THIS PAPEB Baadavs ? JOSH. T. JAMES, gBlTOK AHD PKOPBIKTOB. ar-RTPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID. s 00 Six months, $2 60 ; Thrtf l,th. CI 15 ; One month, 60 cents. n,. caper will be delivered by earrlera, JZfAMl "7 partof tbcitv.atthe ow r"i, or 13 ta per week. 4rertifla rats? low nd liberi rtf-rtnberiber9 will please report any an M ftf'nrefto receive tneir papers regularly jfow A dyertisemenB. ittUliUlUJLaiBlU r ttt I J V V 8 vo l. v WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1881. NO. 155 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. W. H. Stehlin-g Suspeusi u of Opera tions Marsden Bellamy. Coiu'r Sale of Real Estate S M EmTie, Cora'r ConiaiLU'iier'6 Sale See ad llostetter's Bitters llF.l:i.BEKGEK--HattimiK ks C W Vateo Blank B ioks . The Annual Bezatta f th Carolina Yacht Gab. . The. Annual Bezatta of the Carolina Yacht Club, on the Fourth, oyer the WrightsYille Course, wiil no doubt draw Terrible Rainstorm. The heaviest rain and thunder storm our city has known for years visited us ! this afternoon. The storm was unac companied by much wind, the maximum ft l fi,. B tw.u- velocity being only 16 knots an hour iuc Bireeu nere wnsucu up uuu wuwu erably damaged in many places. Market We lose 35 month. minutes of daylight this Besides the Champion Flag of the Club, a Club Prize will be given to each of the winning yachts in the First and Second cl iss. The yachts are to be divided in to two classes. Those over 16 feet 9 inches will be in the first, while those TI1R MAILS.. i T-e mvl- c.ioe ami Arrive t the City Northern b h rcai'F Northern thrdugH arui mails... Raleigh ....... Mails lor tue i. u. I4nr;ac and route tupp" ed th'fp- from, including A. &: N. Railroad. t - 5'0 p. m. . 5:40 a.! m. . .5. 10 a. U) street, from Third to the river, was a sheet of water averaging about twelve boutnern rr a tox ail p-..tft inr.hea in iWth. "Rnrpa barrels and South, d,Miy j... r . , l t-.- ;i "I I J , I , UUUpa Were BWCpb uj chicken b 4.) a.m. .iii p. - PLEABB S0TXC3. Wa wtI2 begirt to receive ttttmualcaScsi from our fzlsud on ay and all tabJaetJ o ffanarali&terect fctfp Vie aaxe cf Uta writer sttt always be faf aiaaed to tia Editor. SOoaarirJeatloni nuui b wrlttea' oa only oae alls of the paper PersoaCItiu aust b avoldad Ad it U especially and patcalarly Cider ctocd tlut the Editoi doea not always endors ih views ot corr5poadentt vnlest to stat in tlte editorial oohracs.! - Koi7 Advortificmonts. Only 2 hales of to dav. cottoa recei ed here tt ider will be iu the second class, though W4'CUb BUU a tha owners of crafts under 16 feet 9 EC. j Mora watcrm.-lorw. iay and to-day.; in u irket yester- Julv. 'the MiJ riuiim;iT ion th- t;o-i.rtls lo-d.iy-. Month, sieps owners of crafts under 16 feet inches can enter them in the first class if they so desire. - The following boats, it is thought, will be entered as arranged; FIRST CULSS. Lizzie, sailed by Captain W. L. Pars Heuralqia, tfciciica, Lumhaqo, Backache, Soreness of iha Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sora Throat, SweJI- i n I'. mas ana Drams, aurns ana Scalds, Genera Bodily ' Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and tars, and aWOtheri r ' J M f rains ana a ones. Ko Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs piL ta a safe, sure,' simple aod cheap External lUmedy. A trial, entails but the comparatively riftin outlaT of 50 Cents, and every one suffer ing with pain can, have cheap and positive proof Pirtctions in Eleven Languages. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AETD DEALERS IH MEDICINE. . I A.VOGEUSR Sl ipril 12dw-nao to It TURKISH BAT1 HOAB j This month has five Fridays, five Sat urdays and five Sundays. I about the streets and carried madly into the river by the water in the gutters. All the stores on the south side of Mar ket street, between Front and -Second, were flooded, ane many ot the goods were damaged Messrs. Hart, Bailey k Go's, machine shoos were flooded, the water rushing through them about 8 if p. tc. 7. ri r ta 1.-C0 lav Flirt, sailed by Captain B. H. McKoy inches deep though no damage was done Ripple, sailed by Captain Norwood 9:00 a. m. 6.00 a. m. The steamer Elizabeth brought up jninety-eight sturgeons from the fisheries at Federal Point on yesterday. Messrs. Asa K. Walker and H. M. Bowden. of this city, have been ap pointed notaries public by the Governor. . . It isn't right to call a fashionable min ister "Old Cucumber" simply because he doubles so many people up. Stop it, boys. , Ladies, who Appreciatr Elegance and purity are using Parker's Hair Bal sam. It is the best article sold for re-" Giles. Glide, sailed by Captain Clayton Giles. Fannie, sailed by Captain J.D.Munds. Restless, sailed by Captain S. P. Cowan. second class. Frolic, sailed by Capt. J. H. Danie Is. Spray, sailed by Capt. H. B. Lati mer. Bessie Lee, sailed by Commodore Wiggins. It will bo seen that the Glide and Restless are both placed in the First m. ... 7:00 p. m. ,. 4.00 p. ra. 8 a.m. to 12 storing gray hair to its original color and I class, though they are under 16 -feet 9 inches. The list may be a little incor rect, as we were forced to gather our ia- beauty. i Only one case of disorderly conduc before the Mayor this morning. The r.T.-mler was dismissed, with an admoni- I HAVE A VERY LARGE j Quaifily Of this Soap put up in Boxes, (fcii caQa) idr 25 cents per box. Oatmeal" Soap Three Cakes for 10 CBnts Most-desirable for cMldren! The revenue cutter Colfax is again at Frying Pan Shoals, where she is assist ing in- boring fer a foundation for a light llOUfC. formation piece-meal, but we think upon the whole, it is substantially correct. If there is any Mistake made, it is in the ch dami list ot names ot tne uaptains oi ine yachts. In addition to the Clnb prizes, other than the suspension of work. The water in . the allev was from 20 to 24 inches in depth. The 1 grocery establishment of Geo. Mvers was also flooded, the water being waiat-deeD in the back room and about ten inches in depth in the main body of the store. Their damage is estimated at about $200. It is said to be the heaviest rain fall in twenty years. From the signal office we learn that 4 inches and 20-100 oi ram fell I Order and N Begistcr Department in about one hour. During the August I same as stamp offlce. cyclone of 1879, when the Atlantic Ho- til, at Beaufort, was swept away, there were ft inches and 90-100 of rainfall in this city on the 17th and 18th. For the short time that the rain fell here to-day the rainfall, about halt as much as fell n two days then, is unprecedented in the annals of our history. There has been done but we have not (;xcejt unlay).... Mail t-jr Chcraw & Dsr'h ton Mails for points betweeu t retire and Cbarleasoo.. Fayettsville. fnd o,ruco- Cape Fear KJver.'T T, and Fridays ......L Fayetteville, via LumberU dailv, except Sundays... Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate ofiBeee, every Mondky and Thursday at i . Smith vllle mail, by eteain boat, daily, (except Sun days)....... i !. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shailotte and Little River, S. O., every Mon day and Thursday at......... 6:00 a. m. OPEN FOB DELIVEKY. Northern througn and way mails I. ...7: Southern Mails........ Carolina Central Railway... Stamp Office open from M., and from 2 to 6:30 8 30 a. To. mm GTOSXACXT i SW m m. Money opeu General delivery open frcm 5:30 a. in. to 7:00 p. m and on Sundays Irom b:iu to 9:30 a. m. Stamps for Bale in 6Xf.ll general d?llvory wbca suwp c-iuco closrsi. ' 1 - Mails collected from street loxes every day at 4:00 p. m. quuu.litics (TA Catarrh of the Bla Stinging, smarting : fn oonnt rf I urinary passages llUie 1U IU1B 1BBUO W vww- I -U -Al111aiK-, It. dder. irritation of the diseased discharges, Dept a. annicient auanutv oi Diao uaauei lor ;r - u Af hm nnnin-1 This Tear and Last Year. iik hi, f nnr most! The receipts of cotton at this - ff . a j 1 1 1. P Tuna incr Study your interest- You can now I enterprising dry goods merchants, to r1 6 - - 7 . T . " knv Hook Stoves at -faclorv trices at race will be started at 2 o'clock and BWIW u? Ar" - ' " - mi a Jas. C. Munds. .Druggists. Jacob 1' t I sailed on a rising and high tide. Quite a large number went down the river on the steamer Passport to-day. Professor Agostini's excursions are al ways well patronized and enjoyed. bales for the same month last year; spir- ita. 10.2SO casks against 10.411 last June; rosin, 32,845 barrels against 29, 388; tar 1,499 barrels against 1,484; and crude turpentine 9,564 barrels against The Hew Sharpie. 110,537. j. Roger Moore is the name or tho newl Cotton Is quoted to-day at lo t lor sharpie, which was built in thi city for middling, against 11 cts last July 1st.; Mr. Henrv H. Heide. She is 23 leet I spirita at 40 cts lo-aay agamsi To Builders and other3- bi's for Sash, Blinds and &c. You can get all lowest prices. ; Zi Ferble anrt Sickly I'prsons EeeoTer tbir ritalitv bv punuinff a cow c f .Hostetter Stemtch Fitters, the mwt pop ular inritrr nt ard alteraiire medicln In use. " Uezer&i dflii!it7. xevtr nd arae. f vi- epsia, eocs'ipatlo'), thoomitiim. andothir mUdi' re cmrletelf remoTei by it. Ak tnosa x?ho uavd uaaa it wait it naa aoaa xor Jtor sale by airDtu?rtit and Dtalert IT 1-nria A Rare Chance QN TIIE FOURTII TO OBTAIN THE full benefit of the real luxury offered to Wrightsvllle visitors. The Sharpie ROGER- MOORE wllltake . passengers from any part 'of tho Sound to the Beach, and vice versa, at the going rates on the Fourth. . This boat was built- expressly, for the Sound and can go at any time of the tide. Comfortable seating capacity for forty per sons. ' - .JAMES BRINKLEY, je 30-2 1 Master. Notice Go to Jaco- poors, Glass, 8ize3 ana at xnc Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ! ment and lowest prices at Jxcobi's. t R. m. clntire. jane 23 mrs. joe rascm'$ TOMC'BlffSES 1 CURES SCROFULA, RHEUMATISM Heart Disease, Chronic BUlous Colic and all kinds of Eruptions and Skin Diseas es arising: from impurity of the blood. As u Alterative Tonic and Purifier of the blood it Has provenitsel f unequalled .. . 1 as a Tonic and Blood Purifier it ia TJnsurpassed Pixetieu's Mill's. Carteret Co.. N. C JulvlTth. 1S79. Mks. PEiiSOX Dear Madam: I thint! Tour medicine, is the best that is now before tbe public, for the cure of blood diseasf s. I ave great confidence in it, and believe that it will do all that you claim for it. I Havel tle personal knowledge of the conditio of jouns Mr. Stokes, before ne commencca taking your medicine, and I see you have his testimonial that he is cured. Go on. ad I Bay God speed you in your effort! tc ameliorate the condition of mankind, anc aaato Ins comfort and happiness. 