- THE DAILY 1EVIE17. JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor & Prop'r. WILMINGTON, N. C. TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1881 Entered at the Postoffice at Wilmington. N. C, as Second-Class Matter. Ex-President Davis has written to Col. Lamb, and acknowledges the error in his figures as regards the Confederate force in the last fight at Fort Fisher. He ascribes it to the printer. He has set forth an example which others might follow. Washington City had a severe than, der storm last night. A large number of buil-Jiogs were unroofed, among them Ford's Opera Honse aud tlie City Hall building. The damages are estimated at about $200,000. No loss of life is re ported. '1 ne weary balloting at Albany draws its slow length along. There is not the faintest indication, as yet, of a successful result! The Democratic minority are protesting bitterly againstj being com pelled to remain there for bootless ser vice, and at an expense, too, to the tax payers of the State of some two thousand dollars a day. Ex-Go v. Seymour is reported as say ing to a Chicago Times correspondent of the contest at Albany, "f. see in it a con. flict between elements whose struggles foretoll the early dismemberment of the party." He does not admire Mr. Depew r.i . Senatorial, candidate, and says of President Garfield: "I have very little faith in men who (pi it preaching for po litics, and Gen. Garfield is no exception to the rule.'" The exports of domestic produce week before last were of moderate proportions, their total being $:,909,059 against $9, 731,293 the same week last year,- Since January 1 they amount to $185,667,594, against $186,434,539 for the correspond ing period of 1880 a decrease of $765,- 945 in twenty five weeks. This is the first time this year that their total since the commencement of the year has shown :i falling off. . i - i i i in. i . i .! .. i i There is a fearful railroad accident re corded in Mexico. A troop train went through a wooden bridge over a ravine at Mailpais, not far from the City of Mexico, and the lo3S of life was fearful. spirits on the train wfjichluuk hrcTftJ'wxf bridge went down and added new hor-lare now grossing the ocean at a more rors to the scene. The latest report I rapid rate than ever before to share in gives the killed at 77 officers and .197 four good fortune ? They find military privates, besides an unknown number of I glory too expensive a luxury, and long civilians. The bridge wus known to be for the republic where men can work for THE nAPPY REPUBLIC The great advantages possessed by the United States over Earope, says the N. Y. Sun', are forcibly shown by Mr. Edward Atkinson in a table in which he compares our burdens with those of the older civilization. Whoever glances at his figures will be able to understand why multitudes of people in Kurope are now eager to enjoy the happier condi tions which prevail, in the- Western re public. For the purpose of his comparison he takc3 Europe as a whole, with the ex ception of Russia and Turkey, the half civilized nations, and omits Alaska from the United States. The rest of Europe contains about 225,000,000 . inhabitants, who occupy 1,546,802 square miles of territory- The pupulation of this coun try is a little over 50,00,000, . and, be sides Alaska, the United States com prises 3,034,399 square miles. Thit is, less than one quarter of the population of Europe are here living on about twice the amount 6f land. In other words4 while Europe has 145 inhabitants to the square mile, the United States have only 164. &ince 1848 the debt of Europe . has nearly trebled,, and is still increasing, whereas our debt is now less. than it was in 1865 by over a thousand millions of j dollars. Wo have already. p Md more than a third of the great .ost of .the war, and, therefore, now o we ,-only about $1,880,000,000, against $2,997,386,203, the debt at the close ol that wasteful contest. The debt of Europe, in 1880 was $16,794,800,000, or an average to each inhabitant of $74.G4, while here the average on the first of last March was ooJy 36.85, though ia 1864 it was $83.