BLRSSED DREAMS cmile bad left the sky, The sVoe calniaud fair. kittle maiden tnelt tnml in temples grand, nlve- the rainbow gkxin wre in .V'eDraVers from priestly lips BfhffuS dense perluue. oneVs secimd to me Mtntvei," ,,urealid new '"igoilel" J,,.! us blessed dreams. come true.". A " - den. kneeling there, .l'ti eKe sunset sties. have we of other prayer !)t J," s0bweet and wise? ,n,,?h I Lreatlie no nMidied plea. urtceteTLn , ury with you 'll00? DifeaSse..d us blessed dreams, Lf i hem all come true " - t ineu (.Florence Percy. Tin' M-w louier. , a . u rrli a new comet is no cause for i mot!" astronomers, the sudden 8 ,-,f the celesiial visitant now l'rd has had a startling effect upon rP6n both sides of the" Atlantic. Its ''VoO which, tie old records say, sud- in VVotorn Tinno became .-. distance from the earth was 'n seventy-five one thous.mths of ,lg rtb's meaa distance from the sun. S nossible that the comet now visible 11 ?J same that was reported on J une jVf Professor Gould, from the National :J yitoryof the Argentine Confedera t u ai,d cabled from the Cape' of Good tjf,eat a little later date. On the 9th U'J a telegram from Mr. Gill, the as Irjnomcr afthe latter point announced : Bright comet discovered, which on June 15 will be near Gamma Orionis and on !.. 97 will' be -near .Bet Aurigai in , T tie Northern liemispuere. xi was seen i'oit: simultaneously by Professors ffift of Rochester, and Sharple3s, of . Philadelphia, and Professor Henry, ot Paris, tne ias' uituicu in 'nuo jeen it about five hours bo lore H was wticed in Philadelphia. iciegfams from London, as well as all parts of this ooatry, indicate that it was very gener ally observed, and astronomers are al ready calculating ;its course. II is be tween the bright star Capella and the krizon. carrying a tail about five de grees long, or about as long as the dis tance 1 between tne two pointers m me consigna tion of the Great Bear, and is visible be ueen,half past two and four o'clock A. u it seems as yet impossible to ascer tain whether it is, as Dr. Gould and. others suppose, the great comet ot 1807, '..the diameter of whose nucleus, as meas ured by Herschel, was 538 miles. This remarkable comet was the finest that had appeared since that of 1760, and was dis covered by Pons, at Marseilles, on Sept. 20. In ten days its nucleus became as clear as a star of the second magnitude, iu tail distinctly visible, and on Oct. 5 it was seen in the northwest, not far dis tant from Arctarus. A month later its tail had undergone division, and it soon became invisible. "It was seen at times to ejbibit corruscations or flashes of '. light' says Professor Watson, "not un like what is exhibited in the case of the aurora borealis, and it was asserted that ia less than one second of time steamers might be seen to shoot out from the body of the tail to a distance of two and a half degrees." If the present visitor proves to be the comet of 1807 we may wok for some exceedingly fine cometary displays, aad in any event it promises to be well worth the closest study of as tronomers, as well as the admiring pub lic gaze. The great improvements in utroQomic instruments and especially the advance in spectroscopy warrant the ex pectation that the present opportunity for examining this magnificent meteor. dl prove most fruitful