening, ana auer oemg rwy complimented by His Honor for the launmi anu euicicub wauuci iu nmvu they had performed the duties assigned them were discharged for the term. Still They Come We are in receipt of a cotton bloom which onened on the plantation of Mr. 1 W. N. Ellsworth, near Wallace, Duplin countv. on the 22nd inst. The crops in that section are looking finely, the farm prospects for a bountiful harvest were j nver better. eave fWi,r, Every housekeeper. should know that ,-npl with acid, if it be but three trill Ka rnnverted into rlucose. : ' f,, nf cnr fnnnd in sweet t a nfflnm,r mnrh : a tm iv naarter -rio in ntipr wnrda. one LL. .tirrPd into the fruit I after it is cooked, and .bile yet wum, : ii.- . ...ot u tw.i and will mane tuo n ui" - i ' a aAAaA t,;ia th frnit i 1 w quarter puuuuo uuv v.:i: I WILMINGTON, N. C, Tax Listing. Yesterday was the last day allowed by law to list taxes; 3,312 persons listed opto sundown. CoL Birr ia finishing up the tax list and is allowing those per sons who come when he is at the City Ball to list their taxes. There are now about 400 persons in this city who hare not listed. Dally Mall for Wrlghtsville- Col. Brink has succeeded in getting a temporary mail service established be tween this city and Wrigbtsville Sound. It will begin early in July and will run until January. The service will be six days in the week and the time allowed for delivery, two hours. Bids will be re ceived until July 5th. Judge tirares ia Fender- A friend :n Pender county wants ns to know that Judge Graves won golden J inion8 from the citizena of Pendr and . -it , I a" lrom me memoers oi me Dar wno are in attendance upon Court for his earnest term as well as for his urbanity of man ners. Me is certainly an indefatigable worker, and he has the happy faculty of making others connected with the Court work also. To Builders and others Go to Jaco BI's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c You can geV all sizes and at the 1 . t lowest prices. f Br Grissom i Report- We have received from Dr. Thoa. F. Wod a cpy, as a reprint from the Jun number of the North Caroline Medical Jwintil, of Dr. Eugene Grissom's "Ke- port of the Trial of James Thorny De Jarnette, for the murder of his sister, at Danville, Va..Julv 8th.!lt80" The re- and must say that Dr. Grissom well maintains the position assumed bv him at the trial as regards DeJarnette's sanity. ' The trial of Abbie Howard, colored, ctargea jth infanticide, took place at TWo - aw vesterdav. the 22nd inst. Messrs I o ' Bland, of Pender, and Powell, of Du P were assignea aa couubci iur fence. The jury, at about eleven o clock last night, returned a verdict of man- slaughter. Sentence had not been pro- J linn vf nnr I pn vin rr nouuecu up tW 1 there tnis morning, w e aaye ucoru mc efforts of the defendant's counsel Yery highly complimented, both by citizens and te rjrofession. It was Mr. Powell's grgt Bppearance atthe Pender Court. , . 4i,a XT Beautify your homee by using the N riPo;nf m;wA and war a . uuauiuix iuuii w anted. Sold only at J acobi's. What's in & Same! The people of Pender county are in a high pressure quandary, with all the at tachments and modern improvements In the Act of the Assembly, ratified March 10th, 1877, locating the county site, the following words occur: 'The county site wherever it may be located shall be called Stanford." This Judge Graves declares to be the legal name ot . . , l A Ul- the town, in an aci oi .ssciumj 55th dav of February. 