J 1 . - - 1 1 l It ...rT ifternocu, 8. T. JAM 8, nnaT A fJK P PAID. iO ; Three ..HS,VW . nnth.SO cent. I b delivered by I Ppe! Tinr Prtof tbeCil carrier, ty, at the 1;, 13 cents per week. ..low liberal rrbers will pleasereport any and T Ito eiTetl.eir paper., repuiarly. advertisements. of. I 1 huralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, idacfie, Sorenossjif ihs (Jhzst, tout, Quinsy, Sore 27 jzt, Shelf fas and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Mh, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fs'ei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. - jjfrwaration on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil. -lWe, sure, simple and cheap External is1t A trial entails but the comparatively taaj tly of 60 Cents, and every one suffer fcg rish ptis cu hare cheap and positive proof finctioiu in Beven Languages. OBIILLDEUGGISTS AHT) DEALERS IN MEDICINE. 1V0GELER & CO., Baltimore, 2Id., U.S. A, uril 1Mw-hm te . JOE PERSON'S IWDIAIff prSES SCROFULA, RHEUMATISM, U Heart Disease. Chronic. Rilinna flnlirv indall kinds of Eruptions and Skin Diseas Mirlsfagfrom impurity of the blood. As u Alterative Tonic and Purifier of the blood a m proTen itself unequal led . Anionic a:d Blocd Purifier it is Unsurpassed. Pitta's Mill's, Carteret Co., N. C, July 17th, 1ST9. rERSOX TVar rom. T V.lr 'ST ls the best tbat now before W 2?: for the cure of blood diseases. I i-ni ,?DfI Jence in Jt affd believe that S &1 -hat you claim for it. I have lonnV xr cKnowledffe of the condition of EL ' Stokes bcfore he commenced jjjour medicine, and I see you have "ilirD1,al that he is curei. Go on, VBeBoiK dgPeed you in jour efforts to lidtol condition of mankind, and o S 1 COmfort and happiness. I wUl trfsd vmy powcr for yu amonS my k. Yours respectfully, fecict,, r li". II. Barker eares. for testimonial of remarkable Pparedby Mrs. J0C Person, Franklln olJ l7 WAI. II. GKEEX, Wil- ISH MCES ! BLACK AND CREAM Hew Goods NOVELTIES, A Large Assortment. just la and the prices De found ".out'a lot of Ladies' Underwear Summer Silks, Goo4 Stjrles, vcrj cheap. 4R- WJ.McTntire. Pcm HOUSE, Wn.iei-.oi. s, iS. C. t n. . -KKY. . . prop ' FOR n uu HC BITTERS SPAN r H VOL. V LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Altaffek, Price A; Co Sash, Doors and Blinds': L J Otterbourg New Departure J L Boatwbight To Excursion Parties PRor Aostini ' xcursion . ; V St edm an Fibb Co Y zcun-lon , i " Hexry Ravage, Tfeas Ceupons - . Heinsbekger Parlor Organs ; C W Yates Blank Books A few green tanteloupes were in mar ket on Saturday,; The Excelsior Band gave an excursion down the river to-day. Don't forget ihej excursion to Wacca- rnaw Lake lo morrjv. More people hs-ve used St. Jacobs Oil for Rheumatism, than you have any idea A few desirable seats for the musical scir'ee to-night at the Opera House can still be had at Ileinsberger's. Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory. :prices at Jacobi's. f Yesterday was in truth a changeable day, and was far more like April, with its alternate sunshine and rain, than the latter part of June. Mr. Joseph TJ Foy sends us a cotton bloom plucked from his farm, at Scott's Hill, in Pender county-, on the 24th, last Friday. He is among the earliest. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There you have the lowest prices. f Mr. L. M. Williams, the efficient Clerk of the Market, has been confined to his residence for the past week witfe billiousever. We are pleased to know that he is improving and we hope to see him at his post in a few days. . Mr. S. Hanstein, who has been en gaged in mercantile pursuits in this city for several years -past,, will remoYfii to New York to-morrow where he will em bark in the wholesale hat and cap busi ness. