FLEAHE ffOTIGSa - will Uglad to receive oxamzjxloatloBf from car frfsaia ou ay aad all tutyteto asertl Latsrect but" Vb anna of tht writer rati t tlwtyi be fir nfehed to Editor. flCoamunlsitloE aw t written on only ose lida of tbe p;r. Personalities auit be avoided And it la especially and particularly under ttood Cut the Edit does not always end on tiie views of eorreffpondentf, unlets so ftai ia th a editorial eoluxai.t r n T J 1 1 2 8 HOB XKP FBOFKIKTOB. tfB2 M Sfa fSt-. 25 ' ThrM i",uu, ' ji b. delivered by carrier!, p'pef in nr Prt of tbe city, 'tthd VOL. V WILMINGTON, NO. 154 "LriTii tneir paper, regnlarly, llflEW. 3 v. Advertisements. ft 6L$&n -OTP fro 'fRiiiiinr-riS dm RHEDMATI fouralgia, Sckiica, Lumbago, Pnrtacho. Soreness of tho Che si, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Kraut, Sure- , ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil u i safe, sure, iimple and cheap External BndT. A trial entiila but the comparatfTely trifling outfay of 60 Cent, and eTery on suffer teg with pain can haTe cheap snd pogitiTe proof cf iti claim. ) Direction in Keren Languages. BOLD BT1LL DRUGGISTS ASD DEALERS IS MEDICINE. s A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Hid., IT. J$. JL, ipril lM.w-nso tej TOBHSH BATH" SOAP. I I T HAVE A VERT LARGER Quantity of X thid Soap put up In Boxes, (sir cakes) lor 3.3 cents per bos. If batnlea,, Soap. Three Cakes fuf 10 Cents, Most desirable for children. fc. M. &?cSntire. jane 23.,-- . . JOE .'PERSON'S CURES SCROFULA, RHEUMATISM, Heart Disease, Chronic Bilious Colic and all kinds of Eruptions and Skin Diseas es arising from impurity of the blood. As an Alterative Tonic and Purifier of the blood It hag proven itself unequalled. As a Tone and Blood Purifier it is Unsurpassed Piletieh'sIii.l's, Carteret Co , nIc., I July 17th, 1S79. Mrs. PERsox-Dear Madam: I think your medicine is the best that isnowbefore be public, for the cure of blood diseases. I nave great confidence in it, and believe that J will do all -.hat you claim for it. I have ine personal knowledge of the condition of vounjf Mr. Stokes, before he commenced kin? your medicine, and I see you have bur testimonial that he is cured. Goon, and I say God speed you in your efforts to ameliorate the condition of mankind, and add to hu comfort and happiness. I will fH-.i Vmy Pwer for yu among my Wends. Yours respectfully, ' . , DR. W. H. Barker end stamp for testimonial of remarkable cures. JfrSFao d y Joe Person, Franklin- XSnCV C U by WM' H WU" ngton, n . C. tmay i-d&w-mac PURiGE'LL --KI9USE, UNDER NEW ilAMAGEMSNT, j , WiLisrarK, 5. C. B. L. PtRRY, Prop lt Proprietor Atlmtio Hotel. Mm us ia U .u wDointaieotf TeraS Wanted JK BORROW, FIVE HUNDRED AND i lFlXpOLLAR3 for twelve 'months. Se carity, Real EsUte worth five times the amount. Address P. O. BOX!2S2fl FOR TOHICJBITTERS LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. James Brinklet A Rare Chauce J E Samps n Schedule "B" lax Heinsbekgeb Parlor Organs C W Yates piank Books No City Court to-day. News is very scarce to-day. The receipts of cotton at this port to day-foot up 28 bales. ; Stock reports to morrow, July 1st, at the Produce Exchange. ' Thirty more ba&geless canines have been made to bite the dust; Read (J . pt. Janus Brinkley's adver tisement it; another coi'imn. The reci-ut rise of sixteen inches in the river at Fajetteville is rapidly fall ing off. Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacobi's. ! t " 1 " Steamboatmen report 18 inches better wattr at Fayettville now than the low water about this time last yejar. The steam tug Orlando is undergoing a thorough repair and overhauling. Her 4. at- deck houses-will be entirely new and re modeled.' - A mad bull dog, the property of Mr. Phillip Christ, was killed this morning, about 8 o'clock, by Health Officer F. M. James. We are gratified te learn that the ex cursion of the CM. Stedman Fire Com pany No. 1, on yesterday, was a finan cial as well as a social success. The committee on organization of the Immigrants' Friend's Society are re quested to meet at the Produce Ex change to morrow morning at 10 o'clock. The steamer D. Murchison is jjoing to Fayetteville to lay up for a general overhauling and repairs. When she comes out again she will look like a brand new boat. - ; It is ascertained that the big fire over in Brunswick county yesterday afternoom was near the Hankms' place. It was in the swamps and it seems that no particu lar damage was done. Two cr three large dredge boats are bein fitted up in New ITork for the river and harbor improvements of the Cape Fear. They are expected to leave for this port about the 15th of July. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, i Glass &c. Yoa can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. t The thermometer tell twelve degrees yesterday afternoon at the City Hall in Tive minutes when the blow came up, but that's nothing; it fell about six feet at this office in about one second. The nail on which it was hanging broke and down it came. Ir. E. T. .Williams, formerly of the New Central Hotel, of Lmmberten, is now presiding over the destinies of the Commercial Hotel saloon. Mr. Williams thoroughly understands his business, and Mr. Schutte was very fortunate in se curing his services. Beautify yonr jiomes by using the N Yi-EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t Information has been received in this city to the effect that the Sumter Light Iufantry have definitely decided to go in to their regular annual encampment at .Fort Johnson. They are expected to ar rive here between the 10th and 15th of July. v Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and lanes. A full assort mcnt and lowest prices at J acobi's. f I 0. O. tf. At a meeting of Orion Lodge No. 67, I. O. O.F., held last nicht, the follow ing officers were elected for the ensuing term: N. G. L. T. Bowden. Y. G. A. G. McGirt. R. S. J. L. Dudley. . P. S. W. 0. Farrow. T. W. S. Warrock. These, together with the appointive officers, will be "installed on Wednesday night next. " Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Bakes, Shovels, Spades Axes, &c. There you have the lowest prices. f Tbe Opera Home. The Opera House is to be entirely renovated and refitted by the lessee and will be in readiness for the theatrical season, which promises to be unusvally attractive and brilliant this FalL A scene painter is now at work . touching up the scenery, and will soon put ia a few additional flies and slides. The Opera House, when the repairs are completed, will be second to none of its size in the country, and better supplied with stock than many larger opera houses. HuNDKcna of llur. Woinur akd Child ckn Bescved from beds of pain, sickness and afmost death and made strong and hearty by Parker's Ginger Tonic are the best evidences in the world of its sterling worth. Yon can find these in every community. Post. See advertise ment. school Announce menu Gen. Lane's School closed its First Session this morning, with the following announcement of distinctions: i First Algebra H L Borden, H L Fennel, E E Thenpson. Second Algebra H Bosenthal. First Natural Philosophy H L Bor den, H L Fennell, E E Thompson. Second Natural Philosophy I Bear, B S Collins, A P Hallett, Jas D Hed rick, B Moore. Rhetoric H L Borden, H L Fennell, E E Thompson. Book-Keeping H L Borden, B W Davis, G L Morton. History H L Borden, H L Fenneli' E E Thompsoi. First Arithmetic H L Borden, B W Davis, H Ij Fennell, E E Thompson. Second Arithmetic E H Bernard, E Daniel, Jno J Hedrick, B B Lewis, G L Morton, W E Perdew, F 0 Poisson, B Roberts, J O Robinson, U M Robinson, H Rosenthal, W B Shaw, C B Souther land, C BWelton. Third Arithmetic Ike Bear, G B Clowe, B S Collins, A P Hallett, Jas D Hedrick, Ike J Hedrick, J S Johnston, B Moore. Fourth Arithmetic H B Bobinson. First English Grammar E H Ber nard, H L Fennell, P C Poisson, H Bos enthal, E E Thompson. Second English Grammar Ike Bear, B W Davis, Jno J Hedrick, B B Lewis G L Morton, W E Perdew, XJ M Bob inson,W BShaw. Third English Grammar A P Hal lett, Jas D Hedrick, Ike J Hedrick, B Moore, 0 B Welten. Fourth English Grammar 0 B Clowe, H B Bobinson, A S Williams. First Geography Ike Bear, EH Ber nard, A P Hallett, Jas D Hedrick, Jno J Hedrick, B B Lewis, B Moore, G L Morton, F C Poisson, B Boberts, J O Bobinson, U M Bobinson, H Bosenthal, W B Shaw', C B Welton. Second Geography O B Clowe, R S Collins, Ike J Hedrick, H B Robinson, L R Southerland, A S Williams. First Spelling Ike Bear, E H Ber nard, H L Borden, B W Davis, H L Fennell, A P Hallett, Jas D Hedrick, Jno J Hedrick, R B Lewis, B Moore, G L Morton, W E Perdew, F C Poisson, B Boberts, U M Bobinson, H Bosen thal, W B Shaw, E E Thompson. Second Spelling B S Collins, Ike