in scientific re iBlts.AT. K Herald. ' . Kidney Diseases Kidney diseases afflict the greater part of the human race, and they are constant 'J on the increase, but where the virtues Kidney Wort have become known, ey are held in check and speedily cured. W those who have had to constantly JMe spirits of nitre and such stuff, g ve great remedy a trial and be cur(;d. a the dry form it is most economical,' in f liquid the most convenient. Phila. Detroit Free Press . what the Bashful Clerk Wanted. Old Pinchem sat in his private office we other day figuring up his profits ffcr hea his head clerk, looking as Pie as a sheep and as red as a cow by entered, and began: ,r. rmchem, II" we yoa got those goods off for ao&zoo?" interrupted the old man. T . Pir tney are off. Mr. Pinchem, 1 long " 'AndahAnf 4- e t t.f u-p, , VK,,d mat uruer iur ciurcui i PiA has been attended to, sir. Mr achem, I have long wanted to speak long wanted to speak Tont Pk to me. Why, I thought i 7 "Poke to me fifty times a day." Clttr8.,,Sir nw, but this is a private aach &te? 0hI Ahl Wait tiU 1 sce bow a de otatlast 10,000 pounds jtg J' Six times four are twentySur; two are ten, and two to carry ae j ' ree tiroes seven aretwenty ttisk ti, -one ab. well, go ahead; I'll "M pafterwar(L" tea lo che,m 1 taTe teen, with you -p years. "aJl an7 other years? Go ahead." 411 aIe tried t0 d my duty." in . it? hat is there bold about xjat never mindI'll hear you at t)T 1D,chetD 1 want to ask as 1 lo ask. " u out." ask I 'tZ' u- d?Q fc vou ask then? I r why yod don't ask, if you want "Mr !:, . - "forriv um 1 'want to ask you. for W aa.iVl . bae s yoursr my boyl Take happy. yoa. mf bt haYe had per two years ago it you had oned it. Go 'long nowI'm busy menti "Mr. Pinchem." "What, you here yet? Well, what 13 11. 1 "I wanted to ask vou for. for " "Didn't I give her to you, you ras cal i "Yes, but what I wanted to ask you for was, ,not the hand of your daughter, but for a raise of salary." ' ' Oh, that was it. eh? Well, sir that ia an entirely different matter, and it requires time . for serious thought and earnest consultation. Return to your wors, ana some time next fall I'll see about giving you a raise of a dollar a wets, aix times Jour are twenty-four and two to carry ; and three times " Woman's Wisdom "She insists that it is more important inat her tarmly shall be kept in lull health than that she should have all the fashion able dressts and stvles of the limes She therefore s-ees.toit, that each member f her family is supplied with enough Hop Bitter?, lit the first appearance of any feymptons of ill health, to prevent a fit of sickuess with its attendant expense, care and anxiety. A If women should exercise their wisdom in this way.- New Haven Palladium. .- Bishop Lyman's Appointments June 29, Wednesday Kinston, Len oir Co. June 30, Thursday Holy Innocents, Lenoir. C. July 3. Sunday Xewbern. Ordina tion July 5, Tuesday Beaufort. Holy Communion at all morning ser vices. Collections for diocesan missions. 