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Hanstein will be loth to part with them. " "Rough on Rats." The thing desired found at last. Ask druggist for Rough on Rats. It clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, bedbugs, 15c. boxes. Cily Court, Sarah Boyette, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, was sent to prison for 5 days in default of the payment of a 2.50 fine. Two merchants were arraigned for keeping their stores open after 12 o'clock Saturday night. Satisfactory explanations were made and they were released. One of the above was fined $5 for abusing an odieer while in the dis charge of his duties. The. Court then adjourned. . Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f Larceny. Philip Turner, colored, was sent to jail about two weeks ago to answer to the charge of larceny at the next term of the Criminal Court, To day he was taken before J. C. Hill, J. P., and tried upon charge of larceny. He had stolen a watch and chain from the residence of David Davis, colored, and sold it to one Sam Hall, also colored, for 3. Turner confessed the having crept into Davis' house and stealing the watch and subse. quently selling it. He was sent back to jail and will now khave two charges to answer instead of one. He seemed to be a regular sneak thief. He is only about 17 years old. Death or Dr. Miller. The many friends in this city of Dr. James A. Miller will regret to learn of his death, which took place near Albany, Ga., last Friday. Dr. Miller's first wife was the eldest daughter of the late Hon. W. S. Ashe, and for many he resided in this city an section. During the war he served as Surgeon in a North Carolina Regiment, and in this po sition," as in all. others, he won the esteem and regard of all with whom he came in contact. After the death of his first wife he returned to Georgia and there, some years back, married Mrs. M. M, Hooks. Dr. Miller was nearly 48 years ot age. He leaves a widow and fire children. WILMINGTON, N. C, "w Trum of Hlttery. we agres with on neighbor relative to the truth of history. It must be pre served, in Email matters as well as great, and therefore we feel it inennbent on us to correct two errors which appear in the first ihre lines of an editorial on on iSher, pnblishecl in his yesterday's I issue, Geo. Whiting was never in com- mand of Fort Fisher nor did he. die from the effects of his wbnnds. In Saturday's issue of the Enviiw will be found CoL Lamb's letter in fall and it will be seen I there that he states that he built and I commanded Fort Fisher until - V it I was captured fcby the enemy. v Gen I Wiuting was present at both fights but I notasthe cjommander ot the Fort. Be was Col. Lamb's superior and was in I command of , the department; he could, of course, have removed Col. Lamb from the command at any time, had he chosen so to do, but he did not so choose. In the first fight Gen. Whiting was present in his proper person as the officer in charge of the department but the fight : was fought by Col. Lamb. Gen. Whit-1 ing was a chivalrous oficer and on his I return to his office in the city, after the 1 repulse of the Federal fleet, he, was care-1 ful, both in conversation and in his dls-1 patches, to give the credit to his saber-1 dinate. In the second fight, when the Fort fell, Gen. Whiting was present more as a volunteer than as anything else. It was seen fit, during the last days, to send Gen. Braxton Bragg here as Command er of the Department of North Carolina, with headquarters at Wilmington. There was no earthly use for him here and no body hereabouts wanted him hut he was sent here and he came here. As for the object in view, the de fence of the Cape Fear, it had been better for us had he never been seen here. A few days before the second . v. a a t1 t TV i i a . ngut at j: isner wen. xragg Dougm a new horse and had a new uniform presented him and Gen. Hoke's brieade. which hasomew a short distance OTiroTt