18 1 9, - - - ... .. t. trt of Stanford, in p , conntv. be and the same is here by incorporated by the name and style ,f the town of Burgaw To the latter name the citizens of the towa tenacious- fe fc wWie . this difference of av:eta utpnn .Tndire and cili- zens, the latter are placed in the awk waril nrfidieament - of not knowing i what town they are in. But this is not the worst feature; of the case by an overwhelming majority. Only think of the pretty babies who have been born there since the creation of tne county who will grow up and not know ther made their debut upon the stage of life, l ney were mere and made their snare oi me rui aFua some might have voted for Burgaw while others might have pre lered bUnford -but they had no choice in the matter. and now the uncertainty town had the distinguished honor must be exasperating. It is perplemigly perplexing, outrageously outrageous, from wiich awfully awful; a dilemma there seems no way to be extricated un less b, a tay of V" """j1" definitely and irrevocably detenmnutf m - ... - . x. 1 1 what towA the babies of the future skall bo born. FRIDAY, JUNE 24.' I aim Nature. Mr. J. W. Conoley has at his store a kitten with two separate and distiact faces, which are well developed, and a pigaon with two well developed heads These. Curiosities are among thecyaeer ireaKs or nature one sometimes sees. Both are dead and are preserved in alco hol. Pronounced Imaae. xff .' Clara Nixon.colored .was PTftm? nrl hv o. commission de lunatico inqutrcndo,cm. sisting of Dr. J. O. Walker and Justices W. W. Horris and J. O. liaiis, this morning, and- was &nt to the insane department of the Poor House. Her husband will make an effort to get her in the Colored Insane Asylum at Golds- boro. City Court. James Williams and Charles Hall were up for disorderly coaduct and were sent to prison for 10 days each. Clara Nixon, who wag arrested yester day for disorderly conduct, was thought insane and turned over to a commission de lunatico tnqutrend. A case of D. and D. was dismisied .and his Honor, Mayor Smith, here closed for the day. "All Serene." The Sunday School ef the Front St. M. E. Church will give an excursion to Waccamaw Lake' on Tuesday next Persons not connected with the Sunday School can procure tickets at a very rea. sonable cost. Cant. W. M. Parker, tha Superintendent," promises a pleasant time to those who attend, and we know of no one who knows better how to make it pleasant for you than Brother Parker- Terrible Loss orLife- Millions of rats, mice. cats. bed-bn?i. roaches, lose their lives by collision with "Rough on Rats." Sold by druggists, xoc. Musical Treat. The pupil of Mr. S. Van iLear will give a musical soiree at the Opera Honse on Monday evening. They are in good training and the soiree wilPnlo doubt be expect Mrs. Kannvfeiief '-anV. could Nathan Mayer, R. IT. Grant and the Orion Quartette Club, Messrs Tilley, Thorpe, Welsh, and Fremont, have kindly consented to assist in making the evening a pleasant one to those who at tend. The sale of reserved seats will be commenced to-morrow morning. To Protect Plants. A correspondent of the Norfolk Vir ginian furnishes the following receipt for the protection of plants from cater pillars, which are unusually numerous this year. It is said to be very effect ive: "Take one heaping tablespoonful of Pans green to one cup ot nour ; mix with water to form a paste : put this in a gallon watering pot ; fill the latter, let ting the contents dissolve, w ater witn a rose attachment. Two or three appli cations of thi3 solution will rid the plants of the vermin. Pans green is a deadly poison, and those using this remedy should be careful about handling the plants until the caterpillars are gone and the plants have been thoroughly washed with pure water several times." Lights tn Bed CliamDns. The following, which we clip from the New York Herald, contains suggestions that might well be heeded: 1 'The kerosene lamp has been so pronn nentlv engaged in bursting and in blow ing human beings into hospitals and eternity that many people are under the imoression that it has no time in which to attend to anything else. This is a great mistake, and a convincing proof of ..... . f T its abilities m another arection is iouna in