r. J I If .01 o-O1 KTIONS. FOHTA(i E PAID. . . w '', Jh . oo month, 60 cents. ' will' b delivered by carriers, ft- 3?ir nartof tbecSty,ttn or r " " - low n.i liberal .criM H pIMcreport any mi 5ew Advertisements THE GREAT roit RHEUMATISM, Iletirahia, ScictL-a, Lv Bickscfie, Scrcncss 0: i..u Lnczt, tout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swott ing and Sprafns, Burns end Scalds, Genera Bcdily Pains, footfi, Ear end Hccdacho, Frosted Feat and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. r, pr-rtion 0.1 -arth equals St. Jxrors Oil iaf,urc, simple and cheap Extemul W A trial entwls but the comparatively WoutliT if GO Onts. and erery one suffer bj rJi pain can Lavo cheap and positive proof 4 id claim. Ci.tcti. ns in EleTen Languages. JCLD BT ILL DBUGGIST3 AITO DEALERS IS MEDICINE. A.V0GELER & CO., Baltimore, Zld., V. S. A criMWir-nw tej MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY FOR SCROFULA NEVER FAILS. ItVill Cure if Fairly Teste 3. Itr.vesme much pleasure to be able to lUatlit Itave derived an effectual cure of fccrofuJi from the use of Mrs. Joe Person's rfsfdy fur that disease. I had Buffered Iran Scrofuli for more than three years, ul hid despaired of ever getting, well tii treated during: that time by three very eiaentphysicianSjWithout any good result. oea went to the National Surgical msti ti'je, it Atlanta. Ga., and was. treated there core Uun two months, with no better re mit than m? familv rhyslcians met with After returnlnsr from the Institute, I was rtrsuadetl to try Mrs. Person's remedy , ana . h&d not used it more than a week before I discovered iu curative and healing proper ties. My sorts soou bec-an to heal, and the color of my skin chanced as fast as the sores brairtl. I had not thought of ever getting well apain, but my hopes Increased, my low piritednes fled before th i remedy, and I ia now enjoying splendid health and am in rd ptrit5- The remedy is mild as a pur r&Te, and a etr&ng tonic ; it will heal the w Kubboni sore in three weeks if taken Jirlj. It is my opinion that It should KUken some time after the sore is healed, to reaoTe the cause of its effects. It 6houid k taken regularly i,y an means, for I have onetimes neglected it. from the pressure of tiiness, and in all cases found that the already made would commence to re Jrade, and for this alone it should be Uttt regularly until an effectual cure is jwjpleted. Nothing should prevent rcgu Antyin the use of the remedy and it should taken at the proper time. I would rc aacmendld all who are suffering from jwoftl to try it. It will surely cure you jou give it a fair test. I speak from expe see and not from hearsay. I am a gratc recipient of a cure from the use of it and a tnder many and lasting obligations to person for the great relief I have ob fied from use. Sufferers, try it and be vared, is my advice. I am, respectfully, gell, N C. JAMES A. MOKIUd. wad stamp for testimonial of remarkable wes. BE Biff SOAP. J HAVE A VERY LARGE Quantity of So? pu: up iu Boxes, (six cakes) lor !,0atmea, Soap. Cakes for lO Cents, Most desirable for children. M. Mclntire. JL0 E'T-F0 U kitdiof Prlntinr 1",ft- o of toe o tj'taa tTe i:MT e zcatd a id nailed buhoe i4( a 1 JfefyMr. Joe Person, Franklln C; M bJ WM. H. GREEN, VU on.N.c. JyG-dAw-nac illr'i Tut? 4 VOL. V New Advertisements. J W Thompson, Treas Dividend Notice Heixpbekger Blank Books C W TATE-School Books E S Wakkock Job Printing , Oh ! for a narrow gauge railroad to the Sound. The vegetable market was bountifully applied this morning. Rev. Mr. Charhonuel will &ail to-mor row on the Rteanu-hip Regulator for New York. " Tiie-Ir tier "e" is not unlike many men. It" iV Erst 'in everything but ends in smoke. ' The poke bonnet is not conducive to kissing, and homely women do not all stay at home. If it took coffee so long to settle as it loes some men a great many of ns would drink water. "NVe are beginning to feel again the need of rain, notwithstanding the copious showers of last week. Columbia, S. C, was a hot place on Tuesday. .The thermometer registered 104 in the shade on that day. At 3 o'clock to day the thermometer in this office registered 94 degrees, the same as on yesterday at the same