FiaW, -waa r-1 dered to the city, when a grand review I our correspondent: "To Gill, Admiral and inspection, a regular holiday affair, ty, London. Bright comet discovered was had in what was known then as the race track, just east of the city, between the rtlank road and the eld Newbern road. In the meantime an expedition was being fitted out at Beaufort, of wnich fact our military authorities were duly informed. Gen. Bragg professed to believe that it was for the subjugation of Charleston and Gen. Whitintr that it was destined for the Cspe Fear. Bragg out ranked Whitinsr and the latter was placed in an unenviable position. He advised Gen. Bracrer and entreated of him to send Hoke's command back to the Fort, to be prepared should the fleet be destined for that point.bat this Bragg Dositivelv to do. The result was that the fleet anchored off Fisher about 10 o'clrck at night, and Hoke's brigade left here at Z o'clock the next morning for the Fort, and after making a forced march of twenty miles over very sandy roads, found themselves face to face with the Federals, who had landed and thrown i tt j , j up works. Had Gen. Whiting's advice followed, Hoke woald have been there to receive the enemy, instead of the enemy being there to receive him, a distinction with a difference of vast importance to the waning fortunes of the Confederacy. Fisher was taken, bv land assaults. Col. Lamb very properly says that MTm was captured; it watrnever surrendered. The fight was a feotrfal one. From back by Bhr force ot .Ter,helmi.s U4 kit dvj msmj b & mm w mw-t mm ma auw mm n w w numbers. It was fivo to one, and brute force overpowered courage. That Fisher was absolutely wrested from the grasp of its gallant defenders will be understood when it is stated that the .fight was from musket end to musket, the pieces bemg almost touching at the;muxa les, on occa- 8i0M. aath.r were fired. Gen. Whiting and Col. Lamb were teoUi wounaeo and were taken, on the retreat of the Confederates from the Fort, to Battery Bachanan, where the gal.t Maj. Redly, on whom the conamana men devolVed.findincr it utterly useless to con; tinue the resistance reluctantly surrender! el his handful of heroes. to the enemy Gen. Whiting was treated, we have un derstood, with much kindness by the Federal officers said was sent to Gov ernor's Island, in New York harbor, nrVi Yiio wmnJla rviTed the iirorjer at- Mt:M". rn.. MMMvTPraind they had almost entirely healed when he died. He fell, however, . i. ,ai.r,rvW w.r?nf1eed bv MONDAY, JUNE 27. disappointment and distress of xaind at the failnre tf his own hopes and the fall of the Confederacy, and this was really the cause f his death. He was buried in Greenwood, Brooklyn, where his re mains now rest As to Mr. Davis error in regard to the Confederate force engaged at Fort Fisher it may be accounted . for in two ways. Alost probably it was a lapsu penned, as OoL Lamb says,or it may have been? a typographical error. Either ; of these mav be assumed as correct . from the fact that Mr. Davis had just pre- Tionaiv rive the Federal forces at ore- gisely the emtguSinigt Mr. Davis may have included in his es- timate Hoke's bricrade. which he knew had been kept here to assist in the de- fenee of the Cape Fear . Beautify your homes by using the N Y. Enamel Paiat, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t Rlie la the Bivor. A telegram has been received in this city to-day statin? that the river had risen fourteen inches at Fayette ville This will give the streamers good boat ing water. There have been heavy rains in the interior and the probability is that the steamers will be met by a still further rise up the river. To Builders and others Go to Jaco si's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. t For the Review. The Comet. (From the London Time3, weekly, of the 10th June.) We have rrceived