IfllS Fir" 1 .nww, r r. 4 M Kl iH'1 iH AS " r ' ' ' fl W; Oue month, 60 cent, j V -ill b delivered by carrier, in any part of tbe city, attne or 1 05"" K": 1 VS "uiflC r "J,r Ed Ub,rftt ! A ib-c-ibtrn plae report any an ..Mto reciT- tlieir papers regularly. Kev Adyartisempnts. TIlEGREAi' -raS,! FOR Neuralgia, Scidka, b; frci, Backache, Serene sc of H.'j ihzi, Gout, Quinsy, Sore m oat, bweil ingrand Sprats, Bums $nd' Scald, General Bodily Pains, . Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted feet and Ears, and ell other Pains and Aches. So Pnrrtion on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil wft.rure, simple and cheap External IsdT A trial entails but the comparatively thflicp ootlT cf 50 Out, and ertry one BiiflVr bj with jin can bare cheap and iositive proof $t its eUims. Knetioni in Zleren LangTiafes. ' BOLD BT ALL DSHGQISTS ANDEEALEE3 IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER CO., HaXtitnoret Md., V, IS. iprUlldlMlM tej MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY FQR SCROFULA NEVER FAILS. ' " It Will Cure if Fairly Teste 3. , IttfYMme much pleasure to be able tp itt T hava Aortrof on pfTppt.11 ftl P.lire of Scroful from the use of Mrs. Joe Terson's remedj for that disease. 1 Had eunerea torn Scrofula for more than three years, aad hid dpsmtirftd of ever ffettihsr well. :I m treiied during that time by three very eminent pbj6leians, without any good result. it. fr. -v iT.ii o j i t 1 1 i men weniio me piauouai oumiciu moi? tute, at Atlanta, Ga.t and was treated there more than two months, with no better re iult tkan my family physicians met with. After returning from the Institute, I was rsnuaded to try Mrs. Person's remedy, and had not used it more than a week before jl dlscoTeredita curatiye and healing proper ties. My Bores Boon began to heaJ , and the color of my ekin changed as fast as tbe sores aealed. 1 hadtot thought of ever getting well ag-ain, but my hopes increased, my low epiritednew fled before thi remedy, and I am now enjejineplendid health and am in wod spirits The remedy is mild as a pur ptlye, and a strong tonic ; it will heal the ott stubborn sore in three weeks if taken jesularij. It ia my opinion that it 6hould w taken seme time after the sore ia healed', to remore the cause of its effects . It 6houid ken regularly by all means,.for I have metimes neglected it, from the pressure of usineas, and in all cases found that the re already made would commence to rer Jfrade, and for this alone it should be uien regularly until an elTectual cure is completed. -Nothing should prevent regu jwtyin the use of the remedy and it should w liken at the proper time. I would rej commend to all who are suffering from Wula to try it. It will surely cure you J JQQ give it a fair test. I speak from expet nence aad not from hearsay. M am a grated f1 cure from the use of it and a under many aud lasting obligations td reon for the great relief 1 have ob V.r " aavice. l am, respctruUv, ca stamp for testimonial of remarkable cares. t s tea, BKton,N.C.' o d bv WM. II. GREEN. Vil4 . , . Jy G-d&w-nac BATH" SOAP. i j HAVE A" VERY LARGE Quantity of Soap put up in Boxes, (six'eakes) lor 15 cent per "Oatmeal" Soap. . 10 Cents, Most desirable for children.' R. M. (Vlclntire. Wanted T BoROW, F1VEJ HUNDRED AND LiLR3 for twelTe months, Se aoant- r,FUte wortk five times the 8UyifaareM P.OBOX22S. j J im VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY LOCAL NEWS. New.. Advertisements. II ei xsbekger Parlor Orzaas Mrs Joe Person's Remedy for Scrofula C W Yates School Books No City Court to d y. Shrimp? are plentiful but sell for 15 cents ger fjuurt. 'I n receipts of toliori at tlqs port to day foot up fi) bales. I'iif i-tenner Blale, of the United Stale- Coast Surrey, is in below. Ca:i.e!oupes are coming in freely though there Jiove been very few choice ones in market so far. Watermelons are coming in quite free ly but the prices still remain too high lor people of moderate means. K A large crowd, of fishermen went out o the blackfish rocks on the steamer Passport this morning. Study your interest Yoa can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacob fs. f , . This has been decidedly the hottest day of the season. At 3 o'clock the thermometer in this office registered 99 degrees. Mr. Paul -Pope, son of Col. A. Pope- of this city, and a very promising