-35.. The national expenditures of Europe were $2,282,800,000 in 1880, or an aver age to every person of $10.15. Our ex penditures for the ear ending June 30, 1880, were $267,642,957, or an average of $5.35 to each inhabitant. The standing armies of Europe nura ber oVer 2,100,000 men, b -side's the still nijre Bumerous reserves, who may be called into the field at any moment. More than one in every 100 of th3 popu lation is a soldier in active service.- Reckoning One able-bodied man to every five inhabitants, each twenty-two men sustain a soldier. Our array is only 25, 000 strong, and each 2,000 inhabitants. or each 400 men, sustain a soldier. Is it any wonder that the people of Europe, witnessing our prosperity and vnvwjkwrfaivBW&Vti tneir industry, hesthetic in it, and I resigns my staff of horfice, so to speak." Fun, The origin pf one of Leigh Hunt's most charming stanzas is not generally known. Lord John Russell, meeting the poet, during a stroll in the gardens of Holland House, told him that the Queen had granted Carlyle a pension of 200 a year. His Lordship commissioned Hunt to acquaint the philosopher with the good news. Mrs. Carlyle received Hunt at Cheyne row and was so delighted that she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him On the next day she receiv ed the following delicious lines: Jenny kissel me when we nut, Jumpinir fi ori th rh iir the e-it in; Time, you thief, who love t.' ,r t Sweets into your book, put V.uit i ! Say Tra ugly, pay I'm sad, Say that health ar,d wea:th h.vW niiseJ me Say I'm growing old, but add Jenjuy kissed me! Don't Take any dinners on Life when Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure will regulate and keep you healthy at all times. unsafe. Last Saturday's Macon Telegraph saysFfof. II. E. Colton, geologist of the Bureau of Agricalture, and' also special agent of the census on building stones, slates and marbles, left last even mg for Chattanooga, and thence to Georgia and North and South Caro lina, to investigate the resources of those States in the character of stones men tioned. Prof. Colton has completed a thorough iuvesligatiou of Nashville and this section of the State, and has sent on to Washington nine different samples ofPear" themselves and are not obliged to toil for the support of vast armies whose only occupation is . to learn the business of fisrhtinsr. against the nossible coming of a time when they shall be engaged in ac tual war. One of the great blessings which this country enjoys is our freedom from the militarism which is eating out the life of Europe and crushing the spirit of its people. Fortunately, we have a plenty of room for the immigrants who are now crossing the ocean at the rate of half a million a building stone." p. How to set Wel. Thousands of persons are constantly troubled with a combination of diseases Diseased kidneys and costive bowels are Votests against the action of the Re 1 : T . j r . . pujncan rvsccuuvc committee in en deavoring to enter that party against their tormentors. They should know prohibition are now on record asd in I that. Kidney-Wort acts on these Organs tirint from Tiishnn llnnd nf itm a m at the same time, causing them to throw v. u u 4u:, t .: i T. off the poisons that have clogged them, . . ' I ana so renewing the whole man. JJnnd- Jcins, lsq., late btate Ireasurer and a reds testify to this. Pittsburg Post. member now of the Executive Commit tee, and Don. Wm. A. Smith, of John ston, a leading Republican and an . ex- niember of Coneress. Of the few Re publican papers in the State, two of L, he miIeaSQ of telephone wires m the , iv-vi.uu! v. v u sjcitLc auui miles 4 ,-1 . 