the following letter from Mr. pavid Gill, Her Majesty's Astronomer at the Cape of Good Hope: "Royal Astronomical Society, Burling ton House, June 8. JSSulSZi I mam i Q your issue of to morrow. The tele- I gram gives predicted places of a comet wtlic& appear to oe iounaea on oDserva- The following is the telegram ent by UU O UUU XII Hill MC IlCill UU7U Orionis and on June 27 will be near hota I Auriga?.' Observatory." The Comet is vibible every night at 9 p. m. and 3 a. m.m Wilmington as aoove indicated. Observer. Hundreds op Men, Women and Childekn Rescued from beds of pam, sickness and almost death and made I strong and hearty by Parker's Ginger i onic are tne oesi evidences in vne wunu of its sterling worth. You can find these in every community. Post, See advertise ment. THE rails; The malls close and arrive at the City Poat Office as follows : Northern through mails 530 p. m. Northern through and way mails........ . 6:40 a. m. Raleigh............... f .5:40 Mails for theTJ. U. itaiiroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. O. Railroad. at 6;40 a.m. I Southern mails for all points South, daily ................. i .ao p. m. Western mails (C CRy) daily except Sunday )........... 9:00 a. m. Mail for Oheraw & Darling I ton .i 7:ap p. m. Malls lor points Deuweea jc renceand Charleston. ciopm Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, 'luesdays, and Fridays 1:00 p. m. 9: 00 j, a. m. 1 0nsloi'o. H. and intermedi I ate ofilces. every Monday I and Thursdav at..... 8.00 a. m. m m S-IJjra-U b-gp. days)... 8.30 a. Xh. Malls for Easy Hill, Town Greek, Shailotte and Mttla River, 8. 0., every Mon day and Thuredaj at. 6:00 a. m. OPXN FOB DELTVEBY. I wflrthern through and way mails J :30 a. m. Im. gtamp Ofiice open from 8 a.m. to 12 j an(f from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open ""open from 6:80 a. m. i ? on goodsys from 8:30 9;20 ft' m. Stamps for in saoall qoantities at i general delivery when stamp omce ls closed. Mails collectod from rftrrt rjoxw every day at 4:00 p. m. OW BATES For all kinds of Printinr fonoai rcrfdint: out of tho dtj eaa lavo feeir praticg carofnlly oxeeutsd and ;&aQed L ,A ... cf Botiares 1 B..8- TTABBOCS, 1881 NO. 151 New Advertisement. Prof. Ac:ostini "N RESP'OXSE TO REPEATED requests, will give the FIRST OF A SERIES OF EX CURSIONS down the RlreV, on the Steamer Passport, to Smithville and the Forts, FRI DAY, JULY 1st. Italian String Band for dancigr. Fare for the round trip 50 tents: children half price. je 27 it Trjasutei's CQce, City of Wilmington, IT Co Coupons "VF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON, N.C., XJ falling duo Ju'y Ut, 1S81, will be paid on presentation at the Bank oiNew Unco ver, this city. HENRY SAVAGE, je 27-lt Star copy ; 1 reasurer. Blank Books. JARGE STOCK, all iiz.s, and luitaM for any businau, jnat arrived. Also Draft, Ziote, Receipt, Letter a&d Inrcice Bocka Stationery, School Books, Fanej Good b, c Ac, Ao. Organs and Fiaaos on etay terns. C. W. Yates' Book i.;toiej je 27 Parlor Organs. rj NEQUALLED DURABILITY. Their Drosneritr is based not alone npon their Fx ternal Beauty, or their Unrivaled Power, Oi eat Range, f ansa Melody, and &xc:uuve, Origisal Attachments. These, indeed, are exalted attributes, and powerful recommen dations. In materials and mecbatism all my Organs stand preeminent tor their Last ing Ciharaeter. Ther are reliable, durab'e and do not "keep the wtrd of promise to the oar, and bretk it to thehnpe." No pains spared to show my stock. Call and male your seltcttOD, at REINSBERGER'S. jo 27 Live Book and Moaio8tore Excursion. mHE C. M. STEDMAN FIRE CO. No. 1 M Will glVC till liAwuiijiuijiyii 'i j the 29th, n the Steamer Passport, to the Forts, Smithville and the BJackfish Rocks. No liquor will bo allowed: The Committee will reserve the right to object to all objec tionable