young gentleman, graduated last week at the Virginia Military Institute. llad time and space and type permit ted we coald have filled our paper yester day with local news alone. As it is some items are brought over to this issue Beautify your homes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at. Jacobi's. f Maj. W. L. Young and V. T. Ban. nerman, Esq., of Pender county, are in the city to-jay for attendance on the meeeting this afternoon of the Board of Directors of the Duplin Canal. II. I. .. PH. lllllll ! Ill AVe understand that the young folks at Burgaw made the most of the occasion on Monday night. Notwithstanding the fatigues of the day, dancing was kept up throughout the " entire Eight, the floor being crowded an oi the time. . Cannot a rowing race on the river be gotten up between the crews of the ves sels n port ? We are satified that if a race could 1 be arranged for, a suitable purse, of money could be raised to be presented to the winning boat. ' 1 Judge Schenck, with his daughter and niece, the latter the daughter' of Gen. Ramseur, and both beautiful young ladies, was in, the city yesterday and Mon day, passing a part of yesterday on a vis' it with the young ladies on the Passport to Smithville., . To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds' and Doors, Glass, &c. You i can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. t ... The barque Sosterk, from Liverpool, with 407 tons of irdh for the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R.Tfc., is now discharg ing her cargo at the wharf of the Cape Fear & Peopled Steamboat Company, directly in front of this office. This iron is to be taken to Fayetteville on the steamers. r. John B. ITyland, of Troy, N. Y., for the space of ten months suffered with rheumatism so badly that he could hard ly raise his arms or legs. Tried a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil and the rplief was in stantaneous. . . TUa Wiicutsviile Mall. There were some twenty bids received by Col. Brink for carrying the Wrights ville mail. The; were not opened here but were forwarded to Washington City. In a day or two . the service will be awarded, and the mails wrU be put on. The carrier will leave here about 8:30 o'clock a. m. and return late in the after noon. ' indications. For the South Atlantic States fair weather, winds mostly from south to west, stationary barometer and tempera ture. A Healthy State. People arc constantly changing their homes from East to West and fronvNorth to South or vice versat in search of a healthy State. If they would learn to be contented, and use the celebrated Kidney-Wort when sick they would be much better off. The whole system can be kept in a healthy state by this simple but effectual remedy. See largo adv. Repair It. r .7 Nutt street is in a -very bad, and we may say dangerous, condition. The plank roadway needs repairs, and in some places it is entirely worn-out. It is sur prising to us that some horse has not broken his leg by getting his hoof caught ia between the planka. . Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and lines. A full assort merit and lowest prices at Jacobi's: f 1'iC Nic at Croom's Bridge We understand that there is to be a social picnic at Croom's Bridge, on the North East river, on Saturday, August 20th, to which all from this city and elsewhere who nay be inclined to attend will be welcomed, It will be a basket pic nic and there will be music and danc ing in the evening. It is possible that a boat may be run from the city that day, provided there will be enough passen gers to justify it. Bargains. Some rare bargains are now bsing of fered by Messrs. Sol Bear & Bros., and especially in gentlemen's linen pants and vests. The Messrs. Bear are desirous of closing out all of their Summer stock preparatory to the Fall and Winter 'pur chases.- Next month the season will open to the trade in New York and the senior member of the firm is generally on hand among the first to secure the new est and prettiest things offered. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There you have the lowest prices. t To Bemore. We are sorry to learn that Col. A. Pope, General Passenger Agent of the Associated Railways of Virginia and the Carolinas, has concluded to remove his family from this . city .to Richmond, his headquarters being in the latter city Col. Pope has been resident here for more than ten years past and the entire community will regret the removal of so good a citizen. Our loss ia this respect is Richmond's gain. Requisitioned. Early this morning Constable T. O. Bunting arrested one Lester Kennedy, alias Cauley Kennedy, charged with grand larceny. He was captured in a house near the corner of Second and Ann streets, where he was was living. The arrest vtas made by Officer Bunting on the strength of a telegram from Sheriff Samuel Rowan; of Columbia5, S. C, and this morning Deputy-Sheriff-McGuire arrived herS with a requisition from the Governor for the prisoner. Mr. McGuire will leave to-night for Columbia with Kennedy in charge. The prisoner, Kennedy, wasformerly a Deputy U. S. Marshal and the charge against him is the larceny oi some valua ble old coins, sent to the South Carolina State Fair for exhibition Jn November last. Court is now in session at Colum bia and Kennedy is wanted there for immediate trial. Suicide and Djspepsla. A most remarkable cure for dyspepsia "Wells' Health Renewer." The great est tonic, best bilious and Liver Remedy known. $1. Draggists. Depot Jas.C. Munds. , A Town Without Mails. There is a town in North Carolina, and a town of some importance too, that is absolutely without mail facilities. We refer to Columbia, in Tyrell county. They have had no mail there for six weeks and when they want to get any or when they have letters to post they put a man on a horse and send him fifty miles to the nearest postoffice. We ascertained this fact through a letter from the regis ter of deeds, written to Washington Cityf explanatory of the fact of the omission of the vital statistics of that county from the report, because of the fact that, there being no mail to Columbia, the blank forms were not received there until the lists had been closed. The letter was forwarded from Washington to Wil mington to Dr. Wood, Secretary of our State Board of Health. A Romance of a Poor Tonor Han. i A reporter f the Philadelphia Re cord recently sought out a yung Ger man se gar maker in that city named Del aware E. Wenzelle, of No. 869 North 9 th street, and found him with $5,000 in greenbacks preparatory to opening a bank account and going into business for himself on the river front. This came from expeading one dollar for a half ticket in the May . drawing of the Louisi ana State lottery. There will be over $110,000 distributed in una tz&nner JrJyl2tK A Tentcxe often visa dAw . . ; ' V""."!' '.' "i'""i:.:.-"--:"V:-; ' - X-.'-: ' 'r' r ? .X": ? -P"' .'-:. 1MJ V JLilH :W o '-.V. . ' -. - . : ' -I Crude turpentine is 10 cents better to day than it was yesterday and tar has lost 30 cents, which is 35 cents better for crude and l.25bettel rfor tar than on the same date last year. The Registrars in this city for the ap proaching, election are doing literally nothing at all. But very few are regis tering, and comparatively few seem to know that the registration books are open. It is a fact that three of the Registrars have nut yet entered a name. Kxports Forgeiu. . Swedish barque Israel cleared to day for Bristol, Eng., with 1,100 casks spir its and 1,300 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs Alex. Sprunt & Son, and schr. Lizzie Major, for Jcremie, Hayti, with 4 barrels coal tar, 15 bales oakum, 6 bar rels pitch; 6 do tar, 3 do rosin, 2 cask. spirits, 25,000 .bricks, CO,000 shingles and 112,642 feet lumber, shipped by Mesrs Jas.H. Chadbourn & Co. ; Temperature and Rainfall. The following meteorological report has been prepared at the Signal Office in this city for lhe week ending July. 3rd, 1881, as compared with the correspond ing week of last yean The maximum thermometer was 95 degrees as against 97 last i year; mini mum do 62 as against 68; weekly range of do 33 as against 29; total rainfall 4,54 inches as against 1.07." During the week in 1880 the thermometer reached 97 three times and on two other days it was above 90. The rainfall for the past week in the cotton belt averages about as follows: S&uth Atlantic States, 1.78; Eastern Gulf, .74; Western Gulf, .32; Ohio Val ley and Tennessee, .76; average for the district, .90. lime Water. It is healthy now on North Water 4 . street. The fire iu the lime in Messrs E. G; Barker & Co's. warehouse was all suppressed last Saturday night, and the street in front is still - white -with lime water. Much