1 I A ' 1. L . A. ill i . - I air. rjuow, oi oacKSODViiie, ria., nas aaiuht vue action oi tne uommittee. shipped North 30,000 quarts of straw- It is absurd to talk of carrying the ques-1 berries this year. t ion into politics. I - ArRoman nose was sold in Cincinnati . last ;week for $128,998. It was a large "Nhat will the American Bible Society I slice of Eden Park that was so designated. do with the revised New Testament? Wong Tze Fung, an elderly Chinaman The Raw Dr. Taylor, formerly secretary m ban &cisco, recently saw a live of the society, says in the Independent f6 lVS on ihis back in xuai it win wisely and necessaruy refuse chased it for $15 had it conveyed to a .X . I A 1. . I m 10 De iorceu into any measures tor the! wnari and thrown overboard. premature adoption and publication of a The coin for soldier -quarters. Yaw- revision which has vet to endure the Strauss. Ihe com lor musicians- double test of critical scholarship and of K Boston Courier. The coin popular approval." He thinks that the wisdom. A iin for irfm.r- a 1 i r a i . I . . w present aemana ior me volume is Demg cent. iVw rorc Xveninz Pst. Coin fully 6UDDlied by orivate rjublisheraJ for the poulterer the guinea. Everv - - l I - "Nor will Bible societies." he adds. venn9- "fini their .ocatio. gone by coatinui-g SSSJ, to print and circulate the common ver- ton . Now a man can so down to the sion. The most that they can do will be Hawkins street hama nd rat & sinnpr to publish the New concurrently with I an "PT. nd Jio's got to saw & foot of I -J A. I a. " 1 ' T the Old, and this they will do only when 7 fTLi u .7 'TT' t u c i u a i m t, don't call that charity." Boston Post. they find the demand sufficiently urgent uct t i . t j nr-v . . .. tW , e 6 , "Haoghtymultare-ism." Lady "Wish tojustily the change of constithUons and to leave: Parkins? But vou only came -I . 1 . I - ' - cuarers, ana ine necessary nsKS ana ex- yesurdayr i'arkins Xes, mara. Jlin ui uw nuu. mum uukii WUC OUSUI 00 B 0 J w ' O- b. .n..r. nnnimitv in it fW. n kv gentry: but when rears from the cook . , . ' . A last night that you eat perUters, cab- ndes of the ocean, they will make haste bii. calroti. and rich likVfiecond hand filowly." I vegetables, 1 1 sec there ain't nothinsr Quarterly Meetings. Wilmington District Methodist E. Church, South. Third rouud, in part: Duplin, at Richland;?, . . June 25-26 Bladen, at New Church, . July 2-3 Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown, July 6 Whiteville, at Whiteville, . July 16V17 Waccamaw, at Lebanon, . July 23-24 Smithville Station. . . . July 23-24 L. S. BURKHEAD, Presiding Elder. Ladies who Apfreciatr Eleqanck and) purity are using Parker's Hair- Bal sam. It is the heat article so'd for re storing gray hair to its original color and beauty. ..-.. . Miscellaneous THE GREAT CURE poK RHEUM ATISF.1 As it la for all diseases of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It cleanses the system of the acrid poison that causes the draadfal suffering which only the victims of Hheumatism can realize. THOUSANDS OF GASES of tha worst forms of this terrible disease 4 have been quickly relieved, in a short time PERFECTLY CURED. . hss had wonderful success, and an immense sale in every part of the Country. In hun dreds of cases it has cured where all else had failed. It is mild, but efficient, CERTAIN Ui ITS ACTION, but harmless in all cases. OTlt cleanses, Strengthens and elves New Ufe to all the important organs of the body. The natural action of the Kidneys is restored. The Liver is cleansed of all disease, and the Bowels move freely arid, healthfully. In this way the .wprst diseases are eradicated from the svs tern; - - - L t As it has been proved by thousands that ' la the most eflectual remedy for cleansing the " HByStem of all morbid secretions. 