hour. "Watermelons and canteloupes are plen tiful,. but high priced. They are of the Enoch Arden species, because they are waiting for a sale. The" man who spends his time and money urmKing is always gettmg into tight places. There i3 nothing from the President to-day, no bulletins having been issued this afternoon. No new3 is good news. There is. a wonderful power in imagina tion, but it get3 weak in the knees when it undertakes to shoulder picnic lemon ade. While to the pure all things are pure, that doesn't iustify any young man in palming off upon his girl a brass engage ment ring. i "We hear of a pig born without t trnnk: inst what we have suspected all 1 along, since we've often seen them in the cars with a valise. The Directors of the "Wilmington & "Weldon it. R. Company have declared a semi-annual dividend of 3 per cent on the capital stook of the company, payable on and. after the 15th inst. Yesterday's News and Observer says: The "Wilmington Mutual Life Insurance Company yesterday paid its tax on gross receipts for the past six months, being the first company to settle. ' Flies & Mosquitoes. , A 15c. box of"Rousrh on Rats' will keep a house free from flies, mosquitoes, rats and mice, the entire season, drug gists. "We are again moved to remark that the Rock Spring, foot of Chestnut street, needs attention. Hundreds drink daily of this water, and we do not think that, in if a nrAoonf ctoto if. la nnnnrlTrA health. It has been remarked by a number of persons that aitnougn tne market is well supplied now with vegetables and iome kinds of fruit yet the prices, as a ruffe, are higher than has been known be fore in years. Study your interest. SToa can now buy Cook Stores at factory prices at Jacobi's. t For the past three days the excessive heat has been tempered here by cooling breezes from the bouth and West. They are deiightiui ana reiresning, ana we would advise our country friends, if they want to get cool, to come down and stop in the city awhile. We verily believe it to be the coolest place East of Mount Pisgah. Mr. James A. Conlan, Librarian of the Union Catholic Library, Chicago, 111., is the latest man who has been made hap py through the use of this valuable lini ment. The following is Mr. Conlan's indorsement: Uxiox Catholic Librirt Asso'.v, "; J ) 2C4 Dearborn Street, lHIUAUU. OVPW aw, J.ov. i -ir toon I wish to add my testimony as to the . -vl P merits of bU Jacoos ju as a cure ior rheumatism." Oneottle has cured me of thi3 troublesome disease, which gave me a great deal of bother for a long time; but -thanks to the remedy 1 am cured. This statement is unsoucitea dj any cne in its interest. James a. Uomax, xaioraxuuu .DAIIjI WILMINGTON, N. C, The "What hit?" The "What is It?" referred to by us in m yesterday a issue proves to do a woman but her appearance indicate that she is one of the sterner sex. She is a hard case and is a devotee to dissipation. She was arrested last night but was let out of prisoa this morning under promise that she would quit the city before nightfall. Beautify your homes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f Th Soldiers. The young folks are looking forward. with joyous anticipations to the coming of the Sumter Light Infantry. They are expected here between the 10th and 15th inst., and will be accompanied by about 100 excursionists. Gen. Wade Ilampton is expected to accompany the command. I in pro re in nls. Mr. Samuel Northrop is making con siderable improvements on his property at the corner of Fifth and Dock streets. The dwelling he has been occupying for a number of years past has been removed to the rear end of his spacious lot and now faces on Dock street. On the sit of the old building a handsome two-story frame dwelling is to be erected. We are pleased to chronicle such improve ments and would like to see more oMhe same kind going on in that section of the city. Call at JacobiIs for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There yon have the lowest prices. t 4 , Wednesday Next. On Wednesday next, the 13th inst., a grand family excursion will be given down the river on the steamer Passport under the management of Messrs. John W. Strauss, A. Adrian, H. A. Glameyer, John Haar, Jr., J. W. Gerdts and C. YonKampen. These gentlemen are the same who so successfully managed the excursion about two weeks ago, which was pronounced among the best of the season Their well known ability and polite and courteous attention to ladies, and strict attention to details, is a sufficient guar antee of a pleasant time. Let's all go. See Here. You are sick; well, there is just one remedy that will cure you beyond possi bility of doubt. If it's Liver or Kidney trouble, Consumptioa, Dyspepsia, debil ity, Wells' Health Renewer is your hope. $1.