a dispatch announcing the death by suffocation of a piiest who had slept in a room in which a lamp was burning im perfectly. How many thousand head aches are discovered every morning iu bedchambers that have been lighted through the night by kerosene lamp3 turned down low will never be Known but the aggregage is enormous, and can not be otherwise, for a small flame in a lamp chimney does not cause enough draught to insure perfect combustion, and this being the case the slumberers breathe carbon and carbonic acid gas a3 literally as in a petroleum refinery. If a little light is necessary in a bedchamber it may be supplied by a specially pre pared taper, by a candle, or by a wick floating and supported in animal or vege table oil; but the turned down kerosene lamp is always a menace to health and ife." . Don't Four Alcohol on the Fire and don't take anything that has alcohol in it to help inflamed kidneys. War nera Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is purely vegetable, and acta directly upon the kidneys and liver. 188 1 NO 149 The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot op 36 bales. There were good rains up the country yesterday but no rise in the river is re. ported as yet. The steamer .Uunc7iison arrived last night and the Have and North State this mornin?. The cost of uniforms for the members of the German Volunteers, in the event of a reorganization ef ttiat command, as given by. ns yesterday, was excessive The error was typographical. The ser vice, or fatigue, uniform for 35 men, the number which now constitutes the rank and file of a company, will cost, at $.65 each, 302.75, instead of $800, as we had it. Ladies who Appreciatr! Elegance and purity are csing Parker Hair Bal sam. It is the best article so'd for re storing gray hair to its original color and ueauiy. A Real Curijsltj. We received this morning, from the PostofBce in this city, a letter written May 7th, 1850, and mailed three days later, at Chinquepin, in Duplin county. It was addsessed to the Wilmington Journal and contained a request to pub lish the marriage notice ot "John Deal to ,Mary Kaner, the daughter of John Raner by Nathan Murray, Esq." which we hasten to do, even at this late day, although the bride, if living and happy in her married life is probably a grand mother now. The letter was properly directed and sealed, but without stamp or envelope, as this was in the days when stamps and envelopes were generally un known, and there was no reason why it should not have come straight through from Chinquepin to Wilmington, instead of going to Washington City. . It was re cently discovered somewhere in the pos- al department at Washington and for warded here for delivery, having accom plished the trip from Chinquepin,"in Du plin county, to Wilmington, a distanea of 65 or 10 miles, in a little more than 31 years, ia speed of progression which is air me rare et two miies .year r - - "T vtx-avna Tr-V V AMPV AVI) sickness anu from beds of pain, stroncr and hearty by Parivc - mofip Tonic are the best Evidences in the world of its sterling worth. You can find these in every community. Post. See advertise ment. Ne7 Adyertisaments. For Waccamaw I TO THE Front Street .Metiioaist Saniay ScliooL I Turani v tttxtt? OS Train will leave Fiont Street Depot at 8.15: returnins: at 7.30. Parties not connected with the School are Invited and promised a pleasant time. Fare for Kound Trip 50 cent-, collected atthe gate. w. M. PAK5.ER, Supt. Front St. Meth. S. S. je 24-2t-firi-mon OPERA HOUSE, rpHE PUPILS -OF MR. E. VAN LEAR wUl give a MUSICAL SOIREE atthe Opera House, MONDAY EVENING, June 27th, at 8.30 P.M. - In addition, there will bs a CONCERT, (Part II.), in which Mrs. D. XAIINWEIL ER, Messrs: N. MATER, K.H.GRANT, and the AUlON QUART KITE , coBeigtin of Messrs. TILLEY, THOKP15, WELSH aud FREMONT, will take part. Admission 2.5 