9 rvwr. IJq-w Advortisements. . STOMACH The Traveler .who wisely Provide! Against the oonticgansr of illness by tftk ing wh him ilo8 tetter's Stomach; Bitters, has occasion to congratulate himself on his oresight, when lie sees others who hare neglected to do so suffering from some one of the maladies for which it is a remedy and preventive.11 Among these are fever and ague, bilUouoness, constipation and rheu matism, disease often attendant upon a change of climate or unwonted diet For sale by all Druggists; and Dealers generally, je 6-nraiy AMONG THE LADIES The brilliant, fascinating tints of Complexion for which ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial, and all who will take the trouble may secure them. These roseate, bewitching hues follow the use of Hagan's Mag nolia Balm a delicate, harm less and always reliable article, Sold by all druggists. The Magnolia Balm conceals every blemish, removes Shal lowness, Tan, Redness, Erup tions, all evidences of excite ment and every imperfection. Its effeHs are immediate and so natnral that no human being can detect its. application." je 27-lm ;thk LAURiNBURG ENTERPRISE JS THE BEST MEDIUM through which to advertise Fall and Winter Goods among the people of Robesos Richmond and An sen counties, in North Carolina, and in the border counties of South Carolina. The Enterprise has a large and in cr earing circu lation in the Fee Dee and Gape Fear sections of this State, having obtained a large circu lation in the latter during the six 'months it was published in Fayetteville before its re moval to Laurinburg, and in the former within the last few months. Advertisements 'will be inserted by the month, quarter and year at reasonable rates. Address H. I. JtcDUFME, Lanrinrg, NO The Cosmopolitan BAR 13 THE PLACE WHERE TOU can get the coolest, purest and most scientifically mixed Summer Drinks to be found in the city. The very best Wines, Champagnes and Liquors always on hand. The best 5-cent Cigar that is made. Drop in and cool off. JOHN CARROLL, jeS y Proprietor, TTT ha: A TRUE A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER IROX "BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of Strength" Lad: of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. They act like a" charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the A B C Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading sent free, - - BROWN CECEMICAIi CO., Baltimore Md. apl 12-Brmte Gen'l S u o'to pffi ce WILMINQTOJr. COLUMBIA A5D AU CJOflTA ' RAIL1LO AD OO. WUmlngton, IT. a, May 14, 1681 OHANGB OF SCHEDULE ON AND AFTER Mar 15th, 1881, at 1.05 P If, the following Passenger Bchedule will be run on this road BIGHT EXPRESS TRADTB (Daily). Nos. 48 West and 47 East. Leave Wllmlngton.., m.. 10 05 P U Leave Florenee.....,......,.,,..... 2 43 A M Arrive at O O and A JunotionM..M 6.45 A M A.rrive atOolumbiaM..MM.MM..M... 6 00 A M Leave Columbia, 10 OOP M Leave O 0 and 4 A Junction.w.10 SO PtM Leave Florenee 3 00 A M lrrive at Wilmlngton.U.. ....... 6 20 A M Night Mail and PAsstaeaa Tbaih, Daily, ao. 40 Wui, abb Day Mail ahd Pas SKHQBft Tbaih, Ao, 43 East. Leave Wilmington at 11 45 P M Arrive at Florence.................... 3 15 A M Leave Florence........... 1 05 P II Arrive at Wilmington 6 06 P M Train No 43 stops at all Stations No 40 stops only at Flemington, White- vi le, Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Columbia, and all points or G.46.K. a., 0., O. A- A. R. R. Utations, should take 48 Night Express. separate Fullman Hleepers lor Uharleitoa and for Augusta on train 47. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington JOHN jr. DITIBTE, General Bupi. A. POPE, Gen'l Paas. Agenti may 15; 1 ifi?!Bttaa itis3is 3K CAROLINA ;CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. Orrioi GsacaAii SuTBaurnxnan, Wilmington, If.' O., June4, 1881. Changs of Sckedtjlk, rTST AND AFTER June 6. 1881, the fol- lowing Sehedule will be operated on tbis Railroad : PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. Dally except Sundays , Leave Wilmington. 9.45 A M 1 I Arrive at Charlotte at..6.45 P M tf o I Leave Charlotte atM..MM..6.00 A M So J Arrive at Wilmington at.3.25 P M Trains Nos 1 and 2 stop at regular(stations only, and points designated in the Compa ny's Time Table. These trains make close Connection at Charlotte with trains Nos. 3 and 4 for Cleve land Springs and all points on Shelby Di vision. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Wilmington at. 6:30 P U Arrive at Hamlet iUh.. 1:28 A M at Charlotte aU.. 8:00 A M 1 Leave Charlotte atMMMM7:30 P M Fe 6 V Arrive at Hamlet at... 1:26 A M J " at Wilmington at 9x30 A M No. 5 Is daily except 8nnday, bat no connection for Raleigh on Saturday ' No. 6 is daily except Saturday, 8HELBY DIVISION, Pi 88ENGER.M AIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. . 7 Leave Charlotte atM...MMM7:00 P M NO 9. 11. .ft Hfc.lh-r At lOrSO P If . "i Leave Shelby at.... 6:00 A M 1 f Arrive at Charlotte at , 9;30 AM; Trains Noa 6 and 6 make close connection at Htvmlet to and from Raleigh, except as above Through Sleeping Can between Raleigh and Charlotte. Trains No. 1 and 2 make connection at Charlotte with A , T. A O.K. R., arriving at Btatesville same evening, and connecting thre witb W. N. O. R. K. for Asheville and all points on W. N O R. R. Trains Nos 3 and 4 connect cJosely with Cb ester A Lenior at Lincoln ton. Yi Q. JOHNSON, Bust Well Auger, Bust Well Drills, Rust HorselPower. THE BEST AND MOST BU0CE88FUL Well boring and Prospecting Tools Man- GAS PIPE SHAFTING and Couplings. The most improved Surface Attachments Guaranteed to make good wells anywhere. Works much faster and with half the labor Auger and Drills work by bandar horse' WtA WAV ' Drill and Horse power have capacity for 2,000 feet. In use five years and so fsilures. Made from best material aad soli for nan the price of others. Send for f-"" O. RU8T. an 27-lrdw . Bt, Joseph, Mo Fresh Every Day FINE ABSOBT11ENT OF OANDIXS, French and Domettie, Jurt rtodred and for tot nwT.T' fifTNTJINE HOME-MADE Candy In the eity, win be found rrerr I day, fresh and sweet, three doors South i of I Mm. A. bmmuI etnas. Also. a.l I Baisins. Fruit, AcTi a JEYENS, JwWI1 If ear the PortoSl TONIC VimiNQTON a VELDCM OAiLitoAD conPAiry. Oman or Gii'l ovrmKimnmn i - I Wlhxisgton, K-;, a, May 14, 188L J CHANGE Or S HETJ ULE. ON AND AFTER May' 15th, 1881, at 6.40 P M, Passenger Trains on - the ViJ mington A Weldon Railroad will run ts foUows ; DAT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daily Nos. 47 North and 48 Bonth, Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot 40 AM Arrive at Weldon atM..MMM.MM... 12 60 P M Leave Weldon. 3 30 PM Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at-. 9 45 P M Fast Through Mail and Pareenger Trtin Daily Nos. 43 North and 40 South. Leave Wilmington, Front St. - Depot at s eeetMin a 6. P Ja Arrive atWeldor. 