1 wil ao all in my power for you among menus, GTours respectfully, " Dr. W. IT. Barker Send Etamn for testimonial of iemirkablej cures. J ' I 1 Prepared by Mrs. Joe Person, Franktinj . a. U. Sold by Wil. li. lituuis, u The work of erecting the new wing oa the East side of the Court House waa commenced to-day. The work will be poshed forward as rapidly as possible. I long, 8 feet beam, and has easy seating I rosin at $1.75 and $1.80 against, $1.02 .1. . : : . , , . I cftracitv for forty persons, tnougn a mucn i ana ai.u; iar ai o.j.i SaiuBi. JSineteenyearagos xo-aay was lougni '. . . Q, OT,f; the battle of Malvern Hill, which, will Tn fixnorts for the month just 'cl03ed we have a total, foreign and domestic, of 2,187 bales of cotton against 819 last June; 10,277 casks spirits against 12,154; 41,222 barrels rosin against 49,762; 4,103 barrels tar against 2,467,land 250 barrels crude against 507 These figures are all from the books of .i . I a v ri a X7BAlnAA b -rnh n n trn tti;. DaiA cnn fo Jcaar fmm a Rcaer Moore was out on tne river yes-1 tne oecreuiry oi me x iuw -"""b- X' ilea OI w OillU UVVia ww vawvawvM 47 room containing'a plate of the following terday afternoon and was very much ad mixture : Hal f a teaspoonf ul of black I mired by those who saw her. Beautify your homes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t long be remembered by the veterans of either army as the last of the famous "Seven Days' Fight,". Mr. W. H. Sterling, the Manager, gives notice that- the Exchange 'was so much damaged by the rain to-day that a temporary supension, only for a day or two, is imperative. . 1.60 larger number could be carried in her. j aad crude turpentine $2.75 for soft and She is rigged with two large leg-of-mut I virgin against $2.50, ton sails and carries in all 145 yards of CTOvass. She is very "stiff," as all( sharpies are, and is said to be very fast. When loaded with forty grown persons, she draws eight inches of water. She was built for use. on the Sound, and wiil be in readinessv to take visitors to the beach and return on the Fourth. The pepper in "powder, one ol brown sugar, and one of cream, mixed together. The screech-owl serenadqrs were out I'again last 'night until nearly mid-night, j filling the air with their discordant, un earthly and ' hideous braying. How I er of acres planted into consideration, long oh, how long -is thi3 to be thus? Crop Prospects, The best field of corn, taking the nuan School Breaking at Rocky Point. The closing exercises of the school at Bocky Point, taughty Miss I. Durham, were held at the school room yesterday the ! 30 th ult. Tho examination proper took place during the daytime while the evening was devoted to vocal and instru mental mnaifi. dialogues, charades and rendered in nungton.N.C. , may 4-daw-nac J PUftjGl'lLM . DNDKR NKW 2ANAGKUE3T, i 7r ILVI-aiOK, N. C UPkurv, - - Prop if :f 1 "We can write if the thunder does roar, and the lightnings do flash, but when the telephone wire just over our devoted head takes a "hand in," and goes to pop ping, and cracking, and ringing the bell, then we beirin to feel "kinder"-!-well - ,i, f , i- -..