1 1 6houid be .uflii. ,J,.oift-"- ...... tiujm , .ruiNS ana au -umAuta xuseases. Is put up inDry Teeetable Form, intin cans, one package of which makes Squartg medicine. ' Also in IJquld Form, very Concentrated for the convenience of those who cannot readily pre pare it. It acts with equal efficiency in eitherform. GET ITOPYOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, $1.00 WEUkS, RICHARDSON & Co., Prop's, (Wfll send the dry postpaid.) UrUMSGTOX, VT. ja y-orrr -c " '" .' ' fjTJiiilaiitsaiidn.ie - liK ' . - trilinr? ever your midnighx ."i aro young' and suffering' from anyindiscrcttoE or utsiijpa.tioa ; if yoa are m&rricd or eirprle, old or jouji;,uiiLTrag irora poor neaitn or languish- r Mk.'f..u. ine on a hf of tiifknt1. wir nn Whoever you are, wierevar you ai-e, whenever you fee 5 iuau jour ryewm neeas cicansinp loninfr or swmiuaiing. wicnout tutr.j. icat i ng, taite Have you duff, iu duspepafct, kidney or. vrivary cownlahit. ois- mm ease oi me sror,iar n, ewc.i; forrt. ti'vr, or iicrttsf Vxou wiu oe ciirea it you ;:se If you are simply we.ik Rid lowRiiritf',try;ts Euyj insist uppu iu i our nrufri; r w rsiu It may save your life. It hos cared 2iQreds, ITn Cmzh Cnrefsthpsw.!pjt,:i'-i.trinlhsrt. Ax tW. '.m. The Hop Ta.l forStomarh. Liver an.l KKlnvsjIscrprric: t- a! o'.hers. Cures b y atiwrptir-n. I i Ic pcrltvt. Asi. un ts. I. I. . u ma soeoiuie ami i rresisinciecvre i.ir arwuKtnes, or WUWEj OTMiitr.. tnb.T -rrt Tirrot:'s. P??SK3i. .bove iold br drcs;Vii.iIop letter ilf., Co Tvf Ses;JrT N . i vVyvV4XrATVATNATvWATNAXrs4T mar 9-nrmeow' BKsr i . m. a bl . a i m m a. ssk . i vi t m r jm sv I Ginger, Bnchn, Mandrake, Stillingia andj r r . l l. . i' i many oilier vi tiis uot uicuiluics kuuwu arc ism bined so skillfully in Parker's Ginger Tonic as to make it the area test Biood Purifier and the fUeit Health and Strength Restorer ever used. I It cures Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, .Neuralgia, J 5ieepieMness, ana au diseases ot tne dtomacn, Bowels. Lunat. Liver. Kidneys. Urinary Oraaas 'and all Female Com plain t3. If you are wasting away with. Consumption or, . 1 .1 'V J TV 1 . any tuscasc,use inc j. iu-ddy. i o matter wuu vour svmntom m?V DS. It wul surelv hein vou. Remember! This Tovic cures Idruakenness.! is the Best Fariiiv Medicia ever made, entirely. different from Bitters. Ginger Preparations and' I other Tonics, and combiats i he best curative prop- ertiesot all. uuy a 50c. uot:ie 01 your aniggist.. 'None genuine without oar signature on outside 'wrapper. Htscox & Co.. Chemist. New York PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM niij 1-tl'tat-nrm A PERFECT SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINE! A THOROUGH 'BLOOD PURIFIER, A TOMO APPTIZK. Pleaiant to the taate, inTigoratinjr io the body The moat emi nent PH Y 81 CI AH rV recommend these Bit te s for their curatiye properties. Tiial ixe 60c Fall size (largest in market) SI. 00. TH.TT jTBXjZVX For the Kianeys, liiTer ar I Drift ary Or trans, vie nctbinjr but "WAhSlrH'S SAFE KIDNET AND LIVER CURE'" It statidi UNRIVALLED. . Thonaanda owe their health and happiness to it. We offer " Warner's Bale Tonic Bitters" with equal confidence. H H WABNKR CO., apl 2J-dw nrmtc Rochester .HI - '4 - The World for 1891, THE WORLD for 1881 will be the best and cheapest