1.25 A I Leave Weldon 6.15 P M Arrive at Wilmington, Jrcnttt. Depot- - 11.25 P M Train No 4 Rout's wi'.l ;vp only at Kocly Mount. Wilaor, i Me hnd Magnolia. Trains on Tarboro ' Branch Road leave Rocky Mount for Tarooro at 7.40 P M daily and Tuesday, Thursday and daturc ay at 6:00 A M. Returning, leave Tarboro at 9.60 A M daily, and Monday, Wednesday anc Friday at 8:30 P M Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North dsJlv. AU r ail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. Train No 43 runs dailv and makes elose connection for all points North via Rich- mond ana Washington. AU trains run soUd between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers Attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Bupt. A. POPE, Gen'l Pass. Agent may 18 rev GOODS I Tl DELICIOUS PEACHES AND TOMATOES I All varieties of Choice Preserves j in one and two pound Cans, the best in the market. . Our elegant Family Flour, Parole d' Honeur Pig Hams, JBreakfast Strips and Small Shoulders, Parched Java and LLaguayra Coffee, These goods aie all fresh this week Our prices and quality of goods will convince your;if you will 4 ns us Try the prepared Soups For sale at CEO. BAYER S2f feb 14 Nos. 11 and 13 South Front St: SCUPPERMG I AND Flowers Wine ! e jyjANDF. iCTCRKD EY WHITKVIliL Wine'Com pany, Whiteville, N. C. . Prices f jid samples cn application. Hend iit your orders lor the holidays, dee 7-.Aw f Good: 3evv Butter. jfBEsa: AND SWEET, COOKING BUTTEF, In Kits and -Boxes. Ydtiil-wby Mall & PearsalL 16 Miscellaneous. THE DAILY REVIEW EDITOR AM) PUBLISHER Is pnbii&hed Every Aiterncon (Sundays excepted.) At the following" rata?, postage paid : One Year,... ....$5 Six Months...............'. 2 Thieo Months On Month ' ' The paper will be delivered carriers, free of charge, in any part of the city at the jffc.bovo rates, "13 cents per wsek. The Daily KEviEw'is now in fourth year of its existence, is per manently cJstablished, with a large andBleadiiy increafiing subscrip tion list, and presents to merchants end others a most desirable'medi nm for advertising WIL1IIT0N JODIE JOSH. TJ Ispnbliahed EVERY FRIDAY, At the following rates : Une Year.... .T.S2 00 SixMonthfl.... .77711 00 Throe Months........ 50 Tm? Wilmington joubhal circu-J X tes largely in th adjo ning'cotm ties as well as in the Western por tiom of the State an presents un equalled facilities to merchants" for making known what they have for role. , Tie TomO1 Lj; (jaotanonf represents oiji: prion ggTs-rAilr. Ia makicg up U i'Uzi high prices tvs tob charged BAGGISO B JS 12Q 03 O GO 13 O 10 u 1HO wo 15i BAOON .Worth Carolina, BhoUiers, J ... esiaes, v O.--, Western Snoked SI ouidsrs. . Dry Salted Sides, y Ib........ Shoulders, f? L BEEF Lire weight BAHREL8 fefririis Turpentine 1X9 oeeona nana, aefc..M.. New York,eaclt nsw.M..M 1 f5 l ETiiWAX-'V E .. 30 BRICKS Wilmiafon, 7 00 Northern GO BOTTEX IS orth Carolina lb 12 o G O 1 0 0 00 21 8 OO ou o a o o o o c c o ftorthern,E).M CANDLiS Sperm V Tallow, y fi........ Adamantine, V ft CH8k Northern Faetorr, 2b Dairy eream, y h.. State, y 1..........m... COFFEE Java, Vfr Rio fo......... . ............. Lasrnyra, TS lb CORN MEAL X2 bushel 25 16 10 14 14 10 25 nX9 is o 70 COTTON TIES j Nw 1? bdl 1 60 Pieced 1 25 DOMESTIC SkeetiDg, 4-4 yard... Tarn, y bunch I eo Mackerel, No. 1, bbl..16 00 'No. 1. Vbbl.. 8 75 o C38 CO O10 60 GOO 00 O 6 60 O 6 25 O 3 75 Q 6 00 o o O a 00 O G 10 O 6 60 8 00 49 7 25 O T 75 8 25 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbU...12 60 No. 1,?K bbL..WM..... 6 00 HackereL No. 3 bbL..00 00 Mullets, V bbl.....M....... 3 6C N. C. Herring, Veg....... 6 60 ,PZJ?L V 7 00 FLOUR Fine. bbl 0 00 Super, Northern, bbl... 6 0 Extra do bbh 6 00 Familv " bbl... 7 60 Ulty JUUilxrBuper p btU. 7 00 O 7 25 Family hbl... 7 60 ' Ex. Family Vbtlw 8 00 1ESTILIZER8 Peruvian G uano, V 20C0 Ss. CO 00 CO O70 CO G40 00 QUO 00 57 OC o&o oo 40 CO Carolina FertiUaer ' 00 00 NavassaQuano, " Complete Manure " Whann's Phosphate Wando Phoinhato. " " CO CO 25 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 CO Wilcox, Gibb A Co., ma nipulated Guano. .........00 CO 45 CO 50 UJL.UJK f E.....w......,.... 9 GRAIN,V c33bi 70 o o Corn, cargo, 65 lbJ....w Oorn,reh, buiheLi... Oat bushel...... ..T Peas,eow, bush eh. HIDES Green, p lb ......... Dry, I) eeeaM HAY Eastern, Zl 100 lbs... North River, ICO lbs.... ,68 03 65 70 4 10 no ic a & & o O 1 e.i by HOOP IRON ton 0 CO fi85 CO LARD Northern V!H-.. HO -UK North Carolina 2.M.M. UXQ 13 LIME bbl.... 1 .0 Q 1 25 LUMBER -City steam ea'wd 8hjpstuff,refiawed,Mft.l8 00 021 00 Rough edge plank, Mft. 15 CO C 19 00 . West India cargo, accord ing to quality, V Mft...l3 00 CIS 03 Dresi.edtXooring,seasoned.l5 00 Q25 CO Scantling and boards, com- or raon, M ft ..12 CO MOLASSES Cuba,hhd?gl 31 Q14 & 39 O 42 O o oo c? CO fj 3 15 & & o Cuba, bbls., V cal....... Sugar house, hhdj. y g&l. . bbls.-S gal.M 41 25 23 CO the Orleans Choice b.ols . S gaL NAILS Cut. :0'Stc;4i,kIg.batis OILS Kerceeno, 43 gal...... IQ Lord, ii gal f 6 ' Linseed, gl.....w....M.M el llciiir, V "il 25 PEANCTtJ V bnaiiel........ CO O W POTATOE5-Sv?et, bas. CO 5 60 Imh, Ilortharn bbl..... 2 15 IP 2 60 PCRK 'oith&rc,tity 12CS3.17 tO C?18 00 Thin, V bbL 00 00 600 CO Prircie, v bt; (feitra) CO CO 00 CO Bump, y b'jl ...........CO 00 600 CO BICE Carolina, V lb....... CHa 7 Rough, bzshGl....; 75 1 RAGli Qcnzity, V2 14 CUT, IS HOPE LJenp...... Manilla... , BCGAK-Cfca, D FortoEiro, V 13& UX& mo 10.Sr 100 A ColTe, r V 7S L'z C ? r o o a if o eeeeeee CO CALY AIce, V -a;k.... 70 Liverpool, Bifi.... 75 American 1J tssK CO Marshal's tr.?, y esci o Cadis V BOAP North izt 2 mo BHINGLKE Contract, C 00 BTAVE3 V. O. bbl, y M.12 60 R O hfad. f E.... ....M..4C0 W TALLOW ? 5........ 5 TIMBER Shipping M M.I4 00 Mill, extra per M..........10 00 Mill, prime per M.M.M..10 00 Mill, fair per M ............... 8 00 Common, per M 5 CO Inferiorto Ordinary,per M 4 CO WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 25 North Caroina.pergal... 2 00 WOOL Unwashed, per a. 20 . Washed, jser -rim....... 25 . Borrr wool, per Ib.M..MM. 10 JO mm i AT THE LOWEST PEICE3 ! ASCtnTAIfJ MY PRICES BEFORE HAY! KG YOUR PRINTING DCf.'E ELSEWHRRE ! Satisfaction Guaranteed I pEIXTING CAREFULLY EXECUTIO er persons ztddltg out of the city tad sen to them fcjjsail free cf pestsge. L B. WASHOOff, Corner Chestnut andJWiter Etreets QtZcc Etview.BuCdlng achl 13 13 8 14 MX ou 2K 18 S3 40 10 15 ' 16 11 ZQ ' 16 , 20. 71 1 70 1 80 T 1 10 14 73, 70 to 75 11 40 15 25 IS 10 00 CO 00 x oo CO CO 1 35 CO ' 7 60 2 75 OH 00 600 09 ' o CO &l$ 00 ou OO on oo 49 9 00 e 7 co O 6 CO O 6 00 O 1 60 o oo t3 26 O 12