of this found its way to the river, and the streets were yesterday carefully cleaned and the lime thus gathered carted off to localities where it may be needed. The building in which the lime was stored is badly damaged, the north wall, dividing from Messrs. Harding Johnson & Co's. premises, have given way to the pressure from within. Messrs. Johnson & 'Co. were damaged to the extent of being compelled to re move a frame buildingwhich had been buift against the wall, and its contents. The Chief of Police was Serenaded. Our Chief of Police is very fond of op eratic music, especially when it is on the high seas, and speaks felinely ;of a concert which took place on his , back fence about 3 o'clock this morning. The song, as he describes it, was, "Meow 1 Meow! My tail is longer, Meow, than yours, Mr. Comet." Then came in the bass and afull choru3. He saj3 the last mother's son of that feline opera troupe are boundfor purr-dition. The last we aw of the Chief, this noon, he was look ing for hi3 boot-jack, a grip-sack, two pairs of winter'sjoots, one pair of old fashioned brass firedogs, a water bucket, sixteen fire bricks from the back of the fireplace, and numerous small articles of which he has no inventoryX The Immigrants' Friends' Society. Pursuant to a call from the Cnairman, a meeting of merchants and otherk was held at the Produce Exchange this morn ing, at 11 o'clock, for the purpose of ori ganizing the Immigrants Friends' So ciety of Wilmington under the plan of incorporation as submitted by the com mittee, appointed to draw it up. The by laws were read and alter some slight amendments were adopted as a whole. . The -annual rdeeting of the Society will be held in this city on the firstTues. day in J une of each year at the office of the Society. - The election o ' officers was held with the following result: President He'nry ' utt. Secretary Walker Mearei Board of Directors Alex. Sprunt, B. G Worth, F. .W. Clark, and A. J. De RosseL On motion, Rev. Mr. Charbonnel was; electel an honorary member. The Sec retary was instructed to have printed such portions of the records of the So-! ciety as Rer. Mr. Charbonnel may think advisable. ! All other matters were referred to the Board of Directors. I TheVectii TheVecting then adjourned.! 6, 1881. NO. 159 President GarQeld. The only news received here to-day wTom the President is j good news. , He was better this morning, I having rested welHast night and strong, hopes are en tertained of his ultimate recovery. Coupled with this news is the state ment qj a quarrel among the physicians a3 to who is properly ntitled to direct the case. We read ef this ia the New York Jierald and it hii3 since been tele graphed through the country and per haps abroad. Disgraceful! - Down the River. The excursion on the steamer Pa.$s- . i i - i . port, on the Fourth, gpen under the aus pices of the Hibernianj Benevolent Asso ciation, wras one of the most delightful affairs of the kind on! record here. As usual a large portion of the party landed at Smithville but many bthers remained on board when the beat ; steamed out a few miles to sea. Old' Neptune was pro. pitious, however, and nobody yielded the tribute. The committee wefe especially attentive to the- comfort of those on board and not one jof those present brought back a regret on the return to the city. Safe in Port. . We gave publication yesterday to the fact that some apprehensions were being felt here as to the safety of the schooner Mary Bear, Capt. Chadwick, whi( cleared hence for Baltimore on the 25th ult. To-day we are gratified in being able to announce that she has arrivjed safely. Three youndcentlcmen, Messrs. R. E. Lee, Isaac Bear; and Marcus Stern berger were passengers on her and to-day Mr. Samuel Bear, the father of one o the passengers, received a' dispatch dated at Baltimore thi3 forenoon stating that the schooner had just arrived there safely and that all were well. A moonlisrht excursion will be given on the steamer Passport, down the river to-morrow evening. , The Harpers have engaged the harpers and it will be jus splendid for dancing.! "And don't yon forget it" ; - f : Hundreds op Men, Women and Childeen Rescued from beds of pain, sickness and almost death and made strong i and hearty by Parker's Ginger Tonic are the best eyidences in the world of I its sterling worth.! You can find these in every community. Post. See advertise ment, i Now Advortisoments. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE, SEVENTH GRAND DIS TRIBUTION, class; g, at new Or leans, TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1S81 134th Monthly Drawing. j ' j Louisiana Stats Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1SCS for 25 years by the Legislature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital ol $1.000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $420,000 has since been added. i By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made iv part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. i Its Grand Single iNchbzb, Dbawinos It never scales or postpones. Look at the following Distribution: , CAPITAL PRIZE $30,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH, HALF-TICKETS, ONE Dollar. LdoT UF PRIZES . 1 Capital Prize $30,000 1 Capital Prize - 1 Capital Prize ' - 2 Prizes of $2,500 -5 Prizes of 1 000 - 20 Piizes of 500 -J00 Prizes of 100 -200 Prizes of 50 -500 Prizes of 20 -1000 Prizes of 10 - 10,0-X) 5,000 5.CO0 5000 10,000 10.C00 lo,Xo 10.000 10,000 APPR0XIMATT0NiPRIZE3. 9 Approximation Prizes .of $.'X 2,700 Approximation Prizes of 10--1,SOO 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 tyXI lSo l'nzcs, amounting Xo - - $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted ai an points, to whom liberal compensation win oe paia., I L . ' yor lurther Information, write clearly, giving full address. 8end order by ext-Tess or Registered Letter, or Money Order by Dy mau, aauressed onlt to m.a. DATJpnijr i New Orleasj. La or Bl. A.DA.UPHKY,t Wo. 212 Broadway, flew Yort " All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are unaer tne suptmsion and management of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and J UB AL A. EARLY, je lS-wd-eat-4wdw Keep Cool ! BOTTLED SWEET CHAMPAGNE CI DER on ice. A pure, healthy and re freshing beverage for Summer; not f atoxi eating. ' j n: tT Pure. Cold Sodai Water on ke at the same place, undrr the Uzttett Office at ' 6, G. NORTHKOF'S, Jell. .Water St, fiiore; PLEASE ZIOTXCZi XT9 na b!d to rsc!Tt ess: trona Car fricub on caytsi &H R'tf Ccsenllstemt ball Baas of lit intta csssl ftlvsji fct tst one xu of tfco ptr PrsoaaIltLea aut U rroLied . Afid It it etrpeeUQy and MzUeelirlT ear ttood tbit the Editvdoea not aliraji eadon tbe rim ct comspcadeab, vslen to ftat - in the editorial eoinmna.' ; Her Advortlficaiexitai Parlor Organo. pNKQUAUAD DURABILITY. Thilf r reperitr Is butdn.t alone non Hurt r. ie b; Ueaatj. rr thflr Unrivaled Fewer. utt Kacp. f afi'd Melody, and Kzclmslve. Tixi3&i AtUciinenta. These, iadJ, are exau i sttr bates, powerful rtconmen- dati r.? :Jn r. .. m.ni tn. . w lay Uryaju i'K t. crtnlaett for thir Latt in haras'e-. i tey r liable, ' dorab'e a d d cot thm w r 1 -f tromljfl to tb ear, andb- t the h 'u" opitsfp, v,t aM r.j stock. Call aLdiaafce your U ctiot1, at 'Jp Lire Book and atnsieBtore r a i ". For Sale or Exchange miSl 3 ;AJLE RESIDENCE wl h four looms &d ki ch:n sxd good well of water en l oicsUeat jjaidca, for sale or exchange for property in WilasjntinL For parti ro- a s arnly at THIS OFFICT.' Fl f hi National Bant of Wilmington. TTIE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ef thk Bank have declared a dividend of Three aud a Half Per Cent, payable on and after the 10th Inst. A. K, WALKER. jy 2 3t . Cashier. . GREAT REDUC1T0IT IN PRICES OF SPRING GOODS. TWO HUNDRED CASSIMERE PANTi ONE HUNDRED MARSEILLES VESTS. For sale very lew by Sol. Bear.& Bros, J7 2-1W To Escursion Parties, i - ! Pic Hie Parties. And SOUND PARTIES! I have a fine stock of Messina Lemons . I Messina Oranges, very sweet, . Cooked Corn Beef and Tongue, Lunch Ham, Devilled Meats in Cans Sardine?, both Domestic and i Imported, Smoked Beef, Pickles, both Domestic and In ; ported. Also, ' ' '. Caret of every grade, from 35 ctfl.' per bottlb upward. G, H. Homm'a Dry Virzenfiy Champagne, in Pints and Quarts Lump's Lager ' Beer, Puro Old Stock Whiakoy, and all otiier Hnda ' ' , ". J : . of Win3 and LiquorFl ' XcT Everything very nice, jusi to suit persons taking a Holiday fa tho country. An elegant lunch for ono or any number of persons, can be secured at very low figures, by timply Iear- iag your order with JNO. L. COATIVniGIlT, Hos. 11 &15 IT. Front Ct : -1

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