newepsper published in the English tongue on either side of the Atlantic. With new; presses surpassing; any erer bo fore manufactured even by Boe A Co., with new nnd unequalled typographical and busi ness facilities of all sorts, and with a better organised telegraphic correspondence throughout the world than tfcat of ary other American joorna1, 1 be World for 1881 will afford its readers daily a complete, condens ed and trustworthy record of all car rent events.? In its Five Minutes With the. News of the Day The World meets and keep pace with th increasing demands made by rapid tran sit, the telegraph and the telephone, on the time and attention of business men. ' Ita daily cable lett rs from London brincr the Old- World to the breakfast tables of the New . A t:r...:' In its Wall Street Gessip and its ; Items for Investors, taken together wito its accurate, candid and absolutely impartial Financial Article, The World daily presents an unri valled picture not only of the' true condition of, the. multitudinous enterprises in which' the adventurous and active people of this countrv invest their savings; but also of all the fluctuating influences exerted upon those enterprises by the speculations and the spec ulators of the Stock Exchange, No man who owns or expects to own an Interest in any oorporate property can afford to roips for a single day the information daily rd exclusively given in The World, .not only as to the natural and legitimate course of aH'irs affecting stock vAlues, but aUb as tee pians, schemes n" yUI""Vr inL and" duY'orvf all streeTto affect thXe vaIuos. Tha World contains also every day Hhe freshest, fullest and most instructive notices f everything new and interesting in the r, alms of art, of literature and of' social 'life Jt is the accredited organ of the colleges ot the Union, and the acoaracy and vivacity of i:s sporting columns, covering all the va rious forms of. fcthletic amusement which have multiplied among us of late years com mend it to the "rising generation" through out the country. , As the only metropolitan morning journal published in the English language which maintains an unswerving fidelity to the enduring great prenciples of the Democratic faith in politics, The World for 1881 will be found, where for the last five yeas The World bas .been found, absolutely loyal to Democratic principles : absolutelv inderjend. ent of atl persons, cliques and factions with in the Democratic party. The World will maintain the cause of the Union against sectionalism in all its forms, ll.. - A? me cause oi gooa government against cor ruption in all its forms and the cause of the people against monopoly in all its forms. TERMS POSTAGE PAID. VKV.y and Sundays, one year, $12, six muuiuB, o, taree monins, f 3. Daily, without 8undays, one year, $10. six months, $5, three months. $2 50, less man tnree months, f l per month. Jbe Sunday World, one year, $2. i no Monday World, containisg the Book Heviewi ana "College Chronicle", one year, 1 he Feini-Weekly World, (Tuesdays and nasjej-?ia year. To UJub Agents-An extra copy, fjr club of ten, the Daily for club ui iwnuij-uTB, Ida W .nkl. TIT 1 J I TTT 3 . . unu w eunesaay i, $i a year. io club agents An extra copy for club of ten, the tfemi-Weekly for club of twenty, toe uaiiy for club of fifty. We have no travelling agents. npecimen number sent free o application a or me vasn invriaDly iq advanre. erena post-ottice money order, bank draft or reeisurea letter. BiUs at Hk nf th s ... enaer. Aaaresa, THE WOULD; Miscellaneous. Iligcellaneoua. TTcsl.jPliilUp'8 Case. Da.' J. A. 8HE&M AN Dear Sir T am happv to i form vou hat I am entirely cared rf y Urgr scrotal rupture. H is ofe year ago to-day t at 1 te e Ted