J Hedrick. First Beading E H Bernard, H L Borden, Ed Daniel, H L Fennell, A P Hallett, Jas D Hedrick, Jno J He drick, B B Lewis, B Moore, G L Morton, W E Perdew, F O Poisson, B Roberto, U M Robinson, II Rosenthal, W B Shaw, E E Thompson, S YanAmringe. Second Beading Ike Bear, E Caaiux, C B Clowe, B S Collins, G Haar, Ike J Hedrick, J S Johnson, H B Bobinson, C B Southerland, T B Southerland, W H Willard, A S "Williams, B L Williams. Writing Ike Bear, E H Bernard, H L Borden, B S Collins, E Daniel, H L Fennell, A P Hallett, Jas D Hedrick, Jno J Hedrick, B B Lewis, B Moore, G L Morton, W E Perdew, F C Poisson, B Boberts, J O Bobinson, U M Bobinson, H Bosenthal, W B Shaw, C B Souther land. T R Southerland, E E Thompson, C B Welton. No Lates H L Fennell, BB Lewis. No Absences No one. " No Demerits No one. Mr. Phil. Manrer, 101 Hill street, Troy, N. Y., writes: Last fall I was at tacked with a severe rheumatic ailment, and suffered great pain. I tried St. Jacobs Oil and was speedily cured, Upon the second application the pains left, and, as said, in a short time 1 was entirely cured. It is our boss dispenrary and dost Tallied friend. Fort Usher Araln. Our article yesterday relative to the building and the command of Fort Fish er seems to have attracted much atten tion among our readers in the city. A few.of ov friends seem to think that we were rather severe on Col. Lamb while others and by far the larger majority endorse all that we have said. Let it be understood . here that we have not meant, and do not mean, to cast any aspersions on Colonel Lamb's character as. a gentleman and a brave man. We only desire to give pib. licity to facts. We have proved beyond a doubt that CoL Lamb is not entitled to the credit of having built Fort Fisher, although he undoubtedly added much j thereto. He must have considered that he was entitled to this claim or he would not have made it, but in this he is assuredly mistaken. The Fort was built and named before CoL Lamb had ever entered its portals. This we think that we have pretty plainly demonstrated. If he did build the Fort why, then, did he leave it to CoL Fremont to name? . is a question not very easy of solution. The truth is he simply built upon and added to the very substantial foundation laid by other men. Nor is Col. Lamb en titled to the credit of having command ed the Fort during either or both of the two fights, as we ourself admitted a few days ago. He speaks of the Fort which he "built and commanded" but' it is cer tain that he did not build it and we fee1 assured now that he did not command it when under attack Military authori ties tell us that this was highly improb able, with the presence there of if superior officer. . Col. Lamb was commandant of the Fort but Maj.Gen. Whiting was commander of the depart ment and the command naturally de volved upon him during the fights, as he was present at both engagements But more certain than thi3, we areas suredbya number of those who were pres ent, some at one fight and some at both, that Col. Lamb acted on each occasion simply as Gen. Whiting's subordinate Among these is Major James Re illy, next in rank to Col. Lamb, who com manded the land front on both occasions, and Maj. Rsilly assures us that every order he received during the two en gagements came direct from General Whiting, and not one from, or through, Cel. Lamb. This, we think, is a bit of testimony that is absolutely incontro vertible, and that should set the matter at rest. It was Major James Reilly on whom the fall command devolved when Whiting and Lamb had both been wounded, who gath ered together and reformed the remnants of the garrison when they were forced oat of the fort, retreating with them in good order to Battery Buchanan, and who finally was compelled to surrender to the overwhelming forces of the enemy. There is one part of the defences, how ever, which Col. Lamb did build and that is the battery known as the Mound, a huge pile of sand forming an artificial hill,which still remains and on which sev eral guns were mounted, which guns, we understand, did effectual seivice and were not dismounted by the enemy during the fight. ' -; - - YerbumSaD. Attention is directed to chap. C8, sec. 70, Battles Revisal, chap 162, sec. 45, laws 1876-77, chap 200, sec. 63, laws 1881. Copies of the above may be seen at this office to which all interested are respectfully referred, particularly those; whose disgraceful conduct on Tuesday night has stamped them as rowdies to be shunned and avoided by gentlemen as well as ladies. Anatner Dupiay or stars. On July 6th, at 3 o'clock in the morn ing. Mars and Saturn will be in conjunc tion. On the morning of the 7th will be the best time for observation, as the two planets will rise nearly together at a quarter before one o'clock. Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Yen us, will all rise about the same time, and travel on up the heavens together, making a constell ation of stars that will be interesting to behold. Don't forget to look for them. Glowing reports fof the condition of the crops in this particular section con tinue to reach U3. With a few more fine rains they will be as good as made. Peanuts are, be it understood, the 'ex ception to this rule. The thermometer in this office regis tered 9 S degrees to-day at 3 o'clock, which is two degrees less than yesterday. JfiW Plainer Aj very large and improved plainer, for iron work, has been received by the W. & W. R. R Company, and will be placed in their machine shop in this city. The weight of the plainer is about 25,000 pounds and it is one of the best in the country. . . T .t lOUUUdi, Yesterday's Charlotte Observer pub ishes over two columns of solid type, de scriptive Of the visit here and the enjer- ainment of the ladies and gentlemen 0' the Gounod Club. It speaks in the most cordial and grateful terms of the recep tion accorded them and the attentions avished'upon them during their short stay in our city. Flies & Mosquitoes. A 15c box .of 4lRough on Rats" will keep a house free from flies, mosquitoes, rats and mice, the entire season. Drug gists. ' . ! , Another Mad Sucker. A mud dredge boat is being -fitted up at the Navy Yard at Portsmouth for the Cape Fear River and Harbor Improve ments. It is expected to arrive about the middle of next month. There will be two or three of these dredges at work near the mouth of the river and much good is expected to be accomplishel by them. We hope at no distant day to see at least 25 feet of water on the bar. The Woodbury is at work daily on the sand shoals and is perceptibly increasing the depth of water on them. ,- Sec Here. You are sick; well, there, is just one remedy that will cure you beyond possi bility of doubt. If it's Liver or Kidney trouble, Consumption, Dyspepsia, Debil ity, Wells' Health Renewer is your hope. $1. Druggists. Depot Jas. C. Juunus. The Good Samaritans. The parade of the Good Samaritans through the stiieets yesterday attracted considerable attention. The procession was a -very large one and is said to be in dicative of the strength of tho order in this State. Geo. L. Mabson, who is a Past Officer in the order, delivered an address in the Opera House after the procession which is spoken of very highly. There are quite a number of prominent colored . men among the excursionists. Some of the excursionists left for their homes this morning but thefe are a great many of them yet in the city. The Grand Lodge is still in session at tne City Hall and will probably finish its work to-morrow. The delegates and ex cursionists seemed to be of the better class of the colored citizens from the towns from which they hail and have condueted themselves with becoming propriety. Mr. Vennor's Second Guess at July. Mr. Henry G. Yennor, in a letter to a newspaper in Ottowa, Canada, of the 23d instant, says: "I believe that the present summer is one in a triad of simi lar summers, probably the midde one. It is likely to resemble that of I860, and to differ in some of it3 minor details. The approaching month of July will give a great deal of rain, a3 in IbeO, over large portion of the United State3 and Canada, while in Great Britain the weather will in all probability be likewise stormy and wet. The storms of wind, thunder and lightning are likely to, be severe and frequent. The heaviest rains for New York and vicinity would locate after the 20th, and probably on the 2 let or 22d da.ie.st; bet wee u the 10 th and 15th days aa exceedingly hotterm is likely to be experienced in both the United States and Canada. Within a few days from the close of the month, probably about the 27th or 23th, a cool wave will occur, carrying frosts in Canada and cool weather generally, with storm3 of wind and rain throughout the