-t.; - ;a nf fifHr milPs is. we are I speecnes, ail oi wnicn were niLiiiu M m. au&uu w v " t w a A nnnfident. unon the riantation of Dr. E. good taste and in a majority ot m- ' . e Utnnr.p PTPftllentlv. The weather was Porter, aoout one mue caaverty irum - pUP?nt in Pander conntv. The oppressively hot and the room was crowd field contains 125 acres, about 100 of ed almost to suffocaWby the ladies and -,t,. r in .o hilft the remainder ia Uentlemen of the vicinity, but the young Men. YYomkx and Rickness. and almost death and made remamamy -r4-.. HUNDREDS OF CniLDEEN Rescued fromibeds'of pain, in cotton and groundpeas, The corn, which is all in one body, will average nearly or quite six feet in height, and is OlUHV . . ' . - IS U -.XT strong and, hearty by Parker's Ginger I'growth throughout the entire field, we Tonic arQ the best evidences m ine worm i passed through a large portion oi yes of its sterling worth. You can find these th mx ult, and, although we in every community. Post. See advertise-1 r..Jt Za. bad been apprisea oi iu iyrf tion we were astonished at such a re- Our young friend, Jimmie Monroe, at I ... 1 -. for the time of year. khe Produce Exchange, is the happiest I rr,a tt d o. alluded to wera man on the wharf tos3ay. Ho will be I . , . . g-pi- rivinir promise LaU P onrUlnr Atlantis Hotel i?u t la- i-, U lu aDDOiatmeoti Tefml t. $: -v , b8-t Wanted f TO BORROW, FIVE HUNDRED ANp . . ' I . i 1FTY DOLLARS for twelve months.- fSei i r i cority. Real Estate worth five times 1 the 'mount. Address QP. O. BOX2$Jfl twenty-one years old to-morrow. His own cousin, son of Mr! B. W. Collins, of Burgaw, attains his majority toniay. He is in the city and the two are to be feasted by their friends to-night. Ladies who paint silk, satin, or velvet screens, fans, dresses, ribbons, &c, are notified that an Italian has invented a of an abundant harvest. An Improvement. The sharpie Roger Moore, under com mand of Capt James Brinkley, will be at Wrightrrillo on tho Fourth to take nassensrert to and from the beach. When fully loaded she draws only eight inches of water and it is hardly possible preparation by which all kinds of stuns I that 8be get stuck on a shoal. In may be painted in oil and tha painting I -action to her lurht draft of water she remain. On silk and satin the colors I M te rZTJ fa8t and is perfectly are as brilliant as enamels, and become I t drj. . ii, r.!.,r VoHW irnmor varnish ial Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoea ana BUIL iUCU. v O , m HTI-nr to be found in the colors, and they there. J Bakes, ShoTels,8padAxfia,te Thm r M.Vr. I you haTB tho lowesi vnzss. i ij Now Advsrti&cnuf SUSPENSION OF OPERATION. TELEPHONE EXCHANGE ViAS rjlHE damaged by the raia to sciibcrs arc notified of the t lemporary ts pension of operations fur a day or two. W. H. STERLING, day acd sub jyl-lt Manager Sale of Real Estate -vTTT?QTT A VT TH A TiTT f!T?F.F. nf thp. Sn- U XkU U -a a v - v Xperior Court of New Hahover County, 111 lUC CStOC UCIVI CCU UDtiu 1H.UUJ o. v ... j Reddy, tue undersign eawm eeu at puuiic anf tinn fnr rash, at the Court House doer on August 1st, 1S81, at 12 o'Clock M., the following real estate: Beginniugin North Utia rtf Woostr street 6G fecit from corner of "Vfooster and Second streets, runs;thence West S3 feet, tnence norm yw-ieec, lututu Rf as fppt. thence South 991 feet to Begin ning, being part of lots 5 andlG, Block 5U in the city oi W umington . i jy 1-law-iw 4 lornmissioner JJATINQ QUALIFIED as Admialitrator , oa tho 8t&ta of Uenry Oh'andt, deceased on tha 4to dty of May. 1681, ia tha Frobata Cou-t ofNew Hanover county, notice il herebf given to all perecna iadebted to tho Citjtanfthe Bild Henry Chandt, to zaakft imif iit j rajticni .ifd rettlecasnt j and all personi h-sin claims ca'nat. ald eitata. will preaaat them for payicent on or hefora the 3ih day of lloy, 1&82, or