- Druggists. Depot Jas. C. Munds. The Fire-Alarm Bell. It is frequently the case that the en gines arrive at a fire. before the general alarm from the Market House is sounded. It is no use for the engines to be at the scene of conflagration unless there is some one to handle the hose: As soon as the alarm is sounded our firemen stop everything and go immediately to the fire, but it is generally the case that the market bell is not rung from ten to fif teen minutes after the telephonic alarm has been sounded at the engine houses. Our firemen are willing to work, and never shirk their self-imposed daty, and we think it nothing more than an act of common justice that the city authorities should have the bell sounded promptly, We think some attention should be paid to the behests of our self-sacrificing fire men. The Excursion Last Sight Capt. Harper never does anything by halves, and in view of the fact that the music which was to furnish a part of the evening's pleasure did not attend, he gave-his moonlight excursion down the river last evening free of cost to thosein attendance. The trip was a most de lightful one and was hugely enjoyed,- To persons who are confined at their places of business, these long hot days, a little trip down the river in the evening is a most refreshing ani exhilerating one, and the nominal cost, 25 cents, which is the regular and unchanged price, is cheap enough, and should be an incentive to persons to enjoy the fresh, pure air. Capt. Harper gives these excursions for the benefit of the people and can be said to be influenced by no selfish motives in the matter as it takes a great many twen ty .five cent pieces to pay his expenses, to say nothingf the fatigue he must feel after standing by his wheel all day. Hundreds of Mex, Woxex axd Child eex Rescued from beds of pain, sickness and almost death and made strong and hearty by Parker's Ginger Tonic are the best evidences in the world of its sterling worth. You can find these in every coraounit. Post SeeadverUse- ixaent. FRIDAY, JULY 8. Mr. L. M. Williams has so far recov ered from his recent attack of billions fever as to be able to appear on the streets to day. He is still quite feeble but we hope to see him grow strong rap idly. . The woman from Rome, . the special friend of Policeman No. 9, who was or dered to roam tut of the city, is still walking or staggering about. As soon as she was let out of prison this morning she bought a bottle of whiskey and has been sticking to it like a sister all day. Behind the Bars. It is remarkable with what tenacity some of our business men cling to busi ness. A few years ago one of our city brokers followed a merchant to a lawyer's office and thence to a chuueb. Another stuck so long and close last night, endeavoring to make a sale, thai he actually got locked up in the store., Jb or once in his lire it is presumed he went home to his family after his release and confinement from behind the bars. Fact! To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. f The State Fair, Col. L. L. Polk, Secretary of tho North Carolina Agricultural Society will accept our thanks for a copy of the Rules and Regulations and Schedule of Premiums for the 21st Annual Fair of the Society, to be held at Raleigh next October 10th to 13th, inclusive. There will be some very interesting features, such as abycicle race, by boys under 15, for $15 in money, also a bycicle race by men, for a 90 .bycicle; a sabre tourna ment for a fine horse, saddle and bridle; a glass ball and pigeon shooting match the prizes being two fine guns valued, one at $85 and the other at $150; arch ery contests for prizes and horse races at which $1,200 will be awarded. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f 8ctence in Ereijtnlnfc. Science in the last few ycara has gain ed a terrible foothold in this world. 1 1 has rattled the dry bones of fogyism made pi out of wornout theories,and upset ideas which have been established for centuries. The latest and most aston ishing fact that has been developed is that there is a scientific mode of kissing. The day when a young man could grab a girl around the neck and , gobble a kis3 in a rough but comfortable manner is past. The time when he could encir cle her waist with one arm, get his shirt bosom fall of hair oil and pi routte his lips over every square inch of her countenance, is no more. Sci ence has proclaimed against it, and man shudders but remains silent. The old" style of kissing, which sounds like some one tearing a clapboard off a smoke house, is now considered bad taste, and consequently going out of fashion, al though the majority of girl3 admit that science has cruelly destroyed all the com" fort of a long, lingering, heart-thrilling kiss, and this fact causes them to ex press no little regret The improved scientific method of kissing is to throw the right arm languidly around the fair one's shoulder, lift her chin 'up with the left hand, until her face is pointed at an angle of fcrty-flve degrees or rather until it has an aspect resembling the bowsprit of a cjipper-built sloop then stoop softly and graze about her lips in a quiet, solemn sort of a way, and tickle her nose softly with your moustache until she cries, "Ouch I" This is scientific kissing ; bat there is no consolation in it nothing to make a man feel like a couple of galvanic butter flies were galloping along his spinal col umn. It is flat lukewarm j lacks sub stance, and if not stale, it is at least un profitable. Young ladies are again wearisir the hair parted on one side. Uannted 3fe A Workingman says: "Debt, pover ty and suffering haunted me for years, caused by a sick family and large bills for doctoring, which did no good. I was completely discouraged, until one year ago, by the advice of my pastor, I pro cured Hop Bitters and commenced their use, and in one month we were all well, and none of us have been sick a day since; and I want to say to all poor men, you can keep your families well a year with Hop Bitters for less than one doc tor's Tisit will cost." Christian Advo catc . 1881. NO. 161 The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 27 bales. j Kow many men endeavor tp make home pleasant for their wive3 by staying away from it? Scent and aroma are term3 of similar 1 s meaning, and yet a roamer is frequently without a cent. j The days continue of such length that one who rises at five will be apt to feel a little fatigued before sunset. A match is a gentle thing, but scratch it and you will see fire in j second; matches are very much like some people. . . 1 John Chavers, colored, was; arrested this afternoon for disorderly conduct. He will have a hearing before His Hon or, Mayor Smith, to-morrow. ! Fort Fisher Again j It is a mistake, as asserted in. the Star, this morning, that Col.; Fremont built the original fort at Fort Fisbcr. Col. Fremont assumed the command of the coast defences August 31st, 1SG1, at which time the fort at Federal Point, then known as Confederate Point, was not a romance but a reality. When Col. Fremont took charge the works were breast high with several guns mount ed on them. Col. F. afterwards built upon and enlarged and added to the work and the armament. Hb brought arifling machine here from Charleston and rifled the guns at Caswell; as well as at Fisher. On September 14, 18G1, Col. Fremont issued an order naming Fort Fisher,in honor of the gallant Col. Chas. F. Fisher, of the 6th N. C, R6girnent. We are not. guessing, but giving such facts as we know to be such, and it is 1 t simply in the interests of a correct his tory that we give them. There was, we think, a name for the Fort, before it was called Fisher but we cannot remember now what it was. Perhaps some of our friends will help us to recall it. New Advertisements. filmiflifon & Welion Rail ''Road Go. WILMINGTON, NJ 0. July 1st, 