persons. Refreshments will be sei-ved at moderate prices. Paseucci's Italian Band will iur nish music for dancing. Price for Round Trip Adults 50 cents; Children 'J5 cents. The Boat will leave her wharf promptly at S o'clock. Committee G. W. Mitchell, J. P. O. Sul livan, T. H. Lockamy, E. S. Griffith and Geo. W. TV. Davis. je 27-2t OTTERBOURG' 9 Sron Front ftJen's Wear Depot HanJsoiiHSt Bniluias ii tte S on'ii ! NEW DEPARTURE. FOR EIGHT WEEKS. Mondays, Thursdays andSaturdays, Grand Closing Out Days. ( lathing in Abundance I - Odd Coats, Odd Pants, Odd Vests. Dress Suits. Business Suits. Walking Suits. Orders by Express promptly attended to. Address L. J, OTTERBOURG, 22,24, 26 and 28 N. Front St jo 27 RED CEDAR PACKING CHESTS, SASH 3 DOORS AND BUNDS. BXACKET3,:MOULDING, LUMBEK,:&rt ALL SIZES WINDOWGLAS3, AT . ALTAFFER, PRICE Sc CO'3. Factory: ' Office: Foot Walnut st. Kutt, near RedCross The Ocean House SMITIIVILLE'N. C. T3 THE PLACE FOR PLEASURE seek or to stop atFineet Wines, Liquors, CJ" garland Chimpagces always on hand. "Kes iaurant'V J net over the water.l BRYANT MORSE, oaj 21 lm , ProprletoTi We W21 hspjtd to reeslro eommirnlratffl SirMTani all fubeeti e Imt" 9 aae or bu writer suit alraji bo far cislc to fit Ciltor ., V-", . nCcxaacslcatloai Euttba written: oa only tmodioofthepirr. renouAlltlet xauij ha tToIdod n Aad it Is erpooUUy and pwUeuUrly under rtood that tho Editordoes not alwayi endort tiio viowiot oorrpondento, u&leu so itat Fa th editorial eolaten?.; New AdvertisomentJ, To Excursion Parties, Pic Kic Parties, And SOUND PARTIES I I have a fine stock of Messina Lemons Messina Oranges, very rwoet, Cooked Corn Beof and Torgue, Lunch Ham, . Devilled Meats in Cans, , 1 Sardine?, both Domestic, ajid Imported, ! Smoked Beef, Pickles, both Domestic and Inr ported. Also, Claret of every grade, from 85 cts. er bottle upward. G. JL Mumm's Dry Virzenay Chajmpagne, in Pints and Quarts, Lnmp s Lager Beer, Pure Ofd Stock Whiskey, and all other kind of Wines and Liquors Evei7thing veiy nice, just to suit persons takiDg a Holiday in the country. An elegant lunch for one or any number of persons, can bo secured at very low figures, by simply leav ing your order with Jli i I ATUfDIPUT B Ul UUH I iff EllUII I m m m m. i m m "ijrv mm mmm mt w ios. II fc 13 V. Front St 27 tice. ITAVING DLY QUALIFIED IN THE J proper Court as the executiix of the lust will and testament of the late Levin Meinney, notice is Iie-cby given to all per- i sous bavin? claims against my said testator, t present the same t me on or befcre tlie loth day of May, A. D. i8$J, r.thia noUce will be pleaded inr bar of . a recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate pavnaont VALERIA MEGINNEY, may 10-lawGw-mon Exccutrls For Waccamaw ! TO THE Front Slreet MmM Ma School, TUESDAY, JUSE 2S, 2S31. " Train will leave Front Street Depot at S.15; returning at 7.30. Parties not connected with the School are invited and promised a pleasant time. Fare for Round Trip 50 cents, collected atthejte. W. M.PARXER, Supt. Front St. Meth. S. S. je 21-2t-firi-mon OPERA HOUSE, rpHE PUPILS OF MR. E. VAXLEAB wul give a MUSICAL SOIREE at the Opera House, MONDAY EVENING, June 27th, atS.SOP.M. - In addition, there will bo a CONCERT." (Part II.). In which Mrs. D. K.AILVWEIL R, 3Iessrs N. MAYER, R.H. GRANT, and the ARION QUARTETTE, coaslstinlt of Mesers. TILLEY, THORPE, WELSH and FREMONT, will take part. .' Admission 25 cents, including Reserved Seats. Sale of Seats commences Satuiday. J one 2.1th, at Heiasbcrser's Book fitore. je 24-2t-Irl-mon Keep Cool ! BOTTLED SWEET CHAMPAGNE CI DER on ice. A pure, healthy and re Ireshlng beverage for bummer; not intoxl catinar. . rST Pure. Cold Soda Water orf Ice at the . tame place, under the Review Ofiice at S. G. NORTHROP'S, Ju Water fit, fitort. on 'V 1 1 1

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