thle notice will , 03 p'eaded in bar of thei' recovery. ' .'1 ais 9ch da of M7, 1831. . U. TOLLERS. rnij 13 laTGfff Adooniitrater. -' ; - Blank Books. jjARQE STOCS, all elzce, and lulUbls for acy business, just arrived. Also Draft Note, Receipt, Letter, and Invoice Books Stationery, cho;l Bocks. Tansy Goodj, ov Ao.j Ao, ".' Orftcs und Piasca on easy terma. C W. Yates' EookiStore; jo 27. :' ' . '. ' . Good Kew Butter? COOKING EUTTE3, Hammocks. SE MEXICAN Ia Hits aad Boxe. A NOIHEB LOT OF THO HM?,nn?a. wMta and colored, jas; re ceived and for lalo cheap tt lads'and lassies composing the school, un mindful of the former tnd cheered by the inspiring presence of tho latter, went through the several parts assigned them with' promptness, ease and infinite grace. We wish that we had space to particu- iarize, but where all were deserving it becomes unnecessary. Miss Durham is, a faithful and efficient teacher easy and polished in manners firm jet! kind in discipline, with a fondness and perfect adaptability lor her profession which makes her services Invaluable as a teach. er. She is a thorough musician and that portion of the entertainment re flected great credit both upon teacher and pupilsi We regretted exceedingly that previous arrangements prevented our remaining uv.til the entertainment closed, and when j we were compelled re luctantly, to decline the many invitations to remain and tbf j hearty proffers of hos pitality from the! citizens of the neighbor hood, we felt that we had been altogether too previous in our arrangements. No well mana sred factory is complete without a fullsuDDlv of St. Jacobs Oil in case of emergency or accident. - Vioiins and Banjos L80, THKBE3T ITALIAN BTK13C8 for tb-ime, just receired aa for ea'd cheap . HEI53BEEQK3'S. live Book and ilciicHtcre at Commissioner lei Br VIRTUE OF A DECHKE O? Titi: Superior Court ofNew Hjaccve? cconty, June Term 179, in ' caai. tbere pendi inz wbereia Brown A Krd lick are pUictiu'i, aad Jobn U. Alien ana wi e, vaiuei a r emu and wife, and kachel At. Thcjispton aro de fandaau, I aoall procai to ell f jr cajb, a! the Court Home door in ihb city of Wil nln?ton,Qn Monday, the firat dr tt Auust. 1881. tha following deisriodd ! lot if ltd with the improTementa thereac, tIz: Beit ning at the northers line of ij&rks: ttree; at a Doint about one hondrd fet from the nnrthweatern intarsecacn cf tiiith itreet with laid Market street, thaaco north paralM wit! Sixth street 147 (eat, thecc we.t parai lei witi Market it eet 44 feet, then: 9uth parallel with Sixth street 147 feet, t .northern Uoocf Market street tbeaoe txi with tie liae of II arte t street to the biania. ti. M EtfrlC, Jyl30tr CamUs'.onsr Riss Eo Karrer . TTAS JUST RECEIVED a peauUfol as- rl sortment of Evening and jlilliuery Flowera, Afternoon Ilatf and i Bonneta, linen and Mohair Ulsters, Underwear and Children's Clothing, whica reduced price. will be sold at Toe g&Ij lew by ja 16 II & Peae-sall. BOHUl E'Sj SEA-SIDE PARK KOTELSI ; WrisiiUviile Sound : r. KO'tV OPEN FOH TIIE EECEPTIOn of gattie f .The table U icpplicdjiUi.therrej duct3of the Sounds and Sea. . I Transient and Regular harder taken at reasonab 1 rates. je2-tf A. SCHUTTE, Proprietor The 9CcsmopoIitan BAR I3TrTE PLACE WHERE YOti uwRet the coolest, purest and most scienti3caliy mixed 6 aramer Drinks to be found in . the city. The very best Wines, Champagne and Liquors always on hand. The best 5-cent Cigar that is made. Drov la andecoi o2T. JOUX CAKRQLL, J8 . Proprietor; I li

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