jour t eat 0 e J have ten,, , tbe cu e by going with out th appliaocc 'y bit-i ess is that of a locomotive eii7-r "My rupture, as you wi.l recall to y u-micd was similar to Mr Jordan's, in your pan.phlet of illustrations I was ruptured ia tee year It 63, while in the army. 1 have tried spring and elastio ttusse ,with great discomfort and in ury, my rupture always growing worse, finding I must get tome re'ief or give up my busi ess, 1 determined to try you as a 1 at resort, and I must ay that 1 found vour treatment -a complete success, lay improvement ard cure have, eoneiderng my terrible cotdi tion, surprised my friends as well as myself. During your treatment 1 have worked hard in my btmcep?, erjying Doth safety and comfort, and h&ve not lott a day's wor-. say general health has also improved I wiil tkr-pleasure i a recommencing the afflicted to you whenever I tiave. an opportu ity " ou may publish tb is letter for tbe beoe flt cfhomanijy. My addres is 211 rat 44ta at. itn best wishei I remain y uis yespectfuUy, wtHLKY PluUP- ew 1 erk City, Oct. 25, 1880 jeU-w IU Ee lief and cure MCetuI tii c .wdlnsr ... k,-Vti jo..,. :,:;;r 7.;p" - u - rnni.vi ses. ' 1 U tre i: tormance Tot S "f SS tared nddorot provide thl. .0 tZ most ndure the danwra , ?M iS auction ana the H life. Whcuvanas ot tw. ici,J most ilatWing te..C.I othisp,p,.rs stem; hei for h... ?was -llJ profe,sl..r a smAll-A P" t D ,wIi'it.aSwi5,W oessful trettn tograph pct u 1 1 if t in i a a .1.. .. , Bo ton-W4i11' til: '''. AJ a XU 11 a II 1 IU a wimHS,?' m The attention of Housekeepers, Farmers and others is ca'lsd to the b uaoie rreparauom ore CiifiitJ FOR WHITEWASHING AND ALL SANITARY PURPOSES, it costs less in eomparisrn.tnau uunuun wuitiswasu, or the v&iUerid H I itsdurabuity and beauty are two-fold greater. It never loses its itreuffto. ' It7 u for years When applied it forms a surface as SMOOTH A8 Ka L80M1IT1. S T ' or plaster It can b used con venieatly and economically io makisr iOtt?i .(J2,'i ... - i , i i.in ifBlLlrJ, tad ijr all purposes in whion sana and lime are employed, trial. ...'.. ; , , , . We refer to the Knickerbocker Ice Company, and others. Boll PHI Ws aoflea at bMe8ie, b? the barre , and m smaller paokagef, at the Vuafietorv . In Barrels, White...... $2 0d....M....CoioK ew ns.l i inn w . r . . .va...MM.... i lit ) Iu' tiood Bacfcet-,( ivals) Wnite 60. ' t 7si C0RIES & CO. r fc "(ft er J dvarces n.rdd en ( or s'pnn ents f Lumbe Lumoer sent to cut Dy n aesir e , j Lime and lumber WerchiatL r hi and Knee fttreoy,, MlItauMhai r cr Ties, and qaic uei aid -siwi I) SEWARD I V' For nrcae of Itch ing, Blinds niMtk ine. or Pntrudinv tan iieutnir rue iteinevIviiU fl: J P-'-.t ill.... L. U.1.1 T .. Mk cfMe relief. Sold by dru ggi9. Prepared liyimCiG.!! ' 10th St Arch.Phila..Pa. UXVTltoXJJZZlh wrapper on bottle coniaitu his siffaaturemrf W.rftMT, AU druezists and countn- stores hare UornOMb THE $1. BALTIMORE WEEKLY SUN $L 18 AS GOOD A FAMILY PAPEBlaiS PI PLISHTD IN THIS COOJSIBT. ITnTTT Vnnl;- Wrnlrln on iuiiv mm ill OHE DOLLAR A YEAR. THE CIRCDLAT105 of fthli -upL -cwspaper ou tnereuea flirai ftttr year. It contains all ths Jeadul uni the Daily Herald, and it imJi.t. uoifuuoeau, ine . FOREIGN NEWS j embraces special dispatches froaiflij: ters tf the gl b. Undsr thihesirf I AMERICAN NEWS THE WEEKLY HERALD the most valuable chroiiicls ii ths wor lit it is tbe cheapest. vry wsek k fX a laithtai report of The Original and Beleoted Stories are full ui mierest aoa constitute choice family read ing, iu lyrical pieoes are also of a high order of merit. Besides thete merits it is a oompenaiam or .m THE NEWS OP THE WEPK, wen couatea abd of infinite variety. All TFAOn AAAn V 1 . m - - . vyAimia oi jcurope, in