United States. Where storms have been severely felt in the Western and Southwestern States luring June, there also "will the severe storm3 of July be experienced. Notwith standing these frequent and severe storms during the month, frequent alternations of fined hot weather will counteract to a great extent the damage done to crops in general in the We3t. The entrance of July in Canada, and abo to a consider able extent in the United State3, will be cool and showery, and the pzesseat look out for the Fourth i3 not a very promis' ing one." Lad i zs who A ppbeci at b Eleo ax c e and purity are csiog Parker's Hair Bal sam. It i3 the best article sold for re storing gray hair to its original color and beauty. Immigrants' Friends' society. An adjourned meeting of merchants who have signified their willingness to form a society for the purpose cf encour aging immigration to our midst was ? held at the Rooms Produce Exchange at 11 o'clock this morning, Mr. B. G. Worth in the Chair and Col. W. L. DeRosset acting as secretary. The' committee, consisting of Me?srs. Alex. Sprunt, T. E. Bond and Col. W. L. De Rosset, appointrd at the,4 meeting. on Tuesday last, made their report, which was adopted by sections and then as a wholcT ' ; "' ." : - ;: , The report, was an exhaustive and very comprehensive one and one which fully covered the grounds inv the' matter in whieh all are so much interested. The Rev. Mr. Charbonnel made quite a lengthy and interesting talk on the .sub ject of immigration and showed plainly ' the feasibility of the plans as suggested by the committee. A permanent organization was 'partly effected under the name of the "Immi grant's Friends' Society." Mcssr3. Alexander Spruat, T. E. Bond and Col. W. L. DeRosset were appoint ed a committee on organization and they are to meet to-morrow at the Produce Exchange to draw up a set of bylaws, etc., and transact such other business as comes under the line of their duty as a committee. . We are glad to know that most of our business men are deeply interested in tho movement and express themselves as de termined to push tho matter , until the desired result is attained. IJcw AdverticGinentB. A Kare Chance o full X THE FOURTH TO OBTAIN TTTT! benefit of the real luxury offered to Wrightsville visitors. . . -i The Sharpie ROGER MOORE will; take passengers from any pSrt of the Sound to the Beacb,and vice versa, at the going rates on the Fourth. ' . i This boat was buJlt. expressly for the Soun-1 and can ro at any time of the tide. Comfortable seating capacitv for forty per sons. ,JAMS liRINILEY, jcoU-Qt : Master. JULY 1st, 15S1. ALL MERCHANTS and other dealers are notified to list and pay their Schedule Tar, the first 10 days In July as the law requires. J. E. SAMPSON, je SO It Star copy Register Deeds GRMD FAMILY EXCURSION rjpo SMITHVILLE AND THE JVORT3 and to Sea, on tho Slinr. PASSPORT, Under the auspices of the Hibernian Benev ' . olent Association, on Monday, July 41h, 1881. The Ilibcrnlan As?oclatIon, o well known for their safe, orderly and pleasant Fourth of July Excursions, promise a pleasant time to all who participate. - --h The best of order will be Dreserved. Tho Committee reserve the right to exclude all J objectionable persons. No spirituous liquors smuw'-'u vn ooaru. neire6nments at city prices. Music by Italian Harpers and Dan- cm?, Boat will leave at 0 o'clock, sharp. Tickets Gentlemen $1; Ladies 50c; Chlld rea MZc., can be procured from the Com mittee or from Mr. D. O'Connor. ' Committee Maj. James Reilly, L. Brown, John Dyer, I). Quinlivan, James Corbett, John Barry, F. II. Darby. je 2S-tu-th-sat Parlor Organs. JJNEQUALLZD DUB ABILITY. Their preEperltr ia bssednot alone open their Fx. tamat JJeiuty. or tbeir Unriraled Power, Oieat Rane, f arisd iieiodj, and Xxclaiire . Original Attachments. Theae. indeed, era I exafttd Attributes, and powerful recommen- aaa yr,?. in cuaienars &a mecDaum ail my Orjaria stand p'emlneat tor their Last izirC ( hirc:er. Tfcey are reliable, dnrab'e ad X j cot "ieep tbe wrrd cf prozolie to the eir, ad bra.k it U the hpf." psics t pared ti sVjw et ftdek. 011 a-uuu yjtr BsxecMos, at LEISSBEBOIIB'S. Je 17 Lira Book asd ilsrieStore anl; M ASUFJ.C1V.B.ZD BY WHITBY fcL J WiiaComraaj, lVUta7Ll, 2, C. P.ice? tnlttnrlMca rpUcit!ni Hed ia yenr citUr tcr te I oikjTrJ SePFPEBOOBB I

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