cents, including :Re&eryeiI Seats. Sale of Seats commences Satu)'lay, June 2oth, at Heiiisberger's Lok Store. je 2i-2t-.ri-mon A REPLY TO THE "ICE'EIHG." GENTLEMEN We take ttia public method ol replying to yonrTnn:r proposi tion to buy us out. We were driren into the ice business by the prices extorted ly your monopoly and we now propose to tive the people of Wilmington aruJ eurroundiDg country the benefit of low prices, and let you try ever fo Lard to drive us out. If you i?h to put your threat into execution of selling ice at cent fr r-ouni do so, and the people will get the benefit, while we can use our ice iu our auines at one quarter cf the cost we have beea forced to iay you for years. Respectfully, W. E. DAVIS & SON, je 2-2t Preps. Independent Ice House Keep Coo! BOTTLED SWEET CHAMPAGNE CI DER on ice. A pure, healthy and re freshing beverage for Summer; not intoxi cating. IS" Pure. Cold Soda Water on ice at the game place, under the Rrvirw Office at , S. G. NORTHROP8, jell1 Water St, Storf. W will bo glad to rtcoivo oomau&Iostf ocf J"adi0,.tt 1314 H nbtot o TU &48!t of tho writer nwl always bo to fckhed iU Elisor. SOoaaHmicittoiu cut bo written, a nlj neiiiooftaptpr. Porwrniiitiet xauit bo avoided d " u 5eUI3j and particularly undar ta rirrsof correspondent!, unlets to tal latSjtorialeolnwae.- . 5 ew Advertisements. CoDpsrs Wanted. OR THREE PINE BARREL COOPERS III AT WANT TO WORK caa . get work by -applying to S-Pt ; A. IT. VaxBOKKELEN. Summer Readmer. jyjRS. QBOFr. a Nevel, by tho an. tac ot PhjUi., Molly: Bairn, Air j Ttlry LiLUa", eta "".' :- : : . ' A IIS30N IN LOTE, cf tb Koandl SoMn Seriei. " THE BAILI.FI 'A 11A1D. THE EICHKOFS, frra aU crrtin. fcj Mn. A. 1. Uter. edie. For a &le at ie U Lire Book nl MattrMtrr Erchaaical Dentistry. Tp, RESUME-ON NEXT Mond , X th Int., the practice ef MeehanWl rtp " tistry, wing Celluloid as a base Dlate, rice-Full Set $60.00 - P Half Set $30.00 J. H. DURHAM, Dentist, Princess street, bet. Front and Secomd. way 31-1 en For Smithville. fJlHE STEAMER PASSPORT makee her regular trips for Smlthylllc, leaving' wharf foot of Market street, at 9.00 A. M., except on Saturdays, when ville at 7.30 A. M. P.M. jelitf ehe will leave Smith , and Wilmington at 4 J W HARPER ood R3ew Butter. pRS'II AXD BW5.5.T, COCK IN O CUITKR, la Eits tad Bores. For eil law by -Hall & Pearsalf. REA, CEDAR TACKING CHESTS, SAwHj BOGHS An.,, l(JJg . RACKETSJSIOULDING, LUMBER, ALL SIZES WINDOWtGLAS3, AT ALTAFFER, PRICE & CO'S. Factory: ' Foot Walnut st. Office: Vutt, near RedCross Liberal Offers RS MADE TO THOSK in wtnt of Bookf, -ttinerr, Fancy Qoda, Ac, As, Drop ia and lock around. No trouble to show Qoodi acd answer questions. BpeolaJ atten tion Is called to ths fc; that I as. cfidiirft batter tsrmson etriuly first c'arg Piaaoi ani Urp&S3 tt&a ever b:f jre i W. Yates' Eook Htore, j 20 JAVI!JG QUALIFIED as Admialjtrator oa the ftttte of IIfnry rhTodt, decesd on tb 4th day of My, lfel, i tha frobtt 0urt f fnv Hftiorer c unty, noic ij Lo'ebfcirea ti Ml peraens ind.btsd to lha emu o the kfcid Hoary th ndt, to cukes iE2neiiit raynot aad Mttlecasnt; ad all rraonj h7i e cl:aa aa, nit said estate. wUl p 'fes?! theai for payucest on cr tefor the 3:f. d4j of Mfy, 1b93. onhls notic WlU be P'aid ia bat of their recayery. 'XL is 'Jth da; of May, iSSl. - H. VOLLER8, zaij 13 UwSwfri Adaamrtratar, The Cosmopolitan 3)AR 13 THE PLACE WHERE YOU JcanKfct the coolest, purest and most fccieutifically mixed Summer Drinks to bo found in the city. The very best Wines, Champa nea and Liquors always on hand. The beet 0-ceut Cigar that is made. Drop in andecol off. JOttNCARKOLL, jeS Proprietor. s iie ucean Hou se 8MITHVILLE,'. C. J3 THE PLACE FOR PLEASURE seek era to stop atFincst Wines, Liquors, CJJ garsand Champagnes always on hand. MEestaurant"jnt over the water. J3RTANT 310RSE, nay 31 Ira Proprittcr. 3 ir ay. 1 wu tmm !b 8-tt