1881. THE DIRECTORS of. (the Wiiminj?ton fc Weldon R. R. Company have this day declaied a semi-annual dividend of Three Per Cent, en the- Capital Stock, payable at the effice of the Treasurer, on the 15th of July, 18S1, to all wko are Stockholders of record on the Books of the Company on the 11th of July, j J.W.THOMPSON, jy8-3t . Sect' y and Treap. AT THE LOWEST PEICES ! ASCERTAIN MY PRICES EEFC.RE HAVING YOUR ' PRINTING DONE ELSEWKRRE! Satisfaction5. Guaranteed 1 DSINTING CAREFULLY EXECUTZD J. rpersosi redding out cf the city tndeen to them bj mail free of postage. E. 8. WAttEOCS', Corner Chestnut aid TTater StreeU Office Beview BnEdinz jy 8 $500 Reward. E WILL PAY THE ABOVE reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Const! pation or Cobtiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the di rections are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give aatisfacticfl. Sugar coated. Large boxes, containing 30 Pills, 25 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Beware ol counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by JOHNC. WEST& CO., "The Pill 31a kers," 181 & 183 W. Madison St., Chicago Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of 3 cent stamp, mch 22-dfcw lv Wanted mn BORROW. TTVE TTTTVT)T?T"n A VTi FIFTY DOLLARS for twelve months. f?e curity, Real Estate worth five times the amount. Address P. O BOX TREASURER'S OFFICE, . JOB PR NT NG PLEABB 2TOTXQZ. Wa wta bgJad to reeaivt eomasnleatloaf from orr frUadj on ut and all rebjectt o general Interest baV Tia casta of tit writer curt alwsyi t far Rkhed t u EUtor. Co2j3ic!-itlozj zmt be iwrZttaa oa only one rids of taa ptper r-tisistiej xapst be avoid Ari It It erpeeiaUy and pirScnlarly vodte tood that tLaiiiit-tfdoea rot always eadori tho viavrsot correpoacnu, vole&i so fiat la the editorial colaarna. IjTew Advertisements. McoUoj of Trustees of-iiis Umyersity. 'TWERE WILL BE A MEETING OF the jl xrusiws oruie university of North Car- ural History will be chosen in tho place of Dr. F. V. fcimoml?, rtsined on account of ill health. Appl e , t fons should be address cdto !;; .SIDENT BATTLE, jy 7-tUw2w ChsTI Hill, N. Ci Sale of ?eal Estate PURSUANT TO A DECREE of the' Su- in the case between Joseph Keddy vs. Hcniy avuu , me uuucni!,Ticu win sen at public; luctiou for cash: at tho v - v A v UWA OU AUTUSt 1st. fit VI f following real estate: Rerfnnlnsr in: North -a. . si c, . - CT wui irwftOT fireej oo ieet irom corner V est ;i fret-thence North 09 feet, thence East feet, thence South 03 feet to Degin niuff. bcinnarfc of lots 5 an.1 fi RlvV iHn the city of Wilminirton. -uAKSIJEN BELLAMY, jy l-!aw tw-fri Commissioner :E3 CEDAR PACXIfiQ CHESTS, SASH DOORS AIJD BUNDS, brackets, moulding, lumber,'&c All sizes .window glass, ' ' AT altaffer; PRICE & CO'S. Factory: Office: Foot 'Walnut et. Kutt, near RedCross Blank Rnokc. J-EDOEES, JOURNAL V Cash Book, Day Eooi-s, Bill Toola, Note and Draft Booka, Memoranda :! Book, all kind acd Biz:g. Ja:t received a Urgo etcck and for sale cheap at nEINSBEttGEfL'3 Albums Albums. UIOGRAPHIC AND PHOTOGRAPH ic, in lino variety. A n9w let just in at HEINSBERGER'S, jy 7 Lire Book and Mttiio Store For Sale or Exchange DESIRABLE RESIDENCE wllh four robm3 aadlifchsa acd good well of water enl1 excollent c&rdea, fjr nlo cr exchange for property :n Wilxinjt.n. "Fcr partiw la b araily at jyfi-tf THIS 07FIOE. G-EEAT EEDFCTION IN PRICES SPRING GOODS. TWO HUNDRED CASSIMERE PANTS O.NE 11LNDRED MARSEILLES VESTS. For sale very low by Sol. Bear & Bros, jy2-lw 1 jy chool Books. FULL STOCK ALWAYS OS HAITI? Headquarters for Text Books adopted bj the Stata Board cf EdaoaUon. Literal dii count td Teuhtrti it" - ... OKGiUSS ForCharch, 8ehocl fziPu lotuza. Fiascs of tie tet mlo tlirtjt on hand at C. W. Yates' Book Store, IT is . i - CCA.QIhC D5DI UflTCI f AVrighlsvillc Sound TS NOW OPEN' FOi: TTTF'IlT'rr.PTTOV L r of guests. , tST ThetabJu Is in'ppUcd with the pro; ' w w i. i sm . Transient and regular carders taken a t reasonable rates. v"ua, in ut; r.iruive wmce.in Kalelch. on TUKSI)AVf the 19th July,' 1 SSI, at o clock, P.M.. at which a l'mf f v.t. P. A. SCHUTTE, Je2-tf j. Proprietor "

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