California and elsewhere, are published in the Weekly, and, in addition to describing the course of political events, will give the KUBMuui sue aay ana tne drift of events. o1r i "flwwW nUUEAu OP THE SDN will keep the readem nf tha wvi. well informed in respect to everything of In terest, politically and socially, transpiring at that point. W b atever rious or joyous, that tends to give a spice of rrieiy, wui oe suppaea to make the weekly POLITICAL NEWS attractive. ITS MARKET AND FINANCIAL BE. ruiiTS ibracinsr comnleta and eoBPrtks Bspatches from Waihtogton, toawffs the question of the hoar THE FARM DEPABT2Q3T or the Weekly Herald girei ttU " "w uvp ay a av mvpi " . j diienvAriAA Utw tn i(!nfjeJBCl- er, bints for raising Cattle, PoiltrfcfcJ Trees, Vegetables, Ac, Me, vita ar for keeping buildings and faroisr edited department widely copied, oi. head or dec 17- S5 Park Row. ew York, COMMERCIAL HOTtL WILMINGTON, N G are brought down to the latest hour of pub- ijuuu, uu cTcrj pains taxes to make them irusiworiny, AGRICULTURAL MATTKRR are not neglected, and the farmer wfll find in tne eoiumns aevoted to this subject many valuable hints and suggestions. Bound edi torial discussions always have place in tbe Weekly; and, with its stories ana other light literature, its well-written letters from places - " no puiiucai ana general news and gossip, and its excellent Market TTl-t , SclV.porw- TMifi BALTIMORE de i.e to have a thoroughly kpw at a fl cookiD, or 2t ery low price J P P " tkia department is practiaafly i erici or MuhMrfnHnKTn...i.vi. ... i perts nerore PUDueauon . . luiwiHMj vaau in Advance. One Dollar per Year tor one copy of any INCREASED PREMIUM COPIES -TO GETTERS UP OF CLUBS'. , The following liberal Premium Copies are glTLl T.lP.Oiub. for the FIVE COPIES., f6S00 With one extra copy of the Weekly Sun one rear. STO atV snimrm. r -si THE HOME. Biviesr recelDts for practical making cloihing and for kwpH1?1 latest fashion at the lowest PJVi perts before publication Lettfff Paris and London coirepcM,.,l latest fashions The Home iwan-:-j WMklr WrA will lavs tb bonV j i,ji-a tmM th Dries ff B 'i The interests of oirrr r vn T 1R1R are nrspA m.Xir. And evsrVtMftf mechanics and labor savisf ; per corded There latest phases of the Merchandise. Ae, Ae. I nBrcuanniM. sm c ad. a " vin i -z - AJt avnoi With an extra cod v or thA wl'I? II w fottn.d ! tb ipecUUT "P0110" ' condiuons-ox Sun The bst ad mott oooocal liatr Dretslaf aLare Sample Rooiu lot Commer ial Travelers copy of theWeeklv one year, and nn nnn. with an extra copy of the Weekly Tw'r?11,? Tor' one copy of theDailv 8nn rr TWt?wrv . riLD..M... m na " " rcopy or tne weekly i?r?J oua ne months. A vaisaw-j THE PRODUCE HABlTj' . ' . t . ilr?4 sporting jrews ai hp .gin getber with a Story Tary rLW Dramatic, Personal and 8eL,f .PUpej. in the world Jfgt mucn news maner erj tf r- ti .sr i a w w aSS i cr o J! 5 2 f's s vy If iffiii i ? 1 I ;!! Ellh UK m !l iff r m a THIRTY COPIES. SS fff" fff7tatl With an rrtT. "V.V . . iruuar s on bm - ui uib vresxiy wpyoi ine Daily oun one vear. nis and premium copies to rpHE PEOPBILTOB havtof thorobly rr2rnPnf Jfe prospeetuj in THE J. ' I Suxi, Daily and Wki i. iv r.. renovated this House and foralihed It entire- li?0?,?1" ALMAAO for 188l"avaTu- ' i awe publication nf mti... ly new, Is prepared to ivi to the trave lng ? nbscriber. to the BALTIMORE 8ul! " 'J mttA neaur, The safeet nethrwl publlo all the eonrrnlrpries of a FIRST- vxaaoo uvlb. ii u;iocated la the' very I ey order centre of the biuinett part of the dry, beiaf convenient to the principal buinees houses, Poetofflee, Cuxtom Heue, City Hall aad feblT- T . w no deviation. Address A. B. 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